Post some obscure/unknown games you've enjoyed. Bonus points for no videos of them on Youtube

Post some obscure/unknown games you've enjoyed. Bonus points for no videos of them on Youtube.

Other urls found in this thread:;_mid_1990s)

I just played and beat a shooting game called Trouble Witches Origin. It had Cotton DLC so I wanted to see what the game was like.

It's fun, not a particularly great shooter, and I really liked the cash mechanic. I feel like they could have explored it a little better. According to the leader boards, less than 200 people have played it.

You haven't played it have you?

I think everyone has played it.

How is starsector doing?


Didn't jontron play that game?

Its in the 2nd category though user. Stop reading with your sunglasses on.


That probably means you're just a plain old fag.

What's Too scared to open it myself.

I'm not opening that either, my guy.

I've played through it so many times.

We're La Mulana? I don't think it's unknown but it's certainly not normalfaggy.


That reminds me, I used to play this game with the whole class for years. Can't find any videos or images of it but found a place to download it from. Also fuck Super Mario War, that watered down piece of shit.

did he?


Jon played Panorama Cotton, the Space Harrier style game.



I don't actually know if they have any experience outside SuperTuxKart.;_mid_1990s)

Is posting non-japanese asian games cheating? I can see why koreans stick to MMOs now, honestly.

Updated to have shit outside of the main systems.
Main system are untouched, skills overhauled, new faction and subfactions. The rest of the map surrounding the main system is randomized according to your specifications, Uncharted, randomized, and full of of old domain era ships, derelicts, and ===REDACTED===

Only the cached google version works

You faggots are insufferable

Anyone wanna give a poor user a hand here
Some recommendations, please?

Free games were always my jam. Found a lot of games on AOL Kids and Lazerworks' Macgames compilations.

Blinky 3 was a platformer with a nice chipfart soundtrack and branching level progression that controlled like absolute shit.

Daymare is a decent first-person dungeon crawler with spells and bags of holding and shit.

Anyone else played this?

and where would you put it redidiot?
Halo was extremely popular back then and still is.

Another really cool idea that I've always wished someone else would take up again is Factory. Basically the goal is to fiddle around with buttons and knobs to ensure a random set of materials on a conveyer belt gets properly assembled. It's like that I Love Lucy skit but more elaborate.

Invention Studio. Half of the utilities scared the fuck out of me as a kid. The other half I couldn’t stop playing.

Another user told me to play it in a similar thread, it was weird and only 20 minutes long but I guess I liked it. It's not really possible to say anything about it without spoiling though.

fuck no, im not reading more of that damn website, dont want that feel of not being able to play games because they were lost in time.>>13645465

That chart says more about you than it does about the subject.

I see here Silent Hunter, but not Silent Service I or II.

Let's talk about old DOS games!
Get lasers to hit targets of the same colour by placing mirrors and obstructions. It's a neat puzzle game. There's also Xatax (side-scrolling ship shooter game) and Electranois (Breakout type game) which are both OK as well.
Embed related. It starts moving through a tunnel shooting things, then you're on foot shooting things, and can also go up to certain platforms with a grapple rope.

I don't know if it's that obscure, but I remember playing a German flash game about being a psychologist for stuffed animals years back. You could do some surprisingly fucked up things to them, too, like getting them hooked on prescription drugs or giving them electroshock therapy.

Yu no speek engrish reito?

I really hate the chart in the OP image because it's obvious whoever made it never actually moved stuff around over time, only added new stuff to it.

Half the shit in the second tier is as normalfag or even more popular amongst nomries/casuals then the stuff in the top tier: Skyrim, Dark Souls, battlefield, etc. Meanwhile, Halo is in the top tier but casuals and dudebros haven't given a shit about Halo in over a decade.

Alright so name it 2015 edition okay?


Gregor masterrace. How can CIAniggers even compete at such depths? No wonder they need to glow in the dark.

Most obscure games are going to be those doujin games sold at Japanese cons in which there would only be like a couple hundred or dozen in all existence. I think an user on Holla Forums who went to comiket has some.

Then get TOR or something, pussy. It was just a bunch of flash games.

