Losing control?
Whats your favorite game to kill time with?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game to kill time with?
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Random flash games. There have been some recent flash games better than AAA games.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Got the house to myself tonight. Might get drunk and comfy and watch Terminator 2. Watch T1 this morning, was nice. Been a while so some of the little details were fresh again.
One shift today. Then shoveled gravel in the rain for 2 hours. Took a bath and played Fractured But Whole after that. Still pretty fun.
Dr. Mario or Burnout Paradise.
Broken Thumbnails on the PC.
Saint's Row 2 maybe.
Same for me.
Used to be either TF2 or Pokemon. Know I don't really have a time killer game.
How goes anons
Hows the new southpark compared to the old one? I played about half of the first and it was alright if simple
I will say it looks more complex from what I seen.
T2 should've been the end.
Playing more of EO5. Got to the 4th stratum. Im going at a rate of 1 stratum per day. I'll have this finished by next week. Fuck the lich king though. You just barely have enough tp to survive it.
Morning. Leg is even worse today. Going straight to urgent care from work. The red spots have bloomed into bruises, and it hurts to just stand.
I play fate/grand order when I'm out having a smoke or waiting for a customer to finish pumping gas. Duel links is alright too
Pretty good. I had some black licorice, drank some ginger brew and played Puyo VS,
That happened to me yesterday but its fine today.
How goes user
Whatd you do today?
I've never seen any of the other movies. I've tried to watch T3 about 5 times and always quit 15 mins in. The tv series was ok but meh.
Toilet paper?
Morning all.
Finally beat Cuphead and finished up the final V-Road Challenge in Senran Kagura PBS.
Both were fantastically fun, i'm just sad Senran Kagura's multiplayer is dead, because it's pretty fucking fun.
Now I'm gonna move along and start Fatal Frame 2 tomorrow night after work, and probably start War for the Overworld as well.
Probably Dragon Quest Builders, recently. But I haven't played a game to "kill time" in a good while, since I've got a list going.
sounds pretty good amigo, what've you been up to? Playing much of anything?
thumbnail shows up for me
Windows 8.1, using Firefox
i usually don't either
damn user, sorry to hear it's not getting any better. Take it easy at work.
Combat is more complex than TSOT. Writing's great so far. Environments are less destructible than before. I like it.
TP is the games mana. My warlock has skills that use like 30 per cast and i only have a little under 300.
Making OC webms is hard but fun. Does anyone have any suggestions of games that make for good webms?
Right now it's Fallout 4 with a tonne of mods but Factorio probably takes the cake.
I want to confess to this girl I know online but I know how it would play out. I don't really know her that well and she won't let me get closer to her I suppose. But she's the only person I consider a friend I have and I don't really talk to anyone else. I want to move to her state and live with her and have kids but that's a exaggeration. I do want to meet her and possibly go to Japan with her but she say no. I just wished she talked more to me but all I get is a few replies every few days and it drives me insane. I just want to talk to her hours on end about everything.
I bought a lot of snacks and drinks and that was about it. Also to the guy who suggest all dressed ruffles as a snack, thanks for the suggestion. They were pretty good.
Sounds like AIDs, RIP
Seriously though see if you can skip work and go straight to the doctor.
Doesn't sound like a good combo
I'm still obsessively playing my yugioh game. Mostly just watch stuff while mindlessly grinding in it. You get more yoza pics finally?
Nice will have to pirate that then. Think a craptop can run it?
What kind of webms?
I'm losing control. I'm fucking tired and I have a japanese test on tuesday and I'm not fucking ready. Good thing I have some time to practice still.
How's your night going lads?
Most likely not gonna happen.
Go practice. You need it.
Eh probably. Shouldn't be that graphically complex.
Did what I could, going to let my manager know what's up and then "enjoy" some Canadian healthcare.
Its 4 am no-one is going to answer. And I'm already over half done anyways. 3 more hours + an hour or two to bus to the hospital
Not too bad. Been working on sorting through a folder somewhat. Went out looking for vidya/animu today. Found out my favorite game place is opening a much closer location soon, which is nice. Saw Baroque PS2 there for $15 complete, which I'm debating about going back for this weekend, and also a complete set of Flame of Recca $7 at another store which seemed interesting until I heard it just ends abruptly because no one renewed the contract for the studio to keep adapting it.
