Mfw Monster Hunter World has a bunch of fucking normalfags trying to get into my niche asking 'whats the lore...

Mfw Monster Hunter World has a bunch of fucking normalfags trying to get into my niche asking 'whats the lore? who makes dark souls style videos of it?'

I am mad. I am upset over this malignant infestation.

Do you feel the feel i am feeling?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's dead user, pick a clone and move on it's all we can do

I already have God Eater 3 next year thank fuck.

Is Freedom Wars ever going to get a sequel (Much less, a remake) like with Gravity Rush?

Did it even sell well in nippon? i bought it on Vita, F, but the lawbreaking shit was way better than the combat. It could have been a megaten style game and gotten better buzz than a hunting game.

There's always Dauntless :^)

No because World looks fun.

Why do normalfags care about lore when they wouldn't even pick up a book??

One franchise after the other, they all go down. Every year, more and more of them show up. We keep abandoning our favorite titles but we see no end to it.
Truly - only one thing is left for us to do. Crash this industry.

Wait, who does make the lore videos for monhun? It'd be good to catch up on everything before playing it. There's got to be a few autists who've sperged out and made a good dozen videos like this. If not then there's a market for it

With no survivors!

I know you're just shitting, but I seriously hope there aren't any western monhun fans that actually think they've funded the franchise in any significant capacity.

Reddit type of people that became lorefags via Vaatividya Dark Souls videos. Since then, people seem to have become a lot more autistic about muh lore, always reading into shit.

Reading books isn't fashionable.

Thats the absolute worst part. Heres an actual quote i saw yesterday "So i'm thinking of being for monster hunter what vaati is for other soulslikes, ive never played the games yet but i saw this equal dragon weapon and saw the potential for a lore series xD"


Thats right Mike.

There is no lore. Thats the issue.

It's only been happening to the industry as a whole.
Japan listens to Western CEOs- not the gamers.
But, when they do make their voices heard (like when Ys had shitty localization, the fans wrote to the Japanese dev to slap the shit of the localizer) they do seem to do shit.

If you're mad- tell Capcom you're mad.
If nothing else, you can be then certain your voice was heard and if they chose to ignore you and betray you that you don't have to give them money ever again.

Top fucking kek, sorry to bother your little nintendo hugbox faggot.

The last news was a few years ago where they said it depends on if fans want it and they would like to but can't, so no we probably aren't getting anything

w-what are the dark souls of videos?

Well, nothing beyond the fact that a Japanese fantasy society has built itself around killing dinosaurs, and you have talking cats, and a potat-head race, and-
Oh shit! The scavenging party just got attacked by this huge new beast, go out and kill it, master hunter!

Oh there fucking is

Drive in theaters during the day.





I wouldn't mind fighting a "Wyvyrn machine soldier" that is actually interesting but everything else is pretty mediocre and it's not like any of this shit shows in the games

Maybe you faggots shouldn't have told Dark Souls fans to flock to Monster Hunter because it was apparently similar. Seriously, I had four of you fuckers tell me to buy Tri because it was similar in gameplay. Instead, it was fucking trash. Just wait a while, and the lorefags will go away. Or, it will be like Dark Souls, and they'll never go away, and you'll be eternally associated with them.

I don't know if this has been retconned or not Some say it is, some say it isn't but at one point there was a deep lore to Monster Hunter. About a great war humans waged against what is now referred to as Elder Dragons(The reason why there are so few is because Elder Dragons and humanity almost drove each other to mutual extinction). The lore even explained that Hunters were genetically altered and that's why they can wield swords as big as themselves and be stepped on by a 3 story monster and not be crippled for life.
It also has the B.O.W.s that I know for sure were retconned, that were made of the remains of dead elder dragons. for an image of those. Monster Hunter has some pretty nice lore if you do enough digging, but that mostly stopped once that handheld multiplayer craze began for the series. Less time for them to focus on fun things like lore and needing to focus more time on making the gameplay and rewards worth 2000 hour save files.


Deal with it, your fandom is not the first to attract the normalfag crowd and it wont be the last one either. This is what happens when you obsess over corporate properties.

How many times must we give up before it stops

No, because I'm not autistic.

Fight for Monster Hunter, you fucking defeatist faggots.

All those grueling hours of grinding for resources and materials or whittling away at living engines of predation and destruction for their sweet looking and feeling new weapons and armor. The endless condescension and elitism for an explosive and unpredictable boss battle franchise inhospitable to mobilefags and retarded bloggers.

Think what you love and won't let see changed and rage for it along with any autistic and diehard as fuck nips who feel the exact same and are the lifeblood.

Don't be an idiot, guys.

It's not yours, faggot. It's Capcom. Your autismbux weren't enough so they went after a bigger demographic. Get over it.

You’re so assblasted it’s delicious.

It's always cute watching entitled manchildren freak out about "muh normalfags!!!! x'^C"

That's not lore, that's a setting.

It always starts and ends the same way too.

I heard anons here saying how bad MonHun World looks compared to the past games so I went to play MonHun Freedom Unite on PSP emulator.

It really is quite difficult, almost obtusely so at least when it comes to the UI and controls for choosing items, everything is so slow and dragged on and I'm still completely lost on where to even begin with all the crafting shit or am I doing okay or bad. I can't even beat the Lvl Unique quest, but I'll keep trying. I don't really enjoy it that much, but I can see how streamlining some aspects could make for a more enjoyable game.


kill the normalcattle. there is no other way.

This new game looks way better than the grinding casual shit the old ones were

Deal with it nintentoddlers

Weren't you guys making fun of my months ago when I made a thread saying how whenever something I like is palyed by someone I don't like then it's ruined?

You guys told me that 'if that ruins it for you then you never liked it to begin with :3"

because the new saucy meme is: BAAAAWWWW normalfagS ARE PLAYING MY UNDERRATED GEM, I CANT PLAY IT ANYMORE AND IS NOW SHIT WWAAAAH! they are just faggots.

Reminder that this is exactly what sony wanted to happen. They're still so pissy about losing the franchise to nintendo that they'd rather salt the earth and destroy something people enjoy than let their opposition have it.

He was being punished by Dan Ryckert. The most American American.

But OP is literally showing you what happens when they do play it.

Don't help them, undersell the game, tell them it's boring, insult them if they play in multi, can't beat a monster and every chance you can basically. Drive them away. Tell them that dark souls or another game they play already are better, and shouldn't be bother with mh.
Unfortunately the game looks good, and that's usually enough to make people buy something. Doesn't matter if it plays like shit. It's even worse since mh has also a fame of being "difficult", so people want to jump on the "hardcore gamer" wagon like they did with dark souls.

Okay, but the problem is that 3U and 4U already streamlined the gameplay and did it far better than the huge obnoxious jump towards obvious casual pandering

Who cares? just ignore them or fucking tell them the lore it's not the end of the world man

I hope World is a giant success and we stop getting the shitty MH games we've been getting up until now so I can gloat in your rage

Freedom Unite was even more obtuse on the original psp because it didn't have a second analog stick for camera control so you ended up having to do a "claw" motion on the d-pad to control the camera. When I played it originally I had a similar experience to yours, after sticking it out and finally having everything click it was an incredibly satisfying experience.
Look shit up if you have to and as says 3U and 4U make steps to streamline the game while remaining good so move to those if you want


Do you hope it to be GOOD
Or a comercial success?
Those two are different things

Things are making more sense, now. Another angle to be added into the issue.
the goyim cries in desperation without knowing that themselves had fulfilled their own doom, the kikes just gave traction and rope
Interesting one, user.