My game which was lost in a hard drive crash. No backups.

it wasn't good

More like 2013 edirion

I'd make a new one/update if I had the original PSD or whatever there's no way i'd be able to track down wo originally made it.

THIS THIS THIS. I've been looking for this shit for the better part of five years. Now to go find a link for it.
Have Tux Racer in return.

oh yeah a template thread

Oh, I got one. Not really a game but back in late 90s, my private school lent out laptops that we took home for a weekend to use, computers wern't where I lived and it was exciting having new tech. Anyone, one of the programs on it was a 3D encyclopaedia that felt like you were walking around that old microsof 3D maze screensaver but you got to visit places like machu picchu and inside the great pyramid all while learning about them.

Talking about kanoguti. He made a new 3d walking game called "Repeating Memories".

My antivirus ates the exe.

tombstone 1882 and build city

Not sure if I just use DoSBox and it's been ages since I've used that or what.

"highway racing" "railroad simulator" "spooky adding and subtracting"

Here's the link I used. I'll take another look at it tomorrow but if you get it working, let me know.

There was this fighting game from the late 90s/early 00s on PC. The graphics were 3D, but the players moved in 2D, it was realistic(no animu designs, no super-powers like in Mortal Kombat), it had no gore, or anything extravagant. The characters all had exotic weapons, like a giant hammer(I think), a tonfa, bo, sai, 3 section-staff(think of a nunchaku with three sticks), a nunchaku. All I remember is that one of the fighting rings was a construction site, and I think the cutscenes were cell-shaded, so maybe it was a bit cartoony. I have long forgotten the name of the game, and I have never seen it mentioned either here, or anywhere else. Does anyone know the game I am talking about?

Now that I thought about it a bit, the game was definitely released in the late 90s, and not in the early 00s. So probably Windows98 game.

also im counting net yaroze, unfinished ps1 demos and shit like nikujin/Ikiki games as "japanese geocities freeware" because there's no better option for that kind of stuff.
as for obscure timewasting garbage, Against The Wall is surprisingly addictive. too bad it never got finished

pic related. Had to torrent it for two weeks straight due to lack of seeders, and that was right after release

didn't mean to quote, shit

did you want to play it because of the movie ? i'm curious, i thought that nobody knew this game

There was some kind of a movie? I was just following new releases at the time, spotted an RPG that looked nice, and set my mind on getting it

yeah, a recent one, adapted from a russian novel written by the Strugatsky brothers (they are the ones that wrote STALKER too)

(the movie and the book are great btw)

Is this related to the Strugatsky story?

Pfft, if the games are nameable they aren't THAT obscure. Try and dig harder faggot.

A good bunch of these games are just games I tried out, but havent really gotten into.

Why isnt guitar hero in the "gamer" field?? Nearly everybody was playing that when i was a kid. I wouldnt have had to be a weird guy in order to have played it.
The list should have also included untranslated jap games or something of the sort, since I consider it FAAAAAAAR from normalfag territory to play something like that.

Noctis IV holy shit, that game was comfy as hell but then the dev just… up and disappeared. I'd have paid for No Man's Sky if it had half the fucking atmosphere Noctis IV had.

I played a game that I can't remember the name off. It was about being a drone delivering stuff around and getting upgrades, it was 3d.

The dev left because he thought he was becoming a slave to his own project. Don't ask me what the thought process behind that decision was, because autism.

I would not say they were unknown but I really enjoyed:

The Faery Tale Adventure
Camel (Promotional Game)
Werner (Promotional Game)
P.P. Hammer
Axel's Magic Hammer
Dunkle Schatten was ok for beeing a Propaganda Game

when I was younger.

Muh childhood.


He'd be about 40 now I think.

Take some webms, sorry that they're horrible they were made in the early 90s and are .avis.

One more and I'll stop bumping.

theres a pc version as well. tps with psychic powers bullshit. was bretty gud.

There's nothing comparable to that polymer? If not that's a heavy loss for scientific improvement.

"Although Ward claimed discussions with various organisations such as NASA, he was very protective of the composition for fear of losing control of the rights to the material (not even letting samples out of his sight). By the time of his death in May 2011, there appeared to have been no commercialisation of Starlite, and the formulation of the material has not been released to the public. According to a 2016 broadcast of the BBC programme The Naked Scientists, Ward took his secrets with him when he died."
To quote the wiki page. He really did take the formula to the grave.

