ITT epic western vidya soundtrack
Western vidya usually doesn't have good soundtrack, but sometimes it hits.
Total War series consistently has great tracks for now, but Rome 1 is still the most memorable.
ITT epic western vidya soundtrack
Western vidya usually doesn't have good soundtrack, but sometimes it hits.
Total War series consistently has great tracks for now, but Rome 1 is still the most memorable.
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh, a soundtrack thre-
I got nothing
eh, it's been long enough for that oneto not be as painful to read as it once was
Shit brings powerful emotion, it's epic to my ears.
Postan a few.
RTS has GRAT music.
The remixes in the next two games (Pheonix Rising & Brothers of Blood) are also good but I like this one the best.
I didn't really like Skyrim but this track made exploring the world at night feel very atmospheric.
Definitely. AoM in particular doesn't have a track that I dislike.
Shit game but really great soundtrack.
Shit Activision hits gold with this track, somehow.
Yeah World at War's OST is fucking great, wasn't expecting anything like it when I first played it.
WaW is one of those CoD games I actually have in my HDD.
Witcher 1 was even better.
Oh what the heck, King's Bounty games have some damn neat tracks in them.
this is your brain on weebs
seriously not even japan think their OST's are better, when Ruiner came out over there they were raving about superior western sound design.
Get this tasteless normlafag outta here
That's just you and your shitty taste playing jRPGs all your life.
Slavs are europeans, thus western.
Anyway, to continue.
Take your shit taste out of here.
Anything from Jerry Martin.
Best halal ever.
They're fucking up the new one, but what else would they do?
I know the Halo games already get their dick sucked for their music by normalfags, but Halo 2 and Halo ODST legimately have some of the best soundtracks of western vidya,I'd argue ODST of video games as a whole
If you've ever dismissed the series due to being dudebro garbage, give these tracks a chance. Though it bears keeping in mind that due to the way Halo's dynamic music works, each of these are actually 2-4 tracks, some of which are idle combat background music, which isn't the actual good bits.
Fuck up the secon-
Perhaps one of my favorite soundtracks.
Maybe I'm being jaded, but I think this series only went downhill afterwards.
Game went to shit, but the composer didn't.
I always feel like the best tracks are the ones that work both as an accompanying bgm and as standalone songs.
Honestly, I'd be posting plenty of both if OP wasn't specific about it. It's piss poor etiquette not posting music in an OST thread regardless, this is assuming you aren't just samefagging to derail the thread.
On topic:
Deus ex has an amazing sound track.
Dont forget
Compared to what, the clown music in japshit?
The GTA main themes have always done a good job of setting the tone for their respective games. I've never played 5.
Wrong. The only TW games that have a good soundtrack are the ones where Jeff Van Dyke was the composer, the rest of them have a generic, bland, boring soundtrack
If that were true you would have posted a track from one.
I'm on my phone
What did he mean by this?
My nigger
Weebcuck try playing more games.
It does kind of boring seeing the same zipperhead music posted over and over again though.
And if we're counting eastern euro shit as western.
It was a toss up between this and the PS2 port's version. I prefer the mixing in this one.
Long ago there was a time when EA's mark on the cover was actually a hallmark of quality. I played both this and 688 Attack Sub to death.
while we're on genesis
They are the best at game music. Doesn't mean there isn't a lot of good Western music, but when you stack them against each other Japan wins. The world does not conviniently work so that everything Western is the best.
This one's complicated since it was technically published in the US by a Japanese company despite being an American IP and being developed by dingoes. I guess the Shadowrun IP has always been a quagmire…
NWN is bretty cool
Also HoI 2. Gets your blood stahl pumping..
Seriously though this games entire soundtrack is a 10/10. There isn't a bad one in the entire game.
That is false. They all sucked after Medieval 2.
I know this is going to be heresy to some since most of you are fans of Tribes, but I always felt this game was the best of the entire franchise even if it never took off as a mech franchise.
The soundtrack to this middling descent clone had no right to be this good. But it was, and that's mostly why I remember it fondly. Well… that and the many hours I put into its multiplayer.
Stealth games always have amazing music.
