Who is playing STALKER for their seasonal scares? What mods are you using? How often do you go mutant hunting or into the underground labs?
Halloween S.T.A.L.K.E.R
I am
CoC 1.4.22, Questlines, AO3, OA, Dynamic Factions, Autumn Wind, Lost in the Zone
I try to avoid the labs other than the Scorcher or maybe Agropom Underground. Too dangerous below, muzhik. I do like mutant hunting from time to time, gives me a good reason to switch up my usual loadout.
I'm playing CoP for the first time vanilla for this time of year.
I'm thinking of playing CoC using only a knife, pistol, sawed off or hunting shotgun, and light armor. Minimap/alerts turned off too. Maybe I'll even play as a bandit.
If storymode/questlines isn't turned on, there is little reason to visit labs. One of them had an armory near the entrance I think, but that's about it.
Is there any plans from the CoC devs to add better compatibility between mods? That new quest mod sounds like its worth to check it out but it already needs compability patches between weapon mods which blows since I am using a shekel purse mod. I tried the DoctorX questline mod before but I didn't really like it so much since all it does is adding even more fetch quest and for NPC like Sido it has only 1 quest available instead of like 3-5 quest or so. The 30+ new artifacts doesn't sound that interesting to me either since it has such a beauty like a fucking doritos artefact
You should, it's way more fun than you'd think living the cheeki life.
I could put on some hardbass and try to always be drunk for maximum combat performance.
I'm liking it so far, having more dialogue options helps make the Clear Sky hideout even more comfy
The song they play at the bandit trader's office is pretty funny.
The Great Swamp is one of my favorite locations visually.
How is Lost in the Zone? I'm using Doctorx quests and AO3
Didn't have too much time to play around with it yet, just started a new game and got situated, but already they give the CS guys more things to say when you talk to them and more of them give out missions now
I don't like the swamp because it's completely flat and looks the same everywhere.
It grows on you after a while.
The flatness is sometimes incredibly obnoxious for firefights, approaching the military positions can be quite a tactical challenge.
Does anyone have a list of achievements for CoC? I've tried searching multiple phrases to no avail.
Would anybody know how to get the Oasis artifact in CoC? Is it actually IN the oasis? I've searched around and there's a moddb forum post that says it's in the game but doesn't definitively say where to find it. I've also seen a post that says it's tied to your achievements somehow, which would be kind of stupid if that's true but whatever. I'm just wondering if anybody here has actually found it before. Using version 1.4.22 by the way.
Go into the building I've marked on the map. Watch out for Zombies and rats. Keep going up the pipes until you reach an empty room with pillars that will loop unless you walk through the pillars correctly. You will continue to loop unless you walk through them in the correct order, however, it's easy because if you go through one pillar and loop out it will show you which are the correct ones with sparkles.
After that you're at the Oasis
I know about all that, I got into the Oasis when I played CoP. I was wondering if the artifact was in CoC.
fucking casuals
Probably not since CoC doesn't have a lot of the quests done yet.
I was just wondering since I found a Compass that was deliberately placed in a specific area in Red Forest (I also happened to find one randomly in a stash which surprised me) so I was wondering if I could also get the heart of the oasis. I figured since the Compass was specifically placed that a Heart of the Oasis would be too
Good to see a stalker thread up. I'm playing CoC and spooked myself in the red forest after changing to a regular armour since my ecologist suit was broken and I had no money to repair. Went through the red forest at midnight while raining and all I had was the headlamp and came face to face with a snork out of the blue. Scared me shitless anons
I have PTSD from Red Forest in Clear Sky, when I cross it now in CoC I generally chug energy drinks and sprint it.
I just wish there was a mod that added some older soviet weaponry, i'm aware of the ones that add the mosin and the PPSH but both of them have shit sounds and animations also a non shit FAL would be nice
fucking this
jesus christ why is there never a good FAL in these games?
I want Nagant revolvers and more revolvers in general.
Playing CoC with Last Days.
Will take some time to dig into.
what mods add more weapons to SoC and CS?
Playing CS for the first time. Or at least trying to.
I'm curious. I don't like what little I've played so far.
CS isn't anywhere near bad enough to skip entirely user.
I played that shit on release and still have nightmares
Same, but the community and official patches salvage it into a decent game.
I tried hanging on the west side near that bridge and picking off monolith to try and find some decent loot. They just kept fucking coming and coming out of the trees. I brought down around 20-25 and had to run without anything good, every time I'd try to scavenge I'd get shot at. Such is life in the Zone.
I'm playing vanilla CoC and it's pretty fun. Just ran from Jupiter through Pripyat to Radar safehouse at night and it was very spooky i hate burers.
What mods should i download next? I was thinking about some guns mods to make my CoC experience better or just getting misery.
I played it on release too, got really fucking lucky I suppose.
That's CoM right?
