
I've got to the point of the game when i had to choose between all three factions, completing as many quests as possible before that. And i am thinking i am going for clerics just for their fucking armor and weapons.

But i have something to comply about:
But the worst of it all:

There's SO FUCKING MUCH mmo-tier grindan, its atrocious, its killing good quests they made and the world design. It makes it a fucking chore, constantly needing experience, constantly needing to grind, constantly running from shit you can't kill until you grind some more, constantly needing to munchkin, just to make up for skill requirements, weapon requirements and stupidity of developers.
This game is a fucking mess. I've seen games with atrocious stat requirements, but they always presented an alternative suit for your current level, but this game is just ass.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are you playing shovelware?

Because there are some good things in this game, maybe? Or because there are no good open world action rpgs on the market and all AAA games are on the same quality level as shovelware.

Why are you using words incorrectly?

Go replay Gothic and Gothic 2. PB haven't made a game worth a shit in over a decade.

This is literally shovelware in the same vein as Bound by Flame or Gothic 3.

I plan to do it too, don't need to rush me. I first need to inhale the new feces.

Now you're using literally incorrectly

Literally suck my dick.

Your dick is literally shovelware

Why are you using words incorrectly?

For You

This game takes place after a nuclear apocalypse, right? What kind of nuke scorches the flesh clean off of bones but leaves windows and furniture unharmed? Why is only one window boarded up in a half assed fashion when it's clear from the skeletons that they died instantly without any warning?

This game is clearly shit. And when people say "well it's just like gothic with guns" does that mean that gothic games are also shit?

Back to the codex. Take your westernshit with you.

Hey some of the best games ever made are western, like Dark Souls or Castlevania, so fuck off.

plebs, the both of you.

another good game that cucked itself by punishing itself and the player for having fun


I was contemplating playing this game but then I saw a .webm some user posted where the player character fucks some whore and the dialogue involved was such liquid baby shit that it turned me off completely from the prospect of firing it up.

Dunno, OP, I don't share most of your concerns. Haven't ground a single second, getting EXP through simply exploring and slaughtering whatever I stumble upon. Got to level 20 with 30 constitution, couldn't care less about companion damage since their main purpose is to stagger enemies and tank them. Also how the fuck do you have any problems at level 19, I've been going around slaughtering mountain trolls and shit since level 16 – are you using the combo system right? If you chain your attacks, it starts doing massive amounts of damage. What are your stats, did you put enough into STR and DEX? Maybe you made a shitty build.

forgot to add, pic related are my stats atm.

I see a lot of anons saying they're joining Cleric but seem to use melee fighting. Are ranged weapons viable, later on? In Risen 2 and 3 guns were overpowered.

or perhaps you're wondering why would someone play gothic with guns when one could be playing skyrim with guns fallout 4

Last thread there were anons claiming that ranged weapons were OP, so they probably are viable.

Once you become a cleric it doesn't even matter if anything else is viable, just spam black hole to kill everything.

Was being on point instead of making the joke part of your plan?

I guess you really like playing shit, huh. Why don't you try playing undertale next?

of courshe

I completed the game a few days ago, i think i have like 40 hours but i kinda rushed the game. I completed almost all quest (but some quests are still not completed because i saw no way to complete them) . I joined the Clerics too and after you get the Psy powers, your character is much stronger. The one ability that creates a black hole is my favourite since it does aoe damage and pulls the enemies towards the center. What i don't like is how fucking much armor costs. The Tier 3 set costs like 20000 elex, too much even after you complete a shitload of quests. Also the game was way to short, but still breddy gud.

I'm reaching about 60 hours now, about halfway through the game (haven't joined any faction so far). The meat of the game is in exploring the map, there's lots of places that quests don't guide you to that have lots of interesting shit (or even quests of their own). 20k elex is chump change if you explore enough

It is shit game. What do you expect?

The only good point is that it made me reinstall G2, G3, and Risen to play them again.

