Just a reminder v that brutal wolfenstien version 5.0 just came out.
Just a reminder v that brutal wolfenstien version 5.0 just came out
Nigga, how do you fuck up a Youtube link?
Unfinished garbage
Nazis are the bad guys in these games new friend.
Do you get to play as an African woman with a nose as wide as her face and unkempt hair?
Fun fact: the old Macintosh version of Wolfenstein 3D had much better graphics than the PC original, and a completely different soundtrack.
Prefer Kriegsland, OP. Of course, Nazi killing is fun in any iteration (except maybe the original Castle Wolfenstein, had some trouble with that one.)
Well you do get to kill inbred mommas boys with broken German voices.
Its fun time again
Cool more shit to add it into moonman mod. :^)
How's that coming along?
It's also unfinished garbage that reuses assets from brutal doom, what's the point? Play a better mod like Operation: Arctic Wolf.
Its no wonder americans are so fucked. A healthy people would never even consider to side with an enemy they defeated. Its fun, because your own great grandfather would kill you for treason all the while you're doing this for nationalism.
It's a symptom of the dysfunction of American "civilization".
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll check it out.
>>>Holla Forums
or even fucking
>>>Holla Forums
Take your shit back where it belongs, we're talkin' vidya 'ere.
Damn right
That's a laughably simple mentality. Should we all have supported the war in iraq and such that were done simply for oil and building contracts to politically connected butt buddies? Would disagreeing with such a thing be considered treason too?
Well macs have always been better for gaming after all.
If my grandfather saw what the "French" have done to Paris I guarantee you he'd regret "winning" World War II. My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperial. Can you say the same?
It's good to know that people under the age of 18 can post on Holla Forums now.
My great-granderfather was a poonhound and dodged the draft. I'd say he was way better than the zogbots who were fighdin fur dat freedum
That argument doesn't mean a fuck. You can't predict the future, so that does not justify the nazi's invasion of Europe. Fighting against nazi occupation was a noble cause, and you do disrespect to your countrymen who died during their struggle. Your ancestors are not smiling at you. And for the record, authoritarianism is always bad.
I just wanted to talk about Wolfenstein themed doom wads.
Go choke on your Venezuelan dragon dildo, you commie double nigger. archive.fo
I might be for liberty, but that doesn't make me retarded. Republicanism FOREVER
They ''were in Europe from the very start, brainlet.
Do you mean their invasion of Poland? The one that was prompted by Russia planning the same exact thing?
Wow, I sure do love all of this freedom in America right now where even being born gets me put on 30 different spy lists and at anytime an officer of the law can and will detain me for any perceived slight against them. I also love how much freedom I have in any European country where even speaking out against the Islamic invaders gets me put in jail. I'm sure glad dose ebil natsies aren't in charge anymore.
they were planning were a dual invasion. What do you think the non-aggression pact was for? Also, what about the Gleiwitz incident? Are you just going to ignore that, or are you going to say that was all staged by the Jewish media as well?
How many of your friends died to alcohol poisoning and how's your asian wife?
Yeah bro, fighting in a brother war pushed by Jewish bankers and bolshieveks was TOTALLY patriotic.
unfortunately it is now the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen
and video games about killing nazis is a deep political statement
get on with the times
speaking out against the nazi regime gained the same results, or if not worse. the current situation in Europe is not going to be fixed by authoritarian rule of any flavor.
the nazis created a false flag to invade poland. that was the entire premise of the gleiwitz incident.
you mean pushed by fascists and legalized gangsters?
Russia did not get the condemnation from the international community it should've for their actions. It's unfortunate not all war criminals can be punished, but that is how this world works. The winners write the history books.
Commies and nazis are both zealous, ideological fools who wish to laud their rule over everyone else other the premise of social rejuvenation. The alternatives may not be perfect, but at least their trying to weed out every inch of dissent to facilitate their 'enlightenment.'
at least they're trying not to*
Read up on "Judea declares war on Germany"
Still does not justify genocide of the jews and Eastern Europe.
