Here's Mario's dick from an old official manga

Here's Mario's dick from an old official manga

Other urls found in this thread:

It's no wonder Peach rejected him, especially now he doesn't have that plumber cash keeping him on the hook.

Here are my dubs.

This may come as a surprise to some of you, but poorly drawn dicks can be shown in kid's mango. It's a japanese gag.

I think everyone that watched Dragon Ball knows this tbh

normalfags dont

Every normalfag has watched DB

It's no wonder Peach's always running off with Bowser.


I dunno, she looks thirsty for that italian american dick

Peach don't need no man!


Is this the lol thread?


She rejected both of them.

Peach is a lesbian!!!

Makes sense, the poor fucks.

To the surface of the moon?

I recently saw one in Galaxy Express 999, which is from the 70s-early 80s. Kill la Kill also had one.

He's a grower, not a shower.

Super Mario-kun was released in a magazine for pre-schoolers, Nintendo always marketed their shit even several decades ago.

haha smolboi

you cant just post that and leave without source

No niggers allowed, neofag.


I already tried that, and reverse search never works for crops anyways

It looks really generic to me

Has this been translated?

sys.3.6.3 newfag



Man, this place is great. Very welcoming to us neogaf and 4chan refugees. Could you tell me what anime this girl is from, too?

Are you new here?
You might be losst.


You'll never see a naked SD vagina because they can't show that. Might be covered in god rays, black bars or onsen stream. Most hentai I've seen they are already getting plunged by the invisible dick. No cute vaginas are safe anywhere.

It doesn't look like loss at all other than outer box placement, you lads need help

wew I'll make sure to do this more often and tell everyone on reddit about it xD

sage for downboat

I'll spoonfeed whoever the fuck I want.

Peach is too busy riding my dick in VR to care about some middle aged whop.



It's called Virtual Reality, after all.

█    █ ██ █ █▄

then why wont u spoonfeed me on the anime girl I posted


Oh my, what a cute robot.

Because I don't want to


Mama Mia, It's "wop" you-a meatball head. You do's it again I'mma gonna come ova there and breaka ya balls a little bit.

She's just nervous because she realizes that the only way he's going to make her scream and howl with that tiny tadger is if he sticks it in her asshole.

If a girl is trapped inside a robot while the robot fucks someone, is it rape?

His dick is tiny.

Not that I'm aware of, so here's my best attempt.
I'm not sure exactly what Peach/Mechakuribo is describing the fish as being (it's all meaningless kana as far as I can tell), but the rest is accurate.

It's pretty much exactly what you'd expect, apart from that thing being a "mecha-goomba" when it doesn't look remotely like a goomba in any way whatsoever.

How did you make it fit so nicely? It even matches the comic's colors. Fucking nice.



how did you manage to find this website?

Uncut Ubermensch reporting in

Also reminded me of this old masterpiece. Also some other set of pages where it's not just the Red-analog being fucking retarded about "Pokeballs"; even Greens's Charmander pulls them out of Ash's pants after it's master asks him to steal them (can't find that one in my folders at the moment).

That is the angriest Clefairy I've ever seen.

24 is middle aged?

wait so the joke is that he goes to grab a poké ball but because the clefairy stole his belt his pants fell down and he accidentally grabs his nuts?


The facial expressions in the Pocket Monsters manga are great.

No, I think the joke there was Clefairy telling him his balls were close to his waist and he just whips them out.

Yeah, that first one's the one I mentioned.

I hope they hook up.

That looks really painful.

And yet it's somehow not the case in . Really though, if you can stretch your balls to a foot or two away from your dick and not feel pain, it's probably wise to call either a doctor or some world record group.

Is there anything decent in this manga or is it just body and toilet humor? I know it's for kids, but honestly I prefer the wordplay humor in the anime because it's actually clever fairly frequently.

Preschoolers user.


I'm honestly not sure myself. Most I've seen it mentioned before was as a source of shock images at what it got away with and how difference it was than Pokemon Special. It did see a animated clip in an episode of that actual Pokemon anime (the premise being the twerps at a film screening) that obviously toned shit down.

Apparently it's continued with sequels clear up through X and Y if that says anything of it's quality (admittedly though that's not always the best indicator).

Ah, that makes more sense then. The anime definitely shoots more for the preteen bracket.

That's like, an entire completely unknown in the west genre of manga. There's a number of popular children's series which are basically just characters falling into shit or getting smacked in the face. They never get translated, so you'll only hear of them from parodies or getting super into actual Japanese culture.

