Spyro thread

Is the first and third game worth playing? I only played the second game on my childhood.

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/6o5ygfc05177j1g/Spyro Soundfont Collection v.1.0.zip

Comfy times ahead anons.

all three are great but you're a fucking casual for playing Ripto's Rage before the first one.

First game is real barebones compared to the others. I think the third had the most content by far, but I've never played the 2nd one much.

Fuck man, I loved spyro. Hasn't aged very well but I would say yes they're worth playing. The third game is much more fleshed out with game mechanics even minigames and shit and is still pretty fun. By all means play the first game but don't expect too much from it.

2 and 3 are about equally good. 1 is good too though.

The first one is kinda difficult compared to the rest.
Three has the same issue as sly 3 of having different playable characters and fucking around too much with minigames.

They're both very good and worth playing in spite of those.

You know what Spyro is? Soup is basically Sonic, in fact he was handled almost exactly like Sonic in terms of marketing and story going to shit, the difference was that Sonic was so entrenched in pop culture that he couldn't possibly die. Spyro did.

That said… Season of Flame and Season of Ice were, well, pretty inoffensive games for Spyro as far as I'm concerned. They don't hold a candle to any of the original home console versions, but as far as GBA ports go, an isometric platforming puzzle game is a nice little distraction.


You mean you didn't think the god of war clone with the ugly waifubait dragon wasn't a goatyay?

Spyro was abandoned and sold to jews who turned him into a mutilated toy, of course he died.

You know, it might have been, but it just wasn't broken enough for me. If it was born retarded like Sonic 06's gameplay, or it had something like Boom's Knuckle Jump exploit, then yeah, total GOTY.

It's not even that, it's that they really didn't know what to do with Spyro. He's a light-hearted character that should've been kept simple and for kids, but you could see that later on, they were trying to reconcile that with a more serious storyline for an aging audience.

That's basically why I consider the first really successful Spyro sequel after 3 to be Uncharted 1. You can see Naughty Dog incorporating that "3d fighter/puzzle/platformer adventure gameplay that was just taking Spyro's gameplay to its logical conclusion.

Is this bait?

I kinda want to play some of the shitty ones, and not even the best version versions either. I've got an R4 Chip and all the NDS roms, how do I make this something entertaining for Holla Forums to enjoy?

Etc. Etc.

I got laid my first time playing Spyro. I'd been hanging out with this decently hot chick for a while and normally we played vidya all the time.

For some reason shortly after loading up Spyro she jumped me. Weird way to lose your virginity in a dark room with a purple dragon staring over you while you fuck.

All three games are good for different reasons.

1 is the most focused with the most focus on actual platforming.

2 changes the formula quite a bit with missions and tons of minigames. It's not as simple and not as focused, but what it does it does well.

3 kind of brings back some elements of the first game but is still very much like the second. It's also longer and has a lot more content. It has alt characters for certain levels that actually play as more than minigames, and I like them, but your mileage may vary.

All three are must plays. Personally I'd say 2 is my least favorite, but it's a very close race.

But by being bare bones it can focus on doing what it does in the best way possible. 1 derives much more of its fun from skillful charging and gliding and exploring, which is the premise of the gameplay. Future games had much less of this and were much more about a series of minigames. 2 and 3 are much more Banjo Kazooie style collectathons with much less actual platforming than the first game.

This guy's a fag. Spyro and Crash have aged incredibly well. They make every other PS1 and N64 game look like shit by comparison.

Ratchet & Clank is very much akin to Spyro, especially in the first game where you have much more focus on platforming, which decreases in importance as that series goes on. You glide around like Spyro, in worlds very much like Spyro's, but you control more like Agent 9, who was clearly a practice run for Ratchet.

If you liked 2 play 3, 1 is simple and unless your idea of fun is climbing to the top of a level and gliding to the bottom to reach a previously unreachable part of the level don't play it.

He said in his childhood, and it's not unexpected that they would have limited resources to obtain all three games. I spent every penny I had on each release, I'm lucky I was able to do so.

You're a faggot whose idea is fun is minigames and collecting shit with no challenge. At least you get to avoid anything close to platforming, though!

You're probably just butthurt because you couldn't beat Tree Tops.

I didn't enjoy the minigames either, spyro is just all around shit.

You are right about Tree Tops though but I want to see you defend that shitshow of a level.

Tree Tops is neat on paper. It's a giant supercharge ramp puzzle that tests your mastery on map awareness. In practice for a game aimed at a young audience though, it's soul crushing. Fuck you Jed

The minigames are okay but the best part is the actual movement action. Spyro is fun to control.

Tree Tops is awesome because it's one of the levels that challenges you the most. It uses the mechanics of the game to their fullest extent, combining charges, jumps, and glides to a neat free form series of tracks. Get good.

I could beat Tree Tops when I was nine. It's hard for this game but there are a couple other things in the game that are nearly as hard. (A few levels in world 5 in particular) but overall the game is still pretty easy.