Did you even inform yourself about that game? Or tried it for that matter?
Everyone is different.
Don't spam M1.

not true
Also not true, you are just shit at the game
a mid-game weapon with requisites around lower 40's is enough to beat pretty much anything bar the strongest fuckers in the game
Nigger, you get exclusive armors too and you get a different mechanic with each (magic/psi/stims)
the fuck aree you on about?
Maybe if you rush through it. I'm reaching 60 hours and not even halfway done
Albs being emotionless if part of the setting
Are you fucking retarded? Gothic 1, for example, only had a health bar and one of the shittiest inventory systems in existence

You didn't play the game a Second did you?
Stats really do make you stronger even if you still have that shitty axe you get in the beginning
Enemies are hard since you lost ALL your Powers and start from the Bottom. It's just your average Piranhia Bytes game where you start as some weak fag and later you are death incarnate.
You can basically kill every Enemy without getting hit once since the beginning. You just have to get the Fighting system and Master it. I killed alot of Strong mobs with my shitty 20 dmg axe
Berserkes give you Magic and Bows
Outlaws give you stims and Handguns
Clerics give you Psy Powers and Laser Weapons
Every faction has unique looking armor.
I had 40 hours and i didnt even Explore everything. The other user said he is reaching about 60 hours and isn't even half done.
well that nigga had no feelings for almost his entire life so you can't really expect him to be charismatic, also it depends on your dialouge choices how he reacts and what he says
They wanted to make something minimalistic and it isn't that bad.
I remember tons of people from every faction and my companions.
I didn't romance that slut since she is crying all the time about muh nature n sheeiit but yea i have to give you that stuff like this shouldnt be in a PB game.
Calm your assburgers, they just wanted to make something fun to explore and give every faction a unique home.
the combat system is okay after you get how it works, but it never gets as good as gothic for example.
I liked it in gothic and risen but im not really bothered by it missing.

Just. play. the. game or stop shitting on it

Played it on two runs. Berserker and Cleric. About the same shit, but different ass. 'Enchant Weapon' and 'Modify High-tech Weapon' is pretty much the same, except one is for medieval melee arms, and other for high-tech melee arms.
Names, and minor personality difference, yeah. Also companions are really unlikeable. A murderer, a stronk womyn with personality of a salt cracker, a robot, another robot, another robot cannibal, a psychopath, and the fucking Marty Stu thief.
Played mainly ranged and 'magic'. Because getting into melee with fighting colossus with the Albs shooting at you is bad idea, and going after Albs first and letting the robot fire at your ass is suicide. Oh, those Albs also pack flamethrower which is basically spammable AoE knockback gun. Companions are worthless in combat, except maybe at low level against one or two critters which they can be the bait, but those dumbfucks will not attack unless they got attacked first.

Magic and Psi is pretty much the same thing except Psi is more versatile (knockback, black hole, immobilise). Magic is just fire/ice/poison blast with different firing modes. At least in G2 I get a bloody good stew so good it gives me Strength if I roll with the merc bros and the best and second best weapon and armour when I become dragon hunter, magic ore weapon if I roll with paladin, etc.

Unique looking armour with the same stats. I will give about Outlaws and their chems, but bows, crossbows, laser weapons are not faction exclusive and since the ranged combat is packed into one skill, suddenly an Alb was never touched a bow in his life who became Cleric is a master archer because he is good with laser rifles. He might not be able to do triple shot and scattershots, but hey.

I played the damn game, and I find it wanting.


And the main fucking plot is a total rip off from Mass Effect. Bloody cracker and biscuits.

im no native english speaker im so sorry you had to see this

suddenly, you being asspained about difficulty makes perfect sense. Are you aware than in melee, if you chain combos, the damage you deal increases tremendously?

Eh the one is Magic & Varg and the other one is Technomagic & Aquinas.
Both have different armor, weapon and different ideologies.
That makes them kinda different my dude.
They aren't supposed to be likeable. Everyone is being a dick including the protag. Nothing really changed from Gothic. Instead of sarcastic bastard you're a logic bastard.

Melee is useful from time to time because ammo do not grow on tree. My point is that combat seem to be difficult for the sake of it because of the enemy balance. Sure, once mastered. You can even take down a cyclop with crappy stats and melee weapon though it may take a long time to do so like every Gothic game. Level 1 and 15, melee build, same Rotboar, still crap. And armour do help very little, almost unnoticeable, at least it was somewhat noticeable in Gothic.

Useful against creatures, but certainly not against Albs because while you are fighting 2 or 3 in melee, others and their drones shoot at you, worse if they pack flamethrowers.

