Will video games ever be good again?


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That's not true. Halfchan still exists.


will you stop making shit threads already?

First we defeat the golems, then we go for their masters. Simple.

Video games are good, you're just too much of a lazy, impatient faggot to find games you like.

You must be like 13 years old then because I remember the gaming culture of the 80s and 90s and it was infinitely better than the faggotry today.

Will OP ever be straight again?

You must have turbonormalfaggot-tier taste in vidya if you think there is anything still decent here. All the good vidya were released decades ago. We played them all and we are tired. We want new vidya that don't suck. Defeating the leftist and the Jew is the only way to save video games.

Was he straight in the first place?

Shut the fuck up and get over yourselves.

anti-sage because you are a massive faggot

Are you a fresh-off-the-boat NeoGaf refugee? You have to go back.

Your taste must be even worse if you think all of these games are bad. I could list more if I'm allowed to go a few years back.

Were video games ever good to begin with?


Knew some fag would come say this. Go away.

There are certainly still good games being released. It's just sad that AAA companies have lost the ability to produce them.

Be the change you want to see you whiny cunt. If no-one's making the type of games you want, make it yourself.

We have had this thread every day for many, many years.

Factorio is the most addictive thing ever invented. Content can not be brought fast enough.


I'd beat the living shit out of demon Shu.

I'm not sure I'll ever go back to being a major consumer of western video games. The last fews years has made me realise that baring a few exceptions, I never liked them that much to begin with. I mostly just played them because the media hyped them up, to the point I felt I had to take a look. No way I'm touching another Bioshock Infinite. that ship has sailed.

Always hang the traitor first, there will be no compromises when the true thing start.

Nice blog.

It was a small paragraph, 4chan.

Nobody fucking cares, we've heard this shit constantly, day and night. Are you stuck on fucking repeat? We know that new video games are shit, you don't have to remind us constantly. By doing so you out yourself as a fucking newfag.


Video games aren't shit. Just AAA Western games.

Cry more nigger.

I really don't understand how a game where 90% of the playerbase is complete shitters manages to have so many ragequitters and salty people. Even when I'm losing a game as long as the levels are balanced I'm having fun.

Repeating the truth steels our resolve.

Fuck off cuckchanner

It's down the road not across the street you stupid bitch.

It's almost like you're not mentally sick or something.

Hey faggotretard, did you miss the part where NeoGaf is dead and SJWs' ability to organize their political pressure to censor and blackball games/devs has been crippled? And maybe this will lead to a less shit industry? And that discussing the possibilities of this was the point of this thread? I mean just in the last year you had Neogaffers go after everything from HuniePop to Mario Odyssey to The Last Night to A Hat in Time, etc. They wanted everything either censored or blackballed.

That's if you're trying to kill yourself, she's cutting for attention.

Fuck, meant for

They have a new site. Neo-neo gaf


How about we stop talking about modern games in general?

What does that have to do with anything? We'll have these threads for ever, there will always be retarded newfags, who try desperately to fit in by repeating what has been said time and time again. We don't need to be reminded about our beliefs like a bunch of fucking terrorists.

No, he's right. A lot of western games just kind of suck. So we kick out the SJW menace. Now we're back to 2009. Are you still going to want to buy the latest shallow console FPS, bland Ubisoft game, or poorly written Bethesda RPG?


so you prefer jack thompson tier censorship and blacklisting instead, dumb nigger?

You're right.
>Stock exchange owners One of the worst scams ever created.

Anything is better than leftists, so yeah.

Are all jews dead, OP? Then it’s not coming to an end. Are there no jews in any media organization anywhere? Then it’s not coming to an end.

Only about 10 more.


hey guise, if this is neogaf, what was the original gaf?

There isn't any difference.

Jack Thompson was an exaggerated boogeyman who never accomplished anything.

Do you have a link or archive, mate?

I actually do prefer that. At least he's just a dumb old man that we can all join hands in laughing at, without half of our number joining him because he called us sexist or something.
He also had more legitimate points. Kids probably shouldn't be playing ultra violent games. Not that I agree with censoring the whole industry to keep them out of their hands, but at least he had more of a leg to stand on than people suggesting that no one should ever be allowed to look at an attractive woman showing a little skin.

Evilore's birth.

But but

Said every woman in existence since the beginning of time.

No, sorry. I saved it before going to sleep a while ago. He had two tweets directed at neocucks.

Well, Jack Thompson had zero power/influence and never amounted to anything. And the Christian moms in the 90s only ever managed to achieve the ESRB rating system and then promptly abandoned caring about the industry. So yeah…I'd very much prefer that.

It's still good to make this industry less shittier and to take away one of their covers and excuses for being awful to boot

Well obviously. I wont not celebrate the fall of the SJW.

Remember when the point of game is to have fun? How do these people live with their self?

who benifit

Traditionally, you turn a golem against its master.

All these people should be killed

Yeah. Before women started pretending to like video games because the television told them too. I remember.



People used to play games because they wanted to play games, not to be accepted into the gamer community, whatever the fuck that is.


Well, thanks for fixing my list.


Forgot to add the obvious

It makes her attention whore?
she should take aspirin and slice on the inner side of the arm, alongside the veins, what a stupid fucking whore.

Jack Thompson got himself disbarred. Anita Sarkeesian got herself a fucking seat at the fucking UN


Forgot second pic

How come that majority of women with name Anna are complete bitches?


because they're women

What an ingrate!

No, I meant more than usual.

ding ding ding

I have a really bad feeling about this. It is truly wonderful that NeoGAF died… But…
I have the feeling that NeoGAF will nest itself into 4chan. And I actually mean it. Expect to fight 4chan(actively) in the next 2 years. We have still lots of mopping up to do… No, we still have our final battle to do.


I believe you left out a big fat DLC

Why? Pretty sure neither the format nor the content(as tame as it is) is appealing to them.

There were also
And other jewry I forgot about.

They'll end up going back to having the issues they had before SJWs got involved.
So yeah, to most people, that will be good again, because their window of what's acceptable has shifted.