Back then, little kids weren't expected to actually beat the games. They play games that are hard enough for everyone, and if they suck, they can't win. But they practice until they do, so the game gives you more fun overall. Now it's just every game is easy enough for everyone to beat so that you get bored after you beat it and move on to the next game, or spend money on their microtransactions in the tacked on multiplayer mode.

I played through all 3 recently and I have to say I didn't bother with tree tops, I was 100%ing all the levels up until that point then stopped and just beat the game.

Same thing happened to me in Spyro 3 except it was a gem that rolled off a cliff rendering 100%ing the game impossible.

Didn't have any issues with 2 except the start of the game is dull as shit, fuck moneybags selling you the ability to swim.

Pretty sure if that happens the gem just comes back to you automatically, like it will be attracted to you from further. If it didn't, through some glitch or something, I'm pretty certain it would respawn if you reloaded that level or that section of the level.

Or maybe you just thought you lost a gem like that, but actually it was still hidden somewhere in the level and you didn't notice. If you beat one of the Sparx levels you can do a move to make him point to the nearest gem. Makes missing gems like that very difficult. Though when I first got the game (and I was 9) there was a part where I thought I got stuck due to a glitch. Actually I was just dumb and didn't realize I could break a certain wall at the end of Sheila's section of Spooky Swamp.

3 and 2 were quite fun. Sadly I haven't really played the first one. Back then, I had a friend who had spyro 1, but I never realised to take advantage of the fact.Same thing with original crash trilogy. played the second and third game, but never had oppurtinity to play the first.

Comparing Spyro 1 with 2 is like comparing Mario 1 with 3. It may be a "classic", but it's clearly less polished and less fun.

Original Crash is hard as fuck and relatively barebones, but like with Spyro, this means that while it only does the basics, it does them the best. I really didn't appreciate just how tight the level design was until getting the relics in the remake though. It plays a lot more like an old school platformer like Ninja Gaiden or something, where it's largely about rhythm and speed. The sequels, especially 2, don't do that as much. But you can argue you like that style better.

Well I mention the difficulty but I don't think it's a huge factor in Spyro because all three are very easy.

It comes down to the level design. The level design is the best because it's the entire focus, unlike in the sequels, which are focused largely on minigames. Not to say 2 and 3 aren't still mostly regular levels, but they don't really have as much platforming. I just like that the first one has more platforming focus. The platforming is more polished because it's the entire focus.

I also like the more abstract worlds. They look great. But that's not to say the sequels don't look nice too. They just go for a different style. 3's graphics are arguably the most impressive graphics on PS1.

How bad is Legend of Spyro?

Imma play the NDS version for shits and giggles and tell you all.

The charge ramps constantly fuck with me. It's hard to gauge the distance that you're supposed to cover with a jump. You don't even know if you're going to go as far as possible either.

Speaking from home consoles. Watch all the cutscenes on Youtube. It's better use of your time unless you want to play DotD. DotD is fun for all the wrong reasons, and to have that kind of fun you need to be playing with a friend. The first two are mindless button mashing on beeline levels.

NDS is especially bad, but I don't know how much so. Probably just mediocre.

It happens when you shoot using a turret on the ice levels and hit a gem box, reloading doesn't bring it back.

Painfully average PS2 title. It has a lot of potential to be a deepest lore kinda game. Good enough presentation and music to do it. But the gameplay is slightly below average and the physics are not designed for the platforms it was making you hop around on.

Legend of Spyro Eternal Night for the GBA was really good though. Better music, level design, 8/10 gameplay, and fixes a plot hole in the second game and kinda spoils the twist to the 3rd game while deeping the lore just a tad. I'd say its better than the whole LoS trilogy unironically.

Spyro 1 is the worst of the trilogy, but still a damn fine game. As can reasonably be expected of the first game in a series, it's a bit unpolished in places and lacks some of the features that the sequels have. It's also the most difficult of the three to get 100% completion in due to the gems being hidden in less obvious places and more out of the way locations.

Spyro 2 is the best of the three. It took what the first game did well and improved on it in every way. In addition to being more polished, the game also oozes personality in ways the first game didn't. There are more recurring characters and minor NPCs to interact with and Ripto makes an entertaining villain. I also feel the worlds were better thematically.

Spyro 3 is similar to 2 in many ways, but with a few things added on. There are additional characters that have their own levels and playstyles. It adds more variety, but it's a mixed bag in quality. Free flying with Sergeant Byrd is a lot more fun than trying to deal with the wonky first person controls some of the Agent 9 levels and the Sparx levels are pretty annoying. Level themes and design are roughly on par with Spyro 2, though there are a few in particular that shine and a few others that don't quite measure up.

All three are worth playing, just know going in that the 2nd game is the best of the lot. Also dumping a few images, just because these are beautiful and Spyro threads are always a good excuse to.

It's a tale of biting off more than it can chew, most of the classic fandom warm up to it.

The glass jar in that last pic is drawn so terribly.

Just felt hollow really.

Is Spyro for sex?


Is Spyro for cuddling? In the romantic sense, that is.