I will give you about different in characters and ideologies, but the presentation as in quests and others sucks. In G2 or Risen, I roll with Mages, I get to do priestly things and before that I get to play novice and do things acolytes do, and in G2 I can get on that ship and that sad guard cannot stop me. I roll with Merc/Bandit bros, I get to play thugs and shakedown people. It plays archetype upon the neutral community and gets recognised as such.

Clerics, help our community. Solve our internal problems with some of our people being bad and out of line (Elex and chem deals). Berserkers, help our community. Solve our internal problems with some of our being bad (some one stole Elex, some douche ban some douche from the bar).

One difference would be that one promotion quest. Cleric, go and convert these three fools. Others promo quest? Berserker, go find this one dude, root up weeds, check the tax, carry a message, thrash those Outlaws (I will admit, it was alright); Cleric, distribute soup and more internal affairs.

But this is just untrue. At lvl 15, you can easily take down a fucking troll (in a matter of a minute or two) if your build isn't total shit and you chain the combos right. I don't think you realise just how much damage the combo adds:
Ranged weapons have no such thing as far as I know.

I'm slaughtering Albs by simply dodging their projectiles


kill yourself

This is a clear case of "If Fallout 4 is shit, maybe Morrowind is shit too?"

dude this is one of the best games i've played in a good long time. Gothic was garbage. But the one thing they do right is make little details count in quest choices and companions might fuck you over when you talk to people. I also enjoy that your gear is 100% used during cutscenes. I suspect the difficulty in accessing the gear you want is because I think they assumed you would play it again at least enough times to do all endings and by then would be able to better plan a character build. There is always farming pure elex and making elex drinks.

Opinion discarded.


opinion discarded



Pack an energy shield and those guns mean nothing to you. The AI is easy enough to bait into making those flame throwers work for you. If that sort of meta bothers you yes those fucking things are retarded op.

Hello, NeoFAGGOT.

Make peace with your brain before you reach adulthood. We don't need an other voting snowflake in society.

I bet the commands in elex are designed so that you can crossfit while playing. And there's no hunting because everyone is vegan.
gb2 reddit and bring your shitty and edgy game with you

0/10 ur just mad that's the real lore and ur forced to hear about it when u start the game. taste the edge of my sphincter.

well well well if it isn't the shill from the webm thread




Are there mechs you can pilot or at least power armor?

This was my least favorite. Because no way you can use it if you have companions or friendly soldiers.
What a load of crap.

No, the mechs in the game are just reskinned ogres with jetpack and guns.

anyone completed this game without a jetpack?

Why? Jetpack is crucial part of your character. Some places are impossible to access without it, it would break quests if you remove it.


user on russian /vg/ is roleplaying as berserk, he did not pick up his jetpack at the beginning. He says that the game can be completed without it and looks like designed for this type of playthrough

If you focus on the skills that energy weapons need you can end up with a 100 damage plasma blaster very early. The most fun way to play in my opinion is melee and magic, though. In pure DPS I'm pretty sure that the War Bow III is the best weapon in the game with Scatter Shot, which shoots 5 arrows in one shot.

Nice, checked.
I heard about that on Codex, pretty cool. I think some of the sidequests cannot be completed without using the jetpack, Falk's quest came to mind.

First part of this post was meant for

The guys in webm thread didn't buy it, did they?


if you didin't buy it I sure hope do god you don't buy any games ever

yes i had that problem too but i just didnt use it during that offensive

even if they didn't i did


i use it too because my internet is shit and it cant handle downloading big stuff through the browser

When you put mechs into the game and then never let player use them it's not a good game, an devs are most likely asshats.

Sonic vs Shadow

What? I don't think I got any dialogue in the Kallax fight.

Well, then you must had skipped something. There's lots of dialogue in that fight scene.

No, I just went there, there was a cutscene and the fight started and I killed him with a few attacks of my badass Fire Ripblade II.

Is this the next Digital Homicide?


I get Mass Effect 1 and Star Wars Episode 3 vibes from the ending.
Lost all my will to continue playing anyway. I don't even know what to think and want to put it aside.

Ah yeah, forgot that:

Please don't spoil the ending for others. I completed the game just a few minutes ago, before reading this, luckily.

Where do you think we are?