These lists might shed a few results.



Even most hardcore Devo fans haven't even played the first game. game. It's obscure as hell, finicky to run (much like most other multimedia games of the time), and plays like salty milk.

Fuark I remember seeing this game in a store once but being too poor to get it since I was there to get something else, was is actually any good?

I think the most obscure games I've ever played are Peter Gabriel's EVE and Ticket by magicdweedoo, but I couldn't possibly tell you which is the more obscure one.

I had this game, it was on a old disk with 300 or so other obscure as shit games on it (the only other ones i remember were a cyberpunk-esc taxi game where you picked up fares and had guns to shoot other taxis with.. i kept running out of ammo and some Qubert game, something to do with socks, and the game saying "you lose!" every time you died),

I wouldn't say enjoyed but, I've never seen anyone mention this game ever.

does Parasite in city and Super Fighting Schoolgirl count as obscure foreign indies?

sure let's spoonfeed redditards and newfags in a format they can easily repost to any other platform they use
You guys are the reason we can't have nice things

I'm not sure it can really be considered an obscure game anymore since it was featured on an AVGN episode. I think the reason nobody talks about it is because it's just a forgettable game.

They count as games only a degenerate seeking porn vidya would find really. I'de say those games are big in the porn vidya group but outside of that it's obscure. It's weird guy at most.

OK here it goes;

For some inexplicable reason my grandma had this on her computer (which sits rusting away in her garage to this day.) and either the rush of memories about going to her house for christmas or the music made me feel like i was having a stroke.

When dad got his first computer he played this a hell of a lot, Most defining memory; working out that "Magazines" in this game weren't the books in the shops but someone that held bullets, cut me some slack i was maybe 9 at the time.

Another game my grandma had for some reason, never got the hang of it and gave up in short order.

had the demo disk for it, never got past the opening cinematic because it was too scary for me.

My aunt got this for me when i was 13 as a birthday present, really good but i found it depressing in places.

Really good, i don't know why it's on this list though, it isn't that obscure or weird is it?

Well Katamari Damacy is up there. It's primarily weird. Obscure isn't really considered in the list.

Has anyone else played this bootleg Splinter Cell that turns to shit after the first mission?

The thing that bothers me about this chart is that the Marathon Trilogy is Gregor level and not Pathways into Darkness.

is it Russian?


I was like 5 when I came across this, still scares me.

I have a few.

I just dug up my old pc games closet and found some interesting bootlegs, should i upload some of em on the ether?

By all means, user. Bootleg shit is great.

I had no idea. I don't watch Rolfie.

where should i upload it?

Isn't that just Super Mario Wars?
Anyhow, before Ross made it all oh so popular, I remember having this installed on my pa's old rig when I was a wee lad and not understanding what the fuck was going on. I have completed a couple of levels, but I never got to the ending.

I cant even remember which game comp cd that was on.

200 games for dos and windows?

I present to you, Fatman Adventures.
A shameless pacman reboot, marketed as FATMAN on the cd i own.

also, do you have to LIKE the game in order to be on that category? Because I played dorf fort, but didn't like it all that much.

And this is rollerbot, time journey.
A very cute game, possibly a reboot of something else, and also incredibly frustrating.
There seems to be no footage of this game on youtube.

Don't remember, there was also a schizoid alien chess game but whatever
Also just remembered this one but never played it myself

Speaking of eggs.

None ever have. All the people who attempted have ended up missing as well. Nobody has seen the second games ending


Throw them in mega and then share the link with us please

Both of those were really interesting, flawed games. I played a lot of Poy Poy with other people, but what little I played of Unholy War showed the characters were not balanced enough.

I already uploaded em here >>13668885

Wasn't that kind of the point?

Korea had some pretty solid beat em ups back in 90s
I think the only thing that was limiting their game industry was the language as no console had enough memory to use the korean character set which limited games to PCs.

I like them, but they arent that obscure. Most obscure games Ive played is a mac shareware game called assassin. Its a turn based tactics game where all the turns run simultaneously

So according to this list I am The The The The Kid Gamer Weird Oldfag Gregor guy. Sounds about right.