Just a success
It's Monster Hunter so I know it won't be good

It's worse than I thought…

I was mad when they nerfed hitboxes after MHFU instead of changing animations to accurately represent the old hitboxes. It's hard to see something that you truly believe is part of what makes a game great, being torn out to appeal to a wider audience. But hey, MH lived until now so I guess they're doing something right. Maybe making things easier for people to try out the game is part of the reason that it keeps selling.

I want all of you normalfags to be rounded and returned back to >>>/reddit/ for a proper zyklon b shower

Okay, I'll try those.

Make me ya big fag

Hurrrr durrrr faggit git uff muh vyidierz

I already did

Is Dauntless any good? I'm on a mailing list but I never really read them because it's still in paid alpha, and there's no way I'm paying for that.

How much do you think Sony paid to take MonHun from Nintendo? Do you think Capcom will do to Sony what they did to Nintendo during the Sega years?
Capcom had an exclusivity deal with Nintendo for Street Fighter II. Capcom said "sure thing" and made "Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition" a totally new and original game! They didn't break their exclusivity at all! Truly masters of the cunning ruse.
I do think MH5 is coming, and that MHW is more of a gaiden thing which, if it proves successful, will become the format for MH6. The MonHun cashcow is all that's keeping Capcom afloat at the moment, they couldn't be stupid enough to kill their one golden goose.

It's on Xbox and PC too you cock-sucking Nintoddler.

You can see it everywhere, let's look at Nier, one of Holla Forums's favorite niche series hitting record sales and critical praise with Nier: Automata.
You know what that means. Shitty mobile games, CGI movies, half-baked MMORPGs and the future of the series being condemned to development hell nightmare stories and waiting ten years just to get two demos and a game with serious identity issues.
Unrelated, but FFXV should have stuck to the fun road trip aspect of the game. It should have just been about the prince collecting all the weapons of his ancestors as a rite of passage to become king. With the weapons of his ancestors hidden in increasingly more dangerous locations and pushing his limits until the last weapon is found and the final boss is defeated.
He'll eventually get creatively fatigued and turn into a hack just like Nomura, Miyamoto and other once great Japanese developers that get the go-ahead to constantly churn out games. You can't shit gold forever.
Final Fantasy staved it off for a long time, but eventually Squeenix's kikery is going to cause them to water down all the series's defining characteristics in purusit of sales.

Yeah, I agree user. How dare those filthy n0rmies like something I like? Fucking trogolodyte scum.

Nice bait. But I'll humor you. The problem isn't normalfags liking what I like. The problem is that the game is being adjusted in ways that damage the core gameplay loop in order to appeal to normalfags.
A normalfag getting into CS 1.6 or Mount and Blade isn't a problem. It becomes a problem when the developer announces something the next CS game having auto-aim or the next Mount and Blade removing gameplay options because too much choice confuses new players.

Anyone happen to know a good place to find the iso for MonHun Tri for the Wii (dolphin emu I guess). I was surprised the most reliable rom sites don't have wii roms

People are so shallow, that they need overly complicated lore and cinematic with deep/complex story to enjoy a video game or IP. Theres is no pleasure with the game part of the video game, fuck.

Dont even joke about it.

It's not really crying over some irrelevant faggots flocking to Monster Hunter. It's more seeing Monster Hunter becoming some Destiny-tier bowl of tepid spunk and seeing the worst kind of redditor suddenly deciding they like Monster Hunter now after calling it shit for years.
It's comparable to the DmC situation, except it's actually working and finding an audience.

Then go cry about the game being shit. OP's entire post is just "HOW DARE PEOPLE LIKE THINGS I DO".

OP, don't tell me you trusted Capcom in the current fucking decade. Don't tell me you are THAT much of a shitter


If you come into a thread not expecting OP to be a faggot, that's on you.

fair enough.

I fucking wish. That game is a solid 8.5 outta 10

I can't wait to pre-order 50 lbs worth of MH:W™

I don't care how bad it is.
I'll still like it better than every MH to receive a western release in the last half a decade because at least I don't have to play it on a DS.
I don't see how people use this console regularly. Is there a secret to withstanding the 240x240 resolution for longer than 30 minutes at a time? Or the horrible backlighting? Is this some kind of special characteristic that people develop if they play on mobile consoles starting from a young age?
Is everyone except me emulating it? Is that the trick?

The trick is to play an actual 3DS, preferably XL, and get your facts straight you little clown.

sweet emoji duder. can i use that on reddit too?

He got the facts straight. Playing this series on a 3DS is fucking retarded and the people who defend it have Stockholm syndrome at this point.

freedom unite has weird as fuck controls for no reason. stupid decisions and all that. if you want the "most refined" monster Hunter experience i would try 4U. generations is OK but the combat is a little more over the top and many monster attacks are more bullshit as a result. 3U is also very good.

Does the XL even have a higher resolution than the 3DS? I have a 3DS, I know someone with an XL, the resolution doesn't seem any better, the screen is just bigger. I also can't find anywhere even saying that the XL has a larger resolution.

the secret is having a cracked 3ds which you can install custom firmware on just so you can stream your 3ds screen to your computer monitor via wifi
yes this really exists and yes i actually do this because my eyes are terrible
in b4 muh screen delay what a faggot
also get one of those plastic controller attachments for your 3ds so you don't get cramps from holding a thin ass slate.


If by refined you mean streamlined then sure.

Now you niggers know how it felt when nier automata was released

I never bothered to crack mine since it didn't seem worth the trouble when monster hunter was the only game I was ever gonna play on it, but that seems really cool.
How much display lag is there? It sounds like it would be pretty unbearable if its over wifi.
Can you also use the keyboard for controls?

yeah, that's kinda what i meant to be honest. 4U has the nicest controls and area movement (namely climbing) in my opinion though.

Blame Sony and their PlayStation "one analog" Portable

Isn't the lore, literally, "we're a society of cavemen in a world with monsters much bigger and powerful than us thriving and prospering so we can hunt them for meat and resources for our caveman-like yet advance society?

The thing that I adore about Monster Hunter is that you are noone special, just someone up to hunt for the sport and the profit.

the lag is actually not noticeable for me. my eyes aren't that great, but i should have noticed input lag. i was surprised. It's probably because streaming a low res display like that doesn't cost that much bandwidth.

if you are interested I'd head over to – yes that's a URL. Googling 3ds guide should also get it. however if you've updated your system firmware recently I wouldn't get my hopes up.

they still made like 3 different action buttons for no reason
circle is the action button except when it isn't and cross is the talk to NPCs button. why?

Everything in the game is intentionally vague. You can infer some info from the futuristic armor sets, the implied intelligence of fatalis and the little tidbits in the old instruction manuals. In the end it's just "This rathalos interrupted my wedding, go kill it" which is perfectly fine by me

they go really far with the no one special bit. in 4U, when you beat high rank Caravan Quests (in other words the whole single player campaign before the Ultimate version came out) you go to a new town where an NPC named "Pro Hunter" regularly talks down to you like you're fresh off the boat

Remember that you can do it only on new3ds.

