Call of duty WW2 going to be a shitstorm?
Implied Rape scene removed Cause it triggered feminists
These idiots don't even realize that you can't please people that don't even buy videogames to begin with? Do they even know their own audience?
Cod player base is moving to battlefield and PUBG
Is that even possible?
It's a retarded train of thought that trying to appeal to everyone makes it more popular, and every exec, shareholder and goon ate that shit up like it was for breakfast. Now all we get is the same homogenized trash we see year after year.
They can go further to Zulu level.
On the one hand, that's retarded for several reasons. On the other, I feel like this particular choice undermines the idiots behind it. I mean if the Nazi's were inclusive maybe they weren't so bad right? It might be just as bullshit as the original propaganda demonizing them but now it's going in the opposite direction and they don't even realize it. I wonder where this could lead?
OP is a deceptive faggot and should neck himself.
Implying Australia isn’t run by feminists and emus
I'm still not even gonna pirate it
Is feminism an emu conspiracy?
>>>Holla Forums
it’s not furryism if they have feathers right?
You can neck yourself too, kike.
It's good because rape is obscene. If a game wants to sell well and have appeal, it can't have offensive elements. Even "controversial" games like Hatred are just spun into a hot balloon - they just have harmless edgy themes and mass murder that's already implicitly present in just about any game from strategy to action.
They are clueless.
The awkward moments for 13 year olds who had the game bought by their moms alone would be worth it
People need to learn how to fucking ignore feminazis
We can ignore all we want, but it's the goddamn game devs who are cucking and coward.
I just want insane details and gore.
This helps collapse the industry.
gta sa and god of war had scenes that came close, and were just as awkward
in gta sa you have to get a gimp suit for it too
Fuck off back to cuckhan.
Their audience is "toxic" and "problematic" so they think that by siding with those who hate video games will give them "good ally" points and talk about their company in a good way.
But the commies raped everything and nothing.
That's a man.
Rape is hot tho
I'm sorry, user. Tell me all about your game where rape is common place and how well it sold. People in real life have families to feed, you know.
nice-oh bait-oh desu ne
Are you angry because that's how the world works?
No, I want full on hardcore rape. Like having the girl fight back at first and having to beat QTEs to progress, then it's sort of a rhythm minigame that goes on for a quite a long awkward time while the girl sobs uncontrollably until you finish and walk away while she still cries. Imagine the butthurt. Imagine the future little anons that grow to have a rape fetish because of that game.
Normalfags will buy it but only hate it afterwards like every CoD before. I know 5-6 dudebros personally who already played the beta and creamed themselves because of the "muh teamplay" elements them being deployable ammobags and medkits
oh dear
That's kinda hot
Maybe we would become independent video game makers?
No it's disgusting, i have that tag blacklisted on sadpanda.
Why? The video games are being trashed with political correctness.
Does the constant rape of human history get to stay in though?
It's not rape it's a feature.
First they came for the tabletop gamers and I did not speak out because I was not a tabletop gamer.
Then they came for the gamers and I did not speak out, because I was not a gamer.
Then they came for the comic book fags, and I did not speak out, because I was not a comicsfag.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
Really? But there's no team play, the ammo and medikit gimmicks are only in the campaign and there's no co-op.
Then they came for themselves and no one was left to speak out.
Don't worry they've
You've got it in the wrong order
It goes Comics Since 05 then Vidya Since 15 and Tabletop since 15
Country full of guns - Sark still stalking devs
There's a fix here somewhere.
Whoever made something like that would go down as a legend. Sadly, Japan is our only hope.
Then the SA came to crack their skulls open on the pavement and everyone rejoiced because we are all sick and tired of their shit.
You do it, FBI-sama.
I want all normalfags to leave
I put about 45 hours into the beta, and its as mediocre as you'd expect. Semi-auto rifles are almost unusable when your opponent has a full auto rifle. I had a very minuscule amount of hope that the semi autos would be as good world at war's guns, but they aren't. Perhaps the ones they didn't put in the beta will be good, but I really doubt it.
Also most of those hours are spent using hacks to go 60 and 3. It was funny how confident the retards were that I would get banned despite the game being in beta and having no anti-cheat whatsoever. They even thought steam might ban me when activision themselves clearly don't give a shit.
He may be speaking about the "war" gametype. I didn't play much of that, but from what I did play of it, he is overplaying it quite a bit.