It was done by jeremy soule who does the elder scrolls music. King of comfy.
He also did the Total Annihilation soundtrack.
He also did the Dungeon Siege soundtrack as well. It's main theme (>>13614788) would fit right into Morrowind's soundtrack.
Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
I love the ww2 movie/game music of this era
not video games, but have to post it anyway for being so iconic
How are the later Total Wars in terms of music? I heard Jeff van Dyck isn't on that.
aside from Shogun 2, which he worked on, they're all fairly boring soundtracks
I can't listen to TES music anymore because I get PTSD specifically MW onward.
1st Hitman
Europa Barbarorum has some of the best music of any mod.
It pains me I can't get the OST working when emulating this game.
Attila has damn good OST though.
Maybe if you have shit taste in vidya
Weebuck detected
The "weebshit" and "western shit" cancer seems to be proportional to the cuckchan that floods here.
Total Warhammer also has great OST.
Dunno if how many of it is licensed music tho.
I mean, you aren't proving him wrong. for every 1 western game with a decent OST there's about 40 Japanese ones. No reason to suck the jew cock so hard, western man.
The western man can beat the japs in epic battle music, but the japs have the most comfy/relaxing music.
not really, like I said, 40 for every 1.
ITT: Asshurt Weebs
Heroes IV, shit game but very noice music.
Bumping with some Earthworm Jim 2. This game had great ideas and used both the SNES and Genesis Soundchips quite well
Were you in the Retro FPS thread? I was about to post this.
Too bad most people don't know about this game, is literally the darks souls of RPGs
If I recall correctly the game attempts to pull music from the disk during gameplay so you might need to have an iso of the game disk mounted for it to work. I remember a copy of the game that I got off some abandonware site long ago had working music.
The rampant falseflagging doesn't help the situation either.
Nostalgia chills
How can any ear listen to this and not think it's great?
It just sounds like generic orchestra music to me. It reminds me a ton of the Pirates of the Caribbean theme, although the sound quality isn't as good. Probably because Disney had a real orchestra do it.
Does embedding soundcloud playlists work?
Yeah the difference is that 1942 came out in 2002 and had a quarter inch of a budget as that shitty movie
What I'm getting at is both sound generic with the sound quality being the biggest deviation between the two.
At least they're catchy and its quality stuff in a time before Zimmer helped fucked it all up.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Soundtracks just don't get more epic than Mechwarrior 2.
The Spice must flow!
I'm very fond of this game. It has many cool mods and the game itself is fantastic by default.
No, does this?
Same composer, actually.
confirmed for being underage
No one is falling for it, /leftyfag/.
Not "epic" but good nonetheless
Straight from the store page
Don't die
Soule is top tier.
Black Ops 2 (Jack Wall)
Black Ops 3 (Jack Wall)
The 54 Immortals
Into the Q Zone
Forza Motorsport 6 (Kaveh Cohen and Michael Nielsen)
Main Theme
The Grid
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Main Theme
did someone say epic western soundtracks?
While it's a Sega game, it was made in Europe. Probably more enjoyable if you're a Sonic R fan.
The Saturn/PS1 versions were better.
More MSR
Best loading screen experience ever.
Nice trips, but that's not Minsk.
Are those both the same?
Also, what's the best version of the first game?
This game had so much poured into it. Later games feel so shallow.
Hey, MSR guy, you missed my favorite.
WaW is amazing in how dark it is while not being super edgy. The entire game is just brutal in how it depicts combat and depressing.
Sorry, but I don't really like the rock tracks in MSR. They just sound really limp, like it's rock music composed by an executive and not a musician.
Jacques should stick to what he does best, europop and techno.
WaW just fucking exudes style somehow activision hit this one out of the park
Weebs need to die tbh
Oh fuck, i remember playing these all the time. Great fucking game. That antigravity car from the DLC was my jam.
Holy shit that took me on a feels trip. I still got all four of the fucking disks thanks for reminding me user.
That was a pretty good game and great soundtrack
You could post just about every single track in that game in this thread, also, contributing
Amiga games had tons of epic music.
That particular song inspired Duke Nukem 2's second level song. Bobby Prince, you thief
still have my copy as well
I opened this thread just to check if someone has posted this.
