Destiny 2 has lost 78% of its playerbase in 6 weeks, ten times faster than Battleborn or The Division
Is this what kills Bungie? remember:
Destiny 2 has lost 78% of its playerbase in 6 weeks, ten times faster than Battleborn or The Division
Is this what kills Bungie? remember:
Other urls found in this thread:
This tasty meal would be better with some sauce.
fake news
inb4 that one Overcuck faggot spams the thread with "ALL MMOS FAIL IT'S BUSINESS AS USUAL STOP CELEBRATING" while desperately trying to fit in.
I ain't gonna join in on the memeing until you provide proof
Numbers seem to vary between websites, but yeah its basically 2-2.5 million drop in players.
But how do you fuck up this badly? What did they do?
Did you read the OP?
thank you
Did you read the OP?
Also, Destiny is the shittiest new franchise since Halo with pretty much nothing being done right.
I get it, schadenfreude, failing games, it's like catnip for Holla Forums. But do we really need repeated threads for the same exact news?
Have we started the fire?
Yes, the fumes rise.
Pretty sure this game started development way before Warframe ever did, which just makes it more pathetic really.
The fire is rising.
The really sad part is Grindframe still has more content.
So does my dick
And by "this game" I mean Destiny in general btw
There's already a thread on this exact topic of why this is such a dumpster fire. You should be asking why there's another thread for this shit game.
In actuality the OP of this thread doesn't really explain just how fucked the actual game is when it comes to content. That is what is really making people drop the game in huge waves like how you see in the graph. I don't know how you can fuck up a casual FPS, but they did it.
I'm just happy I didn't buy it. I'll be sticking to the original Destiny until they get their shit together.
It'd be nice to think that way, but I doubt it. I think it's a side-effect of all these microtransactions. People get invested into a single popular title, and because they've sunk so much time (progression) and money into, it's hard to just walk away and start all over again on a new title. Even if a game sells well initially, if it can't retain the playerbase, it's going to fail - and that's pretty much what's happening. People bought D2 because they liked D1, but then ended up going back to D1 or Overwatch because that's where their money and time is devoted - and D2 just wasn't good enough to keep them playing.
It's almost like the early 2000's all over again, where everybody was racing to make their own MMO with a subscription fee - and only a very few succeeded because FFXI/EQ and later WoW sucked up all the players. Eventually they had to start releasing that shit as free to play just to get customers to try their games.
You'll probably see the same thing with FPS games too in the next few years if you keep seeing bombs like Lawbreakers and Battlestillborn.
I say go back to >>>/reddit/
Western vidya crash when?
Then you kind of have shit taste, you jack ass.
post spider porn
So many games are encountering this problem. Its interesting.
There is nothing wrong with reddit or being from reddit.(DOWNVOTED)
Do NOT lewd magical heresy spider Kumoko chan!
do it before I rape her right in the spinneret
Good thing EA cancelled their single player only game written by the lady who did some of the legacy of kain games to make a star wars skinned Destiny game. EA always makes the best business decisions.
You know, it's a funny thing. I finally have assloads of cash, and yet there is not a single videogame I want. I just keep replaying older games that came out over the past decade, since everything lately is just so shit. I don't even want them for free.
There is, being homosexual is bad
Could be, but it is always good to see people squirm.
Bring on the fall, make them suffer
What a huge fuck up
Reddit is a shitty site for shitty people, but post-TTK destiny was actually good.
2 is shit.
Kill yourself, queer. You have to go back.
step it up destiny
no it wasn't, go with your boyfriend there
doing gods work, user
Feels good all those people saying warframe would curbstomp it were right.
Recession or smaller scale crashes maybe, but don't hold your breath for the Big One. That's not going to happen, there are too many people throwing their dollars away without sense at shiny things for it to happen.
What a qt.
Dance thread lads
And? I honestly don't understand why people keep acting like playercount matters. Do you think the devs give a shit if the game is dead? No, they don't give a single fuck about the game, which is why pre-orders are such a big thing. They make their money before the game is even launched, with more money coming in the week of launch. After that, it doesn't matter.
Remember when they said they had a 10 year plan for this wreck.
CIA intensifies.jpg
If I don't buy lootboxes will it die?
Notch btfo.
It's like they learned nothing from the first game
It would be extremely expensive
I don't think the western market will just die but I think we are going to see them go to shit for a while and maybe lose 1 or 2 big publishers. The big guys who survive and stay big will only do it by radically changing how they do everything. The indie devs now will be the ones making the big name games in a 3-5 years. It won't be the arty "experience" ones either those games are so shit they've already killed 2 studios. Even the asshats who kicked it off with gone home had their 2nd game be a massive failure after like 5 years of development.
