Dragon's Crown Pro


Vanillaware does it yet again
How can other devs even compete?

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Nippon tries to save gaming but it's too late.

Why would anyone be worried about lack of cross platform play when that was one of the first features they announced for Pro?

They can't.
They should disembowel themselves for being failures.

The fact you can import your save from the old games makes me wonder what is actually being added since a lot of fans just got burned out farming that chaos dungeon.

Is that the official one? That's hilarious. Can't wait for the backlash.

its already 1080p 60fps on ps3, pointless HD port.

ah what now?

That ain't the Cleric nor the goddamned Dark Elf. Quit fuckin' around, Georgie.

That plus the crossplay makes it sound they won't add anything to it, unless these hypothetical extra classes and levels are DLC for the PS3/Vita versions.

The pseudo DND mode sounds cool, but I'm still disappointed there are no new classes

Yeah, they've made it explicitly clear that the game itself is exactly the same. The music is remastered in the new version (apparently all rerecorded by a live orchestra), and they claim a graphical improvement (probably 4k, like anyone cares), but the underlying game is identical so that everyone who already owns Dragon's Crown can play with the noobs, and enjoy whole a new generation of kick-elves and crate smashers.

Something about her body doesn't look right to me. Her ass is in full view, but her torso is jutting out from the right. It's like her left leg is just another loli fairy behind her, but was left unfinished. If that leg were to be edited out, it would look like we're just seeing the right side of her body.
polite sage

artistic lisence, my man.
as long as I get to proudly display the ass of a loli fairy on my bookshelf, I'm happy.

you must have missed the part where it comes with a completely new game mode included in the package.

Can't wait for Georgie boy to deliver the PC version

Is there anything concrete yet regarding the mechagame they're making?

What gamemode would that be?

The Dragon Crown art style is ultra-deformed. That's kind of what makes is appealing. Like the Amazon's thighs are each twice the thickness of her torso and her ass is basically a cube with hard corners.

they're adding in a digital DnD campaign with the first run of the game

Gee, I can't imagine how other devs will ever recover from this.

PC loses out yet again

I like how he mixes both classic and cartoony styles and get an exotic beauty

PC always wins baby

God bless the Nips


good for you my man

Enjoy a shitty port with unresolved issues like always :^)

Lots of memers here, but few know the truth. Dragon's Crown is 9 stages long, with 2 bosses each. It takes 3 hours to see everything there is to see, afterwards it's an extremely repetitive grindhouse to gear up for the extra difficulties. To add insult to injury, your character doesnt really unlock any new moves as it level ups: skillups are either passives or item summons, like being able to summon 3 knives per run.

If you want a gorgeous and varied Vanillaware game, get Muramasa Rebirth or Odin Spherr Leifthrasir. This one is good to get puritans angry, but is the vastly worse one of the bunch.

It's pretty fantastic. It's telling everyone who missed out on the first one, "Hey! it's not JUST about tits! There are asses too!"

There's even a Dwarf, for the Kotaku crowd.

Did he call him a fag?

All of that plus DRM thats cracked day one, and it will somehow still be better than the PS4 version.

I'm saving this shitpost for later

Didn't know Japanese are capable of such banter.

Not directly but it is implied that Kotaku is indeed, gay as fuck.

just like Nier Automata right?

Theres a lot of secret passage to uncover though and alternate path to increase replayability

You mean the perfectly playable version with no issues?
I knew pcucks were allergic to quality.

That is exactly what he did, though I doubt that Jason would be able to appreciate bear-mode of that quality without feeling even more emasculated than usual.

My medium range runs it at a solid 60FPS with some dips to 50 when shit gets hectic, no crashing, fixed resolution bug with a mod.
So yeah, works on my machine
Can't wait to shit up your community :^)

Surely you mean the PS3 Original

i never had a ps3 so im really happy i can get those titties please post those wiz tits

That's the key word here. Enjoy having a slight change in the game or settings and never having it working properly again. Truly a mustard race.


Do your computer still use DOS?

I'm amazed you were even able to turn on a device to post this.

Has there been any info on 13 Sentinels since TGS?
They've been teasing for 2 years now

Any PC version?

I can literally emulate it on my PC but I want to give them money.




I'm in no rush.

Fits right into Segas schedule

Call me when they have muramasa and that one with the cute rabbits.

