Why are German games so comfy?

Why are German games so comfy?

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A culture of quality and effort coupled with the characteristics of the German homeland.

Teutonic 'Tism.

German game devs desperately trying to preserve what remains of their culture in the only way they know how.

This isn't vidya, but it is probably one of my favorite board games. Best with four people and if you're good at fucking people over without ruining your friendship with them.

Germans are autistic.

They need as much comfyness they can get their hands on otherwise they'll invade their neighbours.


Fuck off, the subversion of fantasy elements is fucking shit and you know it.

Because they are literally not allowed to make anything else.

isn't blood literally banned from videogames in Germany?

I'm pretty sure that's just part of Germany's virtue signaling.

German games are like German humour.

Personally I think it's a counter-reaction to a highly chaotic spirit/psychology/physiology.

They're fascist government doesn't allow the portrayal of violence

I just want a good generic fantasy. Like realistic world with generic western fantasy elements and no crazy bullshit.

Dry, non-offensive, and not enjoyable?

Germans are known for making really good board games.

Many people do. But there's this thought in world-building which I feel is completely and utterly absurd. The idea you need to go and make something completely different so as not to be "generic" or "uninspired". They think that for something to be different it needs to totally abandon established western fantasy, the world of dragons, knights and demons.

To be different is exactly that, though. You can't be different and still do exactly the same as everyone else, and the less you are like them the more different you are.

yeah, so what else are they going to make? everything else is banned.

Dhimmi simulator.


Refugees can't into video game development.

Work simulation is the most uncomfy thing I can imagine. Why do Germans love that shit so much?

It's shovelware.

On the bright side, these shitty job simulators gave us those ironic ownage montages on Youtube.

Almost all vidya is work simulation veiled to various degrees.

That's a job for some people
That's a job for some people
Hunting is a job that some people have

I see your point

Here is the difference though: You can do what others have done, but make it more meaningful and of higher quality. It's like taking someone else's game and then using it as a starting point to make a better game. In terms of effort and volume of change, it could be 10% of the code in a similar amount of time (10%) and yet make it 10x better. Or 2x if we're trying to be less emphatic.

They have fun in her works i think so.

That's a job for some people
That's a job for some people
That's a job for some people

Yeah I agree

Not really what I was going for, but I guess that works too.

That's what happens when you're high in testosterone and dopamine. You play beer, drink heavy weights, and consider work as lift.

They got a simulator details autism on game design, just don't follow on games that are story-heavy or RPG-Based that doesn't include German voices or you can skip text dialogue, they fucking suck at those.



German grammar.

They're afraid

No, just nationalism.

Same reason why the Japanese are so big on Mongolian wood carvings: Escapism. When you spend half of your time working and the other half paying taxes so the welfare state can pay the Turks and the Romanians, you just wanna get away from it all.


too bad it doesnt work on modern systems. It looks much better than Patrician 4.

they are not they are shit and you are shit too

t. LARPole

There is no polish people, poland is an illegitimate country with a made up language that was created by kikes fleeing the fall of the Khazar Empire. It should be reannexed into Russia ASAP. Poles are just misguided Byelorussians.

1.big heda
3,they smart
4:culture of quality


Life is a game. Videogames are minigames.

Blood in games was actually banned in Germany in the early days.
Affected games: Soldier of Fortune II, C&C Generals, Half-Life 1, UT2k3/2k4 and some more.
Soldier of Fortune II and C&C Generals had even more drastic changes where people becomes cyborgs/robots instead and going so far to change even the story due to that. Though I am not sure if its because the publisher wanted for those games a 16+ rating instead of 18+ rating which is more strict but that also means more buyers. I don't know how it is nowadays.

Here is a German site about it, it has pictures:
Soldier of Fortune II:
C&C Generals:

For example Half-Life 1 the blood is not existent and corpses disappear after a while, some soldiers are replaced with robots. on UT2k3/UT2k4 there is only green blood. UT99 was not released in Germany.


So how about that there Clonk Planet/Endeavor/Rage and OpenClonk?

The amount of custom stuff available from CCAN was nice. I think the graphics have turned a bit muddy since Planet, but there's still something very pleasing about the series.

Pay 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000$ denbt for your chimp out, szwabs.

Anyway, the new Elex is pretty comfy when you go exploring into the hi-level area swarming with mutants that can kill you with 2 hits. You have to constantly alternate between running away and avoiding attacks to move and pick up items, when you're done you jet pack to the roof or find some other place where mutants can't get to and wait for them to calm down. That's the ultimate comfy, finding a safe heaven among swarm of snarling monsters that can't do shit.

that looks alot like Pilgrims landing from the Point lookout DLC from Fallout 3.