Leftists always work against themselves in the long run
Do you mean 1915? Cause they've been attacking vidya since long before 2015.
I wonder how much longer it will take for them to change this.
this is why old people are wary of video games you degenerate
How am I a normalfag for not finding rape arousing? I bet thst you enjoy doujins with ugly fat dudes too.
I mean as in a full scale assault rather than small battles
Goyimergate is when war was declared
You answered your own question.
Seriously Nigger?
Well fuck where is my successful career and lack of virginity then?
There's such a thing as a failed normalfag.
It's you.
Wasn't there africans working for the nazis?
I have a semisuccesful career and a lack of virginity thanks to being raped
Doesn't mean I'm a normalfaggot
Pretty much this. user has failed at being both a degenerate and a normalfag, suicide is the only option he has left.
I was raped as a child
You are a lady?
I never strived to be a normalfag, you faggots are projecting on me.
Normalfag is a state of mind, not a state of being.
rape alone isn't arousing, it's the context around the rape that's arousing
You will burn in hell
Boy I sure care about what the morons who sunk our entire civilisation out of selfishness have to say about my interactive moving picture boxes.
There are limits to degeneracy and you have clearly crossed the line. What is next you filthy maniac, headpats?
Was it hot?
That's it, I'm calling the cops.
Are you ok now?
Are you a female? or just a bitch
Is it worse I got raped or that it was by another male?
It's illegal to waste the cops's resource over your whines.
fuck no
I'm messed up as fuck, don't know the ratios of it being due to Autism, the rape or chemicals
Was it your babysitter or some shit? Cus that's kinda hot. If it was a guy pedo, not so much. And if you're a women, commit suicide because then no one cares
Unless if you're Jewish
No, it was a neighbour
Stop trying to drag this out for attention nigger, answer the question. Were you raped by a guy, or a girl? I'm still assuming you're not a woman.
Well I hope whoever done to you get crushed.
Nah I am a bad goy.
Depends on how cute you are :3
No, I've unfortunately seen her tits, asshole and cunt. It's just a standard high testosterone female sheboon.
The girl doesn't fight back though, it's all the usual blackmail shit with the japanese. I'd like a game where you can smack a bitch. Plus it needs to be in one of those AAA games.
Eat shit old timer
Nevermind, I'm a tard.
Holla Forums fucking leaked her nudes.
god capeshit is so cringy
Her nudes got leaked a while back. Some beaner was fucking her up the shitter. There was a thread about it on Holla Forums. Was pretty fucking hilarious. Some good OC was created.
Holla Forums didn't leak anything, dummy. Holla Forums just pointed and laughed at what was leaked.
I a Male was raped by a male
I have no idea how cute I am or was when I was 7
He's married with kids now, honestly don't know what to think of that, I mean good he isn't a fag now He did come out at one point but it still doesn't change what he did
that's Australia's fault for being such nanny state faggots. no one elses, faggot.
This makes no sense. Holla Forums can't leak her nudes unless she personally gave her nudes to Holla Forums and asked Holla Forums not to sure. Nudes must have been leaked by someone else and Holla Forums found them.
This makes more sense.
I'm deeply sorry you went through that, user.
You'll be put on a cross soon enough.
Fug, I'm sorry user
Look at this normalfaggot
or they fapped
9/11 1 trips demand sauce
It's not just that. They made them look bit like the europeans.
I hope he don't rape his kids.
They combined capitalism as a political system (opposed to being purely economic one) with clinical retardation, so they only exist to amass profit for the sake of profit (maybe with leftist propaganda) and think they can make the video game equivalent of air, i.e. something everybody will use.
No they didn't. Someone leaked them, Holla Forums spread it like aids.
I don't really care who leaked those, it was probably some publicity stunt, all I know is that I don't ever want to see those again.
I want to see them
So I can vomit already
Don't worry user, I'm sure you're incredibly cute
Was he fat? How do you define rape? What did he actually do?
I really do want a girlfriend so that I can (unironically) hold her hand, give her headpats, and cuddle.
If you want to throw up that badly just stand naked in front of a mirror for a few seconds.
I like putting myself in the place of the little girl fucking an attractive man.
They are part of the global agenda and want to tell people how to think feel and act, no beautiful or intelligent art allowed. Only propaganda and mass programming.
That don't work.
