Development Hell

In the last few years some of the games stuck in notorious development hell finally came out… one way or another. What are some vidya that are still stuck in it? Is there hope?

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It's a meme at this point

So much so, I don't even know what genre it's supposed to be

It was an obvious scam from the start. When they added JPEG spaceships it was sealed.


You didn't know? They sell JPEG concept images of spaceships that don't yet exist for exorbitant amounts of money, like hundreds and even thousands of dollars.

What the fuck? How are they getting away with that?

oh wait

Don't worry user, they will surely put all those spaceships in the game """soon""". They even had to redesign some of the older spaceship, because they didn't fit in with the newer ships. Conveniently there is a Shekel Citizen thread here


I don't think it's in development hell anymore, SE needs it like running water now and after XV finally came out they dumped all the resources into it.

Is there still no english trailer?

Another game that was in development hell, but got released, albeit under a different name.
Another example would be Duke Nukem.

Epistle 3

what did you mean by this?

user its just going to be a re-skin of FFXV
sage for double post

Actually it's looking better than XV in every way.

no it dosen't

yes it does, are you blind faggot


Wasnt this canned?

XV was made by a mobile faggot, Nomura just tries to make functional games with fujo bait.

That's the joke I guess.

I don't think anything will be worse then DN Forever. not only was the game it'self horribly mediocre. But the Duke Nukem IP ended up in the hands of Gear Box. Quite possibly the worst thing that could ever happen to Duke.
I would rather see a Duke game by EA or Activision, Then Gearbox doing absolutely nothing with Duke for years save for 2 incredibly insulting cash grabs.
Literally anyone would be doing better things with Duke then Gearbox.

I think the real problem was we all stopped being 15



so true :*^(

Does anyone have that pic of the guy who spent his kids college fund on this shit and his wife divorced him?

The guy that wrote their story is doing his own thing with the pieces. Says so right on his twitter.

I wasn't following this shit at all user

I think nowadays development hell's length has shortened but troubles the developers go through became harder.

They ditched the name and some songs because they were scared of muh copyright.

Nah. Duke isn't really funny, but you could see great level design in the older games. DNF was just corridor after corridor.

So what did they make?

They are making their own totally not MOTHER fangame under a different name. Probably going to be on steam.

mm, I don't know what I feel about this.

The one that quit forever ago and just retweets memes all day, or the one that ran the project into the ground? Both still just have so much promise.

kek really?

Both are doing rebrands. Pastel is making a bunch of noise about his. Zephys just has a thing that says "working on a new project inspired by a new project."

come now


Only the first episode has good level design. Its all downhill from there.
The only Build engine shooter with a consistently good level design is Blood


Any day now SuperTuxKart will finally have network play support. Any day now.




Can we include Shenmue 3 right away

It's whatever genre you want it to be, user. It's any genre, it's all genres.

Just keep buying those Jpegs, my wife needs a new recording studio or she'll leave me. But seriously, this game is anything and everything you can possibly imagine. All we need is more sheckels, we don't allready have enough.



Haven't launched it in a year or so. Any worthwhile updates? Anything interesting? Is it possible to have a wooden house that will not get nuked within hours?
I miss the alpha. Is it possible to play that anymore?

I just started playing the game again after a year and a half, but there seems to have been a couple major changes. The main system for obtaining weapons and other shit in place is BPs + Components. Maybe, depending on where and how you play, but everybody just builds stone bunkers in bum fuck nowhere nowadays. No clue.

Fuck it, I am downloading legacy and playing that. Btw it is free:!aRNBFIJI!V715mEr70hTNBKQSOjhy8E0sCWtjfN5TY7Gdz1IMDWY
Some server I found: