Losing control?
Whats the funniest game you've ever played?
Losing control?
Whats the funniest game you've ever played?
Other urls found in this thread:
The PS2 Ratchet and Clanks are usually good for a laugh.
Rogue warrior. It was so over the top that i just unironically love it.
Yakuza 4, the greatest fun.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
One more day til the parents leave and then I'm free. No real plans for that yet. Might set up shop in the living room or something.
Playing red dead redemption. Not really having a blast though.
RDR Is kinda shit and i dont know why Holla Forums likes it so much.
Fuck Best Buy.
The Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole. Been playing them both, still crack up.
It takes a bit, I started having fun when they gave you more shit to use against bounties.
Morning folks
Thinking if maybe ordering a new titty figure. Just want woek to end so I can go home and eat.
Stick of truth gave me a chuckle at some points
How goes anons
Most of the missions are boring and simple, and the world feels so empty. The guns feel nice though and I love revolvers. If there were more western games out there it wouldn't get as much love.
What'd best buy do to you?
There are some side missions/strangers you can meet up that I feel are interesting. I used to think the same about the world until I got back to it.
The game of posting on 8ch or stanely parable. How's everyone tonight?
>(((San fran)))
Retook my college placement test and got math 070. I have an appointment for the "welcome center" on the 7th. Its gonna be 3 hours. Im in too deep. Help.
Is everyone here having a nice comfy October? I like going out for walks this time of year to see halloween decorations people put up.
Never was much for the parties, myself.
I don't know why I came back again. God help me.
Too bad I can't buy that fig. It's probably the closest I'm going to get to buying a fig of my waifu.
I'm already most the way through mexico so.
Furshit one has a weird face.
All the stranger missions are just "ride to thing in the middle of nowhere and ride back"
Sleepy mostly.
How goes user
Conker's Bad Fur Day was pretty funny. I couldn't find motivation to play more AC5 when I got back from work today. I don't know why.
Same old, same old. Giving some consideration to redoing this old thing for the modern era. Didn't make the first one, but more people need to be taught to find sauce themselves. I'm just not sure yet how much some of this still works.
The site is dying for me
Why, how did the not secret agency fuck you over this time?
I never tried playing redemption. I wonder if the second is any better.
Why do people collect these figures?
I don't understand why game stores do this "well it's midnight on the east coast, fuck it, come get the game at 9" thing. Like, nigga, time zones exist for a reason.
Is it so much to ask to have cute lolis show up at my door step wearing cute outfits
How long until you lose the NEET life?
How goes
What'd you do instead?
Well, I did more like hunting and bounties and shit so idk.
Shame it probably won't be here for another week. I've finished one DS RPG every week since I sent it out and I might actually have time for a third. When I first sent it out I said "Oh I'll start this game even though I probably won't have time to finish it". And now here I am.
Shitposted and jacked off.
January. I wouldnt mind losing the neet life if i wasnt being indocrinated into marxist shit.
What have you been playing?
Weekend in 3 hours, you
I'm hesitant on getting the holo one because of her face. But anything for a third season. the other one I found out comes with nunchuk dildos you can stick in her
To look at
And to hot glue if you're into that I suppose
Do it
Sounds like autism
Is it out already?
Wew holy shit that sucks. Should have preordered goyim
Those would be more fun if money had real uses in the game.
What'd you do today user
To what kind of porn?
prolly one of the mario and luigi games it's amazing how much I laughed when there wasn't any real dialogue from the main characters
No (You) for you after calling my waifu a furfag.
As soon as I can. I'm probably going to miss it by like a week as that shit sells like hotcakes.
I'm alright.
They lack discipline.
Nigger I did. This was to pick it up my fucking preorder. I'll just go there tomorrow morning before work.
You can save up money to get better more rare horses from stores. Go unlock costumes and shit. I like it mostly because it's a lot like Sleeping Dogs, tho that world is more alive I think.
Mostly what I'm posting now.
Only thing I'm looking forward to now is Fightcade 2, just to see what it's all about.
Damn you gotta get the second one then and post pics
How goes user
You know its true.
What'd you do today
Ohhhhh I got you. Thats pretty lame then
I just finished Nostalgia, and I guess I'm going to wrap up sidequests in it before I move on. I feel kind of bad for Pad. Everyone else gets a great weapon in the last dungeon, and they all hit into the last boss's elemental weakness. Not Pad. He gets stuck with an ugly pistol you buy in the last village. Before that I played Radiant Historia.
Bangin' and playing old JRPGs. My college is still on strike and they aren't even talking with the school board yet. Gonna be pissed if I lose this semester. My grades were top notch. Fucking 99.5% on my last test before the strike.
They're making a fightcade 2?
mornin everybody. maganon here
funniest game I ever played was easily The X Fools on PC: youtube.com
Supposedly. More info about is supposed to be coming tomorrow.