I used to play that in a Bar I would drink in.


Why do all countries around us call us Swabians? Szwabs, Allemanians.
Is this what top performace looks like?
Haha rekt you Prussia.

That isn't even correct in German.

You guys still salty at us for burning down Moscow?
Looks like we're gonna need 2 walls.

I know that feel, If you like it you should try the Nehrim total conversion for Oblivion , it feels like you're walking around in a volkisch countryside, maximum comfy.

[spreadsheeting, yelling and sitting in station while the enemy parks a fucking dreadnought outside the docking area for some reason intensifies]

This. Also, Treomar is fucking beautiful.

But you can be different within the scope of western fantasy. There's classic fantasy, which is a dark ages-medieval world where fairies and wizards roam the Earth, magic realms coexist with the normal one and share the same space, and magical swords sing songs and grant fortune to their bearers. There's sword and sorcery, with its heroic tales of mighty men, treacherous warlocks and abominable snake-men. There's psuedo-history, there's space opera, there's swashbuckling romanticism, there's gothic horror, there's plenty of things which fall within the scope of western fantasy. People need to stop falling back on Tolkien's work and D&D. Orcs, elfs and dwarfs are not inherent to western fantasy, nor should they be.

When did that finally get finished? I remember waiting years for that.

How do you play this without getting mad and losing all your friends?
I was pretty good at the fucking people over part but when they banded together to screw me i would always lose my shit.

on a belly of your goth slave, of course!

As much as you're still salty about Katyn.

I wonder how weird OP's friend actually was.

The guild was kinda shit
anno is still one of my favorites

gonna be needing source on the first and last though
are they city building as well?

Because germany besides the cities are comfy.

And if you want to see how comfy the cities were before the kike, see how Lübeck looks like, it's comfy as shit but still a town.

Which is the best settlers? I remember playing the demo for settlers 7 and I really liked it. Do they still make them?

Because they take pride in their work and in a simulator they don't have to deal with kike-bosses and shitskins.

Well, i guess that explains why every english poof calls a bloody jew "Russian".
Jids are jids, and they are gonna jid.


What was that low fantasy RPG set in 1500s Germany called?


there's a sequel called Enderal for Skyrim out now

Why do (presumably red-pilled) Poles hate Germans? Why do they pretend to be the good guys of ww2 when they blocked ports to Dunkirk and Agitated the German government knowing full well that if they tried anything France and Britain would declare war on them. When they actively conspired a 2nd war against Germany so they could steal more land from those "Pesky Germans". Why do Poles pretend to hate Jews when they worship a Jewish god and recently declared a dead Jewish Rabbi their King? Let us not forget that until recently Poland has been a safe haven for Jews to live for a long time.
Is it petty hatred for past conflicts or is it just a symptom of typical christcuck behavior to hate whites and white movements.

I'm Welsh/Anglo so don't waste your time assuming I'm a Kraut.

That's a hard question, maybe they just aren't cucks?

Video games are not recognized as a legitimate form or art or entertainment by the establishment in Germany, thus the video game developers in Germany are still small and somewhat stuck in the early 2000s of game making.
On top of that, because of the anti violence policy by the establishment they try to create products that are fun without being offensive.

Its German Zen meditation for people who like their work or want to do other work, which they cannot do in real live because they lack the qualification.

Because they are not Poles, but Jews pretending to be Poles.

Spotted the Ami, "white nationalism" is a purely American phenomenon

The first one is the Settlers 2 10th Anniversary remake. It's a mix between city building and RTS.

The last one is Desparados. It's a squad-based stealth game.

Settlers 2 is the pinnacle of the series.

That's false and you know it.


Shut up jew.

That's the most retarded shit I've read today, thanks.

I don't even care if they do this as long as it's well done. The problem is that it's usually half assed and not all that great.
tbh I want another Darklands style game where it's the real world but with fantasy elements that were widely believed during the time. Set in the Middle East or Northern/Eastern Europe if you want to do different stuff than the typical dragons and dwarves

Hell, give me a proper game based off the Odessy and being the smarmiest and most devious swashbuckler of the ancient world

Without roads, it’s simply not Settlers.

But 3 and 4 have roads.

There is also an open source port of Settler II called Return to the Roots or Settlers 2.5.

The Settlers 2 10th Anniversary also has and add-on and a sequel that were not released in English.

"White nationalism" is just globalism light.

Works flawlessly on WINE.