The artifact is definitely there, you'll find it on the ground beside the ladder when you get to the end.
A sub-mod for CoM, yes
Pretty gud/10 tbh
I have it for gog so I might replay it. What's a good overhaul mod for it?
Where do you get the knife in SoC vanilla?
Volk won't give it to me since I took the bandit camp without talking to him.
Shouldn't you have started with one?
I want to try CoMbut honestly I don't know if I have the autism for it. What's it like?
No you just start with bolt and binoculars.
You need to talk to Wolf before you take out the bandit camp. He gives you all the stuff.
I really liked CS until it became a corridor shooter
You're correct, it is absolutely there. Grabbing it also spawns a pseudodog with psionic copies of itself like in CoP, nice touch. I think now that I have it I'm going to try and run through as many of the labs/underground areas as I can for fun and spooks
That's how most stalker games end up as though.
time for spooky stories by the camp fire
I think its called ogsm. it has a similar name to the Soc version
Stalker games are shit. Slavs have never made a good game and aren't white.
Well shit.
Is there another way to get one or do I need to restart if I want a knife?
why even live?
Fuck off jew, you aren't white either.
fucking CHECKED
So Slavs aren't white?
Stop derail
Remove Freedumb.
That's true but the corridor isn't as narrow or long as it is in Clear Sky
Reminder that Freedom is the most popular faction on reddit.
Not surprising.
Of course it is
Daily reminder Duty is literally just a bunch of no-fun turbospergs larping as 'le defenders of humanity XDDD' while doing nothing but circlejerking in Rostok to the thought of how edgy their emo color scheme is. They are quite frankly the scum of the Zone. I'd rather have a bloodsucker tongue my ass until I die from anal hemorrhoids than to listen to another lecture by the Boyscouts of the Zone on why we all need to destroy the last uncucked place on earth. I'd rather fucking jump headfirst into a Vortex nude while ripping off my own fucking penis than to see more military-dropouts turning the zone into a radioactive DMV. I would at this very instant buy a plane ticket to Ukraine, illegally enter the exclusion zone, walk to the Chernobyl Plant, and lick every fucking radioactive substance in their until I die of radiation poisoning, as long as somebody would make a mod that wipes this collection of dick waving saber rattling motherfuckers off the face of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
good luck user and make sure you join national corps and shoot a commie nigger in the east
were countin on you, stalker
Are all three games worth playing or just one of them? Also, mandatory mods?
All three are worth playing, no mods for first playthrough. Get community patches though if you are having a lot of technical problems.
Both Duty and Freedom are Kike-Conscious fuck boys, just controlled opposition to hamper the progress towards the center of the zone, while the Monogoyim serve as a aggressive conter measure in case people get too close.
Loner and Clear Sky are better for being legit stalker factions. Loners wants to make a buck and survive as the Zone turns into their new prison, Clear Sky are legit about the "contain or destroy the Zone" thing without pushing their shit over other factions. Bandits and Mercs are still somewhat legit, for not giving a fuck about that shit hole beyond making a buck of it. And Ecologists just want to know how the Zone works, how to use the knowledge for the good of mankind and get the fuck out of there when theres nothing more to do there.
Clear Sky > Loner > Ecologist > everyone else
This is the objective truth
Have le upvote, gentlesir!
*tips fedora onto the upvote button*
I've never heard anyone say that any one of them isn't worth playing.
Monolith > Duty > Loner > Everyone else > Getting fisted by an Izlom > Freedum
I'm not sure what context Freedom and Duty are anymore. Before the Oinkrainian revolution I saw Freedom as Western backed soldiers considering all their weaponry is NATO while Duty were a part of the government paramilitary since they had Warsaw Pact weaponry.
But post-revolution I see it as Freedom being the pro-Ukraine forces while Duty are Pidorussian dogs
I think helmet HUD textures are visibly cheap and rudimentary. Metro 2033's gas mask overlay was excellent. A still image overlay not so much.
Taste vanilla before you add sprinkles. This should be general practise. The Zone Reclamation Project bug-fix mod is recommended for Shadow of Chernobyl, although it comes with optional add-ons that you'll want to disable.
moskal is a better slur tbhsmh
Loner>other faction larpers>Dogshit>Freecucks
Loners will always be GOAT because despite being lone stalkers they always stick together like buddy
slavs is written with small "s" you dumbfuck.
So, can any fellow stalkers tell me the general best setup for CoC? Which Addons to get and which to avoid like the plague?
Spent my afternoon trying to get Clear Sky to work and it would crash no matter what. I'm gonna go back to play CoP
I played Call of Pripyat first time with mods, I regret nothing, Atmosfear is a must, and the expanded weapon mod won't hurt your enjoyment of the game at all.
STALKER looks like it could be a fun game for me, but it isn't Japanese and so I've never bothered with it. All my friends keep telling me it's a really good game, but there aren't any cuties in it so I tell them I'm not interested.