Circle is talk in the Japanese version. I blame the generic confirm and cancel buttons being swapped across Japanese and Western region versions.

It's around a megabit or two (if it sends the stereoscopic 3d video) without compression, there's probably more delay because of the wireless latency.

Retards detected.

i don't think it streams the stereoscopic 3d shit, i never had any issues playing monster hunter this way but your mileage may vary i guess

I'm already seeing hipsters and bait.

They quite seriously just make shit up as they go because it makes a more entertaining game. First priority is gameplay and setting, second priority is muh overarching lore in dinosaur game-park land.
Look through any of the artbooks and you can see that they only care about how everything added in comes from so many different sources and consistency is only relevant so far as it directly affects the mechanical and visual enjoyment of the game. It's not a game leaden with hidden personal, social or political drama. It's not even a game with a brief amount of drama in it like dork souls.

I really need to proofread my posts, I'm not even going to try to fix that mess of a sentence.

I don't care what you do, ledditor.


This. Any story or lore only exists for the purpose of what fights or areas they take place in.

The end of a main game had you enter a sealed off ground where a newly evolved Elder Dragon you were actually butting heads with since early on waited with its sinister radiant body contrasting heavily with the darkness from it and faintly bright ashes surrounding the turf and the music gave the feel of fighting the divine hyped up living calamity even seasoned professional magic monster fighting mercenaries couldn't handle.

Just because it was occupying the larger niche of Japan and selling millions in just Japan, doesn't mean it isn't niche. If I sell 2 million units of my new flavor of cheese to only cheese lovers, it's still a niche product.

There actually is a surprising amount of Lore although it's mostly just about the Ancient Civilizations War that destroyed them, Monster ecology and how the Guild Operates but there just to for flavour text.
The stories for every single game is also the exact same

You fags sound like a bunch of hipster cunts, you're not even complaining about the game getting casualized anymore, you're straight up complaining that people will be allowed to talk about it and make videos of it, you're officially worse than even Nier fans now, congratulations.

I mean, it was a normalfag as fuck game in Japan since the PSP.

We've been complaining about the casualization since announcement, especially in the monster hunter threads. It's only natural they move to other pointless shit.

I love the tears this game is producing. At least they are finally going to try something different with hardware that gives us the HD MonHon game we have been wanting since the ps2/psp era.
>implying most "fans" were old enough to remember the ps2/psp era

fun with friends mayne

The monster in the game that seems most like the equal dragon seems to be the Gogmazios, the fucker just pops seemingly out of nowhere to
>Has a dragonator stuck in its back pointing outwards

Also OP along with the rest of the thread. You shouldn't care about what normalfags think or say, they are 99% absolutely fucking clueless and when you put too much thought into it it'll just make you mad. Dont pay them any mind or even talk to them about vidya at all and you guys will be fine.

My brother is an unbearably obnoxious normalfag and I would choke the shit out of him if he wasnt bearmode and me a twink. Trying to talk to him about vidya is like hammering a nail into my head.

I think he was asking for iron pinapple/infernoplus/yung maestro-style videos but for Monster Hunter. There isn't really anyone who does stuff like that regularly though.
Not yet anyways…

In other words you’ve been circlejerking around because “it’s different and I don’t like change” like a five year old. Oh how I pity you.

I'm fine with it being different and I'm fine with it changing. However when it regresses then we have issues.

That's not true. I wouldn't mind if they made it harder.

Let's not forget that the older fans already knew the series jumped ship a long time ago. At this point this is a new idea that could go either way. I'm surprised there is as much backlash as there is.
I know why but i'm not going to let the mods b& me for something so obvious.

I never played these games
Are there any other enemies to fight or do you only hunt giant monsters and 1 v 1 them. Is there any difficulty in these games?

There's far more people blaming things one nintoddlers than there are actual nintoddlers here. It's idiotic to begin with since it's going to be on PC so everyone is going to get to play it.

Grab your psp or rev up that psp emulator and play Monster Hunter Portable 3rd with English translation. Play it until you finish your 2 star quests. By then you will either hate it or see why this game has such a huge following.

Thats pretty much what /mhg/ has been doing for the past few months. Tbh i dont even know what they were expecting in this day and age. Its not like EA/Konami bought and is milking the game, but capcom is and they are dumping everything into it. In fact the game is still being made by its original creators. For it to say on the 3ds and stay nearly identical to how it is forever was NOT going to happen and endless bitching wont stop that.

People who don't play games can still be into "the lore".

People who want to be in on something without actually enjoying it.

who's ready for vaatividya's new series "prepare to hunt"?

Gogmazios was probably an equal dragon weapon.

Everyone and their grandmother plays that shit on their 3DS in nipland

Huh, that makes neat

No one would care if it wouldn't result in those retards having anything said taken seriously, like still bitching about no actual lock on (Kingdom Hearts aiming) or any storyfaggotry shit fucking up the actual size and depth of the game in favor of it.

And that's just the start if fans don't lay down the law on any retarded bandwagoning faggots or cucks.

I wish I did. I was a poorfag growing up (still am but not so poor I can't afford vidya) and now that I finally have cash to try the games I've been interested in they're all getting cancer. I just wanted to try the hunting horn out once. Tell me, Holla Forums: was it really as comfy as I've heard?

How is this different from regular monster hunter? I don't get why everyone is in a huff, just dont use the environmental stuff if you dont want to incorporate it. think of it as a challenge run, or using what you like and not whats over powered. people do this all the time in games.

Nintendo, Sony, and Atari have recently gone on massive DMCA takedown campaigns against every noteworthy site that hosts roms/isos. Presumably because of the new fad of selling shitty rompacks on an overpriced hipster emulation box. i.e. NES Mini.

“But muh casualization of the next game”. Face it, the l33t gamers that are the “true MonHun fans” don’t want this because it looks like it plays better than what they’re playing on. They don’t want this change because it invites “the filthy casuals” to their series despite this series being a horrible grind fest with subpar controls. :^)

World isn't necessarily going to be complete garbage, but it marks the beginning of the end. World might still end up being alright but what happens after that to the series is what people are worried about I think.

Holy shit you sound like a faggot.

what he says has merit though. It's like mgsv and bloodborne all over again. They'll be fun games and arguably more fun then previous in their series

I don't think you'll need to worry about normalfags ruining MHW. Capcom is already doing a good job of that themselves.

Not true
I'm running cfw on my og 3ds

I know you won't believe me, because it's simply too ridiculous. But these people invested so much time and money into videogames, that they turned them into their identity not unlike a gender obsessed liberal. Those have genders, these have vidya genres so to speak. But most importantly, any form of change to the formula causes an avalanche effect that threatens their peace of mind.

that's really what it looks like. I completely believe you

You keep forgetting about all the casualizations now. Personally I think the combat is fine, but the potion changes and monster speed nerfs are ridiculous. Not to mention if you fuck up a mount you can get a free remount. It's making it so everything is in your favor.

This is explained in-game, though. He raided a fortress or stockpile where they had an antique dragonator stored, and it got stuck onto his back when he was leaving. That specific dragonator was significant somehow (iirc it was the first one Dundorma had built, so it was an important part of their history), and when you get the urgent to slay Gogmazios, His Immenseness mentions that it was seen carrying the missing dragonator.

