Can redpill.
Typical GDI scum.
Can redpill.
Typical GDI scum.
Can you even try to make a thread with substance? Can you even develop good taste? Can OP stop sucking cock?
opinion discarded
It's obviously not C&C he's referencing and you're borderline retarded.
Oh no, childish insults, whatever shall I do?
You can check these dubs
Stop posting, hopefully.
Quit shilling this dead trash game
I would like the dubs.
guess whos back, back again
Not my posts
Well, since you have an abundance of time on your hands, feel free to adrdess everything the retards in this video say point-for-point. I'm betting you've done it already.
Oh fuck here we go again with this copypasta. Fuck you.
maybe try the other modes then you fucking nigger
I'm not even going to bother with such poor bait
Why didn't you drop it there?
Come on now.
You are one assblasted person who can’t fathom why anyone wouldn’t want to play this shitpile of a game.
Every time.
It's really him
I can sense the amount of butthurt leaking from his posts
You must be at least 18 to post on this site
I can't believe its really him.
You're not serious, right?
You still pissed at how hard anons mocked you last time you shilled?
There's that word again.
And you're gonna have to bring up that mocking, john. Half of this shit is just so poorly done a chimp could do it better.
Why drag a random faggot who's only correlation with me is the same name, into this? That's what I want to know.
Nigger you aren't subtle at all.
Who's claiming subtlety? That's not my DA page.
Was getting caught part of your plan?
Of courshe.
end yourself
Like I can't believe such autism returned.
Says the elf.
This is a shocking level of bad taste.
This is beyond shit taste.
Are you literally retarded?
Yeah, you have shit taste. Congratulations!
Hey, you're shilling too!
The level of spaghetti spilled can never be unspilled.
The game is 95% running. Hunting involves almost no running.
Sure is running.
What a fag
gas yourself, furfag
Is that the best insult you can possibly come up with, you failed uterine spewage?
still better than you, furfag
yiff in hell :^)
Sure is videogames in here, right?
You specifically asked for redpill.
We're already in hell you stupid cunt.
Why would I want to "yiff" a degenerate such as you?
I don't like it either you schlomo
I speak of redpilling the game and what 2k ultimately ended up doing to fuck over TRS, but kikeshaming's fun too.
getting mad m8?
why don't you go back to reddit, furfag? :^)
das some nice digits
No idea what you're on about. This is redpilling.
you're outing yourself at this point m8
at this point you're a exhibition, a autismo we put on display for everyone to laugh at. speaking of laughing, have a smug :^)
Boy you sure seem mad at being called a furfag.
Are you sure you're not a furfag user?
Jerk it to a lil bit of Zootopia?
Whatever you say, Chris. Shouldn't you be screeching about JUUUULLAAAYYYY?
What mad?
pick one
furfag :^)
Just take the L here man. You just keep tripping over yourself and it's getting sad.
and you call me the retarded autist
Tracking the monster is trivial, moron. Are you just looking at the scenery and standing there? You find the monster almost immediately and it runs away, then you chase it. That's the entire game.
Why do you even make these threads if you can't form a single cogent argument for why the game is good. You haven't even directly addressed a single point anyone has made.
No, it's called Hunt. Stop fucking chasing something faster than you. You have to cut it off. It's that fucking simple. It's no diffrent than predicting with a projectile.
Not entirely sure why you're on a Holla Forumsideo games board if you're not here to talk about Holla Forumsideo games. That's enough [you] for such poor bait.
You're chasing some kind of monster here. It's not in the game but you sure are chasing it.
You're not here to talk about video games either, though. You're here to be mocked by people, because you're a masochist.
I mean, if you can talk about a game, so can everybody else. You don't get fucking special privleges you goddamn 'Gaffer. Go Back.
Nigger if literally everyone on the thread is telling you how fucking retarded you are…well shit you might be projecting a little bit there.
The absolute state of children these days.
Yeah we understand dude we're here. Don't fill your dipe.
Cute. Talk to me when you're going to talk about the videogames.
But I'm talking to you now. I wanna know how you suck so much cock without gagging like at all. Do you not eat for days before hand? Do you practice on your fist? I gotta know.
OK, that's it for the holohoax. I'll start on the Babylonian Talmud next.
So in the end you just have semantics. Whether you're following it or trying to cut the monster off, you're spending almost the entire match running. You can call it whatever you want but that does not resemble hunting in any way unless you're a nigger chucking spears.
Outside of your terse responses to me, you haven't said a single thing about the game in over 30 replies.
Why do you like this game?
Is this the smug anime thread?
With an extra one of Hillary, since I'd already touched on the subject of her ties to demon cults.
Clearly you do not understand how this works kiddo.
I've already stated why; but it's nonetheless swept aside because it offends your tendies.
It's a deep, inherantly formulistic game with a high level of strategy and skill required. It refuses to handhold you. It's got a superior gameplay mechanic in comparision to L4D. It's got particularily enjoyable models with some bizzare animations. It's got a >story in a videogame, It's got great gameplay and match mutators (defense, nest, and rescue all exist), The characters are more meaningful than IMMA INDAPENDAN BLAK WAMMINS. No political bullshit agenda is pushed. DLC was made post-production. The game had a particularily troubled history from Valve to THQ to 2K.
I'd terribly enjoy showing people why I enjoyed the game; to feel and experience it the way I did; but we'd require some sort of tech that doesn't exist yet; because words would be ill-fitting.
nobody cares.
nigga, i was playing dwarf fortress when you were but a stain on an arbys napkin.
bitch please
So youre 11 years old?
No wonder your taste in games is shit.
Add another 11 you dumb fuck. Dwarf Fort was released in 2006. I've been playing games far longer than that.
no you haven't
get out underage b&
Try again.
Whatever wrote your script should be thrown out. Human beings don't talk like this.
I'd like to know why you consider this to be a selling point.
Not buying it.
Only children have such shit-tier taste in games.
Then it's a good thing I don't have a shit taste in games.
Good thing there's no script and nobody's talking.
Hes talking about the game like its a misunderstood school shooter.
Dude, i knew a homeless dude named Mad Steve whod suck dicks for a quater.
Hed still charge 50 bucks if you wanted him to play evolve.
Please list 5 (five) non-shit games. Because apperantly these
are "shit games"
Nobody said that you dumb nigger.
Evolve would never be on a list of games that aren't trash.
(39), and only one post that actually talked about the game. So far, my theory that you're just a masochist who came here to be abused checks out.
i regret nothing
Trying to prove that to us, or to yourself?