Anyone else extremely disappointed by Fractured But Whole? I was a big fan of Stick of Truth but I can't fucking stand this sequel. I'm like 7 or so hours in and I've given up on playing it ever again. A lot of the quests don't make any sense and reek of poor writing, the characters keep cutting themselves off and not finishing their sentences, it feels extremely directionless, there are plenty of bugs and freezes in game. The combat is kinda nice and it's more difficult than the first one but other than that it's a downgrade in every capacity.
Fractured But Shit
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I don't know why you'd buy this when you can just watch someone play it on youtube and get the same experience
I didn't buy it.
As someone else said less thread, 2010 is about the cutoff where everything South Park related went to shit
I watched worth a buy on it and it shone enough light on the game for me to know it was Ubishit and not a good game like the Stick of Truth was. You need to scavenge crafting materials to make equipment, like every other ubishit game. Also the combat looks worse.
Is it truly bad?
I wanted it to be good 😭
Why would you have any expectations for a sequel to something that was barely more than a browser game?
i pirated the copy that was linked in the old thread and have had zero bugs after twelve hours of gameplay. well, that's not true: kyle's cousin comes to visit and after a certain point he shows up in battle every now and then to "help". the game hangs for about ten seconds when this happens, but considering he only shows up maybe one in thirty battles or so it's not a game-breaker for me. other than that i have seen zero bugs whatsoever.
the combat is better than stick of truth but then again i like tactical placement over JRPG style battles. the art is very good considering; you can summon Gerald Broflovsky into battle and his summon animation is ripped straight out of the Heavy Metal movie and looks pretty cool. the story isn't as coherent and tight as stick of truth but it's moving along pretty well; the "acts" feel connected enough to move you along but give you plenty of time along the way to do side quests if you want. as far as people cutting off their sentences and whatnot i realize how shilly this sounds but you must have gotten a bunk torrent or something; this has absolutely never happened so far in my playthrough. the jokes are decently well-written, the voice acting is good, the hero customization is fun and so far i'm having a great time (i especially like the tiny little things they keep adding to the combat system; there's a point where PC principal teaches you how to catch microaggressions and any time an enemy says something like "go call your mommy you pussy" in battle you can get a free attack on them). and finally, you don't "need" to craft your equipment and shit; basically there's a couple of classes of component you can find and all the garbage you run into around town will just automatically go into these classes. when you want to craft a potion or whatever you need one empty bottle then x amount of medicine, that sort of thing. you do not, under any circumstances, NEED to craft equipment - the costumes are cosmetic only and have no bonuses, and the equipment you find while just doing your thing is by and large better than anything you can craft.
i definitely wouldn't have paid full price for it since i'm just of the mind that no game, no matter how good, is worth seventy fucking dollars but for what it is i'm pretty impressed and i'm having fun. it's worth mentioning though that i do still think farts are funny so take that as you will
I uninstalled it after they tried to force me to label myself as "cisgender". If you think you can force me to use your mad up postmodernist words, well, think again sunshine! I'm not using those words and that's that!
Kill yourself.
You had one job.
welcome to reddit 3 enjoy your stay
Stick of Truth was good and it was 2014.
Writing is worse, often the quests rely on random unrelated events to progress the plot forward than anything that's relevant to the plot itself.
Bosses are both lamer and more annoying. Especially the stripclub boss sequence, where the boss takes their move according to a timer rather than turn-based queue like everyone else, and that timer is only a few seconds and its only attack is an instant kill.
The game doesn't tell you information that you need to know for several quests so you're left trying to figure out a puzzle to advance the quest not knowing that you haven't unlocked the abilities required to complete it.
The game will freeze during combat like every 5 fights when nothing intense, or at all, is happening. Framerate drops occur when using the super abilities.
Crafting system. It's entirely pointless to the point I never used it unless the game forced me to. But crafting materials make up 90% of your quest reward items so you're left feeling unrewarded after every mission.
Your characters stats are never explained. I don't know what the stat Spunk does and whether or not the level affects my allies too. Also most of the artifacts (which offer one of six boosts) ignore two of stats they could buff (status effect damage and ally health boost get next to no items to increase) which screws over players who are playing with abilities that would benefit from those.
Allies will arbitrarily not be available for some combats with no explanation given.
They flanderized the main character. They try to focus more on him/her/it in the story but also reduced him/her/it down to entirely being about farts. There's less remarks on how silent they are. You don't get a sense that you're really even there. In the first one you at least climbed ranks in the factions and the kids acknowledge you a hell of a lot more.
I didn't even know who the Super Pals or whatever (the rival superhero group) were or who was in them until they randomly showed up for a rather lame fight. They are entirely absent in the game so far as I played it to the point that I complete forgot they existed until after I stopped playing it. All the enemies in the game are related to secondary characters. In the first one you'd be at least fighting the minions of the other faction, in this one they're just not there. Adds a sense of directionless, like the superhero thing was added late game and they didn't want to change to much to accommodate it. Hell I think I've only ought 3 of the Super Pals, compared to like 30 other kids who aren't playing the game and are just kids and another 30 who are Professor Chaos' henchmen. It feels like Professor Chaos is the game's antagonist more than the alleged antagonist is.
The game has references to the show that don't make sense within the context of the show or game. The writer once couldn't figure out how to convey to me that I need an item to progress other than having a ghost tell me that I need that item. Ghost wasn't relevant beforehand, wasn't relevant afterwards.
The gameplay opens up and your only quest is get 100 followers on instagram, which makes the entire thing feel structure-less and plotless. Also the selfie system is stupid.
Mechanics aren't explained to you sometimes. I didn't know you could change your class until I accidentally talked to The Coon. The game explains mechanics way to late, everything I've had to do I've figured out before getting to the explanation trigger, added to the directionless feeling.
So did I man.
The only good thing I found about it was that there was a Yaoi fanart (of Craig and Tweek) hunting game in it and you could have the images you found as your phones wall paper. Oh and clothing was entirely cosmetic so you could theme yourself. Other than that, not much good about it.
The combat is neat but since you can look left right up and down but the attacks are locked on the grid relative to your left or right facing it can get annoying. Some attacks can change their direction of attack up and down, but others can't.
Jewbisoft put an honest to god feminazi in charge of the game's content, so no shit sherlock.
Yeah it was neat. It was one of those collecting missions that I think lasts a good portion of the game. Not sure how much there is total but you get a reward every 10 or so you collect. And it all looks like genuine fanart, too, all different styles and quality. I had the first pic related as my phones wallpaper in game.
technically it's considered shota but what the fuck
Creators of the series made a little yaoi fanart contest couple of season's back. In this game Craig's father gives you a quest to collect these pictures - there's like 30+ of them in the game.
Truly the censorship board is a mystery.
Not really. It's run by jews, and shota/gay rights has been pushed to the forefront by (((politicians)))
The anal prob scene in the first one has an 8 year old kid get fucked by a giant dildo. If it was banned then this stuff should've been banned too, and if this stuff wasn't banned them the anal probe sequence shouldn't have been either.
First game was probably just an annoying, obnoxious publicity stunt or something.
What in the mother of fuck is this?
Leave it to Ubisoft San Francisco.
I fancy myself not getting too close from what gay people do, including games. After all, aids is still a thing and it's fucking disgusting.
Southpark has lost what little levity it used to possess and is now just another vehicle for the kikes to farm shekels and fuck up the minds of young goyim. Big fucking surprise there.