Is there are mod out there to make all of the artifacts something like panties and all of the NPCs some cute lolis?
this is bait
What did the zone mean by this?
I can recommend Arsenal Overhaul 3 if you're looking for more weapons. A lot of mod selection ends up with personal preference though
no it's not you retard
88388 is the same forwards or backwards.
At least Hawaiian is okay
That's because their context dates back to before long before the revolution.
Freedom are the dumb anarchists who thought antifa wasn't hardcore enough while simultaneously being too lazy about their leftie ideology to really pursue it further. Make no mistake, they're lefties - most of them are dirty anarchists and commie pinkos, but they're at least pushing for a decent goal in the Zone.
Duty are the kinds of slavs that call everyone else nazis while secretly reveling in their own nationalism. This wouldn't be bad, except they're absolute autists and hate fun. Think about everything that's wrong with the military, remove all of the good bits, and you're left with how Duty operates on a day-to-day basis. They revel in delusions about how they're saving the world from the Zone while doing exactly the kind of shit that made blowouts more frequent and made the zone expand even further.
Freedom also has better camo, flecktarn is the shit.
At the end of the day, loners are best faction, followed by Ecologists, Clear Sky, and Monolith.
Hohol detected
That's the truth and the most important point in the comparison
Those faction rankings are spot on as well. I have a bit of a grudge against Monolith because of how many times they've shot me, but their depiction in CoP was actually endearing.
Why does everyone hate Freedom?
pls post more stalker comics
preferably more like The Sixth
Because they were a bunch of hippies
Skinflint is cool though
This is the only other one I have. 5/8
I hate monolith, but at the same time they're badass enough that I can't hate them too much.
Here's some stuff a drawfriend made a long time ago.
STCoP/STCoC with user's accuracy fix.
DrX's questlines (you'll want to tweak this a bit to make Bandits and Freedumb neutral to each other again, it's not hard for anyone with half a brain and notepad).
Lost to the Zone.
Lost to the Zone Living Legend.
Some mod to remove the minimap (I've got Light HUD).
If you aren't going to play ironmeme then the mod that prevents you from quicksaving in combat/while irradiated and so on (I've got Limited Game Saving).
I'd also look up a guide for how to tweak traders and drop their buy condition to 0.6 instead of 0.7.
That's a spooky fire
I wanted to try it but it makes my setup crash and I'm not redoing it just for that, what does it add?
Just more quests I think.
first time playing a STALKER game, just bought CoP on sale, how the fuck do I go with upgrading my gear?
where do I get a good artifact detector, body armour etc? also how much bricks should I be prepared to shit around bloodsuckers?
Neck yourself
nigger I know literally zero about the series, stop acting like you're in some super sekrit club faggot
You play SoC first faggot. Also open your PDA and find the Skadovsk, it has traders and mechanics.
See the mechanic
Scavenge off corpses. Do quests.
This has absolutely nothing to do with secret club shit
You spelt it wrong, moskal.
oh fug
Which mods do I need to unfuck it?
Apparently this is them, though it might be out of date.
Helmet vision in most mods in unrealistically overdone.
If you're going to get Misery stick to Call of Misery (the CoC version). Priboi Story (for SoC) is a good laugh too.
All three.
For a first playthrough ensure your games are patched up (SoC can be either 1.0005 or 1.0006). Then:
Zone Reclamation Project for SoC.
Sky Reclamation Project for CS.
Nothing for CoP (maybe a native voices mod but you should experience the horror of CoP's English VA at least once).
Sky Reclamation Project might help.
I guess after way over 1000 total hours playtime it's hard for the zone to be scary. Even surprise bloodsucker jumpscares are nothing.
Are they ever planning on making shit actually work for freeplay? Not a lot of point in making a freeplay mod whose focus is freeplay with a minor optional story when freeplay mode has tons of shit like the warlab level that can't be entered or explored at all because everything is trigger-based and only works in story mode.
It was a tutorial level in CS with very little use elsewhere. I find it disappointing that most mods like COC don't do much with it and even worse, don't also include the other swamp maps.
Wouldn't be so bad if the AI couldn't see through the thick foliage you yourself can't see through. Logs and shit work ok for cover, but the "AI can see through solid objects you can't" is what ruins it.
HA! Fucking rookies. You'd be pissing your pants at the sight of a dog next.
daily reminder that freedumbers are hippie faggots and would gladly let refugees into the zone.
Good the anomalies snorks and pseudodogs will get them
And later put Last Days on top of it for more autism, weapons and features.
I extracted the database files and edited the weapons in SOC and now Steam I know, I know says "Game is not ready to be played". Is there any way I can directly launch the game through an exe outside of steam?
It really depends on the game, you can try just running the executable but it might not work. I would just pirate the GOG version if I were you.
