Its been so long since i expected nothing and didnt get less i forgot what it feels like.
Play Breath of the Wild
I get 20% a few things next month, should I buy a switch?
I also have a boxed Wii U just sitting there, no wiimote, plus SMG1+2 and both expandDong games to play
You know what would've been better than a "quarantine mode"? Having none at all and filtering them through the game's natural difficulty. You're defending the casualization and streamlining of further Mario games; you don't know what they will change to balance around the lowest common denominator.
That said I haven't played it so I can't comment on it, but your post reads suspiciously like a lazy shillpost.
There’s already a Shoddyssey thread up.
Posts like these are more useful to me than every professional review combined. Fucking current year.
Do ya like the Splatoon? If no, wait.
And then there's this faggot
I would say maybe if you really like Nintendo. Definitely if you have friends with one.
So far physical i've got Zelda, Pokken, Odyssey, Mario Kart, ARMS and Splatoon 2 and digitally i've got Monster Hunter XX, Sonic Mania, Shantae, Golf Story, Stardew Valley and a bunch of NEO GEO schmup and fightan geemu.
As a replacement to my Wii -not Wii U but Wii and by next year my 3DS once atlus life support runs out i have had an excellent year playing with friends. Zelda, Mario and Monster Hunter have been time eaters solo but aside from that its still not a huge solo player deal.
Of course there is Kirby, Pokemon and Metroid Prime 4 next year that are all probably garaunteed sales for most but a lot of the fun of a Switch is going round to a friends on a friday night and having multiple switches out for multiplayer like Mario Kart or taking it out and about and playing something like Pokken when taking a break after biking in the countryside or something.
If you are going to play a lot of multiplayer get it now. If you are fine with have 3 or 4 games you put like 60-100 hours in but it collects dust between those releases get it now. Otherwise its not quite the 3DS replacement in terms of nintendo output yet.
It's pretty good but get ready for cuckchan console wars to shit up this thread
That's a good question, user.
puzzles are fun. Some are platforming as you would expect but different with better tech. Like platforms in a foggy room and you throw cappy to temporarily make fog disperse. Or a guy on a bench is saying hes sad but if you just sit with him for a while he is touched and gives you a Moon.
I dont want to spoil much because some are Kojima tier clever/autistic but it uses HD rumble -as dumb as that name is- in some fantastic ways. Like walking around a room to find a buried item by holding both joycons and if its on your left the right vibrates and vice versa. Some things are easier to figure out jumping wise by rumble than eye when possessing some things like wigglers that play like noby noby boy.
If Zelda was "everyones making this exact same open world busywork meme game lets do it too but ride the zelda name" this is "lets make the game that should have followed Galaxy, but with better tech lets do some more fun stuff". Not the greatest game ever made but some stuff is just pure fun.
spoiler example
At the end of New Donk Cities story you change the city to night during a festival and run through a floating 2d, neon arcade coloured series of levels leading up to the first level of Donkey Kong -the original game- as the Jump Up Superstar track plays in its entirety and its 'about the history of our city'. it brought a smile to my face which is something a western game hasnt done in maybe a year
My god user, its like you like shoveling shit into your mouth and not thinking for yourself. This is a lazy fucking OP.
In fact I wonder if you're another shill at this point, defending this garbage
>for a post against shilling for nintendo
Really fires the neurons
Now this is an acceptable post. I'll fuck off now and take your actual word for the game being good
Good luck with your thread OP.
Is this simple enough for you to understand, subhuman?
The only issue the game has is that it is TOO EASY
CORRECTION: Are you aware you can look at lewd images of inklings without buying a 3rd person team shooter?
It's amazing how much my opinion on a game is informed either by very specific people I trust online or random people on Holla Forums. I don't care at all about Meta critic because those people will rate anything with enough hype behind it a good score.
>if I include a single line of greentext line about (((current year games))) being shit then this automatically means everything I say about this game should be taken at face value
I hope you aren't this easily manipulated, or against actual, quality posts on 8/v/. It might be time for you to go back to cuckchan if your standards are this low.
Sort of related, but do you mates have any other recommendations for the Switch? I haven't picked one up, just waiting on games. Mario seems comfy. Zeldo fell for the open world meme and the rest are Multiplayer games, so no appeal for me.
Any good indies or something? I heard good things about Golf Story but I've never been good at following indie stuff.
The first half is. It significantly ramps up. After you do the story -which actually has a solid amount of bosses including more work for [FLOATING FACE AND TWO HANDS GUY] whos not been seen for a few years- the ending is quite something for Mario but then you start getting into the challenging shit. You need about 200 Moons to finish the game but there are 863 total.
Battlechasers is a great game in general and while is a multiplay I think will work best on Switch because it's JRPG like.
I am only on moon 25. How fast did you finish the game if you are already done with it on it's second day after release?
Wii Sports was a surprising gem. 1-2 Switch is fucking trash. It is worse than a tech demo.
I would say Mario, Zelda and if you didnt own a Wii U 100% Mario Kart 8 its maybe the best karting game since the Gamecube era? ARMS is really fun as a casual fightan game but thats more of an arcadey thing. Same with Pokken.
and monster hunter XX if you like monhun. Its JP only but theres a site called kiranico that translates every quest and beyond that you just hunt monsters. has some fun with Holla Forums on that online.