Something something business partnerships bigger isn't better etc
It wasn't invented by Ubishit. It was an episode from the show. The basic premise was that no one could understand why all the Japanese students were producing yaoi art of Craig and Tweek and it led to them getting together to break up so the Japanese students would stop but it ended with them staying together because their parents thought it was progressive and shit. It's been a while since I seen it so I'm probably forgetting stuff.
The entire episode was caused by actual yaoi shippers on tumblr and the writers couldn't understand why it was happening. It was an okay episode from what I recall.
Oh. Guess I'd know that if I hadn't given up on watching South Park a pretty long time ago. I still think Ubisoft liked the idea of having that shit in, unironically thinking it was "progressive".
And now they've come out with a sequel to that episode where they make it clear that Craig and Tweak are gay
Undoubtedly. Part of the game has you filling out a character sheet. They let you pick your gender and sexual orientation but they ask it incredibly vaguely. I was trying to be a trap and they assigned me as a demiboy and there wasn't an option to correct it.
They'd broken up in the game. No idea if they get back together in the later parts of the game.
Faggot or ugly female, I want to beat that thing into a bloody pulp.
This shit is fucking revolting, even moreso because the sick fucks said they were doing it "ironically".
Ugly chick.
I don't know why so many chicks like cosplaying the male characters from South Park but whatever.
Fujos user, fujos
I don't know what a fujos is. Is that like a futas? Because I don't like futas at all.
Fujo, short for Fujoshi. Mostly females who become fans of a show because they like to ship Yaoi pairings.
Could be the same reason that fags like to dress up like girls.
Could just be shallow attention whoring, it's easier to get attention as a female version of a male character than have to approach the standards of a female character.
fujoshi is a "rotten girl"
A pervert loser girl that gets off to yaoi and NTR and stuff like that.
It's hilarious how they can blame Japan for yaoi, like the US was still a 50s christian nation where sodomy is taboo.
That explains why it's all on tumblr I guess.
Yeah but it's cute when guys do it. Girls are dumb. How dare they do anything.
Hilarious indeed my friend. Hilarious indeed.
Get the fuck out of here
Imagine the most pathetic, obnoxious and vile NEET you can, now make it female and imagine it is doubly disgusting and you're half on your way to understanding what a fujo is.
Haha, good post my friend!
Jesus at least post a chapter that isn't shit.
He's right though. Yaoi is purely the fantasy of perverted Japanese women, it has nothing to do with what faggots anywhere think, feel, or want.
Oh gee, it sure sounds like it was written by a staff known for writing up scripts within a week to a single day. You know, like a team of writers that put all their eggs in the basket of a certain candidate winning an election but don't have the foresight that they could've been wrong and end up fucking up an entire season because they think "Serialization" is a good idea for their show. Spoiler:It's not!
Wow, it's almost as if it was developed by a company known for very faulty and rushed coding. Did any of their faces disappear?
Wow, really? A rushed gaming idea being that? Who'd have guessed! It's almost as if their last game suffered the same thing with it being horribly easy on the hardest mode because partner combinations can end up having infinite specials and whatnot.
OP I seriously hope you didn't buy this, especially when it's Denuvo was cracked within 20 minutes. Try getting a refund or something.
I may be a homoqueer but I'm not a fucking faggot now. Of course I didn't pay money for it.
Did the two oildrillers write all of the game? I was under the impression that the head writer was some Ubisoft SJW cunt. Not that I disagree with you, they gave up their pretense of neutrality and are clearly upset Hillary lost.
It's kind of hilarious Ubisoft still keeps fucking up despite promising their goyim cattle they would stop making poorly coded games. I can't wait for AssCreed: We Wuz Edition to come out and be Unity all over again.
You're talking about game balance (of which there is none since both games are piss easy) while he is talking about general quest design and writing that lacks any kind of focus and cohesion. At least SoT tried to tie everything together, or at least make events flow with each other.
You're a faggot.
Thats my man
Yeah, Matt and Trey got involved with the writing just like the last one and guided the Ubishit writers along while bringing their own in.
And yeah, it's really shitty how the game economy is just horrible now. All the normalfags just buying up bad games because they don't know what good games are anymore.
As for the last part: Yeah, thats what I meant! Thanks for clearing that up.
make a suicide pact with him lad
I hope you didn't pay money for some edgy fags' 'liberal centrist' simulator
go back
If you bothered to read the thread you'd have found out that I've answered no several times now.
user I seriously hope you didn't pay for this
Christ OP, I sure hope you didn't spend money on this trash.
Fuck it I'm going to go buy 10 copies tomorrow to spite you all.
That entire episode was a big "WTF you yaoi fan girls, your 'harmless' hardcore shipping forced 2 straight boys into (fake) gay because peer pressure and everybody expects that they are buggering each other".
So Craig was just like, fuck it, I am tired of this shit, lets flow along with it so people would leave us the fuck alone and Tweek was like wtf dude at first then find something else to panics at and stop giving a shit altogether.
Ironically, those brainless twats did not get the message and still swooning all over that yaoi shit and thought Matt and Trey support that shit.
Aw c'mon user. I expected better out of you.
Holy shit this game is so boring
it feels like a soulless moneygrab
You're not very good at this are you?
Whatever 'tard.
user, I'm very disappointed in you. It might be time for you to return to your true home: reddit.
He's actually using sage correctly though, since you're off topic. Bumping a thread with shit banter instead of relevant discussion is retarded.
You make it sound as if sage-ing equal to a downvote which ironically makes you look like the redditor.
It doesn't matter if you're the OP of the thread and cared about making it a good one in the first place
If you want a good thread to live you're going to have to do whatever it takes to keep it alive, and saging your own thread as the OP is fucking retarded, no matter the context
now please kys
They never knew what was good. They're just chasing brand names. Just look around at how much utter garbage is sold at retail, or in fast food, or in music, or on TV. They don't engage with this shit because it's good, they engage with it because it's popular - because their friends are into it, or if not their friends - at least a large enough chunk of society at large that they feel it's socially permissible (even commendable) to enjoy it themselves. It's like that psychology experiment where you ask people a question in private and poll their answers, then you get them all in a group and ask them the same question in a different framework and see how many people change their answers based on what everyone else is saying. Then if you split them off again to confront them with this discrepancy, they'll do all sorts of mental gymnastics to disassociate the two and post-hoc rationalize their decisions.
This is why Microsoft and Sony have social media embedded in their video game console UI's. It's not enough to just link to twitter and let people stream to twitch - they had to set up their own social media feeds so that they're more likely to get you to buy the "hottest new game all your friends are playing" while you're already in their store.
At its core it is a buggy and bland tactical RPG. This would be forgivable if it were funny, and for the most part it is not. Where SoT succeeded, this game fails.
Would explain why the story is such a ringin' endorsement of BLM. Fuck satire and fuck nuance. Cops are all cultists feeding them poor innocent pocs to a Elder God. Also, Lovecraft was RAYCISSS.
This is a reference to an episode of the show, retards. Parker and Stone are the ones who came up with the yaoi joke.
The problem with Ubi isn't that they used the Yaoi episode. (For those unaware, they actually had the internet fan submit the best Tweek x Craig yaoi they could draw.)
