Hollow Knight thread

What the fuck was his problem? Why would you fill your entire house with buzzsaws and spears around which even flight would make it hard to navigate through?

Well, I can see why he didn't leave the palace often, it's like he actually couldn't because he kept getting sawed and speared through

Other urls found in this thread:


Haven't played this game yet cause it looked like indieshit


It is indieshit, but God damn if it isn't polished to hell and back. Well the gameplay is, the story could use more work. I still have no idea how the player character even got to where he was at the beginning of the game and I've already finished the game.

Tried looking through a youtube lore video (not the best idea, I know) and it still didn't help.

Graphics are important to give the right feeling for the kind of game bruh, HK definitely "nail"s that bit.

So, I got to the first ending and now I have no idea where to go

Did you beat all the ghost bosses? Also, you can fight stronger versions of False Knight and Hollow Husk if you dream nail them, which also nets you a lot of essence if you win. get 1800 of them and talk to the moth bitch, she'll give you an upgrade for you DN, which will let you nail the dead guard at the Palace ruins, at which you will find that the Pale King was a fucking moron that spent all his budget on sawblades for his palace


Why was Hornet such a bitch? Like hoe, why you always gotta be places to talk cryptic to me and then try to kill me on top of it?

Not enough dick is always the correct answer.

I think the story is fine. But you get cryptic bits of information scattered throughout the xx hours it takes to beat the game, so it's very hard to piece the story together properly without looking it up online or playing through multiple times

That's the only thing that doesn't make sense to me. I initially thought he came from the west of Howling Cliffs and was really curious to find out what happened in there, but turns out it's nothing.

If the door. closed behind the HK, would that make getting out impossible? It's not like there were stagways or some shit IN the abyss given it is right underneath the palace and the kang didn't need any.

Also, if they were "hollow", why did the HK have doubts as he walked through the door? The king wanted the equivalent of what the emprah wanted in his golden boys, and he ditched a fuck ton of them only to keep that failure.

Guess it always comes down to the king being fucking retarded.

The queen kind of implies that a vessel was selected prematurely, probably because the King was retarded indeed.

That's what I thought too. Plus the void is basically on the opposite corner of the map than the cliffs. And there's all kinds of terrain between them that's not navigable without the movement abilities which the player starts without.

Actually no, I remembered wrong. She says "It was tarnished by an idea instilled", whatever that means

That was just the dream of the dead guard. The real king is supposedly alive somewhere, with his real palace.

So the king DIDN'T decorate the hallways with sawblades and spears?

I doubt it, considering he had noblebugs and knights and servants living in it.

Haven't played this game yet because my computer is from the 00's and can't run 2D sidescrollers, apparently


there are not enough lewds or even art for the qt's in this game.

its a defense mechanism manifsted by the dead guard.

Shit taste, famon.


you could just not save Zote… you're right though, ignore the middle bug.

Thanks for reminding me there is the new update today.

Best girl coming through!

I came for qt insects

Like most women she is weak and gullible and must be held on a leash by a man. But since you can't speak and have more important things things to do, Zote slithered his way in and lied to her and convinced her that you're a false hero and he's the real one.

I actually really liked Zote up till that point. It's weird the devs decided to have him cuck you. Can't think of the reasoning behind it.

It's just a joke about a meek, wimpy girl believing the exaggerated tales of an incompetent but egotistical hero. Everyone else can see just the kind of person he is, but she is oblivious to it.

Also, he sees you as his greatest enemy, so if he isn't gonna beat you in combat, he's gonna take "your" girl, even if you're a near-emotionless bugmunculus that doesn't really care about romance.


Okay, where the fuck is the nightmare lantern? I sure as fuck hope they don't expect me to run across all of Hallownest to find it

Nigger those are just bugs

Regret, perhaps, as it saw the player character climb up only to fall as the door closed. Like Orpheus, you know?


What? You don't mean the lumafly lantern in Dirtmouth, do you?

cute bugs

Because you're the fucking king that's why. Fuck anyone that tries to invade my secrets.

Game was great, I finally beat trial of fools last night. The boss was… easier than I expected. I only got to it twice but I beat it on the second try.
Goddamn though, the aerial combat. What a bitch.
I also wish the nail arts had more use and were taught much more closer at the beginning of the game; its like in LttP if you didn't know the charged slash, it makes it both clunky and feel impossible to use unless you force yourself to do it.
Also: Flukenest felt extremely disappointing to use, except with the defender's crest. Its hilarious what they thought up for these charm interactions. I wish there was 1 more slot tbh, because of how many odd-numbered slots taken up by charms.
Great fuggin' game though.
Daily reminder to ignore shills

Too many bug qt's tbh. I commented on that with one of my friends.
I really did find Bretta cute as fuck. The fact that she'd turn pink when you sat next to her on the bench long enough was cute as all fuck. FUCK THESE GAME DEVS FOR MAKING IT SO EASY FOR YOU TO CUCK YOURSELF, FUCK THAT CHEAP WHORE FOR BEING SO FUCKING NAIVE
I can't really blame her too much though, she has the mindset of a teenager. Either way it seems like there's no happy end for any of the fucking bug-waifus in this game at all.
Now in terms of bug husbandos… Mato a best.

