a thread to collect info, videos and fanart
maybe even gameplay
No Heroes Allowed! VR / yuunama vr / ゆうなまVR / V! 勇者のくせになまいきだ R
Other urls found in this thread:
dumping what i got
I wanted No More Heroes. Not this shit.
Can you kiss her?
I want to fuck Badmella.
Thanks a Fucking lot you autists. Now I want to buy a shitty VR game for the sole reason of being with a lolii who I will headpat every minute of every day.
Sony finally figured out how to sell their shitty VR.
Just add loli.
I came into this thread hoping to see exactly this.
I know nothing about the game, but I wanna see more of this.
I really hope none of you actually bought VR, let alone for this.
Don't bully.
i just came from masturbating, i don't wanna go for round 2
Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i come home this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on her face. What should i do about her? Ideas?
so how bad is her english voice?
Oh baby. This has got my attention now.
What is the gameplay?
Strategy / tower defense.
Really bad.
Well yeah, apart from cute vampire girl and VR gimmick it looks boring and generic shit that I wouldn't even play for free, let alone pay for it.
I'm just here for the cunny.
Yeah I don't mind.
I never played Overwatch but I'm glad it exists because of the porn it generated.
Same situation here.
oh fuck
is it even a game or just VR meme?
Watch the trailer and find out.
oh I see it's a mobile game in VR with waifu bait. Smart move. They got you good.
sounds like an archetypical old naggy landlady.
anime is not an artform
gas yourself.
It has boobs, it's not a loli.
Fucking newfags.
Loli does not mean "no breasts." It's just a girl who's petite. She can have breasts, they just have to be small.
In other words, oppai loli is not a goddamned loli.
Petite girl is a petite girl.
Loli is a loli.
Princess Suzuka is a petite girl, Yumi from Ape Escape 3 is a loli.
Learn the fucking difference.
I bet you "play" mobile games too, mongrel.
Goddamn, she's cute. But how's the actual game?
rough life, huh
It would be so nice if this was some kind of advance wars/ disgaea cross over.
Guy plays the part straight, but I'm not feeling it from the girl. How very fucking typical.
Please tell me they'll let you switch to Japanese voices.
They probably won't.
welcome to english voice actors
I just realized this game is just like divinity dragon commander but in VR.
Wtf is this 3D VR waifu sim bullshit.
Just give a me PC/PS4 ports of the original games.
I want muh dungeon ecosystem/hero killing simulator.
Preferably retranslated so I dont have to look at NISA's horrible meme-filled garbage
I refuse to believe you consider what's on your screenshot better than VR waifu sim.
sort of like dungeon keeper
They were PSP games, just emulate them. That's all the port would be anyway.
Sure the overlord's daughter is a qt, but the gameplay looks like utter fucking trash.
Such a cute waifu wasted on VR.
When the fuck are they going to make another actual sequel.
First the shitty puzzle game and now this bullshit.
This will sell though.
To the 10 people who actually bought a PSVR
I just hope they use some of that dosh to fund a proper sequel and not another shitty spinoff.
Blatant shilling for free.
It broke the first million somewhere around April, when it still was fully supply restrained. Since when can you just walk into a store and reasonably expect it to be on shelves instead of sold out, July? August? Took them long enough to ramp up production enough to keep up with demand.
[Citation Needed]
Nice porn dump loser.
Porn chases the shills away, dummy. Didn't you learn anything from Evolve?
Just search for "psvr million" in the search engine of your choice. The official statements were in february 915.000 and "well above their projections of 1 million by mid april" and "'above' 1 million" at the begin of june. Only current number I've seen just now seems to be 1.8 million, though I have no idea if that number can be trusted. Should break the 2 million mark pretty soon if true.
To be fair, it is literally the only good vr on the market.
You are the shill here, buddy. Do you think that the devs don't want exactly that? For you to get your peen hard over the virtual jailbait and give them free publicity?
Damn, this game is super interesting.
Go back to >>>/NeoGaf/ please
Thank you
You clearly didn't play it
Wait, this is a sequel to these games? I liked those.
Do you get bullied a lot by neofags?
How is it better than Vive?
