Cities skylines

New expansion recently came out but it's hippie meme garbage pushing (((climate change))). Is it any good?

The RELOADED torrent seems to be missing assets and some DLCs, with some possible bugs too. Can anyone confirm?

General city building bread i guess, post your grids.

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's hippie meme garbage pushing (((climate change))).
I think you've just answered your own question

Well i mean, could be fun anyway. It's like with porn, it's degenerate but doesn't mean i won't fap to it.


Wait until the mods are updated too.

According to Johan OP is worse than a pedophile
Daily reminder to not give any money to paracocks

The most degenerate thing about this game is that the game has no soul. Simcity was made with care. This shit was just thrown around to be milked with DLCs

It was pretty Jewish how you had to rebuy Simcity 3000 for the Unlimited content

What? I'm talking about the last Simcity.

It would good if it had the map size of cities skylines.

Are you for real? The game was a mess, literally unplayable for months and full of game breaking bugs. That was 'made with care'?

Holla Forumsflakes

I started playing it but didn't get far before a tornado showed up and fucked up my industrial district. Now I'll just start a new city


The design was professional. They took their time.

In cities skylines it looks like the buildings were generated by AI.

The bugs in Simcity were due to the online shit.


I'm not even Holla Forums, it's just fun to trigger these tards.
Sage for already ruined thread that's bound to become a 300 reply long thread about jewish conspiracies

The proper way to play Cities Skylines is to:


just off my mind
Come on now, that was a mess, online is not an excuse. Now if you'd argue artstyle, music etc that i understand and agree with.

Can you play mods with a pirated version?

if you find a download that's not through steam

some other mods I use:

Extended Building Information, because that's how shit the devs were and could not provide that info by default:

Traffic Report Mod, to view the route, shit that even banished has:

Citizen Lifecycle Rebalance

and one of the most important ones:

Realistic Population and Consumption Mod

One house = one family, no more bullshit

first result on google is .ru

That's how I play it. Download them from:

I have to agree with him, if you get triggered by solarpunk then you've been going to Holla Forums too much.

Nothing 'punk' about solar, and also solar is not really green. You'd need metric fuckload of batteries especially if you're gonna have electric cars/busses/planes/trains. Those batteries pollute the enviroment as well.

If you really want green, thing that has been available since the '50s, you'd go nuclear. But jews don't see much profit in that, they're the ones pushing first oil and now solar.

It's about a style, not a reality. It's about taking in as much sunlight as possible and obviously plants fit into this. Are you autistic?

go back >>>Holla Forums

That looks really bad. No privicy, hot as fuck, full of insects, hard to build. Who's gonna climb on top to clear all the windows? And leaves everywhere.

It's a dumb concept and a shitty style.

Snowflake indeed.

Windows clean themselves. And they can become private at night.

To be fair, not even the oldfags want to go to nu/pol/ as much anymore. When you can't mention George "Curbstomp Tar" Zimmerman without being flooded with shills shouting spic/gb2mexico/ect. and see it gain traction from the new users you know the userbase changed.
In a way they have created their own politically correct context and treat certain topics as politically incorrect and treat it as such. What a wild ride it's been.

Holla Forums was always like that. They've just gotten more extreme about it. There's a reason not just Holla Forums split off but so did the other political leanings like /liberty/.



It's pretty bad
I'd honestly be fine with it if they stopped overflowing to the rest of the site though

So in a way the shills won by splitting the large userbase into small factions. It's almost scary to see the religion splitntering mirror what is happening here as we see more things like Holla Forums, /liberty/, /nazbol/, /polk/, ect.

You can say the same about Holla Forums, /a/, Holla Forums, /sp/ etc.

It's the same website afterall.

Yeah but neither /a/, Holla Forums or /sp/ derail threads and shitpost constantly or get baited by Holla Forums so easily

It doesn't have to have plants everywhere but if it does they shouldn't be in the living spaces. You can also incorporate greenery in ways that are aesthetic and contained so they're not hard to manage.

That's just the way of the internet. People prefer echo chambers to discussion, and once that attitude takes hold in the moderation then there's nothing for it but to split.


/a/, Holla Forums, /sp/ are different. Those boards have a broad topic that can't really be splintered unless you start splitting hairs and fracture your userbase. However having a political board encompassing all politics is a recipie for disaster since the left has gone full retard and would rather burn bridges than create a neutral dialog simply because they HAVE to drag their personal feeling and projections into the mix. In a way, it really shows how fractured humanity has become.

