What are some notorious fake trailers...

What are some notorious fake trailers? I'm not talking just graphics downgrade but like a complete fucking lie about the game.

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killzone 2 and project offset are the biggest fake trailers i know. basically everything from sony is a fake.

those were the simpler times

it was just sonyggers who wanted to believe this. everyone else called it out as the fake trailer it was.

still mad


Kiddo, pls. Unlike you I'm old enough to remember what actually happened and the majority totally believed it. Even the skeptics were going "hmm, let's just wait and see, I wonder if it's possible…".

The devs admitted that it was a proof of concept CGI animation on an EGM interview though.

haha I fucking remember that.

Yeah but nowhere near right away. Maybe the blame isn't on them, but Sony was pushing it hard as officially real as long as possible.

so this is a sonygger's reality destortion field, huh

The Order whatever date it was, of course.

What was the lie though? The game was just like the trailer get it?

they thought uncharted 4 was going to look this good as well.

Dead Island, both the first and sequel trailers. The first one more so because you didn't have expectations for it until gameplay was shown and it was a generic game.

Too bad we'll never get a torso statue because it has to be removed because triggered people know that something exist and don't have the notion to ignore what they don't like. Still a shit design that have looked better if it looked more zombie like, had a head and one arm reaching out. It would have been a definite improvement instead of just not doing it.

Maybe if you limited yourself to gamefaqs but even then most were calling it bullshit.
People were calling it out on in the playstation forums of all places

All trailers without any gameplay footages.

Nah this is understandable enough, but to think that that Killzone 2 trailer was real in basically 6th gen (Killzone 2 was originally developed for PS2) is very cute.

this gameplay ds2 trailer

The real people trailer is shit

What's more you will see people delusional enough to think that the real game actually looks like that. Like, they've seen what it should be and their imagination super-imposes the trailer on actual gameplay.

This one stung. I thought the lighting and it's effect on the gameplay was amazing.

I haven't played DS2, is it completely different?

not a great deal, it was more of a graphics downgrade but they continued to use the screen shots of it even when it was released pretty much outright lying about how it looked.

Actual DS2 is nowhere near as smooth and flashy, but there are worse differences.

I remember actually being excited for this bioshock infinite version.

Did he lie because he wanted to be a sneaky snake oil salesman, or did he lie because EA had his nutsack in a vice?
No apologies being made on his behalf - he still produced a piece of fucking shit. I'm just curious if there's any press from before the EA partnership where he's spewing Todd-level lies.

Lighting is completely gutted

yeah it was definitely more interesting when they hyped liz up as actually being useful in combat, and the setting being more explicitly extreme america and having more than one facet to it instead of just "Muh Locke" in the same vein as "Muh Rand" and "Muh Stalin" in the previous bioshocks

I wonder if the game would of sold nearly as much without that trailer

I don't remember the name, but it was some early PS3 demo of a guy shooting dudes in a mall I think in first person. The gimmick was that the sixaxis could be used to twist his guns for whatever reason, but you could see the guns twisting independently, which is something a single sixaxis wouldn't be capable of doing period. I'm pretty sure the game never even came out either.

This one?

That looks like it.
Not surprised at all.


Dead Island remains one of the most baffling games I've ever seen. The trailer is a legitimately beautiful short film which could easily stand on its own merits (i was honestly sad rewatching it now). I remember everyone thinking the game would be a rare thoughtful take on the zombie concept, and then Dead Island released only to be one of the most aggressively bad and forgettable games of its generation.

And then it had two fucking sequels, one of which was a cel-shaded adventure game. What the fuck? Why does a game THAT awful get two fucking sequels? I'm mad just thinking about it.

Haven't gotten to The Witcher 3 yet. Aside from the graphical downgrade, what about the trailer was deceitful.

aww shit nigguh, that takes me back :^(

To be fair the dev cycle was a clusterfuck worse than Duke Forever


Even Demon's Souls looks better than Dark Souls 2.

