Look at this picture, save it, spread it

Look at this picture, save it, spread it.

Don't buy this trash.

Other urls found in this thread:

bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=27694013&privcapId=28016023&previousCapId=22559&previousTitle=Providence Equity Partners LLC

Some more cuck core.

How about just not marketing this shit anymore, mr. Shill?

Because I was going to buy or play a AAA game in the first place user.

user here's a tip: Add in archives for these images
It makes them much more difficult to argue against and it takes a few seconds
polite sage because we already have a Wolfenstein thread.

Nice try.


There's already one thread about this.

The last Wolfenstein thread is on page 12, has hit bump limit, and hasn't had a post in >24 hours. Also, this thread isn't just Wolfenstein.



Wallpaper engine is ungodly hard to quit out of completely, it's almost always running in the background whether you want it to or not.

The Persona one is blatantly retarded, since that girl is the only character in the whole game portrayed as that, and people make fun of her for it. The South Park one is wrong too since Ubishit admitted to it being just a marketing stunt. Pointing out shit like this in games is fine, but do some bloody research first before sperging out.

No, there's another one in the catalog right now. And you didn't even have a subject for your thread man

Before the thread is locked for whatever reason, it should be noted that a 2007 game has 6x times the population that alone speaks volumes of modern game development.

That reminds me…

Delete yourself

But isn't that the point of the damn thing?

It's not my fucking thread, nigger, check your IDs.



No disagreement here, I was just explaining why it's there

Yes and no. It's supposed to continue functioning after you close it but it leaves a semi-hidden process going that steam picks up as active software and the result is that when it came out everyone who got it had like 400 hours a week 'playing' wallpaper engine. It probably shouldn't show up in the gameplay statistics.

I absolutely hate this mentality. At this point I'm inclined to assume it's shills who make these posts.

Holla Forums has a thread about it right now and they are partying hard because they think this game "defeated" "us", btw.

Also see this.

Lawbreakers had massive hate on threats and the game did awful

mhh i think that smear campaigns do work, otherwise saul alinsky is a fucking liar

Rule 5 & rule 8 specifically

Holy fuck, with all the publicity I expected at least 50k on launch. WOW, guess it was just shilling.

I'm starting to appreciate more games like PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS

Yup. I think this will have the same fate as Watchdogs 2 and Mafia 3. It seems that if the white nerds are not playing the game and like it, the game is forgotten after 1 month.



Go away Holla Forums

This game and its supporters are on the same level as those (((celebrities))) beheading trump

Is P5's translation raped to death?


You are entitled to your own opinion, you have a nice day dude

Not at all.

If it doesn't make it on console either this series is fucking dead

You were still wrong about there not being another thread

Leftists tried a psyop where they claimed the translation was bad so it would need to be "fixed" by them. Disgusting Marxist filth.

It's marxist kike propaganda, I know, user. shut the fuck up and get over yourself.

The game is made by a company that Trump's brother is in control of.

bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=27694013&privcapId=28016023&previousCapId=22559&previousTitle=Providence Equity Partners LLC

Zarya isn't fat, the musclebound Russian Bear woman has been a trope for a century.

But she isn't hot.

No, the example in that image is just out of context bullshit with no relation whatsoever to the game. It's the best localization of a JRPG in years.

I'll do what I want. You can leave this thread any time.

Look at Michael Jackson vs the rest of his family user, you can rightly fuck off now

You're a special kind of nigger.

They might try again in a few years once the lackluster reception of NEW COLOSSUS is forgotten

Bethesda isn't going to give up and a classic money making IP because Social progressive dipshit developers shat all over it and make the entire product totally repugnant. Expect massive retcons and perhaps tonal shifts to be more inline with the shifting social paradigm.

I sure hope the translation is fine, I want to play it some day when I get a better rig capable of emulating it.

So it's just one completely unrelated dialogue in the game?

With every (you) you provide, I bump this thread with a response
Give up and go find another thread to whine in.

In addition I'd say that the Japanese workplace is Holla Forumslack wet dream with the default position in the office place for a woman being a secretary that fetches minor errands and is expected to marry and leave asap. It's an isolated case in the game but it certainly is accurate to the Japanese workplace as opposed to the American one. It's not really about girl power as much as Holla Forums would want to believe in it's original context.

confirmed for bethesda shill

We finally get to play as the good guys in the reboot?

Correct. P5's localization was done pretty well. There's a few grammar mistakes that should've been caught, but as a whole the translation was good. Either way, the fact that it got the left-wing localizer clique pissed as fuck is reason enough to consider it a good thing. Connor Kramer and his group tried shilling here multiple times against it, it was quite funny to see. They also got massively butthurt when an overwhelming majority of people (think it was over 90%) in a poll of several hundred conducted by some website or group considered the localization either "great" or "good"

The character is portrayed as a fortune-teller nutjob and they make fun of her for those lines. Neither she nor her dialog has any bearing to the actual game.


Fucking with connor was great.

already a thread

Why can't we just have a translation like for a book?

Thank fucking God the translation isn't raped to shit.




Hmm, I seem to remember him signing a resolution condemning white nationalists, yet never saying anything bad about ANtifa. And oh yeah, he backtracked on everything he said during the campaign. He really loves Israel, though.


who can tell?! maybe Bethesda will continue down the social progressive yellow brick road and end up fucking bankrupting itself with tonally fucked games that don't appeal to anyone that actually plays games.

I don't know? most likely not given that video gaming is about problem solving and why would individuals that practice "problem solving" willingly accept "social programming" that inhibits them or works against the interests of the individual "Social Marxism" specifically
Not likely, given that bulk of gamers are still white heterosexual males that don't benefit from it.

Because "localizers" totally are more important dontcha know user? They take care of those nasty idioms and stuff that just won't translate!
I wish they were gone as well. Most localizers are just glorified fanfic writers

wtf i hate drumpf now

This shit is so jewish over the course of playing it a yamuka physically materializes on your head and you end up in a gay interracial relationship IRL.

Here's some shit from E3.

Not too surprising when your retarded marketing strategy is to shit on and piss off a huge part of your potential fanbase in order to virtue signal to faggots that weren't interested in the first place.

too bad you didn`t posted that picture of him and the Jerusalem wall, you would have convinced me then

That's the best they can do? That slogan sucks ass. Hell they could have literally just used MAGA and it would have worked better.

well if this threads a loss anyhow i may as well post 3DPD

Why don't you post a more recent picture of Sam?

What bad swelling. I wonder if he got a sinus infection or something. I'd say he got stung by something but there's no visible marks to suggest that. Oh well, these things happen. I'm sure he got over it by now. Also this thread is gay, this game is gay.

The "difficulty" in South Park does nothing. It's just a joke. The rednecks show up regardless of what you pick. The people who wrote these articles are full of shit.

Don't you mean "cigar"

i've talked to him in voice a while ago, he'll probably lurk in this thread later.

are these real?

Do you live in a cave?

It must always be brought up what Cassandra did in Mafia 3.

She turned the city in another fucking haiti.

Visited the board for maybe the third time in my life. No banter there whatsoever. I didn't even get a chuckle. And why are there no memes.

He keeps deliberately taking the most unflattering photos possible and posting them on instagram/twitter. If this keeps up only personality or money will motivate thirsty cunts to message him, mostly money.

Memes (or at least proper, truthful, humorous ones) are a human product. Skinwalkers can't replicate them.

At this point I think he wants a "Sam you look like shit" knowyourmeme page