You're the one who started the derail you mongoloid, don't pretend like this isn't completly your fault. You're literally acting like a d&c shill, if that isn't already your dayjob.

I don't that's how it works user

the tread got derailed here


It's true, but you don't have to keep talking about it.

True, I'll stop now

When do you guys think we'll have a big discount for all the expansions to the game? Or is there any way to pirate the DLC?


It's already on sale on steam or at least was last time i checked. Game+all DLCs is over $50.

As for the pirated DLCs read OP again, retard. Don't read only what you want.

Piracy is like life. Patience will be rewarded.

They're 50% discounts.

Also I meant just downloading the DLCs and applying them to the legit game

You are a literal cuckold if you paid for cities skylines.

Other building games welcome too?
What's the best non modern building game? It could be either future or past. I'm looking at Caesar IV, did anyone play it? How is it?

No idea about that, the game is so small anyway every DLC that gets released gets a standalone version as torrent. There could be dlc-only torrents but i haven't bothered searching for them. Just wait a bit for a proprer release so you can create your commie town. You won't even have to worry about people starving, there's no food already.

Pharaoh is pretty neat.

Nigga there's no need to be this butthurt

Does it have any improvements to the shit overflow physics?

I'm not being butthurt, i'm being offensive, rude. You'd understand that if you didn't have asperger.

I never understood what the whole thing against environmentalism is. I don't believe in climate change, but is that any reason for us to not want a cleaner and healthier environment? I can't fucking stand cities because they're always so smoggy and smell like garbage.

There's some new water purifiers, don't know about much else as i haven't played it. Now it's a clean shit overflow physics simulator i guess.

Why do their expansions become more and more useless?

I'm giving up on Paradox. Planet Coaster here I come

They hit numerous nerves and were right about a huge number of things and started to spiral into ever more severe paranoia.

That said, most posters who won't consider information or victories as readily because of tangential relationships like that are the shills working to divide the community.

This could be a SJW shit

Looks cool, but it's not out yet, nor do I think I can even run it. But still thanks.

All you have to do in that game is place buildings. Nothing matters in that shit.

Play stronghold crusader then


For anyone asking about good city builder games, just a friendly reminder that Simcity 4 and it's mods still exist.

At least theres a halloween pack

for free?

Fucking hideous.

That's the most jewish architecture I've ever seen

You sure are projecting political aspects to a picture for little reason. Let me try

Come on, the guy might have come off strong but the entire expansion is pretty liberal leaning and no sane person would want to live in a glass made of windows. In fact, wasn't a popular saying warning you NOT to live in a house made of glass?

Better delete your post, tbh.

But how will my neighbours know i'm in a polyamorous relationship with 3 black men?



Holla Forums has turned into exactly what it hates. where have you been?

The game itself was made to cash in on the Simcity fiasco that was happening at the time.

Please respond again. Maybe you can play it off as pretending to be retarded.

What a dumbass!

Caesar IV is fairly okay, except there is one, rather major technical flaw in the game. AI pathfinding completely shits the bed once your FPS drops low enough, and as a result your city will burn to the fucking ground in a cascading effect. However, if you have the hardware to maintain good enough FPS it's worth giving a try.


>saying this while Holla Forums still jacks off to Hotline Miami

I swear you niggers can't help yourselves.

I hope you don't mean those two pictures to be examples of something aesthetic.
Solar panels are pig disgusting and in the second the architecture is still fucking retarded mixed with nothing but sterile white. What is wrong with architects these days that they have this aversion to warm colors, or even lighter colors that aren't pure fucking white.

I'm not even interested in architecture, but how can anyone look at these modern buildings and not feel a sense of unease wash over them. This shit looks unnatural as fuck and no amount of throwing trees at it will fix that.

Confirmed for not knowing what the fuck you're talking about. That kind of 'chaos' is preferable to splintering into echo chambers like what happened on this site. There's no one to oppose anything, and those that do get hooted out of the boards or stop posting because opinions too far from the groupthink are not allowed. Those clashes of ideas contained within a board are necessary to keep a balance.

"Everyone withdraws into their own small gated communities Afraid of a larger forum."

I also partly blame 8ch's fundamental nature for this because everyone can make a new board whenever and create their own safespace. It's a double-edged sword.

Kill yourself niggEAr.

You will always be a kike >>>Holla Forums

When we did that with GamerGate commies just shrieked away because they're fucking commies. Context is absolute when you pull quotations, commies and jews don't fucking exist in Metal Gear.

To actually talk about video games; are there any expansion packs/mods for any of these city-builders that allow me to make something like an urban Japanese cyberpunk setting? That'd make me rock hard.

