Losing control?
What was your favorite game to play with friends as a kid?
Losing control?
What was your favorite game to play with friends as a kid?
Other urls found in this thread:
I didnt have friends as a kid.
idk Halo or San Andreas I guess.
One shift today. Got my copy of Nights of Azure 2 in the mail a day early. Found another addition to my Tony Hawk collection. Still playing South Park.
I didn't have friends as a kid. Maybe smash or mario party, but that's it.
This. Moved around all the time when I was young.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Watched Total Recall today, the good arnie one not the faggy new one. Love how silly it is. Need to stop just rewatching old movies I already like though and start watching ones I haven't seen before.
Yugioh update tomorrow hopefully. Need a game for today though.
There's a faggy one? Also, pls watch Highlander.
I was going to add "inb4 no friends" in the OP tbh
How goes anons
Maybe I should pirate south park. How you liking it to this point now?
Tom cruise made one a few years back
It's better than the first one by far.
And Conan the Barbarian if he hasn't.
I am almost afraid to ask if you have any now.
Double Dragon 2 was the shit.
Work was pretty much the same as yesterday. I have tomorrow and wednesday off, but my friend is busy with work and uni again. Now I don't know what I wanna do with my spare time.
You don't get to bring friends.
Looked it up, barely remember it. It was Colin Farrell btw.
Went to the dmv, spent an hour and a half before realizing my dad forgot to bring money so im going back tomorrow.
Almost finished with the main story in EO5. Just have the final boss left. Damn is he hard though. He can 1 shot my team. Also killed the 1st optional boss.
I have you and the rest of thr 4am crew.
The mario party series of games. How's everyone tonight?
Ay yo whats your favorite fast food? Going to try to get the folks to get something for lunch today
How goes user
Oh. I avoid those remakes of actual good films so didn't pay attention.
Get the full test instead of the learners. Do it faggot.
I'm apparently oblivious to some extreme charisma because everyone I meet seems to have an extremely good impression of me.
Fuck knows why.
Too afraid of other drivers. The walls are magnets here.
Is there any Adult Swim shows worth watching nowadays? I wanna relieve AS's golden age but nothing comes close anymore.
Woke up about an hour ago. Pretty hungry but no clue what to make.
How goes user
What brand though? What toppings
Then why bother having a learners
So i can learn how to not get hit by drunks.
Umm, they weren't really my friends. They just worked for my parents associates, the masked employees.
Get out some more then.
What is this?
there was this power rangers fighter
department of motor vehicles, government office for driver's licenses and shit
Streets of Rage probly, but prefered single player games.
Moved a lot as a kid so went to a lot of different schools all over. I would usually attach myself to some vulnerable kid in one of my classes then through him get into his group, which tended to be the misfits and other weird kids. It wasn't because I wanted to or anything but because the prison life demanded it. Loners have a tough time. At a few schools I never made any friends so with no one to share the suffering with you were left just counting down the days till you were outta there. Fuck school. Let's start bombing them.
There was.
Can you guess what could've made world peace come true?
Homemade crembrulae.
I'm ok. Shitty day scavanging though.
No it's all sjw shit.
How do you guys find motivation for playing vidya in your backlog? I find myself looking at my game cases more than I do playing them.
When walking?
How goes anons
I'm too plain a guy who sticks to pepperoni.
Contra III, I still own that game.
Im going to church and im gonna start talking to people and volunteering. Its a start i guess.
The DMV is the place where everyone goes to do car related stuff like getting drivers licenses. Its also constantly packed to the point of waiting an hour and a half to do shit.
I was just a loner, but somehow i had 2 girlfriends in elementary so i dunno.
If everyone was dead?
When driving and walking
pretty good fam banged my workout out before 4am today
Dominos, Mod, Papa Murphy's, Papa John's. Idfk pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, sausage, green peppers, I don't know what your parent's like.
Tune out all the other shit you waste your time on. Stop browsing the internet all day long, thats usually the thing that fucks most people over from having real fun.
Favorite fast food monica
Yeah me too. All that other shit is just weird.