Censorship is when a higher authority demands that a creator cut something that was already in their work. Give me the example of when a kids show featured gay anal fisting and the network forced them to remove it. Also, please explain to me exactly how gay anal fisting can be a harmful thing to witness and tell me who we are "protecting" by banning it from morning children's television.
You can't faggot
If your naked body won't make you vomit then neither will hers.
I'm pretty sure ED has them on the article about Nughostbusters
I haven't seen her nude yet so I don't know if I vomit when I see her nude.
>Was he fat?
>How do you define rape? What did he actually do?
Forceful penetration, and I don't want to get into what I did as that gets into incest terratory Neighbour wasn't related to me so you probably can guess
I'd refommend this artist then
also a plus of Incest
When a child is exposed to sexual stimuli during their formative years, that alters how their brain is wired. This is why so many children who were molested by men/other boys grow up to become homosexual pedophiles themselves.
The fact that you don't know this is worrisome. What are they teaching you kids in school these days?
I'm a retard
im calling you incredibly ugly and uglier than her you dense sub-nigger looking retarded fuck
jesus christ
you must be stupider than her too
Whoa calm your angry tits down. Go out and have a walk with the lab dog.
This is some 10/10 bait user. I will get dubs in your honor.
If you have to come up with some outlandish, ridiculous hypothetical that would never happen in real life just to validate your point of view, then your point of view is silly. I like how you take the bait and argue why kids can't see anal fisting, but ignored my request for an example of a kids show that tried to show anal fisting.
That's preventinve censorship you imbecile.
repressive censorship removes something that was aired once and caused an uproar.
For example, if you paraded with a (fake) decapitated head of the current president in public media, and people angry with that demanded it taken away for violating their moral standards.
Imagine if someone comes to your house and shits all over your carpet, but you can't remove him because it's his freedom to shit anywhere he wants to (^:
Then apply that to an entire country.
please be patient, i have autism.
It is rightful emu clay.
It brainwash them to be gays. The children mind are malleable.
Seems as if Harambe gave out her password and as such got "hacked"
Hahaha she's that stupid.
That we should be having sex at a young age and that it's perfectly natural (I'm extremely paraphrasing, but that's what my sex ed class boiled down too, and the teacher was surprised to find out that the class wasn't filled with horny teenagers who can't keep their dick in their pants).
Wait what?…
dubs attempt #2
A girl cannot fuck, she can only get fucked.
This is not a good thing. Nobody has the right to be shielded from being offended.
Again, an outlandish hypothetical that misses the point entirely. If you are too stubborn to turn off the TV, it's only your fault that these meanies with opinions you don't like are "shitting in your house" so to speak. You Marxist scumbag.
It easily can be.
Stop bitching right now, christfaggot.
The hypothetical would be better if they were shitting on the side of a public road. If you don't like it, just use a different road.
I'm no prude but if a kid is has a working right hand, is looking to keep their sanity and not be whipped by pussy forever they should probably hold off.
She can bounce up and down on top of you while you're tied up user. Worse, she could get her secret strap-on out.
Are you two seriously retarded or something? How many years has it been since gamer gate now; only 3. How many years has it been since this sort of thing started happening? maybe 4 or 5?
You should know better by now, they don't give a fuck about their consumer base, stop trying to understand (((them))) It's meant to destroy you. The demoralized, and deracinated idiots that have no sense of quality are still going to eat this shit up, the game journalists are still going to shill for this, and write hit pieces on inclusiveness and diversity.
If you have time to complain about video games, you have time to work out, or learn a fucking skill. ==If you hate this then fucking usurp these shit heads, and make the game industry what you want it to be; you dont have to be some badass nazi like Holla Forums wants but you have to actually DO SOMETHING OF MERIT AT THE VERY LEAST==
fine you want to know
I was like 7 so I had no idea what was going on but on a few occasions my neighbour got me and by brother to fap his dick, suck him off off, get fucked by him, "fuck" each other and other really gay shit that makes me want to kill myself
jew detected.
No I am talking about the sjws. The jews are allowing them to ruin it. Sjws are very good at destroying the stuffs.
Vidya would more accurately be 2011 or so.
how do I stop
Everything has been going to shit since 2011/2012.
Since the 1950s, or even earlier. You can argue that the West was fucked when that fat yid wrote Das Kapital and created the most poisonous mind virus known to man.