Where's the fucking PC port you slant eyed bastards

You haven't seen Kamiya's twitter than. Those who are fluent in english are ruthless because they have nothing to fear - there are no SJWs in Japan and the one person they have to answer before, the publisher, is most likely can't speak english well.

Сука блять


oh well, maybe next time

How does that stop you from talking about the game exactly?


Based Jap does it again.

Thank you for this post, user

I'm dying


Japan, yes

I'm fucking awestruck user

I'm pretty interested in this. Ever since I found out Record of Lodoss war was made from a play session of japan's own dd pen and paper I always wanted to see how they'd manage it with only D6s.

Look into Sword World RPG. It's their DnD basically.


Honestly, if they were instead giving away a physical copy of a Dragon's Crown DnD module, I'd be a lot more interested in buying this again.

Why not just make a second game in a new land, with new bosses and new classes? I love DC, but I played it to death on the Vita. I don't really feel the need to do the grind on the big screen, when I can already do it on a portable.

I'm sure others who never played it the first time around will like it, but is the dnd mode enough for those who've already played it?

Yeah I've looked into it. Just could never find a good translated version of it.


Sssshhhh embrace it

Any point in buying this if I burned out on the original?

No. It's hard-locked to 30fps.

It says PS4. Where did you even get the idea it was coming to PC?

reported for not an argument

its not in euro one either

I just want to understand why people masturbate all over that game, is there any chance of a port ?

I didn't want crossplay though. I wanted new classes. The two are most likely mutually exclusive.

Holy Jesus thank you so much for cutting through my gloom.

Sorry, I don't play Sony games. Waiting on Vanillaware to grow a spine.

this, but without Sony contract

You can emulate it on PC, there's just no multiplayer yet which is why most people like the game.



This is the reason I bought a PS4.

He will never be as cool as his peers

Well, maybe now old copies will finally drop in price. Still fucking wish they'd just port the fucking thing to PC already.

I like how it's face moves across its facial bone-structure.

who R U quoting?


Then what are you even talking about?

I just want my Muramasa: Rebirth on peesee so i can enjoy the better translation and DLC.

Which post are you insinuating I haven't played Dragon's Crown when it was on PS3, PSV, and now slow as fuck emulation?
Former I mean Vanillaware should just port to PC and cut both Atlus & Sony, like in image related.
Latter I agree with poster. But I don't want a dime going to Sony.

I mean, are you bad at using imageboards, or you don't know how to

you dont get new moves through levels but you do get new moves and abilities by completing quests and spending ability points in the adventurers guild.

I'm no a big fan of Dragons Crows character design. Proportions are just funky, and the head often doesn't mesh well with the body

I was confused when you said you didn't play Sony games, because I assumed that meant you didn't play Sony games. But I see you're just an ESL so never mind.

You already bought a Vita and at least three games.

Yes, I don't play Sony games, as in games they invested money on. Vanillaware was fine without Sony, they def. don't need them now.
Like your mom when immigrating from Wales?
well after the market died, and off some previous owner. If anything, they were resold. But Sony won't see a dime off these.

Are you done making a fool of yourself?

It sounds like an awful lot of reaching. Why did you fall for the 'PC ports are just better' meme anyway? The only ones that have worked as intended were ported by Capcom and Sony PC ports are notoriously shit compared to their PS counterparts.

did I ever say or imply that I "PC ports are better", or is your projection set on 11?
Or should I give Sony and this PS4 re-release a try?
I think you need sleep or a walk.

no need to get so defensive about it lol

No, you're just being retarded. OP was pretty clear what the thread was about, and why anyone's that's played the game should be pissed about. But making fun of your disability to denote sarcasm would be disingenuous of your condition. So go out, take a breather, you're gonna needed when your next IP whores itself for the next publisher.

Didn't you hear? If it's on a non kosher system then it better be multiplat or it's garbage.

Sounds a little sad. I hope it stays exclusive to the ps4. Won't care if it goes multiplat, but the actual community around the game will be awful.

I am very confused but interested. Also where is dark elf? I want a dark elf beast master goddammit.
Would ps4 version require ps+ for online? I mean I prefer playing solo but still I don't wanna pay extra for online.

Let's not kid ourselves. Any vidya community will be awful simply because of who plays vidya now. Why do think MMOs were the first to fall?