Gee I wonder why and how that happened. I just can't imagine how Russia would get a free pass for everything they've done, it's not like venerable American institutions like the New York Times have a track record of covering up communist crimes
Fuck man, the entirity of Eastern Europe? Better explain that one to the Ukrainians and Slovenians, could be a confusing one.
Genocide implys the killings of humans, user.
You're the one mad here, bud.
The world is shitty, I understand that, but being a glorified thug who kills to satisfy his political goals is not a means to obtain that. There definitely is a probably with zionism and radical leftists, but we must combat them with knowledge and civil discussion.
top meme
Bethesda and the media at large dug that grave. I'm sorry, user.
With enough reports we could
You plainly understand very little about the world. You have a very naive understanding of history if you believe in "good guys" and "bad guys".
I understand that fascists and communists want to take away my freedom to feel better about themselves. Holla Forums can't stop sucking Hitler's dick for a minute to look themselves in the mirror and see glorifying murder and war makes them look insane.
Nah, it's easier than that
They get a free pass just because they won
Like how all the eugenetics studies in the US are now overlooked
Yeah, now Europe is a shitskin-filled, giga-jewed hellhole of rape, pedophilia, and acid attacks. Being razed to the ground by Germany would have been a better fate for Europe than "winning" WWII
How many times do I have to repeat the unprecedented future does not justify letting an authoritarianism regime have its way?
Is Holla Forums that fucking dense?
Infinity times, because nobody's having your shit boyo
This is Holla Forums, not Holla Forums. We've seen what the kike-fueled left has done to our favorite hobby, we would welcome the return of strong oppositon. Fuck off back to NeoGAF.
Well duh. Aside from the "inane" part you're spot on
Actually he'd kill me for being a homo. Yeah, unfortunately for you humanists that are too far gone to think rationally, my great grandfather was a racist, homophobic, sexist bigot. He would've killed my mom for dressing slutty. He'd shoot me for being homo. He'd kill my best friend for being a 'nigger' and so on.
Show a picture of modern day Weimerica to great grandpa and he'd probably even kill himself knowing what's to come.
Not with their track record lol
Under a national socialist America, there would not be a market for video games.
Pol video games ruins yet another video game thread with their autism.
Holla Forums-aside I would seriously play a mod which lets you be mech hitler.
Hopefully that will be our last pointless war.
The people who won WW2 are now destroying the countries and cultures that our great grandfathers fought so hard to save.
genocide is alright when jews do it
Here's a better Wolf3D based game.
It's Spear of Destiny, but just different enough to justify playing it again. Also mouselook.
I will admit though, it's often hard to see enemies given how dark the initial stages are, but you aren't left lacking for ammo and secrets are easy to find since I had textures enabled in my automap.
Save from what?
Appreciate it I'll check it out
Look, the Germans were people too, okay? We used to have cowboys and Indians, but we rightly realised how fucked it is to treat beautiful, complex people like disposable villains. We need less hate in this world, okay guys? Learn to love a Nazi.
Fucking casual faggots and your pathetic violence porn.
You stupid nigger, imagine a good friend comes to you and tells you that some dude punched him. So you go to the guy and give him a good beating. Afterwards it turns out your friend is a damn snitch who actually made shit up and in fact the dude you beat up is pretty based. Get it?
Also, Germany never was an enemy of the U.S. until traitors from within tricked people into a war they never should have participated in. Germany only had business with Poland and Russia, all the other countries should have stayed out. You probably didn't even know that it was Brits and French who declared war on Germany, and not the other way around.
Ach, nein so was
My Grandfather was part of the SS. Do I get a free pass or what?
Bullshit, you where allowed to sell whatever as long as it benefited the people. If you a great product you where allowed to sell it, if it was total shit (like for example unhealthy foods or things unhealthy for the mind) you weren't. Porn and anti-european shit wasn't allowed when it came to media, basically communist or jewish made media.
Considering that Germany during WW2 had a huge movie industry it wouldn't be unlikely for them to have a huge videogame industry later on. They managed to crank out a 100 movies per years 10 of which per years where state funded propaganda films, the music industry in Germany was also booming.