Where is the exe? Is it hidden? I cannot pirate it or do anything since my PC has no internet
Wherever you installed it on steam, retard. Check your defaut steam directory dummy
It's not in the steam directory, other games have their exes.there but not stalker, I'm wondering if it is hidden or something
NVM I found the exe, but still tries to launch through steam, fuck
Have you changed gamedata to true in fsgame.ltx?
$game_data$ = false|true|$fs_root$|gamedata\
needs to be
$game_data$ = true|true|$fs_root$|gamedata\
all right newfag here, where do I start with Stalker? what are the best mods for a true survival horror experience
You start with the first game, Shadow of Chernobyl. Patched but not modded, play the games in order and then mod them afterwards.
ZRP is strictly speaking a mod (fanpatches are still mods).
I've never tried ZRP
It's worth installing for the peace of mind, I'd say that memes aside 90% of first time players won't have problems without it if their game is patched but the remaining 10% will.
Yes, it is set to that. From what I can gather I need to verify the cache in steam, but that requires an internet connection. It looks like I'm fucked dude, I can't even tether my phone to my PC because my phone is jailbroken and fucked, cannot tether or make a hotspot. I was also planning on tweaking weapons to taste, so even if I did get my PC on to a hard line I would have to do it every single time I edited the weapons ltx files. Fuckkkkk
Pirate the game then user.
They're a bunch of degenerate communists and anarchists that want to fuck animals.
What's the best kind of vodka drink to have while stalkan?
I'm still not sold on this game since it isn't Japanese.
I just want lolis, TBH.
You can stop now, you're being way too obvious.
Thanks user
Bullshit there's a loli mod
Stolichnaya is my favourite since it goes down very easily.
Never touch 'organic vodka' tho.
So I recently read somewhere that if you survive 3 emissions outside by taking those black pills you actually unlock some sort of achievement and the voices/broken radio chatter that you hear while walking around disappears? Talking about CoP btw. Never had this happen, because it's easy to just go for a safe place during an emission(only time I ever took those pills was when an emission started and I had just entered the cement factory from above).
This is making me nausoues please tell me there is a way to remove the headbob.
No, Vanilla is sacrosanct and you must suffer through the entirety of a 4/10 game before you can mod it and fix all of the problems and awful dev decisions.
Ways to play Stalker windowed?
I think not. I'm not playing this shit with that head bobbing.
I think cam_inert controlled headbobbing. So try setting it to 0. Either through console or user.ltx.
Wow, so fucking passive aggressive!
You've heard right.
You're also being a pooper pained faggot because someone in the past asked you to stop complaining like a bitch about something that can be disabled by changing a 1 to a 0, no doubt.
Removing the headbob doesn't even involve modding anything though, your witty response would've been better reserved for something else.
That's standard for nearly every game, and changing a game setting doesn't even have anything to do with modding.
Interesting. Anyway, good full conversion mods for cop? I just replayed autumn aurora and I feel like replaying cop now. Only played vanilla and sgm so far. I'm kinda tempted to try misery, but everyone here keeps saying it's shit.
It's a pig roast, it's supposed to be cozy!
It's a built-in setting that ships with the game and is exposed by the config file. It has fuckall to do with modding.
That's an autistic technicality. It's still vanilla gameplay just without that vomit inducing head bobbing. You didn't even achieve you're goal of mocking stubborn people who must play vanilla, you just mad yourself look like a retard.
Thank you user, I'll go do that right now.
this meant for >>13699716
I remember having lots of fun with misery 1.1, while 2.1 is kind of annoying the les mis mod helps fix stuff up a little
I am talking about the normal config file that stores your settings. How much of a fucking dumb nigger are you?
Please end your fucking life.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
For a while I thought this board has much better STALKER threads than halfchan, but that was clearly wrong. This is in fact even worse than what I saw the last time I was over here.
No need for me to bother with these fucking threads ever again.
*over there
Try to ignore the shitposters, they just want attention.
Please don't. You're a fucking retard, and this thread would be much better off without you.
The shitposting is pretty bad here but its still far easier to find a good thread & discuss stuff over here than on cuckchan
Probably because disabling something purely aesthetic doesn't in any way, shape or form directly impact the actual gameplay itself. Now go shit up some other thread with your autistic semantics arguing.
The problem with your argument is no one cares that much about whether you mod it or not. Yes, people have suggested that the game be played vanilla, but no one cares if you don't. It's just a common suggestion that you finish the game without mods before modding. No one has gotten worked up about whether you play it modded first except for you.
Mods = Gods
Well, I guess we're free of that autist.
I told you not to derail the thread, faggots, now you're worm food!
We don't need lily-livered sissies like you here anyways.
Anons, are there any particularly spooky mods for CoC? I haven't touched the game in about 6 months, but last time I played I had the DoctorX quests mod, STCoP and a couple of other small mods.
i recently started CoP, running vanilla (plus voice mod).
are there things i can do/avoid doing to stop the game from periodically getting saves that just crash the game? it's happened a couple times already and i'm not sure what conditions caused it.
