Numale Tears as they are getting bullied to death
Other urls found in this thread:
The writer
Been there, done that. Get with the times and move on.
zoobadooboop deep dabadeebadeepdapdeebadoo
Free speech is coming to a close lads
We get it, you're a proud weebcuck.
skeepdabadebadeeba dapadebadeeba dapadebadeebadeebeedabadoobau
The writer is incredibly autistic, the Numale urges are spreading throughout PC Gamer, they are handing out links to gay porno.
zoop zoop deebadooda skapadeebadeebly deebadabadooda
They can try to dress it up and play pretend as much as they'd like, but at the end of the day, he's prostituting himself for pixels in a game for manchildren
This is something I'd expect out of Polygon
Goddamn they've fallen far haven't they.
He looks redeemable, I wonder why he's such a faggot?
surely this was a completely independent and non bias survey of neutral game devs
How come whenever someone blackbills it's some limey fuck? Maybe if you had a backbone to do more than say "oh woe is me" your country wouldn't be in the situation it's in.
What did he mean by this?
dub dee dee dubbly dub deeba dada tareetateebaterateeradabadabadooba
What's your country?
Probably a lonely vidya nerd like most of Holla Forums but instead of finding us he found SJW's and tries to be *hip* in their circles in hopes of pleasing his new "friends".
wew lad
You anons do realize by us simply existing we are giving them a leg to stand on in terms of their whining about "toxic gaming communities". I mean, I love this place, but just one cursory glance at this site and normalfags instantly agree with these journalists. Not to mention developers as well. It's fuckin' infuriating, what ever happened to growing a thicker skin?
agreed, I'm ending this imageboard right now so we don't offend anyone
The above image is a selection of Steam Community forum threads that this developer had to remove. The one in Hebrew is a reference to Yishai Schlissel, an Israeli who stabbed marchers during the Jerusalem gay pride parade in 2005 and in 2015. "In addition, positive reviews were immediately downvoted by a few hundred people right when the game launched and comments harassing the reviewers themselves can be found under their critiques," they told me over email. This isn't the first time a developer has had their user reviews bombed by those looking to voice an agenda.
I took a look at this game's user reviews to see what I could find. It's not pretty. "As far as real science goes, homosexuality is a disorder, a very rare one (don't believe the jewish media) that is not natural in any way," writes one Steam user. In another comment they write, "Since being gay is a mental illness that means every fag you know is in fact mentally unstable."
It makes more sense when you understand that
is the opposite of
Toxic person here,
Even though I contribute
Steam does not want me.
You can feel the lack of testosterone just by looking at him
SUB 500 ng/dL
Is the word "shit" considered ableism?
It is exactly as I said.
Anything that is anti-progressive, anti-weimar, anti-feminist, anti-cuck, anti-feminization, pro-hetero, pro-nature, pro-white, pro-male, pro-liberty, pro-masculinity, etc. is not kosher thus gets labeled ☠ 卐 TOXIC 卐 ☠.
"Toxic" is essentially a soft reboot of "Anti-Semitic" brought to you by the same people.
That has to be redundant, can you even be a degenerate but not a freak, or a freak that is not a degenerate?
You can see the soy in their timid faces
can someone explain this pls, is the data on the bottom the population average and on top the nu-male data?
(((>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> toxic
Yes. Male testosterone levels in the 20s range from 250 to 1000 ng/dL, where 250 is the pathetic numale mode you see above and 1k is great jawline, strong beard growth, easy gains alpha mode
i thought "shit" was okay since "shitlord" is a thing for these people.
Journalists writing about shitposters in a serious, sincere tone will never not be funny
That is the face of depression.
Journalism & Liberal Art's degree.
That's an outright disrespect to the name Ned. I hope it becomes his dead name.
Fuck em. They have everything else.
guess the only solution is suicide, your existence is just too toxic to be allowed to live, my feelings take priority
Apparently the word "WE" is racist.
Names with only 3 letters have always been fucking gay.
Not to mention names with only one syllable.
The internet needs more tools to deal with toxic gamejorunos.