You're a big publisher
I never followed Destiny until now, but since when did Blizzard talk about Non-Blizzard-made games from Activision? I'm a little disappointed in seeing this as a former Blizzardfag tbh.
what are the odds of them stopping giving the numbers because they dont really matter?
have a (you)
Destiny 2 is the first non-blizzard game to be exclusive to blizzard's launcher. Activision is going to push for that thing to be store front just like bethesda and epic have done recently.
Go back to your high IQ dungeon
What has Bethesda done? I know Epic's trying to push for their launcher, but I've never heard of any Bethesda launcher.
Th…this is really disappointing to hear. Fuck Bobby Kotick.
Bethesda has their own launcher as well they just aren't complete idiots and also continue selling stuff on steam. I do not know if buying a game off of steam results in needing to launch the launcher than the game like Ubisoft's shit though.
Oh shit nigger what are you doing
Imagine taking everything interesting you could do with an FPS game and throwing all that shit out the window so your FPS is the same as an MMO. Meaning you shoot at them and they shoot back and that's it, no cover system no type of enemy that requires any type of special actions to beat nothing just sitting there shooting and spamming a cool down ability every now and then. That's Destiny's gameplay
They're more likely going to get absorbed by a bigger company, but that's quibbling and splitting hair since most companies that gets absorbed in that fashion rarely survives in the process anyway. Ie Vivendi trying to buy Ubisoft.
Honestly I hope so, dust to dust, ash to ash. By that I mean this whole vidya thing was started by either hardcore hobbyist, garage startups or someone with like minded friends who went on board with no plan and formed a mid level company. Big guys brought nothing but wreckage, especially the current era vidya industry desperation to suck hollywood cock with the whole "cinematic experience" bullshit.
Thank god. Their tears metaphorically lubes and stiffens my ragecock for the cancer in this hobby.
What's that? "Lewd Kumoko-chan" you said?
smh tbh fam
Kumoko is best spoder.
Trapped in an RPG by an actual autist, and from the mobs perspective.
Were it not for the laws of this land i would kill you.
What a slut.
Steam's really the only big guy here lets be honest.
If I bought from GoG would steam die?
It would be extremely irrelevant
If you didn't sell your game on Steam would it hurt your wallet? the answer to both is it would be extremely painful
Just because they aren't major competition doesn't mean they aren't competition. For old re-released titles, people can either choose between the meme of having a "le epic 1k+ Steam library xDDD" and struggling to actually play their games due to compatibility and DRM issues, or they can choose to download a standalone offline installer that will actually work, and that they can share if they have any IRL friends.
That is two clearly difference choices for what is essentially the same product. That is competition.
Forgot to sage. Fuck Destiny and Fuck Bungie for still-birthing this cancerous bullshit into the industry. Though they may be doing everyone a favor by slowly killing themselves, they still deserve to be dead.
Yeah I stopped buying old shit off of steam once I found out about GoG. Now I stopped buying anything off of steam that is offered. With AAA being the way it is now that actually means I do not buy that much shit off of steam anymore.
If you want to argue semantics sure. But really the choices of Steam will influence the industry more than GoG ever will. They're a monopoly function but not in term as well. Making up over 90% of all online vidya transactions. What "effective" competition is there against steam? And where are you going to make money for your game if you want to sell it elsewhere? There's likely not enough people on GoG alone to make up for the finances that would have gone into it.
damage control shill detected
ahahahaha don't hold your breath you dumbass
got any sauce for that my man?
holy fuck, these feels. I'm the same except I don't have money. poor as fuck and always thinking that if I ever did better I would be sitting there going "I don't really fucking want anything"
you mean "what a huge cuck up"
crazy right? I can't imagine what they're smoking.
warframe is shit in my opinion simply because it's a game where you grind forever to get stuff to grind more with. it's boring, but it's still a better game than destiny, or 2.
damage control shill detected
Spider vaginas are weird, though.
no more future microtransactions. they wont make back the 500 gorrilion they spent on production.
even normalfags are dropping off this made-for-normalfag game like flies near citronella and you have the bazoombles to imply that normalfags haven't awoken from their slumber of stupidity enough to make a difference?
you are a shill, kiss your own ass and apologize for being dishonest.
That's what makes it hot.
Fuck your whore mother who never bothered to teach you how to read. Go look at my IDs and posting in this thread.
Chug bleach you illiterate moron of a nigglet.
it's crafty, i'll give them that.
Normalfags will still spend money on shit like Destiny 2 and the upcoming Call of Duty (with or without the implied rape being removed and Black Nazis). Sadly, people are still buying and supporting Social Justice Watch.
Don't spider vaginas have DRM that prevent any other species of spiders to mate with them?