Listen to the people who actually lived in Germany and to those that where old enough to remember things correctly. Degrelle too wrote extensively about Hitler and Germany at the time.
Now sure American National Socialism might've been a tad different but people like George Rockwell fully believed in the free market, if he became the president of America, blacks would've probably been shipped back with people to help them rebuild parts of Africa or got their own land in America, in fact Rockwell was already making talks with Malcolm X to help realize this plan as they both agreed races should not live among each other because it only leads to chaos and confusion. The jews would've been removed and send to Palestine/Israel.
Also forgot add, the weapon industry in Germany was also huge because Adolf lowered the age to get a permit from 21 to 18 and thus people opened up a lot of ranges, factories and workshops for producing new guns, it wasnt just state funded either.
per year*
My bad.
hitler did nothing wrong
Except losing, not gassing the jews, not getting better allies, not letting his top brass do their jobs, etc.
Here's your (you). Now kill yourself.
Found the neofag.
I don't care, it's a video game.
Not my problem fags have to get offended by fictional sprites dying. It makes the game more fun.
Hi 4cuck. Did you know that /r/the_dolan doesn't post here?
I like Spear of Destiny
what is the best version to play that game? i just finished all the official dooms with mouse look and i want to finally finish that game.
Just play the DOS version really. I can't think of any worthwhile mods or maps and there are no enemies on platforms forcing you to look up or down.
(1) and done.
no QoL improvements? just vanilla?
alright, time to have fun.
I know there is this one sdl source port that gives better graphics and other improvements, but I haven't looked much into it.
Failing to embed is the best way to tell an outsider
That's fucking rad
Yes he did. He died;_;
Thanks Holla Forums
Reminder that except for the (((elites))), Allied soldiers didn't fight the war to "defeat fascism," they fought it because they perceived their nation as under attack by the Axis. Dunkirk captured this accurately by not having anyone fucking signalling about how bad Nazis were, they just talked about "Germans" or "the enemy." Nationalism, anti-Semitism, and even fascism were prevalent in Allied countries, before, during, and even to a limited degree after the war.
My ancestors did not go to war and pour out their blood for the sake of your disgusting, subversive ideological crusade, you filthy kike.
Am I the only one who's not really on board with all these "Brutal" Mods? They pretty much fuck up the balance of the game all for the sake of "Edge".
they weren't the right kind of nazis, todays nazis are way more extreme than those from the 40's and would curbstomp them for inwhite fighting
It was always controversial, but for different reasons. Never before has a game had realistic killing like wolfenstein 3D and even some of the devs didn't want to make it because they wanted to make commander keen like games.
The funny thing is that it has been tried. And it was actually successful. The only thing that killed NatSoc was asshurt (((third parties))). That is to say it never faulted on its own merits technically speaking
Yeah but that had nothing to do with killing nazis, just violence in general.
I think the big difference is back then you were killing Nazis as an American dishing out some MOTHERFUCKIN' FREEDOM! To the krauts which was fucking awesome.
Today you're a Marxist killing Nazis in the name of glorious Communism. Big difference. Today it's more of an agenda. Yes, only leftists could've made killing Nazis too political
Like when Jews infiltrated the Soviet government to subvert it's original Marx-Lenninist vision into a dictatorship prompting Stalin to purge the USSR of Kikes but by then it was already too late? Shouldn't have violated that trade pact they made with Hitler tbqh
But I heard that the commie in the new game would backstab you and show how Communism is shit also. I'm really hoping that happens.
Don't come to me with that shit. Germany was a destroyed nation when Hitler took power. How many countries(and people) it took to stop them was just absurd. NatSoc has been tried and it worked.
There's a general consensus in the Doom threads here that Brutal mods are edgelord crap.
economically it was very successful user. There is a reason why Adolf Hitler was Time's man of the year in 1938. He turned the nation around from abject poverty and people called it an economic miracle.
Kill yourself.
I want BLM to leave. I don't give a shit if you call kikes white.