How goes user
Its impossible to walk anywhere where I live. You'd just get hit on windy roads.
Also, you can just not play games, or workout beforehand. The endorphins/high will make you want to try new things and you'll do other stuff as well, despite being weak as hell.
So does everyone here just do everything in the morning and go to bed at like 6 when they get home now so that they can shitpost like me?
morning everyone, maganon here. what's the good word?
I have many fond memories of Quake with the boys back in the day and carting my computer around to play Quake II multi. even went to Quakecon in Grapevine a few times
Most games in your backlog are shit and not worth playing. It's OK to move on.
Alright, got rained out bad so I'm laughing at them neofucks.
I had this one friend in middle school but I don't remember what video games I played with him.
I live in a very central place. You can walk to alot of places from here. I wouldnt though. Too paranoid.
Installed Nier on the PS4 have to play it, that's it. Also, laughing at NeoGaf.
i dunno bout anyone else but I do not like I have plans in the evening ';_;
Fastest way to ruin pizza.
Also whats mod
What kind of workouts?
Nah I wake up either at like 11pm the night before or sometimes at 3am or so. Depends.
How goes mag user
just dick pushups
This is the only good taste you have about pizza. Green peppers are awful on pizza.
I'm fine, I think.
Was nice and comfy rain here today too. Can't wait for snow season.
How goes user
How many niggers are in the part of commiefornia you live?
Green peppers, olives, and onions are just so nasty on pizza and my parents always get those. Hate it so much.
Pretty sure we've had this exact conversation before tbh
shit is good ritsu. working on the halloween issue and my publisher has me shooting video stuff all the time. it's cool and tonight's shoot went really good but its hard to switch from being really social and on camera to doing my usual editing work in the neetcave
I really like the rule34 coming out of Nier. hope the game can measure up
agreed. jalapenos are the only good pizza pepper imo
Fuck the new TF2 update
Never played it what happened.
those red pepper flakes tho
West coast thing.
Rain ain't comfy here if you get caught in it. If you're in the wrong place you'll be knee-waist deep in water or the road will disappear.
wat wat
Say that to my face and see what happens
How goes user
Nice job, faggot.
Nice steal stand-up guy.
I would say a good 45% give or take 5% depending if you're north or south. Some places its almost completely white, others completely black. My church is 95% white except for the arab family, my old one had 1 really nice black family. The blacks across from me moved out and a white family moved in so i think its getting whiter.
Where the fuck do you live
I try my best
where I am it doesn't even feel like fall yet. shitty and humid. definitely ready for snow and a /comfy days indoors
good point. those are essential
we're doing readings of stories from the mag and also podcast kind of stuff. tonight we shot a game of call of cthulhu
I went to a competitive video game venue today. I got roped into playing that f2p smash clone on steam and apparently I'm decent at it.
One thing i will say is that the old black people are really friendly and nice to be aroundn especially if they have a southern accent.
How close are you to the ghettos where all the shootings happen though
Ohhh thats weird. Seems like a good way to modernize magazinese though
Make any friends?
Bumfuck nowhere. My only connection to the outside world is a phone/internet line that runs through a 50 some odd year old pipe for 20-30 miles.
I've always wanted a competitve vidya venue, but I feel like nowadays it'd be filled with faggots and people who can't get good.
But can you tell me which games are shit and not worth playing?
oh, what's that f2p one called? It's made by the project M people I think. Is it out or just a demo sort of thing.
Here's your (you) ritsu
yeah I think it's a good idea. not used to being on camera tho. it's intense.
do you have a cool landscape to walk around in or good animals like coyotes / deer? pic related
Old niggers still know their place. In some parts of the south even the younger niggers will look down when whiteys walk by.
There arent alot of shootings here, at least not often. But im far away from the true ghettos. There was a drive by right infront of my old house like 2 months after we moved.
I'm hyped for Super Mario Odyssey and I don't care if that's viewed negatively.
I'm happy.
More than likely. If you listed your backlog I could help you skim the fat.
I got hyped for EO5 and persona 5 and they both turned out good but EO5xs translation is a bit suspicious
For all intent and purpose I'm as about isolate as that.
