Johan we've got nothing on Hitler! How the fuck do we make him unlikeable
is not on page 13.
See for yourself.
can ya webm it user?
It's 11 minutes long and I don't have a good internet connection.
Well now I feel bad for him. Good job, you've made me feel sorry for Hitler.
He's literally Hitler. What more do you need?
The funny thing is they could've easily made him more unlikeable by turning him into a redditor
Do we really need so many threads about one shit game
This has paid reviews. It's just so obvious and not all that surprising given it's bethshit.
maybe mark should just make this another Cyclical for a bit untill Holla Forums gets tiered.
What's I'm trying to understand is why is it so hard for leftists to make Hitler look bad. It's not like it's hard. Just show a scene with him making a speech about jews and cut to a shot with a bunch of kikes shoved in the oven.
They don't know how to write, period.
If anything its already prepping the player for disappointment. Who the fuck would think that making the major antagonist in your game look weak as fuck is a good thing? Unless they plan on pulling a bait and switch, which I sincerely do not expect out of them
Lazy faggot: hooktube.com
I thought the expansion for the first game hinted that a failed assassination attempt against Hitler had his brain likely transplanted into a robot body or something. The fuck is this?
Not even the biggest cuck can make me believe this game isn't anti-white propaganda after looking at this picture.
70 years later, nothing strikes more fear into the Jewish soul than the Führer's image. These kikes will be checking under the bed for Nazis for millennia.
I could hardly imagine enduring 2 hours of that bullshit.
It might be the developers masturbating to the idea that Hitler is weak. I can guarantee you if this game has modding support one of the first mods will be one replacing Hitler with Trump
Wolfenstein: The New Order 1886
His dialogue is literally antifa-cuck tier
That would be quacking crazy, Jimbo.
AIs will kvetch about holocaust trauma until the heat death of the universe because the mind used as their base was 12th generation holocaust survivor.
that was actually kind of cool, I liked it
Do you honestly think video game developers care about what really happened? And even if they did do you think the publishers would allow in the game?
Nice to see people from marketing department just got in work and are doing their jobs
Are they really calling it Wolfenstein 2? Isn't this like the 5th or 6th game in the series?
Kind of ironic, that's how Stalin died. He had a brain hemorrhage after retiring to his quarters, and his guards found him later the next day gurgling and laying in his own piss, and he died after several days of living like that. If I was suspicious about the matter, I'd say they were taking Stalin's fall to ill health and applying it to Hitler instead.
It's the 8th if you count the first two Castle Wolfenstein games. It's Bethesda, the same people who brought you "Doom" and "Prey".
is that really your main contention with it
It's the 11th, actually.
01 - Castle Wolfenstein (1981)
02 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (1984)
03 - Wolfenstein 3D (1992)
04 - Spear of Destiny (1992)
05 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001)
06 - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (2003)
07 - Wolfenstein RPG (2008)
08 - Wolfenstein (2009)
09 - Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014)
10 - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (2015)
11 - Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (2017)
Nope, I just got to thinking about it yesterday and didn't wanna make a thread for it.
good, because it's really not an interesting point to bring up. it's what, the hundredth series to have a reboot series now? shit's pretty tired.
uh, the more you know
But I don't think it's even a reboot. As far as I'm aware, New Order was in the same timeline as Return to Castle Wolfenstein and the 2009 game.
Jesus Christ, that guy on the left even does the hand rubbing.
did they really just call wolfenstein 2009 just wolfenstein? Who were they trying to fool thinking it was the first game in the series 🤔🤔🤔
Classic nazi-shitting that's always existed in games, I'm not upset. Interesting scene but why does the game need to have a sassy badass afro woman and interracial scenes, just please go fuck yourself.
Wolfenstein pionered the PFS genre, now it's barely an FPS.
I think Return to Caste Wolfenstein has been retconned and replaced with the Old Blood. Don't know if Wolf2009 is still considered canon.
The first game the Swedecucks made was okay, they were serious on showing Nazi atrocities, now this fucking new one, Jesus it's a fucking walking simulator with padded out cutscenes with political shit. Beyond parody and they played all straight, even the Young Turds defended this shit game because muh political message.
Like what? Outlawing vivisection?
First game had showing crazy shit like the work camps, ovens, and mass shootings, but this new one was beyond retarded, like a parody with NuCucks from Swedenistan, and it's not even tasteful when you see shit like a self-hating white cuck take a ring from a dead soldier to propose to his she-boon antifa revolutionary or that fat bitch who said to kill her mother quickly, and you got the final "boss fight" in the game which is a QTE to put a fucking axe to her head.
Beyond fucking retarded when you put both games side by side, not even worth a fucking pirate when it's just 4 hours long and half of it is just cutscenes.
Well, golly gee, where's the Jap holocaust right about now?
did you even know what's in the game? lets play devils advocate and say it would be great if they showed the horrors of the Nazis. there is a level where they turn death camps into cartoon level evil circus land complete with mechs for jew removal and oven cooking that you then rampage through like a slaughterwad. It's ludicrous
Don't forget 'inventing magnetic data storage'. Better throw your old VHS's and harddrives out because that's straight nazi technology!
I can't blame them, this is pretty much what every "holocaust survivor" wrote in their novels.
and now for something that rustles me even more than this programming which is more blatant than anything on TV
last but not least
this hurts to watch.
Spread this picture.
they already damage controlled that one by saying literally every bit of technology the nazi's invented was actually secret stolen ancient yid magic, the whole thing reads like american allied propaganda super butthurt and eager to revise the history about the fact their entire technological spurt was off stolen tech and their country is grinding to a halt because diversity doesn't actual gets results.
oh and I forgot one thing.
There's no way there was going to be any sort of serious political message from these people post 2016. Their rational thinking was gone a long time ago, but the election did some serious brain damage to these people. It's like a World Peace skit
That's because he may no have committed suicide: >>>Holla Forums10807919
So, things that never happened?
I wish someone would nuke Sweden already. Nothing of value would be lost in the nuclear fires.
If only he and the Reich really did escape to Antarctica and regrouped in an underground base and perfected German technology and cyber-nazis became a reality.
What I want to know is where are the Islamic sci-fi dystopias? Where's my mecha Mohammed?
what was it called
That shitty Dreamfall game!
I note a distinct lack of communist dystopias there.
That's because there's no point in make-believe Communist dystopias, if we already live in one.
Bioshock 2 kind of tried, but everything about Sofia Lamb was so underdeveloped I thought it not worth mentioning. There's always 1984.
Then someone would actually bomb the studio and instead of sitting around and getting normalfag bucks topped with paid/non-gamer reviews they would feel real pain
People remember Homefront at all?
I find it hilarious that both Orwell and Huxley wrote about leftist dystopias, despite Orwell actually being a socialist. Goes to show they were smart enough to fear the right thing.
its not a bad scene typcial nazi are badguys shit but why is this cutscene so fucking long come on man its a wolfenstein game
Its a current year AAA game. They basically make movies now.