No. you should apologize for being a high octane maximum turbo cunt. you're basically trying to shill by tricking people into not thinking that it's happening, even with normalfags.
it IS happening and normalfags are sick of your shilly bullshit.
fuck all of these in particular.
responsible for xbox one/kinect/windows10, part of prism, ruining halo, taking over minecraft, xbox online shop overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago)
helps the nsa backdoor everyone's computers along with microsoft
ask Holla Forums (unless they ban you instantly for no reason at all for talking about Holla Forumsnology just like /a/ for talking about /a/nime)
forcibly inserted into many different linux operating systems that would otherwise be 8/10 as some kind of linux coup.
responsible for iphones, part of prism
took over and discontinued countless video game companies, microtransactions, dlc, season passes, full of sjw's who claim sexism and muhsoggyknees because people don't buy the game when really the reason is because the game is broken and low quality and they don't want to take responsibility for that.
gives ea whatever they want. ruined knights of the old republic, ruined every mass effect after ME1
responsible for battlefield
does similar things to ea and activision
microtransactions, dlc, some of the first people to release the cancer of microtransactions and dlc into the video game world.
responsible for leaving microsoft because they didn't like what they were doing to halo, and then doing the same things as them by making destiny
really dumb customer support, not a whole lot of good games, added paid online to ps4, online shop overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago)
very small amount of games worth playing not counting old eshop titles, added paid online to the switch, eshop is overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago), eshop lacking some of the best old titles from n64, gamecube, and so on. infuriating artificial difficulty in some games.
responsible for gta5, microtransactions, dlc, shark cards
responsible for skyrim, fallout 4, (what else did they make? it's so shitty I can't remember)
microtransactions, dlc, digital rights management hell, always online, get banned and lose everything you paid for
responsible for borderlands2, microtransactions, dlc, season passes
To add to OP:
Destiny 1 let you pick tweaks to your subclass. You could mix and match them to find what you liked. Destiny 2 puts them in two trees and tells you to pick one or the other. You also get to pick between 3 jumps, 3 grenades and 2 versions of the class's ability. There's not much to pick and some subclasses are just boring.
Destiny 1's guns had random modifiers on them. You could grind guns and find one with modifiers you liked, and use that. In Destiny 2 the modifiers are fixed.
Every week you're given the following tasks: Do some random missions on one planet for about 10 minutes, do the Nightfall, play about 5 or 6 matches of PvP, do the raid. This could be done in a day or two, and that's why people do it in a day or two and fuck off until next Tuesday.
That's Trials of the Nine, a weekly event that runs from Friday through the weekend. It's the mode full of MLG pro tryhards. People with the glitched emote have been offering to boost people through it for money. There have also been people trying to get wins through lag switches and DDoSing the competitors. To Bungie's credit they banned the DDoSers for the two weeks Trials won't be on.
Disabling Trials is a big blow to the game. Most Destiny 2 streamers play it because it's the PvP eSports mode. They're removing it until November, so expect those player numbers to plummet further. You'd think they would just disable that particular emote while in Trials.
D2's boxes don't require keys. You cash in your tokens and get a box that gives you something shit, or you find boxes and you give them to the blue guy and he gives you something shit. Cosmetic boxes are separate, and are the only ones you can buy with real money. They drop commonly enough that if you buy them you're dumber than the average Destiny 2 player. One of the best things I can say about Destiny 2 is that the microtransactions aren't as bad as other games, which shows the sad state AAA gaming is in.
Basically they made an MMO that is pretty quick to beat
And there is little to no replayabillity
normalfags have changed their spending habits drastically. I know people who are raging normalfags have purchased new consoles and then massively slowed down and scaled back their plans because of their insanely high disappointment rate with basically all consoles, AND steam, and most if not all new games regardless of their platforms.
Yeah my brother went from buying everyiteration of all sports games every year to not buying any at all. Now he plays stuff like Bloodborne and NiOh. He really likes Destiny 2 though.
Hey fuckface. There are still a lot of normalfags who throw their money into shiny things without basic research. There are still people bought NMS despite the gameplay video leak. There are still normalfags who do preorder, who does day1 buy. And don't even try to deflect with everything else you threw up because you realized you had a retard moment and you keep doubling down instead.
I cut Steam out of my life a year ago after getting fed up with Gaben and Dota 2 (one of my better life decisions). I gave up on consoles and even PC games unless something really sticks out. It's sad seeing how Freemium games like Dark Summoner, Unison League, and King's Raid feel more like legit games than console shit like MvCI, D2, and whatever else is out there (that said, the King's Raid developers are going back to censoring their game to cater to Sjws who bitched about the tits in the past. Fuck the Korean developers).