Also this is implying that we even know the King is dead. Remember we enter the CONSTRUCT's memories, not the King's ghost's memories. The buzzsaws and spears might just be a representation of the distance the Construct felt to it's Creator.

This is one of the better indieshit games. Primarily because it plays like a true metroidvania without it being too "handholdy".

I also have a bias for this game as the devs see insects the way I do, an untapped resource of symbolic caricatures for personality traits and archetypes that are never fucking used because normalfagshits think they're gross.

Nail Arts literally require the nail art master charm that sly gives you once you hit a certain stage. 100% requires it, not even joking.
IT's night and day man.

Hornet has three moms and no fucking dad.
She is literally the incarnation of "daddy issues: the bug".

Doesn't have enough RPG elements tbh, which is probably a good thing for the game. It avoids most "necessary" grinding and never feels like its broken until you actually have enough skill to break it in the first place.
4th nail is a bit strong, but definitely not strong enough to actually destroy the game like certain weapons in SotN would.

I'm well aware user, but think of how far in the game that is, and how often you were using the nail arts? I'd literally try to force myself to use the nail arts, and even then it felt… wrong. I was so used to the basic attack and the tap-b spell that those 2 made up 95% of my combat.
I loved the whirlwind attack but goddamn if it didn't feel the worst out of the attacks to control and do anything with, at least with the dash attack you could still feel somewhat in control, and the regular slash as well. Still almost never used them though, it was literally forcing myself to use a gimmick. The most I did with them was tricks in mid-air to test them out, and occasionally see the damage output against Hollow Sentries and occasionally bosses, but it never really worked out.

What did she mean by this?

No, I meant for the update. Admittedly, checked halfchan for that, and amongst all the dumb Sonic 06 threads, there was one thread for this. Thankfully, ctrl+F works

Vessels are made of both Soul and Void. Hornet, Hollow Knight, and The Knight are all Vessels made of just these two materials. The only true oddity here is Hornet as she was made with a gender. Everything else is basically just a homunculus.

Oh that point. And yeah there's that problem. Another problem, IMO, is how little magic scales once you get to like mid game. Where it used to do enough damage to clear a line it basically acts as a single hit.

Its because not only does he have the void, he is as emotionless as they come working towards a singular goal, which is stop the dream sun.

Hold up, wasn't the kang her dad? Well, not like he's done anything other than going to the sawblade market

Yeah, its kinda disappointing to be honest.
It did absurd amounts of damage early game, but I didn't use it much. Late game it becomes sort of a pittance, but it still remains useful because
I apparently was a retard though because I kept using it against the lost kin during his "breaks" because I thought he was extra vulnerable to damage during that time, instead of healing. It ended up eventually working out though.
Honestly if they just gave it a bigger hitbox when it got upgraded, and just a bit more damage I'd be content.
The other magic I use so little of that it feels kinda pointless to comment on it.
The howling spirits or w/e is so situational that its near pointless, and the "slam" or w/e tends to get interrupted so easily, I hit myself on enemy's bodies more often than I hit enemies with it, and by the time I do it usually doesn't even kill them, even with upgrades. (then again I used the fools trial enemies as a baseline for that, but even still… it feels like shit)

If you consider a "created" sense…yeah she's the Kang's daughter.
Still, Kang only visited Hera to apparently screw according to the White Queen who apparently is 100% cucquean about it. I still think the whole reason the 'mask' thing caught on is because you can talk to the mask maker in the same area you find all the spider folk. Mask Maker has long arms like a whip scorpion, assuming it's an arachnid itself. Arachnids have no heads, literally, so as a sort of political schtick it may have been a way of the Kang trying to warm up his new arachnid onahole.

Too bad it forces grinding to complete the enemy dex.

The hornet and that one shop chicky are my bugfus

I did say most, user

I hope you don't actually believe this.

How else would the Hollow Knight have no will to break or desire to manipulate?

He's only talking about the vessels, like the player character and the Hollow Knight. They're artificial creations of the king in an attempt to create a weapon to defeat Radiance.

I'm pretty sure Hornet was made for Herrah in exchange for her loyalty to the kang.

