Habits and things you do because of vidya

Habits and things you do because of vidya

I bought Gouda cheese because it sounds like Goodra. Yes, really.

How about you guys?

I bought Zyklon B because there's lots of furfags round these parts of town.


It's an insecticide, and wouldn't kill people as fast as you claim it does.

I clicked this thread.



Has goodra autist returned to us?

none and this is the worst, most cancerous ironic shitpost excuse for a non vidya thread I've seen in a while

This. You'd only be able to kill 2 or 3 furries a day at the rate that stuff works.


i press buttons hard and fast because the thinking of "press the button harder does more damage" is actually true.

I have the thought of loading my last save every time something terrible happens in my life.

I keep a lot of items that I rarely use in my "inventory' for those rare occasions in which I would actually need them. It does help me out of a jam sometimes.

I fuck a tub of lard because it reminds me of your mother.

I had to think up some idle animations so that I don't stand around looking at nothing whenever I'm waiting.

male goodra

whenever I see a pot somewhere i want to pick up and throw it because of the gamer in my heart

Haha same, whenver some kids pick on me at scjool i yell FUSRODAH at them to scare then away and they actually git scared.


Sometimes I pull my dick out, piss in my teacher's mouth and once she starts puking I pull out my handy shovel and slice her head off so that puke comes out of her neckhole. It's pretty rad.

I eat my steak well done because that's how Zelda cooks it in the new Zelda game

It's actually pronounced "Howdah" Cheese.

its true, they stsrted cslling me the skyrim guy at school because i always bring up skyrim and stuff dyring class and i always wear skyrim clothes and hats and the girls always ask me about skyrim stuff which i answer


Good enough, this is now a firearm thread.