+ full RGB display instead of pentile crap, so higher effective resolution despite lower nominal res
+ 120Hz and 90Hz supported instead of only 90Hz
+ no crappy fresnel lenses
- no physical IPD adjustment, this is almost never mentioned but a pretty big negative if your eyes are a lot wider or narrower spaced than the average
- weaker tracking, though that point gets overdramaticized a lot
Overall no clear winner but different strengths and weaknesses. They're both surprisingly good for gen1 products.
what's the average?
Default value is 2.5''/6.3cm, there's a SW adjustment but there's a reason it's done physical on Rift and Vive. The farther away from the default you are, the narrower the sweet spot of HMD position on your head where everything looks sharp.
Are you the framepace nigger?
The what?
Whether you like it or not, it's true. Pentile displays have their nominal res only for green subpixels, red and blue only get half the nominal res. PSVR has more subpixels than Rift and Vive because it uses a full RGB display, not pentile crap.
The HW supports true 120Hz, some games run at native 120fps. Is it the majority of PSVR games? Of course not. At least half rate with reprojection means 60fps on PSVR, not truly nauseating 45fps like on Rift and Vive.
Is it still 2011?
Doesn't mean it displays it
List me 5
Who are you quoting?
Goddamn, you really are a NeoFag acolyte who owns an Xperia aren't you?
How many Digital Foundry videos have you watched today?
They ruined her voice, as usual with localization…
Since you're obviously not interested in serious good faith discussion of the tech, let me give (You) one piece of advice as a parting gift: Gen2 of PC HMDs is just around the corner and I'm pretty sure at least one of them will be objectively better than PSVR in all aspects. Use that in the future as a comparison if you feel the need to prove your r/mustardrace credentials by shitting on PSVR. Will work a lot better than throwing the PC HMD gen1 into the ring which just is neither the clear winner you pretend it to be nor the clear loser like Sonyggers claim. Have a nice day faggot.
—– limited to the weak PS4 hardware
Nice try Sonykike
Not even
Badman is looking at his boss, the God of Destruction, touching his daughter and not doing anything about it.
Was he such a cuck in the first games?
are you retarded? You do know there's a difference between a displays refresh rate and software's framerate? Like a big difference that's really important?
lol nvm its just some autistic mustard, please fuck off and die you faggot fanboy
No, not at all fellow Holla Forumsro, which is why I said that even though the shitty hardware can display 120Hz it doesn't in most of its developed for games and can't even get the same framerate, making it fucking useless as the Vive has no screen tearing and double the res
Which one would that one be fellow Holla Forumsrosky?
Nice ad hominem >>>/cuckchan/
why are burger women dont even try?
They should have just had a dude voice the loli.
Stop with this fucking meme.
How did badman even got a daughter, he seemed to have had his hands full with heroes invading his privacy when he just wanted to live in his cave, now he's dead set on invading the world.
What is this feeling
You want to snuggle with her in a 200% platonic way and protect her for all eternity too, don't you.
Also, in the trailer it shows that you could fuse monsters, but there is no reference to how the old system used to work (using the energy from the environment to create the monsters). I am worried the system will get dumbed down for the sake of it being less about defense and more about attack.
I could be wrong, maybe it has some relation to how the lands the monsters occupy change colours.
Let me post Badman!
I want to protect that smile
well, user, when a badman and badwoman love each other very very much they…
was anyone else surprised who the jap va was?
now imagine all this scenes but with the english voice actress at and full of awful localization and forced memes
How many SJW voice actors are there?
all of then are
oh, great
Don't click.
Don't Post
God damn you and god damn my curiosity.
looks like there's a couple english playthroughs up
from what i've skimmed through, it doesn't look like anyone's triggered those scenes. could they have removed them?
her voice is unbareable….i feel bad just by hearing it, as if i had comited a crime against nature
What a travesty. The Nip VA for her is perfectly cute and sassy.
Why would I imagine that when I could just play the Japanese version?
She sounds like a valley girl cunt, or some basic bitch appealing to gays, at least the Japanese one sounded cute when angry. these people get away with so much.
God bless them
alright, the dude sounds passable
ok you lost me
Is there any significance to the swimsuit?
I swear everyone involved with VR is trying their absolute hardest to completely ruin VR.
Did they tell her she was in a totally spies game or something?