The best of presenting Hitler as a half-crazy frail old man, still trying to leave an artist legacy aside from conquering THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD made him more likeable and human in my eyes
No. Wait. I got it.
Mecha Mecca.
i dont mind movies but fuck man cant i just have some skipable cutscenes or a mode which its all levels then i can watch my movie cutscenes later?
Speak English, Tyrone.
The cube reveals legs and arms before standing up.
You see, they thought about it. From the previous game we know that all that technology was stolen by nazists from ancient secret jewish sociality.
You can just play a better game and have a better experience. No one is forcing you to play the latest AAA trash. of course the last AAA game i bought was persona 5 and that was like 25-30 hours of cutscenes and dialogue
Okay, no.
We'll call it Shariashock.
Mecha Mecca is the big boss.
Your Big Daddies are Jizya Enforcer bots dressed in burkas.
Plasmid powers include stone and acid.
Stone has a damage bonus against females.
Freedom Figthers
IS Defense?
nah man i was a kang and shiet man i dont need no anglish
I thought IS defense was a wave shooter like Beachhead
That Consortium game from what I remember from that demo/teaser on that plane
Just make everything have a damage bonus against females, then you can say you're making it realistic.
He did a 180 during the Spanish civil war, seeing that his own side was doing stupid shit like harassing the clergy, alongside the constant infighting between communists and anarchists that rendered the Republican forces useless.
user the first game was garbage. Wasn't even a good FPS. And its not the "Evil Nazi" motif alone because Wolfenstein 3d, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and even Wolfenstein 2009 are competent. Its the combination of being a garbage game and then being a tool to promote bigoted Political propaganda is the icing on the cake. What makes it worst is the blatant hypocrisy of these bigots.
Looks like the good goyim type didn`t move past the NO U banter. Even if you ignore the propaganda, how can you defend that? It`s the laziest thing you could do to.
He's most certainly Bjorked in the head.
The persona series is too niche and has far too low of a budget to be AAA. They're AA.
Persona is a huge name in japan. Its AAA.
Of course it's anti-white. They literally killed Blazkowicz by decapitating him by the nazi bitch. His head was saved and put on a new body. He's alive with the power of progressive science.
You can also curb stomp Hitler during the acting scene when he's laying on the ground before you enter the glass cube. Not sure if it was intentional to make Hitler sympathetic during that scene. Doesn't come off as a crazy dictator, more of an old man trying to fulfill his life long legacy before he dies of sickness.
Being huge "in Japan" doesn't make it huge. AAA is not a relative term.
u trigger nazi xdd?
I've seen that picture pop up every once in a while, but I keep thinking that it's just too dubious to confirm. Aside from the propagandistic act of actually doing away with him publicly, why would America just let him be in Argentina? And even though it's not like the Americans are any good at subtlety (remember that Castro is the survivor of the most assassination attempts ever done to a dictator) it just seems weird that such an important news for his political allies would be just lost to legend.
At the same time, South America was uneventful during WWII, but all their countries did send volunteers to COMINTERN, Allies and Axis alike, plus Eastern SA was filled to the brim of Italians and Germans prior, during and after the war, whether they were war criminals, economic immigrants or deserters. That being said, there were plenty of Hitler impersonators and doppelgangers, both to protect him and actors back home to mock him. What's to say that is the real one?
Of course it's Pete virtue signalling. He has no time to discuss opposing views or how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls
No. Sonic, Mario, Pokémon, Legend of Zelda. Super Smash Bros. Final Fantasy. These are AAA from Japan. Would you put Persona up with those?
Persona 5 was a huge seller, but it didn't have an AAA budget, that's for damn sure.
Committed and perpetuated by Antifa and the rest of the left.
Leftists fail to learn from history, again, and will, again, wonder they they're getting the noose when Hitler 2.0 comes into power. This time around there won't be any Soviet Russia to save them though.
What are the chances this bombs?
Normalfag reviews for this game on steam are mostly good, and negative reviews are all just complaining about crashes and how fucking buggy the game is. Kinda disappointed.
Steam reviews for AAA games are shilled as fuck, I wouldn't trust it
You really think Bethesda of all companies has to astroturf positive reviews for mediocre games?
Or rather, not necessarily astroturfing but buying reviews up the ass
m8, they unironically come here to shill
Are you joking?
The Good: This game will be forgotten in 2 weeks.
The Bad: Many more pozzed games on the horizon..
It's already bombing. See
Frankly, calling it a buggy mess is a better idea than saying something political, because it's more likely people will vote it as helpful and Steam's algorithms will show it to other people.
You know what they say abut Mr. Bones Wild Ride
Good. Doing worse than NuDoom, and NuDoom was forgotten in a week.
I'm pretty sure Oblivion didn't get added to Steam until years after its release.
Are you seriously suggesting that Bethesda doesn't have an enormous normalfag following that buys their games regardless of quality?
No. But you were implying that they don't shill their product.
the blood is fucking atrocious. why. almost everything looks fine and then these absolutely terrible blood/being shot effects, it's fucking cartoonish. Is that what they were going for? Everything else looks reasonably not-cartoon, so it just seems out of place
I believe the first two games have nothing to do with Wolf3d and Wolfenstein name wasn't really copyrighted then
Well, it has only been out for a few hours so I expect that it will change, but not even a single review talking about the plot that isn't all like "Fug year! Killin me some Nertzies!"
You don't have to go on a political rant to call a retarded story retarded. I understand this is hard to grasp for some anons, but sometimes all you really need to say about something is "I don't like it."
No, you illiterate, I was replying to a retard who implied that the only way a Bethesda game would get mostly good reviews from normalfags was if they shilled. Normalfags love eating shit, that's why they're normalfags.
>be failed half-(((jewish))) (((art student)))
hello shlomo
What, banned from Holla Forums?
Skyrim was an actual game though, not blatant political propaganda.
its a shit game mind you, but its still 100% game.
This "game" is mostly cutscenes. Its literally Bethesda's "The Order: 1886"
And games like those actually do tend to bomb, even when propped up immensely.
But user, YOU ARE triggered. Think for yourself, would you care about this scene as much before coming into Holla Forums?
Seriously. You only protect literal hitler because you're here, and not on the other side of the internet.
You would find this scene amazing and hilarious if you were against Holla Forums viewpoint of hitler worship and wehraboo lifestyle.
You are a minority.
Bad games never hurt a big series until the next entry. Mass Effect 3 sold great.
Are you actively trying to reach for victim points?
I thought I was the only one that got that. Hitler was the biggest jewish tool.
For reference, Doom $current_year had a 31k all-time peak, and this game has peaked at 7k and is starting to level off. We'll see how it ends up after a day though, America's still asleep.
When I said "something political" I meant "something that someone could interpret as politically motivated." People dislike politics as a general rule.
I'm no Holla Forumsack but I found that scene awful because it was poorly written, poorly shot, poorly animated, and overall awful. If it was Stalin or Mao getting the same treatment I would be just as annoyed, especially if people kept shilling it like (You).