Still really needs a virtual console. Theres so much good shit on the 3ds one that shouldnt be left to die there.
I just did the main story then went back. Currently at 299 Moons. There is a LOT of shit you dont see going to the end but you cant miss anything either. I think it took maybe 20 hours -i got it a day early- for just the story but to get it all its easily like doing all the shrines in zelda time wise. In terms of a 3D platformer this is maybe the most value for money ever pretty much.
Puyo Puyo Tetris is fun. I'm not even an avid tetris or puyo puyo player by any means, but playing it has made me enjoy both games a lot more.
Also holy fuck is golf story Switch exclusive? then jesus fuck yes get that. If you played the Mario Golf rpg on the gameboy its literally that.
Plus the Stardew Valley guy is making a out and out advance wars clone for switch that has online multiplayer and player created maps which is looking real good BECAUSE THE SERIES FUCKING DIED SO FIRE EMBLEM COULD LIVE.
^and this. play it every friday night with friends and playing puyo and tetris on the same screen is fucking great. Its just really overpriced. Same with bomberman.
Killing of Advance Wars was the most merciful thing current year IS could do to this series.
It's not the stardew valley guy, it's his publisher CUCKLEFISH, I don't recommend giving them money
Man i dont think you know my thirst for Advance Wars. With online multiplayer and player created maps it just has to be 'okay' to be better than 'dead for fucking years' for me.
I sold my WiiU at the right time to afford both Switch and Zelda just from my tradein alone. I don't regret selling my WiiU since I beat everything I wanted to play and it was collecting dust. I bought a Switch for 3 games, Monster Hunter, No More Heros 3, and Splatoon 2. Monster Hunter isn't coming to switch and I was upset until they said it was coming to PC. Splatoon 2 was great and I still play it. No More Heros 3 is looking great and I am excited for it.
What I noticed is that I own more switch games then PS4 games at this point with Zelda, Odyssey, 1-2 Switch Gifted it, Splatoon 2, Arms, and Mario Kart 8. I owned my PS4 for longer but every time I was about to buy a game it would come to PC and I bought it there.
Then I saw that Rainaway is coming to the Switch meaning you get to play your PC games on your Nintendo Switch like a Nvidia Shield Because it is. Meaning not only do you get Nintendo Games but your PC as well.
My only gripes are that the launch titles were bare as fuck and that they didn't wait for the new Nvidia Tegra 2 which would have allowed for better battery life and more performance but other than that I can say I don't regret owning the thing. Im just waiting for Rainaway to actually launch at this point because if not that will be added to the list of shit that went wrong.
Also bare in mind. There is no Region Locking on the switch but also no account locking. So first make your own my nintendo account and switch account and link them. THEN make a second my nintendo but list the location as japan and then make a second account on the console like 'anonJP' and when you open the eshop as 'anonJP' it will be the jp eshop that uses some cards or points you can buy jp cards of online to buy games. Some are exclusive and very good.
Then just having it on the system the jp accounts on means your regular account can open and play them. Its how i got monster hunter XX. Compared to making shit like a JP psn account where you need to fake prefecture zip codes and the like its a goddamn snap and so worth doing.
What they should have done is used the quarantine mode as an excuse to allow them to push the mechanics to the limits and make a decently challenging game. Satisfies both casual scum and regular humans.
I want more AW too, it's a real dilemma. Have you seen anything on Tiny Metal? I hope that turns out good
I forgot about that, shit I need to get XX
Thanks for all the recommendations, anons. Still probably gonna wait until at least Kirby, but wrote these down, gonna keep them in mind.
Looks decent. Is it worth $30, though? Might hope for a sale of some sort.
Out local electronics store had a few copies shipped to it with their Switches. No one bought it.
Everything else is multiplayer stuff, but like I said, not my thing.
I only pirated Monhun 3 on the 3DS, it was okay but nothing amazing. How does XX compare?
Getting these down the line, I suppose.
Gonna keep that in mind, thanks user.
another good thing with the switch is it taking over 3DS in terms of weebshit. Especially now Vita is dead and 3DS is on its final 6 months of Atlus life support.
Which means the next year is going to bring a lot of good 3rd party shit from japan which means more adult stuff just like the gamecube but also more weeb shit.
pic related just since i like the cover. Visual novels should be fun in handheld mode. Still not sure whats going to be done with Etrian Odyssey though.
-and another game to recommend is VOEZ. only used in handheld mode but its a rhythmn game thats great. and darkest dungeon GOTY edition has been announced.
No its literally just a super Zeldio machine
How can the difficulty ramp up when you don't even have consequences for dying?
It is a 3D platformer. Dying doesnt mean shit if you can't progress and there is some goddamn tech to the hardest puzzles involving jumping on the hat mid jump to spin into a backflip to hit a ramp mid forward roll to leap off and so on.
Bare in mind while its still the galaxy style of play theres tons of new moves like press crouch then X makes mario roll BUT since the games designed to use the joycons like wii motes you then pedal the controller to basically spindash like fucking sanic.