1) All-around great collectathon
2) Mediocre collectathon with way too many shitty minigames that aren't fun
3) Collectathon largely replaced with un-fun minigame fuckfest


I just bump this, If you don't mind


2 is the worst honestly. Has great characters and stuff but the gameplay has to many segments with horribly fucking tedious areas. Still not bad.

Null Spyro would be cute tho

Horribly underrated vidya girl coming through

Girls are weird tho

Well, he kinda would be if he had a proper cloaca.

That'd be neat :3

I don't think there exists a platformer with more aesthetic level design than the Spyro trilogy. The layouts are just so tight and economical. Its also neat that most of them are in a circuit.

Hopefully they put out another update in a month or two.

I really want to show some gratitude that this exists but I REALLY don't like this level design. Not a good use of space at all.

Im replaying 2 and the biggest problem by far is the forced backtracking to get 1 orb in a level because you havent unlocked climbing

In the first level you can get the orb without it.


This. One of the things that was interesting in some of the old Spyro making-of videos was seeing sketches in action of level plans, which if look in the maps of Ripto's Rage show off how brilliantly compact the levels were. I personally loved seeing stuff like building being used as platforms later on in levels, and if you think that sounds trivial, go play Colossus and hop around a bit with the spring powerup, then go play Enter the Dragonfly and see how many of the dojo rooftops you can jump on. Spyro knew how to use vertical access to give an impression of scale to the player, and seeing so many steep walls in the homeworld for the demo is kind of off-putting.
I really really want to find the people who worked on this and volunteer to help somehow.

god i want to eat spyros cum straight outta his dicc

Me too bud. it'd be much easier to clone his old games that way and get new titles.

It has a killer soundtrack tho

actually you can complete the game without ever learning climb using the glitch. In fact the only area you can't reach is the chef minigame in Turtle Beach. Admittedly though I was just shitposting since obviously they wanted you to backtrack and I suppose its kind of a nuisance but navigating between the hub worlds is pretty simple and we all probably had a less cynical attitude about it as kids anyway.

same owo

This applies to so many games that i'm going to save it

Dude, Ratchet and Clank is pretty much Spyro 4.

Dragons are cooler than a furfag with guns.

That's not the point. The point is it's made by the same team and is pretty much just the agent 9 segments of Spyro 3 with gliding.

The Agent 9 segments sucked ass though.

Once again, not the point. The discussion is about line of descent, not how good it is.

Idk why people give 2&3 so much flak for minigames, I couldn't get through 1 because it was so monotonous, but I could get through 2 and the minigames where the best part imo.

There's no discussion since it's blatant as fuck to anyone that isn't retarded.


>snarky and attractive attractive little bastard morphs into an ultra-ugly Dragon Tales recolor before settling on a slightly more lumpy form with freckles

I'd expect a dragon to explode in size once they get past puberty, unless they're dwarves.

I think the freckles are cute…

OInly really played 1. I decided to look this rabbit up. This is what I got.

Just beat 2 moved onto 3. First thing I noticed is the texture quality is way way better. And not just higher res, just better all around. There also isn't as much wide open space and the world is closed up more (less vision of the void). Makes the game 10x comfier to play.

Growing in size doesn't necessarily mean disfiguring your face in such a horrendous manner.

Freckles are nice when they're clustered in aesthetic patterns, not spread out over your body like potential melanomas.

Which is why it should be stated clearly for Holla Forums.

Uncharted is More Jak & Daxter for the generation of kids that like brownhair boys

can't get the 3rd game to work on PSP. shit triggers the anti-piracy so beating the game 100% won't happen


the 100% prize was shit anyway

Don't mine me, I just bump

What is with the rampant shit taste on this board? It's like you guys don't even play the games.

the world was just a daytime version of Midnight Mountain and the boss fight was a rehash as were all the activities. Also it really kind of marginialized the first fight because not only did the sorceress drown in hot lava, it wasn't necessary to 100% the game anyway so wtf was the main story for then? They should have recycled Gnasty Gnorc or something.

All three of the PS1 games are great. The only game in the series passed that era worth playing is Hero's Tail, and that games is just okay at best.

haha, I'm picklerick!

It also had the hardest level out of all 3 games. That fucking race. Also you can see the sorceress climb out of the lava after you beat her the first time.

that race was shit tho.

too hard?

Just replayed it. Def not as hard as I remembered. It still gave me the most resistance out of anything else in the game. Having to constantly do tricks (disables steering) while on a tightrope and being boosted 24/7 makes it pretty tough.

No, I mean as a kid it was annoyingly hard but really its just not a very interesting place.

Idk what you expected, a whole second half of a game? It already blows my mind how much stuff they managed to get into it already. Also the secret final boss is a ufo battle not even a rehash.

I thought Dragon Shores was nice. A whole new style of area with unique things to do. Gnasty's Loot is definitely the worst of the 100% prizes but at least it has dat music. Even the music in SBR is recycled and it doesn't even feel appropriate given how well the Lost Fleet music captures the theme of that particular level.

This happens every time I beat a dead game series.