Japanese preschoolers can read fluently enough to be into comic books? I mean elementary schoolers, yeah, but preschoolers?

Why doesn't he wear underwear?

That's going on the fullderp thread at the earliest opportunity.

well you might have noticed everything is in hiragana which is the first alphabet they learn. There are some kanjis there but the hiragana spelling is next to those.

Yeah but I mean while western preschoolers do usually know the alphabet before going to school, they aren't fluent enough readers that they actually read publications aimed at them for fun. There are books aimed at kids of that age, but they typically have minimal words, are super short to begin with, have no continuing stories, and are intended to be read to them by the parents. They certainly aren't fluent enough readers to get into comics.

Are we really all that far behind japan? Are our kids so retarded?

I guess the nintoddlers don't need to use their imaginations anymore.

more like a reality.

They mock guys with big dicks for whatever reason in japanese manga and anime. Like in Ippo. The main character has a huge dongus and everyone makes fun of him for it.

gee, i wonder why?

Going commando is the best m8

Every normalfag has watched the censored English dubs, maybe.

Also, it's a bit difficult to properly determine the size of a guy's dick when he's overall drawn with the proportions of an infant.


Japanese have a weird thing with thinking masculinity is gay
Hence why Fujoshits aren't considered faggy by them and are height of attratciveness to nip wymyn, while masculinity is seen as gay
Example is the OMAMADs in particular "FUCK YOU"

It's fucking Wog you got it wrong too

I saw it and I do not regret doing this



I want to hug it

well that's fucking gay

But yeah what the heck

What the fuck?

What baiting shitheads.


it went viral on twitter after an 8ch poster shared it.

Guess we're not toxic enough if hackfraud journobloggers look for scraps to write shitty articles about here of all places.

Mystery solved.

It's an old manga you retarded fucking normalfaggots. Fuck off and die.

seems like the 420chan admin spread it.

that too.

stop thinking you're more influential than you think, you start to look like the retards in the #gamergate thread.



Hello goon-kun~

Kill yourself faggot, stop sharing this website with your normalfag friends from twitter or i will cut your head off and shit down your neck

Were you dropped on your head as a child or are you really just born retarded?

That place is basically an extension of reddit so it makes sense that they would regurgitate content from other sources


Large penises are linked to low IQ, criminal behavior, animal instincts and an uncontrollable sex drive (rape). It is the ultimate sign of multi-generational degeneracy. Never relax around large penises.


That's the stupidest fucking thing I've heard.

Is anyone else seeing Froppy?

Hello newfriends!

You should swallow the penis pill before it is too late. All i am offering is the truth about penises, user.

No, the “niggers have bigger dicks” lie is a kike meme.


They have a bigger average when not mixed, but a white holds the record.

So with Neofag dead, they're going back to stealing shit from the internet at large. Fuck you Shitaku.

>a white holds the record
Not just any white.
A game journalist.

High effort, thanks. Yeah, most of it is pretty much visual.

Archived thread

1) Find their IP and ban them if possible
2) Next time, put some data into the pictures so that we'll know that they came here

This is all Mark's fault for being such a cuck that he wants NSFW content spoilered when it actually works wonders keeping normalfags away, especially gore.

We were always monitored by journos hombre. Buzzfeed, Kotaku, Vice, and Vox journos lurk here and shitpost.

We're like the internet version of the Illuminati because of how we're an obscure influential force..

Don't ever say that again, not even jokingly.

It must be really painful with her legs clipping into yours like that



A nuke is going to the fullderp at the earliest opportunity

Jokes on you, you cant nuclear holocaust what's already dead

The first name Mario ever went by in production is Ossan, meaning middle-aged man. I believe that was from the Iwata Asks for Mario's 25th anniversary. Also, he gets called old and middle-ages several times in the RPGs.

It's wop. As in, with-out-papers. Because before spics were after American green cards, Italians were. Wog is British/Australian slang, mostly for niggers, but also muzzies and chinks.

Those are the most expandable balls I have ever seen.

Ok make sure to let Kotaku Readers know Luke reads a Nazi Videogame board who has harassed 6,000,000 women

Nah Wog is Greek/Italian in Australia with it at most stretching to Lebs, unless if it's started being used in Melbourne and Sydney to describe Niggers all of a sudden but as far as I can recall it's a General term for Spaghetti Niggers and Toga Niggers

That wasn't a fucking joke.