Lots of niche genres maintain healthy and fun communities around great games. Fans of shooting games and rhythm games come to mind, more niche japanese games tend to attract good people when there's a bit of a barrier of entry. Open the floodgates and you get the idiots pouring in.

BUT didn't Fatlus get all pissy about people playing their games on the RPCSX3 emulator and abuse DMCA to attack their site?


I agree with you on that. The problem is that the sjws and hipsters have this personal arms race where they find obscure fandoms and tank it with their ramblings. It happened with Sega's IP, it's currently happening with nintendo's IPs, and it won't be long until the locus have to start looking for more IPs to latch on to. Hell, you can already see it with shit like Cuphead and Dark Souls. Those were fine games on their own but the fandom is currently crushing or crushed the IP. In short, I blame the new generation of retards that ruin old IPs for everyone.

Just P5, They've done nothing about anything else.

I'm involved in a lot of discussion of sega games and don't really see any of that. It's mostly older ones i talk about but I haven't seen much of a social justice influence or take on things anywhere. PPT had some weird shit in its translation but I can't quite pinpoint anything notable there.

Nintendo however seems way more of a lost cause.

Thats pretty sad

You sound like you haven't touched the platform in so long that you only post from a smartphone.

Whats your only example?
Dark Souls?
Community of which turned to shit the moment Bamco shilled heavily on the West for 360/PS3?
-Dragons Dogma
-Valkyria Chronicles
-Final Fantasy
-Nonary games
-Firepro Wrestling
-Senran Kagura
Did all of those communities magifally turned to shit as well, or were they either non impacted or shit from the get go?
But I guess muh Souls will always shitter shatter retards one way or the other.

That's why I said happened. Sega had that dark peroid but the sonic boom shit and the sega twitter shiposting curbed a lot of that. Now a days we see that shitty fandom move to Nintendo now for some reason. Going by Sega's past and the accelerated expulsion of degenerates in older IPs I give it around 3-5 years before "that" fanbase finally fucks off from nintendo. Though the wedding dress bullshit really emboldened them. My biggest fear is that those kind are not eradicated by the time they are forced out of Nintendo IPs and have to latch on to the more obscure IPs.

When the fuck are we getting Princess Crown in the west? Come on, Vannilaware, do it!

We get it, you hate Sony. No need to go on such a tirade.

I really miss /int/.

Princess Crown was made before Vanillaware was established, I doubt they own the IP.

Is that you?

But Sega still owns the IP

of course not, only retards would bother with that shit site.
Of course you won't believe me, that would mean that your accusation has no merit to it. :^)

Answer me this, Holla Forums: does it actually have Japanese audio for the narrator and NPCs this time?

I am genuinely sad they didn't take the same level of care with this port as they did with Muramasa or Odin Sphere.

Me and my friend played it countless hours and it got to the point where it became the most played game on my PS3. I really can't justify buying this port at the moment. Perhaps if it has some DLC (can't believe I'm saying that) then I might get it. Really all I wanted was maybe a new stage or a new character. Something new.


They're everywhere, in the floors, the ceilings and walls. Everyone you don't like or who bullies you is from that one place.

Ugh fucking lolicon misogynerds.

Whatever happened to this faggot?

Isn't he a kotaku writer?

Yes. He is also the one who will be investigating the latest NeoFAG scandal.

Oh good. I needed a reminder on the incestuous nature of the western industry.

Expect nothing from his friendly investigation

Don't look the ass horse in the mouth.

When is the pc version coming out?


Tumblr is actively ruining Intelligent Systems, I imagine that's partly why all of their games have been shit lately.

No, it's just a single bitch who thinks Fire Emblem's too hard or some shit. Her dishonorable parents fucked up.

But the last FE they made was actually good and rejected a lot of bullshit that lady is forwarding. Not to mention FEW was a huge bomb mostly because it contained all the newer characters which she really backs.

There is like one extra move per character, the rest of the active skills are about conjuring items. And it would be almost bearable, if Dragon's Crown had a long story mode like the rest of Vanillaware. It doesn't.

i have the digital version in my ps3, is the whole crossplat thingy global?

I hate the whole "it's so unrealistic" argument, even if it mattered if it was realistic or not,it isn't, the sorceress' tits aren't that much bigger than say Hitomi Tanaka who most certainly does not have the biggest tits in the world or anything

t. boobielover

*it doesn't

Hey Satan, I'm really glad that fantasy exists and big tits don't have to look like that, just in the gay real world.