Here's some other info for lore on gogmazios. Unfortunately I can't find any other source for this, and the source linked there has 404'd, so I'm stuck archiving a reddit thread with the info. I found it through a search engine, please don't bully too hard.

I want to kill the G.Jagras's babies right in front of its face to see how it reacts.

He means video streaming with cfw, you cant do that on the o3ds.

You're just being a faggot manchild.

You guys are totally agreeable. The game still looks fine and some points dont bother me too much, but its still generally the same thing.

Dont worry, its okay to browse far and wide on the internet in search of information, thats what it was made for, reddit is no doubt a good place to find info on specific things. Still, fuck em tho

My problem with this method of thinking is reminiscent to tower shield tank builds in dark souls. It's an arguably less fun playstyle yet it is a much easier playstyle and what most casuals do when they play a souls game. You can pick a different playstyle that is more fun while the other still exists. In a PvE game that makes perfect sense like in monster hunter just play the way thats more fun, Dark souls has PvP where the tower shield builds were annoying until people figured out pivot stabs and dead angling. monster hunter doesnt have pvp so nothing to lose other than a press a to attack play style

you've never played a monster hunter game, even gen 1 is more than 1 button spam

sorry meant for

Now that I've read that I never thought they would have put that much thought and detail into the monster. Its completely shocking how they managed to use science and logic to make it make complete sense. Especially a crazy looking, fuck huge, unbelievable creature like that.

So how dumbed down is it now?

Because "lol don't use it" isn't really an option when the game is designed around them?

Why is anyone worried about lore fags trying to make videos on this shit when there is almost fucking nothing to work with.
With Souls there was at item descriptions.
What the fuck can they even make lore out of in MH.
No seriously I cant see anything that is not explicitly explained in game.
This is going to be the next level of reaching for any point.
The only thing I see is "Dark souls style videos" aka Visual Shitposts being a thing.

There's little written bits from art books, but those are art books and more than likely not actually canonical. There's some tidbits scattered around in NPC dialogue that someone could glean information from if they wanted to bother, usually from people who work in the guild or old wyverians.

At best, you can only get very small snippets of the setting and history of the world. Enough for one, long video, but not churning it out on the regular like the other lorefag channels.

What a bunch of kansas city faggots. The link in the Reddit OP has a archive of the articles blurb on the magazines website but it's a picture for fucking ants so no help there. Still that's pretty interesting, I wonder what other details are planned out and not actually available to the players.

If they want monster hunter lore, just tell them to play this


user, idk where you got some of your info from but

Is absolute horse shit, you can criticize the game but spreading lies is fucking dishonest and gay.

There, I you've been corrected.

The weapon/armor changing has been shown off a lot but I've never seen this shown anywhere, or officially stated. Only rumors. Do you have a source? Also, you forgot to mention you can eat a meal after starting a quest.
This was a rumor from when people thought charms used mantle slots. It's actually 1 charm and 2 mantles.
In addition to regular DLC armor sets, there's also cosmetic DLC armor sets that have no stats or skills but are worn over your regular armor, like social armor in an MMO. And DLC gestures, DLC hairstyles and other character customizations, and DLC stickers (like some IM programs have; basically just a reaction image).

Stop lying on the internet, user.

That has to be one of the worst hunting games I've ever played everything about the game's design is just hot garbage. Seriously who the hell thought that it would be a good idea to put real time waiting for crafting? Or having that absolute bullshit final boss?

They never showed off anybody using the item box so im assuming that thats a lie too. And idk why hes mad about dlc armor sets when they were in the game already. It was free dlc though.
I just wonder why he got so mad to the point where he started to pull random lies out of his ass? Its just a fucking videogame. Chill.

This. I'm glad they always fucking do this. Everything else is strictly classified or categorized and explained in its properties and what might not be known about the monsters, even the Elder Dragons and all their weapons and armor.

People wouldn't lie on Holla Forums.

Everything has its soul in it and gives off a sinister feeling. Because beyond science god magic, fuck you, just shut up. It's one of the baddest and most destructive motherfuckers out there.

Its divinity and history echoes through its armor and weapons as well. Because beyond science god magic, fuck you, just shut up. Feel like a legendary hero with this stuff on.

Told through items or your records it literally can't ever die because its heart is still beating even though you cut it out and used it to make something to wear and will eventually regenerate its entire body. Because beyond science god magic, fuck you, just shut up. This thing is an asshole living calamity that exists to bring destruction and everything gives you a cathartic sense of its power of being a living otherworldly volcano that shoots fucking meteors out of them as it roars at your very presence to really make you feel fucked.

Is there even a remotely sensible explanation as to how a Deviljho, the hungriest and angriest motherfucker in the land, known to ruin ecosystems in its simple search for food, can be tamed and trained?

Basically, let me explain this from a PC/3DS-Fag perspective.
Monster Hunter World makes a few basic changes, from what we've seen so far, that are extremely detrimental to how the old games play.
Damage Numbers, which replace monster reactions, Skills, which are now easy as fuck to stack, The Highlight system, because the graphics are too muddy,
the Monsters themselves, which are much slower, easier to kill, and so on, and last but not least, most of your items and attacks no longer require you to commit to them;
You can walk around and heal like with Estus in Dark Souls 3, most attack animations have no recovery time, and so on.
Basically, it's been casualized and dumbed down alot. Monster Hunter already suffered from an increasingly obnoxious grind, but now its main selling point, the boss battles, are going to be dumbed down to the point where any retard from Polygon can win consistently. They've added onto this by adding Day 1 DLC/Cosmetic shit, and having in-game damage charts and other things for newfags.

yeah so? Just dont use them then. Dont use what you dont find fun, use what you do find fun. Same reason I never used the tower shield when I played dark souls. Same reason I never used a sub machine gun in rainbow six vegas, Same reason I never used axes in final fantasy 12. Same reason I never used team stack combos in Disgaea 2. Same reason I didn't use sleep darts in mgsv. Same reason i didn't use the pyro class in TF2. Same reason I didn't use magic in Terranigma. I could go on. Imagine how much fun you'd have if you didn't do boring stuff.

wait a minute there is lore in these games? I thought it was just about hunting monsters n shit.

Also how in the fuck can you compare the 2 games? I could not get into monster hunter, and I tried, over and over again even when that was not enough I tried the damn clones and the closest was God Eater but still it was no monster hunter.


Change isn't always good.

Your newfag is showing.

When the game is designed around that shit then it's a serious problem. This is more than just a Dark Souls tower shield issue. Entire mechanics are being dumbed down.

I cry

If it was that simple it'd be nice.
But Imagine if Dark Souls was designed with the player ALWAYS having a tower shield equipped.
So every trap was undodgable and could only be blocked by a tower shield, most attacks ate up all the normal shield stamina, They were near impossible to dodge, and also using the tower shield made the game so fucking easy while not using it was practically impossible.
Well, that's how it is here. Nobody is arguing that they hate a new weapon, and that it "ruins the game", or that they hate a new item or trap, they're arguing about the core mechanics, and how it casualizes the overall game in a way you really can't avoid.

But if normalfgs want to get into the lore, that's GOOD. There's two types of normalfags. Those that play it because it's popular, and those that are burdgeoning Holla Forums goers. People interested in the lore and why things are happening is good. People that are enthralled simply because a big guy kills shit with a big sword are cancer, though. I welcome people who are aware there's more to the game and ask about it, instead of being happy with beating a big sword against a dinosaur until they get a "you win" message.

