Metal Gear Survive to have Always Online DRM

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Yeah. I guess this game is already poised to be a gigantic flop.




If it's a good game I'll buy it.

I know Ben Kuchera said single player games are dead, but I doubt this game's servers will make it even that far.

Those aren't good decisions as DayZ and H1Z1 don't have those features.

dayz existed before denevo retard

Good fucking riddance.

That's what I said. They're gimping themselves and yet they want to compete with DayZ and H1Z1.

So will this flop harder than Lawbreakers or is that record never going to be topped?

At least this has a brand and a hate-bait tag going for it.

A-At least everyone c-can stop l-laughing at me, r-right?

After V does anyone give a shit about Metal Gear?

I don't see the problem, I mean from what I've heard the experience earned in solo is also shared with the co-op mode.

They're going to add a battle royale mode. I guarantee it.

It will probably tank like Agents of Mayhem did

Reported. Ironic shitposting is shitposting.

I feel like this will be the first game that even the normaliest normalfags will want it to flop, considering how hard Konami fucked over Kojima.



user, you can do better than this. Its the basic brush.


I would not even feel compelled to go for Pachislot (Pachinko is quite different from the current Konami model), I mean, is like Pachinko but completely rigged.

Then you're either blind, stupid, or a Konami executive.

Good! F*ck pirate scum, if you like a game then you buy it like decent people do. Didn't have interest on the game but i'm gonna buy a copy now just to spite piratekiddies and third world scum.

Come on, now.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

This game is is unlikely to survive.

I'm not being ironic, I legitimately feel disgust for piratekiddos thinking that they can get everything for free.
Ugh, don't reply to me again.


You're pretty good.

No you don't.

Grow up

You don't deserve those dubs.


You belong to >>>/neogaf/

You have been baited.

Fuck you for ruining those dubs you double nigger.

Calm returning.

Ironic support must be opposed as vigorously as unironic support.


I actually thought this looked fun, but into the garbage chute it goes.

Kojimbo wives on suicide watch

I guess I'm not buying this then.
I knew it would suck as a metal gear game, but I thought it might be fun as a co-op fucking around not-zombie game.
I hope it's either doesn't have server-based content, so you can pirate the game, or it fucking flops in a way that forces them to remove the DRM.
Dose it have the lewd suits tho?

I had a glimmer of hope when they announced it actually had a proper singleplayer campaign, now this is enough to kill that hope several times over.
Bon voyage series goblin.

didn't you learn anything from mgs4 and mgs5?

This is a guy who unironically wore glasses that said Badass.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand…. not buying.

Shit, nigger. I didn't even expect it'd have single player. Not surprised in the least.

Konamicucks and Kojimadrones are made for each other.

MGS5 was good.

What exactly was the plan here

fuck that shit, preorder canceled.

Allaweesah Aghnagh Lineagh DRM goyim gaijin san

Are you retarded?

It all fits together now

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the kikes straight up started calling themselves black and Mexican for extra gibs


I've noticed whoever is giving Japanese companies on western marketing strategies is almost maliciously bad at it. I wonder why.

konami is perfectly fine ruining itself they don't need any external influence

lol. It's fucked.
It'll hit the bargain bins by match at latest.

Isn't the one guy at the basis theory of Globalism a hapa inbred Sino-Jewish guy who hated himself, his family and the whole world for being a freak?

March* at latest, i meant.

What do you mean, goy?


Kalergi wasn't a Jew, just a mason financed by the (((Warburgs))).


It's the most Jewish name possible.

who cares. point of theory is peer-review and enough people thought it was alright except for orthodox jews in Holla Forums

1. Schultz is not a Jew but hot damn if he doesn't try to get into one's pants
2. I'm talking about another guy, but Kikepedia gave me just another Jewish faggot's name so at least they're consistently bad


Konami just wants to get rid of their gaming division by pissing their fans even more so they can enter the Pachinko industry, do they?

I thought that was their plan.

I won't be surprise if they use Denuvo.

It's always online, they don't need to.

It's like one of the suits in charge just wants to keep going further and further and see what happens, like some sort of economic experiment

Why is this game even getting made?

Well, this won't live long. Crack week 1 same like what happened with Sims 4.

Funny thing about that:

Good, continuing with the "all mgs are shit" tradition.

Not gonna say "Based Darkies", but these will make for useful pawns

It was inevitable. Client side DRM is cracked and this was always going to be the end game.

Just hope my niche weebshit doesn't follow this trend or I'll have to find a new hobby.

Their audience is too small to screw over. They realize it would be the death of their game. Also piracy would mean more publicity for them.

Sorry, though I heard that some games uses Denuvo in their multiplayer mode. Also, The Phantom Pain has Denuvo. Which made me think that Konami's future games will have it.

MGS 1 - 4 are the only ones that are interesting and playable. Even with the cringey as fuck shit that happens in MGS4, it's still canon to me.

I actually bought MGSV and found it to be terribly casual and COD-like…no wait. Wandering through that shitty hospital in the beginning reminded me of fucking Max Payne 2. As much as I love that game…that is NOT a good thing for MGSV to have.

I rode a horse, I thought I was playing a less fun Battlefield 2, I dunno what the fuck was up with the weapons system and layout in general. Fuck it.

I quit after 1:20 minutes and returned the game to failstop.

I went out and bought some Meth with the money I had returned and injected all of it within 3 days time. Best conclusion ever. @_@


Just like Destiny, no fucking thanks, my internet connection is so shit that I don't wanna be banned or not be able to play just because verizon sucks dick