You don't need mods to make CoC spooky. Open up your Atmosfear settings and make nights darker, then wander the zone at night. I guarantee you'll get spooked at some point. And of course there's always the labs and underground areas that are bound to be littered with mutants.
See ya faggot.
Usually I roll with Russian Standard. It's like the only vodka on the shelf at the local store that has Cyrillic on it so it's got my seal of approval.
Is the radiation supposed to be so challenging in CoM or did i miss something important that makes it easier? Even with all kinds of cigarettes and shit i can't spend any time outside without losing substantial amount of my hp which i can't even get back properly since the shitty quests at rookie village don't give me more money than what i have to spend on first aid kits just to recover from the radiation damage.
Could someone tldr the problems with stalker complete for me? I need to argue with people on the internet
Just woke up to search for artifacts and important stash. Oi, it's freezing cold but based coffee keeps warm while search.
You're only hurting yourself.
Space heater master race.
The upside of crosshairs is being able to easily discern hostiles in strenuous situations.
Does CoC have a new update? I've been thinking about playing through it again. Also I remember some anons mentioning one of the better weapons mods too. I was using Arsenal overhaul but the damage can be described as funny.
Anything to make armor worth shit?
how hard is iron man and does it make the game better?
I don't play with crosshairs on, I'm just mentioning their largest upside.
There are no upsides to being a casual, only ruined game play experiences.
stupid shit, man
this is some garbage, do not play clear sky without mods!!!
Copied from the FAQ at cheeki.violates.me
I leave you to some "old" but trusty copypasta about it
"For better or worse, here is 'Why Complete 2009/2012 Sucks!' (except for Clear Sky)
- All weapons have their accuracy increased by 10-20.
- Damage done to everybody is decreased by various percentages.
- Weight limit is increased by 10kg, the maximum being 70kg. In vanilla, the Exo-suit enabled up to 80kg!
- Limits NPC's eye sight distance so they can't spot you from beyond ~100 meters. Said to remove enemies skill to spot you from "unrealistic distances," but really means you always see them first every time.
- Sound radius of the knife and other critical sounds such as death cries, falling dead bodies, night-vision goggles, grass, and footsteps are greatly reduced.
- scientific suits with 90% rad protection now feature an anti-rad injection system.
- Bandages auto-apply at 10% health.
- An older beta version of ZRP is used for their "bug fixes," making it less stable than vanilla with the latest version of ZRP.
The following features are also available in other mods, but are usually balanced out with other forms of difficulty:
- You can bribe hostile factions to leave you alone.
- A repair kit that lets you service your armor and weapons without the need for a trader can be bought from traders.
- The bar trader and Screw now sell weapons and armor repair services.
- Elite Nightvision, essentially the black & white night vision based on the psy_antenna postprocess effect, replaces the original UV-based blue NV. Perfect vision in the dark is now possible, even without a real light source."
So there you have it.
Which ones
You can turn it off under options
not clear sky, do not play clear sky without proper mods, once you are out of the swamp, the game will kick your ass with magic grenades coming out of the nowhere, mystical RNG hits, stupid gun jamming, and be damn careful with the quick save button or you will end up in a dead trap loop
i dont know yet. i just saw a video someone made a mod that fixed some if the clear sky issues. its not a visual mod but rather an issue fixing mod.
We weren't discussing clear sky my hostile friend
fellas I just arrived in Yanov with the starting armour, where do I get a replacement for this sack of trash I'm currently wearing
Play the fucking game and figure it out.
start with the best mod ever made for a stalker game, the uninstall wizard
That's not a mod, it comes with the game
Startinh Iron man and going to try and complete story mode, wish me luck Stalkers.
Good luck, especially when you get to Monolith territory
For the longest time I was burnt out on this game but the thought of being killed at anytime or raped by mutants makes it feels so much more exciting.
I did some cordan missions and will be doing some at the bar next. I not actually give a shit about traveling light because I need to book it if I see mutants.
I'm having fun.
I gave up on ironman runs for a while after a clear bright day in Yantar when a friendly ecologist unloaded an automatic shotgun into my chest trying to get a blind dog somewhere far behind me. Be sure to keep friendly fire in mind, especially in Yantar and the entrances to Rostok.
I'm sure my run will end in the most bullshit way possible but I like how tense it makes my situations. Before I would just mash quickload and save and see how things turned out.
I'm going to try and complete the story, or get as far as I can.
That user isn't wrong though. Why the fuck would you look up everything in a wiki before playing the game? The first stalker experience is so great because you go in blind and figure out how to do things. And then of course all those things are not that hard to figure out.