Find it funny that dungeon crawl is listed but not nethack. Also no Falcon BMS or DCS World or fuck even the elite games.
It's the game that inspired Super Mario Wars.

Going to have to move MH up a tier or two when World comes out.

I've actually been looking at Biko 3. I like stealth games and you have to sneak up on them to catch them so I've read. Haven't played it yet.

That IS fucking horrifying, Meowth is stealing lines from Celine Dion.

Who fucking plays videogames anymore?

I guess that's why some console and arcade games like Lunar were ported to PC in Korea.

Also some obscure RTS.

that's just a fake name Vinny came up with
doesn't even exist

Man am I glad somebody came with the Weird Old Vidya thread idea.

I really wish I could remember any of those obscure DOS games I had as a wee lad. I distinctly remember one where you played as some kind of balloon and had to navigate places. It was top-down and one of the levels was a fuckhuge teleport maze.

I do remember Au Sable and All Of Your Friends Are Dead, those are pretty fun games that nobody talks about.

I haven't heard that name in decades! I actually sort of enjoyed that game.


oh shit that fucking thing, yeah I laughed when I found a fucking spaceman telling me off about why I killed a fucking dragon on horseback.

pics related

I became super addicted to the last one for years. I torrented it for a week and had to dig abandonware forums for a no-cd patch, I even ran it on Ubuntu with Wine and even installed a community mod engine for it.

the first image I mean


user, you're shitting me

Blade of Darkness is a damn fine game, user. I would encourage everyone here to at least give it a try.

Why the fuck would you do that?

I'm not sure whether I'm better or worse than you.

Seinfeld, the VN
Silent Death
Legend of Kesmai

He's just being retarded, the gog version works fine.

Where is Gmod 9 because I still play that.

I think Catacombs Abyss and Blake Stone has more fucking discussion this board than the above games. Not really obscure, just really old and nobody seems to care anymore.

FO4 should be in the kid category but NV fits perfectly in "the gamer" area

From the thumbnail I thought this was an Engine 001 game and that I'd get to make a post like "oh, hey, an user who's heard of Engine 001!"

I'm a bit let down now.


Probably not too obscure, but Luminous Arc 1 and 2 for DS.
All I can say about it is that it's Par for the course. Decent selection of Waifu Witches, and fully voice-acted dialogue, but a real lack of choice or dating sim endings, a decent, but not exceptional Turn-based isometric combat system, and a par for the course as far as fantasy jrpg storyline goes. Overall, if you're starved for some Fire Emblem or Disgaea, this is a passable game.

I wasn't sure if that was a dream I had or if I actually played that, holy shit it's real. My parents got it somewhere for me in slav land years and years ago

i didn't play this much but i used to go to church with the guy who made this game. as far as i can tell, it's pretty obscure and wholesome

The void is a terrible game, the mouse drawing mechanic doesn't work.

Also these are so obscure i think there are no full downloads for them, just the demos.

el shaddai

There are a plethora of old Flash/Shockwave games missing because the corporations that funded them figured nobody would want to play them years down the line, and they got buried under countless site redesigns. The games from sites like Fox Kids, Cartoon Network, 2MunchFun, and Postopia are largely missing. Gassy Gary 1 & 2, for example, seem to have vanished from the internet. I know of no gameplay or screenshots of them. The only evidence I have that those even existed is a Yahoo answers thread.

Sometimes you get lucky and find that there's a small, dedicated fanbase dedicated to saving them. The LEGO website's games and Warner Brothers' Steppenwolf series can still be played thanks to people like that, but most aren't so lucky.


T-this is me! Note these are games I've played at some point. Not games I actively play.

This game managed to do what no other has, to convince me to play aggressively and enjoy it. Normally I'm a piece of shit turtle that tries to make a sustainable defensive line against cheating fucking AI, but this game somehow did everything right. This is a windows 3.1x era game, so set your expectations accordingly, but I do recommend you give it a whirl.

Betrayer was quite good (except the ending is shit), but I don't remember anyone else ever mentioning it. Although it does has a fair number of Steam reviews.

It's being sold for 0.49 euros right now on Steam. 90% off.