The mods there are said to be former GAF users. Chat leaks confirmed they were using reddit and tumblr already. Cuckchan's userbase is like a mix of those 2 sites with ours due to their Holla Forums trying to resist the former. Some will find their way there.


Holla Forumslacks are getting banned and censored right now just for posting anything remotely Holla Forums-like. They're trying to make it as safe and welcoming to the neofaggots as possible.

Fun fact: the cuckold.org Holla Forums mod is a literal fucking communist.

also game purposely using memes to torment you and make you feel as if the translate team did it
shitty 4th wall "mechanic"

Wrong pic

These people consider Reddit too right wing. I wouldn't worry too hard. But even so, it's only 4chan. Who cares at this point?

Proof or benis.

What is that game?
So I won't touch it by mistake.

Why is the dialogue within the action asterisks?

im hinting at various games, not just one in particular

Factorio is unfortunately looking like it's going to end up as just another unfinished game like Minecraft. Very disappointing.

Can confirm. They are trying to transform Holla Forums

And yet, they show up on cuckchan. Also moot seems to welcome them by banning any dissidents which might post something Holla Forums-like. Yeah, this is going to be chaos. Same stuff honestly like when Trump won the elections. The fight is far from over, don't let your guard down.

I don't have solid proof that the specific mod who wrote the sticky there is a commie but I do know that several of the moderators on 4chan have posted about their anti-capitalist stances on IRC and one of them (redwood) is a staunch SJW.

They're trying to transform all of 4chan.


Cuckchan needs to fucking die, they're a plague.

Probably worth having them around as a containment board.

Oh boy, more new friends!

They must be steaming mad after their Holla Forums joined forces with ours and reddit for Trump's election and HWNDU type shot, huh? I was half hoping they'd see how fruitless trying to mod them is after that and would just sort of go lax on hotpocketting and give up.

You mean Hiroshimoot? Poole left almost 3 years ago.

Not until the (((perpetrators))) are completely demasked.

The only thing that could stop that is nuking cuck/v/ repeatedly, then do it until neofags go away and then eject these mods.
It won't happen. At least not all three.

Bad idea. They are 8ch meatshield. Without it, 8ch will be hit with entire power they have still left.

tfw you were once supposed to be the containment board but are now using the side which used you as a containment board as a containment side

Yeah, 4cucks speak a lot of shit. We know.


Hold shit. It actually exists.

Every board exists.

and they're all full of gross shit

I wonder…
Would it actually be a good idea to actively guide them to 4chan? Seems like some of our guys are admins in their discords. Best thing would be to guide them into gas chambers full of gore and scat.

No don't guide them all to one place. That'll just recreate the mecca of cancer. We need them divided and scattered.

Don't you think good old Holla Forums tactics will work on them?
Gore should keep them away in the end.

please kill yourself.

Every stage is symmetrical ofc… but in 1vs1's, when a goal is scored from the tipoff, those make me rage. Even in my favor.

I thought UNICEF handed them out in the savannah, nigger?

Even if this shit finally goes away video games had already gone to shit long before SJWs started fucking with everything, we'll just go back to corporations being the biggest problem instead.


This. How can any defend cuckchan now?


Fuck I wish I had some evidence the "muh videogames discussion only" fags are full of shit and were the worst cancer on the boards. They're easily the most uppity fucks on cuckchan.



cutting aself also derive pleasure

It's time to introduce them into weeb shit. Or would it be a bad idea to let them know about our sexist womanizing games?

That bitch dead

Looking at the things on her ear. I think she's an android.

My sides are in critical condition.

Only if you ban kikes from the industry, Otherwise there's absolutely no chance.

Even better.

How about Al Gore's wife and the Democrats being the creators of the PMCA and other censorship groups.

Jack was a tard

The way the Parental Advisory sticker got implemented was so stupid. The news coverage was always showing video clips from white rock groups like Motley Crue when the overwhelming majority of "bad" music was coming from rap groups like 2 Live Crew. Rock albums would get that sticker if they had one song where they said "fuck" one time, meanwhile you knew for sure every rap album would get that same sticker for saying fuck, shit, nigga, hos, bitches, etc. 100 times in every song. The best part was that the Parental Advisory sticker functioned as a giant magnet for kids and teenagers and hardly anyone's parents actually gave a damn if their kids listened to anything that had it.

Without kikes the only game's youll be playing is chess and checkers you total fucking retard.

Sure thing, Goldstein I'm sure (((YOU))) are deeply instrumental in making video games. Tabletop master race anyway

Your in luck, because he is a boss in Devil Summoner.

Vid related.

Also we did have a time where video games didn't sell nearly as well as they did today so they couldn't go full kikemode or else they would push everyone away. Now they have enough sheep to do so.


then don't fucking play the game

Even worse it's like the first one I've come to really like, so it forms the basis for all my comparisons.

There's a reason why we refer to the 90s as the golden era of gaming. The early 2000s had some hits as well. But as it dragged on everything became mass market consolized trash and they started dropping like flies because games were being produced for the lowest common denominator by pursuing ADD idiots who cannot actually play games. The result of these games where gameplay is deliberately neutered in the name of convenience is that a lot of these mass-market productions are basically making games that aren't much of anything and praying that their marketing department will sell polished turds. It's not a business strategy that tends to have any sort of longevity to it, which is why EA is always at pains to buy up, exploit, and destroy more brands, since any brand run this way tends to run out of value in a few years.

I can't believe you would post this user. I'm at a loss for words

If it exists, there is a board for it

Shit, they took cuckchan. Can we possibly ever retake it?

It's a really damn good game. Maybe you should try out Hellsinker. There's a ship in that game that plays like it. Hell, all ships play like ships from different games instead of having 3 types of the same ship.

indie games wouldnt exist if big companies or ((jews)) didnt invested in making pong prettier.
get off your fucking high horse and admit without kikes youll be fucking your sister behind the church instead of playing vidya fucking lost hilbilly.

