Are there any good games where you play as a werewolf?

Are there any good games where you play as a werewolf?

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Town of Salem :^)


You can turn into a werewolf in diablo 2 as a druid

Why yes, potential consumer. That game would be Skyrim. In Skyrim, not only can you play as a werewolf, but you can also become a vampire! Skyrim gives you so many choices when it comes to supernatural transformations making the gameplay almost limitless. buy my game

Gangrel with maxed out protean is basically a werewolf in VTMB

A good game and you can play as a werewolf, but the werewolf part is pretty badly done.

Is it really good? I watched a video of the first stage and it looked pretty bad

That's guy who transforms into a wolf, not werewolf.


SRPG where you play as a pack of werewolves killing vampire nazis in WWII

Damn it Ghostlight, quit porting games nobody cares about and port Operation Darkness already.

It's weird, I've read a lot of praise for Wolfchild, but I could never really get into it. Who knows, give it a try.

It's actually pretty good
Hitler summons an archangel as the final boss using dark magic
anyway, One of your party members is a Jin-Roh zombie soldier, werewolf is one of your main guys from the start, the fucking Reanimator is your healer, you forcibly recruit Jack the Ripper into your crew, your combat buddy summons fucking Golem fists from the sky, it's a fucking monster mash and it's done fucking hilariously well.

A werewolf is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf. Seems close enough.

>play with a werewolf

Holy fuck, I remember playing the demo on xbox live for this game way back in the day.

Couldn't beat it. I was really bad at Valkria Chronicles too.

It's much better done than the Skyrim equivalent, even the model is better, and it can be modded to be more involved

What I'm personally looking for in a werewolf game is the roleplay aspect of having to manage your beast side and it's overwhelming need to hunt and kill while still trying to accomplish shit in human form. Mechanically it means you have to be careful of the time and manage it so you don't accidentally transform in the wrong place and then you have to drop everything you are doing to handle it. Games that just give you the beast form as a power up or a default don't really do anything for me.

sonic unleashed

a-awoo too

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn the Video Game lets you play as the deeply developed werewolf characters.


Did they actually make a licensed game for that crap?
I didn't believe it till I saw it either.

Huh, it's actually a proper multi-console release and not just mobile shit. Disturbing.



Strictly, a woman-beast is called a wyfwolf.

C'mon lad. That shit was so incredibly forgiving it was frankly unbelievable. It wasn't "easy" per se, but it wasn't unforgiving enough to have been able to have stopped ya.
Go play Fire Emblem 7 and git gud, you'll learn

Gabriel Knight 2


Unironically Skyrim with Moonlight Tales mod, plus whatever other werewolf-centric mod additions you want.

If you go with Morrowind then at the very least grab some Solstheim-like new land mods, like Castle Solstheim, since you're probably going to live there for the short time you're playing.

I beat most of the series save for the NES titles and Nu Fire Emblems and I can say with absolute god to honest certainty that nothing in it compares to the desert uber tank mission.

You have so little margin for error and rigid options to tackle the objective that you are forced to execute a very specific cheesy scout rush strategy down to the tiniest detail if you want to have any hope to get past it.

Oh yea I totally agree! Skyrim is one of the best games I've ever played, right next to another great game the Fallout 4!

i think i bought this game for the girl with huge tits but never got around to playing it


I hate how Bethshit games are the games you have to play if you want to mod shit in. Do you guys think anyone else will replace them soon? I'd like to play werewolf in a game with good content, not fucking Skyrim

user, da fuck? that game wasnt hard. Just plan your shit better and protect your qt squad smiles
also dont play pic related or even its expansion, it will rape you.

sounds fucking rad, to bad about the xbox only thingy.



yiff in hell

The only good part of that game is loli.

Sooo… What happens to the skin afterwards? Does this lady leave behind shed skin after every transformation? What about the skin in her scalp? What is someone found it, recognized her, and called the cops? What does werewolf blood look like when it's examined?


He's a wolf that turns into a man.

Looks to me that it's similar to the transformations done in Van Helsing, which is that the "beast sheds off the human". It's fine when you consider the female form and general anthropomorphic nature of a werewolf anyway when you consider her breasts, but there is no excuse for her to have another set of hair on her head.

As for the blood and whatnot, it's like an accelerated molting in that anything inbetween the "old skin" and the growing new body is digested back into the body, like big bugs do.

good choice.

there is also Bloody Roar.

i guess you can use it to treat burn victims

Altered Beast was such a fun game. Really short, though.

Wolf Team Alpha circa 2006

While not a werewolf, Torchlight 2 lets you play as a berserker with a wolf motif. You get "adrenaline" to speed up your attacks. Equip punching weapons and you tear through people like fist of the north star. Some of the punching weapons are claw-like.

I want to know that feel


Only if the proletariat seizes the means of Bethesda game production

Man, there are some really amazing video games based around werewolves. To bad there haven't really been any recently, at least any of note. Some asshole is going to post Walden and the Werewolf, I know it.

I kind of find it a shame as a temporary monster transformation opens up so many great opportunities for gameplay mechanics. Both for the player and for NPC's.

I once had an idea for a Werewolf based RPG in which power progression was reversed. In which you start out with hulk like strength, regeneration, hunting senses, and all these other kinds of overpowered combat abilities and then slowly work to reduce their effect while gaining something mundane yet useful. Such as sacrificing a batman like detective vision you can use to hunt in order to gain the ability to read. Reduce your strength in order to use simple tools. Slowly gaining abilities that let you sneak into human areas and uncover more about the plot. A game where the failure state is slipping back into an overpowered beast mode to much.

