Post games that just look butt fuggin ugly.
And by ugly I don't mean just muh graphics but also art direction.
Pic related it's bretty comfy to play but it just hurts my eyes looking at it.
Post games that just look butt fuggin ugly.
And by ugly I don't mean just muh graphics but also art direction.
Pic related it's bretty comfy to play but it just hurts my eyes looking at it.
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MDickie is the undisputed master of bad graphics. No matter the screenshot, you can always tell whether the game is his own or not.
Also in general MDickie's games are in the terrible and terribly fun territory because they really put you into the mind of a psychopath, just into different eras.
Suikoden ?
Yeah it looked generic af even for it's time
Nah it's Star Ocean: First Departure
Breath of the Wild. It looks like shit graphically and artistically. They fucked up the cell shading they wanted by also making the lighting absolutely disgusting as well. Killer is Dead. In some places it looks fine, but a majority of the time they also fucked up what they were going for. All of the games that go for that indie minimalist look, I.e. being lazy fucks and not texturing anything.
Literally every 3D Sonic game.
At least he has his own fairly consistent style.
Nothing is worse then those uncanny unity games with borrowed high quality graphics and shading.
I've never gotten closer to graphics that make me feel physically ill.
did this game have any redeeming values?
why do toe-hoe games look like they were made for
well i guess these games being in the infancy of 3D is their excuse…
any game choc full of niggers is going to be ugly.
The art direction is fresh and manages to look extremely good on what is essentially 15 year old hardware
there are better looking ps2 games. the world is generic looking and the characters are super ugly and handicapped looking. what about that world is "fresh"?
An old tumblr (((game))). The twist is that you play as the (((girl))) getting romanced.
Motion controls for sword were a cool way to control the sword and its a shame so few games ever tried to take advantage of the wiimote in interesting ways. The art for everything is pretty good. The characters are good. Dungeons and the areas outside them can be a slog at times but they still have the basic elements of action-adventure games that makes them enjoyable. Some of the bosses were really cool.
2nd and 4 pic are about it.
TXR zero is about as ugly a game I've seen. It makes sense when you realize it's a port from a dreamcast game but still. Fun enough to play.
Are there? The few games that manage took as good and also run at a good framerate on PS2 can be counted on one hand.
It's a nice artstyle, which makes it look fresh. Characters aren't particularly ugly, so I don't know what you're talking about.
you realize that shaking the controller randomly did the same combo nomatter how you shook it?
i dont recall it having any motion-specific controls.
oh, youre blind. ok.
its generic. what was unique to you about it?
the ps2 games that look better are numerous. im talking about games themselves of course, not on the 17 year old hardware. (wii launched in 2009, not 2002)
And yet some of them are hailed as visual masterpieces.
i wouldnt really describe PS2 as being in 3Ds infancy. but dont confuse aesthetics and graphics. OP said ugly games, which could be one or the other.
It has a painted/pastel look, I'd have a hard time mentioning another game that looks similar.
And please feel free to list those games that look amazing and manage to run well. I've MGS, FF12 that I can mention.
Because 90% of them are zero budget fangames made by people with next to no game making knowledge.
Hard Time is a legitimately fun game, and the utter shiftiness of its mechanics are what make it fun. There was a group of people who were remaking it in Source, but that died out years ago. They had the whole prison modeled and everything, but poof. It would’ve been so fucking great.
ugly models, ugly textures, it's just a particularly hideous game. This game came out a year after Shenmue, and it really goes to show you how far ahead the next generation of consoles were.
All monolith games looked awful until nolf2.
silent hill 4, dragon quest 8, and god of war, jak and daxter, ratchet and clank. to name a few.
you mean the washed out colors because they went ape shit with the bloom effect? if thats really all you can think of to set it apart, how can you think of it as being unique or fresh? in regards to its style, what separates it from super mario sunshine besides the autistic looking characters?
well that does make alot more sense now.
that first touhou game is a better sidescroller than most of the shit Holla Forums's ever played. Fantastic game and I strongly recommend it.