That's because in the west, it's harder to find a job as a male VA for this medium of entertainment than the other way around. There's a greater demand for actresses, but ironically less demand for actresses to really sound good even though it's not hard for every almost every girl ever to sound cute.
Can you….. pat her head ?
Can you…
Can you go >>>/back/?
is it possible to lay on the ground and see her panties?
Probably no.
Setup the camera so you don't exit its tracking volume when crawling on the floor and there shouldn't be a problem, as that's just the "out of tracking range" warning. Happy pantsu hunting.
now i only need to buy the game, a ps4 with VR
PC release when?
IP is owned by Sony
So never
Theres like 30 alternatives for this, I don't understand whats so great about it Summer Lesson looks 30 times better than this.
Is this viral marketing akin to this?
Why does everyone suddenly care about this franchise?
Just wait for the inevitable ps4 emulator.
It's mystery.
really, user, you dont understand?
Nigger just make your own in Honey Select VR and be done with it.
Then don't buy the PSVR bundle with Moves as the videos and articles about enhanced Moves with analog sticks or trackpads kept popping up and disappearing shortly afterwards, indicating 1. it's true and 2. Sony pulled a lot of strings so they can get rid of old inventory before the new version devalues the old one. New PSVR version with working HDR passthrough is also releasing soon, so better wait than buy now.
Or don't buy it all because VR has no worthwhile games.
Is Badmella suppose to be a pun on something?
Maybe salmonella?
Makes me want VR dungeon keeper. Would bang goth loli.
You stupid fucks made me do this, what am I in for?
Why don't you just try and and find out dummy
It's fun, once you figure out how it works. It's far from perfect at actually helping you figure that out, though.
That one also doesn't have the loli, and the second one only has her in DLC
It's kicking my head in so far but I enjoy it. Gonna play 2 and 3 afterwards, dunno if 4 was localized or available in PSN.
Holla Forums ladies and gentlemen.
Are you retarded?
Just so you know ahead of time, theres 2 special unlockable in the third game that you can only get by having 100% clear files for the first and second games.
This is why waifufags should be gassed
Thats the original game you retard, not the shitty VR spinoff.
Oh, my mistake
I hope you have fun then
user, i hope to god that is a jailbraked psp, that shit is a fucking NISA game
It's not available with that name anymore, so rub those two brain cells you should still have together and figure it out for yourself.
is loli kil
who would kill demon loli?
Wheres the rest of it?
= MOAR ==
doesn't look like it.
Just an update.
I still want to commit a virtual crime.
why is she so perfect?
Because she's not real.
What game is this anyway? A dungeon ecosystem sounds pretty neat
holy shit user, stop buying NISA games!
Huh, I didn't think the game was popular enough for a VR release. All I remember when I played it was a fun dungeon building game
Stop bumping this thread.
Keep bumping this thread.
any lewds left?
browsing r-18 twitter right now
Because criticizing a woman in the west while not illegal will probably get you fired.
Basically it goes like this
Dungeon walls with nutrients/mana in them create monsters when destroyed.
More nutrients/mana in a block, the better the monster.
However, just digging around will-nilly is going to ruin your dungeon layout, which both makes it harder to wrangle monsters (as you have zero direct control over them) and to create good layouts to stop heroes, and there is no way to rebuild walls.
So you need to rely on the monsters multiplying themselves as much as possible, rather than just smashing blocks to make more.
And to do so, monsters must eat other monsters on the food chain.
You also need to kill your own monsters sometimes to prevent overpopulation and eating the monsters lower on the foodchain into extinction.
Slimes are vital to your ecosystem, their job is to distribute as nutrients around the dungeon.
They only move by ricocheting off walls, so you need to keep their pathways in mind when digging your tunnels and such.
Also they are absolute trash in combat.
Slimes multiply by splitting themselves in two after gettign enough nutrients.
Bugs are a bit tougher in combat, but multiply very fast.
Bugs eat slimes, once they have enough nutrition they coocoon themselves and become flies.
Once flies have enough nutrition they shit out more bugs.
Bugs can very easily eat your slimes into extinction without careful population control.
Lizardmen eat bugs and are good in combat, but multiply slow as fuck.
Spirits are basically just slimes but for mana instead of nutrients.
Also they are even shittier in combat than slimes.
Liliths are your primary source of ranged magic damage.