Werewolf in Skyirm is actually one of the things they did right, too bad the game is shit

Get gabbin' or get goin'

I still cant believe Blizzard made them look like shit on purpose because of goons. Whatever, at least their hideous models and insulting animations chased me away before the horrors that came from late cata onwards.

Meh, tying it into the closest equivalent of the warrior guild was a mistake. And the functionality of it was only about halfway where it needed to be, at least until they put in the werewolf perk tree.

Still thousands of times better with Moonlight Tales mod and and changing out the model to look more intimidating. I dislike lanky werewolves, they look better swole.

Or in this case a wyfuwolf.

Op said good.

Please elaborate.

New models soon. They probably will be bad in an expansion that will also be bad

All I remember is the female worgen were supposed to look far less retarded then something changed.
Worgen starting zone was one of the most interesting, coulda had a whole setup for gothic horror then nope city's been nuked, enjoy your tree in night elf land


I've always been a fan of the female anthro wolf body type

The original model for the Worgen was actually very intricate and detailed. Allowing for the face to seem like a regular wolf face at resting, and animate into a snarl in combat. Then they completely removed that, gave them a permanent texture snarl, and on release didn't even change the animations. This, of course, compounded with the fact that they never actually finished the female attack animation and it began folding in on itself like an origami sculpture all the time.

And, of course, it was all because 'muh furries' like they didn't already have Tauren and Space Goats. I'm not going to go and search for it, but a slide at blizzcon literally just had a worgen in their undies with a censor bar on his dong as justification for changing the model.

Mind you, it wasn't the first, or last thing that went to complete shit for WoW around that time. Just the thing that broke the camels back for me personally.

Dumbest fucking thing. Good thing it's nothing model edits can't fix along with adding significantly bigger tits.

In shame, I agree - it's not the best but I like it.

Suck-start a shotgun.

Silverfall has a werewolf form as the best melee buff you can get.

you can even buy the Switch Edition™ to relive your classic moments again on the go! With also the edition as playing as the hero himself Link for the first time in Skyrim!

Skyrim Special Edition coming to the nintendo switch soon!

Nigger I will beat you.

God fucking dammit, sexualizing*



It'll be years before the CS can be used to make anything at all.

I'm pretty sure werewolves have to be adults user.

I think werewolves are cool, I always loved their concept and the were they used to be incorporated in games like MTG. But now furfags have taken them over and I'm said something I liked has been tainted.

Being hunted is cool too. It adds to the whole dynamic of trying to keep the beast in check.

I'll be sure to embroider that on your pelt when I turn you into a rug.

Is that the one where some furfag tried to sell a texture pack for the game?

I'm more a fan of that body type.

careful, user, you dont want the furry community to nuke the site for the third time.

Dude, if you think furfags liking something you love is bad, life is going to hand you your ass.

Go back to your containment board, furfag.

No comments on OP image?

Guess, only old shit OP.

Is it from something?

here's your (you)

If you go with Morrowind then at the very least grab some Solstheim-like new land mods, like Castle Solstheim, since you're probably going to live there for the short time you're playing.

Anglo-Saxon wyf is the origin of the word wife, which until the 18th century meant any woman, not necessarily a female spouse. On a related note, the expression "old wives' tale" does not mean "a tale of aged female spouses", but "an old tale that women believe" (because they were seen as gullible).

Except now Blizzard has made model edits impossible due to how the .exe works.

What how did they do that? Was it to stop people from making nude skins?

A quote from JH
"Due to the way Blizzard is going to start packing their exes, it renders disassembler programs useless to do anything with it. I would have to extract a specific file within the exe, do the edit then reinsert the file back into the exe. However at this time there isn’t any software out on the market able to do this (basically Blizzard is keeping their packing software in-house).

So until either Blizzard stops packing their exes in this manner or someone comes up with software that is able to properly extract and repack the newer exes. I won’t be able to do any edits, thus no custom data. I will though keep my eyes on OwnedCore for anything that could be useful, as should the community.

However, there might be another solution that hasn’t gotten much attention since I’ve been doing the patched exes, CASC archive manipulation. Maybe this should be the alternate way of introducing custom game data if the exes can’t be edited. I currently off-hand don’t know of any way to do this."

They did it less because of nude models, and probably more for anti-bot reasons.

Man, I hadn't even heard about this, but looking into it they have a workaround. Problem is, it's running a different exe, and while I don't think there would be any nefarious intent, it's generally better to be safe than sorry. Also it's Win10 only at the moment because the guy only built it for Win10.

Is it too much to ask to be surrounded by beeg american tts while playing?

kys fag

I want a h-game where you play as Liru and there's lots of pregnancy content. And pup Liru scenes.






I mean, no matter how you look at it, you're gonna get a bigger dick, a knot, the ability to blow a load for half an hour straight, and the ability to make people your fucking bottom slaves until they lose all touch with reality and submit under stockholme syndrome, or pleasure, either way you win.

That's not a werewolf faggot.

Thats a foxgirl, you just went full retard
/monster/ or anyone that isnt retard would be ashamed of your blindness

A workaround was found like 2 weeks ago.

Morrowind: Bloodmoon

With the werewolf mod, you can actually become a werebear as well. The mod really fleshes out the werewolf experience as well.

W-why is this only viewable in spooky css?

Yes, would pay mods to be a werewolf raping everybody to spread the pozz or getting a blow job from a female werewolf.



I would bet money that user goes to /monster/, hell he probably got the manga there.


that doesnt sound vanilla.