This picture makes me dizzy.
Nice deflection, Britain is garbage.
In comparison to?
Cant open this? What kind of meme is this?
I don't know, the rest of the Western world? I'd say they might be better than Somalia or Zimbabwe, but I can't really tell the difference.
Are you trying to prove that he doesn't have FAS?
Say what you want about steam, but shitposting there is the most fun I have nowadays
Mr. Bitchmax Pussington.
It's a fucking store and nothing more, if you choose that actually interact with steam groups that it your problem.
Wasn't the Jew Democrat conclusion that the industry should self-regulate and institute its own rating system, though? Not sure how this is a "war on violent vidya"
"Self-regulation" sounds only one or two steps away from "self-censorship" to be honest. Establishing a neutral, or even a positive, sounding term that is also about one generation away from morphing into extremism is Commie subversion 101.
F-fuck you too
Eat shit, faggots
t. God
The biggest offense League of legends made isn't that it's a shit game for 12 year old retards, but the fact that it single handedly popularized and propelled the term "toxic" into the gaming mainstream.
His name is JWH goyim. Get it right.
Toxic is the new evil and abuse its sin.
I don't get why this is the modern standard. I thought both were supposed to be horrid nasty slurs, why do people only ever censor nigger?
Does that mean niggerfaggot is ok?
Deuced digits checked.
Maybe switching it up to faggers and noggits. Or fagger niggots.
Nu-males are basically men with women's personality, that explains why they're so insufferable, self-important and self-centered
no, user, they are simply men with zero self-confidence. They don't fight for women because they don't believe they could ever win, so they instead try to beg women to give them some. They are all leftist because guess what, leftism promises them rewards even if they are absolutely and utterly useless (which is how they perceive themselves).
Valve will do it, valve loves bending over backwards to SJW journos while fucking over their own user base just you watch, hell just a few days ago they caved in to that psychotic bitch Zoes demands.
Valve went pic related on game tags on steam after some san fran social justice dick riders got triggered that their lesbian walking simulators were getting memed on.
Valve made some blog post about steam curators and showed Techraptor as the post image header, she got triggered and demanded they remove it on twitter and they did within an hour.
I assume you've got proof?
Thank you
What happened to game tags?
Only srs business ones are allowed now, so calling gone home or depression quest things like mental illness, or indie the movie post apocalyptic horror are no longer allowed.
I kek'd
How much fucking soy do you need to consume to even hit these levels?
What I want to know is how they even managed to fuck up their bodies that badly? unless they have some kind of medical problem I don't understand how they can have less then a 100 year old man.
shake my head
McDonalds and water from plastic bottles.
Side note, amazing that mods are doing anything about 331801's "posts".
mark found hotpockets that are as worthless and incompetent as he is, incredible.
Leftists trying to fuck with video games… again.
It's now trendy to have zero or close to zero moderation. Not unique to Holla Forums.
Oh no I'm so shocked
Low T is not a joke, there has been multiple studies linking low testosterone to leftism. Didn't these guys have less T than the average woman?
Wanna bet if someone does it in a nintendo thread they'll get bent instantly?
ANY water.
Plastic fibres found in tap water around the world, study reveals
Tests show billions of people globally are drinking water contaminated by plastic particles, with 83% of samples found to be polluted
Maybe the plastic bottle water is cleaner than tap shit.
Bottled water IS tap water, what you honestly think they genuinely get that from "spring water/glaciers" like the labels claim?
From water factories.
That pisses me off a lot with people nowadays. Whether they're taking a picture or filming themselves, they always have to look at themselves on the screen or viewfinder.
It's all pointless if you're on the grid.
I've always wondered why consumer tap filters are supposed to do anything against things that even water purificiation facilities can't filter.
Because "purified" water gets shit on the way to the tap
Dont ask me how I know who's who.
Because the water purification facilities are the ones putting hormones in the water.
maybe in your state. im yuropoor and we have a lot of sources for mineral water around which you can physically go and drink from that source of water if you live near by it
His twitter:
You're pretty much asking to be enriched by chlorine tbhqfam
He's just a jew.