I shot a deer one year while shitposting. That is how isolated I am.
I'd be hype, I just didn't see a reason to buy a wii u and I don't see a reason to buy a switch. It's going to be the same thing, a handful of nice games isn't worth the price. Even thought Odyssey does look particularly nice.
Yeah I think I'd go crazy doing that. I have no problem talking to people but cameras drive me crazy.
Wew did you move out the next day?
How goes ROB
They spent 1 1/2 years "making" a huge update for TF2, but in the end it was a cash grab with almost 10% of the work actually being done by valve. The rest being community made maps etc. And thats just fine if it was a month old update. But this took way too long to come out. None of the maps worked and had glitches everywhere. It's as if they did 0 playtesting at all.
TL;DR: Money money money money money
You cant beat her and you know it
I am excited for ace combat 7 and MonHun WURL even though Holla Forumsee says it's going to be shit.
It's coming to PC, so it's no longer on the abhorrent game consoles it was on before.
No, we moved away and then the drive by happened. That street turned into a complete ghetto after we movedn before it was atleast driveby free.
I thought you might've seen my backlog from last thread, but sure I'll post it again.
Hats again?
You can skip half life 1 and 2, they are both shit.
Honestly didn't play much competitively or cooperatively with the friends I'd had back then. Didn't have much vidya anyhow at the time either. We'd usually play with lego or something instead.
Assuming you've played the first as well, tell us how the NoA2 compares.
Not really, though if you want to see the final episode of ATHF, you'll have to find it online anyhow as William's Street or whoever cancelled them before they could air it on TV.
Seems comfy. You near the rockies?
Shes cute and I like a girl who cooks but she doesn't have a lot going on.
No, but I guess I'm making progress at least.
Other than one guy who was there in charmander pajamas this week, it's been very bearable.
I was actually talking about Brawlhalla.
Way more north, besides that Wyoming a shit state but better than N.Dakota.
Lived most of my life in those mountains.
Jet Set Radio is shit too. Shills were invading and pushing it for a time due to some re-release.
How goes user
Yeah keep it up. Maybe you'll bump into another autist there and become bffs
I think there's more to it than just nice games that justifies the price for me. I've enjoyed my Switch since I bought it, and I never regretted my Wii U purchase back five years ago.
Fine, but I've had indigestion for the last two days.
AC5 is fun but you may not like it. Hit and Run didn't leave so much of an impression on me. Prime can be skipped, but the design is nice.
Postal 2 you'll drop eventually and never touch again.
Hl1/2 can honestly be skipped, but feel free to go through them as advencha shootahs.
Nude Vaginas is the only good game ever published by bethesda.
Rest are up to your discretion.
Montana is fine…I think.
if you wrote that up I would publish it. the norman mailer of shitposting.
not joking e-mail me for real e d i t o r @ daggermag.com (no spaces)
so if you play TF2 … can you tell me if it was ever actually funny? I know eric from OMM worked on it at one point writing but I never dug too deep.
you're wrong, Jet Set Radio rules
Also Crazy Taxi is a great game to play with friends
Not even, They're trying to sell weapon paints. 3 dollars for a battle scared normal quality shit wep. Update was just an excuse to milk the game for every ounce.
That was like 10 years ago, i drove by recently and it got much worse. It was a really nice house too, it had like 3 yards and everything. But the worst part is the graffiti like a half mile away that is, and im not joking, "diversity" written in rainbow colors.
Stop that blatant datamining (you)
What you been eating?
At least they are honest about it
Jesus. This is why I stick with single player games.
I made a bit of OC, but I don't think anyone cared much for it.
I have a hard time starting new games up, but I can usually stick with them until I'm finished. Taking week or two breaks though doesn't help matters. Trying to decide what to start next though, that's the real issue I have. Some would argue to just delete all the shit that isn't of interest to you now and play things as they interest you, but while piracy is always liable to exist, sometimes it can be hard to acquire certain game files further down the road.