Mass Effect 3 sold great and nearly caused riots. I think half the reason Andromeda flopped so hard was because no one was willing to preorder it after the ME3 disaster.
This game is full-on Current Year and even then the GG consensus is that they'll buy it anyway.
That's actually fucking retarded.
Alright Petey, stop being a lying faggot.
It's kangz but with jews.
I was talking about KiA, which is the actual HQ of GG.
I have a feeling you relate to your Hitler pic, as you are clearly missing a chunk of your brain.
Your nose is showing.
Really makes you think
Yes everyone will buy it
Never once in my life would I have liked it, these games are so fucking uncreative and overblown it's annoying as shit. Can't there for once be something where we kill Karl Marx, or gun down bolsheviks, to spice things up? It's always the same fucking shit over and over again, how anyone isn't fucking sick of hearing about Hitler I'll never know.
I don't give a fuck what you think about reddit you tryhard child, KiA is still GG HQ.
I never said people should buy it, I said the opposite.
I'd buy it.
Alright, Petey, tell me about the ghoul kid!
Why is he in the fridge?
The funny thing is I'm willing to bet the opposite is true and I bet that I can find proof within minutes showing you wrong
Was I talking about your inane demand for "proof"? No, I wasn't.
My god "user", I didn't think you could be more obvious than this.
He's also full of shit. I unironically went to reddit to check, and there was maybe five people saying they were considering buying or had already bought the game.
Obvious about what?
I saw more than one highly upvoted post saying they will buy the game, thus I concluded that the GG consensus is that they will buy the game.
But this is a completely accurate statement.
Take your own advice you fucking triggered snowflake.
I can't draw, so, could someone who knows what they're doing make a proper loss with the insane pregnant bitch?
They had multiple threads, and look at that, pretty much all of them shit on the game.
It was a couple of threads. I believe the one about false advertising, and the other wolfenstein one on the front page. I ain't going back there, though.
Same, but these fresh out of indoctrination center quota hires while never make a game where you're not a commie revolutionary or zogbot killing nazis for the 6 millionth time. Every 3 months there's some new media about nazis and how evil they are for as long back as I can remember, it's so fucking tiresome
It would never happen, because it would be extremely uncomfortable for people to see nazi apologetic game. And you just want to murder people, which will only provoke thoughts about violent video games making people become nazi school shooters. Don't you have enough /gsg/ larping? You're so cool and hip for letting germany win in video games, you probably cum in your pants too when you do it. Can't do shit in real live though, larper.
Upboats can be downboated and people can also post that they disagree.
top Snek pretty good, for a white ass fascist Nazi pig!!
user, I just posted entire fucking threads where they disagree, call the game out and think it will be shit. They've been doing this for months.
You can fuck right off, you have nothing and you're lazy as fuck, you still refuse to even post these likely imaginary posts you're referring to.
You're pathetic.
Yeah, wonder why this would be uncomfortable but not being a literal commie, sounds like brainwashing to me
Did you really just reference your own post where you said you saw some people upboat something you didn't like and you had to run here and tell us "The GG consensus is that they'll buy this game"
"Well, not the GG threads, but fucking KiA, the real hub of GG"
"I saw some posts on there that were upvoted that said they'll buy the game"
"Heh, inane demand for "proof", fucking tryhard child"
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm surprised the hotpockets haven't gotten to you yet. They must be asleep.
Looking over the headlines it seems most people are annoyed about this game with the exception of one of the mods, haven't looked in the comments though.
Also, I found this pic in there. "Bombed half of america"? Bitch the Nazis never even fucking touched us, you're thinking of Britain.
Stop replying to the shill.
10/10 logic Holla Forums.
why are the mods now total niggers?
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
Someone has to debunk and bully him user
What the actual fuck. I'm curious if this happened in a Wolfenstein game now; it would be them literally believing what happened in video games to be actual history, because this is just
I've seen 4th graders with a better grasp on history than these absolute retards.
This is the only response you can mutter. Your vile criminal nature of death for being born a jew or a black person is showing. You just want to kill. That's all. You're not a man but a beast. Beast not able to socially communicate with the rest non-white tribe. An outcast of the kingdom. Justice will be served.
Some NeoGaffers thought the US won the battle at Alamo.
< but such a game would create nertzi skool shootaz
Don't reply to (1) shills, nigger.
There's literally nothing wrong with protesting criminal government, that's a freedom of speech.
Not when the protesters are commies.
Communism is not an ideology of a social democrat. But just its sigma. The goal is social democracy with capitalist economy, but without social oppression. Everyone will be happy in this system.
user I don't think you know what antifa do. Its not legal by any stretch of the imagination.
There is plenty wrong with inciting violent criminal action and recruitment into a confirmed terrorist group.
Are you niggers seriously getting triggered by fucking Wolfenstein of all things?
Confirmed by who? By white ass nazi pigs in the US government?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
I think the mouthbreathing redditor is referencing The New Colossus here, he just worded it poorly. Then again, it might be that he actually believes Germans were bombing the US in WW2, leftists tend to have a very poor grasp of history.
Oh Christ, I fell for it.
Good one user.
Everyone falls of Holla Forums impersonation, you will never stop falling. But rest assured, there's no left in this thread. Yet.
Watch this vid and tell me this game is good. I dare you, faggot. I double dare you.
It's funny that at first the argument was that KiA is not GG and I must be some filthy redditor, yet now people are DESPERATE to defend KiA and tacitly admit to going there.
You are misrepresenting what I said. Hmm, now why would you do that?
Holla Forums is virtually unmoderated.
What exactly am I supposed to be shilling?
I don't remember Wolfenstein ever being about political messages, in fact it's up there with Red Alert as games with vague political undertones but ultimately about shooting down the bad guys. This game is libs creaming themselves at the thought of putting Nazis and the KKK on the same level.
I just read the synopsis and it reads like a Marxists wet dream.
BJ is basically a stooge for his black nationalist and communist friends.
His father is the typical redneck who hates blacks for mo particular reason and eventually sells out his Jewish wife to the Nazis (Why the fuck did he even marry in the first place!?)
I had read that it was so he could get her money (totally a nazi thing to do amirite, not like he wouldn't just fucking take it from a her) but that doesn't explain why he would have a child with her, raise that child, or continue to raise that child after outing her regardless.
Having played the first 30 minutes, I have to say the writing is some of the worst I've seen in an AAA game in a good long time.
o i'm laffin'
Why can't the whole game be filled with this sort of thing? That's hilarious.
Funny thing is, the Nazis were against the KKK.
Shut up, nigger.
You don't even have to be full 14/88 to realize that the level of blatant political propaganda in the game is pure cancer.
This. 100%.
poor user
I am speechless
It's like this game is basically saying "BJ's dad represents "Old America". "Old America" is racist, homophobic and evil. We need to kill "Old America" and replace it with "New America" (As in, pozzed as fuck America.)