They jerk off every god damned day. Leftists promote this degeneracy so the males become low T faggots and the females become low estrogen dykes.
The only solution to this issue is to abstain from masturbation. Once every 28 days is fine but it should be a permanent endeavor if you really want to conserve your essence.
try digging water in Nevada
i see the problem, they need to jerk at least four times a day if they want to be like us
That's getting into wet-dream territory.
If I don't jerk off, after a week or two I start to have wet dreams. Really annoying.
We get it, you're a proud gooncuck.
also, not an artform.
I went without fapping for 6 months and never had one of those. I also felt pretty shitty towards the end of that span of time but maybe it was totally unrelated.
Honestly that image size is worse than being a weeaboo
Found the cuckchan nigger.
Not surprised tbh
did you inner weeb get rustled?
Oh no, you pointed out my image, my argument sure is refuted now
What is this? Holla Forums?
Also, you're basically complaining about anime, then bitching about how people are talking about anime, you dumb faggot.
hello Holla Forums
Nofap is retarded tryhard shit. Low test is from a lack of exercise and muscle mass, and carrying too much body fat. Those fuckers sit around at desks munching on soy-based snacks. The heaviest thing they've lifted is a macbook pro. Living like a weak faggot makes you a weak faggot, big surprise.
hello Holla Forums
Remember, shitting up threads is fine as long as it's weebs doing it.
I'm not saying everyone should live like a powerlifter but I'm saying that at the very least men should hit the gym once or twice a week.
It honestly feels great figuring out what feats the human body can achieve in terms of strength, flexibility and comfort when you've spent like 20 or so years with "walking and not using the elevator" as your only exercise.
Looks like it's real goon hours. No (you)s for you.
You're correct, people need to make an effort to push themselves physically, even if it's only a bit. The human body isn't meant to sit idle indefinitely, that's where all these "epidemics" of obesity, depression, etc. stem from. That and shitty diets.
Can confirm, but I pulled myself out and have never felt better
Soycucks should be wiped out because they cannot possible be human.
It just feels good, y'know? It's like leveling up in vidya or upgrading your pc bazinga cue laugh track
But seriously anons get /fit/, it's not that much effort and it kinda helps with your vidya because you're less bound to be tired
and your ass feels great when you sit on it after a day of squatting and it's sore
no homo
Boo fucking hoo.
Apparently girls love ass as much as ass men do
Strong legs are the best though
Post pics
It's true. I, however, hate when girls grab my ass. It feels emasculating.
I'd just punch the cunt, honestly.
Nice beta mindset.
What are you, a sissy?
Hey buddy I think you've got the wrong board, the pussy club is ___
Just grab her by the pussy in return.
Teach me how to do a proper push-up, especially the arm positioning.
A, because some people are on wells.
B, Because water companies are only responsible for bringing it to the building. If your home or apartment has pipes or storage tanks that are 80 years old and corroded to shit, guess what you're drinking?
What are PVC pipes made out of? Hmmm
I cant, neighbor stole all the underground water for heating his two villas.
such is life with oligarch neighbors
You're a pussy faggot if you can't even go a month without spilling your manhood. Nofap pushes you to work harder in your exercise routine. It makes you less of a cock gobbling poof and more attracted to women.
Ok, cool.
I think you mean more attractive to women?
3DPD women aren't important and you're literally wasting your time and life trying to pursue them. The worst blackpill you can take is finding out that 3DPD females are not attracted to males at all. They are attracted to material goods, wealth, and status. No woman will EVER love the male form the same way that males love the female form.
Don't some chicks really lust over muscles or am I talking out of my ass here?
I was having a good day and you had to reminid me
They never said "Censor", they meant that the industry would have to establish its own ratings board, jesus. Not everything is a Jewish conspiracy. Just most everything else
Yes. But I'm more of a Sam Hyde strongfat, because I don't feel like being a faggot to get definition.
Yeah man, that's why people like Elliot Rodgers or Martin Shkreli are drowning in women, right?
I meant over someone burly or something, not a literal arnold schwarznegger lookalike.