That blonde horse is a great rare one but mine died on me so I had to get another one. Also, I like the Marshal outfit.
How do you get off to such vanilla stuff?
Can they even do that? Do you get a refund?
Wheres sam
evenin' niggers
haven't 4am posted in a while
I can't remember the last game I played that genuinely made me laugh. there might have been some but I don't remember.
I'm good legs feel dead from squats tho
Not surprising since I am. I'm just getting tired of seeing so many saucebeggars all over wanting spoonfeeding. Back in the day that image was made to help cut back on it.
We'll get refunded, but I'd still be real pissed about losing those good grades.
Here's your (you)'s.
Gives me a bit more time to cheevo grind in TSOT. After Odyssey, there's just one more game for me to get in October, and I'll have somehow survived.
Kemonomimi is not furfaggotry. You faggots.
Man i had a really bad headache last night and then the dream i had afterward was so weird. I was in class learning math from jordan peterson and it started raining. It was all so vivid and weird. I think i listened to too much of his speeches last night.
Hopefully i can play jojo HTFT on it.
Fair enough, a lot of shit today is super serial. It gets old after a while.
I forgot posting monster girls is akin to opening pandoras box here my bad please don't destroy the thread over it
Because I don't really go extreme with my lewds. why, what do you get off to?
wtf did I do?
at home ritsu working on videos. Did you ever play Outlaws, speaking of western games?
Goemon games and Wario games.
My game glitched after a mission and turned the blonde one black. Kinda pissed.
Whats good in the hood fam
Are you avatarfagging as pizza?
What you gonna buy with the money?
das it mane
ay yo
hol up
iz u be sayin
im a bot n shiet
Whats the last game
I can get off to vanilla lewds as long as there is a creampie.
It's the picture, a dead giveaway.
Oh hey, I played that myself. Word of warning. In the bonus dungeons, the generic trash is worse than the bosses to fight. Be careful, and flee as you need to.
As a suggestion for other DS JRPGs in the future, maybe consider Avalon Code if you haven't yet.
If I get refunded, that money is probably going to pay back the student loans for this semester. They did say if it comes to it, they'll just compress due dates and extend the semester.
The Stick of Truth.
(praise be)
Bubsy. I know. I liked Giana Sisters. Hope it's good.
You sure, you didn't hitch another horse that wasn't yours?
Now I want that fig too
Ya huh
Lately a lot of lactation stuff
Nope, it any good?
How goes user
no…..should I?
oh, thank you
You're alright.
Nothing wrong with some good old fashion creampie.
No idea.
No mega satan. I was just giving you your (you) for unironically calling others goyim.
Well, it helps that I at least know formatting. Also already have a bigger version of that base image saved, and have a text doc written with the things that should be included.
10/10 pic would save.
Lactation's always good.
I liked it when I was a kid. Not sure how it holds up but it's a fun deathmatch game
lacation freaks me out too unless its done with a lot of class.
Maybe you'll end up with free grades then
Dunno what even that is
I never use hitches or ride horses that aren't mine.
Whats your favorite pizza topping?
That and human cattle are hot as fuck. Also breeding.
How goes user
You should, at least with your own horse.
Its always shooting out like its pressurized and it always bothers me.
The guys who made Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams are making a new Bubsy game after 21 years. No one asked for this, but I am amazed that it's even happening.
Marry me.
I guess I should probably do some of the work that was made available during the strike, either way. Just been jerking off and fucking and playing video games and slowly turning into a slug. That's my problem. I hate having to do things but if I don't have things that need to be done, I'll lay in bed all day and wear the same pants for a week straight.
We are all hopefully goyim here
Max autism
How old is it then?
Doesn't matter if its already saved so
Boob milk? That happens you know
Whats gian sisters
Sounds like you would make a good NEET
Maybe you should check out Nature's stuff. Their whole shtick seems to be making figs with insertable toys
sumn herby w/ anchovy fam
I finished Streets of Rage. The twin girls you fight right before the final boss were a serious pain. If I didn't already know that the game was beatable then I would have been surprised when the first girl went down.
I was a neet for a couple months before classes started. It was great. I did nothing all day. The most I've accomplished during this strike is trying to make that spicy mayo some fast food places have. I came pretty close today but I put too much garlic in it.
Well, you lost your horse right?
But i dont think it produces as much as in hentai or it shoots out as hard.
British PC game back in the '80s that was basically a PC port of SMB1. Got yanked off shelves bretty quick. Like 20 years later a German dev team made a new one with Kickstarter shekels, and it was actually good.
it came out in 1997
yeah those girls were frustrating. maximum carnage for the SNES copied that fight exactly too except worse
Ritsu owns a horse? How the fuck does he get money to feed it and take care of it as a NEET?
Hey. Give me (you)s.