If they really cared they'd play the games and figure it out for themselves.

A lot of the lore on MonHun comes from random resources like the fucking art books

guy who doesnt know shit about MonHun who always wanted to get into the series here.

is Worlds really going to be crap? i've asked a lot of other longtime fans and they're all excited…it almost seems like you're mad it's popular. and don't get me wrong, i know how normalfags ruin everything, this just seems like it actually isn't going to be one of those times at first glance.

You should operate on the basis that anyone who needs to be here will either find their way to it themselves, or it will find them, because that's how it works.

It may not ruin everything, but it will eventually be ruined and it will be at the hand of normalfags. Off the top of my head, Ace of Spades, Saints row, tribes, the entire shooter genre recently, RPGs in general being dumbed down into action combat games with level progression and DARBSHOALS XD
They're even self-cannibalizing, because as soon as they noticed hatred for their faggot approach for everything being darksouls normalfag review niggers hopped on that and started criticizing their own strata. Fuck them all.

What's wrong with having fun with just beating a dinosaur to death and having fun with that? I've never payed attention to monhun story but I still think it's fun. I often forget there even is a story.

I haven't been paying attention to World myself. I'm waiting for it to come out before I make and solid judgements, but from what I've seen some things are definitely more casualized such as healing while running.

Wrong, you stupids, there's a squad of nuns right now reviewing every comment omitted WORLDWIDE.
No untrue comment goes trough their iron gaze.

Neither is stagnation.

This "thing" unironically ruins the game for me. Monster Hunter is first and foremost about CUTE GIRLS, and so far all we've seen is disgusting western-tier "females" and niggers.

Yeah, just in general following any brand or company is a mistake.
It's rough in this medium since gaming inherently needs more people per project but it's a safe bet to say that when a company like Valve can go from making games to making platforms for marketplaces and workshops and a company like Konami can go form publishing videogames to publishing Pachinko machines or a franchise can go through three trilogies and somehow end up less important every single time you can't follow any given brand or company.

Something fun to take note of; videogame fans are the most passionate out of any medium, because they spend more time than any other on that medium, literal months of their time and in some case years on these games.
Take note that below that is TV audiences who will do some stupid, crazy bullshit over shows they spend weeks of their time on them! They've literally bullied people into attempting suicide over some!

Now note that nobody gives a flying toss about movies, since you basically spend at most a couple hours once in a while on them.
At least not compare to those last ones.

Now tell me why this is still surprising to you, that people don't enjoy the direction a franchise takes when it looks like they're tossing their core audience into the wind to widen appeal? It's like a TV show throwing in a Poochie, it grates on everyone sane who actually has any passion in the franchise.


You can go ask FNAF lorefag cancer on making something out of nothing going wrong in so many levels. Also Undertale lorefags. Can't wait for FagTheory to get involved in MonHun

lol a gay whine thread

MonHun had lore for the first few games, but no one cared about it and we went back to just hunting giant monsters.
DorkSouls, on the other hand, has equally little outright lore, but the autists sit there reading item descriptions and making their own little stories up about each little thing.

I can't wait til they try it with MonHun. I don't know about Worlds, but every other game has no little lore it's not even funny. Even the items are just "It's shiny and kills good".

if anyone asks about the lore of monster hunter they should just be directed to the wikipedia page for poaching.

desperate betas infesting the world has ruined everything fun. nothing can just be about the thing itself anymore, everything has to come down to waifus. it's sickening and I think I'm going to shoot up a place soon over it.

they're preorder and paid DLC armor sets user

I’m saying the MonHun community are elitist pricks, at least the ones on fullchan. It’s fun seeing them get kicked in the dick.

but the nintendrone salt will redeem the game

I have never played a monster hunter game, but I have seen yokohama junky's booklets about it and I see vore potential.


It's out already?

Almost every time tbh

Comes out on january 26th

Its the biggest, most graphically advanced and seemingly most mechanically varied MH game yet. There is a lot of risky new content being added which makes the game more bearable to new comers but is entirely optional. Holla Forumsirgins are just pissed off that some stuff got added/changed in a way they dont like. See

Do it Ren

What DLC and Cosmetic shit?

this is because instead of kicking out the normalfags, Holla Forums just abandons a game/games therefore giving it to them

those are all marketing buzzwords


It's happened with numerous animals that have been brought into captivity where they hunt+eat non stop in the wild, but in captivity, since they are fed regularly, they just put on weight.



All words showing any positivity is marketing to you people, tbh famalam.

Probably, but it's a title earned because people like you who are inept dumbasses who praise the dumbing down of a game who have made all franchises shit and the entry bar of mon hun kept you out.

because no one with over 2 brain cells to rub together think World is any good.

Every location in Dark Souls is given its own personality, with history and whatnot to make it more unique, so that you aren't running through "random castle #23" there's actual reasons for stuff to be there and whatnot.

Its cool, but people do obsess over it, yeah.

Who many times have this exact same pattern failed by now

too many to count


then let me elaborate
for what? bigger is not always better and bigger for the sake of bigger always turns out wrong, see most open world games
what does that even mean? good graphics? if I cared about graphics I would play AAA shit and I don't
usually means "dumbed down"
like I haven't heard than one every single time some publisher makes an old established franchise more casual

If i was hunting a monster and its AI broke i would be over the fucking moon

not that the AI in this game is anything to be happy about. So many perks given to the hunters yet he monsters are, if anything, made more incompetent, living in kill boxes where you just get to slap their shit wrecklessly.

Either get a cheap 3ds and start with 4U or get PPSSPP and emulate freedom unite (unless you have a psp I guess). After some time playing the game as a new player you will get to a point where you have a really REALLY hard time beating a monster, when you finally beat that monster look back at how much fun you had with this fight and until now, at this point you are either in love with the game or hate it. (Or you give up on the monster and become a Worlds shill)

muh shiiiiiills. Keep crying.

not an argument

I know it's fucking hilarious huh?

"Oh my god they made hunters so fast this is bullshit!"

Oh noes! You can now keep up with the new improved speedy gonzales monsters that have had a rapid speed increase in the last three games and don't have to endlessly chase them around arena's anymore!

This is an outrage! I demand my hunters be slow as fucking shit where every weapon with mobility options is seen as "Broken" by the community because they're so effective!

If you actually had problems with the speed of the monsters maybe you should consider suicide or atleast go back to reddit

what the fuck am I reading

Is there footage of World's Diablos in rage? Kinda hard to compare the speeds when the older clips shows one in rage mode.

Maybe I had fun fighting monsters and not chasing them

But you never had to chase any monster, they come to you you know, else they wouldnt be able to attack you.
The only time this may be valid is when a monster keeps using charge attacks and you are too shit to follow it, but unless you managed to break the ai they only do this 3 times max.
And if you mean they are too fast for you to get a hit in then git gud faggot.
Now back to reddit or actually play the games if you wanna talk about them here.

Im not wrong though am i? Im just describing the game. He could also compare world with the previous games and see the difference for himself, its fucking obvious. Besides, why would you think i would try to sell people a game on the asshole of the internet with a relatively low population and a shitload of pirates including myself? Also by your definition anybody who has an opinion positive of world unlike yours is marketing the game even though I was being neutral? Thats fair.

