Has anybody here been able to beat Mega Satan with the Lost?

Has anybody here been able to beat Mega Satan with the Lost?
I beat everything else I had to with him, but Mega Satan seems fucking impossible. Even if I do get a good run there's 1 in 10 chance that I'll get two angel rooms. And Dad's Key is fucking impossible to find.

Jera+ blank card will clear everything in the game and get you dad's key.

How is it gonna get me Dad's Key?

Get to the chest. Every gold chest there guarantees you an item. Keep using jera and blank card until you open one with dad's key. Also make sure you duplicate a ton of batteries to keep going.

That seems like it would take as many tries as just getting the two piece of the key honestly

BoI was the shit six years ago
Now It's just eh.

Not really. You don't have to risk fighting the angels or abstain from devil deals to do it, and the items you get along the way will make you overpowered as fuck. Jera is pretty common and blank card you can get from shops. It's the easiest method to kill mega Satan on any character. And dad's key shows up pretty soon on the rolls, there's and order to it I think.

I never liked the flash version, thing barely worked

I'll try it out I guess

I can more often than not get two angel rooms in a run. Look on the wiki and review every way to increase your chance.
You just need a high-DPS run and an Algiz rune. Book of Shadows can work too (especially if you get the Battery), but Algiz 30 seconds of invuln is absolutely insane. Pop it after losing your mantle no earlier than the fight with Death and Pestilence. It will last through all the minibosses, and then everything else is dodgeable. If you can manage to get Starter Deck and TWO Algiz runes, you'll spend the vast majority of the fight invincible, and it will be hard to lose.

Mega Satan is a pussy, how does anyone find him challenging? The only move he has that's actually hard to avoid is the S-shaped flame attack because of its hitboxes

Reminder that Afterbirth+ is garbage and that Antibirth is superior in most ways, Steakmund is a hack.

Not sure if this has been fixed yet, but if you have the mantle but get hit, you can pase the game, select exit game, then select continue and you will be at the start of the room with the mantle active again.
The downside of this is that if you try this you only get one shot at using you active item before you are stuck going without it.

Fucking this.
I only bothered to 100% Afterbirth + because I was having issues installing antibirth and wanted to make sure I would never have to go back to afterbirth in the event that I lose my save

I beat him before they gave the Lost Holy Mantle
Stop being bad at videogames or

I've been playing AfterBirth+ because I don't know any better. Can you explain why AfterBirth+ suck and Antibirth is better.

the FUCKING enemy spawners mostly. I hope you like shooting at a hole for twenty minutes because everything has to be a fucking wall of health.

Is delirium/void from +?


the new afterbirth+ bosses are fucking awful, mainly sister vis, there's a lot of new "features" that just exist to make the game more annoying, while antibirth adds interesting new items and 4 alternative areas with new bosses, enemies and tiles, it's like an expansion, but it's missing some qol features from afterbirth

Antibirth is the Rebirth equivalent of Wrath of lamb
Afterbirth is really minor shit or more infuriatingly

So if I want to play this for the first time what should I download?

So what version of the game do I need for AntiBirth? Only Rebirth?

Just rebirth


Can I run it along side AfterBirth?
sorry for all the questions

Yes install it then put it in it's own directory

are you complaining that dlc added new achievements to the game? How does that make it not optional?


You mean like every single other game that has ever existed in the history of ever?

Thanks user, all working well.

If you don't have 100% because of DLC then why the fuck does it matter?

Hit R over and over again to get the perfect mixture of items, and you'll do it. I had a bunch of protector babies, the floating eyeball, legs, and the thing that lets you get a few hits in before you die. Hide in the corner of the map. Look online for item recommendations, and be prepared to take at least 50 hours.

I haven't played the game whatsoever after that, and DESPISE BoI. It is evil. All the indie-bugmen signaling they're 'making games art', all they do is go back to the most slot machine/skinnerbox/lizard-brain style of play. With added bloody aborted fetuses to appeal to the non-sentient millennials who've lost all sense of morality and normalcy. Fuck this game, don't buy this shit ever.

This is why I never managed to get all the completion marks with the Lost. It's not enough that you have the skill to not get hit, you just have to keep rerolling runs just so you can get the fight you need. It's just tedium, even when you optimize your chances for dad's key or the angel rooms. I would call it bad game design, but the rest of the game is solid; I just think the lost was added to punish autists. Is there really any reason for the Lost anyways? It'd be no different from doing a no-hit/damage run right?

I wish movement speed wasn't a fucking variable stat. Nothing infuriates me more than the fact that some things can completely fuck you over regardless of skill because you can't move fast enough.

this is from rebirth


I like him because you start with flight, and devil deals are free so you can always take them, and since you don't get hit they spawn often. Also if you have afterbirth then you can unlock holy mantle as a starting item for him so he can get curse rooms free and gets one hit per room. He's really fun that way, almost more of a glass cannon than judas.