A trope I've never been able to accept in video games is characters that have swords that magically rest/hover on their backs, defying gravity. Nobody talks about this, so I assume just nobody notices. What the fuck is up with this shit? Every game that does it makes it that much harder for me to get immersed.
Swords on Backs
It's inefficient, but I like it.
They're supposed to be in a scabbard of some sort on the back, but everyone's too lazy to actually make one for each sword.
Fucking hell
Have another pic to your collection.
How is that done in Skyrim as well? I have no idea.
question is: which games don't do that gay shit
Magnets? So like, magnets that stick a heavy sword to a back but can effortlessly be pulled from one's back? Maybe if you run a current through the magnet. But I don't see main characters turning on and off a current. And last I checked, electricity doesn't exist in Dark Souls, WoW, and countless other fantasy games that do this bullshit. You're explanation is stupid and so are you.
Doesn't cloud have some big ass magnet on his back which holds the sword?
Ah, and Nier Automata has the same problem. Maybe it's explained away in the game somehow, I don't know.
So… this is… the power… of autism.
Of all the games that do this shit you pick nier automata, wew. You can easily tell even from just seeing a few screenshots, christ.
That’s not a trope. That’s laziness by the devs.
This was going to be the case when Cloud was first designed, but it's not actually canon.
Just because someone points out a dumb thing you said doesn't mean they're autistic. It means you're stupid and/or they are smarter than you.
Why does no one talk about it, though??? Other lazy shit gets called out.
Fuck that gayass waifu fag.
Souls in the weapon cause it to gravitate towards the bearer of the darkside, holding the weapon in place
Magic Magnets
Also, Cloud has a magnet.
Because it looks cool when you look at your character from the back.
Additionally with retardedly big swords like Guts/Cloud/etc. it's simply not logical to carry it at waist level. It would drag all over the ground. For what little realism there is in GIGANTIC swords, this is the one thing they get right and you shouldn't bash them for it.
Gigantic weapons couldn't be carried anywhere else but on the back.
I assumed the hole in Cloud's sword was so it could go onto some kind of hook.
Yeah… guess that autism comment you made was just projection. Holy shit.
Could have a strap on them and carry them like a back pack. Or just hold them.
It can work, if you have a small hook which the crossguard rests on, so you just need to lift it out instead of drawing it the whole way. Dante probably has some kind of system like this, since his coat in three has the belts for it.
I think the Witcher 1 has Geralt pulling it out so fast the sword flips in the air and then he grabs it, but you need to mod in sheaths.
That is the general idea. In FF7 graphics couldn't go into enough details to show that. Your model was pretty low quality.
I have no diea why more modern gaes don't cover this properly. Especially ones like the witcher.
Even vidya doesn't go that far in bullshitery.
Some of Guts' sheaths are retarded, but the these ones work. A cup/mini-sheath at the bottom for the tip of the sword along with a small hook/clip for the top. Or as with the Dragonslayer, it has a small ring on it which should have a hook for it on Guts' back where he can hang it and easily lift it up.
Nioh does this well most of the time. When you have either a katana or pair of katanas equipped, they add sheaths to William's sides, and when you press R1+circle William puts them back into their sheaths (in addition to flicking blood off of the blade if you've been in a fight). Similarly, if you do the same thing with a kusarigama, he folds it and hangs it on his hip. Unfortunately though, if you have an axe or spear equipped and "sheath" it, he just puts it on his back.
The DLCs add new weapon types, but I don't have any of them, so I don't know if they also have dedicated sheaths like the katanas, dual katanas and kusarigama do.
Nier Automata's an example of doing it well, though. They're suspended in the air behind your character by magical ring things.
Family guy is video game related.
Skyrim of all games at least had proper sheaths for axes and maces, one-handed at least. The two-handed ones looked absolutely retarded.
One-handed weapons for the most part were pretty a-ok. Quivers for arrows and two-handed weapons were retarded, though.
Zweihanders were worn at the waist.
What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you posting imgur garbage?
You wouldn't care fuck-huge weapons in sheathes on your body - you'd get some other retard to carry that shit for you, or strap it on your horse and take it with you when you were heading somewhere.
It's like how you go into town with a handgun under your concealed carry, but don't just casually walk around the town with your Mk48.
Yeah hate that shit.
It's fucking lazy and stupid.