We're becoming the new 4chan.

Then you are a retarded nigger.

for what purpose

Fuck off retard.

No you.

Here's a graph of our global popularity. Since this February, we've jump from the top 15,000 to almost the top 5,000.

How can we stop this?

Holla Forums used to be the gateway to the rest of 4chan. It was filled with CP, gore, spam, and general bullshit to scare away newfags. Now newfags come straight to Holla Forums or Holla Forums, and that ruins everything. We have to be more hostile to outsiders, like /a/ is.

We need a plan that is so disgustingly devious, that even we vile villains would be chilled to the bone.

It's amazing how the graph relates retroactively to the board's quality

Too bad their board is shit, sure it's anime, but it's so bland it makes me feel like I'm in some goddamn forum.

Well that's largely due to modern anime being shit. So the fact that modern games are shit as well does not bode well for Holla Forums. But still, being incredibly hostile to newfags is a step in the right direction.

It's flatlined since July, it seems.

The problem is that Mark is a total pushover and he doesn't even allow unspoilered NSW or porn/gore dumps to scare away cuckchanners. That incompetent, attention whoring (remember HWNDU) fat fuck will be our death.


how the fuck did this happen?

I can go without seeing unspoiled gore all the time. It damages the soul.

I don't care, it keeps normalfags away.

Regular porn will do that well enough. If you keep spamming gore in Holla Forums threads nobodies going to want to browse here other than gorefags.

Normalfags still like porn, they just look at it on the sly. They're much more likely to be repulsed by gore. Of course we need all sorts of things to keep all sorts of normalfags out.

If you don't like gore, don't look at it. Oh well. I don't look at it either, but people are allowed to like what I don't like. And people who can't deal with that can get the fuck out because they're filthy normalfags, like you.


We already are. Halfchan is basically 2009 reddit or something awful with anime.

I'm assuming we got mentioned in some clickbait articles somewhere. Maybe it has something to do with the post-election fallout?

That's the entire fucking point of spoiling it. You can't avoid it otherwise. I'm still going to see thumbnails of dogs without a head or a guy cutting up/off his balls. I don't need to see that shit every day. Not because I'm sensitive, It's just fucking gross.

Then fuck off

Just gloss over it. If you're not a fucking normalfag pussy, it's not that hard.

Used to be people would go to Holla Forums first, and this type of shit would scare them away. Only those who were so autistic that they had nowhere else to go would be dedicated enough to stick around and eventually become desensitized and learn to just gloss over stuff that doesn't interest them. Then they could go to the rest of the site and not be filthy newfags.

Sorry to tell you, but you're a normalfag, and would be better off just going back to reddit.

I hate gore with agree with this. If you are against the idea of having gore to repel normalfags; then you are the problem.


It's just gross user. I don't care if it's posted in obvious shit threads but I don't need to be seeing that shit.
Not wanting to see real life mutilation isn't a normalfag thing. If somebody is coming here and gets offended at gore when they see a spoiler that should be enough to deter them because they won't want to browse with people who possess it. Actively seeing it every day might be a better deterrent but it's a board about video games. On Holla Forums it worked but I don't browse Holla Forums and I don't need to see it every day. Would you put up with seeing MtF surgery every day?

It's a simple solve. Post it in the threads where it's obvious that an outsider made it unspoiled and the mods won't give a shit. It's just a natural response to not want to see gross shit in real life though.

Halfchan has always been halfchan. The only thing that's changed is that the gold nuggets in the ocean of shit packed up and left ~4 years ago, and all that's left is the shit.

Then ignore it. I don't even notice it anymore, on the rare occasion it is posted.

Yes it is.

No, that only gets rid of the most surface level normalfags. Clearly not enough. Too many, like yourself, still get through.

Yeah, I'd just ignore it.

Most people come to this site because they were censored elsewhere.
Usually because they can't post about something or got banned.
Gore is not going to help, because that makes em feel safe.

Really, the best way to scare refugees is to act like a giant faggot.
Post a lot of stupid and gay shit to make them go away.
I don't like doing it but it works.

Again I do that by not clicking on the spoiler. I'm fine with how it is. Retarded newfags can open it themselves and be offended. I don't need to see it.
No it's really not. By this logic you're a normalfag if you don't mind just about anything that's gross.
Source? Again this isn't Holla Forums. It's vidya. That shit would only serve to derail threads instead of help them.
Again you can't. You still notice it despite scrolling past it. Occasionally this isn't a problem because I often go into that sort of thread. But it's no worse than when on topic vidya discussion gets derailed by off topic politics. It's not needed.