Ubi actually went out of their way to accentuate the faggotry, though. Tweek and Craig weren't actually gay in that episode. They put on a front because that is what everyone wanted. In this game they play up how gay the two are. Fosse and Bill call eachother "lame" instead of gay, but they call themselves gay. You won't see anything that made liberals look retarded like Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner (From what I've heard. Haven't finished the game.) or Reality. The jokes are about as deep as "Hey look cops are racist and rednecks are intolerant. LOL being black increases your difficulty!" You won't find any humor that the SJWs at Ubisoft would consider "punching down." They sanitized South Park for the left, and the result is just an unfunny game with bland mechanics and a lot of bugs.
Where's the outrage? It's not only "harmless" puppylove with two little boys, but also images of them blatantly having an active sex life.
This got a pass because Ubisoft, but of the questions had been finding Bebe x Wendy loli Yuri images, they would've removed that thing, and not even considering Stan x Wendy shota/Loli images of him spooning her or putting his hand in her crotch.
But sure, harmless HILARIOUS twink pairing, oh South Park you sure push the envelope with your edgy comedy, and not for other ulterior motives.
The whole episode was making fun of yaoi fangirldom and the social pressures on two straight guys to be gay. Naturally being South Park they had fans submit their best Tweek x Craig yaoi pairings.
That part is just referential. I agree Ubi is probably a little too in love with the joke but damn dude calm down they just drawings of fake characters made in good humor.
fag ;)
They even failed at that
user, you're smart, you surely are able to distinguish when something is said jokingly and when they're being serious under a thin veil of "irony". If this pairing were 100% tongue-in-cheek, it would've been only images of them holding their hands or staring at each other, and maybe with beginner Deviantart-tier drawings, not above-average drawings of them fondling the other, spooning and such.
Someone pointed that out 15 hours before you, dumbfuck.
They asked *the internet* for Tweek x Craig drawings. Are you new?
I don't find the comedy of those drawings. Had they been images emulating the South Park style but with puppy eyes or glitter, it would be humorous. Some beginner-tier drawing with horrid proportions caused by a newbie's lack of experience would be funny. I can't find the comedy of a satisfied-looking underage boy in bed while the other is dressing up, after an obvious sex/spooning session. Had it been 1 detailed image among the 20 newbie-tier drawings, that would be humorous as well.
Dem trips. However, Matt and Trey decided to follow up on the yaoi episode in the new season (S21E02 specifically), where Craig learns the important lesson that using facts and logic to offer solutions to his boyfriend's social media anxiety problems doesn't help. Fidget spinners and going to the amusement park doing standard boy activities such as holding hands and riding the ferris wheel together don't work either :'(. Instead, Craig discovers that he needs to just listen and enable Tweek to express feelings which lead his babe to an epiphany: to make a song about "When you're the President [of any country], you put your phone down [and never use social media again]".
If it's a joke, they're sure making it an elaborate one across seasons.
It was made by Ubisoft. What did you expect? No really, what did you expect user?
I have a few hours into it and I'll give my cents.
Story: Not much so far, but just like the last one you're just fucking around with the boys. I'd say it's somewhat of an downgrade, as I haven't seen much wackiness yet. However I'd also say that the underlying hidden 'plot' that was in the first game is absent here, and the main objective is literally just to get 100 instagram followers. It's a shit story, and just an excuse to beat up hookers and shit on Randy. Fart jokes abound. Most of the jokes are just fart jokes and shock humor. (VIA violence.) The darkest thing I've seen is the legitimate depression the MC has with his parents but nothing comes of it. I bet it'll be a butt of a long-winded joke but the payoff probably won't be good. Hell, the only take on Buttlord's parents is Cartman making a dumb backstory for you about 'Your dad fucked your mom' and that's it. It's worse than the previous game. Also, there seems to be a lot more things you can fuck with in this game. You're portrayed as sort of a badass, and characters can and will comment on this. Despite it, there is a lot less of a sense of progression in this game than SoT. In SoT you climbed up the ranks, and until near the end of the game, you were the butt of the joke. Nobody gave a shit about you and you had to earn your place. Sure, most of the team helped you out, but you didn't get Cartman until the middle-end of the game if I remember correctly. In this game you get Cartman within three fucking hours of the story.
Optimization: Shit, they can't improve on this. I would say it runs worse than the previous games, menus sometimes spazz out and cutscenes can softlock the game. Graphics and Audio is the same quality, because it already looks like a Southpark episode, that's not hard. Anyway optimization is shit and the game runs like garbage. Who knew?
Characters: Worse. For fucks sake the game practically wants you to be tempted to murder everyone because they're all annoying little shits. The only thing I don't want to kill is fucking Call Girl but that's because she saved my ass when fighting the Raisins girls.
Gameplay: You have two 'modes'. A normal exploration mode and a combat mode. Combat is practically seamless, just like the previous game. In the middle of combat, a car might come by, and all the kids will shout 'Car!' and it'll go by, while everyone awkwardly shuffles to the side of the road. It pauses combat and it isn't as funny the third or fourth time, although the comments the driver makes can be a hit or miss. You gain 'fart abilities' by (((Morgan Freeman))) later on, and they affect combat and the world in different ways as well.
Classes: Way better in this game. You get to multi-class, with more than a few options to pick. It spices up the shit combat and gives you more thought before combat. Allies are a wee bit better in this game, but that's because of the retarded combat system. On the other hand simply being better than SoT is nothing because each class only has 4 fucking abilities, and you can only use 4 fucking abilities. Abilities don't play well with others so it's even more shit and almost pointless to multiclass outside of replayability.
Combat: Worse than the previous game, by far. I hate the new combat system because it's poorly put together. Your basic attacks can't attack people one row over, which is retarded and quickly leads to dumb situations. If they were going for this, they should've learned or at least copied it from Fire Emblem, which it couldn't be half-assed to do.
Customization: Better and worse, to be honest. You don't have equipment like the last game, instead you get these artifacts that boost your power. The problem is that it means that you don't get many options/ways to improve your power and you have to rely on burritos and cheese early on in the game. Later on you get more artifacts, and naturally more options, but that's also shit considering you rarely level up.
Controversy: There is none. The developers clearly wanted to stay not controversial. The race slider is played purely as a joke. The only thing related to tumblr I ran into is when I 'set my gender' with the councilor, and because I had 'cis white male' a bunch of rednecks merked me. I had a laugh, but it's the only one of it's kind.
There's more points to go over, but for every positive I have, there is two negatives. SoT was better. I agree with OP on this one. For example, combat is shit and unrewarding because the rewards are useless artifacts you cant equip or use anyway because there is barely any artifact slots you can use. Crafting is worse too, because there is no equipment and artifacts are shit the only thing you really care to craft are consumables and they aren't needed for most fights. I don't like South Park: The Fractured But Whole.
Haven't watched this season. Sounds dumb, though.
I already explained that. Read the thread before calling others a retard, retard.
That's surprising and dumb. I was expecting them to not care about the New Kid again and even mention it with a one-off remark from cartman or someone, "Oh hey New Kid, we're playing a new game now. We don't care about you anymore." And then they could lazily reset the friends thing by saying that he and someone else got hacked and make it a quest later in the game to track down the hacker or something.
Friends had a reset by moving on to another social network. Hope you like selfies because you have to do one with everyone.
Why would anyone expect a game that was developed in San Francisco to be good?
i did not expect this feels
Other then Deunevo what when wrong?
Do the creators of south park know?
No jokes. It's just a lot of fars without punchlines.
Hey man, smooth lines are hard to draw in paint/gamemaker
Not to try and call you a retard or imply that your criticism is wrong, but the Coon pretty clearly says that you need to reclass after the first few missions involving the filling out of your character sheet. He says your backstory sucks, and calls you back to the Coon's lair so you can sit in a chair and get a revision to your backstory for a new power. The only way you would've missed it is by not paying attention.