The first half is babymode platforming but i garauntee after that theres going to be shit the journo crowd will call 'ableist'.
TBH I could sell my Wii and WiiU, and get a Switch. Maybe dig out my Gamecube.
Reminder not to give Chucklefuck money.
What a horrible idea when the Wii is completely superior to the gamecube with the minor exception of not supporting the gameboy player.
depends if he was smart enough to not sell his gameboy player like those of us that were fucking stupid enough to do so back in the day.
I haven't seen anyone shit on Snake Pass.
With a library now over 200 games strong there really should be a Holla Forums's recommended Switch games at this point to go with the other infographics.
You poor thing.
Thanks, user, I just did that. My 日本語 sucks ass, but being able to browse the shop is really cool.
Nice quads.
Also I rarely play old games, but I can see myself booting up my Gamecube more than my Wii. Just on the games I have.
Still, when you put it like that, no sense in loosing the ability to play Wii games. It'll probably last longer than the Gamecube.
I just found out how from this video from a monnhun twitter feed. Bit of a pricey game but for a big mohun fan i tried the jp demo of MHXX and while i wasnt so hot on generations compared to 4U playing the switch version was such a 'i cant go back' moment i had to grab it.
it's good for any%
GARBAGE for 100%
I just played the snow and beach zones. 2 comfy.
Lazy, sure, but I think his point was that it's still undoubtedly still 10 million times better than anything a game review would ever shit out.
I'd only call it "better" than a modern review because it was posted from the perspective of an user who actually cares about the game and franchise; still didn't mean it had much value until he decided to post
Which actually has value in terms of assessing the game and providing actual information about it to those who don't know anything about it.
Stop playing children's videogames and grow up.
So what games should an adult play user?
Wiis sell for peanuts nowadays. You can get one for 30 burgers, so no reason to sell that. The gamecube has more value for collectorfags. And if you have a game boy player, then youre sitting on gold that will only increase in value as time passes.
Bottom line: wait for a switch pricedrop. Custom firmware on wiiu is very good for pirating and putting roms/emulators on.
Video games themselves are for fucking children retard.
What a fucking misnomer.
at this point its the disc thats more valuable than the gameboy player itself.
that last one is actually correct, there's two worlds that have swimming, three if you're really pushing it
Azure Striker gunvolt one and two are coming next week in physical form but are already on the eshop.
For sure, but a lot of it can be done 10x faster using hidden platforming techniques. You can longjump, throw your hat, jump off your hat, throw your hat again, then dive to get a fuckton of distance, skipping some puzzles and making shit less streamlined.
and it feels fucking great to do it.
This, the movement is very fun and it's fun to skip shit with tech, I'm interested in how speed runners will handle it
you can gain a bit of height after jumping on your hat if you need it, but spamming long jumps is good enough for me when there's ground, i wish rolling had way less friction / more speed
has nintendo dropped the monthly fee planned for online yet?
The ultimate autist will cross a whole level if 3 half cappys.
They keep pushing back their 'we will charge' date so magic 8 ball says people aren't biting.
Oh yeah of course, that tech's for gaps/corners. Rolling seems super fast when using motion controls, but that's a pain in the ass. I've heard from others that button mashing to roll has shitty timing, while motion controls give frame perfect timing.
i'm on the verge of getting a switch but i'd like a solid cancellation of it before doing so
It's still pretty easy, I got 500 moons to unlock the final gauntlet level and beat it without too much trouble. I guess you're right if you mean it's hard to get certain bullshit cryptic moons though
What a great strawman, user, tell me more.
I bet the reason they're delaying is because the actual software isn't done yet, not because they're pussyfooting around and afraid of backlash. I wouldn't hold my breath.
Don't sleep on mario rabbids if you end up getting a switch, it's actually a solid x-com clone with a lot of charm (though I'd say wait until $40)
I wonder which happens more often
(dubs of truth)
You had me at "nintendo switch".
How much porn is there of the girl rabbit boss?
I'm still waiting on the system to be hacked before I buy one since I demand more flexibility from my game systems than a few exclusive games. The Switch needs at least emulators, it has no backwards compatibility.
Except he is completely right.
Vita still get titles released on it this fall and 2018, but I can see why people wouldnt get interested if they cant into japanese or simply never owned a Vita beforehand
Saying the "vita is dead" is untrue if you care about weebshit.
Not nearly fucking enough, and nothing I can find by theboogie yet though when he does get around to it it'll probably be some terrible vore shit or something, goddamn why do all the good artists waste all their talent on some shitty fetish like vore or NTR.
Do some research, check if it has enough games for you to enjoy straight away and look at upcoming releases, see if it will have games coming out that you will be able to enjoy in the future, if you don't think it will have anything on the horizon you are interested in and think that it will just collect dust for a year or two then don't buy it or consider waiting, you lose nothing by waiting.
Play both Expand Dong and SMG 1+2, and if you get Odyssey you will have
Best 2d platformer
Best 3d platformer
Best collectathon
I think it will be the best if Nintendo follows through with the Switch, both development arms on one platform plus 3rd parties moving over from 3ds.