Could be worse. Could be /cow/ tier 'tism. Speaking of "Max" and something being wrong with onesself, I like having an excuse to repost this old classic.
The same devs are also making the new bubsy game and i have the physical copy preordered
How is that possible?
Doubt they make any for the shows I like, dont watch lewd stuff
That is fucking disgusting
Never been a big fan of beat em ups tbh
I think its the same one, because the black one had max stats.
Go watch some real lactation porn fam
Was it still smb1?
Too old!
How goes (You)
Sum it up in 5 words
Max sounds the result of what happens if you don't beat your kids as punishment.
I dont feel like going down the degeneracy train. the ara porn i fap to is enough
Just read it. It's really fucked up in a fascinating way.
Aras are meant for milk fam
Alright after the thread
Same famalam. You getting the collectors edition?
Eh basically.
I am ok. Lorefags and pvpfags ruined Dark Souls tbh.
Vidya dude.
There's a black horse with max stats.
Wait figs show tits too?
Honestly, I feel bad for that user. Real bad.
those girls you could one shot though, it really wasn't that bad, but it took a lot of autism to finally beat maximum carnage back in the day tbh
The collectors edition is the only physical print they are gonna do so im gonna sit on it for a while. Doesnt hurt having a mint copy of the game.
Maybe i would suck an ara's tits but i wouldnt go full hentai with the breast milk.
Go play kings field
Looks terrible
the game was just crappier and the art was worse. it wasn't actually harder just more frustrating. the music was baller tho
you only like game lolis ritsu expand to some game aras
yeah my tism was not up to the challenge sadly so I went back to writing school shooter poems
Nah fam, there's a standard edition too.
It was the '80s. People didn't have standards.
Same here. Nobody deserves a sibling that retarded, or a parent that abusive. Honestly one of the main reasons why I never considered getting married and being a parent was because I feel like I wouldn't hold back if I felt the need to beat my kid as punishment.
Seems like it would be the nectar of the gods though. I picture it being slightly sweeter than normal milk. It also helps I have a food fetish with girls
I only hate old shooters
Thats true
Remind me if I ever have the misfortune of meeting this "max" to give him a boot to the head.
pic related is what really ended up fucking me up, the last boss fight wasn't too too hard, I had to use a continue on it my first time, but I beat it after that so I never had to touch that game again.
You really had to memorize which paths were easier to do. There's one point where if you pick spiderman you can skip 3 levels I think.
Welp, im getting the special edition anyway. I think it will be good.
This is a good beer. Give it a try.
Yes, well not the holo one I assume
A lot of their stuff is oc though
Why? I dont understand fetishes, man. I feel like im relatively normal with ara and impreg fetishes but could you really call those fetishes?
okay busy busy see you anons soon.
I think with at least a food fetish its kinda of normal in a primal way. Caveman provides food to cavegirl, gets pussy.
I just like seeing girls eat or have food on them, its great.
Any cute girls with short black hair?
Cya next time user
I cant even think about involving food with sex. It just sounds like a mess.
Well thats the magic of 2d. Plus I like it more as a foreplay thing anyway
I'd consider them both to be fetishes I also have
Like this?
ipas are bad
I hear a lot of talk about
But I'm not sure what a mommy gf would be like.
Even in 2d its offputting.
Fair enough.
I couldn't get any sleep yesterday. It felt like every moment I tried sleeping, something was happening and being as loud as it could. It was mostly some construction in the area combined with my dog barking whenever anyone passed by my house. Sometimes I just wanna sleep forever. It'd be like being in a coma without the life support, and anything's possible in your dreams.
A single milf?
When I was a kid I used to chew on orange rinds, so when I drink a nice, fragrant, bitter IPA, it takes me back to childhood moments.
I feel the same way swipin my mom's tits.
I had a headache last night so getting to sleep was a pain but the fever dream i had let me study math in my dream so it was worth it.
Your mom just lets you swipe at her tits?
Thats so great. Never thought about a fig as a sex toy practically.
I'll bring some pics tomorrow to prove my point, remind me
I haven't slept good in weeks because of a pulled muscle in my neck. Its driving me crazy
But does she mother you a lot or something?
Looks like a terrible Mario rom hack.
Please dont.
If you look through my pics this thread you'll see what I'm talking about. Cute girls eating cute things
Not like girls slathered in gravy or anything like that
I guess thats fine, but any kind of food on the body that isnt around the mouth is crossing the line.
Nah its good everywhere really. Just in small amounts.
Is that a real fig?
That's half the reason I check in on these threads, keep it up.
Big fan of in particular :3
I hope I get to go to a pumpkin patch this year, carving a pumpkin is one of my favorite things to do for Halloween. A shame that I can't do my favorite thing anymore explore my neighborhood at night as a young lad trick or treating
Brutal Legend, and that's because I played it with my metalhead dad who got a kick out of it.