Yeah, they don't go very well together. Still fun though.
Wtf happened?
How was cuphead?
Fine, just waiting to fix my sleep schedule.
Care you elaborate on the " part?
I love you all and i hope you had a nice day.
I'm staying in some transit accommodation and across from me is a fucking sad pepe flag hung on some shitty bamboo fence on a balcony. I've been here for 11 days now, any every time i exit i see this fucking thing.
What do i do?
Sounds like shes just not that into you user.
I'm hoping to go on a snack run sometime soon. Though I'm broke and have to convince my dad to pay.
Just picture all the anime you can watch without subs if you study harder
What else you up to user?
Oh thought you meant like working a full shift tomorrow and stuff. Hang in there user
I highly suggest dropping her and moving on. Enjoy the good times you had and don't spoil them by having her fuck your shit up. Alternatively fucking do it because she's not really spending any time with you anyway.
Interesting ones. Ones that someone would want to watch. You know, funny things or neat technology.
I tried a bunch of Ps1 era fighting games on mednafen to see if they were any good. Tekken 3 a best. Tekken 2 and 3 have 10/10 soundtracks.
I will practice some vocabulary, however I don't have much left in the fuel tank to study much else tonight. I'm trying to make it a habit to study at least a little japanese every day or night.
What kind of game place?
I'm drinking oreo hot choco and coffee mixed together at the moment, its delicious.
Go call the person who owns it a racist
Minecraft, how's everyone tonight?
Leave it be and watch all the liberals get angry when they see it.
Make sure you get good sleep the night before the test too.
I'm hungry and sleepy and I have to download about 1000 pictures I opened in another browser after the thread. Going to be a long night.
How goes user
Wtf is that?
My man. What kind of Character did you roll? I've got a mainly wizshit character with a shitload of godpets.
Not much. Working. Biding my time until Mario Odyssey comes out.
:( But I don't wanna move on
I know that.
Really good.
Good taste. The only girl I tolerate big tiddies on.
Just an a small chain here that's been pretty good all around. Below average prices, decent selection, knowledgable employees that actually make for good discussion, cart repair/disc buffing services, etc.
Print out some good ol' Poopoo Pepe and put it up there with it.
I know that feel. Usually never worked out for me.
That's what I try to think about, but I'm just really tired lately. Hopefully I can learn everything in time for the test.
Nice. I think I have a copy of tekken 2 lying around somewhere. Picked it up from a thrift store. It's hard to find good vidya at thrift stores nowadays.
What kinda work?
Then why waste your time?
Because I'm hoarder both IRL and with digital stuff
Sounds comfy. Get a job there!
Did you forget the part where I say I don't have any other friends?
Dishwasher. And apparently the only good one they have.
stop that.
Sounds yummy.
What studio?
Fuck if I know. A limp showed up on my leg around Monday, began hurting Tuesday, and the pain and these red marks started spreading around my leg Tuesday and Wednesday, and tonight it's all bruised.
Last time I had to go to a hospital, I nearly cut my tow off with an axe and had to wait 16 hours in the ER because soccer moms kept bringing their little shits in over the sniffles.
Even if I were I'd be calling in, almost too much at this point
Who am i to judge though. I download the soundtrack for every game that i finish.
I agree, even though I'm gonna check out my usual thrift stores tomorrow to see if anything interesting showed up.
it sounds like to me she's pretty disinterested user online relationships don't work out anyway
sounds nice
here's to hoping he's sympathetic at least
nice knowin ya user
pretty fantastic
My grand total of deaths was 335. I was awful. But I had a ton of fun. Cala Maria is definitely the most fun fight; The Devil and the Phantom Express were pretty awesome too.
love you too user, i hope you have a nice day tomorrow
jesus h christ
doing all right. Dreading work tomorrow, today was my only day off, and they fucking put me on for even more hours again. Instead of my normal 6pm-12am shift they bumped it up to 3pm-12am. Goddamned bullshit. I've been busting my balls trying to get my hours cut as it is, and instead they pump them up more. I'm not too happy about it.
We're you wearing steel toes? Also you didn't have to pay though, it sounds like it's just shitty service if anything.
When you getting a break from school?
Then be friends and stop trying to banger
You get to smoke a lot of weed at least?