They multiply by eating Spirits.
Like the bugs with slimes, they can very easily eat your spirits into extinction.
Dragons eat almost everything.
If its not within eating range, they breathe fire on it until it dies, so they can also wipe out sizable chunks of monsters.
And they only move left & right, so unless you manage to spawn one in a hallway, they are shit.
They dont multiply, instead whenever they die, they spawn an egg, rebirthing themselves once it hatches.
Also bugs will totally eat these eggs and kill your dragon before it can hatch if you are not careful.
These are just the basic monsters.
It gets even more complex in the sequels, which add mutation subspecies (added in the 2nd game) and water (added in the 3rd game)
The game is just as much about preventing heroes from fucking your shit up as it is preventing your ecosystem from collapsing in on itself.
Badmella's dub ruins fucking everything
We've reached peak cancer.
but wait, there's more
but that was already posted as an animation too
there will be more, then
Well shit, sodomize my asshole and call me a NeoFAG.
but wait, there's more
all i could find worth posting on pixiv
cool, it despoilered my shit between posts
Might as well call this board NeoGA/V/.
u wot
Gee, I wonder where all these >(1)s that suddenly hate lolis could be from?
No amount of lolis can make a bad game good.
So this game is coming to PC, right?
We've been getting them even before neofag blew up.
What makes it a bad game?
It's VR
Kill yourself, fucking peasant. Get a McJob instead of hating on the apple you can't reach.
That the best you can do?
I didn't stutter, nor am I stammering. If you hate having nice things because you're too poor, go and act smug in a pirate thread. I'm sure you'll get plenty of echoes in that chamber.
Christ how new are you?
Repeating it won't make it any less retarded.
Says the guy who has been repeating the same nonsense for 7 posts. I DON'T LIKE THING, SO I NEED TO MAKE SURE STRANGERS WHO DON'T CARE KNOW THAT I DO NOT LIKE THING.
We all know you love it, and that you want to play it. You're just like any other faggot who acts like they're gonna boycott something, you'll be the first one in line wearing a fucking shirt proudly displaying vampire loli as your waifu. We get it. It's okay.
Just report and stop replying.
keep those non arguments coming. You're making no point at all.
Do we have any information about this beyond fanart and unsubtitled videos? Like does anyone know the plot? Release date, platform? Is it a full on game, or a tech demo? It seems like you can't even move and you have to use that teleporting nonsense, and that's always a buzzkill when you can't walk around a game world.
read the thread
It's already out.
You're a bad dude. Kill good dudes with your loli sidekick (and her dad). It's already out. PS4. Full game.
This girl is cute and all and the idea of interacting with her in VR is adorable and all, but the interactions don't seem to be very complex. Looks nice but the tower defense gameplay isn't anything I'm too enthralled about since I got my fill of it back in the days of flash games, and I feel like the girl will lose her magic once you interact with her enough to the point where you start hearing her lines repeat. And even then, she's practically nothing compared to Remilia Scarlet, who she reminds me a shitton of.
Good luck conquering the world with your low budget evil squad of three officers and a small group of JRPG monsters when the Scarlet Mist starts to envelop everything, faggots
NeoFag hated games with sexy or cute girls. What the fuck are you even talking about, you cocksucker.
Faggot this isn't /a/, people are allowed to call the game shit all they want. Reporting does nothing.
Where do you people come from?
Remilia has something that vampire loli doesn't. A much more powerful and very suggestible younger sister.
Flan is pretty good
thanks, friend
very witty and topical post user
fug, now i wanna play
Did I step into the Youtube comment section?
Sony IP
So no
Its stuck to a potato and its a literal tech demo
She is so cute (´・ω・`)
But I'm not giving Sony a single shekel.
what's my moonspeak score so far?
not a good look tbh
She said she's 100,014 years old
十万 = 100k 万 = 10k
Thots need to be exterminated.
O-oh no.
If it weren't VR I'd totally be into this. But as it stands I don't have that kind of money and it hurts.
See? Loli is like garlic: keeps normalfags away.
It's a reference to Splatoon 2's cover art.
i need a 'he's my favorite' badmella/musume
she'll trick or treat, instead of candy i'll try to pat her with a disembodied dotted glove, she'll jump back, point and scold me, and the last panel is happy tear falling from my vr headset
finally found one more english dubbed scene
fug, guess i'll sage.
because this is the last thread we'll have about it
also, purple goblin porn
The first few seconds were so charming too.