You only get ripped muscles if you have the resources and leisure time afforded to you by said resources to obtain them, user.
I am no expert, but wouldn't this absolute celibacy shit backfire at some point?
There's a reason why catholic priests eventually start fondling choir boys
No money in the world can cure Hapaism. Or being Albanian.
Even when I get the positioning right, my wrists tend to give out before my arms do.
I've taken to doing planks, dunno how good it is though.
Then again, doesn't help my longest nofap has been like 4 days.
More people are mocking journos- it's just that they're more ban-happy with their comment sections to make it look like everyone agrees with them.
They're losing the battle with moderates, and even normalfags.
Women are so shit at everything that men are better at being women that real women.
Catholic priests have all kinds of additional mental issues stemming from their crazy religion. They're on permanent no fap because spilling seed anywhere but the womb of a woman is a sin, but so is having sex with a woman when you're clergy. The extreme degenerate breakdown that results in them being shaft deep in a choirboy is a direct consequence of the nofap they practice.
tl;dr they doin't masturbate to cartoons enough.
Once they get a whiff from the armpits of a jacked up nofap male who has a loaded gun from a month of hard metal pumping and abstinence they stand no chance against their deep, dominating voice.
Make no mistake, 3DPD traps are just as bad as 3DPD women. You cannot escape the PD, because you are 3D.
That's an interesting way of saying "And then I rape them".
Stop falling for a shitty meme
0/10, low effort webm
you're all self hating numales aren't you
user, do you have a screen cap where an user say that traps love to wear dresses is like akin to wearing the skin of a beloved waifus thinking becoming a woman will be an easier life
The only goon here is you.
Thats a lot of projecting
You are wise beyond your years, user
I mean, they will automatically by nature, soy cucks can't breed remember? their testosterone is so fucking low the sperm count is probably obsolete, good thing they are murdering their fucking gene pool, nobody needs them.
They can still vote and spew their leftist garbage, and one or two of them might luck out and transfer their poisoned genes into an equally poisoned womb.
Actually I'm a gay who is exclusively bottoms because I know of the magickal properties of semen. I also know that women lust over me but I will never give up my essence to such vampires they refer to as women.
if you were really gay that image would be porn.
Yes. In short, your brain is currently hard-wired to seek sexual pleasure the wrong way- looking up porn, and not even of real women. Ideally, your brain should want a real woman and actual sex. Problem is:
- Porn is easily available.
- Sex may be hard to get for you (competing with a "tribe" far larger than it was intended to be)
- Porn shows idealized women- camera angles and make up to make them perfect. So you can't settle for less.
You then compile it with fetishes and other things driving your sexual interests away from putting your dick into a woman to satisfy you, and you get a emasculated man who doesn't want to fuck women. Fapping was a last resort, now it's the first port of call.
First pic related.
I'd argue no porn is better than no fap (if TV and some vidya assaults your mind with propaganda, why not porn with what's hot?), but fapping should be cut down to weekly.
If you're younger than 25 you can fap everyday though I'd advise against it or several times in one day with short breaks between. Once you get over 25, your sex drive starts to die out (unless you're fit). So you want to make the most of what you can while you're young (and so are the women- looking nicer and less jaded) Without porn, you might just get that desperation courage you need to ask a girl out- and she'll look fantastic since you're not comparing it to something that's not from porn (out of your league or impossible). Of course, women are under the same problems (assuming squirting is real or that they can only be happy with a dick that's bigger than 7 inches) and women are fucked thanks to media. But, it's not as many as you think. You lose nothing for asking.
Use second pic related to help. The guides not all bad if you change the phrasing.
Reminds me of advice Harrison Ford coughed out one time. Never just say "you look fine". Change one little thing each time (Your blue ear-rings would go so much better darling). IMO that strays more into direct control, which this guide actually seems to avoid.
It's almost like the inverse of an abusive relationship. Instead of "Fail to do this and you'll suffer", it's "Do this and you'll be rewarded"- even if it's just praise & emotional support.
I was told it was just a rumor.