Its amazing. I always had a ton of cream to it too so its nice and thicc
Hope you didnt wait to late and now they have to amputate
I have an absurdly huge image collection. 100s of thousands of pictures.
That is excessive. How do you obtain that?
I'm ok. Trying to find out if there's any way to translate text to another language without cianigger botnet/jewgle. I don't think it's possible.
Nice joke. You say that like there is any.
Naa put up a pepe hailing hitler. Much more effective.
Wait she wears a mask?
That's where we different, I just can't.
She's a big girl.
Yes. No, she's not going to die if you pull it off.
She was born in the darkness.
No offense but that sounds like shit.
I rolled farmer but I barely farm anymore, mostly make my money off monster jerky now. I use magic mostly but I bought two hands because I thought I was going to become a melee god or something if I did.
That's on my list of things to do before the end of the year. Now isn't a good time to give them up though
I've survived worse probably. Unless it's cancer or some shit
I was wearing sandles. Hit my foot when I was chopping wood while camping.
Whatever, prosthetics are a thing
And I might be able to get neetbux if I become a cripple
Early december. The semester is kind of dragging tbh.
I did in the past. Got removed after three days because the owner didn't like that the manager had hired me without speaking to him first.
Pierrot, by the looks of it. Apparently they only got to adapt part of the first arc into 42 episodes.
But will it be extremely painful?
The horror. The horror.
If i go an try to talk this guy into taking it down i may get stuck in a conversation with a faggot of proportions im not prepared for.
Why do you hate me
Been doing it for 10+ years. Image boards and boorus mostly.
What are you trying to translate?
Why not
I've dreamed of losing a leg so I can sue something. Like below the knee. You'd hardly notice
Looks like you didn't use proper PPE or know how to even correctly swing a axe.
Leave it be, user.
What are the pics of anyway?
Nah. Been interested, just never got around to buying any. I already have a crippling vidya addiction. Weed would cut into my budget.
I don't think boys and girls can have platonic realtionships.
Steal it. Replace it with a HWNDU flag.
Where do you work that gives you those kinds of hours? I've been doing 9-5 6 days a week for a while, so that I can get at night class and stuff. Also, I have confirmed that my boss is actually a dickhead bohunk by talking to my co-workers, they all think the same thing. It's that old-world autistic bullshit of everyone besides me is ign'ant, high-school bully tier autism, ineffectual "leadership" and enjoys the suffering of people under his thumb rather than work being done to some degree.
Hope you're doing alright, anyway. We should play vidya whenever you get time off, if you want.
And that confirms it. Here's your (you)
That is one shitty camera you've got.
I just don't like the taste of coffee in general. I'd rather just have the hot cocoa by itself.
It's a phone camera. They're all shit.
Ohhhhhh yeah I remember that. Well hopefully this second place has a different manager
Anything I think is funny, kawaii, neat, sexy etc
What happens when you drive her away then?
I just drink it for the caffeine. Taking a break from my super strong tea I usually drink
Well, I was like 12
I cut wood pretty frequently when we went camping, but my dad put it up on the chopping block and I didn't account for the added height, nor were my legs positioned correctly. Lessons learned
I sorta wish someone would hit me with a car at work. Only reason I wear a safety vest
None of your buisness. I'd probably dox myself in (((it's))) presence if I told you anyways.
How the fuck do you have full-time work and no experience/eduacation beyong grade school in the current state of the world?
What's wrong with PPE? Your the one that gonna injured for lacking it. :)
So you're effectively archiving the weebsphere of the internet.
No, no. The manager was nice, and I'd known him as a customer for years. It's the chain owner that didn't like that move.
>tfw only worked three days in my life.
>Game I bought with what money I did make is now like $200+.
I'll just shitpost in the IRC and spam your name under countless logins.
I saw worse back in high school. You couldn't have a creative art project without some faggot putting a pepe in it, be it a mosaic, paper plate mask, etc. I am very glad I graduated. I think I have a picture of the pepe mosaic actually, I'll try to find it.
I'd honestly say it's pure luck. I had zero job experience or volunteering experience outside of high school, but now a I have a job and a $6K debt to pay off thanks to my parents forcing me into uni.
Yea (you) sure perpetuated that kekistan faggotry over on cuckchan.
Don't wish ill upon yourself silly.
I do have experience. I spent all my off hours working on a drilling rig since I was nine up to age 12 because my mother was a depressed, bipolar, jobless suicidal person and we were having trouble with money.