By my definition anyone acting like a faggot is a faggot. Im gonna give you the point that the graphics look good, even though you cant differentiate between objects you can interact with and random background anymore, the monsters and the textures overall look great.
But thats still all you got, you wont go indepth on any other point because you know its shit, its nice looking shit but it still tastes like shit.
Also this:
you literally shilled the game to someone that thinks about getting into monhun as a good starter game

And all you can do is call it shit because you don’t like the changes. You’re proving him right, user.

nigger Im not gonna write down all of the problems worlds seems to have or copy in all the webms and posts that already described it, read the fucking thread, most of them have already been posted.

And before you complain, if you can get it down into a postable webm/mp4 be my guest

Yian x 2

All of them are vastly, and I mean vastly faster than their original versions over the years

Brutes have had the biggest buffs period and their sidestep/backstep now covers insane distances

Here's Yian in MH1

And here's modern, and the massive speed up

And hammer is still the same slow POS it was in MH1 as it is today, which is why everyone moved onto faster/newer weapons

So yes, I very much welcome the speed up in hunter movement speed, it's way fucking overdue

End result:

I like hunting monsters, not endlessly chasing monsters

Yes they lowered monsters HP to compensate, but it's still annoying as fuck to chase them all over the map

Yes they have gotten faster, I am not denying this at all but there is no problem with this in my opinion, the controls were worse in the older games and the fastest monsters now would be complete cancer in the old games but they are completely manageable now. I will still argue that you rarely have to chase after a monster even in the newer games so you overreact by a lot and it just looks silly.
Also it doesnt help that you are a giant faggot making it look like all the problems we have is the hunter speed, a little speed up by itself would have been acceptable and maybe even fun but together with all the other shit worlds has to deal with and maybe even slowing down the monsters on top of that, even though Im not so sure this is true, it makes for an even easier game. Keeping the monsters fast is the least they could have done when they give you muh environmental everything.

I know, but in due time all franchises and IP's fall to the normal-faggotry.
This one is no different, it's community being that much more excluding just makes it that much more glaring and questionable.

There is no clone that's identical enough to be good.

Nothing is the same enough to be good.

I don't care about chasing, but I do care about how long a hunt takes, so it factors in.
I like that even elder dragon hunts in 4U and Gen can be extremely fast (15min or less), but I don't like that they're also easier. If they're faster, make them proportionally harder - make the monsters more aggressive, have fewer totally safe openings, move faster, deal more damage. If I can kill a monster in five minutes, make it kill me in a single solid hit.
I want my shit to be snappy because I got a lot of shit to do in my life, but I also want to feel like I earned it.

If I had to choose between speed or difficulty, I'd go right back to slow as fuck 45-minute long solo g-rank hunts. They're agonizing and I could only do one or two a day without burning out, but at least they're satisfying to finish. Infinitely more satisfying than shit in Gen where you can win hunts by just moving the stick and blindly swinging while watching TV.

some of these complaints seem justified, but why are people upset about being able to heal while moving? what the fuck is wrong with buffing hunter mobility? thats the biggest damn reason I could never get into the series super hard
even the fastest weapons feel clunky as holy hell and still make you dedicate to at least a few seconds of animation
I'm sure coming from mostly hack n slash games gave me a bias, but I'm sure theres a way to do this without it feeling like a bare step up from turn-based combat
making monsters slower is complete bullshit and unnecessary if thats true though

Yes, the only way to go against them is to not support games, but instead torrenting them and yet still enjoying them. Then if we miraculously get a game that plays like the core game that people have come to love you support it.

Industry only listens to peoples wallets. Most game nowadays are ASS but are still made since it turns a profit. Like movies.

I thought normalfaggots didn't like re-

Oh right, jewtube celebrities.


Because they didn't increase monster aggression to account for your increased mobility.
Wow it's almost like the heavy weapons have weight to them and require you to time attacks properly. Go play SnS and DBs if you want speed.

damn im hungry now

It got corrupted from all the computers its gone through since 2015. Thanks.

that's the free market at work baby

Mercantilism sounds better at this point.

For pizza or turle spunk?

ITT asshurt nintedrones who realize their switch has even less exclusives.


Do it faggot. Do it. Fucking do it I double dare your limpwristed tripleniggerass.
You'd be my husbando.

MH has had some sort of free DLC missions for ages now, I hope they don't change the way they worked.

The day one DLC is paid dlc for people that pre-order, it's the hunter set for old games, plus two cosmetic sets to use on top of armor, a new hair style and a new voice.
Almost sure they will also add Denuvo to the game.
It's dead.

explain this shit

Sure thing, FBI.

They wont, the devs themselves confirmed that there will be free DLC in an interview,unless if theyre lying of course they even said with less console limitations that they would be able to do more with the dlc too. No word on G-rank or event quests though.

There's no G-rank, there's also no Village quests. Enjoy your Season Pass™

How do you kick out normalfags out of a game? If you aren't buying it while telling everyone its shit, yet the shit still sells, how do you fight that?

In MH games G-rank always came a year after.
Theres no justifying no village quests.
Why would there be a season pass when there is still free DLC?

I cant answer that, I dont play shit games.

Easy. The free DLC is shit like new quests and items, while the season pass goes towards new areas, monsters, and weapons.

I didn't want to believe it was bad until this came into my mind.


They could just release it MHW ultimate then, but as a dlc and not a different game. Thats most likely whats going to happen, especially with world being a worldwide release and with consoles having less limitations unlike the 3ds.

Are you going to believe its that bad though? Is it really? Were not dealing with bethesda or EA here you know.

Look at Capcom and what they did lately. If they cross the line of Season Pass it will be at the same level of EA or even Bethesda.

Besides, the point of Monster Hunter was going to events with friends and get unique crafted stuff while hunting big monsters with friends.

Come on, user.

The paid DLC is basically guaranteed


Why would you do that in a monster hunter game?

Are they taking away the fun of the hunt? or are they so crazy they charge you for armors to craft?

Because whatever talent/direction capcom had is long gone.

I guess it is good they don't make a sequel of Dragon's Dogma.

There's pointing out flaws in a shit game then there's trying to fake shit.

oh no they did, they made a horrible MMO that completely hamstrings you if you don't pay them.

I've heard the MMO wasn't half bad.

It's not TERRIBLE. But it's like saying becoming paralyzed from the neck down is a step up from dying outright. Yeah you get to continue existing but holy shit is it depressing compared to how you were before whilst also knowing that there's no hope in your future.

no, it was fucking horrible. They gutted a ton of classes, the skill system was ruined, and any character building was removed.
Your class level is your level period, and pawn AI got made even worse

I'm not ready to call doomsday on World just yet myself, but that being said capcom is on the exact same level as the worst of the worst, thats been pretty well established

If by "monster reactions" you mean how big the spray of blood is when you hit them, then this is false. You can turn the numbers off too.
Because 10 skills with 1 point in each will give exactly the same benefit as 10 skills with 10 points in each. Sure, okay.
There wasn't any challenge to seeing gathering nodes before, so it's not possible to make it easier. If it doesn't actually make anything easier, how is it more casual?
It's fucking L O W R A N K
And to compensate for this the health is restored over a short period instead of instantly, and the regeneration stops if you get hit
[citation needed]
Preorder bonuses aren't the same thing as Day 1 DLC. The fact you can get a charm for preordering is pretty bad, but the skill it gives is trivial and you should be able to get something better very quickly.
How does this matter? How do things which by definition have no impact on the game itself affect the game?
This information was always readily available to anyone with half a brain cell and access to google. Putting it in the game itself is just for convenience.