I agree with the writing though, it feels less engagingly silly this time around.
The most fun I had with it was getting my brother to ask for the game at my local
and then leaving without actually buying the game because I already pirated this piece of shit.
Smart of them to get some san fran fucks to make the game, being as its south park you can put in all SJW marxist bullshit you want and get the "they are totes making fun of it :^)"
That's actually worse even though it's basically the right idea.
I'll never understand those people who believe when they see SJW shit on the screen they think the show is doing it ironically and making fun of it without any argument to back it up. They could have characters say without any repercussions, "Kill all whites," and those people would still defend it. I can't take those people seriously and now I just dismiss them as marketers. Otherwise they're hopeless.
I played this for 20 minutes and got bored with all the Coonstagram, selfie taking and shit. Stick of Truth was amazing compared to this since it really felt like playing a South Park episode, they really nailed the feel of the series and it was heaven for a SP fan like me with all the references and memories.
This however, feels stale already from the start and I doubt I'll care about finishing it, too busy playing Metroid Prime again.
If Stick of Truth was longer or cheaper it would have been a perfect game.
That's South Park in a nutshell. The series has deteriorated so far that it can't even sustain Comedy Central anymore. CC was begging people on twitter to call their service provider and tell them not to drop CC. The latest episodes of South Park but really the last several seasons have been worse and worse. The episode we got tying into this game was brainless and vapid. I think the biggest punchline to go along with it is that it danced around the issue until the very end, the issue of "muh russia" that the media has been parroting and no one but idiots have been believing.
Why the fuck would you buy a video game?
i hope you never enjoy a thing in your life
i mean i like gay shotashit and all but it would really be improved by the addition of a big tiddied ara.
they adopted a nigger? or is that his wifes son?
That's his wife's son. She has the dad's name tattooed on her.
its like pottery
wow some next level cuckoldry
Stick of Truth was a shitty FF1 reskin of a game. It was however a fun south park episode
Every time you'd think it can't get worse, it somehow does.
I finished it, the combat, collecting shit and running around from to place to place is tedious as fuck.
There are some fun jokes and the plot is decent, but playing it is fucking tedious and boring.
I didn't like playing Stick of Truth, but I certainly didn't have to force myself to finish it like I had with this.
Somebody is going to make a 2 hour long movie version of this game and it will be much better than actually playing through it.
I fucking hated this shit. Boring, clunky, controls are shit, 3 FUCKING DRM thank god for cracks, shitty story, and I only laughed like once or twice when TSoT made me laugh constantly.
Fuck this game. I pirated the 15 gb of this shit, played for a few hours, then uninstalled. Fuck this shit.
is this true? was it for a joke or are they really this SJW now? i know they're anti-trump faggots and i'm not buying the game just on that basis alone but fuck
All words are made up. The most you can say is that you refuse to use useless words that attempts to normalize mental illness by reframing "not insane" as "cisgender".
Someone will probably give them the benefit of the doubt and say all of these changes are Ubisoft San Franscisco's design ideas, but Matt and Trey okay these things.
Considering the success of the mobile game I'm just waiting for something like one of Disney's franchises to make a cash in with that battle system. But speaking of the topic at hand
The actual main objective of the story is about Cartman finding a missing:cat poster that he ropes the others in getting help with so he can get the hundred dollar reward. The side plot of all this is his hand puppet basically fucking shit up via sneaking cat piss into the drug and alcohols of South Park because "we need a villain for our superhero LARP." Instead of nazi zombie juice there's mutants from the Jurassic Park parody from season one and instead of a surprise betrayal with a climatic battle there's a time travel sequence where you fight the forest animals, yourselves during the fantasy game, ending with beating up Kyle and Cartman because the hand puppet's real but not really and the whole plot doesn't really end but just stops.
The whole story takes a shot at Donald Trump and his voting fanbase, because Mitch Connor wants to be mayor to make his franchise bigger than Freedom Pals. So he runs a Trump style campaign.
It supposed to be revolting. The joke is that there were two kids who were mistaken as homosexuals. When they tried to say they weren't gay, they found that they were treated worse because being it wasn't diverse enough, so they caved in and pretended to be gay and then Japanese girls started drawing porn of them.
It has Denuvo. Don't worried Fractured But Whole got a day one crack.
I rly wanted this to be good. This is the best timeline to live in, but it's not the perfect timeline.
it was a pretty ez game until the very end
I watched some of it on youtube. Stopped watching sp a long time ago, it's just not my kind of humor anymore. That said, can someone recommend a good turn based strategy game?
Eh, frankly they should stick to making games instead of cartoons.
Granted, this game isn't great but it manages to do the things other games do without making you notice.
For example, the game has a lot of filler, a shitload of it as a matter of fact but it is paced in a way that it isn't that noticeable at first and I'm sure many normalfags will never even notice that the game is artificially inflating its game time because you need to walk from point A to point Z.
One quest is literally "Go here, then here, then here".
The puzzles are frankly nothing special, tedious actually, many rely on summoning buddies and frankly I don't give much of a fuck about that.
The combat is actually interesting though frankly they could unlock all classes instead of waiting until you get later in the game to unlock the more "powerful" ones.
I suppose another attempt at filler: feeding you new content so you get your fix of dopamine.
Actually thinking about this, this whole game feels like they've studied the freemium bullshit and made a whole game about it… only that the game isn't really pay to not wait.
It's like "Do fun things, do boring thing, do boring thing, do fun thing, do boring thing, do boring thing" and so on so forth.
The customization it's just dumb and I'm not speaking of race/gender/whatever, the equipment isn't really that much relevant: you generally equip the item that improves your stats the most and call it a day, enjoying the pitiful "+10%" shit they occasionally give you.
I suppose you can min max it but I don't really give a damn.
Crafting is just stupid.
Money is overly abundant (you can gain way over the 100$ reward money for saving the cat before actually saving the damn thing).
One thing it does well is that it is somewhat capable of countering people cheesing it (ironically).
That is, it tries constantly to challenge you with anti-cheesing tactics, with actually made me think for that half a second more to cheese the anti-cheesing… still, it's not like they can really help it that much, any game has cheesing techniques, the only way to remove the cheesing is by doing bullshit like Darkest Dungeon and straight up nerf the player.
Overall I'd say it's a nice game if like me you have nothing else better to do and need to waste time while waiting for something nice to actually happen, like waiting for that show you really like to be on, for chimp on Fullderp threads to get a full team or whatever else.
I'd value it around 15$ bucks and it is worth a pirate.
Also the whole "difficulty" and racial bullshit it's just that: bullshit.
None of it matters.
You can tell Jesus you're a chaotic satanist and he doesn't look even remotely disappointed, so don't look forward to any of that shit because it's irrelevant, as many expected it to be.
I'm not even off the first street and I don't know if I want to continue.
Stick of Truth was made by people trying to make an RPG and written by people trying to write comedy.