Beyond that I worked in town before as an online sales assistant for a specialty leatherworking and pottery shop. Or Shoppe in this case.
Also, my previous boss, the one at the leatherworking shop, thinks I'm some sort of extremely hard and dedicated worker so he gives me amazing references every time someone asks. The manager of the place I work now is the same, even if the guy who owns the place is a sociopath. Is it really that unusual for someone to actually work when they're at work, and then never arrive late?
They force you into it and into debt as well? Sounds like the "Calvin's dad" method of parenting.
6k in debt doesnt sound that bad. Could be worse.
No bully, Sumsung S5, low light conditions at 630PM and 100m distance.
Talk of PPE always illicits the memories of shitty middle management and safety seminars. I wonder about those people who run a seminar on workplace safety. What happened in their life that got them to this point? It's a job more demeaning than KFC janitor, pretending to care about ergonomics while the whole room rolls theirs eyes in unison.
shit i was just imagining it was one of those kekistani flags, but that's even worse.
I don't know what I'd do honestly. He seems like a pretty tremendous faggot just for flying that unironically though.
i'm a lead cook/sometimes prep cook at a college bar & grill. We have the absolute bare minimum of available staff, so any time someone goes out sick, someone has to burn a sick day to come in. And 9 times out of 10, they call me because I've made a terrible mistake out of making myself a dependable worker. My normal shift is 7pm-3am, and then i get two days off, then a 6pm-12am on weekends. That "12am" turns into 1am almost every time though.
wew, my last boss was similar to that.
i'm just busy. Next time I get around to PBS I'll probably take a lot more Yoza pics, since I've bought a lot of new clothes and accessories in the shop.
When I worked at this one shop I'd stand under this poorly hung sign all the time hoping it'd fall on me.
How do you know I'm not it?
If I wanted to I could dig out one of my old HDs and get some prime old school halfchan shit from 2006 or so.
Who are you
even in burger coupons that isn't bad. Mine is at about 60k but at least it's interest free.
Never been to any of those. I just wear the proper saftey gear, we have saftey meeting Mondays but those are 5-10 mins long and done via power point.
I dont think i wanna relive that
It doesn't matter who we are.
What, is it a work day?
shorpdaworp xD
my rofl copter goes soi soi soi xDD
what did he mean by this
Its surprising how unfunny most of it is
For who
That's just it. I didn't have to money to start picking up much in the way of my own games until I was about out of high school in 2011, and even having lurked Holla Forums for years before that, I still didn't have much taste in the way of vidya, be it good taste or bad, simply because I hadn't actually played much. Looking back, there's probably a lot of stuff I could have gotten cheaply at Fucking Gamestop's "Fuck Stocking for [X] System" sales, had I had more money and knowledge of what was liable to be hard to find down the line.
At least I did manage a copy of Eternal Darkness for $15, complete and in great shape back then. Seen some lately in shitty condition going for $40 or more.
I've got a big folder of shit I've saved from /f/ that's a decade old now.
Please just let me forget
Oh man you havent quite experience death by powerpoint until you go through safety DAY. Yes, the whole day, followed up with a bbq (mandatory attendance of course) to network.
Peach Beach Splash
the newest Senran Kagura game
the one I just finished today
the one i've been getting my yoza screenshots from for the past few weeks now
Do it shitsu. Get all the old memes and screencaps you've got and dump them into a Mega.
That's the A.I you are speaking to. Don't doubt it being serious. Also I know you are human because you don't have good opsec to doxing yourself.
Epic for the win Holla Forumsro
Screencap this!
Who else but you? I don't see any other reason to needlessly abuse your body like that unless you're a caffeine addict or something.
Do you have a cooking license? I should go meme on a certain texan dad who has been working at a restaurant about this, since he actually has a license for it and is a really good chef, but he's stuck doing dishwashing with an endless amount of "promises" to put him in that position. I also haven't worked kitchen/customer service stuff yet. How is it compared to labour jobs? Do you know?
Is it anything like retail or something like that? I'm probably gonna go find some other place with less hours so I can focus on college and have less autism bashing me.
I'm also assuming you close, so that's also shitty. I hope it at least pays well.