It's excellent for the price too, although there are a few other common vodka in the US that are even cheaper and are of the same quality (but not Russian): Monopolowa and Sobieski
Any of these are as good as the expensive top shelf vodkas in the US and frankly better than a lot of them.
Any other recent overhaul or storyline mods for any of the games? I've kind of burned out on CoC and I think it's been long enough that I could even enjoy another vanilla run of one of the games, but some new storyline mod would be great.
Don't know about recent, but you could try one of the sgm releases. They are all somewhat different. Currently playing 2.1
Good luck muzhik
I could revisit some old mods sure, I've played about everything at one point or another. I'll check the GSC forums and see if people are still translating new russian mods and if not maybe revisit an SGM.
If I find anything new I'll post here
What faction did you pick
I think I'm going to try this translated russian mod. Standalone version here:
Such is life in the Zone
And i was thinking that it would be hard to make a Stalker game even more slav, in the plot sense.
Hope some of this ruskies to pull a more insane and surreal take of the Zone like You Are Empty
Yeah if that synopsis is any indication the translation is somewhat lacking. Not my first foray into the machine translated chernobyl park. And yeah, Russian mods can be wacky even outside of the translation difficulties.
yes but people new to stalker dont know about that.
it will lead them into the misbelief clear sky is good without mods.
I beat you with a stick. Don't buy this game, the original devs went bankrupt and if you buy this game you give it to someone else
continued my yesterdays journey of finding important artifacts in the swamp - found very very important fire artifact
lol fire artifact was too radiactive for video recording software and resulted in massive quality loss and crash.
do not mess your pc with the zone
Lets face it, there probably is one.
Anons I was playing CoC and got to the wish granted (have story mode on) and answered it, walked out killed some monolith and went to zaton. Upon arriving I made my way to sell shit to beard and I got to the ship and not an NPC was in sight. Nothing showing up on the map or anything. So I walked all over and there is not a single NPC, monster, or anything thing else. Even emissions won't kill me anymore and no I don't have god mode on. I don't know what happened. I didn't put any new mods in or anything just suddenly happened. Anyone have ant ideas what went wrong? Don't really want to start over right now
What did you wish for?
You know…I don't remember. I tried doing the "end the zone" or whatever that option was and it kept crashing the game Everytime so I clicked another one and that's what happened. I hope you aren't going to tell me it's due to the wish
Yep, it's the wish. It's probably the world peace one which did that, the one where you CTD is also part of the wish, since the zone disappeared just like you asked the wish granter to. Basically all of the wishes fuck you over in some way.
Damn user I just tried them all. Fuck that shit I was hoping I could just carry on after doing it and be done story mode. Oh well guess I'll wait for 1.5 to release before I play and make sure not to do story. thanks for the help stalker
Those are not your friends.
Immortality is just starting the game as a Zombie but with all your current gear. I just wish the relations tab showed you how Traders felt about you.
No problem, the only other one I remember that doesn't have an immediate in-your-face effect is "I want the Zone to be controlled", the world peace one doesn't wipe everyone right away, only the ones that aren't close to you, while the controlled one replaces every spawn (both mutant and stalker) with a controller spawn, so you have to play for a while to notice a difference.
is that tom bombadil?
Just had a shootout in Rostok in the middle of an emission. I was a merc, took down about 14 dutyers (and 1 unfortunate loner) before I bugged the hell out. I was coming from Yantar through the Wild Territory, trying to head back to Dead City through the warehouses. I'd forgotten how the darkness after an emission is pitch black. I haven't been spooked yet aside from the occasional snork jumping from behind a corner, but I got a quest from Sakharov to explore X-18. I'm going in tonight, wish me luck stalkers.
Taunt button when?
Is there a way to run STALKER under Linux other than a Windows VM?
I play STALKER simply to knife everyone and everything. Especially the Snorks. I yell at them after I kill them with my knife. "LOOK AT YOU. LOOK AT WHAT I MADE YOU!"
I don't have any adderall right now, so playing STALKER would almost make me sad. I really beat that game in and out…and loved it.
Any Stalker game should work pretty well in Wine. It's possible to use the Directx 10 renderer too now, previously it crashed all the time at least for me anyway. I'm using Wine 2.19-staging right now.
You may get some weird artefacts with some of the fancier effects like god rays, if you do try using different drivers ie switching to open source, or closed source if you're already using OS.
I have disabled the god ray effect because I find it distracting. The only graphical glitches I have had previously that during rain stretched polys were visible but it seems to be fixed with Directx 10(?), or maybe the rain mod fixed it somehow as I was using it.
Just play STALKER Bandit Edition
Try this:
Thanks I will try it out later.
I wonder who the fuck made the "Film" artifact this one is really over powered, now I don't need to eat any food at all, I found this artifact on dark valley which has a few flamer and gravity anomaly. It's also a shame those trench coat bandit armor don't have any upgrades for artifact container else I would use it all the time.
Am, I missing something here?