Are you that guy who tried spamming gore on /tg/?

How does it make normalfags feel safe?


Get out. I don't enjoy gore either, but I can put up with it discouraging normalfags like you from thinking they're welcome.

They're not. But gore isn't something that should become common and unspoilered. Post it where it's called for. Not just to be an edgy faggot who thinks he's saving the internet. Pick your battles and don't fix problems by making everything worse.

Hello youngfag.

You and your dubs can fuck off.

Apparently not, like the normalfag above.

Well we should be doing it with no spoilers and you just either learn to get over it and ignore what you don't like, or leave.

If you can't just ignore it, then yes. If you want censorship, you need to get out. This is a form of censorship, even if more minor than on some other sites.

The fact that you're here. You got through.

That's why I said we need to be more hostile, like /a/. They don't post gore or CP or spam but they do a decent job at keeping the normalfags at bay. It's just a shame that Holla Forums is no longer the Ellis Island of the site.

You can still ignore it. The only reason you in particular can't is because you're a newfag normalfag who is used to having things censored to protect your feefees instead of just learning to ignore things you don't like.

I don't go on /tg/, and one man is not enough to make a difference spamming alone. it's about a cultural attitude.

It's not making anything worse because you can just ignore it.

Holla Forums, and 4chan in general, was always pissing in an ocean of piss, but you wade through it to find the few pearls. But then they cracked down on shit to keep the newfags away, they came, and diluted the waters even further, making it more and more difficult to find anything of value. So now you don't have gore, you just have worthless shit that makes it harder to find anything good than the gore ever did.

Make me nigger.

Again I don't come to discuss vidya while constantly seeing gore.
And it's not censorship. You're perfectly capable of seeing it with a click and you're not blocked in any way from seeing it.
Nice argument.
Yea by banning people who make typo's. Cmon now.
If it's in my direct site that's not ignoring it is it? You can't ignore it is my point.
You know that if it becomes unspoiled then you're going to get every faggot who's going to respond to an opinion they don't like with it. Case in point. If you're as much of an oldfag as you say you are then obviously me posting pic related isn't necessary because nobody but gorefags actually enjoy this shit. So by this logic me posting this is pointless. And not only that you can't actually be ignoring it because it's within your peripheral while you're reading this. So unless you enjoy looking at an ugly pus being filled with tacks, it's (by your logic assuming you're not a gorefag) making this thread worse because nobody wants to actually see it.

You better close this tab right now or else :^)

Go for it faggot. I know what I'm getting into. I just don't need it in threads that don't warrant it.

Go back to reddit.

It is by technicality. You just don't see the afterwards.


Served as example. You don't go browsing for that sort of stuff do you?

Then just don't look at the gore.

It is. You're putting a barrier up to keep us from seeing it. it's a minor one, but still.

You asked for a source that some normalfags get through because we censor gore with spoiler tags. You have yourself admitted that you wouldn't enjoy it here if we didn't censor gore with spoiler tags. You are your own source here.

They are good at identifying outsiders and ban them. Good for them. An outsider is just someone who is too much of a faggot to lurk moar and acclimate to the existing culture. If you don't like what they already have, get out.

Just don't look at that part of the screen. As much as I love the idea of filling a vagina with thumbtacks, I'm not looking at it as I type this, I'm looking at the typing window. And sometimes I'll look at your text, but the image is only in my peripheral unless I choose to focus on it, which I'm not going to do until I finish writing this post.

Who gives a shit? Worthless posts that don't need to be responded to. Spam exists regardless and this would be no different.

No, due to having to do with genitals, I'm sure many people who don't identify as gorefags would be into it. It's incredibly mild by gore standards. Really weak attempt on your part.

I can ignore things in my peripheral. Not hard to do. Maybe if you're a newfag who is still easily shocked, your eyes will be drawn to it and you can't deal with it. But that should be driven out of you after a few weeks on Holla Forums. If you can't acclimate, get out.

It's making it better because you can ignore it but newfag normalfags will get triggered and it will increase the chances of them leaving and increasing the percentage of users here who are actually worth having around.

Is it good shit? Better post it now, faggot. Because what you have there is nothing.

I sure do.