Fractured But Whole was made by people trying to rapidly make a licensed title and written by virtue signaling faggots or someone trying REALLY hard to be ironic
Just in the first couple hours of play, we have Cartman's journal with doodles of his friends having gay sex, Super Craig is gay for Tweek, and Craig's dad collects yaoi (which is really just shnen ai) of the town's children (it's a fucking collection quest) which raises the meta question of whether there's someone in town creating it. Mr Mackey's gender questionnaire and his attempts to reconcile answers with Stick of Truth was entertaining but the rednecks attack even if you're a cisgendered male.
we have ridiculously long load times for combat, leaving the characters standing on the field for around a minute doing nothing before it begins
NPCs don't always (or even often) spawn at scene load, and sometimes spawn in an uninitiated state making them impossible to interact with
a couple CTDs
one of the attacking moors didn't clear out my first time so the cinema refused to end and I had to restart
a tutorial message saying to hold the investigate button popped up on the street where you're supposed to learn about using farts against enemies but the encounter didn't spawn at first so the message stuck with me going into houses and overrode everything else in the GUI
and FUCK TOWELY! I just want to have a nice RPG, is that too much to ask?
I like how the Jew does the voice for all that.
That shit was Z-team AT THE VERY BEST. All ubisoft sanfran cispigos has done before this was ports of shit like just dance.
and 90% of the game's glitches at least can probably be attributed to the engine
SoT ran on Maya Game Engine and worked in fucking Windows 98 on a potato (not exaggerating, check the sysreq). It had its bugs but it was solid
FBW runs in Camel Engine (successor to Dunia 2, which was used for Far cry 3 and Blood Dragon) and runs like ass despite looking worse than its predecessor
to be fair, all they had to do here was do another story using the same engine as the first one used. it's not like they had to develop any tech for this game.
obviously that was asking too much.
Are you playing the appalled British tabloid writer here? Cos you sound it.
They rip the piss out of the concept(s) of people thinking they can fuck around with their gender, they make it clear it's all bullshit noise. Also they didn't foce you, you *could* have played a faggot user, you do a good impression of one already.
The fact that they dare to mention that some of that shit exists AND lampoon it heavily just means you both totally missed the point.
The look of the UI is a bit shonky, random items don't have any quality beyond a name that's flashed up in the top right of the screen for a second and then it instantly falls into one of the bland categories of meds/food/scrap/tech so it often just feels like you're collecting nothing. The crafting is pointless/meh but I suppose it's better than just buying stuff but I'm sure it could have been done better, or at least looked more smart.
I wasn't keen on the grid combat at first but it's ok, I suppose, though the QTEs are retard-tier and the most complex QTE stuff is done while you're shitting.
I thought the conceit of repeating the first game's idea of being a social media whore was lazy but what else were they gonna do? There is a bit too much trekking back and forth even when you get all the routes open and fast travel stations active. It's been funny enough so far, not as good as the first but by no means the bottomless pit of SJW marxism 'omg/pol/pol/pol/wftbbq racewar now' that some in these threads would have you believe.
Anyone have a good torrent? Looking for one that doesn't install a god damn bitcoin miner on my computer.
Despite telling everyone to fuck off at the end of the first game and walking out on them you start as the king and everyone's loyal to you.
Nope. Now everyone uses Coonstagram which Cartman made for superheroes, even people who aren't playing the Superhero stuff are using it for no reason given. And you get friends by taking/earning selfies with them. Completely shit. I'd have preferred your version.
I never said you don't get a new power? Not sure what you're replying to but neither time that happens are the stats explained. Also he doesn't actually change the backstory, it stays the same regardless.
South Park has big titty ara in it but they've never done anything with it. You spend a lot of time fighting 6th Graders and there was an episode where they wanted photos of Stan's mom's tits. Coulda expanded upon that.
Maybe she's just a real big fan of Kobe Beef? Like one of those freaks that gets a Taco Bell tattoo to get have free Taco Bell for life or something. Wouldn't put it past a black to try to get something for free or heavily discounted.
Things I hate about the game
That being said, I really like the combat system.
They just changed the name of the stats. It's straight forward, and anyone who didn't get the system are either retarded or weren't paying attention when artifacts/dna strands were introduced. Just play on easy mode if you don't want to explore/craft/level up to get better artifacts or get more slots.
The game is big enough that it overshadowed the sjw shit. You pretty much encounter most of them just once. I like the main story. The game's not funny, but it is entertaining. I chuckled twice when you walked out of your room and your house was excessively covered in blood (it was over the top and I did not expect that), and when I realized I set my religion as 'Atheist' with Jesus. I'm okay with the crafting system. If you play as a black guy, you'll get fewer cash from loots, so buying a main component for 25-50 cents to make 2 consumables is a lot cheaper. You also get to make better artifacts with a high crafting level. The social media part of the game came from tsot, which established that it's one of the new kid's powers, so I can't really fault the game for that. The game also explained the backstory of your social media and fart powers, and the Fractured Butthole was cleverly woven into game, not just as a title. The Craig-Tweek art are too shitty that it's ironic, and I think their storyline was about making fun of bickering couples. PC principal talked about micro aggression, but the minigame was fun and you get free random attacks during battle. I only noticed a bug once (Craig was on the same tile as the enemy when he used the move that makes them change tiles), but you do have to wait for a few seconds at the start of the battle.
You got a source for that Ara artwork?
Be warned. They are a tumblrina and occasionally posts/draws disgusting stuff. This link is only for their drawings and it's mostly stuff that won't repulse you. Good news is that there's lots of Ara drawings there.
But outside of the tag 'my-art' they also post all kinds of nightmares.
Pic unrelated.
check fitgirl's site the repacks are legit with no bs.
No, this game is shit because it wasn't made by Obsidian but by Ubishit San Francisco.
Thanks, man.
Quick, someone phone the BBC.
BBC is pro-pedophile user. They don't care.
Can someone help me fix this "press enter to start" black screen? i managed to play a couple hours yesterday (eventually, somehow the black screen didn't occur). But now i have to do it again.
Ive tried the alt+enter shit, also increasing priority and rapid alt+enter spamming to manually load the game which some other people have recommended.
But i'd like to know if there's anyone here who mgiht have encountered it and fixed it somehow.
There is one clever bit of satire in the characterization (or lack thereof) of New Kid:
There's an entire web of sidequests devoted to filling out your character sheet with demographic information of "who you are".
In the end, this goes nowhere, and by the end of the game, you still have no idea who New Kid is (as he kills one of his parents with zero emotion).
This is a satire on leftist identity politics, which suggests that your demographic information contains your entire identity.
The difference is that one is degenerate in a funny, slapstick way while the other is degenerate in ways conforming to left-wing agendas.
Just think what the muslims would say if you told them fucking children was wrong.
So, the Craig x Tweak stuff is a show reference.
On the other hand there is a part where the MC gives an old drunk guy a lap dance while farting. The whole thing felt like thinly veiled pedowood normalization.
There's nothing pedo about it if New Kid identifies as an adult.
Captain Diabetes has no excuse.
you know that most of that shotacon is stuff that matt & trey requested from tumblr for that episode in season 19.
The Stick of Truth was made by Obsidian Entertainment, who also made Fallout: New Vegas and Pillars of Eternity.
The Fractured But Whole was made by Ubisoft San Francisco, who also made The Smurfs 2 and Tetris Ultimate.
Let that sink in.
Just to add, the MC also asks Toolshed and Professor Chaos to shove pipes and hamsters in his ass regularly.
I think you have that backwards.
When I saw that more brown = harder difficulty, I instantly wrote it off as dogshit. The creators are cucks and Ubisoft was an excellent choice to create their cuck game.
Satire slips the grasp of most anons.
i pressed alt+ f4 and uninstalled at that same spot
This is a gag browser based game sold at a AAA price.
What the fuck do you people even justify it's existence at such a price ?