I think I'm just biased to mountaintops. Also the neon pink abyss in SBR really stuck with me since usually they're more modest. I never really explored the entirety of dragon shores. I did a few of the minigames and quit just because I knew there wasn't really anything big other than the theatre which just lets you watch old cutscenes from what I heard.

Ripto's Rage also lets you use that Super Fireball powerup for 100% completion on a new file as a sort of NG+ perk as well.

right in the feels

The saddest thing is that even if they got the team together to do a spiritual successor, it'd jut be another yooka-laylee.

We are at an interesting point in history.
Both made not by the original creators but by developers who went the extra mile and made a real effort to trying to capture the spirit of the original, and both sold well. There is money to be made in revivals.

I'd honestly just get another game than a HD remake. Even RE1 HD, which brought capcom back from the brink of death, wasn't enough for them to go back to their old series.

That depends. If enough of the original talent is involved, they could probably pull it off well.

Yooka's problems seem to be a combination of the fact that the Banjo formula didn't age as well as people think, and that any of the things it managed to get right were forgotten with time. The talent came back, but the knowledge was lost, and the passion probably faded when they realized they didn't know what they were doing.

Spyro on the other hand aged very well. Despite having nearly zero control over the camera in the games, it never feels like it gets in the way (especially if you put it on active mode). This goes a long way toward making a 3D platformer enjoyable. Banjo's camera feels like a constant struggle to get it to behave in a useful manner, and the controls for it suck.

I think one thing they'd fuck up is the personality that drips from every spyro game. That and the comfy as fuck masterfully colored levels. Also spyro isn't heavily overrated like banjo is.

yooka laylee was fun tho. banjofags just had unreasonably high expectations for it

spyro is boring as fuck to control though and the resurgence in interest in platformers seems to be centered around tight controls and chaining moves into combos rather than casually exploring nice environments.

They all seem to draw their inspiration from the n64 platformers. Banjo, Conkers, Mario, Glover, etc…

I'm just saying spyro has aged poorly in termsof its gameplay elements. It even began as a vehicle for a graphical tech demo. Now the experience of being immersed in a 3d environment with long draw-distances is entirely old hat and while I would love to see a remaster I don't think the market is there.

Nostalgia is just one element of the platformer revival but there is also a trend towards more challenging and faster-paced games and Spyro cannot deliver on that front whereas Crash was something of a prime candidate. In fact I have heard that certain aspects of the N. Sane trilogy make the games more difficult than the originals. But in the case of spyro there just aren't things to ramp up to create a consistently challenging game. You might be surprised that without 100%-ing the games there are only about 20 pitfalls between them that need to be traversed. Its a collectathon in the truest sense; practically a gliding simulator.

Controls and moveset could easily be expanded for an exploration style game. Hold the look button for superflame when standing still. Cancel out of a ground smash with the charge button to start a super charge. Make gliding work like the secret level in Spyro 1. That sort of stuff.

Still wanna 100% it

That's what they thought with A New Beginning. Giving Spyro Bayonetta moves to deal with the first 3 games would be ridiculous and if anything emphasize the lack of platforming elements therein.


All dragons are sexy, so if you drop the y, they can fulfill the sex.

Platforms now have a pill hitbox, I wouldn't call that a conscious game design aspect when it is more laziness from the devs since you now slip or miss jumps that were once fairly consistent.

There are nudes of this, aren't there? If so, you can't just post these and not the rest.

What a waste of quads.

Why would you want such a disgusting looking woman?

bye spyro thread

Massively disagree. I can't think of any other platformer that has the fun of combining charging for fast movement while also being an attack, with gliding around to maximize exploration possibilities. I don't need to be inputting a bunch of commands and combos to be having a good platformer experience. I need speed and air time, with a camera that doesn't get in the way.

Thinking further on it, Speebot has some of that speed and gliding, but doesn't quite hit the same notes as Spyro. Almost though.

I wonder if spyro fans somehow relate to the eternally tiny dragonlet, eternally inferior to the other dragons and small. Do you enjoy the MKULTRA music?

Speebot is closer to Frogger: He's Back.

Spyro does have polygon warping though you dipshit. It also has things behind an object drawing infront of it to. But you're right, it's extremely impressive. I just replayed 3 and can't even fathom how they got so much content into it on 1 fucking disc.

A Hero's Tail is so shit that the devs didn't even know which button was Charge and which button was Flame. Gems also respawn and are infinite, because they're used to buy consumable items, which really kills a huge aspect of the collectathon part of the game.

I bought that game on release, giving them another chance after Enter the Dragonfly, but though I beat Enter the Dragonfly, I could never bring myself to get much further in A Hero's Tail than the first time you play as the mole character. It's like the devs never even played the older games. This is like if they did a Mario game where A is run and B is jump. Just an immediate sign that they don't give a shit.

You have the worst opinions. Dragon Shores was cool because it was your goal the entire game, and it's neat to finally get there, but the actual gameplay there is just a couple of mediocre minigames, not as good as the minigames in the rest of the game. The only one even worth playing is the roller coaster.

Spyro 3 has a way bigger world with challenges that actually use the core mechanics well. But ultimately it's a lesser version of Gnasty's Loot but with minigames.