Being a faggot just for the sake of being a faggot isn't being an ebin 10/10 god tier laughingreactionface.png troll. I'm making an exception for Bethesdashit and AAA garbage because I don't care and it's only targeted at normalfags outside this place.

Yeah, if the game was good maybe i would spoil this shit. This isn't a good written story to be worried about, nothing in it is original. Its a teenage sci-fi with things stolen from new vegas, mass effect and star wars. With exception that all main roles are given to bulky wrinkled dudes.

right wouldn't want anyone to be spoiled on this masterpiece.

Are you autistic?

The game is pretty good.

not really? It suffers from a ton of problems.

Not enough for me to dislike it. I think there's some real gold in the game.

flamethrowers are autistically fun

If by fun you mean overpowered, yeah. It's basically the easy way out because you can perma stunlock people.

user its a fucking flamethrower, once you are on fire there is nothing to unburn you.



This game any good?



Was the combat fixed?

Looks like jetpack is not necessary

I have no patience for these fest quest simulators with sitty gameplay anymore. Unless rpg evolves alot im not playing any

And no one cares what you want, faggot.

This thread reminded me that most people here are about 15 years old, and retarded.

It's good. The combat is actually pretty decent save for some broken things like one of the combo attacks on the two handed axe never registering and animation skipping on enemies certain enemies, it's difficult even to the end and you will get oneshotted by most enemies until you're hours in with enough experience and armor. The quests are pretty enjoyable and all have at least one or two choices, and your character building will come in, with different skillchecks for crafting, combat, charisma and whatever else, you can often scare your enemy into submission by using combat dialogue options. All the factions have their upsides and downsides, the Berserkers want to bring nature back to Magalan, but absolutely hate technology and Elex and use Elex to transmute it into Mana for magic. Outlaws don't give a fuck and use Elex to make drugs and guns, living on with scrap from the old world. The Clerics are extremely high tech and live in the bleak shithole that is Ignadon, which is lava and rock with little to no nature and have a cultish worship of their god called Calaan. The world is absolutely giant and you can go to basically anywhere, see that mountain? You can actually climb it with enough time and effort.

As stated previously there is nothing wrong with combat, aside from a few broken animations (if you hit enemies on the ground they can sometimes get back up instantly.) Some faggots whine about "dealing no damage :(" because they're underleveled at level 5 and no weapons, stats or armor and expect to kill a raptor on the road. The game even has a skull next to enemies that might be too strong for you. Hey dipshits, you aren't supposed to fight everything, you're supposed to kill the small and weak shit and do the basic quests for the people in Goliet (starter city) to earn XP and elexit, and run from the strong shit. Don't go beating a troll or swamp spider with an iron pipe.

It's a minor detail but I love finding cigarettes, like in the pic, and soft toilet paper when looting the old world ruins. Makes me think, I guess.

Wrong, all fights are the same even if they have a skull; mainly from using a stun-locking weapon, earliest is with the plasma gun you can get near the Separatists HQ.
It gets faster once you join the clerics and spam black hole and even more so once you get the bugged cleric amulet which regenerates your energy even past its max.

There doesn't seem to be any detrimental effects for stealing and pick pocketing if you don't get caught, which makes it easy to get money to buy Natural Elex to make Elex potions to artificially strengthen your character.

that's why my playtime only shows two hours

That's what makes Fallout great.

That's if you play the anti-fun way. I focused on melee and magic in my save.

combad guides

Advanced Archery

Backstep Mechanic

Multiple Opponents


10 Tips For Beginners

Holy shit what are the odds?

I get that this is a funny meme and all, but with those halfchan filenames I wouldn't be surprised if this was serious.

trips confirm,cuckchan newfag needs to lurk some moar

Or maybe Gothic and Elex are good games and it's your taste that's shit, Todd?

Its kinda funny that elex shards share the same color as ore in Gothic. I wonder if just a coincidental reference.


Using said bank you can then spam Elex drinks and break the game in about 10 minutes.

And here i thought alb enemy loot was broken.

Trader at Origin's inventory refreshes instantly after each purchase, so buy up the electronic scrap and sulphur (or iron ore) and make a raft of small Reserves then convert them up and sell back to him, rinse and repeat. I made 20k for the Regent armour in about 2 minutes.