Can the Vita die, the third parties making games for it seem to be able to keep it alive in spite of Sony dropping support for it. I wouldn't mind seeing the Switch replace the Vita in it's current capacity but apart from titles from maybe Atlus/Vanillaware and Namco I can't think of anything else on Vita I'd personally be interested in.
So is it worth $483.94?
Never buy a console for one game.
what's with the audio? the lower notes are overpowering everything, that's not how it sounds like in the actual game
It's been the case since like 2015 and 2016 where japanese third-parties released a ton of titles on the Vita despite Sony's lack of direct support (2017 has been slower but still good). That absolutely didnt stop the people saying the "Vita is dead" already like nowadays, but like I said "japanese-only" might be as well "no games" for them.
Switch feels like at its current stage a total downgrade from a hardware quality standpoint (build quality, screen, expensive harming dock that isnt given as an option for people not caring about the TV stuff, paid online, …) to the amount of games due of the large vita library and PSP/PS1 retro-compatibility
There are plenty of niche titles that are no heavy-hitters for people in the West (such as Earth Defense Force, Taiko Tatsujin, Utawarerumono, Dungeon Travelers, Sayona Umiharakawase, Touhou, IAVT, Natural Doctrine, Disagea, Coven and Refrain of Labyrinth, Touhou fangames, etc). You just have to do your research and look up videos. Like said earlier, knowing japanese seriously do help in appreciating more the handheld (but that was also the case with the PSP and DS, it's just more apparent now)
I mean it all depends of your taste obviously. I am not about to separate from my vita due of the sheer amount of titles that thing still got.
I wouldn't Zelda and Metroid is tempting. There are games I want to pay. I'm must not really excited about the hardware. It looks cheep like it will break and I imagine that in a few years there will be an emulator that can run the whole library because its basically a modified Android.
its the MP3 version Mark posted last time he ate cake. The original is just shit quality & didn't pay attention when I made the webm tbh.
I'm sorry but I'll have to disagree with this completely. In our hipotetical ideal scenario a game would have a "one size fits all" approach, in which the same game would have varying tasks and objectives of varying difficulties, thus making everyone happy. Experience shows however that there's a vocal crowd that's too stupid to be easily appealed to. And if devs are asked to take that approach, they will skewer the game's difficulty towards the easy side.
I think what Mario Odyssey has is the best kind of compromise. It feels like devs were free to make the game they wanted to make, and that the "toddler mode" was added later as an afterthought. Check Helix Snake's videos on it. no youtube personality drama here, this guy just specialises in finding funny glitches by exploiting gameplay, and by pushing odyssey 's controls he has found some interesting things
oy vey
In the end, it's a Mario game. I don't really mind them including a babby mode, if It doesn't interfere with the game I want to play. It doesn't really represent lost ground like an easy mode in Dark Souls or Cuphead would. If anything, we're regaining the ground we lost with Galaxy, which was just easy as fuck, and didn't have a hard mode.
Just don't use it if you don't like it. Remember you're talking about a Mario game, not some obscure indie platforming game focused on difficulty.
Most of the Switch indies are also on PC or mobile. If you don't play mobile, it's unlikely you've played Voez so I would get that. Superbeat Xonic if you don't have a Vita or PS4.
The fact that this post has so many negative replies because its criticizing casual mode is a great indication of how far down the fucking sewer Holla Forums has fallen.
Mario is a good boy.
being a rhythm game fan is suffering.
It's silly all or nothing thinking that frames any easy mode as the work of the enemy, when we've had easy modes for decades. A lot of games used to have infinite health cheats, but it was understood that you didn't use that stuff if you wanted to play the game seriously.
Oh I am laffin
He's getting ready to look for chaos emeralds on pumpkin hill next week.
No, it's criticizing user for being a retarded strawmanning faggot even baselessly accusing OP of being a shill just for stating they got more than they expected from a game in years.
Kek, pull more buzzwords you don't understand out of your ass
Please end yourself. You're living in a fantasy land.
Is there any porn of the female broodal yet?
Plague of Gripes hasn't played it yet so no.
apparently mario is just as fun as asscreed and wolfenstein
For me, Mario Odyssey is my favorite Mario game thus far, and might end up being one of my favorite games I've ever played.
I guess you forgot that little kids are supposed to be able to play too, dumbfuck
*$360 plus tax
Goddammit I hate coming here, you people don't even like video games
I've never watched an anime in my entire life
You really are a fucking retard and you have no argument for calling anyone a shill, you obnoxious piece of shit faggot.
Game gets better after the main storyline, you open up actual challenges that actually take skill to complete for the extra moons, which in turn unlock new post game areas. The late game areas do take hundreds of moons to unlock though, I think there's around 750 moons in total and fuck the "100 jumprope jumps" moon in donk city that is pure hell even if some nips already have 7000 jumps
gee I wonder.
Even pedophiles are more normal than you fags
its a good game so my criticisms go purely towards the fans. I don't even know if its a great game but its certainly not earth-shaking. Its not a perfect game by any means. I think if you added Hat In Time controls to Yooka Laylee art direction you'd have something quite a bit better tbh. I found the game underwhelming but I don't blame Nintendo for that, I blame all the assholes who hyped it up to the nth degree and gave me unrealistic expectations of what the game would be like.
