Telltale doesn't have to die

All they have to do is give us TWAU Season 2.
pic unrelated.

They should make quality threads


Telltale does have to die though, because they have not given us TWAU Season 2.
Further, they have contributed to great cancers such as the attempted reduction of vidya to Choose Your Own Adventure movies, and the episodic release model.

They do

They have to be punished for their sins against gaming

Wouldn't mind another puzzle agent.

they're a pig that drops a gold nugget instead of a shit once and awhile, and considering the nature of TWAU its still a turd just a shinier one than what they usually produce.

All they have to do is to kill every single one of their writers, artists, programmers, producers, and managers. And their whole marketing and PR department.

there is a very special place in hell for Telltale right besides Ninja Theory

They still have to die but if TWAU season 2 is good their death will be less painful.

Yes they do

They made the only good borderlands game
They don't have a whole lot going for them


fuck you

There isn't a single puzzle in any of their games

are you fucking kidding me, jump off and die

Where is my poker night 3?

I'm sorry


talked about it for years,
there are only few Telltale games that pull people in with their great writing,
rest of it is direct contracted garbage that gives them big publisher money

People like you need to die for supporting those kind of devs


I don't though.
I haven't played a telltale since TWAU S1.
Nobody is. They're going under.

So they will fuck it up like TWD S2?
They need to die, quickly

Telltale doesn't make video games.

Since this thread is here, let me ask this. Are the Sam and Max Telltale games any good? What about the Monkey Island ones?

But they should.

I could forgive the walking simulator shit if they told a decent story where your choices actually matter rather then just being a brief branch that ends where every other branch does.

Did they ever say anything about it or at least stealthily remove it from the game?

Taimanin Asagi gives the player more control then fucking garbage telltale games, fuck them

Sam & Max are worth playing, they were the start of the episodic cancer but that doesn't matter now

I really want another sam and max game, they already did stuff with hypnosis, aliens, the devil, and lovecraftian horror. I wonder what the next one will be.

unless someone else gets the rights I can tell you it won't have gameplay

they should die this instant

Does steve purcell even have the rights to sam and max anymore?

They need to destroy all of their projects and work only on The Wolf Among Us.
That needs to be their bread and butter.

Are you retarded or something? The post you quoted says 'they should die this instant'. The vast majority of the posts in this thread are along those lines. What part of this aren't you understanding? Telltale should go completely bankrupt, have all their assets seized and sold off, and never come back. That is the opinion of this thread, this board, and this site. Can your cock-addled understand that, or do i have to draw a picture of a massive penis with my post inscribed into the side of it so you can understand it with your semen-addicted brain?





its like a movie you have to un-pause every few minutes.

Most concise description of Telltale I've ever read.

I don't know shit about TWAU but I've seen parts of Borderlands, Minecraft, and Batman. And I've 'played' the first 20 minutes of The Walking Dead. It's all garbage. The animations are shit, the writing is worse than your average TV show, and there is no gameplay. There's no way TWAU is somehow a hidden gem.

TWAU S2 would suck more dick than TWD S2.


Guess Neofag is here to stay. Goddamn.

Jesus fucking hell, THAT bad?
I've never "played" them just saw some webms and they seemed the most "un-games" I've ever seen.
The "gameplay" alone, goddamn. Even Gone Home was more interactive than that shit.

Yes, that bad.