Gnasty's Loot is fucking awesome. You've learned the mechanics, you got a taste of flight in the bonus rounds, but now you get to properly free fly, with the only limit being that you can only fly as high as you can climb, so you have to explore well and figure out how to get higher, with a few good challenges that basically amount to minigames, but with the core mechanics of the series.

Note that there is a difference between platformers, which would be things like Crash or Sonic or Mario, and collectathons, which is what Rare used to make. Spyro kind of hits a spot between those two genres. It's not as much about the control as Crash or Mario, but it's a lot more about it than Banjo is. Charging around as Spyro isn't something you'd do in most platformers, but it adds that element of action control to the collectathon and combat parts. Plus gliding gives you plenty of good opportunities for more platforming oriented things.

Spyro seems to be 12 years old in Spyro 3, so he's 10 in the first game. I never thought he was "eternally tiny." He's just a kid.


This is a half mistake, but not on your part. YotD 1.0 was actually a bit buggy and a few tracks were in the wrong places. Evening Lake used Sunrise Spring's music. Lost Fleet had the wrong track too, having SBR's. The proper song sounds like Shiela's stages with some extra instruments. So technically, SBR did not actually recycle it, but rather had it played elsewhere by accident. I agree though, when I was younger I would have never thought Lost Fleet's song would have been different, because the creepy vibes fit it well and now that I got to SBR around last year, don't see it fitting well there.
The weirdest case with the song list bugging out is probably the final battle. It uses Sunrise Spring's song as well, which makes no sense at all. This was all fixed in the Greatest Hits version.

He didn't say Spyro doesn't have polygon jitter, he just said there was less than you would typically expect, which I would say is a fair assessment. Insomniac knew about subdividing their meshes to combat the negative effects of affine texture mapping.

Their texture resolution is tiny, and I doubt the low poly models take up very much size either. The bulk of the game's data is likely the soundtrack, and for PAL regions that had multiple languages they have to sacrifice some audio quality to get them to all fit.

Speaking of bugs in Spyro 3, the minigame where you have to shoot some boats from a turret or whatever it was wouldn't spit out the egg upon completion for me. I had everything in the game except that egg. I got the disc exchanged at the store and it worked after that. I'm guessing it's not a bug in the code but was instead a faulty disc, because I've never seen that problem mentioned anywhere else online.

Idk if it's a bug, feature, or debug thing they forgot to remove. But if you have 2 controllers plugged in you can control the opponent yeti for the boxing minigame. (I don't have goty edition though so it might've been fixed) Its kinda shit though because the opponent has further reach and faster speed

I guess but someone had to make all those assets, animations, etc. They rarely recycled assets. Not to mention the texture work is straight up better than 1 and 2.

The Yeti boxing was totally a feature, they confirmed it somewhere.

Texture resolutions remain the same, but yeah I'm sure you could argue their artists got better with each new game. Pics related are the very first textures listed from an extraction of each game.

Something I noticed in those pictures is 3 is way more colorful. Could be from the small sample size though.

Yeah to some extent 3 probably is brighter and more saturated. Spyro 2 has some of that but it's kind of middle of the road compared to 1 which is fairly muted.

Gross, a female.

I went back to Spyro 1 after 3. It's actually significantly uglier. There are several objects in the game with no textures on them, there's a lot of open areas with repeating textures. In spyro 3 they will have rocks and stuff break up a dirt wall, in 1 it'll just be a 1 solid brown. The audio quality is also significantly worse.

Sly 3 had a lot of terrible levels, but the pirate level is one of the best in the series.

Are you playing on poorly configured emulator with shitty decade old plugins?

I would bet 100 dollars that Copeland wrote that music for Lost Fleet. Maybe one of the mystery tracks is the SBR music

I'm playing it on the ps2. The metal boxes are just textureless silver shaders, unlike the vases in later games. The lives head and a few other things is a textureless gold shader (they overuse this one a lot). Not to mention a good amount of the enemies are single colored blobs with a gradient and eyes.

You're really nit picking here. Plain solid metal doesn't need a texture if the shader will do.

It looks so bad, which is probably why they replaced half this shit in the later games.

graphics whore need to leave

I love Lord Caim! I want to rehabilitate him!

Not liking techdemo models even the devs thought where shit is graphics whoring?

graphics are meaningless, metal don't reflect in the older consoles, video related.

I'm not watching your vid if you can't differentiate between discussing improvements to later games by removing dated shaders that detract from the art style and graphics whores who wouldn't even play a +20 year old game

well sure I can discuss about improvements on how this 17 years ago game that is a tech demo in your eyes and it kinda is, it was the turn of the millenium and technology is starting to catch up. most of the recent staff who work on other games look it at a negatives light due to it age, not to mention Ted Price

"he didn't even have hands, he couldn't even hold a gun"

so yeah, I don't care if you don't look at the video but you better learn some history, the psx hold 2 megabyte of ram

I didn't say the game was a techdemo. I said the near textureless dated-shader boxes where tech demo tier. They didn't reuse it at all in later games minus body armor and the numbers. Really I was just in shock at how much better it looked over 3 games, when so little was changed. It's purely a style thing to, considering they're all PSX games.