I've had it installed for a long while but never got around to it. If it's the Super Mario Crossover of shoot 'em ups I'm ready. Thanks for reminding me.

The second or third would result in the most blood loss.

If the vidya industry just suddenly died. Are you saying we will never have a new game? Why are you even bringing up the creation of vidya? We're talking about now.

Give this a watch then. It will make sense of this game.


What the fuck I thought this was just going to be some guy running into walls. Why would someone get this angry at videogames.

I'm honestly surprised she didn't direct him toward patreon

The game comes with a manual but that vid goes through a whole playthrough anyway. The mechanics explanation isn't the full vid.

No one should have replied to her dumb ass in the first place.

Death would be a gift to this cuck.


I can get pissed off pretty easily, but it takes way more than one death to get to the point of shouting and banging my fist on the desk. Yandev needs to get some help before he assaults his mom for putting the wrong sauce on his tendies.

Is this peak cuck?

Oh jeez

It wasn't Christian moms, it was Joe Lieberman along with a very butthurt NoA who achieved the ESRB
They were used as a scapegoat. The people who were most loud against it were democrats, embed related

You gotta be 18 or older to post here.

I found these while going through Gun Jesus's Facebook a few months ago. Takes me back.

Even if they became good again, I still wouldn't touch modern games just from being so used to avoiding them because of all the Jewry in the industry. If I want a new game, I'll just learn to make my own, which I already started to do and I'm enjoying it a lot. Learning to make games is something I've wanted to do since childhood, and the modern industry being garbage helped push me in that direction.

Did you just imply they were good in the first place?

The key to taking back halfchan is holding blacksmith. It's central to controlling the map.

Go back to NeoGA- oh wait.

They were good as in the good games are sweet and unique and the bad games are just bad designs but never intentionally; because back then it was a time of experimentation and creative freedom of the small-medium devs because they do not have to listen to publisher or (((marketing team))), or the SJW cunts.

Things started become shit when publishers start to get involved around 2003 because AAA and big money getting involved starting to be a thing.

From looking at that site, it appears that the vast majority of its users are not SJW trash, so either mods are asleep or that's not the new NeoGAF.
According to a thread there, the old mod team discussed on Discord that they're planning to migrate to resetera.com and restart there.

Shit I almost feel bad for the guy.
Almost :^)

Anons who are disgruntled with vidya, what kind of vidya do you like? If you want a recommendation.

Does no one else use the charge shot?

(((Niel Kikemann)) needs to take a "shower" in a gas chamber.

That's exactly what has been happening though, just not intentionally. All these rape accusations against the jews in charge is doing exactly what you describe.

When the economy recovers. Video games are a luxury not just for the end user, but for the company itself because it's a risky endeavor.
The best games came out after the crash of '87, through the 90s when the economy was getting back on its feet, then everything went to shit around '07 right when the global economy shit the bed.


What will the split in the userbase mean for developers or even publishers and journalists conversing directly to consumers? Cucky B said that they loathed having to use it in secret and Tim Soret celebrated their death after being forced to kneel. Though I saw Aaron Webber and Christian Whitehead on it in its last days.

Will they now prefer to stick to mass social media platforms, or will they seek out a new NeoGAF? If it's the latter, I hope it's one without the poz. Now would be a great opportunity to find and post on any potential successors so that the same mistakes and false narratives are not repeated. I was piqued by Mark Kern's "League For Gamers" idea and the whole ordeal makes me want more developers to take interviews or AMAs here like in the early 8/v/ period.

Man if I knew my ingame griefing and bullying was driving someone to cutting I'd consider it a fucking flawless victory. Far more than winning the actual game.

You could always try not being a weeb nerd lmao

Bitch do you think I have an extra few hundred thousand dollars a degree in coding, design, 3d modelling, and music? Because I have none of those things.

This is the worst one IMO. If normalfags left games, things would balance back out eventually. It would just take time.

That legit scared me. Somebody needs to chill the fuck out.

True user. I know I usually just step away, breathe and then come back at it with a cool and level head. This is the concerns of going blind rage and not remembering what the fuck you did.

>>>Holla Forums

Whatever you say rabbi.

yeah because the alternative has a much more libertarian approach amirite

gb2 relating to daddy Pinochet on the sole basis of being a fucking failure faggot

No, normalfags are not the problem, marketing is. Marketing, focus groups and shareholder expectations. It's the exact same problem that the movie industry has and why so called "diversity" is making everything feel samey and boring. Everybody is chasing mainstream appeal and is trying to make every aspect of every game or movie appeal to everybody and not offend anybody (except straight white males who are supposed to just shut up and take it in the ass) at the same time. Everybody wants to be the next Skyrim or COD and is trying to make their games more bland, shallow and easily accessible, thinking that only that way will they achieve mega success. But they don't, they just fatigue everybody, even the normalfags.

It gets boring because it's the same every time. Diversity should be a movie about African tribes or ancient China or a group of sisters growing up on a farm or something not having a nigger, a chink and a woman in prominent roles in every goddam fucking movie. Just as it doesn't make a video game successful with normalfags to have the same fucking level upgrades, chievos and whatever else trash mechanics are ruining modern gaming. Fucking suits need to understand that the fabled mainstream success is a byproduct of something else, it's memes blowing up. Successful games are successful because they themselves become memes and the most normalfag normalfags will just buy them to be part of the cool new trend, not because the game is dumbed down. They won't play a lot either way. The people who do play a lot wouldn't mind more complex mechanics or higher difficulty. Super Mario became a meme when it was super difficult, Dark Souls became a meme because of the fuck you, you died difficulty, not despite of it.

What I'm trying to say is that normalfags will bitch about games being difficult but making your game easy is not going to make them buy it. Developers need to learn to stop listening to casuals and understand that when they make a genuinely good game the core audience will obsess over it so much that it'll become a mainstream meme, regardless of difficulty and complexity. Games shouldn't be inclusive, they should be exclusive like they used to be. Games should know their audience, the people who are fans of the specific genre and go from there, not ignore the base and trying to appeal to mom and angry Joes. If you want to do play testing, get people who actually know and love videogames, are good at them and have played them for years. Stability issues aside, it can't be that all the superb gameplay innovations in the recent years have come from modders rather than developers.