That's called a bubble. Speaking of radical centrism, Hitler associated capitalism with kikes (happy merchant) as well as with communism.( Bendersky, Joseph W., A History of Nazi Germany: 1919-1945, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000, ISBN 0-8304-1567-X, page 159)
You people make me sick to be a conservative republican knowing you are amongst us. You all need Jesus.
You hear that guys? Wolfenstein 3D is no longer a good game because Holla Forums doesn't agree with it. Level design and other game design doesn't matter because the game isn't redpilled.
Maybe if you'd done your job and actually conserved literally anything people wouldn't be looking to reaction and revolution for better solutions.
I don't think you actually understand basic economics user.
What did he mean by this?
My grandfather was a Nazi that volunteered to fight with the Blue Division, I very much respect his memory, but that does not stop me from playing games like Wolfenstein, if it helps to those are too "triggered" by the fact that you kill Nazis in the game, just imagine them as disgusting strawmen made by the opposition, a caricature of the nazi ideal.
A cleansing of sorts, like shitting on all the trashy nazi wannabes in trailerparks.
I'm not gonna argue you are not right in some way. The rise of vapid degeneracy and liberalism has cause extreme groups like the ones in this thread to have more appeal to a far more number of people, we didn't push back hard enough and now we are dealing with this mess of screaming and arguing that is our political climate today. Civil discussion doesn't exist anymore.
It's not the portrayal of the nazis that is the problem, but the antifa/commie shilling
If it makes you feel better, politics usually acts like a pendulum. So expect the newer generation with advanced technology to make a giant middle finger to the 50 year old tattooed marxists by becoming the biggest capitalists ever raising a new economic miracle like in the 50's. It'd be wonderful if we ever have a newer Teddy Roosevelt down the line.
Well done
In other news, Brutal Doom's 0.L glitch still hasn't been fixed yet and it's no longer a mod, but rather a testing ground for features.
Please give Mark some Patreon shekels: don't you know that taking a shower is so rare in Huehueland?
I have bad news for you user
Then the generation after is definitely going to be the one.
Possible but unlikely. There's not really a future in which capitalism conceived as American-led ideological opposition to Bolshevism and communist expansion is going to be a real thing going forward, especially since the Soviet Union is dead and the Long March through the Institutions that the commies talked about fifty years ago is now mostly complete. Gen Z will I think probably be a revolutionary generation, unlike the boomers were.
I don't mind like strictly traditional capitalism but some adaptation or modification of it to fit in with the growing tech industry. What I believe will happen is that the new generations may not be traditional but they will have firm belief in meritocracy and less of a tolerance for playing the victim card unlike the generation before them.
Capitalism, as in a free market for commerce is not inherently the problem. The problem is (((Usury))). One thing NSGWP would have in common with Ron Paul is they both would want to end the (((Federal Reserve Bank))).
Reminds me of this. Shame about the conspiracy theory they did at the end.
I admire the effort, but this has to be a completely different engine.
Sprites to 3D models always look ugly and out of place. Not as bad as DOOM trying to be 3D, but still bad.
not a crack pot theory tbh, its very probable that the Jews killed Kennedy.
Any game in which you can kill Marxists?
Care to explain why fucktons of millenials are communist supporters, then?
Because this is the country that they've fought for, right? Like my own grandpa who served in the wehrmacht would shoot me for supporting his country.
Damn, commies got an impressive high score there. People here need to seriously step up their game if they ever want to beat that high score there.
Top b8, m8.
Alright kids, let's go over this:
National Socialism is what we classify as a mixed economy. There is a market present, but the central government is also given a strong amount of authority to intervene and control production. The policies of Germany were very good for revitalizing the economy; however, they were not the only reasons.
The most important thing was fixing currency issues. This is not a result of NatSoc, but rather a result of the change in government structure. The people could just as easily have put a monarch in place, and it would have been the same thing. Beyond this, there was also the fact that the Germans began to confiscate quite a bit of money from private citizens - particularly the Jewish, who had disproportionately maintained their wealth in the Weimar era - which allowed them to draw in additional funds besides those taken from taxation.
In total, this allowed Germany to very rapidly rise from the bottom of the barrel to the top.
