I was thinking of making a chart about games that would fit into the general archetype of a diamond in the rough...

I was thinking of making a chart about games that would fit into the general archetype of a diamond in the rough, not necessarily fitting the label of "underrated" or "obscure", but cult classics or great games that take a hit on the eyes of the general public either for being buggy, unpolished, unfinished or obtuse for new players. (or sometimes even all at the same time)

you know, things like stocker, EYE,morrowind, anything Troika and so on and so forth. do you anons have any suggestions or is this criteria just too broad?

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This is a good idea.
What kinds of criteria are you looking to delineate it by besides "cult classics" and things like that. Will it include any platform and genre? Because there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of games like what you've described.
I do think it might be too broad if it goes across all platforms and genres, plus for a chart like this I'd expect it to be organized by genre as well so that'd be a lot of work too.

And in terms of games I'd recommend, maybe Thief 1 and 2?
Judging from the initial games you've suggested it sounds like you wanna keep this to mostly western games, or am I mistaken?

You'd have to define how culty a cult classic would be. For example, would Touhou or EDF count? What about Nier? What about Nier after Automata came out and it's no longer obscure?
Then you have games thar are obscure in one country and popular in others. Monster Hunter is a cult classic in the west and all over the place in the east, for example.

I still think Nier and Drakengard would count as cult classics. Normalfags don't really bother to explore older games. The new Fire Emblems are a strong example of this

It'd be difficult to satisfy everyone's taste about how niche or wasted-potential a game is, so first make a rough draft off your choices first, then add others' on your discretion. It would be wise to have plus-points and minus points for those games you'd put as why they couldn't achieve popularity, such as "+God-tier combat" and "-Shit story/presentation”
My choice would be Dragons Dogma

Ok. Lets focus to PC english friendly titles.
The criteria should shrink to something that would fit the title. For the sake of simplicity lets call it Diamons in the Rough.

Titles like Deus Ex and Thief are not nearly as broken and flawed as VTMB for example. But despite all that Id still say that the latter is still very much worth playing. I think thats the direction to take.

That would leave out titles are just more intimidating to newcomers like EYE for example.

So we aren't including EYE and thief?
like you wanted to in the OP?

I'd define them as games that subvert what you'd expect in a good way, by using the technologies of their engines in interesting ways. EYE has maps so big that they nearly crash Hammer, and it tries to add tabletop RPG mechanics to a FPS.
If you want another example of a diamond in the rough, look up an RPGMaker game called Mouth Sweet. It's built on the RPGMaker 2003 engine but plays like a survival horror. There are invisible enemies that you have to stop and shoot, and you aim by sound. You don't have enough ammo to take everything on, so you have to plan your battles and try and get away with not shooting when you can.

How the fuck did everything you describe come out of an RPG Maker game
What the actual fuck

why?so it can end up in a wiki somewhere where the faggot in charge will bastardise it at will?

How hard do you think it is to edit a chart? This is like saying

In the overworld it's top-down, like in other RPGMaker games. You hear footsteps sometimes, and when that happens there's an invisible enemy in the room. You can rush to the end in the hopes that it doesn't kill you or press shift to enter firing mode
In firing mode you get a first person view of the area, holding a revolver. You hear footsteps, but the game uses stereo so you can tell whether the sound is from the left or right. You aim the gun until the sound is the same on both sides and fire. If you take too long you die. It's pretty neat for the RPGMaker engine, and works well as a game mechanic.

Sounds like fun to me. Binary Domain should show up.


forgot gif

I was trying to narrow down the amount of games that would fit the description to a reasonable amount, I did not mention Thief on the OP, however, its a diamond, but I dont think its rough

perhaps leaving EYE out is a mistake, Im still thinking about it.

I intentionally mispelled Stalker in the OP user

Both silent storm games and 7.62 high calibre would propably fit that list pretty well.

It would better to add 7.62 Hard Life instead, it's pretty much a direct upgrade from High Calibre.

Arx Fatalis could enter in this list too.
Sage for double post

this. even those other shitty games have a cult surrounding them

its not about being a cult classic, Im more interested in games that are good despite having many layers of flaws piled on top of them, wich often is the case for cult classic but no always, touhous for example, in comparison to some other games mentioned in this thread, seem like a pretty straightforward affair.

Marauder would also be a good fit.

E.Y.E thread? E.Y.E thread
Ok fags, i seem to have lost my previous lvl 100+ gray master and i hate grindan again. Is there anyway to just get free brozoufs errytiem

Go to mars and farm the two deuses with a bearkiller.

No, charts stifle discussion. Fuck off.
Nigger that game kicked Elder Scrolls into being mainstream.
Every time a chart fag shows up they reveal they know fuck all about games

You're trying to solidify culture in the same way that journalists have been doing for the past 25 years or so. Ever notice that publications will release, "Top 100 Best Games Ever" lists that pretty much echo the prevailing opinions that the zeitgiest has created and released into the void? Why would you want to perpetuate that process? This is how you let normalfags in, you know. Not only that, but this sort of easily-maintained-and-updated wiki style solidification of culture will just make people complacent on accepting the consensus and apathetic when it comes to thinking for themselves and forming their own opinions. Why waste time on game X when pretty much everyone has said, "it's shit"? Not to mention that you're just making it easier for e-celebs and other self interested parties to craft opinions that you want to hear and douse you in a feedback loop that will give in turn have you showering them with attention and money.

Brother, i just literally started the game 10 minutes ago, i don't want to farm New Eden till sunrise just to get the Bearkiller

Shit, this though.
every non-casual had probably known of Morrowind at some point, heck Morrowind was once the top search query on google back then

Capped for truth.