To be fair, games are becoming more mainstream in Germany, kind of on par with movies. The whole Killerspiele agenda is nowhere near as bad as it was just a few years ago. Merkel trying to suck up to the younger generation at Gamescom before the election at the very least shows that that mindset is on its way out, even if it's just politically or financially motivated.
There's also been talks about giving game developers more state support or better tax benefits or something like that. Which, personally, I'd welcome.

All of you completely forgot about DIE SIEDLER VI - Aufstieg eines Königreichs (Settlers 6 - Rise of an Empire)

My nigger, that game is incredibly niche even in Germany

White Europeans identify by nationality, not skin color. You really thought the past fifty years would be enough to erase two thousand years of bloodshed? "White" is and was always a concept embraced solely by Anglo colonial diaspora.


I read a story on a certain forum recently about a guy in prison that made a fully fledged functional copy of that game with cardboard and paper. Really want to play it but frankly I am a bit of a brainlet and I was never good at board games.

Taking a walk in the ruins in Elex after a battle is a very calming experience. Some of the music is very good ambient too.

Yeah more brother wars is definitely what we need
A german-speaking Arab should definitely be more welcome in Germany than a Pole or a Frenchman


You can avoid brother wars without mixing yourselves beyond recognition.
Look, americans can do their melting pot thing and no one says a thing, but that doesn't mean we europeans have to give up our individual natures and cultures.




I also love those amazing classics like Kehrmaschinen Simulator or Courier Simulator.

Alright, there are good games. Like Emergency… Although it got jewed since 2010. Same with Crysis and well. Still good games.

Although German games… There is a lot of shit with the occasional gold. It is very similar to the Polish videogame industry honestly.

he is right though, if everyone just calls themselves white we will evantually lose our heritage. Germans will be whites,poles will be whites,italians,french,spainiards,portugese and so on.

won retarded award prize of the thread

this honestly

how retarded one has to be to take this in?
plus, making your own meaning through images completely unrelated to what actual dialog tried to convey


I love the "Medieval Courier Simulator" also known as "Jogger simulator or "Hurdling simulator". Got bored on chapter 2 when i realized my hurdling through entire game is far from over.

reminder poles = kikes

Did you try the poopie doodoo method?

Right. The kikes fled to America though.

This map shows declared religious kikes, not ethnic ones. There's hundreds of thousands purebreed albeit secular kikes left and millions of mischlings who were nominally baptized in cucktholic church.

t. mischling

Still as bad.


Why oh why.

Mfwaah, the french.

Dunkirk is in france, retard.

Problem is to keep the cultural and ethnical properties of Europe, that was developed by white people from barbaric to current civilization, in a world rigged to destroy it because of "muh ebil whites".
A brown or black Europe is a sign of its total destruction, it would be artificial to keep its values and cultures as a non-native race and fall apart quickly look at Brazil.

the best

those aren't important like in 2 though.

Most of the changes weren't necessary. If the classification board would demand changes for a game to be rated it may be classified as some kind of censorship so the developers went postal if the certification was denied or the game was put on the index (what only means it can only be sold to adults and must not be publicly advertised). Very few games were actually banned, and the German classification boards got very lenient the last few years.

I wouldn't call this comfy. I hope there is a way to make this cart buy and sell automatically.

You're meant to set up automated trade routes that constantly pick up and drop off goods. The route can be as complex or simple as you want but it can't be changed once its set without wiping the previous route and starting a new one from scratch. There should be a button somewhere when you're selecting a trade unit like a wagon/cart that'll allow you to handle all the specifics. I can't imagine trying to handle 5-10 businesses without automating the routes, your productivity would immediately go to shit as soon as something important happened to your main characters.

Yeah I read the manual and the ingame tutorial is barebones basic. I'll reinstall and give it another go.


That's NOT a good thing. It just openes the door for more propaganda and brain-washing, CoD-style.

This. I will never understand why this is so hard for Americans to grasp.

Any game that allows teaming up is going to see some teaming up against skilled players from time to time. I find that if I'm playing with a group where I outclass them it's good to either throw a game here and there and also to be very gentle in victory and claim it was luck or whatever.

No it wasn't luck and I actually worked to not win as much as I could, but managing ego's is a healthy part of life, imho.

And having them team up on me is actually a compliment. Though I also learn how to camouflage how much ahead I am in different games.

Also you should probably never play Diplomacy. That game is brutal on people's emotions.

Wooow, this looks much more fun to explore than Oblivion. Had no idea that's what the pics were from. It does have that feel to it.

they only get used now

Probably more comfy than Germany in it's current state.

It's called


i won a game against a few friends in like nine minutes, and even when they're teamed up against you there's not much they can do against a road strategy unless they do it themselves - and most people seem to have a reluctance to follow