You make some points about the gore shit. But both of us know that nepfag and the curreny meidos have been crashing /a/ with no survivors. I can only hope it either: goes nuclear, and a better BO steps up, or the meidos get silently replaced over the span of a month.
And you have been asking for this

I don't even go on /a/ because I'm only a casual anime fan and going in just to look at threads about the casual shit that I watch is enough to show me that there aren't as many newfags and normalfags there. Including me. I'm respectful enough to lurk and not post since I am not fully acclimated to their culture.

I've never been on reddit so I've never understood this. Especially when using multiple quotes, it would be very strange to not use a space above the quote line. I thought the reddit spacing meme referred to using double space for every single line when it would normally function well as a single paragraph or regular list format, like a greentext story.

You can't not when it's unspoiled.
A barrier would imply you're incapable of doing nothing to bypass it. It's not censorship. It's modesty.
By that logic I can say you're from reddit and your posts from reddit. Congrats reddit you outed yourself.
And an insider shouldn't have to tolerate edgy faggotry.
It's a wonder why I don't go there then.
You can't propose people get over an inherently disgusting image by looking away from your screen like a cornered autist. You genuinely have to be some type of mental problem if that's what you do every time a gore pic is posted.
And you still see it in your peripheral. You're still aware it's there and what it resembles. If it's not this it's dogs being cooked alive and you would still see it.
If they're so worthless then you wouldn't bother replying to me would you?
So then it would actually need to be banned like spam?
You saying it's not strong gore isn't strengthening your argument. I already said it was mild by example. If it were a decapitation with a saw what would you statement be? That it's perfectly common for people to be into it?
I can just as easily format my post to have the image dominate more space than the text.
Again that doesn't negate my point. You still see it and you still respond to it because you've already acknowledged what it is. So assuming neither of us wants to see it and neither of us is going to leave the board because of it. You can safely assume it's useless to do it. My argument is that it's not needed for the entirety of the board. There's simply to many faggots who don't give a shit if they see gore or not who also have normalfag opinions. You can argue that it "keeps the brunt away" but us not being listed on google does a better job of that.
It does neither. You can't ignore it because it derails threads and you can't trigger every newfaggot because there's no certainty that they don't give a shit about it. Fuck gore in itself is already somewhat of a normalfag thing. It's shared on facebook to piss people off all the time. You never see those videos of peoples reactions to that shit? That high heel cat stomping video is still being shared around.

You're not even worth my folder.

not even using the stupid meme right

Yeah, man. I'm sure it's HUUUUUUUUUUUGE.

Just wait till a former Neogaf resident makes a thread here. You'll see it.

I bet.

So, shit like BnHA/wan piss/dbs, or flavor of the season moeblob?
For most intents and purposes, anime's last good year was 2007.

God damn this.

-t. faggots that haven't watched anything since gurren lagann

All the good stuff is in mango.

-t. brainwashed normalfag with shit taste

both are great overall tbh

epic old anime my man, i love lupin the third ;) so glad adult swim introduced it to me

Bet you didn't even get to see pink jacket faggot.

whoa hey man, I'm just sharing an interest in adult swim culture too. don't you also love rick and morty and aqua teen hunger force?

Waiting on that superior taste you apparently have faggot.

Yes you can. Just don't look. Don't aim your eyes at it.

Not all barriers are impenetrable.
It's catering to normalfags who want us to cater to their feefees.

This is a complete non sequitur. Again, you asked for a source that normalfags would be deterred by gore. The source is that you said you'd be deterred by gore. You admitted it. Go back to reddit, where they censor things more often to cater to normalfag feefees.

You don't like it, look away. It worked before, until fags like you showed up and convinced moot to cater to normalfags.

It's a wonder why you come here. Oh yeah, because you've already gotten the administration to cater to you instead of the way things used to be when they were still good.

If I don't want to look at something, I just don't focus my eyes on it. I'm not such an easily triggered tumblrfag that I can't handle something I'm not even looking at.

And again, who cares? Just don't look. If it triggers you that hard, scroll down. Or just get the fuck out.

I was referring to spam. I'm not implying your posts are spam, just that they're shit.

Again referring to Holla Forums (since this is where gore and spam are more relevant), at its best it was constantly flooded by spam that encouraged newfags to open the image as a .bat file that bricked their computer. And it was great. I don't endorse even banning spam. The dedicated users will stay and learn to ignore it and find the good stuff. What's not spam will have a higher proportion of good stuff.