As happy as I am knowing Dota and Lol are taking hits, Social Justice Watch isn't going to die anytime soon. People will still play and support that sjw-pandering piece of shit game. You will still have normalfags buy that shit and other games like Injustass 2. MvCI and SFV being failures, and normalfags waking up to Capcom and the FGC's bullshit give me a little glimmer of hope (Not much though).
They also bought Injustass 2 not knowing about Ed Boon and WB Game's pandering to Sjws and other sleazy practices.
I am going to penetrate you
Yeah MvCI looks like hot garbage. If more than a few heads rolled because of it and the disgusting e-sports push, it can only do good in the long run.
Jesus fuck. Even after seeing the shitty character models in that game?
Activision-user here, m8, and OP is full of shit in most cases as usual. Let's take a walk
Untrue. You can replay a pool of campaign missions that rotate randomly by talking to that negress in the tower
What the fuck are you on about, m8? You mean the loot crate MTX shit? You get a free one every time you level up in game and damn near everything in them is entirely cosmetic. They're also hugely profitable.
Sort of. They were patched out of the game almost immediately after bungo found out about the glitch. Word on the grapevine is the people publicly abusing it in PVP are going to have their progress reset :^) Not our call though, bungie does that shit
Total bullshit. The game's been out for what, a month and a half? Seasonal events and sparrow racing and shit are what htye meant. Just be patient.
Not really true; at least not as much as these doomsaying threads are saying. Numbers dropped off, sure, but they crushed the original Destiny's numbers and are in line with our expectations. Millions of people are still logging in and playing and 3rd party sites don't pull from our official data, so they're about as accurate as VGChartz.
Nope! Sold 2x more last I saw the internals. Game was profitable before it even launched. the marketing guys upstairs were jerking off over their bonuses, too
more bs. $500m was the initial cosst for the franchise; so that's Destiny 1, 2, 3, 4, and whatever the fuck else.
I like 'shit's burning' threads as much as the next user, but not when it's all made up. I'm sorry m8s, the normalfags fucking love destiny and it's super popular and making us tons of cash. Especially when the pc version is launching next week
Thank you, mods. You are truly our greatest ally and G-d's Chosen.
Hey shill, since we've got you here, can you answer what they meant when they said Destiny was going to be a ten year game?
Legitimately asking here?
How much do you get being a shill and how did you get the Job?
It means they want it to be a 10 year franchise like CoD used to be before they ruined it. Something that provides a regular source of income to make the shareholders happy.
m8, do you actually think we care about a low traffic board like 8ch? I'm browsing this shit at home and IT blocked it at the office. Not even the marketing and PR guys use it. We might pay some third party firm to astroturf it, but they're the cunts that stick out and use the same pictures everywhere
Is this a form of propaganda?
If you're actually from Activision put the Nightfall modifiers on the Meditations. It would make them actually fun.
Do it. Do it to him in the missionary position
with hand holding and for the sole purpose
of procreation
Is it though? Because they seemed to be talking as recently as last year as if there would only be Destiny, not Destiny 2/3/4/5
To be fair there is a few people who autistically screech about this place of 2-3000
Again, normalfags who bought it know little or nothing about the sjw-pandering and other shit Boon, NRS, and WB Games did. If it's consolidation, a furfag who is great at fighting games pushed a lot of people away from Injustass 2 after ruining tourneys with Deadshot and other top-tiers (Boon and NRS made half of the disc-locked characters must haves if you want to be competitive). Ed Boon fucking a patch, and making PS4 players wait for Raiden while XBox owners got him hurt the game too.
What the fuck do you want me to say? I'm an user that works for Activision. I'm not putting on a tripcode.
We don't do any development - that's all Bungie. Go ask them.
The fact that there's a big, fat '2' on Destiny 2's box should be your answer, user.
We move millions of units, user. We're not an indie shop. When you're a big pub like us, EA, or Ubi, you go for mass saturation with shitholes like neogaf, leddit, and other normalfag-friendly sites.
So the new shill tactic is to literally announce yourself as a shill and then pretend you're totally not a shill, just an honest good ol' down to earth employee, but make sure to buy our game.
I know, I suppose it's more of a political thing in terms of Autistic screeching
That said people are getting more pessimistic about games, and you're starting to see a decline in sales
You still make lots of money but notice as how WW2 won't sell as good as BO3, or how Destiny 2 will sell worse than Destiny
I don't give a flying fuck if you buy the game or not. Pointing out that OP sucks dicks and is 80% wrong doesn't make me a shill, you mouthbreathing cumstain.
It's less people getting pessimistic and more vidya going the route of hollywood with endless sequels, shitty games made by people who are trying to play the market, and all of that. Only difference is hollywood is about 5-6 years ahead of vidya in terms of trends.
And yeah, there's a lot of concern about the new CoD. If it doesn't sell or turns out to be another IW, expect some shit to happen.