Galaxy had a really innovative mechanic whereas this hat gimmick is just that, an excuse to say the title is adding something new to Mario. But its not even novel since its essentially a repackaging of Kirby (the difference between dittoing an enemy and possessing them is really academic innit). So in conclusion, fuck you Nintenbros.
What games?
You'll both be purged. Just saying.
Have a (You)
Tekken 7, GTAV, Saints Row IV, and Shovel Knight are all recent games with infinite health cheats
But back in the day, if you were making some sort of platformer or action game marketed towards kids (e.g. Spyro, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper) you always had an infinite health cheat.
wew lad, nintendrones continue to be nintendrones
I bought the lady bitch the odessey bundle, and after holding the switch I almost puked. Consoles are now literal shit, glad the last one I put money into was the super nintendo and playstation.
I thought it was pretty easy, I got 142 on my second try. now the 100 volleyball challenge on seaside kingdom is just shit
I'm surprised people aren't talking about all the deepest lore bits from the descriptions of the kingdoms, especially Moon and Ruin Kingdom.
There's a secret to doing that one too.
It's bullshit
It looks really decent to me, and I'll buy it sometime next month. I was more excited for it earlier this year, before the retard-mode was engaged.
they gave a shit while BotW for all its fun felt like a mod.
Ignoring the fact that cheat codes aren't standard game options (developer tools turned player toys), your games list doesn't really help that argument at all.
I'm so glad Super Mario World came with a baby mode, otherwise I wouldn't have beaten 100% it when I was 6.
Plenty of games have excellent postgame content and should be lauded for it. Pokemon Gold & Silver gave you an entire new region for example.
Negro, there are 999 moon in the entire game. After you get 800something the sail of the odyssey turns golden.
theres 836 and the odyssey turns gold after just getting the 200 needed to get to the moon. After that you unlock new areas that require up to 500 moons to get to starting with the dark side of the moon.
>A lot of games used to have infinite health cheats,
Peach is a cunt, Mario should get with the bunny
Fuck I need to play through the legendary axe again, my pc engine is broken though.
why are you talking to me? I'm neither of those things.
It did. Didn't you notice how the physics were altered from how 1 and 3 treated momentum? Or the fact that the cape powerup was fairly broken even when you barely had an idea what you were doing? And Yoshi basically makes you invincible. Face it, Mario has been getting easier the entire time it's been around, same as Zelda.
Sasuga Mark :^)
Out of all the game I have, these are the ones I recommend.
Super Mario Odyssey
Breath of the Wild
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8
Sonic Mania
Fast RMX
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Blaster Master Zero
Wonder Boy
Graceful Explosion Machine
Binding of Isaac
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Metal Slug
Xenoverse 2
The Mummy Demastered
Shantae: Half Gene Hero
Shock Troopers
Mind you some multiplats like Xenoverse 2 and Rogue Troopers run far better on consoles and PC. So It's really a balance of what works and if you need this game on the go.
Mind you I haven't played Rabbids, Fire Emblem Warriors or Nights of Azure 2. So I cannot judge those games.
wait what?
i see you are also a man of culture.
I never said it wasn't easier than previously. I'm saying it does not have a handholding mode. You are, in fact, strengthening my point. My point is that kids don't need assist mode and it wasn't even made for children in the first place. Children have been able to been Nintendo games since the NES. The assist mode was made for adults.
Who the fuck still plays asscreed?!
I've been following the Odyssey threads for the past three threads previous to this one.
>This thread is made and the Portugal thread is still below the bump limit
That's three in a row. I tried reporting the first time, before the duplicate thread could get big, but nothing was done because Mark loves Nintendo's cock.
fuck, I gotta get on my game then. Although to be fair this is more of a Nintendo Switch thread than a straight up Odyssey thread
My mistake then.
Mark hasn't seemed to moderate shit all day.
No, thank you user. PLEASE call us out when we do a fuck up of sorts
been busy with a few things and playing vidya. Mostly just deleting shit threads
What's next? Too much water?
As someone who pulled the trigger on getting one with the Odyssey release I would say wait. The lineup isn't very strong at the moment and if you didn't like BotW there isn't much I could recommend. I find Sonic Mania particularly fun on the Switch because it gives me mad Game Gear nostalgia but the game's a muliplat and hardly a reason to buy the system.
Binding of Isaac is on the switch?
How does it control compared to PC?
I share the settlement, it's a fun system. however I recommend waiting till 2018
Needs a DPad
Here's what I got just from watching it I think it will 7-8/10. Could've done better.
Splatoon 2's only good and worth while thing is Salmon Run. I shouldn't have wanted it for my birthday.
Oh, well please just pay more attention to reports because I've been sniping complete retarded shit all day. Shit that blatantly derails threads and isn't remotely quality posting.
I know people who have played it for insert how many years it's been out because I can't be fucked to Google it and they still haven't 100% completed it.
You fucking idiot.
Skyrim is shit, right fellow HateChanners? By the way, I just played Overwatch and it's great! :^)
Wew lad
Muh dick.
