What are some games you guys play that don't need much concentration? I sometimes like to listen to podcasts/music/other things while playing, but I need a wider selection. I've currently got:
What are some games you guys play that don't need much concentration...
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Dynasty Warriors 3 Xtreme Legends
Binding of Isaac is the game that I have used the most for that purpose.
sonic mania. Sounds wrong but there's rarely more than one thing to think about on screen at a time, you can cheese your way through every level without really trying, and it has those all-important fx/bgm volume sliders
I like playing Black Desert Online while doing other things. There's a lot that you can do afk, and watching a youtube video while grinding is great
I clear maps on PoE while listening to Nazi podcasts.
Nice try pal. I'm too lazy to even bother looking for those anyway.
Yeah, but I've played it to death in both OG and rebirth
Might pirate
I have Vanilla WoW for that, but I actually immerse myself while playing RPGs, including making a backstory for my character and writing it out.
Endless Legend is the epitome of comfy, the music already in game is enough to feel nice and warm, especially during the winter months.
Killing Floor is good for this, especially after listening to the soundtrack for dozens of hours.
By Job, you're right. Need to reinstall that. Wish I had some friends to play it with sometimes too.
i finally started playing after 4 years of shitting on it
it's still shit, but you can play it blindfolded. even with all the animosity among teammates, it's still a tollerable way to kill half an hour
Musou/Sengoku Basara games are good ones. Grinding for shit in MMO's work well too.
Hearthstone is alright, because if you're not a drooling retard you're way ahead of most of the player base. Though that doesn't mean you'll win. It's basically just rolling dice a lot of the time but at least you can alt tab and fap or watch videos while your opponent goes to rope on every single fucking turn.
Eurotruck simulator.
Monster Hunter has a learning curve that has you playing in a pretty comfy way once you master enemy patterns.
Play antibirth.
Lego Worlds is my game of choice if I just want to veg out
nice template faggot
no shit
What are some good podcast to listen while playing these games?
Do you think the devs are literally dead?
Last time online on steam was september 2016
Lurk more, newfag. Nice singles
I'm always on the search for these too OP. The Pixel Puzzle games, various Mahjong Solitaire games, 12 Labours of Hercules as long as you're not going for high scores are things I've had success with.
Anything that ends up grindy can be alright. It's getting to that cleanup point though, they need to be prepared in advance. Creeper World 3 is a great example of this with its near endless random worlds once you're done with the story levels.
Platformers are out completely for podcasts, I've tried and tried.
I don't think we'll ever see anything as good as VCD again though. It's so perfect, takes up just enough concentration to entertain you while not impeding the podcast in any way. The closest I've come is Shufflepuck Cantina, an air hockey game.
Can't speak for OP but I pretty much just listen to wrestling podcasts. Wrestlers and their mouthpieces are born storytellers and generally know how to talk. Plus you avoid ghastly cringe inducing shit of "nerd" podcasts.
How's killing floor 2? Did they cease with their kikery?
CoD Zombies is exciting but settles into a rhythm; I'd listen to a podcast while playing. Terraria takes some concentration sometimes, but it's usually chill enough to work.
We've got Worm. You also have to read Worm though. Read it. It's good.
Superhot and minesweeper
just one fucking search engine away
The context is what's important faggot. Go and stay go if you don't like it. Bump.
Driving games bore me to death. Probably because when I drive in real life I have a tendency to fall asleep.
KF2 is pretty good if you ask me. The gore system and enemies look much better, but the maps aren't as big and the music is more forgetful then the precursor.
Tried that personally. With the exception of the WaW maps, I usually try to do the easter eggs like an autist.
Not going to work, I've got a slight gambling infatuation, so I love some minor elements of random chance.
I've been playing Grim Dawn on veteran difficulty and it's pretty comfy,. 90% of encounters are a breeze until I get 1shot by something out of the blue.
>get btfo'd back to >>>/cuckchan/
>>/4chan/ , endless captcha, droves of newfags and cuckoldry awaits you but only if you fuck off there right now
Here's a game called EVERYTHING. It sounds like it's right up OP's alley, but I haven't played it.
I've been playing American Truck Simulator and Cuphead while listening to podcasts.
Go back to endchan you goon.
EVE Online
Euro Truck 2
Cities: Skylines
Nah fuck off cunt. I'll be posting in this thread and there's nothing you can do about it.
There's the Powder toy btw. Fun sandbox game. Almost literally.
Any puzzle game without a timer. Or some real roguelike.
Puzzle Quest is nice and not too demanding, if you disable the move timer in options.
Tomorrow wil lbe good will plkay