I wouldn't know, I didn't buy it.
It's already a bit of a mess, with NatSoc Icronography not in for some reason meaning the "Nazis" aren't even Nazis and then this game shows Hitler had Black Whymyn in his Ranks
Of course you are not a shill, fellow ledditor, we are just talking about how Destiny 2™ will be the best game in the Destiny™ Series™ made by Activision™.
Played over a thousand hours in Destiny 1 and I haven't even finished the story on my 3rd character in D2 yet. This game is so boring at least Destiny 1 kept giving me a carrot to chase whether it be Thorn, gally or one of the sniper rifles modeled like shotguns. I'm about to go back to GTA V because at least I have shit to work towards with that grindfest.
Ayy at least there haven't been Division glitches like noclip-flying glitches just by going on a ladder. I will say I haven't had to deal with too much in the way of glitches I have had the infinite death glitch happen in the raid though. Still got my rewards, though.
That's hilarious. I don't really care about CoD so I haven't looked at it, but I heard some of that stuff from a guy across the floor that works on trailer footage. Expect us to cuck out on it and have the game start with a 'we don't condone hatred' message or something.
Are there any quality lewds of that spider? I want quality lewds of that spider.
I'll take the bait. Is there any plan to move Destiny to an M rating? This game could be so much better if we could see a queen tiddy or more than just a pint of blood or even the word heck.
Also how do you feel about the absolute dearth of quality porn for this game?
Doubt it, user. Bungie controls that. I think we offered but they declined. No idea. I don't deal with that ratings shit.
And remember m8, they're in Seattle. SJW and cuck capital of the west coast after san fran. If they show a tit, it'll be from some eskimo otherkin tranny in a wheelchair or something.
Don't care about the lack of destiny porn. Feels too much like work coming home with me. I'll stick to brazzers and SFM overwatch porn, thanks
I'll ensure to kiss him and tell him how much I love him while I'm gently caressing his head after we've finished.
Disgusting but not surprised at this point.
Does that mean Amy Schumer will be doing mocap for D3? If you really do work for activision, tell the marketing people that Schumer is a viral hit with normalfaggots and Bungie should definitely feature her in the next game as a prominent character or VA. Stunt casting like that certainly worked great for andromeda. Honest injun, it will make the game an even bigger blockbuster. And get Leslie Jones in there too.
I think Bungie does their own mocap, user. DOn't know and don't work with them, really.
And activision might be evil, but we're not fucking idiots. If we can make money withs omething, we will. EA are the big virtue signalling cunts.
Bungie died way back when microsoft bought it
Uh user, Bungie isn't owned by MS. They bought themselves back like Acti did from Vivendi.
And they died back when they were bought by Microsoft.
wait, they only sold around a total of 4 million copies of the game? thats pathetic for this type of game, this is the type of sales obscure niche japanese titles celebrate.
for perspective, senran kagura peach beach splash sold around 2 million copies.
(Checked) for quads of truth
God damnit.
>implying Rhino Prime isn't getting all the pussy and boipussy instead of that ugly fuck
At least you were right about him being a faggot. He can't even punch shit anymore.
Is Warframe mostly futa porn or am I finally get some material for my fetish there?
And how's the game itself?
You are a special kind of dumb motherfucker.
Is it true? I thought there was a season pass.
Have they enabled matchmaking for the replayable campaign missions? I've heard that it was supposed to be one of the features for D2.
It's okay for a bit. But then you reach the GRINDFARMRNGFUCK.
this is like bragging you work at the sewage treatment plant, m8
Do you think it will sell well, given how it's released a month after the console version?
Also who thought that it was a good idea to make the game only available on Blizzard Battlenet?
Fuck off shill kike
I hope this is bait.
Likes like the turbo kike doesn't want to offend his future audience.
*Looks like
Playing it solo for an hour or so a day wouldn't be worth it?
Testing that:
I'm an idiot. please laugh at me
r3dd1t spacing
This is just as fucking stupid back when 4chan word filtered reddit to make people stop blaming reddit for stupid shit. If anything it convinces the posters using the term they're right since the mods are siding with the idiots.
Nigger this sentence is on page one on the "Recognize Shills" book.
Just call it
With 500 million trumpinos i could make a better game by myself, and i dont even know the first thing about making games
Thats the estate of muricuck game studios
Mark and his band of merry faggots have always capitulated to redditfugees, anything that would offend the new audience is cut and the offenders punished.
It's mostly futa/hyper/fart/gay type shit, don't even bother.
What is it with f2p games having sexy women and these fetishes?
until there is proof that you are from activision im going to call you a dumb nigger.
holy fuck is the fat kike actually filtering filtering the R space word? There is no end to his jewish tricks
at least do your research faggot
Are you saying Destiny 1 sold over 12 million copies?