The downgrade was massive. And they never fixed it.

Demon's Souls looks better than all Souls series, 3 included.

Please stop reminding me.

Honestly now, what are you trying to accomplish using hyperboles like this?

Everything shown at the E3?

I can agree if you're talking about tower of latria, but the rest of the areas are less detailed than DS1 and DS3.

This shit was legendary. The fall of bethesda and the rise of todd the liar.

90% of stuff from E3 will end up just a graphical downgrade because it runs on a high-end PC, it takes that special something to have a complete bullshit trailer from the get go.

Majoras mask has so many fake trailers.

yeah, no fucking shit

I remember all the hype for Oblivion, especially how NPCs gonna have "complex AIs" and would "live their own lives". If that was a shorthand for "have a bunch of shitty scripts" they were on the money.


Its kinda laughable to mention, but radiant ai is actually not oblivion's original thing. This is bethesda just tried to follow up to Gothic's similar system of NPC's schedule. And only in skyrim they've added usual gothic jobs to them.


Oh, i also still remember about this.

Fucking Ultima 5 had something similar in essence with 6 flat out having things like "hungry NPCs will look to find food" and such.

Ah, the precursor to NMS. Was also about to change gaming forever.

Both gothic and elder scrolls are to some extend just ultima clones.

Aren't they all just individual takes om muh DnD and tolkienian setting?

Try beating this

Aside from the dramatic graphical and performance downgrades, they casualized the everliving fuck out of the combat and other shit like deleting the >tracking prey thing with batman detective vision.

Isn't that adding casual shit?

Some fucking how, nobody has mentioned Metal Gear Solid 2 yet.

It wasn't a lie, it was a deliberate troll. A brilliant one at that.

Which was done through a giant lie of omission. Deliberately including only one tiny fraction of the game that's significantly different rest of it is intentionally misleading. I also seem to recall reading at one point that they included environments in the trailers which were never intended to be in the game in the first place as a diversion to make the game seem bigger, though I'm not sure which trailers or environments those refer to.

Nothing in the trailer you posted, or in any other trailer, is at all different from the final game. The only catch is the deliberate omission of Raiden which plays into the game's theme.

I know every single MGS2 trailer by heart and that's complete horseshit. Some earlier trailer included earlier versions of location which look different enough to an amateur's eye I suppose.

*Outside of the Famas and the playable tanker escape.

Famas was in the earlier version of the build before they omitted it. Tanker escape isn't shown playable, there's no hud, it's just Snake running around from explosions with no context.
And that's it? 3 seconds of the trailer was your entire argument for "significantly different ".

there was also supposed to be friendly mermaids as seen if this early trailer.

Would anybody even care about Majora's Mask if Ben Drowned never happened

I'm just pointing out what you said is factually incorrect, maybe you should lrn2read

Yeah no, fuck off with that shit, what you said is
Maybe you should lrn2think

Here's a complete bullshit trailer about last of us.

Except I never said that

Yeah people lived before millennial memes

Guild Wars 2.

"Come play these awesome dungeons! They have dynamic events that will make every run feel different!"

In reality the only dynamic event was in the first dungeon and it was just about which pre-determined spot the Troll boss would burst out of a wall. A completely optional, punching bag of a boss that drops nothing of value.

Twilight Princess.

What about it?

There's a magic meter visible in one shot.

Classic Randy

complete lie

Those 90s game ads on TV.
At least the games behind their fake advertising were still good most of the time.

Did you even bother to look?

did you even bother to not be a normalfag?

Why live?

Also, super sneaky hidden message.

so rape?

It's part of their culture, we need to respect their ways.

Why was my comment deleted? Is some mod here a sonygger?


I would be posting one of the earlier stalker trailers but I cant find that shit, any of you faggots know what I am talking about? It has them shooting a bloodsucker on top of the reactor building and it ragdolling down

I still remember how hyped I was.