That should really open the eyes of the shackled industry. The are so trapped in their futile quest to please people who don't even like games, that they can't even innovate anymore and get blown the fuck out by amateur and indie devs left and right.

RPG Cockdex has open registration.

Normalfags buy into the marketing thus they're a part of the problem.

you won't ever fit in and your bait is shit tier,have a complimentary (you) and fuck off to >>>/anywherebuthere/


You must be retarded.

>>>Holla Forums is your containment board faggot. have fun getting all of your imageboards banned in your dream country goy

You seem upset.

So then every game with a huge marketing budget should be a huge success. You niggas clearly don't understand. Chasing the normalfag is the problem, yes. But that doesn't mean the normalfag is the problem. The normalfags won't go away, because they were never there to begin with. They only come out of the woodwork when a game becomes such a strong meme that they get curious about it, buy it and fuck off quickly after they get bored. Marketing tries to recreate that with every big budget game but fails time and time again. Games get worse, marketing budgets get bigger, normalfags still don't routinely show up to buy shitty hypejob games that suck ass.

The problem is that they don't learn and are ruining everything by chasing the normalfag bigfoot.

What do they mean by that? Reddit and SA still exist, there's plenty of Western faggot forums besides NeoFag, to say nothing of the Western companies that keep shitting on the industry like Activision and EA.

The entire "prosperity will only increase, forever" meme certainly isn't helping either.

They often are until they go full retard with politics. But lets not pretend that the more you advertise shit the more often people will buy it. You can't tell normalfags to stop buying shit just like you can't tell a marketer to stop taking the low hanging fruit. These 2 problems are much bigger than the industry and the only reason vidya got away with it in the past was because it was more niche.

That's the worst part of it. Marketing becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. To sell your shitty AAA game, you absolutely need marketing because it will not have favorable word of mouth publicity due to it being so shit. By tricking game developers into dumbing down their games into mushy piles of bland shit, marketers have removed the possibility of a game becoming a true fan favorite break out smash hit and thereby secured their job because now they are really needed to peddle the shit to the zombiefied shiteaters that are the bulk of the average gamer, so it at least breaks even. It's a downward spiral into general customer apathy though. There's complete creative drought because of this ever worsening situation and every media is affected by it. More and more advertising for less and less liked content. The shit gets shittier and advertisement gets more and more overblown.

It won't. Now that their official safe space is gone, they'll go deeper (secret Faceberg groups, etc.).

yes because nobody else takes him seriously

underrated post

overrated game

charge shot > triple shot
everybody is just retarded

chicken and egg, boyo
marketing is driven by normalfags. sometimes a piece of fucking garbage becomes an overnight hit without any marketing, then all the kikes start ripping that off instead.

they already have those

The problem is responsibility still is with the normalfag consumers who don't do research into the shit they purchase.

I think there's conflicting arguments here.

It's on the best track to becoming a finished and polished product, but I can understand wanting some more content. Still, I don't think there's shame in relying on mods for more content if the base game can stand on its own.

I'm playing some classic super robot wars games, and they're pretty fun.

Some are just sore losers, i know i hate losing but eh whatever it's a fucking game, it doesn't matter much.

I don't think reddit does much in terms of activism, at least when it comes to vidya, SA is a hollow husk, and the majority of goons are still chasing after the Star Citizen scam to do anything else.

And lose money in the process. What was the last leftist propaganda game that was successful? Also, you forgot Bethesda and their Marxist garbage.

As well you ought.

The fact that there are still Western companies at all is proof enough that they're far too successful at what they do.

It's proof they are staffed with leftists, not that they are successful. If you mean that leftists are successful at infiltrating places and taking positions of power, yes, that they are, but even that won't last much longer. The AAA business model is reaching the breaking point, and other industries (especially comics and movies) are starting to feel the backlash as the vast majority of people walk away.

Just today the Escapist fired everyone but that fedora faggot. It's all going up in flames.

If a normalfag did any research they would cease being a normalfag and ascend to the level of informed customer. No, the problem is devs believing the treacherous and self serving lies of the marketing people. Marketers are not interested in game quality, their main concern is increasing the marketing budget.

Another problem is lead designers who think their game should be accessible and EVERYBODY should be able to pick it up and play through it without any difficulty.

I wouldn't say that is what lead designers believe, but what shareholders/CEOs want. We've seen numbers times how developers get pressured by publishers to dumb down their games to make it as accessible as possible, usually hurting sales in the process, mostly because niche games are niche games for a reason. Best example is Dead Space, a perfect showcase of how EA consistently mismanages its properties. Dev makes niche game that sells well, EA throws money at them and simultaneously tells them to water down what made the game popular only to drive the original fans away while not attracting nearly enough normalfags to justify the huge marketing budget. Then they repeat the same thing for Dead Space 3, only this time warping the game to the point it's not even recognizable anymore. And then EA proceeds with a vindictive campaign to kill off a talented developer that failed because of EA's incompetence.

And these are the same people that give BioWare chance after chance despite failing each and every time.

Life is Dranks? Horizon Zero Dawn?

This tbh

ever heard of frameperfection?

So basically normalfags are a part of the problem because they don't do this. Marketers wouldn't get away with shit if normalfags did research.

The fact that EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Bethesda, and every other Western company is still in business is proof that they are more successful than they deserve to be.


Just because one random retard from NeoFAG said it, doesn't mean it's happening. Why don't these fags go to Gamefaqs or something anyway? Pretty sure it's a safespace there.
Also there are more things ruining gaming than SJWs. Things such as rushed/rehashed "AAA" series, DLC/Season Passes, Loot Crates, Microtransactions, Early Access, and other jewery.
Sage for low quality thread. You may as well have made this as a post in the GG thread instead of making a new thread.