It's YHWH you goy
They've been complete garbage for years.
I'm getting really tired of this when "toxic gamers" thing. The worst the consumers do is shit talk and shitpost it's the industry that actually fucks people over.
Lewdness spoils the moment. Being a tease will make him hunt you down like a bloodhound on the scent of a cunning fox.
What you posted wasn't even a tease though, you fag.
Dont search for words you are offended by then you fucking nigger faggot.
>mfw I fap almost every day to the most degenerate shit and drink soda and stuff myself with junkfood and I'm still in the 600 range(I've actually gone up since last year)
Okay, I'm starting to think there might be some sort of genetic disorder that isn't recognized as such affecting these fucks.
Genetic political predisposel.
Hopefully everyone who sees this thread understands this isn't about "toxicity" but about trying to control free speech and create a society/marketplace of thought crime/morality. If it wasn't for the "toxic" backlash some of these shit devs/games are getting way more people would give them money based on their hollow promises and fool's gold offerings.
To what end? To be financially tied together with a woman who will never love you, and who will eventually grow to resent you? To have children that will be taken away from you when she divorces you to chase after whatever color of stag her circle of friends says is "in" right now?
Fapping, drinking from water bottles or eating shitty food isn't going to turn you into a numale anytime soon, however doing the journalist lifestyle of chronic alcoholism, total lack of exercise and spending every waking moment of your life stressing out or being angry at something on twitter will kill your health pretty quickly
Could you imagine being such a fucking faggot that seeing the word "nigger" on the internet pisses you off?
I meant follow the guide to get laid.
If you're paying most of your paycheck on her for shit that isn't food- you're doing it wrong. The ideal is that she's happy to be with a powerful dominant man and doesn't need constant material gain to be happy. Though the odd trinket shows you care about how she looks- so she'll try to keep looking good.
If she resents you- you're doing it wrong. She should feel happy she's with a powerful dominant man who praises her for what she does. She should be fulfilled by making you happy.
If she wants to chase after other men- you're doing it wrong. Leaving you should be the last thing on her mind, since you offer sanctuary, guidance, physical and emotional support.
Much like how porn and media has fucked the average man's mind- it's also done that to women. By fucking up one sex, the other has less reason to keep them selves ideal for prospective partners. Men become betas so women turn to feminism. Women turn to feminism so men become betas.
Men can fix themselves with healthier life styles. Women can be fixed having a real man in their life again. She'll drop anything and everything to be with someone who has status and power- which comes pretty quick if you are a powerful, dominant male. A lot of ex-SJW women were often converted back by a guy giving them praise & encouragement, and helping the woman learn femininity again.
How the fuck did we get off topic so bad?
Not saying this thread isn't good (anything to get people's minds & bodies back on track), but we should still mock jounros like this and let it trickle down to other parts of the internet.
I think Steam's due for co-oridinated mud slinging after they featured TechRaptor. "You don't need Steam. Steam is dead- unless they kowtow to our demands".
Holy shit
Nig i won't argue that fappan will reduce your testosterone but its not the main cause of Low-T, that is unless you overdo it.
same, but not too fat if you know what i mean
for some reason, most of my fats go into my thighs
Nigga me and my friends slap / kick (literal) each other's ass in high-school as a joke, how can you feel that way when a grill grabs your boipucci
Only because it was allowed to its opponents
Shame founding fathers didn't see that loophole.
Not necessarily degenerate though.
I hope you protest really hard when CIA niggers posts random gibberish with pictures of children attached or Holla Forums shits up threads making CakeJew delete it.
You can show us, brah. We're all friends here.
Because niggers will fuck a sjw up while the worst faggots will do is passive agressively whine at him
The only time my ass has felt awkward was when a man accidentally touched it
Are you dumb? Measuring attractiveness by physical looks is the most shallow way to select a potential partner, it's suitable for finding one night stand and nothing else. With exception of some people that changed themselves, most good looking people are attractive thanks to genes and habits passed on by their family - it didn't depend on them, it was a free gift that says nothing about the character of a person.