South park fanboys ? But that has been garbage for a long long while.
That was only a joke and to change the difficulty all you had to do is go in the settings.
I find I can handwave a bunch of South Park stuff by figuring out (possibly inventing) a satirical angle for it, but I couldn't figure out any such angle for the "Police sacrificing black people" chapter.
I mean, they literally had the retarded bad guy drop a "white people suffer from racism" line in such a way that he's made to look retarded.
I remember when jokes were funny and not ciphers that I have to decode to determine if they are political virtue signaling. I miss those days.
Doesn't sound like there isn't all that much too it think about, Stick of Truth was made by devs who knew what they were doing.
Fractured But Whole is just a Cash Grab. After SoT Ubisoft probably said "Anyone could make a game like that" so they got some generic Ubisoft nobodies to make "South Park RPG but this time it's Super Heroes."
The worst part of this imo is that people are still buying it anyway. I can't remember the last time a game was the #1 top seller on Steam with mixed reviews.
They are buying it because South Park and the current trend of 'edgy humor' being in.
what's there to sink in? obsidian made the original game with whatever engine and assets they built for it, and it was a hit because it was well-written, funny and the gameplay (while not challenging) was at least kinda engaging.
then they shipped the engine down to the cockmuchers out in sanfran and told them to make a new game to milk some more money from the engine and assets they had built, so they tried doing what they could, which to no one's surprise, wasn't much.
franchise inertia happens, the first one was goty material, so you can expect a certain amount of reflected glory for a sequel.
the engines aren't even comparable
Stick of Truth runs on Maya Game Engine, which runs on a potato
Fractured But Whole, for some reason, runs on the latest successor to CryEngine and poorly at that
Matt and Trey really should have put their foot down on this one
My main objection isn't that the game was bad, it's that anyone at any point in time expected this game to be good. It's made by Ubisoft's Z-team based in San Francisco; no one should have ever thought this game would be anything but tripe.
Did they just go to tumblr and put fanart in the game?
Dear god why? Even flash would be a better fit considering South Park's animation style.
exactly. If I wanted to play a good JRPG I don't think my first choice would one made by liberal Jews Colorado.
They ran a contest, so basically yes.
iirc South Park is animated in a heavily-modded 3D engine, that's how they do a bunch of the shots like the opening credits and the "view of the town to set the current scene" shots
You should kill yourself for even buying this.
sorry, let me be more accurate, because it's even worse
Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon ran not on CryEngine but Dunia Engine 2. Dunia has an offshoot called Camel. That's what FBW is made in
That's true
But me personally, I haven't played the first game and have no plans to play this one either, but I assumed that this one would have been at least on par with the last game. I was unaware that Ubisoft when from getting competent devs to using shit devs.
So I'm guessing most people would assume that FBH was made by the same devs who made SOT and expect the same quality, and that's why the game is selling That plus the SP brand name. Of course it's there own fault for not doing research before buying the game, but that's what I think it's selling.
it's a joke, the person you replied too was a little to autistic to understand it though, and clearly you were as well. I'm not saying whether or not the joke is funnier or not, but it is clearly played for satire and not for seriousness so could you two should please try a little harder to not be this stupid in the future, thanks
Just watched for the story on a no commentary youtube, mostly because the game itself didn't look very fun.
how do i turn off towlie? hes so fucking annoying and worse than the morgan freeman handholding
codepunks torrent had him in it, i didnt give ubijews any money, only playing because i like games where i can fight with fists
Holy shit that whole scene with the school gender thing after choosing "Other" was so painful I just uninstalled that shitty game. If the whole lecture about how it's okay to identify as gender neutral was 'South Park humor xD' then I'm glad I don't watch that shit.
Watching the credits, the art was done by only two artists.
Just got what constituted an ending and yeah I'm disappointed. The whole plot relies on Mitch Conner, Cartman hand puppet. Never liked him so when the second half of the game is focusing major plot points on him, I felt disconnected. Then throw in the time travel and everything really does go off the rails.
Serves you right, you trusted Jews.
It just really isn't funny. Farting jokes and cops arresting blacks for no reason is overdone to say the least. Exploring the same town for the second time isn't exciting either.
There should have been more locations aside from the city itself. Right from the start.
Does someone know if changing difficulty actually affects anything else in the game? Do you get better rewards
Am I missing out on any actual content when palying on easy? Can I still get 100% (theoretically) when switiching down to casual for one boss fight?
A friend wanted me to show him the game and the fights just take way too long on harder difficulties. Now I don't know if I should proceed with my save after the fights I did on casual difficulty or load my older save.
Its a pretty shoddy console port too, keyboard controls are all over the place.
Really what were you expecting? I mean at this point the only one to blame is yourself for being stupid enough to get it.
Salright, pretty comfy
i like how i can wear what ever outfit combination i want without having to worry about one gaving higher defense than the other.
I do think they missed the ball with how they introduced the new combat system.
whent he game stated and your still playing fantasy the combat should have been the system that was in SoT and then when you start playing super heroes it switches combat system.
i'd like this to be a trilogy but not sure what else they can dress up as.
Sci-fi maybe?
You get less money from combat the higher the difficulty. Since money is almost everywhere in the game and the amount you find in the world isn't affected by difficulty the whole thing is pointless. They probably added it as an afterthought hoping it would blow up into some huge controversy and it would generate free publicity for the game.
This might just be the most retarded post I've seen all day. From the formatting to the statements, just fucking terrible.
That is some good bait. From complaints that there isn't enough hand holding all the way down to the game is for intellectual high IQ only and all the farting ruins it. Is this a copy paste from somewhere else?
What lampooning? You can give out all your little factoids on being a genderfluid, rotorsexual otherkin, and the most that happens is rednecks attack you when leaving, but they attack you for being a straight white guy too. No one mocks the SJWism, they just added it in. In fact, the microagression shit from PCPrincipal will actually get you attacks of opportunity as if it were a good thing rather than a negative corroding sjw influence.
Suck Matt & Treys dick more.
I liked it a lot. Sorry ya didn't, OP.
thinking about it, comparing this one to the original, theres a lot less 'offensive' jokes and more 'reality based satire' jokes
like, im 5 hours in, and so far theres nothing as ridiculous as underpants gnomes getting crushed under your dads balls (you dont even see your dad fuck your mom even though its repeated like 30 million times for your backstory), you dont get anally probed and use ass powers to break a dildo off in your ass, you just keep having to change your sex / gender /race etc
closest to 'risque' so far was the tame for south park lap dance scene. kind of dissappointed, i miss shock humor.
I liked the combat a lot more than the first one, but that's about it. The story was lukewarm and I merely chuckled a couple of times. What ruined it for me though was the fucking retarded amount and reliance on scat and fart jokes. It's never funny, it's just disgusting. When you far on Scott's face to get him into Hulk-rage is probably the most disgusting thing I've seen in the game. Scat is just something I am involuntarily repulsed by, my stomach churns just thinking about it. The first game had its shares with the fart-jutsu shit, but it was not even close to this bullshit.
Aren't you the same kid as the first game? Don't you maneuver between your dad and mom fucking when you're shrunk down or was that another kids parents?
you're still the new kid but honestly its so choppy it might as well be a brand new new kid
haven't played the game, but I heard playing as a black character makes the game easier because you earn more money by mugging enemies
No, that is just a joke that Cartman makes during character creations. Everything about your character can be during the game. Mr.Mackey can change your gender, PC Principle can change your ethnicity, Cartman can change your class, ext. None of these things change the story at all. It just changes the random comments characters make when you walk around.