Posting Jeremy Soule in a good western music thread is like posting Hans Zimmer in a film thread: you're playing in super easy mode.
Until he made "Sons of Skyrim" I was sure his best piece was Icewind Dale's main theme. It's less than two minutes long but every single time I started a session I waited for the theme to stop before loading my game.
I still get chills when hearing Stones in Ultima 7. I know the song has been remade a million times but the way it sounds in that game is really heartbreaking.
Marketplace & Chamber Music were also very good.
I'm playing Serpent Isle in my old laptop, I know purists hate Exult but the improvements over the interface makes it worthit. The fact you can cure Cantra and recruit Gwenno are fine additions.
More or less yes. The PS1 port was oddly PAL only while the Saturn version was released in North America.
Genesis, or if you want arranged music and extra levels but with some load times, Sega CD. Just stay away from the SNES version.
Yeah, they've got some of the best tunes but to pretend that the music is what's special about their games is disingenuous. 90% of the time it's the same generic seasonal anime trash style.
most japanese soundtracks are inspired by yellow magic orchestra who invented the chiptune audio aesthetic earlier games were most famous for.
western stuff largely didn't have music outside of a few jingles or was inspired by distinctly not electronic artists. You should know this or else you don't know shit about video games.
god I loved the sound track in this game
The nigga who posted that one song from New Vegas gets props though.
I miss when 90% of games weren't shit
The MoH series early on had god tier soundtracks. Underground is my favorite vidya ost of all time.
A good game, then.
Honestly whenever I think of "epic" music in Western games, I just think of generic MCU-sounding shit like what they've got in Injustice. I wanna hear more stuff like this , why are so many Western soundtracks nowadays so goddamned lazy?
You shut your whore mouth while Clint Eastwood plays the rootin-ist shootin-ist game ever made.
Haha, look at me, guys, I'm a weeb.
Good taste.
I'd post a lot of SimCity 3000 or 4 songs, but I'll post a tribute to Ensemble Studios.
I loved this song, always hit me right in the feels. Kinda wish I had more music like this but I don't know anything about country.
Amon Tobin is god tier. Brazil's greatest gift.
I think Oblivion's soundtrack is Soule's finest work. A lot of people call him overrated, and I guess that you could be right but to call him bad is just a lie. Always loved Oblivion, the music in the game was so thematic and walking through the world with is was a very calming experience.
Kai Rosenkranz is probably one of my favorite composers in gaming. He is extremely underrated. New World (11:47) is beautiful.
western from east
Brood War is has some pretty epic themes that are really nice to listen to on loop. Early gen RTS games in general tend to have good osts.
Cause western games want to be movies now so they use movie or ambient music. Doesn't help that vidya game development is a dumping ground for Pedowood rejects.
my absolute niggas
this b8 is amazing, someone bites it every time.
All TV anime is seasonal, and there is no TV anime style of music (not to mention that all in all TV anime has probably the best soundtrack music in the world). Nor do most Japanese game have "the same cheesy string synth + electric guitar soundtrack."
For the life of me I cannot understand where people come up with this shit. Every day it's something new.
Let's fix that.
oh for fuck sake
Holy fuck I played a ton of RTW and I've never heard this
This is fucking great
I would actually buy nuTW games if Jeff van Dyck was still making the soundtracks
Most western games have good music as evidenced by this thread. You'd have a much smaller, emptier thread if you asked for bad music in western games.
Weebs: 0
People with taste: 1
like clockwork
Japanese games still have better music.
DOW II Imperial Creed, God I wish DOW III didn't turn into a moba, relic rehired Doyle W. Donehoo do the OST and DOW III Should have been Graphics and gameplay mechanics of DOW II with DOW I Base Building
I wish Stubbs won DOW Soulstorm, He is an amazing Guardsmen. Sad to see relic fucked his shit up
All the main faction themes from the original dow are great too. Particularly the IG one though.
Here's an another soundtrack. Shove it up your ass
Waldetoft's scores are always one of the highlights of even paradox's worst games
HoI3 has some stunning pieces that I really didn't expect from a strategic wargame
Postan a few.