Things that still hurt

It still hurts, Holla Forums

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I should have used some lube, sorry

Pic related.

you should have, gabe you fat fuck


This was only the beginning of the disappointment and despair the world would teach me.

I really like the source engine and using hammer but every time I boot up hammer I just get anxious and upset because I know that no matter what I make, everyone will shit on it just because it's Source, and regardless of whether it's maps for existing games or an attempt at standalone content

sonic fans know the true suffering

Stop caring so much what other people think you miserable sack of vaginas.

It wasn't just Sonic. This was when I started to realize video games will never reach their full potential.


masochism is a shit tier fetish

Shadow was stupidly entertaining.

Granted, I had the uncensored version.

2nd pic related is my 2nd exposure to the game other than sonic rush for DS. I was so completely put off by it that whenever I see sonic, I just expect disappointment. A-At least I'll never end up being a quasi-furfag I guess.

thats not mutualy exclusive

Hawken showed so much promise in the closed testing phases that I'm convinced what quality there used to be was an accident and the game was doomed to die by incompetent developers from the start. The servers are shutting down next January, so maybe the pain will go away by then.

On the plus side, this is the game that made me finally realize PvP free-to-play is an inherently cancerous model that will never produce a good game that isn't designed to push you into paying more shekels than a complete, full price game.

Every fucking thing they promised from the beginning was there, but completely halfassed and barebones.

It had the edgy, but radically different for gameplay guns for action to ambitiously blend in with the high speed platforming fans of the classic side scrolling games and Adventure fell in love with.
It had Shadow being able to punch and kick and swing swords and broken stop signs in a warzone as weapons.
It had the vehicles.
It had Shadow being able to use Chaos Emerald powers.
And most of all, it ambitiously had branching storyline and endings you decided through alignment based missions, again, to blend with the platforming that gave Shadow a chance at the spotlight.
But how the fuck was the execution for any of it?

At least it has that over Nu Male's Shit.

Oh well.

That game managed to have more endings than probably every Bioware game combined.

Splinter Cell used to be good.
Rainbow Six used to be good.
Ghost Recon used to be good.
All three are shambling husks of their former selves. Ghost Recon especially, since it was ruined in the second game, which is probably a record, even for Ubisoft.

My foot still hurts. I think I sat on it for too long yesterday.

I think it has the most endings out of any video game with a single playable character. Maybe Fallout NV beats it?

I would suggest consulting a physician as soon as available.

Mega Man Legends 3
TimeSplitters 4

Every dumbed down PC franchise raped by AAA and put into consoles, from Call of Duty to Syndicate.

Broke my "don't fall into hype" code, and it's so un-enjoyable. Burns so fucking bad

Two games murdered by Konami. I will shit on their graves when their fucking talentless studios get crashed to the fucking ground.


It still hurts

There's a censored and uncensored version?


Getting reminded of all of the cut content from new vegas that could've been put in if bethshit didn't give such ridiculous time constraints.

Then finding out about the metascore & how the devs could've been paid far more if it only hit a single point higher

stubbed my toe the other day, still kinda hurts



this image wasn't in the right folder

You feel it too, don't you?

Pandemic's death will devastatingly never fucking be forgiven.

That one hurts the most. They were about to make an Arcanum game in the style of VTM:Bloodlines right before they were shut down.

It was easily the single most petty and insecure executive fuckery ever devised, at least in the last 10 years. They wanted to get the game out quick so as not to compete with Skyrim, which is an admittance of incompetence already, but then turn right around and end up rushing their own game and making an even buggier piece of shit they never even bothered to fix. The real kicker though? Obsidian had 3 fucking games on their hands at the same time yet managed to a better job, all in the span of less than 2 years, than Bethesda managed in over 3. Bethesda really is the single shittiest studio in the business and I'd be willing to bet even Phoenix Games could make something that actually works with all the time and money Bethesda gets.

What you mean you don't like that one f2p game by the taiwanese studio with the insanely low TTK?

I can still feel them, Boss.

Steambot Chronicles 2


stale meme, op.