That. Fucking. Voice.
I want to purify her so bad…
Anyone else have this fetish? It's so hard finding purification doujins. The market is over-saturated with degeneration.
I want to see her naughty demon pussy
why? she is already perfect
Please go back to neogaf.
does it have subtitles?
her smile makes my pee pee hard
You'll like these then.
Anyways yeah this actually looks like a fun kind of game anyways. Basically dicking around against the standard-issue JRPG hero is something I've wanted to do for a while. Having a sassy loli by my side is like the icing on the delicious cake.
is there an onahole equivalent but for patting heads?
I guess I can see what they were going for with the english voice. She's a demon so she should sound like the western version of a spoiled girl.
maybe some day
Is this the new record? Are there older lolis around? Smugpiel and Shinobu ain't shit compared to this.
wat a fuck
That's an immensely unfitting voice for the girl, localization fucks it up as per standard.
I quit.
Nipponese-user please translate
It will have american dubs.
finally, an english playthrough that triggers the scenes
was starting to think they took them out
It's not like it isn't a game where they can just edit her mouth animation.
Or at least dub it properly.
The epitome of (((american voice acting))).
That will show those creeps.
Someone somewhere gave the OK for this demon girl to sound like some stereotypical Californian teenager.
Someone in this thread said it, it sounds like she's putting zero effort in.
Everytime I hear that forced hee hee hee i die a little inside
This series is fucking horrible and the NISA localizations are absolutely shit filled with WD tier pop culture references which just make the experience even more unbearable. They had to change the art style to this otaku-pandering shit now, literally the only way to sell these shitty Tower Defense games.
Would any of you even care if the pettanko wasn't there? Of course not.
This voice is so unlikable she could be an adorable puppy, and I would still hate her.
this is a sin
you fags are gullible
Good god
What the fuck
These are the people that wanted to unionize and get royalties for their work.
That's NISA's awful "localization"
Why is this game VR again? It's literally the same as the PSP ones isn't it? Doesn't look like something you wouldn't be able to play just with a controller and a regular screen.
who would you guys have chosen as the english voice.
i think monica rial would have been a good fit.
you may know her a tomoko.
'Why is Chris hanging out with Anita Sarkeesian?
how dare you
Chris looks almost normal in that pic.
Sage for pedoshit and pedogoons running rampant itt.
The voice of Neptune is pretty cute. she's pretty cute irl too
*raises paw* OwO Is this the new shill buzzword?
Monica Rial wouldn't be a bad choice but Cherami Leigh would be perfect for Badmella.
What exactly would i be shilling mr. Lolicon?
Subversive ideas, also i'm not a pedo.
only people who hate pedos are pedos in my experiance
Thats the dress just going with her movement, not a dick you fucking niggers
is this god forsaken game translated in other languages?
Well hidden
Look closer
japanese :^)
It is pretty hidden, good job user.
I'm retarded and can't find it.
Seeing it and then confirming it with the original image made me see it, thanks, the beginning of it is still kinda iffy though
You are being b8 m8
make it stop :/
A bad voice can't ruin good purple cunny.
Look again. Now think long, and hard about what Holla Forums likes to edit into images besides penises.
Ugh, I reported your post to the fbi.
fucking hell I knew what I was looking for but not knowing the original image made it a lot harder.
am i the only one who cares who the jap va was
ah, no wonder she's so good
also, a launch thing?
almost 5 hours, has live quartet playing the ost at around 3h38m
also 300th post
Not a nip, but I can give you a rough translation:
Somehow you're completely exhausted? …You okay?
Hakomegane, if you conquer the world in a flash,
then I wonder if you'll stop coming to this room…
N… No,
It's not like I'm saying I want to be with you forever! I-If you interpret it funny…
I'll curse you!!!
wait, was that a slap in this first webm?
fug, it is autosaging. ah well.
doesn't deserve a new thread, does it?
The loli is cute, but I don't think anyone here even owns a PSVR, let alone the game.
This. It'd be nice, but not worth it for anything other than loli pics.
Good thread.
Let's never speak of it again.