Too bad Kojima wants to be one.

Closest think i can think of is the Anno serie, one of the latest games should be set in the future. I haven't played it though and the ones before weren't that great, but it's a city builder and it's futuristic so there's that.

There's a game in development that is basically what you're asking for but I can't remember the name of it, I'll do some searching and post it if I find it

found it

Daily reminder that climate change is real.

Also another daily reminder that it is good and is the closest we'll get to the memeteor. Just keep going until the world just shake us out like a dog with flies.

The thinking man's way to believe and hope for climate change is so that interplanetary exploration will get a boost and we'll be able to go to space sooner.
Don't be a pleb

Is there any mod for peatonal roads that allow construction?

Do you want (((them))) to spread into space?

Let's take responsability of our mistakes and take them with us.

There's infinite planets we can go to user, I'm sure we'll be able to get one without all the ethnicities we each dislike

I'll be on the asian planet

I'm not sure why you're bringing up GamerGate when I'm talking about the splitting of our political boards and the users of those boards
Yeah okay.

The problem with jews is that they are like genestealer cults. They infiltrate societies at a genetic level.

Just look at the world and tell me every leftist and idiotic shit is caused because the jew gene is spread all over the western world.

So not much then, huh? Shame, because there's some great potential there. Wish people were more willing to get into niches like cyberpunk more.

Looks neat. Would have preferred some gameplay, but I'll keep my eye on it. Seems like they're throwing in some combat as well so that should be interesting.

Yeah, sure, national socialists and full blown dystopian fag loving, dick sucking, tranny enabling antifags (none of these descriptives is in any way, shape or form wrong or hyperbolic, they actually are like that) should get along on one board.

Hey, if you love redditry so much, why don't you piss off back to your favorite site. You'll have all the downboats and bad karma you'll ever want.

If you think the point of a board is "getting along" I think you misunderstand the good aspects of anonymous image boards.

Somehow I get the feeling that your idea of getting along is different from mine when we're talking about a setting for political discussion.
You're making it painfully obvious you have no idea what Holla Forums used to be like. Not just 8/pol/ either.

There are more countries than races and we can't even get one of those to ourselves.

Even worse than steampunk, now you're just fetishizing being in thrall to corporations.

I've never given a fuck about (((climate change))) and I don't understand anybody that does.
Even if it were real, it won't affect me so why the fuck would I give a damn? So the human race goes extinct in a few hundred/thousand years - you know what? Good. I'm glad. I'm also glad I got to do my part in helping it all cook.

I will say, though, the idea of green cities is really cool to me. Like actually the color green, not environmental "lower the carbon footprint" green. Trees and grass everywhere would look pretty nice for a while, until the buildings began to rot out from under them.

If it was real, of course it would affect you. Don't you appreciate nature?

Environmentalism as in learning how to make our current setup more efficent, less polluting, etc, and moving towards more renewable forms of electricity is fine. Finding more efficent ways to make better batteries, finding new ways to use stuff we have an abundance of, etc is stuff I believe everyone wants. More efficency and a slow change to a more renewable source of energy, like Nuclear, Hydro and other shit.
However we don't see a push for making our current systems better and the slow gradual change to nuclear. We see fags push for Solar and Wind, which are unreliable and require high maintenance fees. We see fags push for carbon taxing that punish the average person for being behind on technology. We see fags push for more "green" cities without understanding that going green is expensive and not always worth it.
For being "green", all of the green solutions are unreliable as fuck, don't pan out well and are expensive for nothing but a feeling that you're doing the world good, while places like China which don't give a fuck about the environment continue to not give a fuck about the environment.
The people who push for green believe in climate change which gives them justification for doing all of this stupid shit, and anyone opposed to their methods is some sort of climate change denier and his opinions are shit, buy more innefficent solar panels!
Additonally if people really cared about the environment they'd worry about places like china or india which actively hurt their local environment and do more damage than America or Europe ever could, but they don't. I wonder (((why))).

Video games.

I like to look at nature or go walking on the nature sometimes, but for the most part I prefer to remain indoors in seclusion. I'd be a little sad if the entire world burned to cinders, but I wouldn't be alive long enough to care for long.

But China has a policy to boost the proportion of electric cars to 1/5th of all cars domestically by 2025. America has not done anything and Trump is killing the EPA.

Sounds good on paper, in action it doesn't actually affect anything other than smog, and cheaper batteries for electirc cars would be made by cutting corners, which would actively hurt the environment, and the people driving electric.