Don't forget that it's also a comparison of different moves probably on different difficulty ranks.

They are dumbing it down, but it's not horrendous. Stuff like damage numbers isn't bad, but it just doesn't make sense 'cus it serves no purpose. On the flip side, they're getting rid of obtuse stuff that only exists to make you grind longer, like having to buy different sets of the same exact armor for blade users and gunners, and you can actually fucking put down eggs. It's a mixed bag. I really do not see anything to get super pissed over, but just the mere fact that they are aiming for a wider audience that never gave a shit about monster hunter for very obvious reasons is worrying. Even if World turns out good, god knows what they'll do to the next one.
In my case I can just keep playing XX on my Switch if it ends up shitty so I don't care

You mean how big the spray of rocks is.


Nah. I'm referring to monsters getting tired, drooling, recoiling, and so on.
And? They still dumbed it down and removed previous features.
What the fuck are you trying to say? The fact is that you can easily stack up skills, too easily compared to older games. Even a retard like you could do it now.
Not my point. They've made the graphics such a mess that everything needs to be highlighted now. They're putting graphics ahead of gameplay and utility, and that's always worked out well, hasn't it?
And the low rank monsters are still dumber, slower, and easier to kill than ever before.
Nah. It's pretty instant, and you'll never get hit since it's easy to move and heal, especially since there is no flex anymore. Timing? What's that? Too difficult.
You can watch the gameplay videos lad. Since you just admitted you haven't, I'm not even sure you know much about world now.
Other than in spelling, they are functionally the same. It's nothing more than a trick to get you to spend more shekels on the game, or to buy it before it's even out. Naturally, this leads to games that will lock everything they can behind paywalls.
How does charging for things they never previously charged for matter? I dunno, but hey, it doesn't affect gameplay so who cares if they're trying to nickel and dime me already?
And now it's available to everyone with no brain cells, because they are dumbing down the game for newfags. "Convenience" has nothing to do with it either, you really have to be retarded to need to look up that hitting the head of a monster does more damage than hitting its legs.

That's a bad thing. Removing incentive for grinding and making shit easier to do means less preparation, less consequence, and overall provides entry for dumber players.
After that the next "quality of life improvements" will be removing other "obtuse stuff" like stamina, needing pickaxes and bugnets, and hey why not add a crafting menu?

All good points, but
They already have that. I think they'll just remove the chance of failure.

I was worried about that too at first, but it looks like it's just another option that can be toggled. Watch the Bow overview, there's a segment where they forgot to turn the blood off.

My bad, I thought you must have meant something different because:
1: Damage numbers would do absolutely nothing to compensate for those being removed.
2: None of those things have been removed.
I assumed you were referring to the new skill system (not needing to reach a certain number of points for the skill to activate) meaning that you could use more skills at once. My point was that because the new skills scale off of how many points you have in them instead of being a flat bonus after you reach the cap, having a bunch of skills but with only a few points in each wouldn't be massively broken like having the same number of skills active would be in an older game, as the individual skills would be weaker.
It's risky, yes, but it's not inherently doomed to failure. It's too soon to say whether or not World will suffer for it.
They don't look that way to me. In some videos they didn't seem to be attacking the player very often, but that was because they were going after his cat.
3 seconds is not instant. In fact, I think that's actually slightly longer than the full flex animation is.
I guess that's true.
Now this is just a baseless assumption. If you're going to form an opinion about something you should base it off of available information, not what you think might conceivably happen in the worst-case scenario. There's no indication that there'll be any paid DLC aside from the preorder shit; the devs have even said that the game will use the same free DLC model they've always used.
Except there are multiple monsters where hitting the legs actually does do more damage than hitting the head, and even more where the head isn't the most vulnerable spot. You could figure this out on your own through trial and error, but I'm pretty sure most players use tools like Ping's Dex to figure out the optimal spot to hit the monster.

Not everyone is a Nintoddler kiddo.

Yes they have been. Did you watch the videos?
Yes, you can. Optimizing your armor is no longer a thing, nor using charms optimally; Just go wild. It's basically a simplified system compared to the previous one.
No it isn't, you can watch gameplay footage now. Everything is a grey, washed out mess. It looks better in some cases, which is nice, but they should've focused less on making it have the best graphics possible, and more on making the better graphical fidelity not clash with the way the game plays.
You are objectively wrong. Check the webms above, as well as that one gameplay video where they slaughtered a Rathalos while playing like shit in 5 minutes.
With how slow the monsters are, the fact that you recover health quite quickly (Alot quicker than 3 Seconds) and that you can continue to dodge while it's recovering, ehhh, no, it's alot easier to heal this way, and makes things alot less risky.
Not at all. When a game (A game you must pay for to even play, no less, not a free to play grind fest) is willing to lock content behind a paywall, it's just a matter of time until they lock MORE content behind a paywall. First it's cosmetics, then it's weapons and armor, and so on and so forth. It's a logical progression, otherwise why lock any content behind a paywall at all?
They will. You are being lied to, by them, because they want your money, user. It's far easier to lie to someone than to be honest with them if you want to get in their pockets.
Yes, and these are usually fairly easy to figure out, either due to there being less armor plating, the monster staggering more often when hit there, and so on. All of this can be figured out if you just look at the monster and notice what effects your attacks have.
Prove it. I don't, and the fact that these tools exist does not justify the game itself having them in an extremely blatant appeal to casuals.
It struck me that I haven't even covered the fact that the environment helps you, you get even more free supply items (As if 3's and 4's didn't basically turn crafting your own traps and bombs into retard insurance) and the grappling hook.

The marker on the map looks like the one from Dragon's Dogma. Is that a coincidence or is this style of making markings on maps just a convention I've been oblivious to?

The minimap in my eyes is also highly reminiscent of Jak 2's minimap. Is that a coincidence too?

Monster hunter always sucked. I rented one of the ps2 versions from blockbuster a long time ago and THREW the game into the return slot.

Kill yourself.

Be nice user, everybody has their own different taste in vidya. I personally think the entire fallout series is a steaming pile of shit. MH was always a game that catered to autists anyways.

Never could get into monhun. Still have the first one for PS2.

Sure, sport. Sure.

As usual in the [CURRENT_YEAR] industry, the best option is to stick with the many older games. How many anons have 100% completion and collection in just one Monster Hunter game? There is still plenty of older Monster Hunter left to play. Maybe Monster Hunter World will bring enough people into the series to justify creating a proper Monster Hunter anime to further boost popularity. In this bad news, that's the one silver lining I can imagine.

It's the best feeling.

No, being niche and hard won't save you. It's only a matter of time unless you get these faggots out of your hobby.

Umihara isn't just "hard" user. A normal person could play Monster hunter if they wanted to, but there's no way normal people are ever going to suddenly pick up Umihara Kawase.

Wait until an indie faggot runs out of ideas and steals that shit. Hope you liked what they did with Splenuker.