Women may seem to be materialistic cunts, but selection based on status and wealth is perhaps the least shallow selection method that could be created by evolution and a lot wiser than just fucking someone because he has nice legs. To get wealth and status men have to distinguish themselves with intellect, responsibility, ability to cooperate and to act aggressive and fight for themselves in the time of need. Being attracted to power, goods or status is actually being attracted to the thing that generated them - man's mind.
The real black pill is that biology is rigged against us on this field - we are wired to be attracted to beauty while women are wired to be attracted to virtue.
What is there to drink that wont fuck up your body?
Drink kosher products.
Grown your own fruits and squeeze them into juices.
Dig a well.
Move out of the Coast if you're a burger.
We have a sizeable amount of land, plenty for a few gardens. What do you mean by kosher products?
Go to a jew store, and buy drinks manufactured with "no girls allowed" and "no work on Saturday" rules.
Literal kosher.
false, it's more like
That's pretty clever. Thanks
But you know what's REALLY cool? That strawman of yours.
Oy vey, please don't make me look like a little bunch whenever my feel feels get hurt and I do something stupid
isn't it great when a meme is made by someone who doesn't understand what they're meming? like for instance that cocaine is trafficked in pounds…
China just needs to bomb us all already.
have you been on any steam community in the last couple of months? Every game has a fucking negative review now about the lack of a chinese translation among other bullshit.
If that is all it takes to cause you mental anguish, then lobotomize yourself.
No, genius. Nobody with a brain thinks this. They buy bottled because it's reverse osmosis'd. Even the good shit is taken out of it and has to be reintroduced.
Would mandatory testosterone injections get rid of the numale plague?
I believe so. combined with mandatory X hours of exercise per week 100% sure
This is the stupidest workout regiment I've ever seen.
And beatings to beat the Jew out of them.
I find it odd how T injections for males are outlawed yet estrogen treatment is funded by the state.
That’s just because you know nothing about jews.
Pure (((coincidence))) fellow gentile, pure (((coincidence))).
makes you wonder (((why)))
seriously though I've found out about so many xenoestrogens in random shit yet even with all the searching there's nothing I've found to eat that increases or mimics testostrone.
It would help, but the real fix is mandatory one way oven trips for (((them))).
Those are nice digits.
T-injections aren't outlawed for men. They're restricted to prescription for medically diagnosed hormone disorders.
Being a numale doesn't count
what's the difference between right-wing nu-males and lefty nu-males?
Well seeing as how testosterone can augment aggressiveness in people with regular testosterone levels - and I don't mean being an asshole on the internet, I mean beating the crap out of random people for stupid reasons - I can see why has a point
The former are rare while the latter are almost ubiquitous
Conservatism is strongly correlated with being conscientious, a trait that is shown to, in turn, strongly correlate with tendency of feeling disgust or unclean.
In periods of widespread pestilence and disease, you will see popular movements for traditionalism and conservatism as a result since the underlying psychological trait that produces these feelings are also strongly selected for because that's how you survive a plague.
If you want to reduce the amount of nu-males: go out and cough on someone.
Life is suffering. Guess I'll just start roiding.
No difference at all. However when lefty nu-males outnumber right wing nu-males by such huge numbers then of course the nu-male persona is going to be considered a left wing phenomenon.
conservatives have weak immune systems?
What a fucking world we live in that things are moving at such a rapid pace. Even mentioning jews - even in a quote from a badthinkgoy - would have been verboten even a year ago. My sides are in orbit.
Right, I have no interest in reading 20 paragraphs of him crying by proxy via indie devs. So I wanted to check something out.
Let's see how "toxic" these discussion forums are on GOOD indie games!
the only times words "kill" and "yourself" come together is in the context of tricks where you kill your character to gain focus, an ingame resource. The one mention of blacks in when an achievement name is being explained and "fucking" is mostly reserved for excited/aggravated titles instead of insults (game can be pretty challenging).
pretty much the same story,.