There's a good chance even that number is below their expectations, considering they say "played" and not "bought".
I'm an idiot. please laugh at me?
it's a shit meme that deserved to be word filtered. With that said it doesn't excuse that user's faggotry, but I digress.
reddit still works tho right
You don't even need to use words.
wait, this is a real thing? Well fuck, I'll remove the filter now.
reddit spacing
We're good.
Also that activision user is a fake btw
You'd after years of people faking their filenames to pretend to be oldfags people would start to notice this stuff and not bother responding.
It's almost like people will stop playing a game if it's bad and not fun.
Gee, what a crazy random happenstance.
So cuckchan still complains about Reddit despite being Reddit now huh?
Here's the fun part: I got this image from here.
Reddit spacing
Oh for fucks sakes, when folks on Holla Forums shit on something there's usually a fucking reason for it. When someone is accused of being from reddit it's because they seem to have a thin skin, a fanboy, and terrible taste, just like the userbase of reddit.
Are you serious?
I know, the reddit bogeyman, blah blah blah. But when someone's writing a five paragraph post, I'd prefer to see
it broken up
like this
so I can see
every paragraph's
start and end
Rather than
like this
where you
never can tell
if it's line wrap
or a line break
Jumping at every poster who chooses to format their posts in a different way is fucking retarded, and smacks of a tryhard who wants to establish how well they fit in and how poorly everyone else does not. You can call yourself an oldfag all day, but you'll always be a newfag. And you can't fucking triforce.
So fuck you.
How many times have you seen people use reddit as an insult or to go back there?
Reddit spacing isn't paragraphs, it's every single line. Even after quotes.
I know it's used often, but you claim people used it because they have a reason. It's used as often as nigger, people don't need a reason to tell you to go back to reddit.
That makes no fucking sense, and I refuse to believe that's a thing. Here, have some Elite: Dangerous infographs.
Right here you double nigger >>13613467
Maybe not every single line, but close enough to stand out as an outsider.
That post was deleted before I entered the thread, I think. Can you take a screenshot of it?
This site would be better with less posters with shit taste don't you think? That's typically how I use it. Granted the effect would be negligible if it was only a handful of posters.
Reddit spacing is manual double spacing because the programmers fucked up word wraping on that site. If don't want to be accused of being from reddit don't fucking double space. redditor
Degenerates flock to things that are free.
I'll give you futa, and maybe a gay, but I've never even even seen hyper or fart porn of warframe. no that is not a request
You are a lucky fucking man, I remember finding out a drawfag I talked to online was one of the faggots responsible for some of that shit. I was already on the fence about him because he was a futafag, but I 100% stopped talking to him afterwards.
He comes to this site, as well. Or used to, at least. Don't know if he does anymore, hopefully not.
'Reddit spacing' is shill derailing. Double spacing is used on text boards such as this one because tab indenting commonly does not work to separate paragraphs.
I dumped over 1580 hours into D1 i can tell you that you guys need to get more end game incentives going on if you don't want the numbers to keep dropping. That said the sky is not falling.
Pc release coming up, then trials will reactivate, twitch numbers will go back up. Tehn season 2 and first dlc on the horizon plus balancing changes.
Game is doing fine.
do you have a learning disability? here have a (You) you're so thirsty for and eat a bag of dicks faggot
I know it's laughable, but honestly I welcome every competition that Steam can get. The more users are siphoned away from that place the better.
Saryn. It's just Saryn.
WTF I want Destiny 2 to be not that much of a burnign wreck now
You're a fucking moron.
kill yourself you fat piece of shit
Activision and blizzard, because your friends are retarded enough to still preorder and buy season pass despite your warnings.
Doing god's work
But they are lewd.
Some do, but some clumsy males who mistake females of other species for their own will penetrate the puss puss.
This sometimes results in hybrid spders. In fact I recall one situation;
are you for real?
It's free so do whatever, but expect grinding and walls akin to most mobile games.
Do you have a source for this story? Sounds pretty funny.
It was ages ago, but lesse see what I dig up…
Doesn't take much to amuse you guys does it?
No wonder games today suck.
Didn't everyone tell you to fuck off?
It's all a fake news, so we removed our chart showing such a clear tendency, because guys it's 2017! People don't play all the time…
Nevermind the fact that the fucking thing is title daily UNIQUE player, IE the number of unique accounts/IP that connect once per day which is the only way they can have 1M players and not the "average online" like Steam charts does (which is actually far more important since that's how you will know whether or not you find people to play with you when you want which is a correct assessment to see if a game is dead or not).
"Maybe we didn't add enough diversity?"