Then that's fair I guess.

Just seems kinda silly considering how many strong implications that he's a male. I don't like to use psychological bullshit, but the fact that his nail is referenced in an innuendo by the charm shopkeeper (who seems to be very much infatuated with him, as does Bretta at first)
But ignoring that, everyone in the white palace bows before you and when dream-nailed, believes you to be their king
Even his own design strongly implies that he's a male with those round eyes and helmet design. Usually female designs in this game are closer to ovals and lens-shapes for their eyes. His mask shape just gives that vibe as well.
Though I suppose you have a point, they make a point of never explicitly referring to the Knight as "he" in any dialogue or dream nail conversation I've seen.
I'll concede that I can't say with certainty he's a dude at all. But I'll keep thinking it because it seems pretty obvious to me he's the "link" of this game

Because the Radiance was an outcast. She was swore revenge upon the King and his peoples, so he went out of his way to protect himself. That's why he shunted the White Palace to the dream space, too.

Oh cool they did a free halloween update

The knight outwardly appears male and can be referred to as such for convenience, but, biologically speaking, has no gender. It was created specifically to be a soulless, empty husk of a being to contain Radiance and the plague. Something like that doesn't require genitalia, and being soulless means it doesn't really care to identify as any gender. The other bugs, who don't know its nature, believing it to be male doesn't mean they're correct.

That's because you have to have the mark that makes you king, by that point, if I remember correctly.

The main character is male, though. Hornet says she "knows what you are" and it's implied that she was on the same path as you, but rejected it, either to help in another way, or because she knew she wouldn't be an appropriate vessel. She was referred to as "The Gendered Child" by an NPC, which means female in this case, and because she is *specifically* called female and is that same sort of being as you, it's not a stretch that you are male.

Also the Hollow Knight himself is male.

Then can you provide anything that proves without a doubt that he doesn't have a gender, besides Hornet being called the "gendered child"?

Also ironically enough, her being called "the gendered child" with her being female might imply that all vessels and attempted vessels before her created ended up being male
If every other character in this game besides the vessels have a gender, and hornet has a gender, and her gender makes her distinct from the other vessels, why is it not valid to consider the possibility that the vessels have to be male? The clues point more towards the MC being a male than genderless to begin with as well.

You're completely wrong about Hornet, though. She was created to be a daughter to Herrah in exchange for Herrah's allegiance to the king and role as a Dreamer. That's why Hornet is referred to as the "gendered child", because having a gender makes her special.

See above. was confused and thought was referring to Hornet being female, not the other vessels being genderless.

In regards to Hornet. We will know the whole story with the next expansion most likely. I think it is mainly focusing on her character. That building in Deepnest with all the string.
Maybe more if they get enough for the abyss expansion as well.

Also, I think you're both confused about the knights origin. The knight is an artificial creation of the king, much like the guards of the palace. It wasn't "born" like a traditional creature, but created by shaping void into a living being and wrapping a physical shell of a body around it.

I was under the impression that hornet was referring to the fact that not only did the PC come from the abyss itself, but also spent some prolonged period of time wandering the wastes outside of the kingdom, which all signs in the game point to being a desolate wasteland of nothingness.

Maybe we'll actually get the dreamers as bosses. I felt majorly gypped the first time I went into deepenest to encounter my first dreamer and there wasn't any epic boss to go with it.

If you say so man. I don't think that necessarily shows without a doubt that its "genderless" though.

But why would it have a gender? When you build a war robot, do you give it a gender?

Then why are its features so masculine for a "robot"? Why is it being flirted with as if it were a person of the opposite gender
Its like asking why a robot would have a gender when its creator decided to make its arms look like muscular biceps and its crotch look like a penis.


The nail scales more but Magic is still strong enough. Pure Nail is 21 damage, while Shade Soul + Shaman Stone is 40. Abyss Shriek+Stone is 120 and Shade Soul+Flukenest+Stone is 144.

Magic gets used a lot on speedruns because it's much quicker than upgrading the nail.

Speedruns involve ignoring all the enemies in a level and exploiting shit though. I will admit flukenest does seem like it'd be a strong nuke against large bosses who can actually take all of its damage procs, and shade soul early on feels strong.


Why are you assuming the knight has such exaggerated masculine features? If I built a humanoid robot for pure working purposes, without features towards one gender or the other, most people would refer it to male by default. Of the two characters that are explicitly "flirtatious" with the knight, one is just infatuated because it saved her (and immediately turns her back on it after meeting Zote), and the other simply finds it adorable, like you would a small child. And you're forgetting we're talking about a civilization of bugs of all shapes and sizes, where the males are generally large and bulky, and the females are slender and elegant. The knight fits neither, as it is small and child-like. I don't get why you're so hung up about this. Are you afraid the protag being genderless makes the game sjw trash? Do you feel it's a lesser being if it doesn't have a gender? Do you have problems playing as a character without a gender?