It's a pretty glaring omission, they managed to make everything else you can upgrade a 2:1 deal.

u should try the second one

Just played about 3 hours. Really enjoying it so far. The lack of waypoints alone gets me hard. Actually having to learn the environment, and listen to people really takes me back.


that's one way to spell 're-used assets'


Any ideas how to get rid of insta-death bug with radiation/poison/cold/fire?
Poison and radiation zones instantly kill character, even if he has full radiation protection skill, anti-radiation mask and antiradiation chem. I suspect its a glitch, but i am stuck now. Can't complete Big Bang just because i can't enter radioactive zone where one of the parts for it is located.
Apparently i am the only person on the internet who has this bug.

If it's just you then you're doin sunfink wrang.

The VERY quick health eating areas are like the edges of the map, they'll rape you even if you're full of resistances/ring/necklace etc. There must be another route to what you're aiming for, just circuit around the fucked up area.

You can traverse the grimy environments if there's a visible cause of an effect ie:

Poison barfing plants
Alb extractors/cables
Radioactive barrels, with the exception of the lake in the south east that links Ignadon to Tavar which is a clusterfuck corner.

Otherwise it's edge of map/'we don't want you getting to close to this' (I'm looking at you Calaan) invisible boundary work that fucks you fast regardless of gear.

I just started and my god this game is fucking ugly. I was playing Red Faction Guerilla today and even that looks better than this. Why the hell are their textures so shit?

I want this stupid meme to die, gothic 2 (and 1 too) was the same difficulty the entire game - hard.

In fact it got way harder at the higher levels since you weren't fighting 2 scavengers anymore, but 4-6 lizardmen or 10 orcs at once.

I haven't played elex but the fact they added womyn fighters and they ripped difficulty settings straight outta skyrim are major red flags.

might get it on sale then.

Difficulty settings are a thing since gothic 3 and risen.

Dark souls doesn't have difficulty settings, nor did gothic 2.

what's the point in putting effort into a game if no one is gonna play it?

I dunno what the fuck you're on about mate. Combat has 0 weight to it and because of the sloppy animations there is a significant lack of satisfaction from beating things. All combat is like this from the very beginning to the very end, regardless of how strong you are it's still a headache because you get tripped up on weird rocks or animations that are supposed to move an enemy forward don't etc. At it's core the combat would be passable but ultimately it just feels very poorly executed. With some TLC they could spiff up the animations and maybe make combat have more depth then just spamming attacks to fill your kick-ass-o-meter. It's less a case of a difficulty because of challenging fights with monsters who have unique mechanics, and more a case of wrestling with the slidy controls and hoping your attack actually connects with an enemy this time when you swing.

As for ranged combat it's very boring but straight forward. If your ranged weapon does lots of damage, you win. If it doesn't, you plink at stuff for a half hour and probably lose.

I really want to like Elex but the devs don't get a pass for shitty cut-rate development just because "they made gothic" just like I don't cut Bethesda any slack for how janky and buggy their games are because "they made morrowind" or something. The shitty presentation impacts how enjoyable the gameplay can be, and ignoring that is some religion-tier blind devotion. Elex has potential, Elex 2 would possibly be a considerably better game, but Elex 1 is very much a 5/10 across the board unless some huge patch drops that cleans up everything.

While I agree that a difficulty option is (or rather should be) redundant I think the difficulty of the game itself is fine. I'd put it on the levels of NotR difficulty.
Also think twice before you lump G1 and G2 into the same difficulty, especially NotR. I replayed them recently and G1 is the easiest out of any in the series, including Risen 1 but probably not Risen 2 and 3 though. While G1 is punishing to people unfamiliar with the combat system and tactics, it becomes a cakewalk for anyone familiar with G1 and G2. And I think it's fair to say that Gothic 3 is harder even though a large part of it is to blame on poor balance and just a shitty combat system overall.

I find the combat to be serviceable. Though that's not saying much. I agree with most of what you're saying regarding the combat but it's also the best they've done since Gothic 2. Risen 1 had okayish combat but it was also very floaty and aiming anything ranged was a nightmare.

Am I meant to die in one hit to one monster and effortlessly kill another that looks almost identical but with slightly less dense spikes?


I went for offing Hybrid he went down like a bitch with a decent sword and a quick sustained attack, quite anti-climactic in both cases it seems.