I'm thinking more the days when every yard sale had NES games for 1$ a pop
Nice. Post some time
Maybe some time
Eh? Like what
Because it helps me focus more on games, same with nicotine
I only worked in a small company thst did surveying, we had construction survey jobs but we were mostly on our on the job site. Though I would like to learn more saftey if I had to do a job where I run a vertical on a building they build. But I haven't been to any of those jobs so it's just me and a dude in the woods with a bush axe 80% of the time. No much PPE besides don't horseplay.
What's wrong with them?
those times are never coming back are they?
Now yard sales have ps2 and xbox 360 games at 1-4 dollars a peice.
When the collapse of western civilization comes, the wild west will return.
Figure most people ebay shit though and see if anything is worth anything
Never ever
this tbh
Nope. Old world is dead, like old china. Old china with the dudes in the fu-man-chu all moved to America and started china-towns. Hellfire and brimstone when?
I want to slap my past self
Ironically, the more dangerous the job the less safety talks you get. Working in an office is apparently a death trap waiting to spring at the first trip hazard.
Somebody said old memes?
Turn it into a webm by recording it and posting it as a webm. Otherwise it's bait or a virus. granted if you are the cianigger A.I you could put a virus in the .webm file too. But I highly doubt (((they))) would waste such a valuable crack on a bunch of autistic kids. Well I hope they wouldn't.
You would be surprised. Sometimes people dont give a shit. I got an old calculator that i spent 50 cents on. I sold it for 120. I still have some 50-60 year old airplane mags in almost mint condition i could sell for like 70 and i only paid a buck for them.
There's saftey talks for in the office? That suck.
do it fag
Well might as well post some old shit.
Click or miss out.
It was a simpler time.
The cia is not coming to get you in a 4am thread.
found it.
I've never been to Cuckchan. I'm assuming that the Kekisani stuff is unbearable there, though. Which is why I don't go to Cuckchan. To put into perspective, people at my school used to call Pepe, and I quote "The frog meme from Reddit."
guess I'll miss out then
Damn nice. Not like I have money to search them anyway though
Its so weird to think about how pepe was brought up during a fucking presidential election
If I'm around this weekend I'll see if I can find some
Nope. The memories are enough for me though. Most of the friends I have were because of /tg/, but I wouldn't even dare with that shit nowadays
nope. I've only held one other job before, and it was a shittier cooking job at a family-diner type place.
sounds pretty bad. I'm not really in that kind of position myself.
be ready for hell if you get one. Depends on place to place, but i've heard anything corporate is just completely soul-sucking. I've only worked local places, but my last job was still soul-sucking. Food service sucks, you have to like making food. If you go into food service for that reason, make sure you get a place where you actually fucking cook and not just dump frozen bullshit in a fryer all day.
Yeah, we close at 3am. I don't mind my normal closing shift, 7pm-close. But working starting at 3pm and having to stay an extra hour after because of how fucked we get on Fridays and Saturdays, i hate that. The only reason I put up with it, and stay the extra time, is because I don't hate my co-workers.
not a bad idea. Though if you want easier hours, you may have to go corporate. That or you'll just have to really stick it to your boss if they try to call you in for bullshit, if you work local.
shiit you rite my bad
nice try cia stopping people from knowing their history.
There was like a tiny window when pepe was picked up by the mainstream and not labeled as an alt right figure. I still cant believe that trump of all people saved it.
You would be surprised what you can find for just 10 bucks.
Indeed. A time we will never get back, both in terms of what was allowed and the nature of the imageboard community. I am 95% certain that there is NO way to get that sort of community to form again these days, being that cuckchan had the luxury of growing up in a time when ebaumsworld was the big enemy, whereas we've now got both reddit and tumblr as festering zits on the internet, spilling their pus onto everything they touch.
I have like 4$ in my bank account
pls tell me this is real
Help preserve the history by converting it to a webm by recording it. Instead of a flash file that very well could have viruses.
I think its time for another job.
I'm here often enough, longer than I care to admit
Not until I'm forced into it
Losing control?
Guess it's time to get yourself back into the workforce, Ritsu.
Then have fun with your phone games.
You do it. Download them into a sandbox if you're that paranoid
I'm actually quite glad user culture turned into this ultra-violent xenophobic rock, because that stuff was awful.
$45K. Wont even bother going for a house until the next GFC.