2rightwingnazihitlerorcish4Neofags. True story. Whenever some moron makes a bait thread or an actual safe space thread it's a mix of a few people giving them hard shit to trigger the mods but most of the people are morons or plebbitors that try to seriously answer and counter / have a discussion with the op and his alt accounts. It's like seeing a contortionist felating himselg while shoving dildos up his ass.

This is probably never going away at this point until ahard crash on the western vidya market comes. But given how fucking autistic and utterly braindead those people are and the whole meme of "gamers can't into economics" pilling on top of that, it's often a miracle how they even have a house to live in, much less buy their 400++ "games".

They are more or a natural disaster than a fixable problem. They are just there and there's nothing to solve that problem other than eugenics. The vast majority of people are retards. That's just how things are. Water is wet, sun is hot, people is stupid.

Somebody once proposed that we could solve the retard problem if we offered free shit to people like a free car, free AAA games and a free condo / house but only if he or she or they were subjected to eugenics first and couldn't adopt any children by law. I thought it was retarded as well but given how people act these days, especially with the money they make and have to make due. Pic related


Oh lawd.

Yandev needs to off himself for putting sauce on his tendies at all.

Welp, there goes the last infinitesimally small hope I had for yandere simulator being worth the wait.

Good post friendo


hey lolbert, telling people to leave violates their freedom to be anywhere they please, stop being a hypocrite.
Epic, that's why hotpockets should stop doing anything (^:

Everything would be solved if women were beaten and told to stay in the kitchen. It's obvious they are incapable of functioning in modern society, their inherent narcissism and hypergamy ruin everything they come in contact with.

Left can be destryoed overnight, just by taking away women's right to participate in public right.
Like (((someone))) said, all you need to do to push leftist politics is making more women vote.

Gender isn't the problem. Ignorance and narcissism is. I wanna beat this kind of person in image related for the exact same reasons you wanna beat women. Stupidity can come from anyone.

You're right, gender isn't a problem because it doesn't exist. Women are the problem.

Nu-males only pretend to give a shit about feminism and enable them because they want to fuck them. Take away women's rights and the nu-male disappears too.

I don't think you're thinking this thing through: if you strip all women's rights, they become martyrs, and the numale count will actually INCREASE, not decrease.

You take away women's rights, and feminism's bullshit rhetoric actually becomes true instead of insane people yelling at innocent people.

Numales will increase 1000% percent, because they'll see an actual cause to fight for rather than something some nigger on tumblr or twitter told them was a problem. Think about it, if women don't actually have rights, then doesn't that make Anita Sarkeesian correct instead of a lying sneaky piece of shit? What's even the point then?

I really don't like the visual definition of "numale", it's extremely hazy and can be stretched. A lot of the people you guys post for that are just dudes with beards, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with being bearded. It's their personality that makes them a faggot.

I think "numale" should imply a plaid shirt, glasses, and premature balding at the very least.

Where's there's people to be duped there's kikes to take advantage of it. Fixing either requires interference in both. Basically you can't create a good pool of developers if their audience is willing to eat anything up. People are going to go for the lowest amount of effort for the most amount of money. It's human nature.

Epic post

Go back to neofag.

I'm sorry, I was under the impression that I hated SJWs because they were lying pieces of shit who slander innocent people and bully people who they decide are guilty of something they're not guilty of, guess the concept of not wanting to make them martyrs who are actually correct in assuming the things they do rather than lunatics shouting down innocent people under false pretenses makes me a neofag.

No but I am.

You're an idiot.

Women don't even want feminism, it's a shit test that pathetic beta males who were leftovers from all the good men dying in wars failed.

There's no point in arguing with retards, dude.

Unless a law passes that you're allowed to kill people who are suspected of being terrorists that's not really how shit works. And if a law like that did pass we'd probably have bigger problems going on.

The point is that the enemy is not winning if you're taking away their rights. That's the very definition of losing, and numale cucks sure as fuck won't bother with feminist rhetoric because all they want is to fuck a woman.

You're talking about people who's home turf is manufactured victimhood, please, you fucking retards, explain in your words to me how making actual victims out of fake victims helps anything?

That may be so, but I wanna genuinely understand how these retards work out in their head that you win against people who are waiting for them to pull something stupid like what they're suggesting so that these professional victims can heap even more shit on me for being a straight white male. I wanna understand their retard "logic" on how making real victims out of fake victims who have no actual problems is going to help us in the long run.

What are they going to do if they can't vote? Do you think anyone will bother giving a shit about them if they can't vote? And please, spare me the "they're victims" spiel. They were no more victims when they didn't have voting rights than they are now.

And my point is if you take away somebody's rights in a country that asserts rights equally you're going to create the illusion that said group of people will have validation in what they're saying. If they're retarded then let themselves shoot themselves in their own foot. They're did it pretty easily with Neogaf.

You're not even reading what I'm saying, I'm saying that they're not victims, but they're fighting to be victims so much that they ACTIVELY infight amongst themselves over who's the most oppressed.

When you introduce actual victimhood into that they literally grow in power not shrink in power. Basically what said.

>>>/suicide/ or >>>/neogaf/

This is your brain on humanism

You really don't belong here neofags.

If rights can't be taken, how the fuck can you give them?

I mean, no one gives a shit about women's lives in Islamic countries or how Africa created a need for female condoms with barbs inside of them. Until they want to use their plight to better their own standing in some way, but afterwards they won't be a thought.

Because women are allowed to pretend they're adults by men. If men stop giving them those rights there is nothing they can do.

Women want that treatment, that's why they import strong, masculing african and middle-eastern males to fuck them while pathetic john is respetcing women onling
West worked on a silent agreement that men won't beat women because what fun is there to beat a weaker being, provided women act in a way that doesn't warrant a beating
In islam, i guess women NEEDED to be put in their place constantly.

you should calm down

Okay, Ahmed, how about we take you the border real quick?