I think we are being raided again


Don't worry user, God knows what's best for us, He knew we didn't deserve this game.




If he isn't coming today, he's coming too late.




they finished 99% of the game, only some bug fixes left. It was looking really good for a 2008-2009 game. That atmosphere was 10/10, it had an actual campaign mode. Guys think about it, space AND land battles at the same time, 64 v 64 battles.

Just think about the possibilities if they made something like that with today's technology.

what is Ace Combat Infinity

You feel it too don't you?

There is still a last hope

No. I don't want to think about what modern AAA companies would do with this.

i-mockery was better and died gracefully.




It has been over a decade since Suikoden V came out.

It's a good thing I don't have a crying image.



you could post half of the sonic franchise


No. Tell me what aside from ShtH and 06 was truly devastating for people interested in it.


Completely original


That cuck Tom Fulp took down the game about the Sandy Hook school shooting, saying it was too offensive and insensitive and that NewGrounds was no longer and edgy free-for-all in so many words.

It doesn't get more ironic or hypocritical than that. A guy famous for making a game about a school shooting taking down a game about a school shooting because he finds it offensive.

I'm sure one day you'll grow out of being an edgelord.


Sonic Chronicles.
Sonic secret rings
Sonic Boom
Sonic 4
Sonic Rivals
Sonic Unleashed
off top of my head


So it's probaby not an issue with my computer as to why it can't recohnize my Dualshock 3 controller?

Only the Last Story mattered in the end and it was bullshit to hold out on some of the answers like whether or not Shadow was an android or not until fighting the very last boss for at least 7 minutes. The other endings had him just rambling about who he thought he was over his defeated opponents.

Rise of Lyric being a fuck up on par with those 2 save for (the lack of) hype. Lost World looking like an interesting, more platforming centric throwback to the cancelled Sonic X-Treme with added parkour but ends up having shitty level gimmicks, physics, scripting and automation from the previous games still present and awful level design, ESPECIALLY in the Dimps version, speaking of which Sonic 4.

Holy fuck was that embarassing to see them miss the mark so badly when fans could do better and did with Mania. Shit was painful to see how Dimps went from Advance and Pocket Adventure to the likes of 4 when just about every aspect was downgraded in one way or the other. I blame it on Sega contracting and rushing them out too much after making 4-7 Sonic games within the timespan of 5 years for multiple platforms.

Rivals was originally going to be a more traditional Sonic game until Iizuka turned it into a forgettable racing game. The Olympic Games with Mario are missed potential and are being made by the dev teams that did JSR and Panzer Dragoon iirc (though it could be in name only). Sonic Chronicles exists and was an early sign of Bioware going down the shitter which inadvertently triggered Ken Penders and his Archie Comics lolsuit drama. Riders games were silly Storybook tier filler games that died with a Kinect Exclusive….I could go on and on; this isn't even touching the fucked up fanbase that are among the posterchildren for autism.

No Wilderness
No free trade
Faggot mod forcing the community to accept a gay pride event that no body voted for


Today's technology, but with yesterday's devs. Imagine the possibilities.

I think the Hawken devs actually knew what they were doing in terms of gameplay. The issue is they ran out of money because they made two graphic novels and were desperately trying to make a big budget web series while the game was nowhere near finished. If they had just focused on the game it may have ended up alright.
in the end they were in so much debt they had to sell the game to a mobile game company which decided to waste all of it's own money porting the game to consoles

Fallout 4. At least it finally killed my illusion that Bethesda was ever capable of making a good game again. Never ever.

Meant to say that I liked divinity original sin 2 much more than the original game. It feels much more polished than the first one. Its actually pretty good.

In retrospect I must have been retarded thinking Bioware and sonic would have been a good mix, but at the time it seemed like a surefire hit.
Even at my most cynical I could not have expected what we got.

Why the fuck did people have hope for Secret Rings or Unleashed after the wereshit was introduced?




вы русский?