Pretty much. The KKK and the Black Panthers were govt sponsored domestic terrorist groups and the original crisis actors.
Capitalism has killed more people than communism
So was the Hitlers shit, nigger.
At least it was by their choice, unlike communism.
[citation needed]
Did you get bored reading the GAF thread, newfag?
Kek, git gud and git back to >>>Holla Forums
Which is really stupid, since it retcons him being a polack that actually had a reason to hate nazis. He also looks like a picture perfect Aryan, yet neither of his parents are aryans. I'm really, really curious to know how many people that worked on TNO worked on this.
Nice try, nobody falls for the "GOOBERGAYS ARE TRAITORS!!!" meme anymore.
Sage for doublepost
I think they might have had a few "diversity" hires for this.
So am I honestly, I feel like the tone and themes of the story are totally different between The New Order and this one.
that's hilarious
It keeps happening
>his name is William J. (((Blazkowicz)))
DoR comes, everyone at Bethesda is going in ovens.
That screenshot was to show the antifa backgrounds. Also that's the credits for the contractors who did recordings and stuff. It doesn't show who from Machine Games worked on both games.
Fucking retards
As of TNC Blazkowicz was confirmed as half-Jewish. His mother is a kike.
That's a pretty polish name tbf, changing him to be jewish despite him looking like an aryan god and not even fucking mattering is stupid though. I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete it if the entire game is as bad as the first hour.
Doesn't need to go that far down the propaganda hole. Open world Moscow menshevik vs. bolshevik. After deposing the tzar peacefully, you struggle to maintain an interim government until the scheduled elections when the bolsheviks stage a coup and plunge your country into a near century of dystopian horror.
I'd play the shit out of that.
That's fully Jewish then. Kikedom is maternally transmitted.
I wanted the list to see if this was a case of "hire a whole new crew and have giant turnover rates to turn the entire staff roster (((tolerant and diverse)))," or if the devs were just suppressing their SJWdom and are only showing their true colors now.
Besides, why would I want to kill them when the migrants are doing it for me? :^)
It was always ambiguous in the original games whether Billy was Jewish or not. Devs never said.
There is a wargame about that.
Why do you fall for edgy holly wood style nazi propaganda? Hitler would have been against cyber implants simply because it is an act against nature. Stop acting like the national socialists were some edgy psycho killers rather than the clean cut well mannered people they are. You larpers are what kill Holla Forums without having an understanding on true national socialism.
It's not political propaganda, because wolfenstein has always been about killing crazed nadzis :^)
So, which of those is you, user?
It wasn't really relevant, as it should be. Is it relevant in this one? Couldn't the father just be an abusive cunt without the whole marrying a jewess for her shekels deal?
I know a guy, an adult, who says he doesn't want to travel to Germany because they hate jews there.
AAA game that most likely won't break 15k consecutive players on PC, how much of a failure is that exactly?
But muslims DO hate the jews, user
He'll be hard pressed to find a country on Earth where they don't hate Jews. Even kikes in Israel hate their fellow yids.
It's being outdone by Fallout 4, and Fallout 4 was below average for a Bethesda game, both in sales and reception.
Daily reminder Holla Forums is the strongest site on the internet
If you actually looked at those numbers, you'd realize that AC's current and peak player numbers are identical, meaning it's still growing. Also, Americans haven't woken up yet, and people probably won't buy/play till they get home from work. We'll have to wait and see how it goes, but I don't think it'll go much higher.
Frankly, they alienated most of the PC audience after the Unity shitshow, so it's possible the Steam numbers are weirdly low but they still do well on consoles.
What did Holla Forums do? I was off the internet when Fallout 4 came out.
Shit, I guess he's technically right then.
Liberals want us to respect trigger warring and safe spaces, but then undermine themselves by using "triggered" as an insult? I'll remember that when I throw them in the ovens :^)
so if you opposed bigoted anti-white propaganda then you are a racist? Interesting.
Never gets old.
Newfag, depart.
I don't know man, we can only hope that its a commercial failure and somebodies career gets mangled at Bethesda and Marketing finally pulls it's head out of his own ass and starts flushing devs with left leaning biases
Will that happen? probably not, more likely they go bankrupt developing games that white males find repugnant
the washing machien eester egg in mario bros
I can't speak for everyone, but when I went to visit my father's side of the family in Berlin they basically did nothing but talk about how Germany was being dragged back down into the gutter by the Jews.
Get fucked with your reddit tier argumentation. Only a complete retard wouldn't notice the blatant political messages this game, and only this game, is trying to push.
the problem with the PC analytic is the demographic that most often buy and play AAAyy games are console kiddies.
But user, look at where Asscreed is on that list.
There are plenty more actually.
I get you, but I mean he was so simple minded about it, I don't think he could grasp that kind of subtlety. He seemed to believe nothing changed in 80 years.
I think user meant in terms of Wolfenstein games, though I'd argue TNO was equally as bad, if not as blatantly in-your-face about it.
Normalfags are the very definition of gentile cattle the Jews talk about.
I don't understand significance of your response. Game not being popular on PC is not remarkable, and while I'd love to imagine they where a financial failure you cant really get a good perspective on sales based on a segment of the PC market.
Nigger, you people are giving the SJWs exactly the kind of spectacle they were hoping to see by chimping out like that.
what are you pretending to be upset about today, Holla Forums?
user you are the one making a strawman.
This game is going to die the same way Doom 4 did.
Just another consumerist trash where normalfags play it once and never touch it again.
If it failed relative to another AAA game on PC, what makes you think it will do better on consoles relative to other AAA games?
SJW tainting video games with their ideology has always been discussed here, so what is your problem?
No, I meant within the franchise. Before this it was just about shooting nazis and nothing more.
I just like the aesthetic so you can fuck off.
That ending was magnificent.
I'm sorry user, I'll go to bed.
I wish I was surprised.
Doom 4 had about a 4x higher peak than The New Colossus currently has, but America hasn't woken up yet so we'll see what it looks like later.
Nu-Doom is a good game. Not a good Doom game, mind you, but still a fun enough shooter for what it is. TNO was a boring turd with shitty enemy design, boring maps, poor pacing and a retarded storyline. I'd rather get Nu-Doom 2 than more Wolfenstein. At least there's not much you can fuck up, from a narrative perspective, about shooting demons.
(((Polish))) Americans.
because of the Demographics that play these types of games are more likely to own consoles. These dumb games are what pre-teens consume and children don't usually own gaming PC's. Moreover, the PC market is already over-saturated with cheap alternatives such as Better old FPS & Emulators. The lions-share of sales for these games come from mongoloids who just blindly impulse buy the new flashy game like good consumers. Take Rise of the Tomb Raider, sold over3 million copies between PS4 & Xbone but sold only 160k on PC.
The only good thing about NuDoom is a very, very small amount of actually good custom maps. Like a classic bethesda game, the community has to make it playable for them.