It's not women, it's American society (just look at how different things are in Japan).

N-NO GOY, that's racist.

Neofags raus.

You mean the country that calls women over the age of 25 that aren't married Christmas Cakes? That country?

To clarify to goons.
Christmas Cake is a derogatory term to a woman who's a biological failure because she could've had a loving husband as soon as 13 starting with kids at 18, yet by 25 she has nothing so her family hastily tries to arrange some marriage to save dignity.

It is women. They're being allowed to live in perpetual girlhood, and thus behave like children. They only mature to a more or less adult mentality when they've been impregnated. The most reasonable thing to do to fix this would to be some sort of massive tax break or benefit of some kind for women who get married and become mothers first, then go into the work place or receive educations. A lot less wasted fertility, interracial breeding and broken families will happen that way.

I think they've upgraded to 30 years old, but I'm not sure what your point is.


If it's women then why isn't the behavior of women in the US replicated or even approximated in Japan?

No one is going to come to your rescue. Better swallow that gun and be done with it.

Because Japan doesn't tolerate their shit. A pregnant woman is strongly encouraged to fuck off from the workplace and raise the children. In a way you are correct that it is down to society, but only insofar as to curb natural female behavior. Western women are what you get once you remove all social inhibitors on female behavior.

I don't know about you, /r9k/, but I've never been to neofag.

Japan isn't a Saudi-style oppressive regime where women are treated like dogs. They can basically do whatever they like.

What right do you want to remove here? The right to be a feminist? That's not going to work out and you know it.


Why are you strawmanning? I never said they get stoned for driving a car, just that their more destructive tendencies are kept in check, as was the case in the West until the 60s or 70s.

If men want to take their rights away what can they do to stop us?

And you still fail to address his other points. Women aren't damaging themselves but actively destroying their own countries and the lives of everyone around them. Letting them "shoot themselves in the foot" basically means letting the West get overrun by subhuman savages.

Neogaf did destroy/forced change to few games.

I didn't strawman. I said Japan isn't a restrictive society where women are strictly controlled, and used Saudi Arabia as an example. They can do whatever they like, yet the results are completely different than in the US.

Whenever you take things to that extreme you're going to get a counter culture against it. It's human nature.
Great argument faggot. There's numales who will defend women who have 0 common sense, you really think there's going to be no males who defend them when they have no rights? Jesus fuck take a break from the internet for a few weeks.

And face the consequences. You don't marry within a certain age? Expect social ridicule and censure. You don't quit your job when you have a child? Expect social ridicule, censure and pressure from your company to quit. You are a celebrity and are caught whoring around? You lose all your contracts and are unable to find work.

Sure, they can do whatever they want, but there are consequences. Same shit as was in the West. You could go and sleep with a nigger, but you had would become a social pariah afterwards. Leftists have worked hard these past decades to dismantle this social safety net and allow every destructive impulse women (and men, it must be said) have to run free.

"Unnngh people thousands of miles away on a global communications network *made* me take a blade to my arm."

Dramawhore moron, I hope she gets an infection in those cuts that she doesn't know how to deal with and ends up gangrenous.

the only way to fix AAA is a market crash to shake out all the bean counters and political peddlers
many AA games are still worth a play tbh
indie is a sea of shit for the most part but sometimes a gem appears in the cesspit

Did you REALLY think I meant that literally, or is this just a strawman? Anyway, just give it up already. The fact that things are so different in Japan despite social freedom proves that women don't universally behave the same.

This doesn't apply to guys however? Shit if you're a musician you're considered a rockstar in many cases.

That kind of noise just makes people want to punish harder.

You keep saying it's the same as the US despite me already showing you that it is not even remotely the same. Sure, there's few laws that forbid certain types of behavior, but there is a whole social construct in place that punishes them for doing so.

A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock. In other words, men and women are not the same and society does not judge their behavior the same way. Now garble bleach.

(((Musicians))) are godless faggots and commies and once upon a time were not highly respected and idolized. They were lowlife dancing monkeys that you paid to amuse you.

Bitch just wants followers.

You're illiterate and can't understand greentexting, get back to >>>/neogaf/

Because it's curbed before it can cause damage.

In the west there are no consequences

There are social restrictions and expectations everywhere, and what you are talking about doesn't even begin to explain the differences between the US and Japan. You just want this to be simple and not have to think about it, same deal with for example Holla Forums blaming every last possible thing on jews because it's easy and doesn't require any thought.

In other words you have no argument. If a man acts irresponsible and sleeps around he's free of all guilt? explain in detail how a female sleeping round is less responsible than a male.

k faggot.

They wern't actually. Wanna try again?

Didn't take long for the neofagger to drop the mask.

You're a fucking retard.


He's likely baiting or not from around here.

If you don't like it you can always leave, no-one here would care if you left.

I resent the fact that I have to shave my goddamn face every other day simply because I need glasses and don't want to come off as one of these fucking weaklings. Behaviour and chatter is much more indicative that someone is a faggot, this hair/glasses combo is tarring much too wide a swath of us.

You aren't the owner of this board.

I had to dig deep in the folder because I didn't encounter someone as stupid and clueless as you since the early Anita days.

Hey fucktard, looks like you're here for the horse cock. /fur/ is more your style. Now fuck off.

Cry harder, cuntrag.

Because it’s objectively true, you insufferably retarded newfag. Do not post again until you have spent two years studying a topic on which you’re posting.

Is this the Gamergate exodus all over again?

Please kill yourself. You don’t comprehend what men and women are and you claim to be an adult?

You're the one who suddenly brought up horsecock out of nowhere without me ever mentioning it or anything even tangentially related to it, so my diagnosis is: projection.

What are you even talking about?

It isn't objectively true and I've been here longer than you.

If all you have is a source less wall of words to throw at me you're doing a pretty shitty job at having a good argument. You basically want to return to an older era where sex was something that happened after marriage and the thought of a midriff would be the cause of moral decay. Meanwhile on a board that jacks off to anime girls every other day. It's a sociological issue that women who sleep around can't be trusted. Not a billogical one. And it's because like the other user said, US culture is fucked when it comes to sex.