Will do, thank you user.
Skymeme, Overmeme and Undermeme are all shit memes
You're a shitmeme.
Oh fuck.
But looking at static images isn't a fucking game. Or at least, not a very fun one.
I don't care how good the game is, if it's infested with those obnoxious little faggots it's fucking ruined. Like well drawn hentai that focuses solely on some fetish you don't like such as farting or scat.
user BTFO.
Just don't. If it includes Afterbirth+, then it includes DLC that retroactively ruined the game. If it doesn't, then it still doesn't include the best version of the game. The best version of the game is mod for, I believe, Rebirth called AntiBirth.
True, I already have antibirth on PC, I was just curious.
Was the only reward for 100% a shitty invisibility outfit? Is there still no sign of the wing cap?
There is often a belief among those who want to purge degeneracy that there is little or no difference between two kinds of degeneracy as they are still both degeneracy and as such are equally terrible. Thus, to say one is worse or better than the other other is to admit favoritism to one and thus that you are inclined to that one. Saying pedos are better than furfags is seen as admittance that you have a tendency towards pedophilia.
Then leave.
And never come back.
Bunny cunny
mp4 related.
This. Those fucking unbearable obnoxious ugly annoying as fuck pieces of shit that shouldn't even still exist alone make it completely intolerable.
And that hentai metaphor is absolutely spot fucking on.
he dindu nuffin?
Mario Odyssey gameplay in a nutshell
Platforming elements in this game are great. No loot boxes, no bugs, no season passes, no microtransactions, everything (even amiibos outfits) unlockable? Perfect.
The open design? Tedious, boring garbage. The soundtrack? When it's good it's good, and when it's bad it's trash.
The difficulty? Only a handful of actually challenging moments, but that doesn't matter because even if you die there's no punishment… In fact in a lot of challenges they hide more than 10 coins early on, and since coins respawn you actually earn more money from dying.
The worlds? Half of them are shit, whoever designed the snow and lake worlds needs to be fired.
The unlockables? Two more moon kingdoms? Seriously?
Not the best Mario game. Good game, but this isn't better than an 8/10. The open level design ruined it, and the casualisation gives very little reason to actually use Mario's amazing new moveset. Seriously this thing is more fluid than FLUDD and you barely need to utilise half the tools in your arsenal.
Who actually thought people wanted to spend more time walking around the same map 5 times looking for a fucking gardening patch or a dude with eyes in the back of his hat than more excellent challenges like Darkest Side of the Moon?
Gamers nowadays would rather have boring fetch quests and repetitive chores than skillful and engaging platforming.
I seriously can't believe they didn't simply make a simple graphics edit to say star instead. At least they have the actual sound effect.
Imagine if you could even fucking replay with the original Mario voice clips on top of that costume.
So now the standard is "This sucks about it and it could be much better, but at least it's still a good game"?
Oh fucking well.
100% isn't the invisibility cap.
Complete the game: Unlock Mushroom Kingdom and more moons
250 moons: Unlock Dark Side of the Moon
Beat the "boss rush" in Dark Side of the Moon: King outfit, 3 moons
500 moons: Unlock Darker Side of the Moon
Beat the only challenge in Darker Side of the Moon: Invisibility Cap, 3 moons
800 something moons: Unlock a painting in the church which is a slightly harder version of the ending sequence to the story
Beat the hard mode ending sequence: Get a postcard picture after the credits
999 moons: Giant top hat appears on top of peaches castle, activate it for fireworks
That would be tits. I hope they wing cap as some sort of unlockable in an update or something.
You mean like having to take a 30 second detour to farm 1-ups so you don't get kicked back to the world hub and spending 5 minutes walking back to the level? Yeah that's really challenging, right up there with the bitch crying about a quarantine mode that just gives you a mario 64-sized health bar.
What? You get a temporary bigger health bar by getting a crown heart. I thought babby mode just removed the 10 coin penalty for falling?
I thought there were only 883 moons. Have I heard wrong?
I'm too paranoid about Nintendo pulling a 3ds XL or n3ds on me to buy a normal switch.
This is why I'm waiting. Remember; The 3DS also had a 4 hour battery life.
Wait 2 years at least, or get a used Switch.
"Introducing the new 'SwitcHD,' available for $349.99"
Baby mode gives you a 6 health pool as standard i dunno what happens when you get a crown heart, it also prevents you from falling mario-kart style and gives you arrows on the floor so you don't get lost.
You can buy more moons from the crazy cap shop. Although it's restricted to 1 per world, after you beat the story that restriction is lifted.
I believe there is most likely a cap on how many you're able to buy, but as it stands I've yet to see one and I've purchased a lot of moons.
GameXplain has done a video on the 999 moons. If you want to see it, check out on their channel. But as it stands the rewards for doing any of the challenging content or 100%ing are pointless.
I've yet to see video of this and other anons have been leery as well when it was claimed in previous threads. Got any proofs?
This isn't my picture, but for starters there's a number count on the moon shopping.
That's really fucking gay. What happens if you buy your way to 999 before getting all regular moons?
