Show me a video game that I have not yet seen or heard of (outside of this thread) and I will grant you three wishes.
Show me a video game that I have not yet seen or heard of (outside of this thread) and I will grant you three wishes.
Does it have to be good? :^)
I'd like it to be good.
If i remember correctly, this game has reimu as a guest character, but i'm not sure
I vividly remember playing that. It was the thing that came before, if I remember correctly, Amazing Island for the Gamecube. It was a pokemon inspired game where you "draw" your creatures and then battle them in a glorified rock-paper-scissors contest.
Don't be facetious.
What? I guess it's probably quite well known what with the Roger Ebert thing. How about this.
Elroy's Costume Closet.
There was a thread about this a couple days (weeks) ago.
You know I can't actually grant wishes, right?
gimme some wishes
You asked so I shared old adventure games. The second one is meh but Cosmology of Kyoto is worth a playthrough. IIRC the Kotaku article about it includes a copy of it packaged inside a Windows 98 VM that just werks.
OK, no holding back this time!
gib wishes
I've been holding back the lion share of my power for the sake of amusement!
None of those images needed to be spoilered. The one in
did because it's a porn bootleg.
None of these things look like something I (or anyone) would actually actively want to play.
What do you want to play?
no porn, no nintendo
System or created by?
You're missing out on a lot of fun
Might be too hard for you.
Fine! I'll show you my true power!
How did NISA fuck up the gameplay?
Meant to say that's Pursuit Force where you play a Justice powered cop who gets into gun fights with criminals on the highway and jumps between vehicles to hijack them.
which one?
I wish for a personal cute oppai loli meido.
I'm lonely
Maybe before Game Dungeon
… How did I wind up here? What even happened?
how to bump thread?