Not only nobody ever wore anything larger than a dagger on their backs ever, but apparently devs make it this way because putting weapon properly on a hip requires more additional work, as weapon has to move accordingly when character runs to avoid clipping, and if game loves its shitty fuck huge anime dildoes, putting one on hip will result in it clipping through the ground all the fucking time.
I'm triggered the most when game mixes proper weapon sheathing and retarded one, for example Dark Souls or Nioh.
Some shit you wear on hip and some on back? What?
Fuck off!
You CARRY a Zweihander. The fucking thing is as tall as you if not longer. Unless you've got fucking Lanky Kong arms that are as long as you are tall you aren't drawing that thing from the hip, the waist, the back or anywhere else. You put the sheath down, you pull it out, you get in fucking formation. It's a battlefield weapon, not a sidearm. What you're suggesting is similar to attempting to conceal carry a fucking recoil-less rifle in modern term.
Nah, it looks cool. You forget most characters that carry shit on the back have magical powers, its a video game logic.
Zweihanders were just a meme weapon that wasn't really good for much anyway.
It looks cool but is more useful in anime than real life.
Yeah I always just assumed it was magic
my fucking sides
For the most part, yes. They did find popularity among Swiss mercs in the the 16th century as a tool to bust through pike formations(although how truly effective it was at that we can only guess) but by the end of the century the weapon was purely a status symbol and/or for ceremonial purposes.
It's too hard to model, animate and render proper scabbards without clipping and z-fighting. Really the only reason.
This. Weapons on the back are the most effective to avoid these issues, but they still persist. Weapons on the waist very easily clip through bulkier armours, your own characters arms while running and even have physics go nuts. Playing Witcher 1 right now and my secondary sword on my waist can do a full 360 degree swing if I move back and forth suddenly.
The thing is designed to keep in constant movement to kill and scare away as much enemies you can as long as it is possible not so much to combat as if it were a longsword though it is still capable of such use but not as effectively, its status comes from being a weapon for the outnumbered, commonly found among the spaniards of the reconquista and later in the hands of bodyguards and mercenaries facing large groups of people to protect something/someone or accomplish dangerous missions, it's pretty much a spear with dismembering power with some tints of heroism.
and before some spear retard points out that larger spears can also dismember, you can't swing a spear like a montante not parry with it like a sword, fuck off
I prefer flying swords than ones that disappear when holstered, i hated Darksouls for that, they even give you the scabbard, but the sword just disappear anyway.
Hilariously, this is how the Nips did it with their Long Odachis. One carried it and held it while the other drew the sword. Vidya and Mango don't show this because nobody ants to program or draw some servant that carries the big fuck-off sword for the protag.
Can't compensate muh smol dick when you mention the partner helping you, user.
Also in fiction odachi is absolute tips fedora weapon.
Yes dumbass, it would not take a lot of force to have something STICK and not just drop from gravity compared to pulling it.
You could always have a servant demon unsheath it.
It's also edgy, pretentious shit that's only rarely decent.
I miss it sometimes.
is nobody in this thread aware that it's physically impossible to draw a sword from a scabbard on your back?
Forget them just "floating there" it doesnt even make sense if they're attached.
please read
Well for Dante at least this is how I see things.
In DMC 4 if you look at the description for Rebellion it says it's "the physical manifestation of Dante’s power"
So that plus the fact Dante is possibly the most powerful entity in DMC universe. I was under the interpretation it stay on his back through his own will. There are a ton of Demonic/Magic powers and abilities in Devil May Cry that have minimal explanations.
Dante has been using the Move Round Trip since DMC1 where he throws a Sword like a boomerang then it homes in on enemies and comes back to him as if controlled though some kind of telekinesis like power. Dante focuses his energy into his weapons they glow and pulse with electricity and you kind of just go with what ever he does with them since he's Dante.
I've never seen a protagonist effortlessly dual wielding giant sharp slabs, let alone reverse grip for maximum tryhard.
I swear I've literally heard it click back onto some invisible latch in some cutscenes.
Your not wrong. It does click in DMC1 When he gets Alastor.
Always hated how stupid that looked, it should be upside down.
And it sort of splits the difference with Odachi. It has a sheath but it sticks to you back. Although I'm not really certain how Odachi were worn in real life.
You are autistic.
You probably saw some youtube video of some european fuck calling it unrealistic and now you want to look enlightened despite it being literally inconsequential.
Ah now I see. Now I'm sort of disappointed that Nioh doesn't give you an NPC retainer to carry your Odachi and other heavy weapons around. One of those little hitotsume-kozo like what Fuku has as a familiar would have been great.