How dare I dislike tedious, unchallenging, nonsensical busy-work required for game completion in a non-rpg.

So there was a new update today
I've been looking for the Grimm Troupe to no avail and I can't find them

Normally I would agree with you on grinding but not so much when it comes to metroidvanias as you will likely be backtracking through each area multiple times. Plus when you take into account searching for secrets etc. most of the journal should fill in while just playing. I think at the end of my playthrough there were only around 10 enemies that I hadn't hit the limit on. Things like those husks in the crossroads with nails and shields and the big headbanging shrooms.

Search the Howling Cliffs for a breakable wall

I found Joni's Repose and used the dream nail
entered dream within that room but other than that nothing happened

Go to the farthest left part of the Howling Cliffs that you can. Then to the right there are a bunch of grooves in the walls that look like they could lead to secret paths. Check up and down all of them. I think it was near the very bottom. So basically the very bottom left of the Howling Cliffs.

it was another bug, not joni's repose.
but still. It's nothing.

Are we talking about the same area here? Howling cliffs is like, the left is just an invisible wall.

I found one breakable wall which led to a dead bug. I used dream nail. nothing happened.

ok i found it. I just had to hit the torch many times
I was hitting it before but it took fucking forever for it to break, so I didn't know It was breakable. Didn't have any breaking animation either
now what? nothing happened. fucking cryptic team cherry

Go back to Dirtmouth

yeah I'm on this fetch quest to find flames.
so far I'm like meh
Hope some cool bosses or new area show up.

ok. those 2 fetch quests were worth it


Seriously. I come to fucking check out the game and half the thread is debating gender. Did we actually take on some GAF refugees for some reason?

I think it is 1 or 2 anons who see the protag as genderfluid for some reason so they shit up every thread with shitty undertale comparisons and hyperbole. Has happened in the past 3 threads.
Not sure if they are just contrarians or shitposting but either way it is always just to derail. The threads are justified by the way as there was just a free update and It is a serious GOTY contender in the indieshit category. $15 for a game with a great concept, great characters, 15+ hours on first blind playthrough, and 3 free future updates Does it get better than that, honestly?

More like 25, honestly.

Yea especially for the true ending and 100%.

Where do you start the Grimm Troupe content?

scroll up

You must have played much faster than I did. I have around 50hr on my save file, but at least 8 of that was useless wandering. I have no idea how anyone is meant to get 100% without using the wiki; it would have been the end of me trying to get there.

No I was just being generous. 15 hours on a good game for $15 is really good in my opinion. I also spent 35+ hours on my main playthrough just trying to check every wall and 100% the map. and killing off every ghost relentlessly. I still didn't get the Mister Mushroom ending though. Didn't even have the thought to equip the spore charm. Great game. As stated above though, esoteric as fuck in some parts.

Weaverlings are qt as heck

Wasn't it to imprison the radiance? The reason he needed a "hollow" was because he planned to put the raidiance in there and not have to worry about it anymore. It backfired because the HK was not able to completely imprison him, but the PC could since his abyss was able to consume the corruption of the raidiance.

Another time the king was retarded

It's implied that vessel gets immediately corrupted in ending 1 and the same fate befalls you

i lik ehollowknight

You need to stop thinking about dicks for a second there, my guy. The thing barely speaks and is an artificial creation that wasn't made for sex, it was made as a makeshift prison.

Dunno about that, but I do know this, throughout time, there have been men to look at something and ask the question "Can we fuck it?", alternatively "Is it gay?", now its that kind of person except he's trying to decide if he should jerk off to it

Is Hollow Knight a social commentary on asexuals and how they view Cis-gendered people?

Was about to give up on this game but the DLC came out today. I'm pretty sure I'm not a bad enough dude to fight Grimm quite yet so I'm farming Geo to get the unbreakable damage charm. Really hoping I can 100% my first time through but I'm already around 30 hours in cause I'm bad. Aside from trying to win in the Colosseum of Fools, anyone else know how acquire wealth quickly?

Howling hills, behind a breakable wall and you need to dream nail the corpse at the end of the cavern

Isn't it implied that it gets consumed by the void and then gets trapped in the egg? The HK's eyes were orange, but PC's eyes were showing the void consuming the orange.