I know this trailer is barely anything but back then I thought this was going to be a proper sequel to ffcc in terms of fun and gameplay. Three years later, i see the actual ffcc crystal bearers and I felt like i was being lied to big time. I lost all hope in anything from the crystal chronicle series.

and the one with fucking car. I was looking forward to that car most.

Every Korean F2P game trailer, ever.

Fuck no it wouldn't have, the trailer was so good Hollywood licensed a movie adaption of it.

Not the game.

The trailer

did they make it?

Nope, you know Hollywood sucks at actually getting off it's ass to make anything half the time.

10 cents have been deposited to your account. Keep up the good work.

Even those are faked, user.

Knowing pedowood, they ripped it off somewhere else so as not to give credit and shekels.

The Farcry trailers in particular are obviously running some kind of script. People can't look around that smoothly with a mouse.

i dont get it.
this is what it looks like. on ps4

Fucking Kojewima baiting to push a faggot as MC and then be pretentious faking to be smart

Back to reddit

What a fucking retard. Putting both himself and the girl in even worse danger.
You never kick someone who is being electrocuted unless you are wearing thick rubber shoes. And even then you are putting yourself at risk because the person may touch your legs and you'll get fucked big time.
Always use a wooden stick or something plastic and get them off the god damn wire. And if the building's power main is close to you, then run there like a fucking madman and switch it off.
Unless the person being electrocuted is a nigger. In that case let them fry like chicken

It was a prank, dunkass. She lit a sparkler and started yelling and shaking.


Every thread that ends up being an excuse to post Youtube videos is fucking cancer. ether use hooktube or webm.

If I'm wrong about the additional assets thing, then I'm wrong about the additional assets thing. I made it clear in my post that I was unsure about the validity or extent of that claim.
No that's not it you fucking mong. The main character and setting in that trailer are not representative of most of the game. How the fuck is deliberately misrepresenting the main character and setting of a game not a lie?
Yeah, the theme that you can use the internet and media to lie about and via context. It's a lie. Of omission. Sometimes, telling only 10% of the truth is the same as telling 100% lies.

Whoa shit dude, this is just like MGS2. Or maybe he just can't into IDs.

Yes they are you dumb nigger, it's the entire tanker part. Since when not showing everything of your game for actual in-game reveal is bad? Kys millennial faggot.
Because that was the point you fucking retard.
Oh god, who the fuck am I arguing with, go back to fucking reddit and play MGS5.

Semi-related, but I notice a lot of the big SJW indieshit games like to pull a bait-and-switch as to what their games are actually about.

>Gone Homo makes itself out to be a horror/mystery game, even including an "all lights on by default" option in case you're a huge pussy and an "all doors unlocked by default" option in case you're a fucking scrub. Or a journo

>They get mentioned once and forgotten about while the game is just teenager hipster faggots who are still mentally teenagers drama.

That's how they operate in general, user, not just in vidya.

The Gone Home trailer was definitely trying to take advantage of the Slender fags at the time.

Notice how the twist is always "teehee look innocuous we are =33" as well. That's how they weasel in and squash criticism.


It's because nobody would buy their drivel if they knew what it is about. Same reason they take over popular IPs and turn them into propaganda pulpits.

I may be completely misremembering this, but I recall one of the trailers for Borderlands implying that you could make custom guns and there were over 1,000,000 possible combinations, when in reality the guns were all randomly generated and many of those combinations weren't possible in-game because it would require things like a rocket lancer stock on an SMG or a pistol grip on a rifle.

This one hurts. I remember being so hyped for this thing.

That one moment is the worst. I remember that actually being one of the reasons I got so hyped because it implied it would allow for some peaceful conflict resolution, bargaining or actually decent AI.

Game comes out and its linear as shit, you cant even sneak around enemies, they instantly attack. You cant even flank them most of the time because the game is linear as fuck.