Why would I feel so much feels over a fucking videogame? It doesnt make any sense.

when you experience things for a long time a bond is formed and to see it tarnished is like seeing your best friend getting shot like that scene in robocop


I can read cyrillic characters, that's it

It has gotten to the point were every time there is a big games thing like E3 or TGS i'm saying "DMC5 baby! It's going to get announced this time I know it is." and then it doesn't.

But DMC5 is totally getting announced at this years PlayStation experience, I know it is.


I'd like to get spanked owo

Half life 2 was trash.


*notices bulge*
>Π< can I touch this?!

Because 06 was rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up after that, or in the case of those games, flatlining at mediocrity.


Reading this makes me sick if it's really true that the guys behind Panzer Dragoon, Jet Set Radio, and GunValkyrie are stuck in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games hell. I know the director behind the Panzer Dragoon trilogy left Sega entirely in the 00's. Though they might have also gone to the Yakuza team, a much better fate.


MGSV deserved what it got. Kojima is a fucking hack along with the Konami suits who ousted him.


why did you have to do it eric , we could have been the best. back in moscow *scoffs* it was funny.


Nigger there was one capital city per race, they just dropped it to one per faction after they killed Mythic and gave it to BioWare.

Won't argue the other shit though



The one and only casualty of Sandy Hook; killed by it's heartless faggot creator too, no less.

Donkey Kong Switch is looking a bit too edgy for me. Though why did they cast a human with a robot arm? The other apes' designs are bananas

No one listens when you tell them this. Of all the people giving feedback on that ghost in the shell fps (which is going to die in NA this December), I was the only one bringing this issue to light (that I know of).

It's usually just dismissed along with the tide of people calling out skin/cosmetic jewry, which is honestly valid in and of itself but devs are used to plugging their ears on that one by now. What people don't think of is how it's not a sustainable model which relies on having a decent number of idiots buying cosmetics constantly; the pool of said idiots was not large enough apparently.

I'd like to extend a personal "fuck you" to not only Nexon, but every chink publisher which pioneered the jew scalping tactics of the 201X game industry.

Fuck, why did you have to remind me


that reminds me

Going from Morrowind to this.

It's been a miserable downward spiral ever since.

I'm gonna get shit for this, but fuck Troika. Overrated hacks who can't program shit, and spent more time on side stories than the main fucking plots or making fucking skills work (cough EVERY BEAUTY AND CHARISMA SKILL cough).

I hope Molyneux goes to Hell with some Rapefugees.

Holy Shit, I never expected Capcom to be like this 20 years ago. I hope Ono never touches GnG and Darkstalkers.

They actually tried to make a good game with that one. It was bad, but you can tell they put in effort.

At least they were able to make far more good games then bad ones.
I didn't play any Tony hawks after Project 8 but it didn't look like the series was getting better anymore.


Story behind this?

Man, I remember being a child, playing their games and thinking to myself "wow these are pretty cool games!", I continuously played their games for years when they were actually made with care. Replaying those games now feels like going to a graveyard, it's good to remember, but it hurts that it's long gone now.

Neversoft going out in style

Like the name of the file says It was the last day before Neversoft got shutdown. So they decided to burn the Eyeball mascot just because it would be cool.

Why the fuck has no one adapted the trilogy to new consoles? Those were some of my favorite games ever.

stay bluepilled faggot.

I hope you're ready for more adventures of Donte in DmC2

Why does crying cat even in joke still bum me out, could care less about humans.

At this point I'll accept that, if it means I can have some closure as to the fate of the series.
All this "will they go back to classic DMC or make DmC 2 shit or do nothing" shit is driving me crazy.
I wish Capcom would announce a new game already or just say "we will never make another DMC game." just so I can know.

How much of a shitshow will Bethesda make TESVI having not learned from their mistakes in Fallout 4?

How can these bastards keep getting away with this shit? This has to stop one day, goddamn it all.

Time keeps going but shit keeps getting worse.

It still stings a little but the hurting is over.

It's their intellectual property, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it.



You sound like a kike. Doing whatever the fuck they want with it ends up killing their profits and potential customers in the short and long terms for most of the times. They could easily keep things as they are in many cases and end up with profits but they choose to fuck things up for no logical reason.