I'd argue it wasn't this. I think it was moreso due to their desire to make the game "bigger"

When you ask people about the problems the game had there's usually a few recurring criticisms. Like the world is really large and empty and the characters and missions you do aren't interesting. The levels are larger but there's much less variety in the game

Spyro would have the same problem if it was made in the modern day. It would need lots of variety to work and few devs go the extra mile like that.

Idk what it is but banjo's formula has always been boring as fuck for me.
In Mario 64 you can do all sorts of jumps and shit that make it interesting and the only consistently repeating challenge was red coins or getting to a hard location.
Spyro can charge at doomguy speeds to traverse the map quickly, and had a ton of variety in challenges. There's some collecting but it's mostly puzzles and killing shit.
In Banjo 1 (never played 2 much) the fastest you can move is the birdwalk which is still slow as shit, even flying is slower than spyros gliding and it's all contextual. You don't have mario's crazy acrobatics, but they still have the shitty red coin challenge except with multi-colored jews, and really most of the challenges involve collecting random crap. It just feels slow and clunky, and the challenges aren't that interesting either.

I think rare's platformers are just heavily overrated. The games are so highly praised is because they captured the 64 era graphics perfectly. An example of this is conkers. People only give a shit because it was n64 graphics with edgy adult humor. Outside of the multiplayer, the gameplay itself was fucking shit. It was always, do x thing 3 times it gets harder tho.

Can confirm; an obscure GBA port of the second game with (2D) Devil May Cry combat managed to be more fun than the NDS or home console equivalents.

Small child this is a website for adults, there is a site called 4chan that would be perfect for you.

Time to go make a Minecraft texture pack out of these I guess…

>mfw instead we get "BWWWAAA-AAAHP. (bah duh dah dum) BWWWAAA-AAAHP. (bah duh dah dum) BWWWAAA- VAAAAh VAAAAh VAAAh VAAAh VAAhVAAh VAAAAAhAhAh"


That's partially because a lot of other 3D platformers utilize upward movement as part of the design, whereas the heavy emphasis and ready accessibility for gliding in Spyro actually make it focused most of the time either forward or downward. When you replay the original games, notice how most of the elevations are performed wither with simple steps, ramps that don't really have much of anything, or specialized areas that highjack the camera (think vortexes). The devs knew about motion sickness being a potential problem with handling in the air, so for most of the gameplay they managed to work around both handling vertical change and regular mobility by utilizing a design that allowed both to be handled from one angle, with Spyro being placed slightly towards the lower half of the screen to allow for this emphasis on what falls forward and downward to give tremendous amounts of view distance when the player reaches a higher space.

The levels to accomedate this need to rely a lot on vertical consistency, with quite a few areas that have expansive flat fields, which modern devs seem to have a fetish for. I don't think the problem would be, for a revival game, making the world too big, since Spyro's mobility can handle it. The problem would be them putting in enough things to make the world dense enough where this synergy between careful downwards foresight and forward expansion meshes.

That would be absurdly comfy.

Here's the full collection, knock yourself out:


Note: there are a bunch of duplicates in there. This is just simply how it all came from a download some user gave us years ago when he was posting 4k resolution screenshots of Spyro levels.

Anything with a texture on it has a vertex shader dipshit. Not just ugly 1 color metal that sticks out like a sore thumb that even the devs removed in later games.

ok, explain then.

Explain what? Why I call the metal "tech demo"? I think I used that word specifically because when I saw the solid 1 color objects it reminded me of a lot of demo-stage maps for games that have place holders, like when hl2's source code leaked or pnumbra's tech demo. Really they just look like place holders or examples to show off the tech, which might have been cool then but it fucks with the art style I normally wouldn't make a comment but considering they removed them in later games or had a more updated version the developers probably knew that it looked bad.

If you mean explain what I meant about the vertex shaders. That's literally what colors the triangle. For example, fog effects are done by applying the depth buffer to the vertex shader and coloring based on the value so the further it is the more it becomes that color.

Actually we all fucked up. Vertex shaders are what actually draw the triangle based on perspectives and shit, fragment shaders do the coloring and the fancy effects.

Just because stuff in the later games looked better doesn't mean the stuff in Spyro 1 looks bad. Just different. I think they look perfectly fine (especially because I like the look of simple cube map shaders) and you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for complaints.

I'll tell you what looks bad. Fucking any Spyro game not made by Insomniac, especially Enter the Dragonfly holy fucking shit that game is an abomination. The demo was all I needed to convince me it was garbage and to never touch it again.

Everything always has both a fragment and a vertex shader, unless we're talking about some weird esoteric obsolete technology or software rendering.

I just 120%'d the trilogy and now have no clue what to play. Sly cooper 3 is pretty boring

play voodoo vince on pc.

Playstation 1 and 2 did not feature shaders, they both had fixed function graphics pipelines. Even the Gamecube and Wii's highly configurable TEV pipeline is technically a fixed function pipeline.