But I did find one instance where a guy got fed up with the game's technical issues that he refunded it and somebody was being a passive aggressive bitch by saying Bye, you won't be missed by the community". That really set him off and made him says "kill yourself" in the traditional way. There is also a retard that says the game is actually 3D because "everything except the background behind the level is 3D from a 2D perspective". The admin simply locks the thread by saying they're sorry about stuttering issues and are working on it, but the thread had devolved into useless shit flinging match at that point.
ok let's just say it's popular enough
Alright, now we're getting somewhere. Most of the "kill yourself" comments are coming towards people critiquing the game for what it is, rather than it's shortcomings, although there are enough genuine criticisms met with the same response. Not a lot of nigger mentions, 8 in total, 6 used by edgelords and 2 were part of listed bannable terms on twitch and such.
I'm going to go ahead and guess that games like Grim Dawn, Hob, A Hat in Time, Ruiner and Cuphead get the same treatment as the first two.
I've tried to pick a low user review score game in the "Indie" category at random. But most of these have insignificant forum discussions with only dozen threads or less. Holy fuck, is there a lot of bottom tier trash on Steam. RPG Maker crap, asset flipping Unity games, uninspired copies of existing games including "Gamers Unknown Survival". Can you guess which games this is going resemble?
Right, so after this catastrophe, I decided to look into the usual suspects, the progressive revolutionaries that are almost made to race bait.
That's the spice. The kys-es are flying from every direction, but still not that often. Not that many niggers either, it all seems to be coming directly from Holla Forums, but I can't tell which one (halfchan, 8ch or Holla Forums. Heard our Holla Forums has become a shithole as of late).
The game is supposedly only 2 hours long and is more of the same Gone Homo "personality art display" rather than actual gameplay.
If anybody wants to go ahead and search for more, be my guest, I need to go to work now
They could put a limit on it.
Like you can raise your testosterone to some degree for health reasons. But not as high as a black man or woman because that would make you too agressive to fit in an ordered society.
That doesn't follow. The point is that the underlying psychological trait that can predict conservative tendencies is also a trait strongly selected for in times of plague. I'm not making this up, it's why there's so much "disease" language among people who criticize leftist extremists. To them, those people really are unclean and dirty.
Conversely, it's why the leftists always want to paint the right as close-minded, mean and angry because the underlying trait openness strongly correlates with leftist ideology.
This guy talks about foods you can eat which helps with testosterone and foods to avoid as well as an herbal T booster you can make yourself.
Oh right, forgot to upload my photo as well.
Well that's reasonable if there's an easy way to check testosterone levels whenever you go get a shot.
That's a myth. Go look up the definition of "agression" in those studies. It's all bullshit. Stuff like playing loud noises and if they ask to turn it off, that's "agression".
People with high T are more "aggressive" in the sense that they're more actionable and more likely to actually act on things, not in the sense of being huge pieces of shit. Roid rage is not a thing.
Oh yeah, seeing as this is a steam review thread, here's this little gem I found a while back.
Roid rage is a thing.
That's like a nigger insulting your intelligence.
The tweet from the owner of tech raptor says he doesn't know if they were removed or not. Anymore info?
Most sociological studies do tend to confuse aggression and dominance, I agree on that. However the fact remains that high testosterone levels are linked to an increase in criminal behaviour. Perhaps I wrote that post in a dismissive way.
i see /fit/ talk in this board, how into sixpack?
Lose weight and go to the gym
Idk why but I find recent threads more funny than usual threads. It feels like posters are putting more effort to them. Not as good as late 2014-early 2015 but still better than how it was a few months ago
using redtext wrong
Steam needs to get rid of dumb kids
Read the sticky
Getting rid of 80% of the people using your service sounds like a way to go bankrupt
We're the last living example of the way everybody should be. Humanity begins and ends here.
I'd piss into your face while you cried commie.
What are you, a homo?
Somalia has pirates which isa plus, both are ethnostates with no questions asked.
Unfortunately niggers are the downside
Im not a commie, faggot
okay (((leftypol))) you can just admit you never will belong here. Commie commie commie its obvious I can tell.
It's still gay.
what made you think so?