It's perfectly common for people on old 4chan to not get triggered by it. Maybe the tumblrfags that have since taken over 4chan and then followed us to Holla Forums can't handle it though.

So be it. I still don't have to look at it if I don't want to. If you want to deter more people from looking at your post, go right ahead. No problem with that. Keep the newfags away from just your own post. Not a bad strategy in certain situations.

And if your response is to get triggered like you are now, too bad. We shouldn't cater to you. It was like that before you got here, and it shouldn't change for newfags.

So you won't leave? Then stop bitching. Get over it. It will deter people who are slightly more normalfag than you. Fine.

Those people are fine. They can ignore it. It's not aimed directly at them. it's aimed at making things better for them by making sure that they're the only ones who stick around.

Literally the entire argument.

Not good enough, apparently.

Only when a newfag gets particularly triggered, which is lulzy.

No, but it gets a few, and that's something. It's also why I mentioned many other ways the old site kept newfags away.

I only go on /a/ to look at stuff about '80s and '90s anime that I have nostalgia for. mostly DB

I never asked why reddit spacing was bad. Obviously using paragraph breaks when it's not a new paragraph is dumb. I just argued that I was using double spacing in a proper context there. Putting a greentext quote right below a regular line when it's not directly related to that line is weird. Putting multiple greentext lines in a row as double spaced is a different, totally gay situation.

we should talk about things you like, like nu samurai jack. wasn't that great?

Did you just assume that he is American?…I can't…

benefit of the doubt, he's like aussie, rus, or BR

The post was deleted for being a 4cuck or something so


My god, the sheer asshurt.

wait I made that post linking to kirt's tweet, why would it be deleted?

So I can spam unspoilered gore and not get banned? Let's get this normalfag scum of Holla Forums! :^)

Not getting a DN3D/FMJ reference makes you a youngfag

What is it about /a/utists and Samurai Jack triggering the shit out of them?

It was a very obvious reference which you didn't get cause you're a youngfag.

not sure, haven't really seen that before.

Again, what?

This breaks board rules by not being vidya. It's ok to have a little gore on the side, as long as your post is mainly vidya content.

You know, the whole "I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck." could have been delivered more cleverly, wasn't really very funny in the first place. Can't even blame you for missing it.

and seriously, who hasn't played Duke3D? It's Holla Forums-core, you can assume safely everyone's played it.

Well I'm not in charge, and this is not Holla Forums. For Holla Forums I advocate not using spoilers incorrectly (for anything that's not a spoiler) and being mercilessly hostile to anyone who indicates they are an outsider. Only those who care enough to lurk until they can pass as one of us will be accepted.

I thought only jews did toilet humor.

But how did I not get the referenece? Do I have to explicitly say "heh, I remember that" like a faggot to signal that I'm an oldfag?
I actually have never watched the movie. I've only seen clips like the one the joke is from.

Dont even joke like that. The music was still alright, sure. Fairy Night is gr8. But that series diverted way too far and was pretty bland overall.

For better quality, here's a oldass flash animation which called that ahead of time

I had a lot of fun watching castle of cagliostro in theaters

fmj is ok



I'm sure people on cuck/v/ used to assume the same thing


And invites underages who think they are cool for posting gore in

user, you sound like a complete fucking faggot


yes, we used to around 2014, same with deus ex, stalker, fear, doom, etc. Holla Forums-core exists for a reason.

A rescreening, the dub, or a mixture of both?

You're allowed to not like it. To not be able to ignore it is what makes you a normalfag.

Things were better, that's why we came here. Because things got worse. But you fags followed us here, too.

Didn't even say that. Just said that the only derailments would be the rare newfag who got so ultratriggered that they tried to stick around and argue. Rare and funny enough to be worth it.

they had some subtitled showing at a local theater recently, and it was a lot of fun seeing it there. Introduced a friend to Lupin the Third with that. There was very few people there too which was very interesting having an entire theater to myself.

It was part of some event thing, but I just saw it mentioned and was curious if any local places were doing it.