Compare the United States. Through the 20s, the US had been doing exceptionally well, with things eventually going to shit with the Great Depression. The principal reason for this? Usury. Banks kept putting out loans, despite the fact that there was no way for people to be able to pay them back, and those people invested that money into the market, creating a bubble which eventually burst when people realized that everything wasn't really that peachy. Mind you, there were other factors behind this, like bad weather in certain states and other minor shit that all just seemed to pile on at once, but all of it could have been avoided without usury.
The US recovered through similar methods to Germany, when FDR instituted his New Deal. However, because the US was not as far gone as Germany, it still maintained most of its policies. Yet when we look today, we can clearly see that the policies FDR and the others used to "save" the US during the depression are now the same policies harming the US today. Note that - referring to the prior comments - the US is also a mixed economy, albeit one far closer to free market than to central planning.
NatSoc never survived long enough to deal with the problems of future generations. The state was able to keep things running while it still existed, but to judge a nation off of its initial boom is something that has been historically discredited hundreds of times. However, it does set a very strong precedent for one thing that any nation absolutely must do - the complete banning of usury. No interest rates. Nada. That shit gives an incentive to private loans and ruins the lives of citizens in the long run.
I never claimed that at all. It was tried and as so far it worked. Each country has it adjusted to suit it for their people. You also came up with something that had nothing to do with what I said in the first place, I explained how things went and that's that.
Literally the only incorrect thing red skull said was "carcinogenic cow flesh," as there's nothing wrong with eating beef.
As for this:
Soldiers don't fight each other over such things as ideology. They fight for a lot of things: money, a need to protect something, etc. For our ancestors, there is no dishonor in giving a favorable opinion to an opposing side. The fact is quite simple: Had the average US soldier or German soldier been born on the opposite side, they would have been friends with the exact same people they were shooting at. This is a matter of fate that lies beyond our control as humans.
To quibble over matters like the thoughts of those who are deceased is pointless. What matters is the now. What can we learn from the past? What can we do differently going forward? The past is something that has happened, and to give it an emotional charge is to ruin its value. It is something which must be dissected as one would a fetal pig in middle school - slowly, carefully, and with the occasional spurt of holding it up and making squealing sounds at the cute girl across the table from you.
And as far as video games are concerned, to be worried over these things is even more ridiculous. It's a game. Who you are, and who you shoot at, is something that means absolutely nothing. A soldier battling enemy soldiers is the same regardless of what colors they wear. A computer generated model battling other computer generated models, doubly so.
This has to be bait, I've never seen a post so blatantly pretentious. Nice job acting like some pseudo intellectual douche when pointing out things that are blatantly obvious to absolutely everyone.
National Socialism is never coming to America. It's stupid to even fantasize about.
Will there be removal of shitskins? probably
Will people eventually get their act together and wake up to the jewish question? maybe
In order to lol natsoc america, you have to overthrow the current government and unseat Trump.
good luck with that.
or are you hoping for a shift back to the left? if so, you're a real piece of filth.
worse is not better.
Marxists can only produce propaganda, they dont give a fuck about fun games.
The new Wolfenstein could be about MURRICA FUCK YEAH, but went FOR THE PROLETARIAN AND PEOPLE OF COLOR
What score ? They dindu nuffin, remember to hate Hitler only and blame fascists for everything bad today.
Wolfenstein was always the shitty Doom to most people.
Romero is with you
Friendly reminder that Brutal Doom is a cancerous plague on the Doom modding scene. Why would anyone be excited for this shit in Wolfenstein 3D?
When people defend the nazis, they aren't defending the version of the nazis you see in movies and history books. Embed related.
Red Orchestra
If my grandfather saw what has become of the country he fought for he'd have become a Nazi.
You don't know shit.
We're getting cuckchanners recently
Why do disrespect your own grandfather?
It's ok, refugee. I'm sure everyone got beaten up in school by Jamal.
This is true. We should hold up signs welcoming in grown men posing as teenagers to gang rape all of our women and institute their stone age level rules upon us. Hopefully the rest of the world will show us the way.