Thats right comrade these filthy fascists deserved to be punched for simply existing in this thread, games should have more diversity, cod is fucking bigoted and racist until they have hitler as a black woman :^)
Blackmail is complete fucking shit. Give me a scenario where the sexy, idealistic heroine at the end of a long adventure is given a choice to become the queen of the smug antagonist to save the land and people and winds up going full Stockholm Syndrome.
Now that's fucking hot.
so should I have caffine and alcohol at the came time
You put the bottle away (^:
It's that simple, just decide it's time to stop, and you'll magically resist all temptation to drink!
In addition you will singlehandedly stop the alcohol industry.
if you're serious you should find some non-pozzed church/help group or reach out to your friends and family
Unngh why can't I swap places with you.
I really wish the nu-Holla Forums trend of putting red text fucking everywhere would just die already. All you attempted to do was make your post less readable, but you only outed yourself as a newfag. Good job.
If Black Women do no wrong, would that mean a black women hitler did nothing wrong
Good luck with that.
I'm still the one fucking her, she's just doing most of the work
Realize that it is holding you back while sapping away your money and enjoyment of life. It helps to find distractions as you are sobering up to keep you from thinking about it. Preferably productive distractions. Perhaps family or friends.
Oh, user…
No hitler has ever committed a crime.
coffee actually makes me more anxious tbh and it also makes my stomach hurt. I think it's the relatively high acidity and surprising oil content of coffee.
I prefer beer but it's much more expensive and even more destructive to my body so I can't drink it every day. But at least when I drink, I'm a little calmer and a little happier. sometimes i can even manage to get excited over things and have fun
way to fuck up your formatting retard
also ive tried to make vidya and vidya content and it's just not worth it. even without radical sjw and neo-nazi memery making gaming shit, there's plenty of bullshit unfounded complaining about shit that literally does not matter. engine and console wars, people getting mad about art styles, even retarded shit like font selection make gamers shriek in autistic rage
its a good hangover drink to nurse you back to health but its pretty bad for getting turnt on. its nice to have just one or two to begin work though.
shittiest meme
You mean the Family that lives hundreds of kilometers away from me and the friends that don't know I drink
I know
At least your hangover won't be so bad.
My hangovers are never bad
I'd be too young to drink if I was American
If you are American then ask someone to buy for you.
If you are not capable of speaking about your problems to your current friends, find new friends. If you want a closer family, you can work on creating one of those as well.
there is NOTHING wrong with getting drunk EVERY day (if you can afford it)
Does anyone have that disturbing SFM webm of the "life is strange" girl getting raped and shot in the head for crying?
Well I'm not, I'm from the shitpost down under
To be fair I don't tell anyone I drink other than the time I told my housemates because I had to
I've seen it
Cask wine is cheap, very cheap
Funny, I am from Sunshine state, down under.
You were born to have a shit life, user.
Well you're from a much better state than me Well not really as I was born in QLD but where I've lived and live now is a much worse state
americans are R E T A R D E D
I've had a "eventually enjoys the rape" fetish since first reading some.
I did live in the Mexico of Australia but I don't anymore I live somewhere worse
post both
it's down. It's under. It's as good a guess as any.
Down under is Aussie.
I used to live in rural VIC now I live in Sydney and it's fucking shit, way too many fucking gooks
Yea I visited Sydney few times and it's shit. Abolishing the WAP is a great sin.
Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraiser are fucking shit
The guy who killed Arthur Caldwell is almost as bad as the guy who let Churchill be general
Come on guys
Coming from someone who tries to explain how there are different categories of censorship and it's ok to create an uproar to take down something that personally offends you.
>>>Holla Forums
Kvetch some more.
What if it offends an entire country? What if I go to america and start saying FUCK WHITE PEOPLE FUCK WHITE PEOPLE HOPE THEY GET OUTBRED AND DIE, NIGGERS PoC'S SHOULD KILL THE MEN RAPE THE WOMEN
Because we need her in the game to trigger the feminazis for lolz. It's going to be funny tv show~!
First amendment, asshole.
It's bloody stupid, isn't it, eh?
fuck yeah dubs man
One day the WAP will come back and make Australia great again.