Thanks. The duplicates shouldn't be too much of a problem since a lot of items are just going to be no-brainers. It's just going to be an issue of deciding to limit it to one game or mixing them all (I'm leaning towards just pulling everything from YotD).

YOTD is the only one of the original three I haven't 100%, in fact I've never finished it. I've tried, multiple times in fact, but it gives me this Donkey Kong 64 vibe with 50% of the levels being stupid as fuck mini games which just replaces the comfy platforming of the previous games which really sucks because when it is normal Spyro it's really good.

I'm the opposite. I gave up on the first one at the 3rd world, but after blazing through YOTD I went back and gave it another shot. The first one just feels hollow and monotonous and the minigames in the later ones break it up enough to keep it interesting.

Even the levels in 1 feel lifeless in comparison to 3. Like the starting homeworld in 1 feels kinda empty, where as in 3 the starting homeworld (your first pic) feels a bit more cozy. Can't really put my finger on what though.

Do you have a family with this woman now or do i need to make calls?

Sasuga, Vivendi!

Ripto's Rage is pretty much the right balance between mini-game and plarforming. I went and finished the 3 games recently and my favorite is definitively Ripto's Rage.
Also, music in Spyro 3 is far more repetitive and annoying than previous games. I hate the fucking Kangoroo's world music.

Exactly the same progression as crash.

Ripto's just feels like YOTD with less content. I disagree with the music, other than midnight mountain.

Actually I take that back. All the songs added in the greatest hits version are fucking terrible. I'm thinking of the black default version.

Molten Crater, Seashell Shore, Fireworks Factory, Spooky Swamp, Desert Ruins, Harbor Speedway, Cloud Spires, and Buzz's Dungeon would like to have a word with you.

Alright, I admit you got me there. But the thing is, some songs are used repeatedly, and ironically enough, the worst songs are, and that include the extra characters songs, particularly the penguin and the kangaroo.

I wonder if they intentionally did that since for Enchanted Towers you can go around most of the map with Sgt Bird.

can you read?

I feel Spyro 3 aged the worst because of all the side characters you are forced to play as (at least in regards to 100% completion). Smashing stuff with Bentley is kind of fun but the rest range from tedious to terrible. Sparx levels are by far the worst, they were the last ones I completed as a kid. Agent 9 is a Ratchet prototype with bad controls, but at least it helped them figure out where they wanted to go next, and it payed off big time. Weakest soundtrack by far, since Stewart Copeland only worked on it partially.

Spyro 1 being kind of empty makes sense because all the Dragons were encased in crystal and it's just a bunch of Gnorcs running around in their world. It's not like the diverse world of Avalar where each world has its own flavor of inhabitants that are in need of your help, but it doesn't need to be either. The emptiness helps the atmosphere of some of the levels as well I think. The only thing that bugged me as a kid was that as you rescue dragons you don't know where they disappear to. You never see one of them in their worlds happy to be free or helping you in some manner. Seeing them repopulate home worlds might have been a good idea.

Spyro 2 is definitely my favorite though. The only thing I wish that game had were more major boss fights.

The first game had the best level design. Later games were too congested when they tried to cram much in a small space.

Charging and gliding around are way better than scooting around in a tunnel playing minigames for NPCs.

since you posted 3 days ago and didnt get a single reply, here you go. a pity reply.

A handful of them do go to Gnasty's World to try to take the fight to him directly, only to get sealed in crystals again. Hence Spyro's "Hey, didn't I already free you?" to the one in the hub.


Oh shit, is that why he was rescued twice? I never quite understood that.

welcome back!

fuck you he pulled out all the stops.



nah mate the use of space in the second and third ones are brilliant.

Fireworks Factory is the only song that I can remember and also enjoy remembering. I can remember a few other tracks but they don't bring me joy. I can recall nearly the entire soundtrack to the first two games and every song brings a smile to my face.

You can tell which songs (the better ones) in Spyro 3 were Copeland's doing, and the rest of them were Ryan Beveridge attempting to imitate him, or to complete an unfinished track.

It seems pretty obvious Fireworks Factory is a Beveridge offering to me along with Frozen Altars and Bamboo Terrace. Although I think Copeland probably collaborated on all the tracks or beveridge made an effort to emulate the style of his music in certain respects. Tonally (or otherwise) there is nothing especially Copeland-y about Fireworks factory. This one is pure Copeland

That one does sound like pure Copeland indeed, but Fireworks Factory still sounds like him too, although it's faster. Like he bashed out the core notes to it, but then later it was sped up and more layers were added to it.

Neither did I, it was fun because you free him twice, but I didn't know why.

I see the appeal in Agent 9's ost, but the world was so shitty that I couldn't enjoy it. I'm pretty sure fireworks factory is the most popular not only because it's a pretty good song fitting the level, but also because the level is one of the most enjoyable in the serie, both aesthetically and gameplay-wise, sure, it doesn't have tight plarforming, but the objectives are pretty neat and is rather simple. I always try to forget the fact that Agent 9 have one of the most tedious missions there.