I think diversity is the one thing they didn't shove into this, or if they did I wasn't aware.
And nothing of value was lost
That was trully a Shawshank Redemption
At least there is an archive of it left.
Yeah more PoC, thats a good trick
Please for the love of god do you know the song name? Does anyone know the song name?
Is it fun though?
It's a current year looty, scooty, point-n-shooty game so probably not.
Wait they actually said that? For fuck sakes.
Well, I'm partly at fault, since i subtly pointed them at Destiny 1, since i heard DLC kind of improved it, since they love co-op (or at least the first 30 hours of it).
They apparently bought it and liked it thoroughly.
Kinda. There are fun things to do but it gets old fast. The gunplay is fun, and the weapons and setups are great, but there's nothing to use them on.
Grinding strikes is fun if you like doing the same 6 missions over and over for little reward. Grinding nightfalls is the same but it's the same mission, and everything is a bullet sponge. The reward is barely any different.
Grinding public events can be fun, but the events are balanced around multiple people. The game likes to put you in empty instances, so half your time will be spent fast travelling to the same place to get put in a populated instance. If you somehow manage, you'd better hope your random teammates know how to play. Io is the worst for this, because nobody seems to know how the Taken Blight public event works.
Grinding the raid is fun but it's a 6 man job. If you can't bring 6 people, you're fucked. If you rely on people from the Internet, you'd better hope they know what they're doing. The raid is all about cooperation. The raid itself is actually fun but it's not the sort of thing you'll enjoy grinding. There's a prestige raid but it's the same thing with a few twists and everything is a bullet sponge.
As for PvP, don't bother. You can't choose the gamemode, and everything that isn't control points is shit. When you actually get in you have to deal with a quartet of sniper rifle wielding kids stuck to each other, and they'll bodyshot you to death before you can do anything about it. Apparently this is what Bungie wanted when they balanced Destiny 2 to be an eSport.
There's the tryhard mode, Trials of the Nine, but it's not on until November because an emote lets you glitch into walls and gun people to death from out of bounds. Even without that it has people lag switching and DDoSing their way to the top. It's not worth the blood pressure.
Is the story at least good? Yes, but it has lots of boring parts. The beginning and the end are great but it isn't worth the price of the game. If you have a friend who plays it, it's worth borrowing the disc to play the story at least.
To join in on shitting on the game, apparently PC players are getting banned for having anything open in the background that interferes with the game. This includes FPS counters, overlays and Discord. Bungie hasn't responded yet.
You goddamn ___, can you at least use your persuasive power to dissuade them from the pre order bullshit from now on.
That sounds like a huge overreach if true.
Fewer users means fewer people who could potentially buy microtransactions. It's true that whales are a big part of a microtransaction business strategy, but Joe Average buying two crates a week is a contributing force as well. Furthermore, given how huge Destiny 2's marketing campaign was (tonnes of live action ads, especially in Japan for some reason), I guarantee you its current sales numbers aren't good enough for Activision-Blizzard.
Faggots should've made an EDF MMORPG, now that I'd pay $60 for.
wow this game just keep crashing, huh?
It'll release for PC where the biggest lootbox whales are and make bank on lootboxes and microtransactions. It won't matter if sales aren't good because they'll still make more than a tidy profit to continue the franchise. They'll also begin cutting corners with development spending, but not advertising or art, since it's the psyhchological tricks and pretty colors that get people to keep paying, not the gameplay.
MMOs are shit though.
lum is life
just look up future funk on youtube, theres a bunch of the stuff
How to spot a newfag
But user, it's already on Pc kek
Judging by today's standards everything is shit.
The Halo games are actually good, though.
Of course they are.
Pffff, the main villain is trump-like too.
My only regret in making that image is not making the example text a haiku.
Are you fucking kidding me?
You couldn't be anymore retarded if you tried
Are you stupid? You can save the unix time stamp filenames here too. It's what the (u) is for.
people are too dumb and just look at it and think "hu hu hu" and shit, tbh my mandolian.
And it's getting fucked. Hard. Not only are PC players finding out how shit the game is, many are getting banned left and right before they can even properly start the game. The main cause? Overlays from other programs. People who got banned in the fucking beta are still banned in the full game because Bungie never fixed shit.
Bungie's own forum is getting flooded with pissed off PC players, many of whom are getting refunds from Blizzard. So far, the only response has basically been, "Bans are permanent. No, we won't discuss it, fuck you. Thanks for your money, sucker."
I like how you cropped out the original filename that would clearly show the difference in length between cuckchan filenames and our filenames.
hey /4chan/
I get that's probably the blandest, most disgusting normalfag taste possible but how in the fuck did Bungie go from making generally very solid, well-thought-out games with some hidden depth to them, to this shit? Someone please explain, I barely play games nowadays and haven't been keeping up.