Never forget. Things could always be worse. :/
I don't know. I'm on like 670ish and I've purchased a stupid amount. If you honestly want video evidence then go and look at the GameXplain video I mentioned, they even buy 10 in bulk on the very video.
It's the one that mentions 100%ing Mario Odyssey.
I guess it caps out at 999, but your lists still tell you whether you've collected specific moons or not.
I think the way it works is that there are 800+ something unique moons, and the rest you can get by dumping coins into the shop, capping out at the difference. You could you use this to access Dark Side and Darker Side nearly 200 moons early, but 999 still means earning every moon.
I misread some numbers. There are 883 unique moons so using the shop would mean accessing the two kingdoms 117 moons earlier than properly earned moons.
I was also really positively surprised. After all the "neutral" reviews. Turns out it's just a really good game. It's even a good zelda game. Plenty of flaws, but no big ones. I wish I wouldn't have to emulate everything.
I don't fucking care anymore.
I feel you, user.
My how the times have changed.
Don't listen to that user. This game would be very strange for a zelda game.
At that point, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody either hacked their controller or built a small robot to press the jump button at set intervals.
Yeah, that's generally my take on it too. It's a rock solid 8/10, but it's missing something to really elevate it to an outstanding game.
It's competent, well put together, but there's not enough actual platforming, and the free form design honestly leaves me feeling kind of bored, given how they can't scale the challenge around knowing where you'll be, and only by levels.
But the controls are probably my favorite 3D Mario controls. To the point where the most fun I've had in the game are the attempts at ridiculous stunts I've searched for, myself. Like bypassing routes, or approaching things in ways you normally wouldn't.
I think of it a lot like BotW. It's a good game, albeit lacking in some areas, holding it back as a result, but it's an important step for the future.
This game lays the foundation for the next 3D Mario game, much like BotW lays the foundation for the next Zelda, and from here, we can expect to see them improve upon it.
Though one point of contention, I don't understand the gripes about difficulty. Mario games have never really been "hard" in anything past the original. They've had challenging points, but actually difficult tests of execution? Not really. The closest are Sunshine's fluddless sections, and even then those were really only "hard" because most people remember playing them as a kid. Go back and play them again, they're really not that bad.
So it doesn't really bother me that the game isn't hard. Likewise the bosses are better than anything 64 had to offer. Remember fucking Eyerock? Yeah, real epitome of a challenge and in depth both design right there.
Though I'm admittedly biased and a bad example, since I play a lot of platformers, so I'm used to them, but still.
Part of the perceived lower difficulty comes from removal of a few things that made the previous ones way harder.
Specifically fall damage and lives. Likewise Mario just being way easier to control in midair, with Cappy letting you change your momentum to literally any one of 360 degrees. Of course anything the game throws at you will be easier, the more responsive and in depth the controls become. You flat out have more ways of avoiding the previous obstacles.
That being said, yes the game desperately needs more just pure platforming to it. Part of the thing that's lost in ditching the mission structure, is that levels can no longer change their geometry in isolated ways. You can't just have something be flat out different and inaccessible, when you're done with the story bits, but you can in earlier missions in the previous games, if that makes sense.
By making the levels continuous, they've simultaneously both opened, and restricted, themselves with the difficulty balancing.
Anyway, there's more to say, but at the end of the day, the game is undeniably missing something that I just can't quite put my finger on.
Stopped reading there. BoTW was the biggest shitheap nintendo has shat out this decade and a step back for the series in almost every way.
Its better than Skyward sword at the very least
I still don't get why anyone thinks Breath of the Wild was some sort of major reinvention. Shit's bland as all hell and didn't even do anything unique as some of the handheld Zeldos.
I really wanted it to be like the first game with dungeons able to be entered and explored out of order but we didn't even get dungeons.
That didn't stop normalfags from buying skyrim and saying that was a good game.
It would have been nice if they'd maybe even have just took what they were doing with A Link Between Worlds and just improved on it.
What happened to Special Zone in Super Mario World? Isn't that a great example of a game that is fun, mostly easy, but contains extra challenge for those willing to take it on? Certainly almost any level in Special Zone is much harder than Darker Side.
And this. Zeldo isn't Zeldo without big puzzle filled dungeons. In making all the puzzles small and scattered throughout the map, they've made them simpler, and they were already too simple. Other than that, it becomes mostly another generic open world meme game with a Zelda skin slapped on it.
It's the Skyrim audience. They really like bland copypaste that pretends they're a winner.
The only thing I liked about BotW was how little handholding it has. There isn't a 4 hour long unskippable tutorial before the game even begins. The game doesn't halt completely to beat you over and over with a basic mechanic and its actually open world unlike every Zelda game after 1.
I really can't see myself ever playing it and I won't defend it at all after everything I've seen for myself. BotW looks like an overly experimental game with way too much empty fucking nothing and no actual rewardingly tantalising content like weapons or powers to unlock despite all the mini puzzle areas. Everything fucking breaks and there's no simple fucking system of using a bunch of resources to at least repair the ones you feel the most enjoyment using and attachment to.
Too bad it doesn't make up for the rest of the game being shit.
For people who really like Zeldo, it's like a fetish. It's okay to them that the art(gameplay) sucks, because it turns them on so fucking much.