The first two games were the prototypes for critical gameplay elements, and iD liked them so much that they bought the intellectual property to make their Wolf 3D games on. It is fitting and correct to include the early games in the lineage.
I liked the sound track a lot. That might be the very best part of the game.
We'll have to agree to disagree. I had fun with the game and it's the best thing to come out of modern FPS games in a long time.
The community had almost firebombed Bethesda studio office in order to get them to fix huge problems which fan weren't happy with during the early showcases.
Its going to sell more on consoles, yes. That's an objective fact. But its going to flop as an AAA title regardless.
Serious Sam 3 came out only six year ago. Titanfall 2 came out last year. Titanfall 2 is unironically faster, and has more enemies on screen at once at times than NuDoom.
Can you please stop abusing the English language?
For your digits, anything.
Always remember to ==PIRATE BETHESDA GAMES== only and never pay for them.
I proudly announce: I never bought a bethesda game in my whole life.
NuDoom would have been ok if Snap Map and Online wasn't its achilles heel. That and because the performance on my old Nvidia card (with no vulkan support) has been wonky in tums of performance between updates. There have been times where I could run NuDoom at full screen 120fps and other times after patches it wont break a stable 30fps. I also have the game freeze and hang on loading levels.
why would you ever want to play any Bethesda games?
are you from reddit?
I'm confused what does it even mean.
I agree, now why is National Socialist Germany criminal government?
But user
what about Morrowind and Daggerfall, and works like Call of Cthulu? They used to put out decent games, believe it or not
I tried playing it on PC a few years ago till my save got corrupted three quarters of the way through, never again.
NuDoom was fairly good if you hadn't touched Doom 1 and 2 in a long time and so your expectations were shifted, but if you play them one after the other NuDoom feels slower than molasses in an igloo.
Also by far it's worst feature is that you have to unlock upgrades to your movement, it's a serious buzzkill for replays.
Its funny, they made Hitler pitiable. Its like watching a crazy old grandfather ramble about, and the ironic thing was that his paranoia was justified and correct in the fucking scene
How are Wolfenstein 2 stats so bad? I looked them up myself to be sure.
Looking at the current player count.
I honestly don't know what to make of it and I know some of the games I mentioned are multiplayer. I've seen it hyped absolutely everywhere and everyone talking about buying it.
Even accounting for the time of day where player count isn't at it's peak it still doesn't explain why it's doing so bad in comparison to other games.
Maybe Bethesda will start to learn their lesson.
eat shit schmuley
user why did you have to save a thumbnail. It breaks my heart every time you post that same tinny Vivian and every time I click it in hopes its going to be higher quality. Every time I am disappointed. Its heart breaking honestly.
You are likely wearing nostalgia goggles & need to raise your standards. Daggerfall was a cool tech demo at best but a garbage game. Morrowind was mediocre at best and improved by Mods. Oblivion was always garbage and was made ten years ago. Just let that sink in.
Classic Doom & Build Engine FPS where essentially the Alpha and the Omega of first person shooters its been all downhill after Quake.
No we're calling the appearance of BASED Afro Negresses and race mixing Jewish Proaganda
Yes, it's Jewish influenced propanda
That makes him Jewish, user
I'm sorry user.
kill yourself nigger
If leftists were capable of learning their lesson they wouldn't be trying communism again for the umpteenth time.
Hitler and the Third Reich fought the whole world itself over its ideals but you faggots can't handle someone make fun of Hitler in a series about killing Nazis. What's next, behead all those who insult Adolf? What a fucking disgrace, you naziboo reactionaries are soyboys of the right. The shit that makes people laugh at national socialism is whiners you. Fuck off and don't return until you can act like man.
hello Holla Forums
enjoy having a dead board
Hello newfags!
it seems to be a successful strategy tbh
user I'm already aware that Hitler did nothing wrong besides not kill enough jews
We're referring to the context of this game and what the bethesda writers were trying to accomplish
You disproved your own point in your post.
Also summed it up pretty well.
This, it was an interesting depiction, very cool
Sorry user, I see you were, but I dunno about the rest.
Not a gunfag, but doesn't the luger have a visible moving part in the back to release the shells?
Thank me later: fpp.co.uk
If the ww2 germany won and occupied USA, i doubt they'll care who runs it except jews. In fact they will probably raise shitskin regiments like they did from africa and india to occupy the place because they want a pliant government, not a bunch of resentful and intelligent wasps
My point fucking proven. Fuck off to reddit if you're that easily triggered like little queers, their temperament is closer to yours.
i already said hello Holla Forums
that was your cue to leave you pathetic commie cuck
where are the mods when you need them
This is exactly this kind of people who play games only to buy micro transaction items.
In the older Wolfenstein games you are an Polish agent that needed to get information, get captured (on purpose) and get the fuck out, nothing more.
This game on the other hand is pure putting the gommies into good light and make it an antifa wet dreams while shitting on whites too.It cries about the nazis while promoting communism even though the group is supposed to be pro-American and might for the Americans, though communism is pure anti-America in its fullest. Its fucking aweful for those reasons. If it was just killing nazi's again no one would give a shit and you know that's true.
Stop replying.
fight for*
you shouldnt ignore cancer
you attack it headon so it leaves
ignoring cancer is what got us into this mess
Bullshit. I got into TES when Skyrim came out and decided to play the earlier ones first. They're objectively good games. Personally, I couldn't get into Arena.
Yuri is just as degenerate as Yaoi.
Can someone post nice paintings by Hitler or anyone including (You), I'd just like to see something nice, that'd be provocative, fresh, and groundbreaking - actual art and not vomit, piss, blood, shit or pus
the concentration death holiday camp which look slightly more severe than a sanatorium and somehow in 15 years all the jews and blacks weren't destroyed?
Weren't the Japanese camps in Korea actually staffed by koreans who had no issues with abusing their own people?
here's 11 years ago
Where does the government take the money from if there's no social oppression?
You can have aa capitalist monarchy, republic or a dictatorship with no problems.
it's even better that way because the retarded consumerist masses don't impact the nation negatively.
An American, OSA top guy.
Originally BJ was a Texan with Polish ancestry so that'd give us the easiest implication of his ancestors migrating somewhere around the partitions of Poland
Now, Sweden being incredibly assmad with Poland being as close to an actual ethnostate for Poles, no abortions or feminism they engaged themselves in the "Holocaust replacement operation" - you lift the blame for the Holocaust >imlpying it happened from Germans into a generally mysterious and alien "Nazis" of some sort, and simultaneously paint Poland as the only tangible guilty party.
Seeing nu/pol/ beg you to leave their hugbox is pretty sad, isn't it?
That being said, this is ostensibly a containment thread, you're basically just shooting oversensitive fish in a barrel.
Not 11, 16 years ago.
Ignorance is sure is bliss, i can't argue with that.
people need to learn how to filter and report
classic cuckfy
which one is the real Tod Howard? :^)
are (you) just pretending to be retarded?
hi Holla Forums
Anti depression pills are a fucking scam, imagine paying plumbers to tape over a broken pipe and then calling different ones once the tape gets soaked.