Would it really? Part of the charm is how nothing really worked yet everything did.
something is wrong with the timezones on your 2nd pic
monolith never really put much effort into their games
i've played that one too and it is fun. but it is ugly
I think you need to go back and play those games.
You're not serious right now, right?
getting down the balance of stamina, blocks and the different attacks for ayaka and momiji creates a really wonderful sense of control in combat.
does that make them ugly? i never claimed the ps2 games were more technologically advanced.
but heres dragon quest 8 which i mentioned, meeting your new goalpost.
MGS3 Subsistence had free camera too, SotC as well
The PS2 doesn't render in HD, those aren't taken from a PS2
we're talking about ugly games. the power of the platform is irrelevent here. these are the ps2 game roms in their original state. just like these are from the original spyro for ps1.
The platform is relevant.
If the game looks amazing but it runs at 15 FPS then it doesn't matter.
The Wii is essentially running on GC hardware, the fact that it can looj good while stile mantaining a really high FPS matters entirely, especially if you count just how many PS2 games have awful framerates.
are you fucking retarded he is talking about looks and artstyle, how fucking pedantic, jesus
Again, you can't separate looks from performance. If a game runs poorly, then it doesn't matter how good it looks.
It was ultimately useless however. The enemy's all consisted of the same "don't swing this way" puzzle and it made the gameplay hell because it was forced into every fucking nook they could find. It nearly broke my wrists when I dived on my bird.
Maybe because the technology is difficult to reproduce?
The art had a decent color design but it was ruined by the model work.
No they wern't. Play PH or MM for decent characters. Zelda was generic anime trash and Groose was decent but nothing special. Which meant he was the best part of the game.
They were all slogs. And they were all tedious. The map design in the games are incredibly linear and incredibly fucking frustrating because they all needed to be traveled to via bird. And when you were down you realized that is wasn't a good idea for Nintendo to replace charge or epona with a weak ass sprint mechanic.
But ultimately shallow. The game is easily the worst in the franchise. Right next to BotW.
Lithtech games are a mixed bag when it comes to visuals fam. Shogo looked and looks like shit while AVP2 looks great even today. Nolf is okay, crisp textures really help if you crank the res up.
read the OP
talking about ugly games here. the platform is irrelevent. also, SNES games can arguably look better than advanced 3D games.
Right, and Skyward Sword isn't an ugly game.
t. :^)
oh shit nigga
yea, gotta love those autistic nigger lipped characters and generic fantasy setting with washed out colors. its not the weak console or its performance, its the actual graphic design. i mean, i guess it could be uglier. it could look like twilight princess for the wii, or even worse the wiiu version that added more bloom
I'm so shocked.
Dunno nigga, I think you have a very subjective opinion
Chaos Theory has these weird models and everyone has is coated in varnish. Facial animations are also exaggerated.
Damn, i didn't played it, and it looks so shit from your screenshot, i will now never play it.
Most games that tried to look photorealistic in the early 3D era of the late 90s to early 2000s look horrible today. The transition period between 2D to 3D was painful to say the least
well i think your opinion is misguided
Also harvest moon back to nature on PSX is way better looking than either of the PS2 harvest moons… and of those 2 ugly harvest moons, save the homeland looks slightly better than its a wonderful life.
holy fuck thats horrifying.
Do recent indiegames count?
Now hold up nigger. Squidward Sword may have been ugly as fuck but Twilight Princess was one the best damn looking games of the time anf it really showcased the Gamecubes superior hardware vs the PS2. Where even a comparable game like SotC was considered a technological achievement and still didn't look quite as good
What's the game on the right?
Why am I fucking up so much.
Are your not going to delete your fuck ups? hint; small blue arrow by the name on your post, press it
yes, but whats the point? easy pickings.
aside from the water, i think the game was ugly. those bland washed out colors… the entire game looks just… blah. show me some pictures that make you think it looked good?
valk profile i think. heres another image.
I hate the art direction of every 3D Zelda game. They can't make up their mind whether the game has realistic or cartoon proportions. Twilight Princess is the worst offender in the series because there are more polygons and the most realistic textures in the series. Midna doesn't look exactly like a person, but she looks like she belongs there. Even her imp form doesn't feel totally out of place in the game. Then you get to fucking Jaggle.