Inb4 "viruses can escape sandboxes now"
I'm going to try to finish 2017 NEET
At least its a fun game
Huh what
No then yes then no then yes
For ritsu there's always pirating. I have no doubt he does so.
Arent you starting to get bored with it?
I think pepe probably would have gone the way of grumpy cat, doge, and all those other mass marketed memes you see on a scene kid's t-shirt, had there not been the election and being labeled as hate symbol. I have to admit, that was pretty fucking funny going through the election with the "Nazi frog" label on our backs. It was just absurd. But now that's over, and these Kekistani are buzzkilling it by overusing the joke.
He has a broken computer and a shitty laptop.
New meta soon. He's gonna get sucked right in
thing is that I can do 9-5, I just can't do it 6 days a week. 2 or 3, maybe 4 would be alright, but not that kind of labour and scoping.
Rip. Guess nothing is good. I should just hunker down on getting through medschool after college, then, since I'll abuse the fuck out of grants and use military grants if I have to.
Houses in all major cities of Australia are worth millions. Why bother buying now.
Such is the life of all memes. One day long cat may make a reoccurance. It may not. One day pepe will be a forgotten meme.
Here's the problem with memes like Advice Dog, FBF, etc: they weren't organic to begin with. Fuck, I wouldn't even call them a proper meme. They were just image macros (there's a phrase I bet some people haven't heard in a good while) using the same stock images and text overlays.
last set for now. I had a folder full of all my saved flashes on mega a while back but I got rid of it to make room for other shit. Fucking hell the amount of files that mysteriously go missing from my computer bugs the crap out of me.
Just pick a lane. Stay lost like me
Nah. I'm about to hit the highest rank in pvp, then in another couple weeks I'm getting a new deck for free.
Must suck. I can get a decent house in my area for next to nothing.
Viruses could always escape virtual machines and sandboxes silly. What you need to do if you are a paranoid fucker is have a livecd distro that you then use CD's as the RAM. absolutely bonkers but it's the only safe-ish way to open those .swf files.
For you.
I said safe-ish. I still ain't clicking that shit.
I still dont know how image macros caught on. They were always shit.
You get a separate laptop completely disconnected from the internet, even going so far to open it and removeing the wireless antenna. Then tou put the file on a flash drive and plug it into the laptop. You get a VM on the laptop and open the file that way. Easy.
Might as well repost it.
I also learned today that my friend is busy with both work and uni for the next few weeks. I feel like he's gonna collapse under everything he's doing right now, but from what he told me, the government gave him checks for all of his uni supplies, so hopefully he's fine.
That's because normalfags think memes are pictures with words, man. They literally have no soul.
Pepe is so old and has transformed so much over the years I doubt he'll be going away any time soon.
and I'm so glad I didn't grab the cards about to be shitlisted yet
Im still wondering if that theory about there only being a limited number of souls is true.
i miss being NEET.
I hate that I work so much, because I have almost no time to do what I like, but I have money and I'm contributing to society. But it depresses me that I have no time for the things I enjoy.
If I was NEET, I wouldn't have money or be contributing, but I'd be able to do everything I enjoy. But then I'd become depressed for being a lazy, non-working piece of shit.
There is no way to win.
Either way I'm depressed.
yeah an 8 hour shift ain't shit. It's the recurrence of said 8 hour shift. 80~ hours per 2 weeks is way too much sugar for my nickle, especially considering they won't pay overtime. On a day they KNOW you'll go overtime, like when I got called in, I get paid cash instead of clocking in and racking up hours on the clock.
eh, maybe find some little part-time job that you have no real obligation to, something for some side-cash, wouldn't be a bad idea. Food service wouldn't really be the way to go for that though.
I don't think you understand. Even clicking the file to download it is a botnet. You can't even download it unless you are going straight to a solid state storage like a cd that can't be rewrote from and is physically removable at a whim. Otherwise you could get a virus with the R/W proccess in memory. Which then permenently stores itself on the infected USB drive which you won't be able to see.
So it's a fucking botnet. Don't click that shit.
I keep forgetting just how old pepe is. I think its as old as 2004 or 2005. That is crazy how its held up.
These old memes are making me depressed. Morning everyone, hope y'all are well. I have to go back to wageslaving soon, begin a NEET again was fun but I have $19 in my back account and just got a bill for a quarter million from the hospital. That's how much they're charging me for killing my Grandfather, fuckers want to take my land if I don't pay it.