Just consulting the wiki article, shorter odachi of reasonable greatsword length can be worn at the back or waist; the latter is the more practical method. The ultra long ones that're as big or bigger than parade zweihanders weren't worn so much as carried, and who can say if they were ever really wielded rather than being pure ornaments. Then again, seven foot tall Pier Gerlofs Donia wielded a zweihander 84 inches long with a weight of 14 and a half pounds, so who can say if some nip madman didn't wield a horse killer sword to some good effect in battle?
WTF would you even do with a long Odachi?
Jesus Christ
Big swords = Small penis
you use those to cut horses up i think
Chop dudes in half and/or deleg & decapitate horses and terrify entire pike blocs by whirling around inside of them like a very slow blender in Doppelsoldneresque fashion?
Only in animes, pal
Magic, duh
This is like the one thing in that shitty game that is done right. It just contributes to a floaty, feedback-less combat, but it does provide an explanation at least.
Observe and consider the intentionally slow motion in what amounts to demonstrative play-fighting where you're trying not to maim anyone or hack up their faces, and also the context of facing six competent swordsmen from all angles. Defensive whirling was a thing during the brief renaissance-era reign of the greatsword and is physically practicable; against such opponents as pikemen who've been closed against by shock troops and who haven't had the time to draw sidearms to try and repulse them, offensive whirling against the poor sardine can-packed bastards is also viable.
Hacking horses to pieces using their own momentum against them (or attacking them after they've been choked up amongst infantry after a less than successful charge) is also quite reasonable, just perhaps not as a efficient in mass combat as warding them off with a large pointy-hooky stick of some variety or another. Hacking men into little chunks is comparatively trivial, although you may not be likely to use the broad motions necessary as opposed to halfswording & sticking them with the pointy end like a rich man's pseudo-polearm or using an otherwise more reserved motion to hack or slash a nice gouge in them rather than splitting them apart.
Because video games run on cartoon logic and no one cares about the logic of cartoons.
Considering that landsknechts who used zweihanders were payed twice as much as regular landsknechts, they probably were very useful, and thus in high demand, for a period of time.
This. Guys who used them were usually placed in less open areas, such as bridges or on the sides of pike formations, as barriers. Places where it was difficult to get passed without getting hit by the thing.
Using a scythe as a weapon is far worse than any sword-on-back trope. Vid related in case you've ever wondered how this tool is used.
War scythe is no worse than any other improvised weapon. Slight modification and you got a polearm.
Poor innocent soul
Scythe as a weapon is not an unrealistic concept. Although i would like to see more variation of that weapon type.
However, to make scythes useful for as a weapon (like in third pic) what you're doing is actually turning it into a more standard polearm (cutting face parallel to handle) rather than the original implement (cutting face perpendicular). In terms of kamas (first pic), they were directly improvised from farming implements (since Japan actually had periods where it was illegal for commoners to own weapons), and the second pic is from Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica, which covers everything from unarmed combat to fighting with sickles, daggers, clubs, as well as actual battlefield weapons. Scythes are "better than nothing" as far as weapons go, but only that.
the changes are stupid as fuck
Unleash impossible to dodge slashes powered by quantum magic.
The funny things is that they were never worn like that.
Single-handed weapons were worn and the hip and two-handed were kept in the hand or rested against the shoulder.
FAjt me, faggit!
No, they just don't care, because it's a video-game, stop being autistic.
A sickle is not a scythe and should not be conflated with one. Sickles are simple and consequently more versatile tools, but a scythe is a an extremely specific instrument made for cutting grain at foot-level.
Are you retarded? They and zweihanders both existed for a reason.
It makes more sense than sheaths on the back since you can assume that maybe theres some strap or magnetic thing keeping the bare sword on the back, but with a sheath you wouldn't actually be able to slide it in while its on your back.
Actually some weapons in the first Dark souls and in Dark souls iii have sheats like the bastard sword
I thought the chain link on the dragon slayer hung on hook on his back?
In what fucking situation could those swords even be useful?
When you need to teleport behind someone but it's nothing personal.
What is this one based off of?
So why wouldn't I want to play Dark Souls III?
Executions and parades. Japs rarely ever used their swords in proper combat, resorting to pole weapons, bows, and later the matchlock. I assume the largest ones were commissioned solely to test the smith's skill, patience and devotion.
It doesn't matter