What is that hat called that she's wearing? It's really cute.
gotta get reimbursed when she fucks up gbp based transactions
Food and feet are the best fetishes so they are even better together
Satania a cute
How goes user
The foot fetish is one of those fetishes that are ranked up there with vore and inflation. I will never understand it and its just weird.
this tbh
Why though
"Hentai vol.05 KAITENDOH Disgrace Public Toilet Akari" if you wanna see for yourself
Food is sticky
Girls feet are cute
Feet dont belong anywhere near a dick.
I don't know what the exact name of it is. I will agree with you that it's a cute hat.
I'm fine. My buddy wants to start a youtube channel with me, which would consists of us doing letsplays and shit. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I did buy a mic and everything. At least if this doesn't go anywhere I can say that I got a decent mic out of it.
All this naoto porn is making me question if chie is best girl or not. naoto would be if she showed up earlier in the game as a party member
Not a fan of footjobs because girls suck at it usually. Prefer to sniff and kiss.
That is even worse
Tbh it looks like a stylized newsie
How the hell is sexualizing a part of the female anatomy equivalent to sexualizing the act of being eaten or over eating to the point of bloating?
I think I remember you mentioning that before unless that was someone else. Whats the first game yall are doin
Theres a lot worse things in the foot fetish world than just liking the way they look and wanting to kiss them
Oddly enough, Chie is the only P4 girl that I don't have any lewds of. She's doesn't come off as interesting to me in terms of porn. Marie a shit, so she doesn't count.
Im heading to bed. Night.
Feet are one of the things that are offputting in normal porn.
Still weird.
I found something sorta like it when I looked up visor caps. Have another cute girl in said hat.
Collarbones are better
I thought we could be friends.
I thought we were friends.
How could you do this to me?
Chie has no good porn but i guess thats a good thing.
file a complaint with corporate
Cya next time fam
Also kneepits
I like all of the female form fam
Naoto is best girl though from 4 at least
At least footfags can claim brain damage
Thighs are best, very glad the thicc mayday died
This is the first time I've mentioned it here. We're starting off with random virtual novels that I've donwloaded. Might move up from there to actual serious games. Most of our stuff would just be us laughing at shitty nip writing at 4 am.
Having no good porn keeps her pure, I guess.
Earwax is where it's at.
Have you ever had your ear licked? It feels amazing. You gotta get that tongue right in the hole.
Thighs are amazing. I got to lay my head down on a cute nip girls amazing thighs while over htere
Ohhh nice. Good luck user
Did she notice your boner when you did it?
Considering we were both naked, yes she did
I was away when you got back from your nip trip. Did you manage to score with a qt nip grill?
Slept with a few. Went to soaplands
Why is this nigger not perma banned?
What is Soaplands anyway?
lmao, nice
there's a difference between appreciating the female form as a whole and especially appreciating particular parts, aside from the normal things like tits, ass, hips, and thighs, such as fucking feet.
footfags are weirdos my man
Japans silly way of getting around prostitution laws.
Get to take comfy baths with girls and "totally not have sex" because thats illegal.
What rule am I breaking?
It was pretty great. Next time I go I'm having a bigger budget for them
What makes any of those different from feet?
feet are fucking weird
it's also the fucking level of obsession that i see footfags go to is like something completely bizarre
so mods are total niggers now?
Feet have always been this weird fetish suddenly becomes much more cancerous when brought into vidya.
That could be said of any fetish though. Like those guys who like tits bigger than a girls body.
Using reaction images isn't the same as an avatar, and the mods have said as such.
You are posting shitty anime from a folder called "Ritsu". This place is garbage and it keeps getting worse. Fuck you and fuck the mods. I am going to kill Mark.
Who's he avatarfagging as?
I'm thinking of getting Blazblue Central Fiction during the halloween sale. Should I?
this ritsu nigger, this is an anonymous imageboard.
dude just filter the thread or hide it my dude
so many others before you have come in here and bitched
so unless the mods change their mind, 4am is here to stay
stop being a whiny little faggot and just hide the fucking threads when you see them like I'm sure so many others who have any amount IQ more than you have done.
Yes and post more squirrel
I am the avatarfag known as Anime apparently
I'm going to bed. see you guys next thread.
ok sure.
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
later fam
Love that underboob. Good night
Cya next time user
Did they compliment you on your massive American cock?
I crashed my motorcycle in a hit and run. It's wrecked. I'm going to sleep. I just felt like telling someone.
Better the bike than you. At least it can be repaired/replaced. Sucks to hear tho
night fam, hope tomorrows better
Ratchet and Clank took too many hours from me when I was a kid
This is the last post in the thread.
tough luck
you're in the middle of the desert near the mexican border in the 1800 wtf did you want there to be a footlocker and a jc penney?