The shit about EA is even worse than the IPs, however. This is repulsing.


I remember this happening. I was playing Warhammer Online at the time. I didn't hear a single thing about what happened after, so EA must've tried to shut everyone up, settle in court, and memory hole everyone.


They just didn't try to make a good Elder Scrolls game, that's all.

We haven't had an Ito thread in a long time. It's also October, so I'm down for some spooks.

Oh, hey, yeah, that'd be cool.

It wasn't even that amazing of a game, but I enjoyed the hook and I liked the armor design and how the game handled resupplying or buying new supplies. I'd really enjoyed the betas, and the game felt like it was going in a positive direction. The devs seemed nice for the most part. Even Jared Gerritzen wasn't fucking annoying at first. The devs slowly decided to make changed to the game that either pandered to the in-community celebrities or were downright fucking stupid. They completely fucking broke everything after they decided to perform a "parity" patch which was supposed to merge the qualities of the PC and PS4 version together, but instead neutered the PC version. It was basically a direct port of the PC version. The PC version now has the PS4 UI. It now runs like dogpiss. It actually looks worse than before. Voicechat just doesn't work. Guns feel and sound weird now. None of these aspects were completely amazing before, but the game fucking worked. Now it's like cold leftovers. Fuck the current Blacklight devs.


For once, EA is not at fault:

here's a 17 page document from a former maxis employee detailing what went wrong. Other maxis employees chimed in in the comments too

Burn in hell you fucking cocksucker Ishiwatari.

Wait I'm confused OP. Does it hurt that one of the most cancerous FPSs of all time isn't getting another sequel? Or that the sequel to a somewhat decent Quake-like was one of the most cancerous FPSs of all time?

Don't forget this:

It's Will Wright's fault. He "dumbed" down the game. It was his idea.

Ito is not videogames


Why bother living?

He wasn't paid to say this. He said this when he left EA and when he founded Stupid Fun Club. It was all on his own merit. Holla Forums continues to remain on a bluepill and blames EA. It's a fucking meme at this point. Yes EA has killed many projects, but Spore was dumbed down by the creator himself.

so um

where the fuck is will wright?

He doesn't care. Wright was actually proud of the final result, heck his sporepedia page says it's his favorite game ever.

What is the problem with AC+ ? Beside getting a subpar pc port.

Who thought it was a good idea to give weapons to hedgehogs?

It will be Ultima 9 tier.


At least we can retreat into playing D&D with our friends… You do have friends, right?

DND is pozzed as all fuck.

then make your own pen and paper game then, faggot.

I'm just thinking about that there is a countless amount of more stuff one could add to that.

No doubt. It's a pretty old image as it is.


I am out of the loop on this one.
What happened?


Donte is only decent when he is speaking Spanish with Mexican music playing.

Half-Life is shit and ruined the industry, kill yourself you fucking faggot.

Hammer is fucking terrible, but keep making whatever it is because who cares

Once children are involved, people become the most hypocritical.

spotted the newfags

Why is Donte's head so small there?

not even

its not that I ever gave a shit about lightning. It's the fact that this was supposed to be a new Valkyrie Profile game before Toriyama needed to stroke his fucking dick around for a 3rd time.

Pandemic is the saddest of all those not even close


The studio behind STALKER recently reformed. There's still hope, despite them so far only have released an HD remaster of an older games

he also, during the election, put up a giant orange raging drumpf drawing as the background on halloween. Dudes a major faggot. Newgrounds was built off of his shitty Pico School shooter game and now hes censoring other peoples games and being a PC faggot

In his defense, the guy who made that game is a notorious aussie shitposter who frequents cuckchan /vg/. He makes awful games and has a huge unwarranted ego, his only goal with the Sandy Hook game was to manufacture controversy to get attention.
It is unfortunate and hypocritical that it got taken down, but it's also no longer the early 2000's. If you don't fall in line in the current year you're bound to get fucked in the ass. I might be remembering wrong, but I think Tom wrote a big post saying that he'd personally keep the game up, but there were too many "relatives of victims" pressuring him or something.