I've played quite a few relatively obscure horror games but ironically not the first Obscure game like lifeline, deep freeze, overblood and its even more obscure sequel, overblood 2, and chaos break
I've also played some oddball PC games like Vigilance, jetfighter IV, and some games on those 100 in 1 discs

I bet my virginity on being the only negro here remembering a certain notable difference between version 1.10 and 1.00 of pic related.

What have I been doing all my life?

I'm pretty sure I actually played that Pikachu bootleg at some point. What game is it really?

I always wanted to play this.

I've actually dipped down to elder on this list, I am very proud of myself.

Ah fuck, now I finally find the Marathon Trilogy down at Gregor, why Gregor though? It's not THAT Obscure…

the only decent release on the ouya
It has an android release now, but it crashes whenever I try to play it, rip.

It's just an artsy website.


I have it right now, but have not played through it completely. I started on it, but then put down after getting busy with other things. I'll come back to it eventually. To early to form an opinion on it other than it's too easy.

It was alright. IIRC it started out pretty shit, then got better as the game progressed. Good enough to keep you amused, but nothing to write home about.

I've played it recently, but what immediately puts me off is the horrible movement system that requires(for beginners at least) the use of the lock-on function. I hate lock-on, I put up with it in dark souls only because I could at least not use it. I'll definitely get back to it though. I always want to play as the dwarf.

Cant play this shit nowdays because unity is not supported in browsers nowdays

you mean the ps1 game? it's been a while since i heard that name.
there was another one of those Resident Evil clones that was inside a train and you fought terrorists, and it's not T.R.A.G.

When i was a kid i played hundreds of those demo discs that came with PC magazines at my uncle house, i remember a bunch of games that i never hear you guys talk about, like cybermercs, warwind, terranova or DXball.

nuclear dawn/chase the express is the game you're thinking of

Why is the cursor a benis?

Isn't that software for making websites? How is that a game?

It's fairly obscure, I never got gud though.

r8 and h8
Polybius isn't real but I've played the fakes

There's two movies. One by Werner Herzog in a the late 80s, and the new one (which is amazing).


Does anyone have the obscurity chart with video game music?

When I was younger and at summer camp in the city, they had these computers that we could play on from time to time. One game I distinctly recall was the character playing as a robot, and you had to save farmers from being abducted by aliens. Ever since then I haven't been able to find it, but I typed "robot saves farmers from aliens" into a start engine and I think I found it.

It's called Otto matic, a 2001 "action-adventure" game. I distinctly recall not understanding what the fuck to do but still enjoying myself regardless.

I was typing up a huge blog post but I'm just gonna whittle it down to this:

Standard video game genre categorization is inadequate and we can't just categorize games like we do movies any more.

Back when geocities actually existed, a lot of japs put the links to the games in their geocities blog. Now that it's ded, they can be hard to find.

Never got to playing it, is it any fun, even in an autistic way?

Assuming it's possible without spoiling it, describe the "game"play at least a little

you can't trick me into being a shill

I can beg you to shill it to me

I recognize that face

Ok, junkbot might not be "Gregor" tier but it's still good. Now that Lego Flash MMO based on the failed Lego sci-fi action figure theme, that's Gregor.


This is going to be one of those games where the answer is super obvious, but is insanely hard by the sheer amount of misdirection, isn't it?

No one mentioned this gem yet.

it was so and so honestly

Fuck, i would never remember i played this game alone.

When i was a kid there was a game site that the symbol looked like E.Y.E in divine cybermancy, and it had a lot of fun weird games.

There was one multiplayer game that you played as a bird and tried to shit on the others birds, someone knows what game is this?

So nobody knows about this game?

Those were some weird multiplayer games.
It's a shame gamevial is dead now.

Rubies of Eventide. A failed and awesome mmorpg that was saved by the community and kept working for years, until the owners finally killed it and threatened anyone who showed interest in reviving it.

Also, Muzzle Velocity. A Mix between RTS and FPS that gave me countless hours of fun as a teen.

You can buy them all on freaking xbox live, unless you're talking about a Marathon not made by the Halo devs?

Full Auto 2 is never really brought up when Sega or PS3 games are discussed.

The only people that actively talk about marathon are chan dwellers user.