I'm just glad I never once got hyped for it. Just thought "Cool, impressive, good for Zelda fans" when I saw Link jump off his horse, load up a futuristic energy looking arrow with a kind of steampunk twist in how slapped together it looked with a couple mechanisms and fire it at a futuristic yet ancient alien looking living machine enemy. As if he was already used to fighting these new monsters in an unfamiliar world and outfit.
I was curious what kind of route they would go with such a bold and unexpected presentation that actually spoke pretty fucking loudly if you put all this together. Next you find out it's supposedly a completely non linear game where you can immediately set off wherever you feel like and the gorgeous colorful sprawling field most likely made you subliminally wonder what kind of grand and revolutionary adventure was in store with that mentality and what kind of civilization and people you would discover and I was fascinated at what a legendary and universally known franchise like Zelda would mean for videogames if it did something truly incredible and what this might even mean for my cynical perspective of games never being able to live up to their full potential.
And then I started finding out what exactly that all amounted to and at what cost.
No. There are 999 moons in total. And collecting 883 will turn it golden.
I find it bizzarre how Nintendo catches up to trends well behind everyone else and everyone acts like its a big revolution because they are new things for Nintendo IPs. If they made a hand-animated mario game in the style of Astroboy next year, everyone would be fapping over how groundbreaking it is.
Trips confirm. Shit is becoming all too predictable.
Does anyone have any favorite screenshots?
t. nintendogaf
2018 is a whole year away nigger, i dont think im going to wait that long
If two months is a whole year, what planet do you live on? Does it just rotate around its sun that fast, or is it so close that it just has a small circumference to rotate along? And if the latter, how dim is that sun?
Good to see that mere mention of BotW derailed the thread.
Reread what I said. Yes it's "good" because it's not a fucking buggy ass mess, with a campaign, but the point wasn't sucking its dick, it's point was, and I quote
>it's an important step for the future.
Likewise, the comparison holds true for the structure, as well. The lack of real focus on specific challenges, and guiding the player down a path, yes even 64 did this, means that the game is overall less cohesive and focused. And both have the problem of "don't like a path? Just go around."
Though at least in Odyssey it takes application of Cappy and timing to do, BotW's infinite climbing glitch lets you climb up basically anything you want to.
0/10, see me after class.
I get that, but World was a long time ago. Look at what every Mario game since that has been. Easy.
The most apt comparison would probably be the final levels in Galaxy 2, and 3D World, since those were just pure platforming challenges, and actually challenges.
3D world's in particular is difficult because it lacks any gimmick to save a jump, if you don't play as peach or rosalina.
Regardless, my point is that even including World, they aren't exactly like Alien Soldier. So I don't understand where the complaint that the main game is easy, comes from. I can understand if it's talking about how lacking in overall focus the game is, that much I agree is a problem, but the game just being easy?
Did people forget Galaxy 1? Luigi's Purple coins is probably the only "difficult" part about that game.
Kirby gets a pass on being easy, because it's just fun and solid, I don't get why Mario games can't be easy. To compare them to an extreme example again, you look at Alien Soldier and it's clearly intended for someone older than the audience Mario is geared towards. You know. Kids.
Only Mario game I played was that 2d one where you jump over shit. I have no fucking clue how they managed to make a franchise from that
Jumping over stuff in games is for little kids. But this is what nintendoyearolds think is gaming. They would never last in a fucking war zone.I'd march them through the fields into the killing field. Nintendoddlers burying themselves and the shit games they like alive. YOU WONT LIVE LONG ON NINTENDO GAMES
Shooting stuff in games is for little kids. But this is what dostards think is gaming. They would never last in a fucking tennis court. I'd drive them through the black void into Tennis for Two. Dostards burying themselves and the shit games they like alive. YOU WONT LIVE LONG ON DOS GAMES
But user that's retarded.
Because not only it's just a good game and nothing else, it also gave us a nice bird.
So how do you all feel about it going full Sonic Adventure for the finale?
honestly with Sanic dead i hope Mario takes over for the crush 40 meets Kill La Kill themes
Absolutely terrible.
You don't want to escape from the city user?
Tbh Pauline should have made a move on Mario at the end. Or evwn better, there could have been some development between them during the story.
You didn't find her lost purse did you?
Saved the first one as "Still Waiting…"
Are you certain? What if it's collecting all the unique moons that turns the sail golden, and pushing past 883 by buying extras has no effect?
>Mario games have never really been "hard" in anything past the original
Nice moving of goalposts
>So I don't understand where the complaint that the main game is easy
>a game that is fun, mostly easy, but contains extra challenge for those willing to take it on?
>This is a complaint about the main game being easy
200 turns the sail golden. That user has the wrong info.
It turns it yellow, but at 100% unique moon collection or 883 moons, not sure which, it turn golden or at least more golden.
Watch beginning of the video
Well I guess I don't have any means of weaseling my way out of this, so you've got me there.
I want cuckchan refugees to leave
Fuck off, retard. You don't even know what that means.
fuck off KIKE
I want cuckchan refugees to leave :^)
You're only shitskin refugee here.
No u :^)