Nope artifacts doesn't have any hidden stats, so what is shown there is all the attributes it has. I am not aware of any CoC mods that adds special and/or hidden properties for artifacts. The only mod that I know that does it is OGSE which comes in the form of "If you have too much of those artifacts in your belt then it will explode".
Is that from a mod?
Yes I am using this one: moddb.com
Ah, that explains that then.
God damn it I got a mission from the ecologists to save an egghead in the swamps, I busted my ass fighting there with my crack squad, fought our way through a tunnel system infested by bandits and saving private ryan'd the shit out of the egghead, then when I told him to follow me the game crashed.
Stilll on my ironman run but I'm trying to think of armor to wear. Any recommendations? I'm also trying to keep light and use artifacts.
I've done ok so far, except when I ran into that controller in the Train yard while headed to yantar. I almost ate it by a zombie bandit behind a door, thank fuck for this shotgun, I miss how fast I could shoot the double barrel but having 7 shots makes up for it I guess.
Okay friends, long story short I've installed this
And i was wondering if there is a way to remove HUD 2.0 from the package without fucking up everything OR moving saves to fresh install of AO3 + atmosfear 3.1 + Absolute nature 4
Tried loading saves from the package on fresh installed game without hud 2.0 but shit doesnt work as you can probably guess, new game works.
Looks like an artifact from a mod, I don't remember if CoC has any artifacts with no downside in vanilla, but it's cool if they exist since in SoC there were artifacts which were buffs only, but those artifacts would only spawn in fixed locations and never respawn, for example Mama's Beads in SoC.
In the collectors edition of Stalker Mama's beads made you immune to fatigue, hunger and sleep. The descriptions of most of the artifacts don't line up in the booklet with the ingame ones.
Christ almighty. I mean that the collectors edition comes with a manual describing all the artifacts, and the manual's description doesn't line up for most of the artifacts; such as mama's beads effects.
Good ol' sunrise suit
the correct way to go into the maze is look upwards and notice the air ventilation thing and follow it
I was thinking about a freedom suit due to the artifact containers and that fact thats its light as fug. Maybe I'll check it out. I need money right now so I'll head on over to the warehouses. Maybe I'll see what the mercs are selling while I'm at it. The red forest scares the shit out of me, I wish there was a way around but its such a choke point between the north and south. I wish there was a way underground even if it only made the redforest more appealing by comparison.
I know that feel muzhik. No place to tarry. It gets a bit better once you shut down the scorcher though
yeah thats a nasty place. try to pass it by daylight only otherwise you cant even see where to shoot at
Is this an actual emission? It looks much more powerful then the emission from Call of Chernobyl. God damn the vanilla LR-300 looks fucking nice, the one in Arsenal Overhaul looks like a shitty SMG.
Is the LR-300 worth anything? I usually pass them up for an M16 or M4
I never bothered using this gun, I use most of the time AK variants with wooden parts on it since I don't like the AK-10x series which is 2black4me, so its either a AK-47 or AK-74 for me.
If you listen carefully on a still, silent night you can still hear my atoms screaming.
Should probably make it a habit of always playing on master difficulty also play the other two games you baka
Got me a sagia shotgun for my ironman. I have never felt so good about a purchase because it just saved my ass when I ran into a pseudodog pack, has one of the physic ones in it too. I can't decide between the guardian of freedom or the winds of freedom. I'll stick with sunrise for now. I'll probably get a mer suit since they tend to be alright. I like how each faction has a different flavor of suit.
Quick question, I see on the armor screen there is a stat called armor, and a stat called impenetrable. What do they do?
Doesn't master also apparently indirectly make the game easier?
What were they thinking with CoP FOV?
Every weapon in the game does more damage. Yours and those of enemies.
That sounds fucking awesome
Until you figure out your weapons have the accuracy of a rhino shitting, while the NPCs can snipe you with doublebarrel shotguns and throw heat seeking grenades.
Oh, so why is it the recommended way to play?
NPCs have an obscene amount of health, while you die in a couple of bullets regardless of difficulty. On easier difficulties, enemies barely register 9mm bullets, or shotgun blasts. You die a bullet or two faster, while enemies actually can die.
Oh so it's purely a health amount reasons. Yeah I think I'll play Master then.
Wew, wandering around the shithole known as the swamp and I run into Doc and get a bunch of missions from him. This run just got interesting, can't wait to die and rage about it.
Quicksave often, stalker.
Shotguns are a godsend. I'm trying out using nothing but shotguns + my sidearm. Slugs can be really accurate and highly damaging, the only problem is that the ammo is heavy and nowhere near as efficient as a few bullets to the head with an assault rifle. Good thing I turn mutants into mincemeat. I'm using a Saiga right now and it's pretty neat. I wonder if there's a shotgun with a larger mag size that isn't the striker.