Well if you don't want to spam the first trial in colosseum you can farm enemies like those little hopping flies in Kingdoms Edge. I think they drop like 20-30 geo each? Just set up a dream gate at the start of your route and keep warping back if you have been collecting essence like a madman or are gud enough to spam kill grey Zote or white defender enough times to rebuild essence

Seriously though it is just more profitable to spam trial 1 or 2 in Colosseum than anything else. Not sure what charm you are talking about but just remember the charms from the Ant in Fungal Wastes DO actually break unless you are in a dream.

Not if you take the breakable charms to the lady in the tent and give her a fuckton of Geo
If you do, she'll make them so they don't break anymore but the tent vanishes after you finish the DLC

You're meant to seal it not destroy it, and need to be perfectly hollow in order to do it properly. It can be assumed that if you don't have the void heart, you'll end up the same way as Hollow Knight, but if you have it then you'll be able to contain it forever. The ending is kind of iffy since it looks the same regardless of whether you have void heart or not though.

I still want to see if I can sword pogo off your dead spirit in the Ancient Basin to get to the double jump sooner, without needing to get the crystal dash first.

You have to pogo across like 4 screens of spikes, then die. Then you have to do it again, and from the platform, jump in a particular way so that your default power shot is visible offscreen and hits the bugger and aggros him, then bounce on the spikes again, maneuver him, and get ONE attempt to bounce off him and land where you need to go

I don't know if it's possible yet, but it would be interesting. It would let you skip the crystal peaks entirely in a run, but I don't know if it's the fastest way to get to the dreamers or not

Oh yeah, the worst part? You need to stack up the spirit's HP so it can withstand a hit and a blast. This means no blue HP, and the +HP charm, and maybe two life upgrades if you rush them

Wow, Good to know. How much geo each though? Is it even worth it to grind it out?

Fragile Greed is 9k, Heart is 12, and Strength is 15k. No clue if it's worth it or not but if I beat the DLC first before doing it I won't find out anyway

Looks like they're moneysinks they added to address the excess Geo.

Oh, Yea doesn't really sound worth it in the long run. Not for all of them anyway. I mean in my 100% save I only have like 20k geo. However I haven't sold any of the 4 collectables or bought an excessive amount of rancid eggs so my geo value is probably fucked. The arcane eggs alone sell for like 10k each right? Plus the extra lore they give. Yea it is probably worth it if you don't ever lose your geo in a playthrough to death.

I read back my post and realize I am a drunk fool having a hard time expressing what I want to say. Yea it is probably worth it to buy them if you sell the collectables is what I was trying to say.



I should've stopped reading here.

1.Archive that you newfag
2.Articles prove nothing, many times have journalists put a agenda on locations where there were none.


just beat grimm seems like it won't be the last time I do that and you actually do get an eleventh charm notch for beating him, which is nice with my Toxic Avenger thing I have going

>literally addressing one of my few criticisms with the game in free DLC
Can these devs be any more based?

Ok so i did the banishment end of the free content and now I can't access the Grimm Troupe anymore. wished there was any warning regarding this.

No final boss fight. just disappeared. I'm fucking pissed. I got some 4 notch charm and I don't know what it does but is that it? I'm locked out of the content for this playthrough? Im kind of fucking upset because i did all that fetch-quest bullshit and i didnt get my 2nd fight with Grimm.

From what I can tell yea that is it. It seems to be the first actual splitting path in the game. Aside from save/kill Zote The charm is decided with what route you take. I mean.. You can't say there was no warning though, right? When you talked to the accordion bug in Deepnest egg he told you that you were going to choose either him of Grimm It is just a splitting path. They are pretty common in metroidvanias for replayability. Just replay on steel soul mode when you feel like getting gud :^)

That's kinda bullshit user

try talking to the devs on twitter and seeing if there's any way you can still access the content

No. I knew there was a splitting path. However, I didn't know the content would be locked and never available again. I thought the quest reward would be different, but not that the entire content would be unavailable and removed from the entire playthrough

how did we go from placing radiant dreams DLC so well (repeatable as many times as you like to enjoy) to bullshit replayability blue-balling (you wanted to see half of the content? better replay the entire game, goy)

Like fucking really? At the very fucking least warn me you're gonna do that and after doing an action there is no turning back. Really fucking stupid. Seriously pissed me off and ruined the experience for me. And I thought Grimm was the best boss fight so far in this entire game. i know they are trying to emulate Dark souls, but dark souls has new game+. This game doesn't. I can't keep my items for a second run, so it's not like I can go "oh ok whatever at least i get to keep the items from this path choice". If i had known the content would've been locked I would've gotten my fragile charms changed and honestly chosen the other choice. That was really bullshit. All i was trying to do was the morally correct choice, but all i got was punished for doing so. Poor execution and poor message.