Epic, great constitution burgers.
i hope acti goes bankrupt
but the wehrmacht raped no russian women, it was in reverse. the russians raped germans
what's the point in this thread? the people that buy those games are kids and college fratbros they don't care about gaming or feminism. It's the same shit for 3 years now, we all know that this pussification is retarded
Quite honestly, it should be changed to exclude what is said in any form of media. but not while the jews are in control of course
The russians weren't the only rapists of germans
t. 16 year old
The commies even had the order to rape women and children.
Two things:
Why would a video game need a rape scene unless it's an H-game?
They're still making WWII garbage? I thought we moved past this shit a long time ago.
user, this type of propaganda is not done to appeal to SJWs, who already make the perfect goyim, but to demoralize people who are not, it's basically (((their))) way to say: "just give up goy, accept the Jew World Order".
It's the classic tactic of repeating a lie over and over again until people will start believing it.
That's why the get butthurt when their shit doesn't sell, like what happened with failbusters, because that's the perfect way to give these pieces of shit a big FUCK YOU.
Man, forget girls. What you need is a dog, cat, rabbit, or horse.
Or a cute shota.
Wow a rape scene. I was just playing Tetris Attack last night with my mate and I kept thinking "Hey, you know what this game needs? A pretentious historical fiction story written by a hack who couldn't make the cut in television or film." They should add a rape scene too to comment on the brutality of life with their expert WWII knowledge too.
How dumb are you?
CoD has always been a manifestation of neoliberal zogbot ideology, not militant fanaticism
to add, you liberate a fucking burger king
It shouldn't allow anti-american values, first and foremost, communism and derrivatives being the #1 target for banning, and actively promoting communism should either net you deportation or making your dreams come true in a labor camp somewhere in Alaska
Constructive criticism is fine, but "ESE, MAKE AMERIKO MEHICO AGEN, ESE, FUK U WHITEY" is rather far from that.
Go hate us somewhere else, Moshe, we don't want your kind here.
Shame that founding fathers were using assumptions nobody thought of undermining until postmodernism.
Now constitutions require large amounts jew-proofing with things like defining what is a man and a woman, stating the purpose of marriage (which is to secure existence and future for children resulting from it)
Wait what?!
You guys realize there is not actually a secret cabal of Jews running the world, right? That's the same retarded claim SJWs make about white men.
Because they are better at appreciating headpats, and cost less.
Nice try Schlomo
This tbh.
Reported for doxing, I don't know how you asshole found my IRL name but I won't let you get away with this.
that shit doesn't work anymore shlomo, go back to >>>/oven/
Uh, why is it their job to tell people how to think? All they were focused on creating was a government that was able to sustain itself in the best and worst of times, and provide the citizens with the freedoms that they viewed as God given rights.
Also, they did offer their advice on how to best sustain such.
However, no one wants to fucking listen because they think that just because we have computers and shit that we're so much smarter than they were. NEWS FLASH DUMBASS: Society and humanity has never fucking changed.
Yeah, don't let non-whites into the country and don't give women the vote.
Green Tea
No, I meant why did you delete your post?
It easily is
I had made a grammar mistake. Silly, I know.
It's not. It was their job to jew proof the constitution so that we can't be conquered from the inside.
Oh no.
How do you think it works?
I'm ignoring you, torfag…
*slap slap*
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is Jew proof. Subversion will always invent a way around it. If someone doesn't want to follow the law, then they don't follow the law. It really is that easy and there is no language or document in the history of the entire world then, now, and forever that can stop this. The only defense is not letting subversives in in the first place.
You and your dubs are probably right, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have done a better job.
That's right goy, just let us take away your weapons and turn you into minority in your home lands. Barbra spectre is our greatest ally :^)
What else could they have done without laws being twisted against them?
I like Ben Garrison's stuff, but holy fuck, does it get too descriptive and clustered.
And I'm glad they have. Say what you will about cowabooty players, but if they're jumping ship to games that don't use hitscan, that's a win for everyone. Not to mention they suck at shooting so they're great cannon fodder in those games
It's an interesting coincidence that the western world's most influential billionaires happen to all be Jewish. Just a funny little coincidence and nothing more.
I just see a bunch of arrogant rich asshole faggots trying to shit on the "lower" as always. People don't want to hear about being Jewish, they want to hear about "hurr not being us are inferior". That's the only thing that will piss them off just like only pointing out pathetic unlovable retarded pseudointellectual cucks and hags are asshurt about and want to get rid of all sexiness and femininity will light a fire under the ass as well.
And I want it fucking dead.
Well your eyes are shit.