I don't think he meant on-disc space, but rather how crammed it was with content, and too different content at that.

I do like that, I give you that.

Why else would they be there? Clearly some of them were angry about things and didn't want to leave it all up to Spyro if possible. Unfortunately for them, they're at the very least a MUCH bigger target than Spyro is, and while we don't exactly see them in motion much, it wouldn't shock me if they're slower than Spyro can dart around at. Main perk for the adult dragons against Gnasty having that crystallization bolt from his wand/scepter/mace would be flying. All of the dragons trapped in Gnasty's World are ones from prior areas, though freeing them still adds another dragon to the tally despite having been freed once already:

You might be embarassed to find out that the main Fireworks Factory riff (do do do do dododo) is actually a loop from some DAW, though I couldn't tell you which one. Copeland used loops in the earlier two titles, fair enough, but mostly drum loops or something textural probably because he's an exceptional melodist. But moreover the loops he used came from Spectronics (I now own them thanks to the release of the Spyro soundfont collection). How I know that the riff in question is a loop is because I heard the same riff in a porno embarassingly enough. But since its just a standard minor riff I see no reason to think Copeland created the riff. And I even kind of doubt he was a necessary element of that track anyway since the only Copelandy bit is the organ and its just a few stabs at that, which I'm sure beveridge could have managed. and I always felt it was kind of an overrated track tbh.

Yeah makes sense. I didn't realize they were all previously rescued.

I am aware of how Copeland used a DAW to compose, and how he loops his compositions, but I don't think it was just some recycled content. He bangs out the notes himself, if they happen to sound like something that already exists then oh well.

To be fair, most of them seem to not acknowledge that they got freed again (which honestly has to be embarrassing), and after freeing Delbin in the hub, Spyro doesn't bring it up with any of them either. Cosmos even acts condescending towards Spyro when freed in Twilight Harbor, which makes me wonder if they had more than one writer and not enough communication between the two (Cosmos shouldn't be surprised someone as small as Spyro rescued him when Spyro already did so a fair bit earlier) or Cosmos going senile after getting stoned twice.

I love that interview.

Just trust me user, don't make me show my true power lev

DO IT FAGGOT. Show me what you got.

You now feel empty inside

I wish there was more decent art of Cynder.

Which game had the best music?

2 for atmosphere.

Hard to say. Each game has a 10/10 track, but also really forgettable shit. I use to think 3 had the best, but the GOTY edition ruined it by filling it with shit.

I think 3 has most memorable soundtrack.

Assuming you've finished both the Insomniac Spyro games and Naughty Dog Crash games, the next obvious things are all the Ratchet & Clank games. The Spyro games on GBA are playable, considering they're on GBA. But if you're looking for more PS1 platformers, don't forget Ape Escape. All three of the main ones are fantastic.

Funny, I'd say Bentley was the worst of the extra characters, because it's so slow and simple. On the other hand, Sgt. Byrd lets me fly around and explore whole levels, Sheila lets you do some crazy jumps, and Agent 9 is basically proto Ratchet & Clank. Sparx I guess I always thought of as just a minigame thing but I never really disliked it at all.

Ultimately it boils down to how they feel to control, and Bently worked well. The others not as much in my opinion. Lots of overshoot/undershoot/sliding involved with them.

also this shit has to stop. Copeland didn't even make these. They are Spectronics loops. To compliment him on these above all is an insult. Every time I see a reviewer talk about how great the music is and then they play one of the hub themes I really want to put their head through a wall.

Already 100%d ratchet and clank ages ago and the original Ape Escape. Crash wasn't really for me though.

I always hated controlling the other characters. I couldn't wait to get those levels over with

You really need to start providing examples/proof or fuck off already. I can't even get results on Google for "spectronics loops" but I see "Spectrasonics" Virtual Instruments, which is perhaps what you are referring to?

mediafire.com/file/6o5ygfc05177j1g/Spyro Soundfont Collection v.1.0.zip

under "DR Loops"

Nigga what?

what? can you explain further

yes, basically minus the "therefore" part

Some less popular games I'd also recommend, if you're looking for 3D platformers of the era, would be A Bug's Life and Toy Story 2, Jersey Devil (just get used to the fact that gliding doesn't feel like Spyro), Pac-Man World, and I-Ninja.


Is it? I remember that being fun as hell when I was a kid and have been meaning to replay it. I remember there was such variety in that game.

Sly 3 had some flaws that made it less polished than 2

To me the best levels were Venice and the Netherlands. Venice was a great opening to refamiliarize people with the Sly formula and the Netherlands had a cool overarching plot with lots of twists and turns. Overall it is not bad but compared to Sly 2 it was lacking in as much structure; kinda felt like they threw ideas at a wall and went with what stuck.



I also think Sly 3 suffered big time for lack of Clue Bottles. I know they can get really annoying when you're looking for that last one on any given level, but I still liked them a lot. Without them, you don't have a real incentive to fully explore every level, and it makes the game feel much easier and shorter overall (plus it actually is shorter anyway).

Still a good game though. So is Sly 4, except it's too fucking easy.