Also the charm for banishment is either bugged or complete utter shit with a low proc chance.
I don't know what the fuck Team Cherry was thinking with this "surprise! your content is not accessible again lmao" bullshit. Most videogames throw you a "if you proceed, there is no turning back" warning, so you ready yourself before choosing the option. It was honeslty fucking dumb.

For future hollow knight content I'm just going to wait it out and let others play it so I can just check which path doesn't fuck me over next time, which is counter-intuitive. You shoudl want your players to dive in and enjoy the content, not wait for others to fuck up because the fucking devs throw shit like shit.
It was so unexpected too because Radiant Dreams Content was repeatable as much as you wanted.
Honestly. I'm fucking disappointed at this bullshit. I know the game is great and the devs are cool for throwing free content, but holy fuck this is not free content, this is fetch quests and trolling you with locking you out of content as a reward. It's total bullshit to do 9 fetch quest mob kills just to get fucked over with no warning, FOR DOING THE GOOD GUY CHOICE

Team Cherry is either really fucking edgy/trolling or just inept at basic stuff. This free content was more a flip of the finger than enjoyable. The only good thing was Grimm fight and sprint master charm. It upsets me greatly because i know you fight Grimm again and i just missed it due to devs pulling shit like this. The morale of the story is just watch guides, spoil yourself so you don't get fucked over, which is also counter-intuitive.
Thanks, Team Cherry.

Give 'em this feedback on twitter or something, they might patch it or something if they get enough of it (or heck, maybe just because they got any feedback at all because they're a small developer)

Honestly. Why would ANYONE pick the choice that removes NPCs from your world hub? It's just stupid.

I don't have twatter or use it at all. Doubt they'd listen to a random player.

I'm honestly upset too. I loved my vanilla experience with this game, but this patch fucking ruins it for me. I don't want to spend 10 or so hours replaying it, not yet at least I beat it recently.

Well, then go do it on reddit user. And you'd be surprised too. On either of those sites its fast for news to spread.
Go do it on leddit and just copy-paste your post., it'll likely get attention quickly and is better than twitter in terms of random people being able to get attention.

I decided to tweet out caps of your posts to 'em user, cutting out the last paragraph from this one

I actually just tweeted them a print screen of my post.
I have no reddit account or fucking know how to post there.
At any rate, there's nothing else to do in the game. 9 mob fetch quest just to get blue-balled, and for a shit trinket that does nothing on top of that.
I hope my findings aid others in making sure not to choose banishment for now.
pic very related.

Its very easy to make a leddit account and post. I have experience from during KiA op days.
It takes 5 seconds to create an account and you don't even need an e-mail. In terms of creating a post there its pretty simple.


Once you've created an account you just hit "submit post" on the sidebar. From there it should be pretty simple. The reddit spacing meme is true by the way; you'll need an extra enter=press if you want to go to the next line, and 2 for creating a new paragraph.

Why not just use the Steam forums

That also works too; I imagine they check the social media ones more often but if that's the case that's fine as well.
>not using GOG

where da qt bugs?

Depends on whether or not it can transform into an attack helicopter


Fuck Zote

How tough was the Radiance for you guys?
I took 4 hours to beat her

It feels like these should be reversed tbh
I haven't fought it yet

It became pretty easy when I figured it's best to focus on dodging and be patient with the horizontal swords. I wish there was a final stage where they start using two different attacks at the same time, or using them faster or something.

Lul so that explains trannys then.

Alright, ya got me. br8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8

haven't figured out what the eggs are for until after I completed the game.

they're already aware of the issue (on reddit)

That's pretty clever user.

Bravo, Team Cherry. Now I have to do this piece of shit path of pain for a fourth fucking time.

so I reloaded and came back
Thanks team cherry. Wasted one hour doing that stupid challenge for nothing. Fuck this game
Blue balled by banishment route
and now path of pain is glitched, meaning i have to redo it a 5th time to get the fucking treasure.
What a horrible content patch.

But the real treasure is the friends you made along the way

I'm not touching their next content patch until a week later. I don't wanna get blue balled or glitched out of content. Its been a huge disappointment
When the game came out it had so many framerate issues too. IDK what to say. They should playtest these things before launching them.


I can see where you're coming from, but I disagree. Almost every enemy in the game takes like twice as many kills as they really should for unlocking their entry. This is compounded by the fact that enemies don't respawn from simply leaving the room and re-entering, meaning there's a lot more travel time involved than there would be in most games. Then you have the issue that a few of them become rarer once you reach a certain point in the game. It's also a problem that you have to do an arena challenge twice just to fill out an entry in the dex. I did most everything in the game, and I still had a bunch of entries I needed to complete. I can see most of the journal being filled out if you take the time to kill every enemy you come across while backtracking all over the place, but that's basically grinding while exploring as opposed to grinding after exploring.