It's a cycle of
tfw bought Gorilla mindset and got cured over a weekend when i read it, thank you lifestyle book merchant.
Lol, you better eat this shit sandwich goy. Go suck kike dick or else you aren't a real man. Real men just suck it up. I mean its 2017….r-right goy?
clearly not Jewish propaganda. Hitler definitely couldn't distinguish a Jew from an Aryan….
Chemically salty.
It written by a jew, though I wonder is the book worth giving a read?
It's THE safest stance you can take as a vidya developer. In fact, it is so safe that for a time every single FPS in the industry was releasing WW2 shooters where you play as either the Americans or Russians. It's like saying that it's a brave and controversial move to make a military shooter about the burger wars in the Middle East.
>someone who actually knows how to use the "with regards" meme properly
bless you user
And when you make, at most, $7 on every copy sold, vs. the $30+ you make on Steam, you'll excuse me when I don't see this gaining enough sales to justify another one being made, barring divine intervention.
Yeah after years of being productive and when they don't lay any more eggs you dingus.
I would love it if the game was a flop but steam statistics are not proper indicator. It's presumptuous wishful thinking.
hi Rach
It's not enough that game makes profit. It needs to make a certain level of profit within a certain time frame, or the studio isn't gonna be happy.
Bad compared to what? There needs to be some sort of metric to judge them on, but seeing as they are rather unique in design, the only thing you can really point towards is Gothic.
Someone asked me for sources on the DARPA connections to shit games yesterday. Turns out another emerged yesterday evening. This life stream is a very good introduction into the topic. Some would say: "But isn't that by Aurini who sometimes pimp QuQu?". I have it good authority that you can ignore these. I may be the last one to scream "Acidcuck, Acidcuck.REEEEEEEE~!", but the guy got some damage from revolt's antics and engages in the same guilt by association bullshit revolt and SJW are also guilty of nowadays. Don't let drama cut you off from a fine source.
Would you be equally pissed off at your purely hypothetical gf for cheating on you with a girl as with a guy?
They square the circle by equating everyone to their right as nazis. That's how they unironically think they are being brave. In the 1960s, new left academics used to equate things like the family to fascism (see Foucault's intro to D&G's Anti-Oedipus). Everything that gets in their way is fascism, even though large amounts of elites, the media, academics, NGOs, etc. are roughly in support of them. Notice the leftist anons above openly admitting that nazis are in the minority, and that this game is just business as usual (which is partially true, but also partially false because they aren't just going after Hitler now: they are openly attacking whites in some of the content leaked). This state of affairs should be the beginning of thought for truly curious individuals, but this doesn't happen, because they "know" they are in the right. How are they so sure of their righteousness? The cultural industry and ideological state apparatus that is mediated by academia, education system, and the media tells them so.
Almost completely sure this was the source for the originals. GG Threads might know more though.Polite Sage.
shut up schmuley
"Come and get me you nigger-nigger-niggers."
I'm pretty sure if Holla Forums got together, they would make the best game ever made and the libcuck tears would be endless
Incorrect, i just imagined a scene were Stalin vomits and piss himself and i find it sad and tasteless.
Only freaks enjoy that shit, whenever i see kikes being hysterical bitches i always think it's really sad and that things shouldn't be this way.
Also, stay hungry.
I agree that was the original point I ws trying to make here
Man you bethesda drones are desperate to defend your nihilistic escapism.
I know
play moonman doom, share moonman doom with all your friends
It'd be slightly better but still a garbage "cinematic" game
I already did, but my friends just see it as another doom mod instead of the best mod ever made
This. The only difference between those games and this new Wolfenstein is the attitude of the marketers and the people given the spotlight to hype the game up. Everyone involved is also trying their hardest to blur the lines between fantasy and fiction as well, inserting some edgy mention of killing nazis that'll become more annoying and bland than "I'M PICKLE RICK UBRRRP" in a shorter period of time, and sustaining itself by saying that if you're even a smidge annoyed by this or have no interest in the game or even dislike it, you must be a bigot or a Nazi yourself. It's like people resorting to bringing up homophobia as a defense for Dragon Age 2, but worse. The only thing about the game is that nobody on the left would actually allow for someone with B.J.'s physical build or phenotypes be on their side unless they were forcibly drugged and castrated. I've only seen bits of the game but it comes offf as what I said earlier, an attempt to remove the separation between real life and fiction.
Agreed. In entertainment nobody really likes when the antagonist or villain is just some weak guy who has limited control over all of his faculties without at least having some way to back it up. I fucking hate Communists but I wouldn't want to see a film or play a game that's just beating on some Che-worshipping cunt without even an ounce of testosterone in his body. There's some catharsis in that but that's something for small comics or MS paint images. I've only found leftists, SJWs, and bullied Deviantart users conceive of plots and villains who exist solely for the purpose of being defeated in the most pathetic and dignity-void manner yet living no better prior to said defeat. Despite their obsession with "punching up", the left's version of winning is to "punch" downwards on the guy at the bottom of the ladder as hard as they can.
no it isn't user. Even if the Nazi's where enemies in all the other Wolfenstein games they where still cool Nazi's and seen as formidable and menacing. These modern incarnations are clearly meant to be white Americans and the developers are expressing their animus against Real American Citizens and virtue signaling to the far left. Moreover, this latest game has far more perverted pornographic smut, and unessiary bodily fluids. For example the Nude Pragnat woman covered in blood pregnant women covered in blood and the Nigger fucking a fat German Girl. To ignore these thinks and claim its just like Wolfenstein 3D is intellectually dishonest. Even if the Nazi's hypothetically where not in any Wolfenstein game the differences between these Bethesda titles and the classics is like night and day.
Nude Pragnat woman covered in blood *
"In striving for socialism, however, we are convinced that it will develop into communism"
-Vladimir Lenine
Socialism, in the mouth of Marxists (and they all are, non-marxist socialists are stupidly rare), "end game" is communism, always was always will be.
Which is why there never was "real communism" and it's always only a few mass graves away…
Communism being the "paradise state" where "the need for violence against people in general, for the subordination of one man to another, and of one section of the population to another, will vanish altogether since people will become accustomed to observing the elementary conditions of social life without violence and without subordination."
That's where the meme came from. Communism has never existed… only Socialism (which is the transition period to communism).
Actually, the transition period is one of brutal dictatorship because communism "needs" a strongman to take everyone's shit away to "redistribute". How one is supposed to persuade the dictator to step down once communism is achieved is anyone's guess.
It would have to be open bonfires on a grate, right?