I'm nationalist
If even a nigger insulting your intelligence, then you know you're retarded.
What can you squat? I can deadlift over 400lbs but I'm absolutely awful at squatting.
nice try Holla Forums
That vid is wrong don't listen to that retard.
he's projecting
How to get fit? I eat healthy and do occasional bodyweight workouts but I'm still a hungry skellington
You'd be surprised by how many girls like a good bum on a guy. I've had my rump slapped a few times.
Something is legitimately poisoning us.
The trick is to increment your exercise with your eating, the more exercise you do, the more you should eat, that's at least how it works for me.
Fuck off retard
I'm telling you. If a woman touched my ass, I'd probably knock her the fuck out out of reflex.
Taking TestoFuel and getting re-tested is probably cheaper and more effective.
No more squats.
Friendly reminder that a reverse osmosis water filter costs about 200 euro and removes 99% of impurities including fluoride and all the xenoestrogenic shit.
Good water is important.
Doesn't buying distilled accomplish the same?
lol no, distilled water is for cars and very expensive.
What is the fucking problem with these cunts? Why do they must ensure that everything is clean and according to "their" ideology? Fuck it's not like saying nigger kills a nigger, they do that themselves all the time.
I get them after 5 days of nofap. Should I be worried?
I used to have this problem when I was about 10 - 13 and I hated it.
Distilled water is like 80 cents a gallon
Fucking hell I hate commies
roid rage isnt T-rage, faggot. roids cause crazy imbalances in your hormone levels. theres a reason you have to take anti-estrogen and other similar drugs to make sure levels dont spike or drop too low.
do you think women have PMS because of testosterone?
It's a combination. While soy does accelerate the process, the main problem is these people are likely sedentary in nature, don't exercise, don't eat well (meaning they don't appraoch red meat at least twice a week), don't expose themselves to risk occasionally (I believe shit talking and tea bagging is a part of our mentality to dominate the non-tribe members. It runs on hormones) and don't have a mate/herd to maintain. All these put together meaning, their inner caveman is dead they are effectively women (which is vividly clear given their mentality).
If soy was as bad as it was hyped to be, there wouldn't be anyone working in the triple D industries in Japan.
I always dressed in baggy clothing in HS/beginning of college. Noticed that every time I had to dress up my gf would always compliment my ass. 2nd year of school single and finally self confident. I learned that having a nice ass as a guy is like having a nice rack/ass as a girl. It didnt matter that I had skinny arms. The ass brought them in and then being self confident kept them around.
You have some others likes this?
which one you have? the one thats connected to tap or the mobile one a.k.a self unit?
You should stop lying on the internet
Never make the mistake of loving a girl more than she loves you.
might as well say "never love" because it's seemingly reached a point where love is a concept men impose onto themselves to put up with women long enough to breed with them
So what makes someone low test? Ifthere is anything I can do to increase my test I want to do it. I started working out a few weeks ago. I dropped most unhealthy food from my system and eat homemade food 90% of the time now. Is it just being born low test or can something be done about it?
You guys ever read on the bottle how awesome the beer is?
Jesus fucking christ this board is retarded. There are more shills here than on Hillary's campaign team.
Makes sense. But I also want women to be attracted to me so I work out.
Is there a difference between free and total testosterone that affects behavior versus appearance? I don't understand how I can look several times as effeminate than these faggots, yet be several times the man they are without even trying. Sage for mostly off-topic/blog.
don't do it until you've cleared off your bucket list, the investment of having kids is a gamble that will likely backfire on you
That really is oven trips
I actually know two Asians named Eugene, personally.
We're likely heading to war with how shit things have gotten. I don't need a kid just so he can get drafted and kill himself for jews.
These are some strange gondolas.
Steam doesn't owe you a platform
Is that the only pic
Is that what SJWs actually believe?
You can feel lethargic and still work out. Lethargy =/= lazy. We use different words for things for a reason user.
They can try to dress it up and play pretend as much as they'd like, but at the end of the day, he's prostituting himself for pixels in a game for manchildren
Start taking test immediately if you want to get anywhere in live, user.