Im still butthurt about this game

The ai behaves nothing like that in the final game.

I just want to point out that no game will ever have the type influence No Man's Sky did on the industry, that was one of the first games where even normalfags said "holy shit, we were fucking lied to". No dev, not even Bethesda, had ever so brazenly lied about their products to the extent Hello Games did.
No Man's Sky caused retailers, digital stores and game showcases to all change their rules about how you can promote your games.

Sean Murray transcended to Hyundai levels of false advertising. I don't know if you anons remember/know this, but a couple years ago Hyundai made commercials that completely fabricated how powerful their cars were and got fined $85,000,000 over it.

Duke Nukem Forever E3 2001 trailer was entirely faked footage according to more recent reports. This wasn't a game, it was Machinima.

Fug, really? Do you have a source for that?
What the fuck were they doing for all those years?

By the way if your source is your video could you please post a link? Embeds don't load for me

i dunno man, was NMS's reach all that big? It was basically a glorified indie game

Nigguh you need to get that shit looked up >>>/sudo/

You clearly don't remember the stupid about of hype surrounding the game. The trailers have multiple millions of views.

It had been given center stage at 3 consecutive E3s.

Maybe. And maybe it's for the best.

They give half the show to indie and mobile shit.

You know, I'd have taken seriously edgy Donte doing seriously edgy things over the awkward clusterfuck we got.


But he's your prom date

Fair enough. It still hurts.

I don't think it was a big deal but there was a cool scene in the first trailer that shows Link being chased by Gohma (the huge spider). Was kind of disappointed it didn't make it in the final game.

Huh, I always thought that this game got a huge popularity boost because of muh steampunk aesthetics and muh high-IQ time travel plot, but now I can see why there were a lot of people stoked for the game.

But it has such a nice ring to it, don't you think?

And for the shit icing on the shit cake, everynormalfags praise the story and the writing while it's fucking terrible Wolfenstein level (the first reboot).

Chinga tu madre




Wend fornicate thyself. Useth not archaic English if thou knowest not the proper conjugations.

I don't remember the source, the video is just the old trailer.


Try resetting your site preferences by going to [Options] and clicking [Erase]. Make sure you have a backup of any custom CSS or JavaScript.

Anyone who fell for that Dead Island trailer is an imbecile.

And I'm not saying this with hindsight either, even back when this shit first aired I was legitimately baffled as to how this was all it took to impress people, yet alone why anyone would think the actual game was going to be like this.

Do you not realize hooktube make calls to google video and youtube? If you actually cared about youtube you would realize hooktube is nothing more than a placebo you fucking tech-illiterate nigger.

sony was banking on it being a huge money maker for the nogames4
they gave it a shit ton of press

Surprised no posted Motor Storm from the same E3.

Magic meter is even on a screen shot on the back of the game's box. You would think for a game released in 2006 they could have edited that out.
Slightly related, Mario Kart 64 shows the feather on one of it back of the box screen shots.

I believe TP was the game that made Nintendo wary of showing game footage too early and then having that content removed/altered before release and seems to have lead to their attempt to try to only reveal a game footage's if it's going to be released in roughly an year's time.
That kinda worked during the Wii era, but that approach lead to people thinking that games weren't in development because they weren't being announced years in advance. Later on Nintendo Direct's allowed them to announce and reveal games in their own time.
Then the Wii U's poor launch happened and in desperation made them announce games that were due years later like Xenoblade Chnronicles X (trailer) and Yoshi's Wooly World (images) and the one that properly hurts the most SMT X FE teaser trailer that became Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.

I would unironically prefer foreign-language telenova-tier voice acting over 90% of English voice acting in vidya. When something is so fucking bad that you can't take it seriously (ie. the vast majority of all video game writing ever) then you might as well go the whole hog and at least make it fun.