Every thread on 8ch is openly declared Holla Forums territory. Every single one. Don't like it? Fuck off to literally any other site online.
Proves he isn't a nigger. Unlike you.
Holla Forums really is incapable of subtlety. How can you suck so much Marxist cock and still be so terrible at subversion?
That's a fake made by those libertarian shitposters.
This is why they push gun control so hard. This is why they come up with the vague criteria of "hate speech" and try to invent bullshit sub-categories of censorship, like "repressive" and "preventative" so that it can be justified when it suits them. Because they want to keep the constitution intact. You're really going to need to try a lot harder, kid.
Just like it's an interesting coincidence that most rich people are white or that the majority of crimes are commited by blacks. Jews have a higher average IQ, that's all, it's not a conspiracy, it's the way things fall into place.
Alright. Prove me wrong.
The jews will change the constitution to suit their needs, all I'm saying is that we can change it to suit our needs instead.
United States 98
Israel 95
Even with all our niggers we have a higher average IQ
Negro or Muslim detected, which one are you?
How high would that IQ be if you remove all the niggers etc.
How did you get that out of the post? Genuinely curious
muh government will fix it fo' sure
big brother save us
cuz we're so fucking retarded that we can't change anything and drive the kikes out unless we're the ones forcing our fellow goyim at gunpoint
The US also has Jews and Asians raising the average IQ, and that's without even checking if your stats are correct. Jews are spread throughout the world, so measuring national IQ does nothing, you actually have to measure racial IQ, and Jews have higher IQ.
He is measuring by race you daft fuck just as you did, that is the point.
I'm not sure, but it would be at least 100
I can see your IQ isn't too high...
I'm pretty sure that sample size of 6 million rabbis gives an accurate result.
No but Whites and kikes are two different races. You retard.
Isn't that exactly what China does as well?
Going to have come with actual evidence then, reality is not like your porn :^)
Why would we reee over something so easily disprovable? The biggest dick in the world is attached to a white guy.
Because he's a projecting nigger or muslime
what did he mean by this?
t. chink or kike
Is that photoshop? It looks too cute for a bird Australians fear.
Eeeewwwww a girl is picking her nose in the background.
If I had to guess, I'd say it's a young one.
The americans were the ones doing the raping.
This is politics and does not belong on Holla Forums.
You are mentally ill. The people making these games ARE the left. Their audience is the left. They do not want their audience to be people who play video games. They want to destroy video games, as an industry, itself. This is irrelevant, however, as this is political talk and does not belong on Holla Forums.
Kill yourself cuckchan.
Get a load of this newfag
I know they are mentally ill but damn these pics get me every time. How are they still not in a mental hospital?
because its becoming the norm to be like them
See, THIS is why kikes have been kicked out and slaughtered for over 4000 years. They’re utterly insufferable, genetically schizophrenic, and exist solely to treat goyim as animals to be shepherded. Fucking kill yourself, Mark. It is impossible for you to ban 2 million IP addresses.
Your statement is politics that does not relate to video games and does not belong on Holla Forums. I will be banned for stating the rules of Holla Forums.
Benjamin Franklin WANTED to explicitly exclude jews from the Constitution. Several of the Founders did, in fact. At most, for our purposes, we can exclude jews from our video games. Don’t buy games made by jews or their shabbos goyim. Don’t SEED torrents of games made by jews or their shabbos goyim. Since the Constitution “does not” explicitly disallow their behavior, it is up to us to inform people what the behavior is, why it is objectively bad, and who is responsible.
Same faggot crying about politics in the windows 10 anti cheat thread, fuck off back to cuckchan already
Do you have anything on-topic to add or are you just so autistic that you can’t talk about video games without going off-topic?
Read your ban message next time
oy vey that's right goy, the americans were the most evil people during the war, ignore anyone who tells you the Russians did any raping
Why didn't they?
Yes. So I posted video game-related politics and got banned. Okay, so no politics at all! So I reported politics that explicitly weren’t video game related. Got banned. Gee. Almost as though a SCHIZOPHRENIC is in charge or something.
At the end of the war Germans were surrendering to Americans on the west front and literally killing themselves on the east to avoid capture by Russians. You ever see those pictures of German officers impaled on sticks? Kill yourself, shlomo. The Americans were absolutely fucking benevolent compared to Russians.
tfw never gonna get wounded on the rhine river, fall in love with a french nurse, and take her to america.