…Reddit ruins literally everything, doesn't it? Can't even use legible formatting thanks to them.
Like pottery
Mods are our greatest ally confirmed
They weren't even the first ones to do it though. The elder srolls card game has been on that plan for awhile. Managed to keep view count at 2k for a shitty hearthstone rip off. I played it for a few weeks and there were a group of streamers that scheduled around each other in such a way that they could keep afks watching someone 24/7 with the host system. There was one guy who streamed his own vods 95% of the time and had 300+ afks.
How much are they paying you?
Google and saucenao return nothing. Definitely want a souce, please.
That's not reddit spacing retard. Reddit spacing is double spaced after single lines to compensate for reddit's fuckups. Did you not even look at the image?
People still frequently accuse me of Reddit spacing for double-spaced paragraphs.
Then either they're fucking retarded, or you're lying, or you're lying by omission of the fact that what you may consider a paragraph is comedically short.
You're a real ray of sunshine,
Ok, since the other thread got pruned for redundancy (I guess), the fact that using OBS and Fraps just annouces the fact that they knew they fucked up.
Guess Bungie is going to face some "restructuring".
Forgive me for not being a cheery cupcake on an anonymous imageboard just for you user-kun~.
nah because it was cuckchan trash, had no proof other then some thread on reddit which had no proof either.
With all these high profile failures lately do you think we're coming closer to the great collapse?
we've got a long road ahead of us. nintendo needs to collapse before that can truly happen
Dubs have spoken.
Ah, I see dubsman. Thank you.
Never change, Holla Forums.
OT: I don't know anyone who even paid any attention to Destiny or Destiny 2. They're probably the same people that keep tabloid magazines afloat. They apparently exist, but I've never met them.
So let's break this down.
You just busted your own fucking myth and cakeboy falls for it.
In other news, Bungie admitted to banning OBS and other common third-party applications automatically.
The dubs checking the dubs have spoken.
I love it when illiterates try to defend shitty writing practices. Nice fucking archive, by the way.
It's OK user, I can't stay mad at you.
Already strawmanning on the first line plebbit? It's a problem when it's between indiviual lines rather than paragraphs. Whether or not it's between propositions has no bearing on whether or not it's reddit spacing.
Too bad not all anons are self respecting anons so the information trickles down and everyone learns of it regardless. Learn how the internet works. Information proliferates.
No you fucking illiterate, they are double line. Are you even paying attention?
Only if you take out the public and NGO institutions using tax dollars to fund them.
Y-you too
ebin mods (not archived)
Not supported
Some features from third-party applications which rely on the use of screen overlays are generally not compatible with Destiny 2.
Not compatible
The word ban doesn't appear once in the unarchived page
I'm so glad we caught them admitting to banning people for using OBS. It's a good thing we archived that shit! Way to go user. I knew i could count on you.
Forgive the plebbit, but it's confirmed at this point. Thanks to for archiving it for everyone.
It's all shit around here. Welcome to the misery boat.
Sauce when?
Look at it this way anons. It's a good indication mark has never been to reddit.
Ah yes, the Guardians diversity hire. I hope Bungie did not mean us to like her. I have rarely seen an unlikable character like her.
How? He has almost no characterization at all. He spends almost the entirety of the campaign bitching about how he wants to earn the Light until the last mission where he gets bullied into just taking it by his subordinate. I'm not seeing the Trump comparison at all.
Hey, where'd the other thread go?
I suppose that's a decent silver lining.
You're wrong m80. Warframe's alpha was in 2012. No
I'm sorry destiny failed. I really am.
Because as long as the cancer in the industry fails to make a successful normalfag-milking game, they'll keep buying established franchises, turning them into normalfag-milking games.
What you should have done
was make your regretful post
a haiku instead.
They could have just filled Halo's corpse to the brim with predatory business models and made money forever if they didn't kill the split screen multiplayer that many normalfags require to the game into an excuse to socialize.
To be honest Warframe is built on the remains of the original version of Dark Sector. This trailer is from around 2004/2005.
And a more vibrant community, too…
Not that user, but well played.
Hey, just looking for new players to join my PC clan.
Poems to shitpost?
That'd be worth some chuckles.
I'll give it a shot
so here's my boast:
Check my doubles!
You're a faggot!
I thought the main bad guy was just a reskinned Tartarus. I mean they even share the same VA, but they also share some character design similarities.
My dipshit brother spent 400 dollars on this disaster before his wife took his credit card away. He kept trying to shill it to me too but I avoided it like the plague, and I'm sure glad I did.
This entire time my brother insisted that I'm closed minded and that Destiny 2 had a riveting story. But now he's getting divorced soon, so, it all works out.