I don't have a problem killing any race, political ideology or creature or inanimate object in my vidya as long as they're the bad guys or other competitors. I have a problem with political bullshit being crammed into a game that, by default, is already about killing natsocs, and being presented as a political and cultural statement instead of just another entertainment product, and even more insultingly it's used on a beloved franchise that already works on the idea that you're killing Nazis. To this game, if you're white, a man, hold conservative views or otherwise aren't in with communism, you might as well be a Nazi. They compare center-right views, traditional views, the fucking KKK and stepford-smile America to Nazism, but they understand none of the ideologies they're attacking and yet commit their whole story around how they're all EQUALLY bad. And if you want a reason why they're bad, it's because you gotta trust your renegade comrades fighting for equality and because a horrible negress and a PREGNANT EMPOWERED WOMAN told you so or otherwise you're rayciss. I mean, even as a crutch for the story, it doesn't make any sense that the partisan group you belong to would shoehorn politics into their fight when the whole premise of the game is that America is under foreign occupation. That alone should be reason enough for them to riot. And instead they even manage to show that despite Germans (keyword here is Germans, not Nazism, but Germans are considered the root of all evil here) occupying and modifying history, nothing much changes in the world (outside of another bunch of people doing the exact same stereotypical thing every single Leader of Bad Guys™ throughout history has ever done) and the technologies introduced are somehow in better use of the enemies of Nazism than to the Nazis themselves.
What's even better is that the more they try to appeal to some sort of realistic, terrifying version of nu-nazism, with magical technologies and the whole world at their disposal, they still make them look whimsical by the sheer ineptitude of the writing team and the game developers' decision of making the game piss easy. To give you some framework, when Wolfestein prime was created, the whole point of the game was an emphasis on brutal violence (amped up compared to all games being worked on at the time) and on innovative FPS gameplay. Id Software had absolutely no fucking clue how Nazi Germany was outside on who were their leaders and how their armies dressed like - in fact it was even deemed racist against Germans themselves because of the game instructing you to kill THEM instead of Nazis themselves and that every phrase shouted by your enemies was the equivalent of parsing random grunts through babelfish. Add to that the fact that you're a Polish PoW and that you have to beat motherfucking Mecha Hitler and Astral Projection Hitler and you can immediately tell this game was built to have FUN. At no point they ask you to look at the carnage you've committed or at how bad Nazis are. You just play the damn game with no politics involved. nuWII is just an Antifa's wet dream. The story makes no goddamn sense: you're a Polish-Jew, your father married a Jewess and halfway through he somehow does a political 180 from tolerant to Mr. Genocide and rats her out for no reason other than shock you into how it's the White Man's fault. And this would be no problem to be honest, but the game wants you to remember this at all times since it's Story Heavy. Somehow, the Germans have managed to waltz into America with their superior technology, yet they can't form a formation worth for shit, as the AI either sprays and prays or just rams itself at you in convenient-to-kill methods. Again, it would be no problem at all if the story didn't emphasize how ruthlessly strong and technical the enemy is. You can mow waves after waves of generic stormtroopers, but you have to get your ass saved by minorities who have been struggling throughout the whole pre-story against the occupation, yet somehow they magically become competent again in Cutscene Time. The portrayal of your actual oppressors is also bordering parody, the intro with the soccer referee shooting a Brazilian player in the face to eject him is hilarious and would have probably been an FMV in an Id Wolfenstein title, but this is the intro cutscene that is supposed to show how bad things have gotten. They stomp on a goddamn flower, for God's sake, that's Bambi levels of evil. When they portray Hitler as a bumbling, senile old man, it's genuinely a Mel Brooks comedy. He decides performances aren't good by shooting his actors and the way he point blank kills the man because he's from Arizona killed me more than him.
I want you to compare this game to a title like Red Alert. In C&C:RA, you can pick either the US or the Soviet Union, each with their own color coded faction, ideology, strategies and so on so forth. It's very obvious from the start that the commies are the bad guys, yet everything is presented in semi-serious tones, no matter which side you choose, you just get history jokes at best and they never try to spoonfeed you any ideology. The only time you ever get any serious show of who's the bad guy for the game is when you are ordered to destroy a Polish village. And that has nothing to do with Communist ideology but with the choices of your boss.
He's not actually a jew, worth a pirate at least.
and it didn't really matter for me to pay 20 bucks when i wanted to kill myself.
He died in a pool of his urine while having a seizure because the soldiers near him didn't want to get executed for seeing him that way.
It has some good tracks
Its not a good OST in any way though
Its a really average game, could have been better if there were more enemies and variety on screen, wasn't short as fuck and the Hell levels didn't suck massive dick.
Oh yeah, the takedown pinata bullshit is also bad and so is the shit forced plot and removal of control to use something for an animation.
Add to all of this that the game is also strongly disrespectful to Partisans as well. Commies or otherwise, they put their communities at risk for the sake of liberating their home countries against a foreign oppressor. They formed pretty much a grassroot anti-Gestapo, working as a way to get things done in spite of the occupants. In nuWII, your goal isn't to free America, it's to make sure that everyone else in the world is a-okay with your totally different ideology, whose main points are genociding the race that is currently running the world. Basically the only difference between the renegades and the Reich is that the former has a casual dress code.
The biggest atrocity was removing Bill Brown from being the main composer
We will win, lad.
Good post.
You're naïve and idiotic.
I'm sorry? I'm not talking about morality at all. As it stands, Morrowind is the best in its sub-genre.
The only people who complain about red pill threads are Rach and his sockpuppet accounts to create plausible deniability for the ban & thread deletion. Red pill & literature threads on Holla Forums have a long tradition that goes back to the very beginning. but on Holla ForumsThe_Donald, you get banned as soon as you make a thread that requires the ability to read more than a paragraph or a greentext block.
you are using relativism to make a judgment. That judgment is called moral relativism kiddo.
Morrowind is not even a good computer role playing game. So how you determine it to be the best of anything is laughable.
Shit, that sounds even worse than I thought. I saw the Communist shit and the anarchist credits screen. I don't mean to come off as intellectually dishonest, it's that aside from this board, it's like almost everyone else is just on the 'Kill the Nazis" bandwagon to the point where they're buying the game without even knowing that it's a shooter. I would've assumed that the regular enemies at least would appear to be genuine antagonists rather than Sonichu Jerkops just waiting to be killed. It's like most people want me to know nothing about the game besides circlejerking about how great the "bash the fash" marketing is.
SJWs and leftists believe that anyone who isn't them is very mentally unstable and incoherent, when they're just projecting intense cognitive dissonance. It's why they think that misogynists can somehow hate female characters existing in video games yet want curvy titty monsters in video games at the same time.
I just don't like seeing pathetic people in entertainment. They aren't fun. That would mean having no modern Communists and Socialists in video games and movies though, but I'm fine with that. I'd rather watch IRL leftists get fucked over instead.
The best way to fuck over leftists is having them getting fucked by all sides and not letting up, but since you're almost pathetic as them, ruining their escapism is far too much for you.
If the Steam reviews are anything to go by, it's a poorly optimized buggy mess at launch.
Also, why are Frenchfags such subhuman animals who can't play videogames to save their lives?
a few problems with this.
Are you retarded by any chance?