Will say the pirated copy has not had any of the issues that the denovo version has and I'm at the point where you get your 4th class. Taking photos was a good way to note in game where you have to go back to once you get later abilities but there is no way to clear photos or organize them to make it easy to find. New combat is more fun then the last game but still no challenge even with it at hardest setting. Even with all the options for your character's abilities there isn't much of a point since there is no challenge in combat. In the end this game has all the same downfalls of the first game with all the bad writing of the current show. A bloated collect-a-thon worth a pirated play-though for a few chuckles.
Side note does it seem like this game has a much larger focus on putting stuff in your characters butt then last game? Not like hahaha look at Randy getting anally probed but look what useful shit your character can do when things are put/sucked back into your butt.
That game is very inferior to the first !
I am very disapointed to in it :/
All this wait for a game which seems half-made , and already in the cartoon I couldn't stand that lame shite with Cartman talking with his hand ! And it it part of the whole story !
I am glad that I didn't buy the season pass
Ok, just finished and god damnit why couldn't the entire game be like everything that happens once you go to the genetics lab and after. That whole thing was actually fun.
Haven't been excited at all about Fractured Butthole. I like South Park. The first game was charming but kind of shallow. Might get this on sale if it's under $20
Really? Interesting.
I haven't watched the ending but the moment he showed up in the plot I knew I wouldn't be satisfied.
People get the joke but it's still bullshit to lock parts of the game behind certain character customization options like race. That's the kind of shit I'd expect Dragon Age games to do now.
The difficulty of the game is actually a selectable menu in the first fight. Your skin color has nothing to do with the actual difficulty of the game.
This. The 1st and 2nd night missions are okay.
>have to be black to get Morgan Freeman's pick artifact
>Morgan Freeman won't fight back if you're black
If it was just a comment for a fake difficulty setting, and you'll still get the platinum trophy for playing in Mastermind regardless of race, then it's just a joke. But the game is practically forcing you to be black for that. I'm guessing they did that so the players won't miss the unique interactions in the game, which makes it a social commentary, not a joke.
No man, if they forced you to be white just to not have content locked, SJWs would have had an aneurism
But doing it like this is being racist, regardless of your agenda
Ironic, their anti-racist comment has left them looking like racists, that's what they get for trying to be cheeky and get diversity points
You're not looking any less like a redditor with that response
That game is very inferior to the first !
I am very disapointed to in it :/
All this wait for a game which seems half-made , and already in the cartoon I couldn't stand that lame shite with Cartman talking with his hand ! And it it part of the whole story !
I am glad that I didn't buy the season pass>>13639541
I felt the same, every Cartman puppets hand ruin everything
I'm 25. I don't find it funny at all. I played the game with my niece yesterday. She chuckled at first but then didn't find it funny the next 80 times either. A fucking child.
What were they thinking? What kind of people are they targeting with this?
Why is this game such a boring, repetitive mess?
The ending felt more like the old South Park before it became a megaphone for two aging men trying to make fart joke & forced political satire classy so their kids wouldn't be embarrassed.
Since Cartman is not the center of attention he must ruin everyone's fun, things get way out of hand, people die, mayhem ensues, the town is nearly destroyed, and in the end everyone moves on like as if none of the terrible things happened. No forced political shit, just trying to survive a situation that got very out of hand. Ya, it is not original but it looks good when compared to the complete shit that was the game up to that point.
Only two points earlier in the game gave me a chuckle, first cousin Kyle encounter, and Doctor Timmy.
Thank god the game farts, vomits, shit, and queefs money/resources at such an insane rate they are never a factor. Also how does this article know that? Did they test to see if drops change? Or did they compare a boss drop to a random encounter? There were claims that the skin slider changes difficulty but nothing changes.
we have come full circle
But its not a "difficultly setting" you dumb nigger, its only cosmetic. A unfunny throw away gag from another anti-white liberal Jew.
You have to go back, goon
Then that's even less reason to get upset over it.
No matter what you choose you're treated with kid gloves and like you're a victim of oppression (even when you're not) because that's how EVERYONE who harps on this gendershit, from SJW to Holla Forumsack behaves. They want soooo badly to be in the victimised camp so they can justify being their inherent cuntyness.
I don't know why someone would ever buy a game.
'member ?
thats like mid 90's mate…
and 'member when ?
south park shill please leave.
Damn I would love to shit on your grandma, faggot
'member when people had an adequate grasp of english grammar?
lol the landwhale was killed by her own weight
really i didn't think the game was BAD it was just disappointing. the first game was more charming and much funnier.
I said it locks parts of the game behind being black, not that it makes the game difficulty change.
Yes it is, it affects how much money you get in the game and the loot drops, you kike.
sauce: game
This is inconsequential but
>added interaction: parents are also in prison when you visit the police station to rescue Classi
That's not true, or their shitty programmers fucked up and they're going to patch it.
And here I thought someone made a doujin of the goth chick. I would've fapped to that. Thanks, though.
I, too, fucking hated the game. Decided to play SoT to see how different they were, it literally takes twice the amount of time to traverse the town in Fractured than it does in Stick. EVERYTHING takes at least twice the amount of time to do, even using the fucking metroidvania skills. SoT, need to use a skill? Equip it, use it and that's it. Takes less than ten seconds, and that's with me fumbling with just slapping LB/RB to quick swap between the ability. Need to do something in Fractured? Need to highlight the item you want to use your skill on, select the right partner, wait for a cutscene of the partner appearing, do a QTE, wait for the cutscene of them doing what you want them to do, wait for the cutscene of them leaving. Every. Single. Time. And there's easily more than three times the amount of unlocking shit as there were in SoT. Or how about you being able to kill over half the enemies in the game using the environment? Completely gone in Fractured, hope you enjoy the long slog of waiting multiple turns of maneuvering your melee characters in combat. It felt like the game was designed around wasting your time after SoT was shit on for being short.
Just finished the game and it was okay, not more and not less. What i didn't like was the lack of side-quests compared to the first game. Also no fun stuff like a Jew-class or anything like that. It was like they lost the plot from the last game and now took themselves too seriously, even though the last game took the piss out of RPG-games.
It was made by an entirely different team, right?
What's funny is is that the mp4 that faggot posted was honest to god one of the top cat posts on plebbit a day or two ago. Source, I'm also a faggot who is subbed to about 1 million different cat subs.
and 'member when ?>>13656381
sorry (not sorry) bad use of my understanding of "modal preterit" in enlgish ?
I wish I were right !
I wasn't sure !
sorry (not sorry) bad use of my understanding of "modal preterit" in enlgish ?
I wish I were right !
I wasn't sure !
Thanks for having corrected me , I learnt english by surfing the internet
Last season was such a fucking mess
Yes, but you would think a decent team looks at what was good and working and develop that further.
go back to sleep grandpa.
i hate that we have to use made up gender labels. fuck this gay earth. this is all a dream right user?
He thinks you're asking for the source of what I wrote and not the image I posted. The image is a one off image, not part of a dojinshi about the goth chick.
I'm not seeing what the issue is here? Is it just because she's a woman, or am I missing some sjw shit in the article? It looks like she's just talking about gallows humor to lighten dark situations.
I've heard 6 year olds being funnier than this game tbh. The only time i laughed was when Cartman pulled out that big needle from Pulp Fiction to wake up Craig.