Radiance was actually one of the easiest fights for me. Her moves were pretty telegraphed and dodging them wasn't much of an issue once you saw them one time. I had much more trouble with the three dream bosses.

Hot opinions there buddy; most of them didn't feel like I had to grind at all, but there was a good 30% that felt absurd in terms of the amount needed to be killed

Team Cherry blocked me from my fight with nightmare Grim
I do not want to redo the entire fucking game to fight it.
I don't know. Im so pissed. Wished i could download some other 100% save file pre-content patch.

I'm qualifying the amounts less on how many you're probably going to kill without explicitly grinding them, and more on how many you really need to kill to prove you're experienced in fighting them. Once you get past that point of completely learning their behavior and how to kill them effectively, any further required kills are just padding.


I wish there was a more complex/orchestral version of Hornet's theme. It's one of my favorites but feels a little empty like it's unfinished and builds up into a disjointed mess instead of what the beginning implies.

Radiance and the fight it's in is hype as fuck in the beginning, but has a similar problem of feeling like it flattens out afterwards.

Resting Grounds and Greenpath are good too.

every time i have a game where i can build a castle or dungeon i fill it to fuck with deadly traps.
let him have his fun.

I'm honestly thinking of making a new file and restarting because i really dislike this feeling of trolling Team Cherry has done with this patch.
If you get glitched, you're fucked
if you choose one of two options, one fucks you
Many NPCs will disappear and you won't finish their questline, also a reason to restart and make a perfect run.
I need to leave Zote to die for that achievement anyway, but i really don't feel like backtracking so fucking much or risking doing steel mode run.

Steel Soul is easy. Every time you drop to 2 hp, reset.

that just sounds tedious

Even better


im going to 100% my main file save and use the steel soul run playthrough to do the achievements, including steel soul run achieve. After that, I'll do grim troupe. My only fear is dying to nightmare grim on steel soul mode

she doesn't have a good ending user

Did they fix the perfomance issues?

Did you decorate your house with bear traps too?


Ok. I have finally decided to just replay the game in soul steel mode run to get those achievements you can only get in a new game

I don't feel satisfied with the new content patch, so I'm gonna have to redo the fucking game just to fight nightmare grim.
I'm gonna have to alt+f4 every time i have 2 or less health. no excuses. no "I can do it!". It can get tedious, but it will be hectic and keep me on my toes. I don't like feeling like I couldn't have my orgasm, so I'm going to replay the game just so I can thoroughly get a perfect run.

ANY other tips or NPCs that are missable or after a certain point they disappear? I'm gonna try and get a clean perfect run without fuckups.

Nobody in this fucking game has a good ending

ur mum does

Elderbug best girl

>That part when you kill the Traitor King
>When Cloth dies and you see her ghost telling you what a wonderful battle that was, and how she'll see you again soon
>Being unsure if you should use the Dream Nail to send her off properly

The first time I used dream nail on a ghost was on Joni, I had no idea what it would do and I thought I'd get more dialogue or something. Felt pretty bad afterwards.

Did you know you can use it on that giant bug holding the Crystal Dash, as well as the one holding the Shadow Cloak?

The latter one needs the upgraded Dream Nail

Yeah I had nailed the shadow cloak bug before and it had some shield-like effect, so that's the first thing that came to my mind when I got the got the upgrade.

Danke. Might buy this later.

The first one I used it on was some cook, or the fat guy in the tower of pleasure. I'm very glad I didn't use it on anyone important.

buy it now user, its on sale.

i would if fuckers kept breaking in to it

map guy's wife is alive and happy.
map guy also is
jew fly is also fine and now rich
elderbug is chilling
accordion bug is happy
bretta and zote are fine too.

elderbug truly is best girl
all those skanky whores do not hold a candle to such a sweetheart

Does it say that Elderbug is a girl?
I just thought it was a nice, kindly old man

So basically the people who sell you things and the people who cucked you are alive
Wow, I feel blessed indeed


Why even play steel soul mode then? There's no point if you're just going to reset everytime you're about to lose unless you're some scummy cheevo fag

That's outright not true. It is never stated the NPCs will perma-despawn. The only thing accordion bro says is he will be freed and the ritual wouldn't finish. nothing else.
Coming from Radiant Dreams content patch where bosses are fightable any time it came out of the blue. Also I expected Grimm fight expecting him pissed for betrayal or something.

He's just a nice kindly old man.
But he's best girl anyway

I have the 0.1% achievement, you don't. What now?



This is horrible to see.