No, play it. The game is absolutely fantastic.
overall I think some of the lesser-impostant NPC designs were awful but the world design was top notch. There's a line to be crossed between judging a games artstyle and nitpicking at general limitations of the time. And like I already said, the majority of games from this era that tried going for a photorealistic look (or at least somewhere in-between like Zeldo) aren't going to age good.
I think Shenmue looks fantastic for example, but others would say the world looks ugly while the character models look good
I guess I should be saying that I hate the character art direction of every 3D Zelda game and that Twilight Princess was just a particularly atrocious example.
Street Fighter IV looked weird enough, but V took it to a whole new level with extremely large hands and feet.
I actually like Twilight Princess but I agree 100%. The art direction is just fucking weird. Even the clothes are stupid and have no real practical application, like those fucking blankets they wear under their belts. Everyone looks like they have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, especially the children.
I think Skyward Sword looks better, simply because it went for more of a watercolour look, and BOTW is probably the best of the 3D Zelda games since it's the closest an actual cartoon with the stupid Nickelodeon proportions of Wind Waker characters.
Ideally a 3D Zelda game would look like this art from the ALTTP manual. The shading techniques are there, you wouldn't even need particularly high polygon counts.
Now user, I hate niggers too, but there's no reason to bash on games because of them. I mean, there is, but not the one you're talking about.
Oddworld, Jets 'n' Guns, basically most of those Western 2D games where the developer thought it was a great idea to replace artistic talent with fucking ugly pre-rendered 3D models.
Still relevant.
I had no idea so many people hated Skyward Sword's art direction, I thought it was pretty alright.
I would much rather take a game that feels more like the Concept art from the 2D Zelda with less of an emphasis on colors and much more on form. The closest we've ever gotten to this wasn't even a Zelda, it was Shadow of the Colossus.
Gotta admit that hair on the colossi is looking damn good.
Oh and on topic I think Alundra 2 is quite possibly the worst looking game ever made. It's somehow even worse in motion than in stills.
Have you people ever actually met a black person? I'm beginning to think that people on this board either have been pozzed by pol or they're all white trash. The amount of times I run into a "nigger tier" black person I can count on one hand. Middle class black people are perfectly fine
Whelp, time to abandon the thread.
why am i not shocked?
OOT had a comfy asthetic, i think. it wasnt great, but i wouldnt exactly call it ugly. i didnt like the aesthetics in MM, even though the game worked better. every map just felt like it was thrown together. the entire game honestly felt like an unofficial mod of OOT.
honestly as far as 3d zelda games go, the windwaker one had descent aesthetics.
no self awareness?
i grew up in a nigger city and was one of 4 white kids in my graduating class. i now work in a nigger city. rich blacks commit more theft and more crimes than poor whites. pretty sure you just live in a white area with a few behaved nogs and think you have some broad knowledge based on your surreal isolated experience.
Fucking Zeno Clash 1&2
Ugliest games I have ever played.
It's like they copied oddworld's homework but never realized that it was for a different subject.
agreed. zeno clash had pretty satisfying combat. i wish they focused more on that then the shitty weapons.
What a far cry from the comfy attractive aesthetics of the first game.
One black person is usually not a problem. But when there are enough to form a gang, THEY FORM A GANG.
This is just what happens when you shitpost ironically for too long and the Nazis move in thinking they're in good company. Same exact reason we have unironic Halofags here now.
Wind Waker works well because it decided it was going for a cartoony look, unlike the limbo every other 3D Zelda game is in. Still, I'm not a fan of it, but it's better.
Yes, I do. You're telling me you moved to some crime-ridden, impoverished city and you expected it to not be somalia?
The fact that we can't have a discussion about bideogaems without it turning into (((dajooooooooooos))) and niggers is testament to that.
Nice argument, faggot.
the faggotry, it taints my eyes. It burns.