This is why charts are fucking cancer.

Are not cult classics if you play video games.

check em

Any of you cunts remember the days when this undertaking would just be called a list of games?
Now being into your hobby is niche and obscure, fucking hooray.

Says the phoneposter.

Get some sleep user

After seeing the current state of cuckchan /vr/ and the used games market I have to agree, fuck charts.

The "solidification" (commodification) of culture has been a thing for at least the past 50 years. Sell a product associated with a certain value, belief, etc. And people who increasingly lack actual culture will want it as a substitute. Hence the upper middle class Dad who can't play guitar but has one worth several thousand dollars proudly displayed in his living room. This simply takes a non-commercial form on the internet. Virtue signalling being one version of it, constant deference to charts and established norms another. The internet was initially shielded from this since it actually had a culture before it went mainstream. Now we're some way into it conforming to the norm.

It's just fucking disgusting.


Several older Arkane titles deserve to be on there, like Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah. I would probably also consider System Shock 1 and 2 and the original Deus Ex, even though literally everybody knows about those games at this point.

Do these charts upset you, anti-chartfags?

No, seeing scum using past labor to show fun games to people on Holla Forums twisted to ruin my decaying hobby does.

If you want to cheese it get the sermons custom map. Linking to steamforums because I'm a lazy cunt.
It will shower you in research stuff. For moneys I used cm_farm_alpha_23
Took the easy way after my savegame gut corrupted hard after a crash. This stuff should bring you up to speed relatively fast even if it's kinda boring for the most part.

But he's talking about making a list of games that are underrated or obscure. The opposite of a "zeitgiest" opinion.
Maybe we should just stop talking about videogames altogether, that way normalfags will never find out what videogames are.
Well no shit.
No self respecting user gives a shit about e-celebs, where the fuck do you think you are?

This is what i've been looking for, many thanks user, too bad you didn't get those trips
Regardless, i sincerely hope your legs will be ok

I'm sure I can think of more.

we're talking about legitimately fun games

I wonder if any Divine Cybermancy rule 34 exists?

That's the most legitimately good of the three though.

You can discuss and not bother writing it down, it's called oral history dipshit.


For like the first 70 levels just put "map cc_new_eden" into the console, talk to the mentor picking the first dialogue choice mentioning brute force and whatever dialogue for the next choice. It gets you a lot of brouzoufs too.

This isn't ancient Greece you absolute nignog
Go larp somewhere else

Just goes to show chartfags don't play games.
Nice hyperbole, funny enough charts are what kill discussion to begin with.
Normalfags who share these charts do and inevitably ecelebs find them.


Feel free to go back to cuckchan then you mongol nigger.

Okay buddy, recite every good game you've ever played thanks to 8/v/. People here surely possess the memory capabilities of fucking Herodotus right, so feel free to prove it?

>I was thinking of making a chart about games that would fit into the general archetype of a diamond in the rough, not necessarily fitting the label of "underrated" or "obscure", but cult classics or great games that take a hit on the eyes of the general public either for being buggy, unpolished, unfinished or obtuse for new players. (or sometimes even all at the same time)
This isn't about listing games that are obscure or underrated, it's for listing games that are flawed or broken, but still loved despite their flaws, or possibly because their flaws make them more endearing. Sort of a "they had no idea how to properly make what they wanted, but they tried their hardest and it shows" type deal.

That's the point you retarded fucking mongoloid, fuck you. Get the fuck out of my hobby.

This exactly.
This. A million times over.

Getting back on topic. Kenshi has caught up my eye after Seeing the threads here, I will give it shot because it looks really interesting

Oh yes, Stocker: Call of Manager, my favorite game for the personal computer. Anu chicken bricken eve danke, mirite fellow gaymer? :^)

Why teach normalfags anything? They will still corrupt it and make it shit no matter what. Have you not seen their autistic attempts at memes? They also have an annoying personality in general to the point where they'll meme spout any sentence.

t. failure who couldn't answer a basic challenge and prove his own point
why don't you get on vocaroo and let us all hear your faggoty voice too while we're at it? Give us a *real* oral history of good vidya?

You clearly havent played S.T.O.C.K.E.R: Clear Isle

Pic almost related

Are you that triggered for being called out as worthless cancer? Good. Fuck you.

Here's your last (you) lad. Feel free to go back to cuckchan where its okay to shit on traditions like charts and pretend like you're an oldfag

reminder cuck/v/ is here, behave

Am I supposed to be upset at the creators' garbage tastes?

That's a fucking retardedly arbitrary thing to make a chart for. We already have guides for games that need fixes. And games like Deus Ex and Thief aren't broken to begin with.

Well I got a few charts that are definitely more in the "cult classic" department simply because of how offputting they can be. I generally don't follow games by genre's and "absurdistcore" seems like a trendy way of saying a game is fucking weird but at the very least a few titles in this list may get the ball rolling. There's also more than a few games in pic 2 that are certainly more niche. Post spreadsheets or list your own games fags. If you want to get this shit rolling then we need to start pulling out some names. Pics 3 and 4 are especially ripe for this topic.

Why did mods bumplock this thread? was just getting into the idea of making a list of cult classic games.

I was gonna fucking bring up No More Heroes or El Shaddai as examples of games that are functionally sound and have interesting stories and settings, but are muddied by weird obtuse game design decision (NMH's silly combat mechanics and "open world", ES's main gimmick of stealing weapons and purifying them).
I will bring it up, but if the thread's bumplocked, who knows who's gonna see it.