Is there a law out there that says remakes have to be brighter and less atmospheric than originals?

Is there a law out there that says remakes have to be brighter and less atmospheric than originals?

No, 99% of remakes are just shit

Darkness as a game mechanic or a design element/art style is fucking cancer.
Visual Fidelity>Shitty shadows and poor lightning for muh atmosphere.

back to reddit millennial menace

Back to team fortress 2 with you.

That cancer was a thing back in Doom 2 and it was cancer back then as well, faggot.

Yeah man playing Thief with the gamma cranked all the way up sure is fun.

Darkness and clarity of vision as a game mechanic is great if the game's NPCs and enemies are also affected by it in the same way the PC is. What sucks is when they aren't, and said NPCs and entities have perfect vision in situations where the PC is impeded. In Stalker, there are cases of both happening. Enemy vision is impeded by darkness and foliage to some extent, with enemies taking more time to notice the PC if he is hiding in shadows or amongst thick foliage or behind partial debris cover. However, whereas some enemies have color schemes and outfits that make it hard to see them in certain environments (Freedom suits in green, forested areas for example) and slow down the player's recognition of them, enemies have no such problem and can immediately identify and engage the player regardless of what suit he is wearing and whether it matches the environment he is in as long as they're within visual range and have a clear LoS, which can make for occasionally frustrating deaths that seemingly come from nowhere when it's actually some enemy that wasn't even concealed behind cover but just blending into the background that the player couldn't immediately identify. You can deal with this by using the binoculars, which generate a color coded box around enemies within its field of view while in use to help identify positions, but nobody really wants to spend their gametime having to pull out the binoculars and scan in a circle every other minute just to make sure there aren't any enemies you missed.

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The fog in the N64 release isn't there because of artistic vision, its there as a technical limitation.
Also the screenshot you posted is from an emulator

back to reddit millennial menace

kys normalfag

Sure is a strange way to put "blind nostalgia"
The original also ran at less than 20 FPS, blindly copying shit from the original in a remake is a retarded way to make a remake.

It's the one that started to first experiment with that bullshit you dumb nigger. The first one had a few examples but they were few and far between and always provided night vision goggles within an arm's reach. In doom 2 though, it was all over the place, making it annoying to kill enemies and clear out areas because you had to do stupid shit like hugging walls while mashing activate and wildly firing at sounds back when double surround technology did not exist. Taking shitty wild guesses and taking easily avoidable damage just because the lights are out.

And for some people faggots like you liked it and it paved the wave for retarded shit like Doom 3/Amnesia and their ilk that use it to cheapen out on textures and model detail because you will never be able to properly see them.

That turd has grey demons because "muh lighting"

You can see everything in OOT though.

3DS OoT is brighter because when you have to play outside the screen becomes harder to see just as any other portable device faget

Fuck yeah dude. Might as well have Silent Hill but taking place in a sunny beach right?


The entire room darkens when Phantom Ganon fires his bouncy projectile, you tremendous fucking faggot. The room is not usually that dark. Kill yourself.

it's even more bullshit in Planetside 2 when you're fighting against the vanu, their deep purple outfits are pretty close to black

Why are you playing the n64 version in TOTAL BLOOM OVERDRIVE GEYSER mode?

I said CEASE

Seems legit.

Nigger, you are dumb as fuck. Get your ass back to Tumblr

Cease what, my friend?

Emulation error, I'm assuming?



How a game looks on a TV is very different from how it looks on a tiny handheld screen. If the remake was just a dark it would probably be really hard to see shit.

I'll take 30fps over "muh atmosphere" you pretentious hipster faggot.

Thanks euroshits, your 50 hertz garbage didn't help either.

Doesn't stereoscopic 3D also make an image darker? Maybe they brightened it up to compensate for the use of that?

That has never been the case.

Confirmed for growing up on the ps2/gc era.

Name a console which had 60FPS as standard so I can laugh at your revisionism.

C64. :^)

Its not even a console

It's okay, one day the things you love will be destroyed by the newer generation.

Why doesn't the 3DS version look dark as well then?

You said consoles and provided a home computer as an example which is filled with games with so much input lag and loading it might as well be running 5 FPS

I guess the Atari ST and Apple II were consoles too then, right?


The NES and SNES.

Is this what they call rose-tinted nostalgia goggles?

60fps was the standard for 2D games.

Regarding OoT 3D, it was made brighter because the 3D effect doesn't work properly on darker areas, the ghosting effect is worst.
That's about it.
I think it's a really good remake regardless, hopefully a port of it will show up on the Switch one day.

most of the kids here didn't play those games on the console during release and simply emulated much later on