Nor are you, so stop trying to change how people thing, if you don't like what people are saying then either ignore and block them or leave.
Second option is more preferable.

You’ve outed yourself as a complete fucking idiot. Run along to a website where your lies are catered to. Newgrounds, for instance.

He was right to tell you to leave. The jew is the demon of mankind. They are behind every war in the last century and a half and behind every economic collapse in the last century. There is no aspect of society the jew has not touched. Kill yourself.

Which results in his image, so thanks for admitting he’s right.

Men produce copious amounts of semen, fresh batch every 24 hours or less each Spermatozoon out of millions technically can fertilize an egg.
Women get a limited number of egg cells at conception which goes down to about a thousand by the time she's 18. and She ovulates only once a month with pregnancy taking 9 months.

Multiple studies linked in the article.

If the goon is still here, you can be shure he'll get asspained about the typo (^: like covfefe

What should be done is to start going after mods we know are a cancer. BEAM and I_AM_ABIB are easy targets. I want nothing more than to ruin their lives. ABIB is possibly a sex offender and BEAM is probably a slut who doesnt know who the dad of her kid is.

I never said or implied I'm the board owner, and if you don't like my posts then, well, why don't you just leave?


You just don't want to think (or perhaps can't). It's very easy if you blame everything on jews, no thinking required.

Kill yourself.

Because you reek of newfag so strongly everyone can smell the stench.

Reported. You can’t even comprehend what is going on here, much less hold a discussion on the level required to remain. Go back to reddit where ‘time here’ matters in any capacity. And by the way, since I know it triggers you, I’ve seen every exodus from THIS side. Run along now, infant.

You have got to be shitting me.

Monkeys with a typewriter would be enough to maintain your "level" of the "discussion."

I'm not the one who brought it up. That was you.

I don't even know what this is supposed to mean.

I'm older than you.


Its literally Reddit and 90% composed of Redditors trying to fit in
Even if you remove the mods and janitors, something of the same calibre or worse will be added and they'll eat that shit up like the cuckholds they are.
Go >>>/back/

Except it's making assumptions based on concept that don't reflect how people act.

So then the male is responsible as well. If the female decides to have a child then the one in the wrong according to you is the one who walks away from it. Thus men can be just as irresponsible.
If there's validity in this it has a long fucking way to go. So far this is a theory and you're using it like it's a solid fact. Way to jump the gun and link a clickbait site that that as well.

The explanation was based on opinions and I point it out. That pic was almost more of a tantrum than your current posts. Keep sounding like you're an angsty 16 year old though.

Fucking kill yourself.
Okay, run along now. This is clearly your first day here.
Not neurologically.

Fuck, I completely forgot that sudo exists. Probably because Jim literally does not give one single iota of a fuck about answering our questions, fixing our grievances, or doing anything that leads the site toward anything but its own destruction. On purpose. It looks like someone has copied imkikey’s posting style to trigger him. You can distinguish between people making fun of the SELF-ADMITTED paid shill moderators of Holla Forums and the actual mods because imkikey never calls himself imkikey.

How people act today and how they should act based on their biology are not the same thing.

Are all neofaggers as dumb as you?

Are you actually hallucinating all these things that I never wrote?

I've been here longer than you.

Or maybe you should instead see

That's right.

Reported for not knowing what you are talking about?

Neurologically and physically.

And the other one.

Because you post like someone who hasn't lurked for at least 3 years.
You're trying to buck the trend and be the big guy standing up for the little guy with the big nose.
If you have been here for ANY length of time you would know why people feel the way they do and know that people aren't gonna be swayed by your JIDF spiel. It's just shitting up the conversation.
So for your sake, stop outing yourself as a [insert buzzword of your choice] and for everyone else's sake stop shitting up the board. May I suggest sites like 4chan, reddit and neogaf for places that contain people similarly minded to yourself.

The nose knows. Die before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish the holocaust had happened.

The problem is that their biology doesn't align with the points being brought up.

No shit. Same goes for men.
The rest can be explained by sociological issues. Not biological ones. Depression especially. Nobody who's mentally healthy goes out and has sex every day. And having sex won't make you have more sex like a physicle disease. Retards who encourage you to be a slut does.



What "JIDF spiel"? Are you even talking to the right person?

More projection.

What fabrications?

What claims?

What statements?

The fuck are you talking about?

Provide evidence for your statement.

Reported, solely because it triggers you.

Where did I do anything like that?

For doing something that you only imagined me doing?

Evidence of what? That people who have sex occasionally or more inclined to ruin a marriage several years after the fact? Or that having constant emotionless sex makes you depressed? It's basic psyche and sociology. The US's culture around sex is fucked and the way we react to it creates mental illnesses.


So now you’re saying the opposite of what was said before.

The only mental illness here is on your end.

>>>Holla Forums
There there, neofag. I’m sure real communism has just never been tried, is all!

I never said that a person who has sex every day was a mentally healthy person. But the points being brought up didn't coincide with biological differences but sociological ones. But if a guy has sex 7 days a week and you're forgiving but not a women there's an obvious retardation going on.

That's a shitty excuse. You target the problem mods enough the others get scared. Look how NeoGaf fell. It takes one fuck up to sink an entire team. One of them is a sexual predator. Find out who it is, spread it that Hiro is harboring a child molester as a mod, and watch the shitstorm grow.


You are not helping your case with this post.

Putting his statement: into context: you can clearly see that he didn’t say that. Try again.

Go back to some leftist forum and live out your last decade in the squalor you love so much.

Citation needed.

4chan is a government operation. It is impossible to take it back, and why would we WANT to? The posting features there are utter shit. CAPTCHA EVERY POST. 30 SECOND POSTING TIMER. SINGLE IMAGE PER POST. 4 MB SOUNDLESS VIDEO. Not to mention ONLY BOARDS THE OWNER ALLOWS.