Yes, blacks commit more crime than whites, however only a tiny fraction of any given population actually commits crime
I have and they still look like shit. Are you trying to say that niggers are only ugly in pictures, videos and fiction?
Because that's retarded. Holla Forums is still centrist left-wing shit, but it's still better than Holla Forums, unlike you.
Well this thread soured a lot more quickly than I had anticipated.
i was born here, faggot. it used to be white and nice during my parents days, but faggots like you moved niggers into it in droves and turned it into somolia. now i work in a better area but its still full of niggers because it pays. and i bought a house about an hour a way thats full of whites.
i can tell, no need to tell me that.
go back to reddit or whatever faggot hole you came from.
Many things can in fact be described with an metaphor about AIDS user.
You'd have to use Facebook to know it comes from Facebook, faggot.
I don't have to go on reddit to see what their posting style is like, clearly. Nor do I have to go there to converse with their shitty userbase, as you've demonstrated. What's your point?
I am disappointed.
This thread is why everything even slightly Holla Forums related gets nuked from halfchan.
jaggle is still not as fucked up as lila personally I liked the design of zelda from twilight but yeah the art direction was confused in twilight, and it only got more so in skyward, which they did not know whether they wanted to make it closer to ocarina/twilight or windwaker
pozz is literally about consuming faggot/nigger cum. like you have. regurgitating that "whites commit crimes too" even though in niggers its a fucking major epidemic, even when taking populations into account.
youre pretty pozzed mate. maybe stop drinking nigger koolaid. but im pretty sure its too late for you. poz is for life.
I love Terada's watercolours but I just don't see them working that well in motion. I'd love to be proven wrong though.
Alundra 2 was a fucking shit game. I never got a chance to play the first one but I bought the second one and fucking regretted it immediately.
Wind Waker has solid art direction, and it all works well, I just don't like it personally. The odd body proportions and massive fucking heads just weird me out.
3D was a mistake.
2.306% of black population vs 0.45% of white population. Whites are 76% of the country.
It is. Bunch of modernist, materialist egalitarians over there. Just a bunch of communists and anarchists that happen to be right as far as race is concerned. Other than that, they behave pretty much like niggers (and encourage whites to live like niggers) and kikes, and are also completely manipulated by the actual kikes. People that don't deserve to be white. Still part of the worst rabble that the white race has ever offered in its entire history, except for the extreme left. A bunch of uncultured plebs that know nothing of their own culture and history. Essentially just another part of the problem. Nothing to do with any classical, traditional philosophies of inequality. Hitler himself was a very moderate right-winger, believing in equality to some extent. Maybe even on the left. Goebbels represents the best that his movement had to offer. The majority of them were scum with no culture (and that has always been the case, even in the best civilizations in history).
There are very few real traditionalists out there. A lot of them are dying of old age. I have talked to a few (and a few younger people that seem to be going in that direction) before on Holla Forums, and they have always been the minority, but I am sure that all of them have left by now.
You have to back to NeoGAF.
Tekken 1 without a doubt.
Forgot to link the video.
Pretty much all of the "graphically impressive" games from 2005 looked like that. It was the year of the Doom 3 aesthetic.
Shenmue's characters have good faces/heads (not always) and ugly bodies. I thought the world looked pretty good though.
have you met a poor black person in Detroit?
Not true. You had to swing in specific directions all the time to attack certain enemies depending on the situation.
Still looks a lot better than the 3DS version of DQXI, even.
That's VP 2 Silmeria.
I live in a community with a very low Black population and yet anytime I hear about someone's bike being stolen, it's always a nigger that did it. I personally had the experience of seeing niggers walk up to my bike and stare at it like it was a crack rock on wheels when I had it chained outside a restaurant. Mind you, this is with a very low % of the population being niggers. I can't imagine how horrible it must be to have to actually live with a large numbers of niggers. Talk about a hellish nightmare. It's no wonder niggers have a higher survival rate on a battlefield in Iraq then in the hood.
Chaos Theory looked amazing for its time. I think it's aged better than most of the "graphically intensive" games from its era.
Play it. It's one of the best stealth games ever. In fact, I'd argue that it's second only to Thief II.