It came out right when "le feels ;___;" shit hit climax, not to mention being the first big post-Skyrim zombie game, leading to even more fickle newfags eyes.

nice logic faggot

It makes calls to googlevideo.com and ytimg.com but that's it, you can't exactly watch Jewtube videos without connecting to at least one of Google's servers unless you're willing to use a proxy.
Except you don't have to deal with any of Google's tracking shit. It's pretty hard to track somebody through videos.
You're also ignoring the entire fucking point of Hooktube which was to be able to watch videos that are blocked in your country, it wasn't created as a clean escape from YouTube.

Not until the trailer had long been out. EGM even accused Sony of making the trailer a mock-up of what the PS3 may have been able to do as opposed to what it was really capable of.

Just glad I never wasted money on this shit. Its like they went down a list of every single concept that made the trailer awesome and then discarded it.

now you don't have to link to that faggot Mike Kob's jewtube channel.

I can't believe anyone has posted this yet


8 posts up champ.

It was a concept trailer. They didn't even know what to make until they heard the siren song of idolshit.

But that game was canceled entirely, wasn't it? With a patched up version of its alpha or beta eventually released as a freebie.

Once again, stop being butthurt. You weren't lied to. It was just concept with nothing else. The game was shit, but it was going to be shit if it was made to your liking.

All the rumors behind Colonial Marines development make me sad.
>Rumor that at one point Sigourney Weaver and other original cast members were going to be in it as well as Whoever the actor for Hicks was but said no when they saw the state of the game.

Not a fake trailer per se, but what's the point of a trailer that doesn't even show off the cinematics?

Drawing attention to the game and getting people to check it out.


Not sure if it's fake but it's definitely better than the final product. A victim of its own hype, and EA.

so the ACM development is like a kid who's been banished to his room until it's clean, sitting in there playing gameboy instead, until his mom beats on the door and goes "ARE YOU FINISHED YET?" and he starts panicking shoving everything into the closet?

There's more than just downgrade?

I played some of that game and it was absolute trash through and through. Boring, not easy to kill people in interesting ways, not rewarding when you make the effort to do it a convoluted way. Most missions were just GTA style cover shooting against some gang of assholes. Not enough pedestrian and vehicle density to make it feel GTA-like or allow you to really use your tools. There was one point I had to run from one objective to the next, on foot, because I destroyed the car I came in and NOT A SINGLE VEHICLE spawned between where I was and where I was going. No parked cars, no moving traffic. Empty parking lots. Post-apocalyptic city streets.

A few missions force you to use the hacker stuff to remind you it exists, and they're just slow as shit when you could run through and gun everyone down in half the time.

It was real and surprisingly the culprit wasn't EA. It was a schism in Maxis, one side wanted a more scientific evolution simulator which was glimpsed pre-release, the other wanted to gut it and make a cute children's game with "wider appeal", and that side won.

They don't just do this in vidya. They do this in every fucking aspect of their lives.

Yet it was the best looking game in 2015, hell even to this day. Really makes you think.

except it's not

Anythin better looking in 2015/16 ?

it wasn't and is not good looking user, I don't know what to tell you

Ah so you are just baiting. Carry on then.

Early Halo 2 trailers and interviews. Everything was a complete fucking lie. They did nothing for 9 months then slapped a bullshit trailer together for E3. It was clear that Bungie died, as a quality company, with Seropian.


But there's no visuals on the game?

He literally just asked you to name a better looking game and you don't know what to tell him?


so diverse

big afro sheboon [✔]

Dreamer [✔]

Shove it up your ass. They should actually know what the fuck they're going to create before actually making a trailer and putting it out for E3.

Over 9 years and the memories and pain will still not go away . . .

RayMan Origins
Almost nothing shown in this trailer was featured in the final game.
Still a pretty good game though.

I remember that time, basically every game trailer for the upcoming PS3 was bullshit, can't stand when they lie about consoles being more capable than they really are.