Did you? Great Jagras is shown recoiling in practically every clip in the weapon overview videos, and can be seen drooling in several of them as well. There's also a video of an Anjanath hunt where it gets tired and runs off to go to sleep.
You can have more skills at one time, but those skills will be much less effective because you only have a few points in them. You can still optimize your armor by maxing out the skills you want instead of trying to get as many weak ones as possible.
This isn't about how the game looks, the question was whether or not the gameplay has suffered as a result of working to achieve that look. The only gameplay change that's directly related to graphics is the scoutflies, which we've already established don't actually make anything easier than it would have been otherwise. I agree that the muted colors are annoying, but you can always just adjust the saturation on your monitor if it bothers you that much.
You mean the webm comparing an enraged Diablos with an unenraged one? Yeah, that's really convincing. And I can't find any videos of a Rathalos hunt. The only videos I can find have them running into a Rathalos, fighting it for a bit, then having it run off.
I'm watching the video of the director fighting Nergigante. At 39:20 he starts drinking a potion. The animation and healing ends at 39:23. I'm not super good at math but that looks like 3 seconds to me.
You can dodge, but this wastes the rest of the potion. In the same video, he starts healing at 38:52 and dodges before it finishes, and you can see the regenerating portion of his health bar disappear.
Well shit, why buy any game ever then? What if they're ALL lying? The Monster Hunter devs haven't lied about this sort of thing before, so I'm going to believe them for now. If it turns out they are lying, then I won't trust them in the future. It's as simple as that.
I use it, and the rest of the Holla Forums MH community must consider it fairly important considering there's a link to it in the /mhg/ copypasta.
Judging by the artbooks, they've always wanted to have environmental interactions but the technology wasn't good enough to support it.
The only videos I can find showing the supply box show it containing 4 first-aid medicines, 3 rations, and ammo. That's not very much.

umihara kawase is too difficult for normalfags to get into. there's even a few games inspired by it that are too difficult for normalfags to get into.

this also means they're too difficult for most of Holla Forums.

spelunky? the same guy who made original spelunky made the nu one, unless you mean the obvious inspiration from La Mulana

damn they ruined Ace of Spades? ive been meaning to get into that for a couple years

i've had freedom unite and p3rd on PPSSPP for a while and just haven't gotten to them because i know they're huge games. i was going to play multiplayer over hamachi for p3rd or something too but someone on halfchan /vg/ said just to wait for Worlds. i love that feeling of triumph, though. i figure, i can play Worlds first and then when that's all squeezed out i can go to the harder ones, if it turns out to be as casualized as everyone ITT is worried about

Yes. Monsters hardly respond to you at all now. They're so dumbed down its incredible.
Did you not read my post? You don't have to optimize your armor now. Whereas before if you didn't have 5 points in a skill it'd do absolutely nothing, now it doesn't even matter, why plan at all? It's casualized so people don't have to think about their choices.
It already has when they need to start highlighting everything because it's no longer visually clear enough to see where it is.
Are you gonna call me an entitled shitlord for not wanting to buy their DLC next? Maybe they'd be better off not making shit design choices instead. Especially since saturation will not stop the environment from being a bland mess and the monsters from being washed out.
I think you need to watch that one and the new barroth a little bit closer, lad.
Cool, got a link? Cause every other video out there contradicts you.
Never seen that, although you're beginning to contradict yourself with the idea that it regens health but also stops regenerating if you do anything.
Because some games are good, or are you literally so brain damaged you can't see the writing on the wall? Are you an actual shill or are you really too stupid to understand that once they're willing to lock away content in a game you already payed for behind a paywall, they're not gonna stop.
And they'll have gotten their shekels and decided to keep casualizing things to death. Hell, it's more likely you'll keep defending them even if they add in regenerating health and lock certain monsters and hunts in shitty DLCs.
And? You are a casual shitter who obviously needs it. Adding it to the game is done specifically to casualize shit so dumbasses can play the game.
Yes it was. They've been having "Environmental Reactions" since UUUU. Now you can just use every single thing under the sun against the monster, not to mention the other monsters in the area will actually help you instead of being an annoyance; Afterall, that'd be too difficult for our players to handle.
Did they also show you being able to swap out as much gear as you want in the field by the by? Oh, and again try looking a little harder and compare it to the supplies you might've gotten with 3U and 4U.

Umihara kawase is basically neofag hipsters' favorite game because you can be an elitist douche about having skillz in such a snore of a game.

you're gonna need better bait than that, faggot

I think a "you mad?" is in order. The harder a game is the harder it is to get ruined. Monster hunter becoming more & more accessible to (((reach a broader audience))) is a perfect example of why it's getting worse. You couldn't make umihara much easier without breaking it & alienating the entire audience of fans. also made by just two people from what I gather, so it's in no danger of being ruined by publishers.

Unless the game is only on nintendo these fags will complain.

Nintendo is fucking shit, and it pissed me off that we got 4 on their shitty fucking handheld. I'm fine with Monster Hunter coming to PC, although if they're gonna market it on the Xbone and the PS4 It's inevitable that it'll be dumbed down until every hunt is "Cinematic".

I got World collector edition preordered, but I don't have a good feeling of how it will do.

And to add insult to injury, I have the strangest feeling they're going to do some sort of World-esque switch spinoff, essentially making World the new flagshit, with all it's casual elements leaking into the portable titles.

You said they didn't react at all, period, and I demonstrated that that was clearly false. Now you're moving the goalposts.
Did you not read mine? Putting 1 point in a skill will activate it, but it won't give nearly as much of an effect as a skill that took 10 points to activate. You're assuming that the skills will still work the same way they do now, where once it's active you get the same bonus no matter how many more points you put in. 1 point will activate the skill, but you'll need to put in 10 points to get the same benefit that the skill has now. So you don't need to get a 100% perfect set of armor to have skills that are close to what you want, but there will still always be an optimal set of armor that you'll want to get. The less-than-perfect sets just smooth out the transition to getting that set.
But how does that affect the gameplay? There's no difference between nodes that are easy to see and nodes that are hard to see but highlighted. Yes, the fact that they made it look washed out then added scoutflies to compensate shows that they put graphics ahead of gameplay in that particular instance, but it says nothing about anything else. While it's possible that this extends to other aspects of the game, it's not a foregone conclusion.
How is there any contradiction? You hit the button, the potion drinking animation plays for 3 seconds. During that time you regenerate health. You can walk during the animation, but taking damage or performing any other action will cancel it. If the animation is canceled, the regeneration stops.
I guess you're right on this one, I haven't done offline quests in so long that I forgot exactly what they gave you.

user where did you find that artwork? I looked up the artbook through multiple sources but never found those pictures.

Well boy do i feel like crap right now.
Yes, that's really where I found it.

normalfags already ruined CS, you filthy casual.
Go load up beta 5.2 or 6.1 and compare the gameplay to the trash that is CS 1.6

Who fucking cares what normalfags think? If you like the game, play it. Unless World is casualized as fuck, its likely going to turn normalfags away the second they get to a boss. If it ends up being casualized as fuck, blame crapcom and don't play it.
Normalfags aren't going to get to high ranks, so once you get there, you'll be rid of them.

Beautiful. Thanks user!

this t b h

i get the tism is strong with fullchan but hot damn guys

also i literally don't know a single normalfag excited about this, and none to my knowledge still even know what monhun is. calm down, it's going to be fine