Top fucking wew. The rift in the Noosphere is cascading (albeit at a snail's pace) and probably the only thing that has even the remotest chance of containing - much less repairing - the damage is another C-Consciousness. Duty is retarded for not valuing the immense scientific potential of the Zone and Freedom is even more retarded for thinking that it shouldn't be contained at all because "dude, just, like, work around the bloodsuckers and Chimeras hahaha *toke* fuck those Duty pigs for killing all of the good pussy around here".
I do.
I ended up having to open up the scripts and fix the bug myself. Damn rookie programmers not checking for nulls before dereferencing objects.
Yeah, I've noticed I can drop some lower tier enemies in one hit with a slug, this shit rocks. I'm looking to get some sort of sniper next. I'm having trouble finding a damn detector right now, I have the basic one but in my first 10 minutes I looted some great artifact off of some dead stalker. It has something like 7 health regen, gives 4 rads though. If I can use that I can not die as hard when shot at.
Maybe they don't exist in CoC, but I'm playing CoM and just entered lab X16 to find that the stupid hallucination things are in here too. Is there any way to disable them? Their constant screeching ruins the suspense of the dark spooky tunnels. I'm referring to the yellow/orange hallucinations of Bloodsuckers, Pseudodogs and so forth that first appeared at the Red Forest emitter in SoC.
I think thats because of the psy emitter or something, you gotta kill it.
Well yeah I know that but I don't want to go through the tunnels with that shit or deal with it at the other emitter,I just want to disable them.
/a/ is more cancer than /monster/ at this point. This is an undeniable fact.
Unsurprisingly /a/ is run buy a woman.
That makes you a faggot user, was it Clear Sky you were playing?
Women suck ass as mods, they get upset way too easily.
a ban on /a/ should be a global ban of you ask me famalam
Not at all. Playing without making save points makes you a real man in first place. In fact I would rather categorize people like you as faggots because you rely much more on "muh save points" than someone who doesn't.
It just may don't work out for stalker due to the bugged story progression.
Yeah, it was tested and I made some research myself.
Female mind is incapable to not to ruin everything. Woman just have a different concept of understanding and doing things. This best way how to think of woman is if you think and talk to them like you would do to pets like for example dogs. Dogs are cute and people like them but you can not expect a dog to run anything and you can not take them serious. And don't forget to pat them even when they fail.
Well done! goooooood post. Oh, your meme is so adorable, where did you get that from? I like your writing style.
you need to go back
Well, nigger, shit started to spiral when woman got the vote and when feminism+sexual revolution+welfare state sealed the fate of the civilization.
And you don't make back-up saves because?
You're still quick-saving, so you can't exactly argue that save points are a negative.
Not making additional saving points is the ultimate pinch in playing games.
Here an example: You have friends and a job and a girlfriend - you can not make a back up by that meaning like it's possible in the game and then go back in time to fix your mistakes. Instead you need to use your head to guide through all of this. You need to learn from your mistakes and try to avoid them next time.
Majority of people don't like this, they want to cheat and go back in time to fix the shit they messed up in the past. And in game you have the option to do so; and by doing so, you become a weak faggot, thinking that you can go back in time to replay shit.
Eventually this people never learn anything - their whole concept of life is so false.
Having back ups = fleeing like a faggot.
I never said said save points are negative, and if there are cuck faggots who want to play a game by going back in time to fix in-game reality, well fine it's up to them. Additionally stalker is a flawed and bugged game, that's why I actually suggested in the post above to make save points if you play stalker.
I also played through clear sky without using save points even a single time on my very first try
Is there any way to get a scopeless SVD into Call of Chernobyl?
Keep in mind this is the same board that bans for typos. They were a laughing stock when the site became flooded with refugees and they havn't changed since. Seriously who the fuck shits on Redline? Fuck off faggot
Just bandit my shit up fam
You don't deserve to cheeki breeki, go join a faction that's more up to your speed, like Freedom
I had assassination mission in Rostock and lost my squad of 4 other bandits while fighting Duty. :( I did manage to assassinate the target and get out of there though.
Is there any mods that add shit like places to stash items so I can take loot back and forth in trips?
Oh, and give lootable bodies more permanence, god damn they disappear quick.
Back to halfchan with you.
Not sure but with STCoP you can attach a kobra sight (1x magnification) to it that overrides the original sight until you detach it, that's close enough for most purposes.
If it's a Loner they'll probably eventually leave thanks to A-life, at least they did in SoC.
What game?
Not sure then, I'll have a look.
Couldn't find anything I'm afraid. Are you bringing Hercules along with you? A few bottles of that + some energy drinks will let you loot more than you're ever likely to need.
Found two zombies with fucking PKMs. God damn jackpot.
Ah, that might be an issue then. You can probably run back fast enough if they're close.
pls don't bully
Nope the target stays there all the time. Meh fuck it I guess I am going to need Rambo gears then