She's doing a panel on humor in games with Zoe Quinn on the panel. Kind of a weak connection to innate badness, that image needs to have more and/or worse shit on it to sell what it's trying to do. I don't think anyone cares enough to search for it, though.
To be fair she didn't pick the style of humor South Park's been like that since its inception.
Look at who here co-panelists are.
For me, the issue is "narrative designer". It's one of those "do nothing, grab paycheck" - positions.
kind of ? you mean totally
A lot of the naysayers in this thread are people who never got into South Park, or stopped watching it when it wasn't the cool kid thing to do anymore. They forget that this game is not for them. It was made for fans.
It's every bit as good as Stick of Truth, with a deeper, tactical battle system. If you are a fan of the series you will fully appreciate it; if you're not a fan of the series, you won't enjoy it as much.
Eh, shut up you fucking shill.
Stop this user.
Princess Kenny is perfecto.
Not really. Being on a panel with someone doesn't mean you support them. If it did then every debate would be impossible to have because everyone would instantly agree with one another.
that's what i said:
Oh shit, I misread what you wrote. My bad.
This thread is pretty fucking gay. I have to assume that OP is a faggot for creating it.
Absolutely wrong. I was a big fan of South Park up until a year ago. I wanted this game to be good, to make up for the last cluster-fuck of a season that was put out. I defended them against those "wasn't a cool kids thing" people too, mainly because I grew up watching it. It isn't a good game, not at all. SoT was funny, and felt like a really long SP episode, this is just pure crap, cash grab with social commentary.
Mysterion is my favorite SP gag/character, and I still hated this game
Nice bait, everything was going okay up until after Captain Chaos then it kind of just goes all over the place from there. And everything you can get except costumes and artifacts is worthless vendor trash and the titles do ????? since I didn't see anything tangible outside achievement whoring I stopped hunting for it. Also the unskippable cut scenes in battle sequences are awful and slows everything down.
It breaks down pretty quickly when making fun of the Left, outside deliberately calling yourself a straight hetero male and causing hicks to attack you it breaks down into pro-BLM with virtually no jabs against black people, and "Trump is Mitch Conner" symbolism. Note that even with all the Jew dick sucking the Jews are still mocked left and right throughout the show, and you can even beat the shit out of Kyle's mom with Jew music to add to the touch of the fight but Niggers? Closest thing to that is the pimp fight.
Eh, they were kinda mocking the whole "The police are racists who is just targeting niggers"-meme with them locking up and feeding niggers to an elder god who's name is "Shove Niggers at".
kyle's mom is a meme, since the 1st season. she is the ultimate PTA. of course you would fight her.
south park isn t about free joke. there is always a meaning behind it. why would you punch nigger ? this aint Holla Forums: the animated series's video game
aside from a few episode "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson" or "world war zimmerman" they mostly packed niggers with hispanic and other immigrants.
Jews behave like a race independant and close. that's why jew are targeted specificaly and nigger aren't .
even during the episode when token get in love with Nicole thanks to cartman … they still wasn't targeting nigger specifically with "because black belong together" but kyle mention that it happend also to the hispanic (that cartman and cupidme) put together.
south park was never about bashing nigger specifically even if that's what you want it to be.
token is a side character, Kyle is a main character, of course you will have much more jokes about jews than black.
I wonder when South Park started to becoming bad :
- When they stop to Kill Kenny to each episode ?
- When they stop to say : "I think I learnt something today"
- When they started to focuse on "trending social news" ?
Or something else ?
But the game reflet the actual show !
I agree I was hyped until Professor Chaos fall, it stay somehow rather good with the cops, but when the Cartman's puppet show take the whole story game it sucked more and more at each second passing
They're white trash you fucking dipshit.
that my fcuking point your moron
he is still white , stan isn't the black dude who have his dad into music.
I am a dense motherfucker god damn it.
>people taking the kenny is a trap JOKE JOKE IS THE FUCKING KEYWORD and turning it into anime owo what's this shit
Kenny is pure, you fucking degenerates.
Most of this game was just fart jokes, and I'm confused on how you got "I want South park to exclusively bash niggers" from "South Park will rip into Jews but this game didn't do that much for Nigger jokes compared to the Jew jokes".
There actually isn't many Jew jabs outside Kyle's side quests and kite=kike puns the Eldar God is a night mission putting it on the "main quest" line. Absolutely no sensible connection is made between anything either past Captain Chaos, then when it does seem to be making sense "suddenly time travel to make the Mitch Conner is Trump symbolism" and "wait how the fuck did Cartmen even know about the time travel before it even happened".
Reminder that Battle Network 4 sold better than Battle Network 3, despite being hands down the worst entry in the series, and immediately following the best one.
I pirated it and had fun playing it.
Nothing stands in the way of my girl fetish, nerd.
Wow, this game sounds based
Found the shitskin.
Honestly FbW is way better than the last three seasons of South Park.
i guess you did
holy shit how?
That kinda redeems all the Ubibloat this game had.
I want the next game to be all weeb bullshit like in that episode where Butters got a ninja star stuck on his eye. But this time get Ubisoft as far away from it as humanly possible.
not surprised 8/v/ is buttblasted about a game in which you get SJW certificate and bash the fash for microaggresions
Im a few hours in and honestly I dont see the point in continuing this pile of crap. It has Ubisoft written all over it and to make it worse it has DLC (and fucking story dlc). It was only a matter of time before the creatores showed their true inner kikes.
PC Principle is introduced punching the lights out of some guy for saying something innocuous then turns around and beats the fuck out of his friend whom he was "defending" earlier. You get free punches in for pretty much any insult no matter how absurd the idea it's exclusive to one group. The problem is that the game doesn't take this absurdity and play it up for all it's worth in every facet of the game, this includes the time travel instead of the fake padding, the game's story length should've been doubled with Mitch Conner's final boss fight and scenes being the real climax then all the crazy shit like the Lovecraft cult being the second half of the story as Cartmen's shenanigans leads to one giant clusterfuck.
But no. That's not how it plays out.
The last act of the game is okay, but yeah probably isn't worth it.
Anyone else feel like you've played this before? It's exactly like every other ubisoft game
i liked wendy in this game, she made me laugh, even with her memey shit, and referencing 4chan by name
I actually agree. The delivery was't cringy or preachy unlike a lot of the other shit in this game, even if the lines themselves were.
Wasted $100 on the gold box version. Game is trash.
Pirated stick of truth and loved it. They got me this time.
im not done with the game yet, but im pretty sure im close to the end, and idk, nothing has really made me CRINGE yet. i just haven't found it as funny as the first game, ive only actually laughed a couple times through the game.
Is that all the creativity you have?
I want to like Wendy but she felt like such a blank character.
All she does is show up to save your ass, then joins your party as the "I can do everything" teammate that actually takes things seriously while everyone else is dawdling.
Too half-baked to be a mary sue, but with no quirks or flaws to put her on the same level as the boys.
wendy is super good in the game.
idk, he 'flaw' is that she is the feminist SJW stand in and you aren't supposed to like her because of that
I had a great time playing it, but I'm not as jaded as most people on 8ch
Is it true if you play as a black character the game difficulty is raised? Also lol at Trey raising his own miniature Don Lemon.
no, its a joke you faggots.
you pick later the 'combat difficulty'
Cops will attack you earlier in the game if you are black. You get an item from Morgan Freeman for being black. I heard there is a difference in the money you earn but I haven't paid close attention to that.
Also, you have to be black all of a game with Mastermind difficulty on to get one of the acievements if you are a completionist.