I didn't do it as a social prestige. The goal was to complete the game without dying, and I did. It didn't say I couldn't quit. It was Hardcore, not Ironman.

people like you disgust me.

I honestly don't blame you. it would be very painful to lose your entire save because of bullshit RNG

What RNG? This is one of the most fair games I've played

Does dying to dream bosses count as a true death in Steel Mode?


No. You don't die in dream bosses

That's the first hollow knight. What we see in this cutscene is that the Hollow Knight consented to becoming the vessel, and they had a father/son relationship. MC is just the unwanted child who the king didn't need

Mechanics stacking together. projectile placement + the moment an add decides to dash in. little moments like that.
Also "oopsie" moments that can snowball into pressure moments that WILL happen.

All that shit, just for some NTR…


It's like the trashman's dream.
Also, why was this in the dead soldier's dream?

the path IS called the Path of Pain, user.

Yeah, but why in the soldier's dream? it'd make sense if it was something similar in the Abyss in the PC's dream, but not in the soldier's.

Also, we get this, but not how the PC got out? Now that's some cocktease

If I do the ending the first one before you get Void Heart, would I be able to do the other endings on the same save file?

Endgame doesn't have any point of no returns as far as I know so you should be good.

Thanks a lot.
100% here I go.

but once you get void heart you can't do that anymore. so make sure you do that one first.

The white soldier was probably the royal guard of the two who protected that little cutscene. So technically it makes sense, since the guards could see the Pale King and the Hollow Knight be together from afar, just like the main character watches them from afar

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the two +range upgrades will really help out with the bouncing

So why was it called Path of Pain? Was pretty much everyone cucked at this scene? Why did this path have SO MANY FUCKING SAWBLADES? Is this the second mostgoodmoment in the game, next to giving Elderbug the delicate bloom?

worst fucking level in the game, but only because the controls are fucking dogshit

kys you fucking faggot

more like shit fuckin' game

duly noted, ignoring you now

30 minutes, 4 tries

that makes me happy

pain for regretting "instaling" emotion in original hollow knight.

the game takes up 1.5 gigs of ram when running, as if it wasn't already a huge enough pile of shit.

I've had this game in my library for most of the year and I'm just now starting it. I'm about an hour in, running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I'm having fun though. I know I gotta free these trapped little caterpillar dudes. Really wishing I had a proper map that filled out as I explore. I don't mind the lack of strong direction, but I'd like to know where I've been at least.

The map updates when you die or rest on a bench. You can get a compass charm that tracks your current position (but not the map) so you can get a sense of how far off the path you are. You can also go back and rest so you have a good idea of where to go.

You can also buy map pins from Cornelius' wife on the surface that updates points of interest when you rest, too.

It's actually pretty fun to wander around blindly, definitely take your time and get lost and don't look at a full map of the game.

If you get lost, anons can probably tell you where to go without too much spoiling. For example, you'll want to get the Howling Spirit or whatever the magic is called so you can get into the second area, Greenpath. From there, you get more movement abilities so you can go into the Fungal Wastes. After that area, the game branches open significantly.

Here's your (You), bandage some of your cuts with it.

Remember to check the shops in Dirtmouth, especially after you find the scribbling dude.

ah yeah, i wound up making a circle back to Conifer(?) the map guy, I'd forgotten about his wife up on the surface. I just picked up the Compass and Quills from her. It WAS kinda of fun walking around blindly, but the more I explored the more lost I got.

I'm liking this game a lot so far.

It's called Path of pain because its painful to do all the bullshit platforming. It's that simple.

Don't give 66fea4 any (You)s

slam gives invulnerability time after it lands, which can be useful

I won't get into it

captcha: msexhk

excuse me but what did they mean by this?


this game sure does seem to have a lot of unhappy "fuck you" moments.

No wonder you're a faggot.
go all the way to the left

You mean in the failed Tram room? But the far left of it is the same way you entered the room.

I got it, it was really hidden. thanks, and sorry for the trouble.

Fuck you team cherry
you forced me to replay the entire game to do Nightmare King Grimm

At least I tackled all achievements except Speedrunning autism ones

Did you actually do it user?

I did both Steel Soul and Steel heart
I min-maxed every chance I could to make it as easy as possible.
Dream bosses are the hardest (white defender, Nightmare Grimm, etc) so you're safe if you wipe
It wasn't hard. quick focus + grub / Mark of Pride+ Long Nail. / Unbreakable Heart is a solid combo with reach, safety, and healing.

I changed to unbreakable strength from quick focus for exploring, along with compass and swarm and dashmaster.

For the most part Quick Focus + Grub are mandatory, you can have Fragile Strength or Mark of Pride or Longnail.
Grubmaster's elegy and quick slash are good, but only for exploring