I would hope most people do a bit of research before downloading/buying games, but the amount of "Just got X, what am I in for?" tier threads I've seen over the years tells me that doesn't happen often enough.
you mean when it was free on steam?
as far as the wii u goes the only things I really wanted were bayo 2, w101, super mario 3d world/land whatever, which I heard didn't even up being very good and probably a few other things.
as far a the switch I still don't know, was that mario rabbids game any good? seems odd and unique and interesting all at the same time. BOTW seems cool too. But you're looking at 250+ for the system then 50 a pop per game just seems like a waste to me. Like, I could afford it but I also don't want to waste money when I still have a ton of stuff I can play on emulators for free. idk, I always get like this with new consoles.
Fuck off botnet
The main liberal street is kinda terrifying to walk down. Its like maybe a quarter mile long and its all built up and nice, but it just ends and behind all of it is really really old pre 70's building and it looks like you're walking into the jetsons. Its kinda surreal.
Pls show the OC I won't mind.
Mario rabbids, as much as i dont wanna say it, was good. Very good. I hate the concept but it kinda works.
Yeah, maybe. Thanks Ritsu.
Not much to say about it, how much you want written because it would be a five line blerb at best.
Its nothing but mountains and a bunch of plains.
what did he mean by this
Isn't it just a dumbed down kid friendly version of shit like xcom?
No problem famalam
Since you got trips.
Not bad. Showed up late because I was cleaning the floors at my place. Probably going to need to vacuum my room tomorrow; don't feel like doing more tonight, but I've been waking up with my nose all plugged up from dust.
I asked what I was in for with AC5 a few days ago in these threads.
I'm over in appalachia. Couldn't live without my comfy mountains
I need to vacuum and dust my room sometime but moving everything is such a bitch
Shooting while shitposting is best. I like to setup a projector on my property watch movies on the side of my warehouse while shooting and shitposting.
Pretty proud that I got all of my work done for the month before Halloween but will probably still hear "you ruined my Halloween" from someone that waited till the last minute.
You know those really old 50's style 'futuristic' designs for signs they had a long time ago? All the buildings are like that.
I can work with a five line blurb I mean it works as just "shot a deer while shitposting too" I just want you to describe how it feels to take a life while brutally dominating /v (or whatever)
probably that the jetsons are all white with no imperfections in sight
jeez, that's class. only fags post in those "show your set up" threads I guess
This happens?
Stuff like this
I'll give it some thought, I've got nothing to do for the week.
I would advise you to do some research yourself, ask in threads before picking games up, etc. I always try to do a minimum of investigating games before buying anything. Still worth taking whatever's said with a grain of salt, be it positive or negative for a game.
That said, I've heard good things about the PS2 Ace Combat trilogy myself. Haven't picked them up though as flight sims aren't my thing.
I don't really bother with moving stuff, but my room's a dust magnet and it stays pretty hot here most of the year, which makes me not want to heat my room up any more than it already is with a vacuum venting heat.
Now I want a greasy diner burger.
My room is absolutely stuffed with all the shit I collect so you can barely walk around.
And yeah my room is always a furnace because of all my electronics going in a tiny room.
Reminded me I was wanting an excuse to repost this sometime.
Shame none of the diners here are cozy, nor do they agree with me.
I never get a reply in those threads.
It does in certain businesses.
Where you live they probably have steak n shake and that is essentally the modern version of one of those diners.
Im thinking of going to one soon just to see if its any good.
(you) fuck off.
awesome man
probably scared you'll pick em off
Question for you, as I never bother with battlestation threads and the like: Do they tend to get hit with swarms ">buying [X]; Fuck off" posters the way Recent Purchases threads do?
The Ace Combat games aren't really simulators. Ace Combat is more focused on action. The controls are really good. I don't really like flyan games either because of the boring tedious simulator aspects that autists like, "huhuh I died on take off again I'm having so much fun", but the PS2 AC games are must plays imo.
Steak and shake is pretty overpriced though
Those are decent mountains, one hell of a trail though.
Its fairly reasonable compared to other places.