Main bants from the non-feathered Australian nemesis

satan, stop that shit

I was hoping with a new edition of Dragon's Crown they'd be willing to actually put in a fucking Cleric class. The most you have to go with is sorceress and the create food shit, and wizard having a fire shield. But other than that it's just heal rings and draughts

Hadn't seen any of the ones you'd posted before aside from the coon one. Does make me wish that that one wasn't capped from a phone though.

But yeah, Japan can manage both peak silly and peak banter, both in an enjoyable way.

Neat. Maybe I'll have to dust off my copy when it's released.

So this is what they mean by "the Japanese are a savage people".
Anyone have that with the nip and the gook going at each other?

You broke my heart, Georgie. You really did.


No new classes confirmed? That sucks. They could've used the people in the city as new classes, as well as the popular illustrations.

Guildmaster: Paladin
Princess: Sword and Magic, or maybe a lance/spear to spice it up
Father and Child/Milk Lady: some kind of joke class, or maybe a funny random character swap, instead of Sorceress or Dwarf doing their thing, it's Milk Lady buffing up and flying around
Rannie/Tiki: Rogue but Tiki helps using fairy dust or slaps and kicks the enemy, but the damage is minimal but looks adorable
Dark Elf: Good magic, and if she rides a beast, it will be able to do combos, have slightly more health.
Child and Beholder: Child is riding a tame/friendly Beholder, it can block out magic but has a lower chance of blocking bosses' magic

That was Atlus USA, not the Atlus that actually has any relation to video games.

That's the one. Thanks.

Just a thought, is the digital gamebook a thing for the PS4 itself, or for the PC? I'd rather not have to connect the PS4 to the Internet

The wording is ambiguous in the linked article, and my initial searches only turn up even vaguer articles from different establishments and announcements for a manga adaptation. Would appreciate someone who knows moonrunes to check Japanese sites for details.

Speaking of Vanillaware what the hell happened with Grand Knights History? How did the Intellectual Property transform into a Nippon Ichi Software game without the work of ‎George Kamitani?
isn't that a website related to neogaf?


same, but i found it through Polygon
they're nice titties at that. really have to thank them for all the wank material i've discovered from that initial post.

Niceeeee new steam profile picture thanks guy.

The Atlus page that the Gematsu article in the OP references doesn't say for sure, though the use of the term "Download Contents" makes me think it's PS4. Plus, looking at the picture again now, there's a O icon on the Kraken page. It does mention there is no plans to sell it as a separate item in the future though.

Fuck that shit, GIVE US NEW LEVELS AND BOSSES for fuck's sake!

Stop being shitty and gay

more dwarf and elf adventures please.

Is it me or little Jason the Low-T Faggot looks a lot like Blockhead (((Joe Bernstein)))? Do they all come out from some assembly line in Tel-Aviv?

rev up that anki, it's never happening

will never care until PC port

Step your game up George, I'm not shelling out for a new copy just for a game book.

Sooner or later they will port it to a platform I own!

this is honestly my favorite tweet of all time. the calm, clinical, google translation makes it that much more devastating

its a facebook post

whatever, it's my favorite social media whatever you want to call it


Don't make me shit up the thread just to blow you the fuck out

Man I really wish GAF would leave

New Promotion Movie

It makes me mad knowing most women don't have tits this big. If men had standards and only fucked big titted women then natural selection would have made it so all women have tits that big.

3DPD tits don't look good regardless of the size


I can only play D&D Shadows over Mystara for so long. Thank god it has a Fightcade Community


When was 'it' not okay?

Reselling the same game twice full price is never okay.

PC has a shit processor but a good graphics card so PS3 emulators are out

Actually, it's perfectly fine. Nothing is stopping you from buying the cheaper version, dipshit.

Calm down, it is just game, why you heff to be mad?

Pretty sure those PC releases are foreign only things.

Wasn't there a fan translation of this? I don't know if it was ever completed, though.

On a side note, what are the chances you think of them patching in the D&D mode into the other versions of the game? I keep wondering if I should get it for Vita.

Looks like it was completed in version 1.16.

tbh I hope they release a sequel after this, one of the criminally underrated games on PS3.
I'm surprised they're not porting the game to Switch/PC, but they must have some deal with Sony.