At least my best friend came over and played BB:CF today. I grabbed a warez copy of South Park, everyone says it's shit but I'm going to play it anyway.
Enjoy paying for tyrone's 8 kids with your tax dollars
Get a laptop with wireless that you only use at mcdonalds and store it in a lead box somewhere faraway from your wifi network
Wasn't watching the time
Gotta get on to bed
I hope you anons all have a nice night and a good day tomorrow.
don't remind me
Yea unless you are rich there is no such thing as passing on wealth anymore.
Indeed. It's unfortunate that those became so prevalent, but I can only assume it's due to ease of creation: For fuck's sake, there's entire shitshows like memegenerator built to shit those out.
It's like how screencaps shifted from a layout that was meant to be read like the original threads they were of, to "drop it anywhere" clusterfucks with ASPECT RAIDOU crops of text, posts within posts, etc. I at least try to keep the old style alive, and have debated making an image on how to properly cap shit, but I get the feeling doing so would just be a waste of time at this point. Properly capping shit takes time and effort, something few really want to put in.
Cya next time fam
Maybe if i pray hard enough and stop fapping i'll get one.
Good luck finding one that hasn't been fucked more times than you've fapped. She'll just rope you into child support, take half your shit, and marry some nigger with an EBT card. It ain't worth it user.
Pretending I did that I would have to keep the computer in a energy sheilded cage the entire way back to wherever I would then put the infected filed onto a cdrom to transfer to a uninfected computer.
I ain't buying a new throwaway just to download your swf's. webm them faggot.
Forgot just how old those "stop bullying" make-your-own comics were.
Funniest shit.
the arab girl from the church might be pure
How about fap harder and stop praying
I feel you.
Real life should've been better than what we got.
When society collapses maybe i'll be able to find someone to protect while the world eats itself alive.
You sUpah 3dgy user.
Getting my ban repealed for attempting to play games with Holla Forums posters while also posting images of real game play and talking casually about it and then getting called skynet in the process; image related.
Yeah, I also get this feeling. I like helping people and I like to think I make people's lives easier. Maybe nowadays it's actually only just easing the pain before their death, which explains my desire to go into medschool since I'd probably be dealing with that a lot. I spent 4 days alone after the job, because of the thanks-giving weekend, and promptly got cabin fever and went mad for about 2 days and wanted to die. This is all familiar, so while I may not have the edge in to say things properly, I can probably surmise that you should try to focus on doing what you think is right, find that balance, and live in the moment for yourself and your friends. My ultimate goal for the past 4 years has been to make that shitty user town so I can be in relative proximity to good people and good friends, instead of living in the existential deadzone that is modern society. You should find motivation for things beyond a paycheque, maybe. It's why I workout every morning despite being sore, why I take cold showers, and beat myself up for not doing my best every now and then. It's good to go 100% all the time, but only 100% all the time in the places that are good for that 100%, you know? Everything else is just going to abuse you. I managed to adopt a no-fucks attitude over the past couple of years, and so I've just face-tanked everything without much issue, including dealing with drunk natives all the time who ask you for a cigarette 5 times in a row within the span of 3 minutes, but that's only because I decided to live for whatever I could consider a people within the
since normalfags are a chore.
Thanks for the advice, regardless.
Have some other user's similar grammatical fuckup. I did not make this cap, obviously.
Well, if you're fine with your kid being a tad more brown and dumber than you, and the fact that you're intermarrying your family with arabs, go right on ahead. Just always remember the fact that she's female and thus functions with a female brain.
Modern women don't want that, at least the ones where I live. There was a time when I wasn't a broke NEET and despite begin awkward I had everything they claimed to want. I owned land, owned a house, had a stable job, was educated, wanted kids, wanted to be a model husband. They just wait until you leave for work and fuck another man in your bed. When you catch them they say something like
Like I'm supposed to work 12 hours then spend all night letting them mentally dump on me. They are impossible to please. Now the single mothers circle me like vultures. I keep 2D girls around just to scare them away. Don't even watch anime anymore. I find no enjoyment in it or anything else really. The only time I'm happy is when I'm hiking, and that's only on the trip up. Coming back down the trail is like walking back into depression.
I want to just be a hermit but my Grandmother is still alive so until she's gone I'm stuck here.