My biggest fear about starting new threads is that I'll be spoiled any decent plot twists the game has. Also I went into AC5 thinking it'd be like Starfox 64. How wrong was I?
Super Mario 3D World was a great Mario title. The only people who hated it were those who were looking for a Super Mario Galaxy followup, which 3D World wasn't meant to be, nor did it ever advertise itself as such.
Essentially, it follows up on 3D Land by providing all the space and exploration found in 3D Mario titles while offering familiar linear gameplay with 4P multiplayer which was an absolute blast when you actually had 4 people playing with you. On top of which, the game got blisteringly hard once you unlock the post-story worlds which include Champion's Road, which is the hardest official Mario level I've ever played.
Super Mario 3D World was an awesome game.
If I ever want to get away from society I'll hike the trail I think. Seems comfy.
God I'm hungry
It is my experience that this is pretty much standard for any thread where you want to share your loot or collection.
I feel you ritsu. Gotta wait for the grocery store to open tomorrow because I got nothing in the house. I hate going to sleep hungry
Night anons.
Like literally nothing at all?
My mum is a hoarder so I always have a ton of food in the house. Get really sick of canned stuff though.
Cya next time user
I gotta keep all my snacks hidden so my mother and sister don't try to eat my food themselves.
I suppose. Still not my sort of thing though. Do remember helping some old man at a store out here find if they had any Ace Combats; apparently he'd taken up those games to relive war days, or something. They had AC0 on a shelf he couldn't reach or see. Wonder if he liked it.
A valid point about how little, even things anons like, are held sacred, and you'll readily get people that consider ANYTHING a few years old to have been played by everyone and any major events to be "Aeris dies" tier known by now. Not real sure how the vibe of Ace Combat threads here are anyhow, whether they're comfy and polite or shitposty.
I never make threads myself; always just wait for someone else to have clear interest in what I want to discuss instead of making threads that'll just rot in the catalog.
Yeah, part of why I stopped posting images, or even updating the photos, of my shelfs in the buyfag threads. Used to like seeing how other people had things set up, make recommendations off what they had, etc, but no one really posts their shelves anymore. Maybe for the best.
You should see if there's a Winco around you. That place is a 24 hour grocery store. Comfy shopping for food at night when few other shoppers are there.
Thats pretty sad. Luckily my folks never eat any food they buy specifically for me
Might have something by the end of the month.
I have Ivan's hide the hard hard liquor from me.
night dude
yeah it's totally bare. ate the last ramen packet for breakfast.
yeah no luck I'm afraid… I live in NYC and the 24 hour places around me are all rip offs. I used to live in Texas tho and late night shopping at HEB was extremely good
it's cool man no deadline. halloween issue will be out early next week online but there's a new print coming out soon. shoot me an email if you need help teasing out the piece
I've made it, boys. Livin' the life.
Pokemon Fire Red.
You finally became NEET?
And how could you let it get that bad.
How goes user
I think I got a pretty good idea on what to crank out. Picture kinda related, I just need to browse the forest to see if the fun stuff is lying about.
payin for my sins user
I don't take good care of myself at all. at least I'm sleeping every morning now and not staying up for 2-3 days between crashes
You on drugs son?
I think I'm gonna go to bed. See you next thread.
bonus (you)
im gettin excited
Cya next time lewd user
Which ones
night user. sleep well and thanks for the lewd
whatever I can get my hands on basically. I like downs and psychedelics the most and generally hate speed because it makes me dumb
I gotta turn in tho… gnight everybody + ritsu
Not sure why it surprises me at this point.
Cya next time user, cut the drugs
Goldeneye I think? Though me and my cousin used to play Morrowind all the time together. We'd drag two t.v's together in his living room and play side by side and give each other tips on things to do, since there were no quest markers or anything like that back then.
Hope you are all ready for Halloween. Time for sleep. later anons
/a/ is the opposite of Holla Forums, and while they retain quality, they're also shit in their own way.
Time for sleep.
Cya too user
how the fuck do you fall asleep when still on caffeine i have important shit and I need to sleep but I can't
Stop thinking about sleep while sleeping, read a book, eat a turkey sandwich.