Left 4 dead/no more room in hell

Tell me Holla Forums. Is it worth a purchase after all these years ?
I tend to like slower zombies, rather than runners, but this seems to be the only relatively big coop zombie title.

Should I give it a go ?

Both are shit honestly. Communities are awful, first L4D was a lot better but if you were to go with any of them I'd go with No More Jews in Hell. It's at least "free" and comes with wooden furniture FAL's.

That is the problem though, No more jews in hell is more barebones and I've played it a lot already.

Buy L4D2 on a sale, it's usually really cheap. It's definitely worth it if you have people to play with, if you don't, it's so-so.

if you play L4D2 try to find a server that isn't 12 v 12 bazinga mode, it's good as vanilla, nmrih 2 is being worked on by the way

Why buy it when Valve gave the game away for free a couple years ago?

Then you've pretty much had it. Only alternative here really is Contagion which is really unfinished or you could try Shilling Floor. The zombie genre is honestly shit and dried up heavily. Mean shit like Cry of Fear is more interesting.


Is that a real thing? I want to play that.

It's usually cheap because it's fucking dead. The only active part of the community still left are furry servers and the always fucking abysmal hentai-rape! servers. No matter how you approach Left4Dead 2, unless you have 7 other people to play it with you're going to be playing with autists on a server so heavily modded it's not even the same fucking game anymore.
We're talking 12 v 12 with a cowabooty perk system and a point system that lets you buy guns and health items anytime, anywhere. It's fucking shit. Wish I could go back to when the servers were populated and there was always roughly 100 lobbies you could join into.

L4D2 is, without a doubt, the worst Source Engine game.

Which is a shame, because it's the most technically impressive. But the gunplay is shit and the weapons are all basically the same, the movement is slow and offers nothing for the veteran player, the maps are even more predictable than L4D1 because there are set locations for witches and tanks, and the characters aren't as memorable since they're all just flavors of "Southern Yankee". The visual design is identical to L4D1 in terms of levels, and the guns are mostly samey and mostly typical Le Modern Shooter stuff. Like, you can find full-auto SCARs on the ground as a zombie shooter. Is it a good gun? Sure. Is it appropriate to the setting or interesting at all? Nah. I'd rather a clearly illegal M10 with a zip-tied silencer like L4D1 had.

Killing Floor 2 is pretty good tbh, the gunplay is satisfactory and the animations of the zeds are great. I just learned that you can stun crawlers by jumping on them

Postal III is worse.

is postal 3 source?


If we're not counting Valve games then there is a shit load of shit to consider.

Step up your game fagola.

I'd say yes without a doubt vanilla holds up pretty well with maybe the exception of some map points in versus where you really need to know how to approach them otherwise you will be flattened.
You should set up your autoexec though for different colors for special infected that are ghosted and spawned, abort loading and Serverbrowseryou can spot the people not doing that getting their panties in a twist over hentai rape servers

The community is totally unmoderated and that comes with all its benefits and shortcommings; expect getting kicked over peeking into the wrong room, server admins cheating and autists screeching on mic but also some pretty cool people that you can have a good time with while aceing levels and some well modded servers that change up the game a bit in a sensible way.

Last I was online Left 4 Dead 2 was dead… no pun intended.

There were maybe 3 online games going on custom servers.

Why do I get the feeling you never actually played it?

Probably because he hasn't, he's retarded, or just both.

It's real.

I still get games on the east coast at 4am. There are plenty of servers outside of the cancer. The only people that complain about hentai-rape and the furry faggots don't know how to use the server browser.

This guy gets it, vanilla is still fun for co-op. You may have a hard time getting a versus game going depending on the time of day. There is still a dedicated versus community playing on modified servers that have been tweaked to help the balance. Don't expect to do well without spending hours upon hours learning the game before getting on them though. There are a lot of faggots that'll kick anyone with less than 10,000 hours total play time for
but they are just cancer, you can find plenty of people willing to learn. A lot of folks want to see new blood join the game and are willing to carry/teach you if you want to play high level versus. It's a lot of fun with the right team. The game usually goes on sale this time of year so if you have some friends that haven't played it yet it's worth picking up a few copies and gifting it to them. With the right team it's magical, with the wrong team it's frustrating and you'll want to punch your monitor. You've missed the boat by many years but there was a time where you could just play randoms all day and have decent games. The community used to be really active on the valve servers but most of those people have moved on to custom and/or private servers. The valve servers still see their fair share of veterans just fucking about. Wait until it's free or about $2 and get it if you're into zombie co-op for sure.

I still play it fairly often and even early morning EST there's a game or two going.

L4D2 is fantastic if you have at least one friend to play with, otherwise, it probably isn't, randos suck. It's completely different to NMRIH though.