Honestly I left that garbage fire a long time before Sandy Hook happened. The site started to go to shit as soon as the art portal was added, imo.

I didn't want to feel today

also the fact the practically no one makes flash games anymore and the golden era or fresh content and home made flash cartoons is long dead. The whole appeal to newgrounds was it was this place you could post what you wanted no matter how edgy it was and you could gain an audience. Many Virgina tech shooting games were made and none of those got taken down.

Can't wait for Russian Fallout 4 on PC/PS4/XO with no ballistics, A Life, lighter atmosphere, no mods and DLC up the ass with marketing piggybacking on the westernized streamlined linear bullshit that is Metro.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R is community driven now, mods have done shit that financial and company politics would not allow, a sequel would be fucking shit and I'm sure that what they cancelled was going to be shit, especially considering the trends post CoP


Did the devs actually finish the MMO-NotStalker?
Not that I'd expect it to be good.

Spore had so much potential and it was all flushed down the drain to appeal to children and normalfags. what a waste

I don't even know if the Survarium devs were actual Stalkan devs or just some fucking interns, they boasted about that but I still ahve yet to see anything substancial besides maybe one of the guys who modeled the characters, I'm pretty sure most of the key memebers moved to 4A Games to make Metro or went on with their lives.
Good joke, heres the latest trailer where they showacased PVE after 5 years and countless of them with nothing but a shit tier PVP game.

Its a fucking garbage F2P game, nothing else


I'm a top and I have a 9.5inch cock. I would bottom for this kid.




Yeah, I know that, just wondering how hard it failed to be honest.
Picking up on your metro point from above, it's a bit of a shame really. The whole subway survival setting isn't too bad, although I don't care that much for the supernatural stuff.
If they had given you more freedom to travel, built a larger world above ground to do missions in while having to worry about oxygen and the day/night circle and actual freedom to join a faction it could've been fun.

At least use the one from when it still had a soul. And yes, I feel it.



My problem isn't even with the linearity, its the BB tier guns that feels floaty and as impactful as a nerf gun and the shit tier pacing both during missions and the intervals on the hubs which don't take in account the next mission and have shit tier progress, its like they made the HUB zones after the missions and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if that was the case.
That and the fucking sections that remove control from you or the fucking Call of Duty tier chase sequences and setpieces.
The fact that they attach a fucking NPC to you for most of the game also pisses me off and kills the atmosphere.
Fucking hell, everything is westernized as shit besides the fucking design and it completely kills the atmosphere for me.

It looks like the logo for a place that sells spicy kebabs, jesus christ

Some of us actually ENJOYED the game, you pricks. Why did you have to tear it away from us; harming the industry further?

The guns are pretty boring that's true.
Regarding the russia clichees, is that actually different and less corny in the novels?

Yes, heres one example:
The Fingol tells Artyom that Bourbon was planning to kill him after finishing the escort job so he wouldn't have to pay for said job.
That shit exhumes atmosphere, but no, Bourbon Ghost from MW2, enjoy.

Shit, meant for>>13618509

I see. A friend of mine read the novels at one point and asked if I wanted to borrow them, but I never got round to it. Are you into russian literature in general, if so any recommendations?

I'm sorry user, can't help you there, if you're interested however read Roadside Picnic if you're interested where S.T.A.L.K.E.R as a game series comes from.

Well they did fuck over the PC port of AC+R with Steam cancer. The game itself is fantastic, and they barely fucking supported it. The part that really hurts is a decade of refinements and innovation being thrown out that window because that cunt Ishiwatari wanted the BlazBlue audience.

It's a deep pain, user.

You're thinking of the wrong food, user.

I'm confused. Out of all the fightan games that have gone to shit, GG has been by far the most consistently good. Was AC+ not that good..?

It was probably the best that it died.

Eh, I'd disagree. Besides Isuka (and that one is contestable) I can't think of any proper low point. Even at its worst the series has kept quality. There's nothing you can criticize about it on the magnitude of say, Street Fighter.

I worded that wrong. I meant that since pretty much all other big fighting games have gone to shit, GG is one of the only ones that haven't.

