Post your favorite vidya concept art
Concept art thread
I love the atmosphere these ones portray.
Not sure if I'm even mad. I wouldn't trust them with remaking it without ruining to the fucking ground with diversity and FrostBite™.
Anything by Shinkawa in general.
Something with these as a "what might have been", given that for whatever reason Inagaki got pulled off Phantasia as the character designer. I don't mind Fujishima's take on the characters that much, but there is a difference in style between his and Inagaki's takes on the cast.
Oldschool anime is besto design
They could have at least put it on PC years and years ago.
Heyyyy, it's that ghost game about ghosts!
It was the spookest. Shame it never sequelled.
Funnily enough there's some good concept art for Lord Of The Rings Online…
Yes, that game is still going, 10 years young… it's pretty dead though
what a great design for cassie. how did we end up with the vapid slut who looks like a dyke that's actually in the game
Same reason they reduces Sonya's tits and removed bikini and bandage costumes - muh soggy knee.
muh dik
I have no idea what half of the objects are supposed to be. A building? some sort of aircraft? There is no logic or reason in the design.
i just realized atzoobi is a nigger
you are a literal retard, you are unironically retarded
Its called final FANTASY for a reason. Its better to not think about logic or reason in the designs at all. They're just supposed to look cool.
She has dark skin but her skull structure seems Caucasoid to me.
She looks like some weird mutt in the right but the left one has more European features like the nose and smaller lips. Also her face doesn't have the typical nigger snout.
Is she even human in the first place?
Well, the one on the right seems like an actual final character art for the game, what modelers based the model on and it's undoubtedly a nigger, the one on the left seems like concept or promo art where the artist wasn't told she's meant to be a nigger, maybe she wasn't at that point.
Maybe although judging from this screenshot she does resemble the left one more just with a neutral expression.
It maybe more of a fact that they just don't know how to model a negro
That's Indian then.
is today the day of not knowing what Caucasoid is?
He means dravidian.
Indians have Caucasoid features but black skin. Because anthropologists couldn't classify them as either black or white, they just made them their own race.
I want to engage intercourse with a Willosaur
RIP in pepperoni Capcom
you were once the good guys
I liked Oblivion. Never was sure of this last one is legit, but it's apparently a concept of the Imperial City back when Cyrodiil was still a jungle land.
These 5 concept arts are more interesting than anything in the game, and two of them are the same.
I blame captcha.
Shit game but I liked the concept art and the aesthetic they were going for.
The fuck is that? Never heard of it. I agree the art is neat.
Remember Me, a beat em up made by Dontnod.
This game is talked about nearly enough.
ok, then we're not gonna
fug, I made a typo. Meant to say not nearly enough.
Oh man, that game didn't deserve the fate it got. So much cut content, imagine that game with today's technologyand not having to worry about running on an FX 5200.
Apparently there's a small segment of the community that's still pretty active. Pic related.
Dontnod’s first game before Life is Tumblr called Remember Me. To get you a good feel of their idiocy before that trainwreck , they blamed a lack of publishers wanting the game because they had a female protagonist.
It looks like Mirror's Edge knock-off so what publishers
FF games are generally shit, and if you can't tell what an object is supposed to be, then the design is shit.
Doesn't matter if it's fantasy or not - objects that serve a purpose need to look the part.
A car has to serve the purpose of transporting a family from A to B.
A house has to serve the purpose of living.
If the things you design look like some incomprehensible modern art pieces and you keep asking yourself "what does it do?", "but where is the door/window?", then your design sucks ass.
FF a shit.
Utter trash. Edgy mc. girlface
Return to reddit and never come back, faggot
Concept art?
Nothing goes past Terada's watercolours. These things were fucking gasoline onthe fire of my imagination as a kid. These images reproduced in tiny NES manuals were godly.
Gonna stop now before I get a flood warning, will post more later.
Here's some more.
There will never be enough Terada.