No you can't retard. Especially if I reply to you.
Then it's not a barrier. There's nothing telling you not to look at it.
It's catering to the fact that neither of us want's to see it regardless.
It's your exact logic.
For somebody who points out fallacy's you sure missed the circular argument one real conveniently.
Again I'm not a cornered autist. I don't need to look away from something to save my feelings. I shouldn't have to tolerate it when it's not called for.
Things went to shit when they got popular which forced people to post gore in the first place retard. If things were good nobody would fucking post gore. If you're going to answer a problem with another problem then obviously you're looking at this with rose tinted glasses. Or a gore fetishest. Either way your viewpoint is biased against common sense.
You have to notice it to avert your eyes from it retard.
So spam is gore pics replying to you? Otherwise shit that offends your feelings? Great argument you're putting up here.
It's also Holla Forums. A thread can't be derailed there because there's nothing to derail. It's different on Holla Forums. For somebody who's all about acclimating towards a culture you're awful fond of making Holla Forums more like Holla Forums.
Yes but you still don't want to see it. By basic fact you would rather not look at it than look at it if you can help it and it's not worth posting for the humor that can come out of it when it's warranted.
Yes but you still saw it. If you get over it fine. But after seeing it multiple times a day it's not a normalfag thing to not want to put up with it. Seeing human death in grotesque ways isn't something a healthy person should see on a constant basis.
I don't care if somebody gets triggered to it. But again it's not something that should be put up with on Holla Forums. Nobody who comes here actively wants to see gore unless they're into it which is a small minority. It's use as a way to get rid of normalfags is fine but posting it in places where there's not a normalfag is retarded.
Something tells me you were never around prior to that. Gore is part of what put 4cuck on the map and drove all the edgy faggots here.
Basically you don't care about their taste and just want to be an edgy faggot. k.
There's nothing that says they're not also giant fans of Overwatch or unironically love Life Is Tumblr.
It doesn't. This place being shitpost general with offtopic shit does. This discussion is a case in point.
Lurk more. Shit bumped up in quality for a while when that happened. Unfortunately faggots like you got restless and here we are.
More like because it's offtopic and always gets a reaction regardless.
It already got a few when we post it on obvious newfag threads. Jesus use your brain.
There's gore posted on facebook and people still post there. It doesn't do shit unless it's to the point an has some context behind it.

you'll have to retake this screenshot in a day when the "yesterday" gets changed to an actual date

I'm saying this website could easily become the new cuckchan. especially with mark occasionally attracting them

You really hate gore for someone with such a big gore folder.

It is best enjoyed in a home theatre with a good sound system. The blu ray rip is splendid

Oh god shut the fuck up

It was a lot of fun seeing it projected and having all the grains of the old cels visible. Better than any home experience I've had with it.

I hate it in principle but not execution.

Oh hey turns out the best normalfag deterrent was shitposting all along.

Jesus Christ I knew what was happening but it took a minute for it to set in because of how ridiculous it is. What the fuck is with his balls look at them go. Why are they touching his balls? Is he sniffing his hand?

isn't the manga by the creator of golden boy? Who would expect any less?

Wowie whats happening

Keep posting.

Things didn't simply get worse. You sound like you only started visiting Holla Forums in a time where it was already filled with tons of faggotry, which only was made more evident as time went on
Whick makes little sense in itself. Why do you think newfags will get so offended at gore? It sounds more like you would just try to use it to project and to try to justify shitposting

You are the only one triggered here, pal. Triggered over GORE

Just fuck already you queers.



I've seen golden Boy.
It didn't have any body horror scenes.

nice try goy.

I have never watched a Serbian film.


You haven't posted anything

I can look at the text without focusing on the picture. Not that hard. I also have the option of scrolling right past and ignoring the whole post. But then you can't reply to the person you disagree with solely because you're a pussy.

So if a barrier isn't impenetrable it's not a barrier. So here you are redefining words for us while claiming you're not a tumblrfag.

I don't really care one way or the other, except for the fact that I like it keeps the newfags away. So actually I do want it around.

Oh I see. So you're still operating under the idea that you're not a normalfag, despite you getting triggered by stuff that everyone else here is acclimated to, but people on normal sites find repulsive. I just took for granted that you saw how that made you a normalfag, and was only arguing the point of how it keeps normalfags, like yourself, away.

It is called for. It keeps undesirables away. So fine, you're not an autist, I never claimed you were. You're a normalfag. The opposite of an autist.

Well part of it is that the site was always for people, ideas, and things that weren't allowed elsewere. Gore fits this perfectly.

Who cares? You can't handle even noticing things you don't like? It's just a picture, you triggered faggot.

Anything can be spam. It depends on how it's posted. You can take anything and post it again and again and again for the purposes of clutter and derailing, or perhaps advertising. That's spam, and you shouldn't need to have such a simple thing explained to you.

Threads do have topics there. They can be derailed.