You worded it fine, user just didnt read it correctly


AC+ was great and AC+R was fantastic; I absolutely fucking love playing Jam again in it, they really corrected some of the character-specific mistakes they made in Slash and AC with AC+R. The problem is they then sold it down the river to push their cancerous pile of shit Xrd on everyone.

t. corporate apologist

Yeah, my bad.

I'm a career Kyfag and I've been thinking about branching out. Got any advice for playing Jam?

What's wrong with Xrd?

Congratulations, user. Here's your prize.

wait what

Call yourself whatever you want. You're still a faggot, user. All faggots have been brainwashed to lust for men.


vr might stand a chance if they actually try to make something on it worth playing. You need a pretty solid computer to run the games and then the hundreds of dollars of vr hardware, then the only games available to you are shallow arcade type games. It's like telling someone that for $1,000+ they can play a fairly sophisticated wii sports. They need to try and make some shit that caters more toward hardcore gamers or enthusiasts or something since those are the people who will actually spend all that money on pc gaming.

I haven't thought about THPS in a while, fuck I loved those games

Why's Zangief holding a hammer?


Its "la comunidad homosexuale"
No S at the end


Let's also not forget:

I had fun with it for its time, and sacking Altdorf was 10/10 for the salt alone, forcing the entire Order side out of their own town with zero chance of recovery. I remember it fondly, but I don't exactly miss it.

Don't worry. It's not true. This was just some rumor started several years back on NeoFAG. Any time someone mentions it there's never any source. Tri-ace was never working on Valkyrie Profile 3. The only thing that coud come close to what they had planned for Valkyrie Profile 3 was going to be Exist Archives, and that failed bad.

I bet you niggers forgot, huh.

threads get deleted


I stopped playing after 167.3 hours, this is the downvote review I gave
I used to like the game but I can't recomend it any more.Sicne I started playing, back when there were 10 tiers, 2 skill trees and before you could put sights on everything, the devs have slowly changed how the game plays and not all of it is for the better.Instead of a list of pros and cons I'm just going to point out some things that changed that I dont like.-All anomolies can now be rendered harmless by simply wearing a gas tank, it used to be that the air tank only protected against the gas anomolies like the grenade artifact and the gas under the school.-Environment anomolies no longer exist, not the gas trap under the school, not the radioactive distortion at the middle of Tarakanovsky Fort none, they are all gone.-All alternative ammo must now be bought or found and you no longer have the option to use the basic alternative ammo that reduces range while increasing penetration, it's all cahs shop or random drops now.There are other problems I have with the game as well but these ones bother me the most, the removal of features to simplify the game including the shrinking of maps. This is a trend I've experienced before in games like firefall and I dont see a positive future for the game or the company.

user, can u give me more of these sad cat stuff? I really like these pics, you can truly understand the suffering of these cats by looking at their eyes.

I miss newgrounds and I had some bad times with these nostaliga stuff to a point where it effected my psychology

Post proof

Get in the Oven

We will never get a New Advance Wars, and if we ever do, monkeypaw will happen and it will be casualized and turned into waifushit.



Fuck the ff7 remake. I would love for Xenogears to be completed instead.


Actually, if it's spanish, it's "La comunidad homosexual"


Why did i get my hopes up for Star Wars: The Old Republic? It seemed so cool, loved the Kotor-games, wondered what it would be like, playing like the prequels-battles in amazing environments going out on adventures with your buddies.

And then it turns out it's a nothing fucking game. There's nothing important happening, you have no impact on the game whatsoever and you don't even see other players for half the time and that in game with shit graphics, even for a game from 2010 or whatever the year was when it came out.



Don't be sad because it's over, be happy because it happened.

It wasn't even that bad, just mediocre


Spore could have been a real game once.

No it wouldn't have. Wrights intention was to "casualize" it. Even if it did end up being more like the GDC, Holla Forums and others would still be disappointed. Hype is always bad and to this day, nobody has learned a thing.

Also Goodnight sweet prince. As there will NEVER be another Sims game ever made with the same quality as Sims 2 and arguably Sims 3.