Not enough did, is all. Southern slavers, for example, relied heavily on the (jewish-owned) slave trade, which still existed at the time of the revolution. The Confederacy was financed by jews because they (jews) wanted the slave trade back. Judah P. Benjamin–the Confederate secretary of state–was jewish (as the name should suggest). But you never see his statues torn down. And you never hear anything bad about him at all, even though he owned slaves himself.
Also, Russia was chosen by jews as the nation to be destroyed by the first communist uprising because Russia sent its fleet to New York Harbor as a show of good faith to the Union during the US Civil War. This was enough to keep the British and French from supporting the Confederacy (jews were in negotiations to bring them in), which led to them losing the war. Jews keep grudges forever.
This statement holds true even when you take into consideration Eisenhower’s genocide of 1.5 million Germans through starvation in POW camps.
Go away shitskin and take your retarded system of law with you.
You're the retard and liking tits and hating mudshits does nothing to change this.
Post his address or better yet go kill him yourself.
War is Heck.
Russians raping is so fucking obvious I didn't think I had to mention it you god damn retard. It's like not mentionning the nigger females in the german armies are probably the ones stealing all the french bikes.
How fucking retarded can you be?
No need to steal what the surrender monkey willingly gives.
You wanna get back in the oven now while I gas you and then turn the oven on, Eli?
Eh. Back with Metro Last Light came out people didnt complain about the scene where you have to act quickly to prevent a sexual assault. Hell you could argue Metro handled it better by having it be something you have to do through the core gameplay as its part of guard routines, rather than just a simple binary choice. You could make the argument that older Call of Duty games did have scenes of this nature before, like the stairway scene in World at War where you either shoot the german soldiers yourself or watch them be burned to death. It doesnt matter as much now though, a CoD game dropping a something a serious as this is like teacher spouting a meme to show he or she is hip and with it.
You can do the first two things at least.
but not during ww2
You could wear a pith helmet and then it would be basically the same thing.
You better back that up. Soviet soldiers were deliberately riled up against combatants, but not civilians.
Whatever you say, Satan.
Where have you been? Minorities siding with whites being a 100% confirmed indicator of interanalized racism is all the rage.
See you later then, herr generaloberst.
Nice bait.
Shit bait.
Is it a modern a progressive burger company, tho?
lol, the Russians and the Americans were doing the raping.
You may not know this since you're autistic. But the Americans and the Russians were on the same side.
>Does anyone have that disturbing SFM webm of the "life is strange" girl getting raped and shot in the head for crying?
You mean arousing?
Define "essential liberty".
Shit user, I lost my virginity ages ago and i'm not a normalfag. You gotta learn to control your sperg and just fuck something.
No there wasn't. All 3 are initially cornered and forced down. In Manaka's scenario, she runs and he forces her into a bathroom. As the blood from her ripped hymen drips out and you finish inside her, she falls to the floor. Crying and frozen.
The only blackmail that comes is when he inevitably abducts them afterwards.
Also forgot to mention one more thing, they do fight back. There are two endings were the protagonist can horribly die if you didn't break them properly.
If you use the cowgirl position on Aoi and she isnt broken, there is a chance she will take out a knife and repeatedly stab you as it fades to black
Strict, more clearly defined, nigh impossible to misinterpret wording, and an explanation of the "American Ideology" included so there is no possible way to fuck things up. For god's sake, there are retards nowadays who genuinely believe the founding father's were a bunch of socialists who would've liked Marx's bullshit.
It's understandable that they'd fail to do this, given how amazingly fucking subversive Jews could be and how awful the world has gotten as of late, but they might've had atleast a few more safeguards in place if they were a little more paranoid about being subverted.
40 Years, not under 10, and that was with actual Jews who got around the ban (Notably, they didn't ban "Portuguese Jews") due to "Muh Irreligious/Christian Convert" bullshit. The only solution is to get rid of Kikes entirely.
polite sage for muh Holla Forums
tfw no bf
try losing it to a woman who loves you, and wants to marry you and give you children.
I already think it's gonna be a storm because the journalists can't survive multiplayer mode - Or any mode, for that matter (They're teabagging fodder as far as I'm concern) and Sledgehammer is cucked.
I can't say Black Female Nazi, because other anons expressed why that's full of fail and I already mention the multiplayer mode.