No, I was just using Holla Forums as an example, while explaining how I would deal with Holla Forums slightly differently. But the basic ideals apply. As the old saying goes, Holla Forums is just Holla Forums with less video games.

Again, it's not for the humor, it's for keeping away the faggots who can't handle it.

Actually it is. If you weren't a normalfag you'd get more used to it over time and give less of a shit, instead of becoming increasingly triggered.

But they can understand that it's useful to keep newfags and normalfags away. Just look at how it triggers you.

Then fine. We're not healthy. Evidently you are, so maybe you should go to where healthy people go. I guess modern 4chan would be your style.

See? You do care, because you do get triggered by it. Nobody else here gives a shit because we're not fucking normalfags.

No, the point is to make it pervasive so that the normalfags see it before they start posting. Once they start posting the battle is lost. Only posting it strategically makes it easier to avoid and they will simply avoid it.

At least they're not normalfags. Getting away from normalfags should be the primary reason one comes here. Otherwise they might as well go to a normal site.

It helps. There certainly seem to be significant overlap between easily triggered normalfags, and people who like those things. Of course, I never said gore is the only thing that should be done to help.

Evidently shitpost central doesn't keep normalfags away, because you're here. But you do seem incentivized to leave due to gore. So it's a step in the right direction. Too bad we don't have nearly as much normalfag repellant as we used to.

I never said it didn't help, I said it didn't help enough. You being here is proof of that.

It shouldn't always get a reaction. Anyone who isn't a newfag doesn't need to react. If it's getting too many reactions, it means there are too many newfags, which is obvious to everyone anyway.

If they're posting threads already it's too late. The place should be undesirable to them as soon as they see it. It also helped that making a thread used to be too difficult for a lot of newfags before autonoko. Getting rid of noko was a huge mistake.

The percentage of facebook posts that are gore is miniscule. It also gets quickly censored. Most people will never see it, and if they ever did, they know they could get the poster banned and everything would go back to normal quickly. You know that you're just being deliberately obtuse at this point.

No, normalfags are repellant to non normalfags, which is why we went to 4chan and eventually here. I don't know why you normalfags keep following us. We ceded 4chan to you and everything. Just take it and go.

This almost has substance but really doesn't. It either got worse, got better, or stayed the same. Obviously it got worse. You want me to say "much worse?" Of course. There were specific triggers and the gamergate straw that broke the camel's back, but everyone knows the entire site was shit for years before that happened.

Well that one fag does. It used to work just fine. It's one of several formerly prominent forms of normalfag repellant. Go post it on some normalfag site and see the reaction you get, including the quick permaban.

Can you please stope autisming it up in my Mario Dick internet viral thread?

Underrated post

wew. Ok yea nah fuck it. This is what deters normalfags. Autism like this. Every one of your arguments is circular and I'm not repeating my points in more words to validate them because they're last. Unspoiled gore's not coming back. Get over it.

I don't even have to bring up the IQ meme, absolute nectar

Do you also watch Rick and Morty?

Yeah dude, I'm also a militant leftist, gnostic atheist, and a vegan.
To be honest i'm pretty modest about this shit in real life, in fact, i'm probably dumber than the average bear person but I just "allocate" my meager ""intelligence"" more """"creatively"""" (i.e. I have really selective, eidetic memory, a one-and-a-half-track-mind and I autistically forget to do anything other than the stuff I need to do at the moment)

Poor b8, 0/8 please try again

The boxes themselves are loss, not their content. Are you okay? Do you have brain damage?

Weird, I haven't even noticed more newfags until the neofag shi

Wait until the numbers for the last week pop up

You see Gohan's dick in DBZ.

There's been a massive influx of nignogs and ebonics lately. Is it more of that 'ironic shitposting' coming from cuckchan?

What's the difference between this and Continental European childrens' television?

Lol, read the Golden Boy manga. Or don't, because it'll make your skin crawl.

Why would you need to censor 2 c shapes when there's interracial porn on youtube.

Probably less niggers.

Post proof.

Yeah, like in ancient Rome and Greece.

We have flat earthers and creationists on this board. "proof" and "facts to many people is just what they find off the internet that fits their ideology and has a few weak sources.

Why is this such a fucking turn on.

Luke, when you're at the supermarket checkout buying your top ramen and mountain dew, remember that you're buying it with dirty money.

There's a good reason why Adam Sandler is a big shot in Japan.

I wonder how triggered they all are right now.