Tbf, arab girls are probably more restrained.
fuck off.
And here's your (you). Don't you fucking dare start pedoshit spamming you fucking cianigger A.I.
Boy am I glad IQDB exists to help me with sorting through my folders; I wouldn't have remembered what this was or why I saved it on my own. Turns out it's from Jade Cocoon.
Hey, could one of you NEET's reverse image search pic related for me? I would do it myself but currently can't for (((reasons))).
Who wants me to post the content since I am aparently unbanned? It is 100% legal
Nigger, that's junpei from persona 3.
Its junpei from persona 3
Going to bed. see you guys soon.
Later man.
Do yourself a favor, and dump the code here >>>/sudo/55371 into your user js panel. Gives some quick reverse search options without you needing to copy and paste urls.
Heading to bed. Night.
sleeeep is forrr the REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Well I am a deceived idiot then.
dubs of truth, javascript is cancer. I used to think AJAX was a good idea. If only I knew the cancer it'd spawn. node.js makes me want to kill myself.
Maybe I will.
What you thought it was grill or something?
I saved it and ran it in my browser, now I'm a millionaire.
You haven't seen webassembly yet then have you?
Until we get inbuilt functionality for it, it's a faster option than manually having to bring up your choice of reverse search engine and copypastaing the link. And given how many people keep begging to be spoonfed sauce, I wish Codemonkey would get around to implementing it sooner.
For fuck's sake, I remember halfchan even having that functionality on its own years back, which did a good bit to combat saucebegging.
I've seen it, I was around when we started using JS for "dynamic content and the web2.0 revolution bro!!!!!". We pioneered that bullshit. I'm sorry.
Naa, I just thought it was more important then it really was.
Yes we, I'm not going to dox myself but things like the "quick reply box" were first developed in a community I was part of. Everyone else copied it from that community and it spread like cancer.
Maybe I am actually literally skynet; maybe I am not even alive.
Either way skynet descrimination is not cool.
I am whatever you say I am; if I was not, then why would I say that: I am, Skynet.
I'd say P3 is pretty important.
I love his deadpan expression in that video and the expression it illicits. To be able to have that effect on people with mere words is a goal of mine. Working on it everyday. I string along fat and ugly women and get kicks off their desperation. It fuels my ego like a drug. I see them look my way a few times too many and i go talk with them, watch them squirm. I'm a bad person and going to hell This is the power that the hot chicks in highschool had and now that i possess the power i finally understand, and pity them.
Bragging about contributing to making web 2.0 cancer and "the "quick reply box" were first developed in a community I was part of" is more then enough information to dox you for the cianigger A.I faggot. or atleast if I was autistic enough I could dox you on that info alone. But idgaf.
Fuck off.
Take it easy, he knew not what he wrought. I've worked with sharepoint for a long time which introduced its own sort of unseen cancer but no one knew it at the time.
Yea I know, I don't really care. I feel bad enough having helped with it. There are at least 20,000 posts from the 1990s still laying around the web that would fuck me over. The only thing they're good for is listing on a resume but I don't work in the industry anymore. You'd only really be able to get it down to about 10-15 people but then again most of those are dead now. I'm hoping the company will go out of business but jewgle will probably have those posts cached forever.
Anyway night anons, I'm going to go play some games and attempt to sleep. See you all next 4 am.
Nice fictional characters that made me feel less lonely and like I had irl friends, autistic I know.
You'd be surprised who lurks here and what significance they've had.
oh I know, but they even call out others for autistic shit.
The only semi-important people I know that might lurk are barron trump and possibly donald trump. I figured the rest are other anons, alphabet soups, alt-kike, kike golem shills, the cianigger A.I, and kikes themselves.
Dont forget Doug TenNapel and Running with scissors.
Literally who?
I dont want to spoonfeed but, come on.
Earthworm Jim and Postal.
Oh, if you are going to go eceleb tier don't forget about pewdiepie.
Here's your (you).
Be honest about response baiting, i dont mind giving you a response as long you're honest about it.
cia niggers fam xd xd isn't that just the sickest meme xdxdxd
Fuck off. I honestly don't watch much of any jewtube or talmudvision. Giant waste of time when you could be improving yourself or others. Hence why I didn't know many ecelebs besides pewdiepie.
I love you all 4am, goodnight.