See what? There is no admission there of being a "shill for kikes."

Thanks for playing.

He literally said you should lose all contracts if you're a female celebrity who sleeps around but not if you're a male and then made it about biology and "deeply ingrained instincts" rather than sociology. Jesus we're in the same thread. Read before you post.


You said I'm a self-admitted shill for kikes, and linked to a post that says no such thing, and I said it said no such thing. That's my argument.


So riddle me this then, why have Jews been chased out of every country the inhabited? Why have there been 600+ pogroms started against them? That is more persecutions than any other ethnicity on the world, combined.

I said that is what happens you Neofag dick muncher.

What part of Reddit do you not understand?
They'll keep shitting up regardless and if it dies they'll go back to Reddit and Tumblr.
Theres no taking it back, its completely overrun.

Yep, you have no argument. Thanks for playing. Go back where you came from.

Thanks for admitting you’re too illiterate to read a bar graph.

Jews dindunuffin you filthy goyim. He is just a Shabbat goy fighting the good fight. Oy vey.

Jews aren't reality-bending superhumans from the hell dimension responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened.

Why are you lying?

Except all the "proof" was weak opinions and theoretic study that's in its infancy.
I read it and most of it was sociologically made arguments that more or less confirmed my point more than anything. The US has a fucked idea of sex.

How does this relate to what I said?

4/pol/ actually respects you guys alot now. They've already admitted that 8/v/ is far superior in every way.
Take that into consideration.

Take off the tin foil act and stop thinking worsr case scenario. It has not happened yet, and if it does they'll be chased off in hours.

Yet they are clearly responsible for the current state of Western society. Are you denying this fact?

People have clearly shown to you why society treats men and women that sleep around differently. You have presented no factual counter argument, hence why we're laughing at you.

But not Europe? Why do you keep talking about the US when Western Europe is in no better shape, and for the same exact reasons?

You're the gentile cattle that keeps saying Jews are innocent.

I'm not going to get into some retarded Holla Forums argument with you. I simply stated the fact that they aren't responsible for every single thing that goes wrong in the universe.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

But nobody said anything like that. You were strawmaning and insulting people because you have no arguments. Not my fault you're a stupid cuck.

Lurk more.

So it's sociological then. Gr8.
way to not sound like a desperate 16 year old.
Europe has its own problems currently. But those same reasons can be applied as sociological depending on the country. Lets not pretend Europe's cultural idea of sex is completely normal though.

What, the fruit fly shit? You realize I’m not linking to that, right?

But lots of people think that way, and that was what I was talking about in the first place.


I've been here longer than you. Lurk more.

It is true. The post you cited does not say what you claim it says.

You've been referencing his posts. But even then all the other image says is that if you have more sex people will think less of you. Which goes into public image, which goes into sociological issues. Biological ones not so much.

[citation needed]

In this very post you make a claim without any evidence to back it up.

Sure you have.

Hold on, let me just consult all the threads I've conviniently happened to save over the years just in case the time I ever comes when I need to prove this to someone who was raised by Wikipedia.

You're still projecting.

I have.

Japan never voluntarily gave womyn equality. That was something forced on them by the US occupation.

Even if this is true, so what?

Not my fault you're dumb enough to make claims without evidence to back it up.

But that's what you did, and then act passive aggressive when called out on it. You made the claim, it's your job to prove it.


and yet they can't seem to stop using 4chink,like a the battered wife they keep clinging on to the guy that keeps giving them a black eye in hopes that he will change because of muh board speed and muh popularity.
What does "respect" from someone that doesn't even respect themselves should mean to me exactly?

Wikipedia really makes people dumb.

You're still projecting though.

I think it's because they can't stand the lower traffic here. Everybody there needs constant stimulus otherwise they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

Oh shit we're already past bump limit? That happened fast.

Time flies fast when you spend it mocking neofag refugees.

literally reddit

Leftists tend to pretend biologically dictated behavior doesn't exist. This is the source of their mental illness and their inability to understand why niggers behave like niggers, or why men and women are different. It's why they constantly screech about muh socioeconomic factors despite five decades of throwing money at niggers not producing any concrete results.

I thought it was because the bigger the userbase, the more the memes and propaganda that benefits us can come in contact with the world at large. Similar sentiments/OC produced here, floats its way there and spreads onto the rest of the net. Which is why that site was targetted in the first place. That is to say nothing of the other negative side effects like Eternal September that cuts our way, though.

Well the worst part about getting co-opted by normalfags is that they like to share shit. Thankfully google removing us from search query means every 13 year old reddit memer who knows jack about the internet won't easily find his way here.


How are you going to regulate that exactly? I always hear how so much shit is degenerate here but no realistic way to prevent or stop it. You can't ask people to not have sex to often. It's not gonna happen. I'm just tired of faggots coming on and saying every problem can be blamed to biological ones when they're easily explained by sociological situations.

not until sjw women and kangz are driven out like the vermin they are.

god, you're pedantic and stupid.

nice argument

You don't need to fucking "regulate" it, stigmatization of deviant behaviors worked for millenia and will work again. Hell, just not providing public housing/child support to single mothers solves half the problem.
But what you CAN do is ask them to not have premarital sex, and have a shotgun wedding if a pregnancy occurs.
I agree, the vast majority of these problems are "sociological", in the sense that (((society))) has caused the behavior that led to the problems, but I don't believe any society would have e.g. depression not correlated with marital partners, and I don't know what to call that except biological.

Problem is that there's often situations in which that's needed so both the mother and child don't rot in the streets.
Yea but you can't enforce that is my point. Sex is one of the 5 things we do to prove we're living organisms. You can have social stigma's attached to the act but when a law is passed that prohibits that shit to such a specific context it's not going to be fixed.
Well depression is a biological reaction to real life events usually. I don't think that if you took a coma patient and had sex with them every day out of the year that (assuming they had no way of knowing, which they likely would given how frequent the sex is) that it would lead to biological problems with depression or "trustworthiness".