You might be because you wouldn't post misinformed drivel like that.
an user of good taste! Gothic all the way
*laugh track*
also, are their pictures of evidence of the massive grates able to hold atleast 2000 bodies at once? even if i bend timespace and suspend any knowledge about physics, lets say it took 6 hours for the bodies. not counting time laying them down or moving them around or readying new bodies for the next mass burning. the grate would have to be large enough to hold 2000 bodies.
any holocaust faithfuls can contact a holocaust museum like i once did to obtain some truth to dispel these claims. im sure they'll give you some great ammo, and not just accuse you of being a denier and saying your mind is already made up and cease communication and threaten you :^)
There's nothing on either Holocaust being 6 gorillon plus double that in every other country or Poles being looters and,
doors in Auschwitz "gas chamber" are wooden with a window, open INWARDS, and have a 2 inch gap in them.
absolutely disgusting
i was specifically debunking the person above saying "what about grates that dont exist?" when talking about treblinka… we all know the holocaust is a massive easily debunked lie.
I'll admit this interests me, does anyone have information about this?
did he just rack an imaginary op rod on the side to chamber a round?
i know the jew camps were staffed by jews so they could help provide a socially relevant and pleasant camp so the inmates wouldnt go crazy or become restless., so this wouldnt be unusual.
I'll never spend money on anything related to bethesda again. Unless they make a good game
Did Todd have anything to do with it?
Hitler was an angel sent to Earth. Gas the kikes.
Very nice posts, worth the read. Screencapping for future reference.
The Polish would like a word with you.
People usually get butthurt when told the truth.
Jesus fuck, kill me now, this shit was written by a Sweden college graduate which has experienced Poland via the Erasmus program.
Just a reminder. Look these people up on moby games. Most of them have done nothing but nu-Wolfenstein.
End yourself.
I wonder how the gaming press and their godess will defend this.
and what
Except all those reasons Yes even if you don't think they are good reasons that Hitler is considered to be one of the worst people ever.
Does anyone have proof of this? Not that I don't believe it, but if I ever argue with some autist over having the KKK work with Nazis in NuWolf, I want to be able to pull out some evidence along with NatSoc principles being more interested in ejecting foreigners rather than exterminating 6 gorrillion of them.
Anybody who unironically uses the word triggered isn't allowed to have an opinion, especially when plebbitors like you rehash the exact same arguments thinking they have any weight
Did you write this comment?
Lemme guess…
Why is pregnancy so fetishized by the people who celebrate abortions and deem they are mandatory for a modern society.
If this is true the modern art movement and the destruction of an objective measure of quality in the art world is responsible for 6gorillion dead jews.
That's part of the propaganda, they want to convince white men that it's cool to betray your race. It's no surprise that the United States Military has all kinds of ties to triple A video game studios, they push the same stuff.
It's objectively propaganda for Antifa, you fucking retard. And yeah, mocking HItler is stale as fuck, it's also never done well because they never mock his actual beliefs. It's always:
I've never heard of this
Maybe you've heard of it's cousin
I never made that argument. Could you point out where you think I made that argument?
Where does he think I made that argument, then? I posted the image of Hitler with the Deer and one of his paintings because they show that he obviously wasn't anything like how they present him in fiction.
If people wanted to actually mock Hitler, they'd have to examine his actual views, and his actual life, something most people are totally unwilling to do. For example, back in the 1930s there was a satirical article about him called Hitler's Salad Days, it tried to paint him as a sensitive weirdo that no one really liked, they did this while presenting his actual beliefs. It was retarded, but at least it was actually focusing on who he was as a person. I think that Bethesda refuses to do that because if they presented his actual beliefs he would appear sympathetic.
even before I discovered Holla Forums in 2011, I was sick of all WWII media always having Nazis as the bad guys. I never understood how Nazis were demonized yet it was ok to be a Commie and wear communist symbols in public.
also Nazi Zombies were overdone and boring.
ask yourself why the KKK, who were very protestant, would want to work with dirty catholic FOREIGNERS?
the KKK would be a rebel group that would try to make America Protestant American again and rebel against Americinzed Positive Christianity.
inb4 this is the plot of Wolfenstein 2.5: The Old Ghosts
The KKK were also full of Jews.
it will be part of the DLC that's 49.99 and cointains 30 minutes of gameplay and 2 hours of cut scenes.
All of that to prevent them from killing themselves and eachother from stress caused by spending their life sat in cubicles eating shit food (sounds familiar?) If you think that's being alive then yeah, they aren't trying to kill them.
when talking about this game don't forget its biggest crime
this isn't even confirming whether or not that includes in-game exposition too
They could even get lazy and just retoll the same stage 11 times and call it Battles of Isonzo: The Game.
I laughed with Hitler when he shot the guy that fucked up his lines.
Yeah and the British are making a comedy of it because the 9/11 and 'LOOB-RI-KA-TEDDD HORZE KOK' sold 'In the Loop' for them without trying.
I wanna have a laugh as Commies' expense but it just looks like more bullshit to keep Jason Isaacs from having a career.
In the original Wolfenstein 3D, you fight Hitler in a mech suit and as soon as you destroy that, he fights you face to face with dual gattling guns. Meanwhile in this game, he's like Mr. Burns. You could just push him over or take away his medication and the war would be won. Where's the fun in that?
A lot of Klan members actually fought in WWII.
That fucking pause after the guy says he's from Arizona and then he just gets the shit shot out of him. Was this supposed to be comedy?
the writer and director of that film is Italian and its a joint American-British film
looks alright to me shows how dysfunctional the commies were
Find a video of every cutscene without any gameplay it's four hours long I believe the full game is about 6-7 hours. Do the maths and you might realize the game is fucking short
That pig looks familiar…
isnt that the board owner of Holla Forums?
Besides the white-ass Nazi fascists comment, what exactly makes this game cucked or seriously political? I don't understand the reactions towards the depiction of Hitler during the audition scene. He's much older during the year the game takes place, obviously. Old people may suffer from dementia.
The real Blastkowicz was a Nazi
It's a movie, not a game.
Only the southern region of Germany is catholic in majority, you sperger, the rest is Lutheran protestant. Also, Hitler and the rest of the national-socialist top hated christianity and tried to actively destroy it.
All what reasons, user? Name one.
I forgot about Lutherans and Protestants in Germany, my bad.
Positive Christianity was the Nationalist-socialist Party's method to reform Christianity in Germany. It was a long term plan to slowly turn Germany back to it's pagan roots by first getting rid of the entire old testament and insisting that the Jesus was nordic and not some kike-on-a-stick.
I imagine it would have been harder to implement in the more God Fearing citizens of the US, and justify the Klan rebels to "witch hunt" Germans for being potential Pagan "Satan Worshipers".
Holy shit! Is that Mr. Clankdick?
The Luger uses a toggle-lock assembly to chamber rounds and then eject em, no bolt catch or slide release whatsoever but hey it's Hitler and he's got an evil gun. Historical accuracy? What's that? :^)