Post the game(s) you are playing right now, your degree (if you have one) and your job (if you have one)

Post the game(s) you are playing right now, your degree (if you have one) and your job (if you have one)

Pic unrelated. There will be no bullying in this thread.

Etrian odyssey

Pic related


None. What the fuck am I doing?

Papers Please
Law and Criminal Justice

Game is pic related

I'm in college studying chemical engineering

No job but I want to start doing something because I feel guilty about my parents paying for my shit

Siege and hollow knight




layton x phoenix wright crossover
for the love of god, Maya's english VA is so fucking bad

The mummy demastered
MBA with three specializations/concentrations.
I'm a business development representative, but I'm quitting and going back to Florida. hate California so fucking much.

My gut instinct tells me that this is some kind of datamining thread.

pretty sure its just some bored user trying to see the education level of Holla Forums
NO ONE wants to data mine and cater to Holla Forums

What the fuck man
I'm playing World of Warcraft mainline servers and I'm getting a degree in computer science

Psychology made easy!

Opus Magnum
Computer engineer
Embedded systems

Shocking, I know

Pic related
In school for a Computer Programming degree.
Cell Phone Repair Technician

Currently 3 credits away from my Associate's
On medical leave because of chemotherapy treatments

The one where I get data mined by kikes
Esoteric Shitposting
Glow in the dark CIAnigger

Are you okay?

Did we browse cuckchan a little too much lately?

I see you are also luminescent under tenebrous environmental conditions, my felow african american.

How about not being a faggot?


Patrician reply my dude.


None of your business.


BA in English

elementary school teacher

Datamining Datamining Revolution

B.S. in Datamining

Information Harvester

lmao get a load of this retard. Just like take some antioxidants, faggot.


I'm sorry.

My oncologist says I'm doing remarkably better than I was back in February, I'm currently in maintenance now. To answer your question: I dunno, I might be.


That's a pretty neat game, until the shitty combat at the end.

This is literally datamining.
I'm working on my bachelors in Information Systems and Operations Management
Goddamn the trial of fool is kicking my ass.

game: shower sex simulator
degree: shower sexology and rapeology
job: Juggalo rapis- I mean romancer, owner of an influential gaming forum, and surprise shower inspector.

Just finished A Hat in Time like 5 minutes ago. I really liked it.
Master's Degree in Translation studies
Right now freelancing as a translator (translating an RPG from Russian into English among other things)


i've been working on hollowknight, i must be near the end but i keep getting bored wrapping up finding the rest of the map, i usually just go explore one unexplored area then save and quit for the session

i getcha. The game is great but the closer you get towards the end… Eh.
How many dreamers did you deport user?

American Psycho

BS in Dubsology

Checking digits

Fuck off back to >>>/cuckchan/

nice dubs


Reminder to sage all datamining threads

Don't throw stones, mate

None, none, and none.

Speak for yourself nigger
Time to leave >>>/cuckchan/

Playing good video games of course

Pot meet kettle

Fuck off and datamine someone else you shill faggot.

Someone call the cops on this mofugger

Pic related, new update is breddy gud

Currently working towards my (((JD)))

None, aint nobody got time to work and go to law school famalam

Not surprised

Security Advisor

I sincerely hope none of you is telling the truth.


warcraft 3, deus ex (gmdx), simcity 4

Your mom
your mom
your mom

PhD in economics
Investment Banking
Human lives and dwarf fortress.

Do you know what I hate about you little pussies?
I'm doing really fucked up shit to countries around the globe and you can't do a thing about it

Mechwarrior Online pls no bully
Comp sci
Hopefully software intern

You sure are bright.

But you just did earlier user

Hearts of Iron III
PhD in Fuhrerring from Ausschwitz
Your Fuhrer

Now gotta gas you


what even

Nice try, datamining shill.

Sonic 2, Computer Engineering

the game of shit threads

a diploma in calling you a fag

a job in fucking your mom

Shit thread.

Morrowind. Just got cured of corprus and learned that Caius is leaving. It makes me a little sad.
Financial analyst (what a shock).
I doubt that very much.


Recettear was disappointing.

1)OP is a faggot
2)A major in data mining
3)Checking numbers

office temp work

Seem to be really bad at your job m8