I still love The Witcher 3, and i think it looks very good despite everything, but i still can't get over the massive downgrade of the final version compared to those original trailers, what a disappointment.
Great game, but to think it could have been even better…


Top of my head they had proper forest in the trailer, enemies not present in the final game, including a giant spider that chases after you and a different atmosphere that left me underwhelmed with the final product.

Tell me where i wrote that it doesn't happen on PC.


I think people were suckered into marketing. From the first reveals the game was committing to some pretty retarded design choices. Massive button prompts (which made it into the final game) an annoying partner who begs for you to like her and acts like an irritating disney princess, and call of duty style encounters. The only thing they got rid of is the pretense that the world is remotely open to exploration.

The first was nothing to write home about, and I think that's the real shame. People don't see the original Bioshock for the shit show it is.

it does do some actual neat things with its visuals that you can't get anywhere else like subsurface scattering in certain parts of models (fingers, ears, etc.) or real time reflections in eyes.

The levels after the tech demo were built and scripted specifically for E3. They also lied about the release date being September 2003 - the leak showed that Valve was nowhere near done with the game.

Yeah, pretty much

there was much more. like an empty prison party where gaben said "yeah uh. its not done yet…uh sorry." and millions of people who pre-ordered video cards with the promise that the game would be included. It's understated how much of a disaster that launch was.

I know, I've been looking around in the leaked WC-Mappack and it hurts so much.



that is some bullshit right there

It's really this. I don't know what the fuck anyone expected from the Dead Island trailer. Zombies are such a limited concept because nobody can write outside the reflection on humanity mold. I enjoyed the game for what it was, dismemberment on a beach. I really wish Techland didn't throw away what little of a writing team they had for Dead Island because holy shit there is not a single likeable character in Dying Light; Kyle Crane is so goddamn bland it really makes you miss Sam B's ridiculous dialogue.


No you wont, you'll get a short shock, but you wont grip the guy you kicked with your foot, if you push someone, it's a different story, because the electricity isn't going to let you open your hand, that's when you're going to get fucked.

It was during the zombie gimmick year

Basically Randy Pitchford in a nutshell


What? Nobody was defending anything fag.

On the comments of the video.

AC will not make you clench, you spasm, DC on the other hand is a different story…. The reason you don't push is you set up the path of electricity to go through your heart.

It still baffles me how tumblr and furfags are willing to like such piece of shit only because it shows animals with their manchild problems and the dev is a huge faggot too

Everything involving FF13 Versus/FF15 as essentially nothing shown in any of the trailers made it into the final game.


Hello reddit, go back.

that's everything they like tho

he's doing his best

I similarly would like to know the source, or at least the artist.

Wasn't this fan made?

A commercial considered so fake Activision was sued for it in the UK.

Yeah, that was part of some UE3 or UE4 fan remake thing that I think Nintendo C&D'd.

They pulled the same shit with their latest game: Tacoma.

So it's just a cgi promo, what's the big deal?

But you can see the diversity

It was just some animation student doing something he knew would go viral for cheap publicity. You can tell from the floppy dekuscrub snout alone that the author doesn't really give a shit about the source material.

Is it even possible to mod the combat and movement in W3?

If it is, I might try playing it again. The combat is garbage on the highest difficulty, unless I was playing wrong.

Difficulty doesnt change the combat so playing on higher ones just makes you have more combat, you are shooting yourself in the foot here.

It's been 2 years since I've played it, but I remember it being impossible to fight anything without getting hit, which is fine on lower difficuties, but not on the highest.

What's the point of sageing?


Well that's what mods do

You can definitely fight things without getting hit and once you get the talent that gives you i-frames while dodging the entire game becomes a cakewalk. Some things like the griffin fight in the beginning might be what you remember though

I dunno, shitrims front mods all content and fixes, not just conveniences mod.

well yeah, no time for conveniences when the basic game is an unplayable mess.

What's the point of not saging?

No, I got through the griffin just fine. It just took a while. It's the normal enemies that gave me trouble.