Grand Strategy Games
This Day in History, October 30th
Grand Strategy Games
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Latest version of user's HFM edits, get it while it's fresh:
Also don't forget to update to HFM 1.25, it got updated yesterday.
This might be the last update of user's HFM edits, as I think I'm gonna move onto HPM for no particular reason.
La Plata
What should I know before starting Medival Total War 2? Any expansions or anything?
There's only the kingdom's expansion which has 4 new campaigns and multiple new things of varying importance such as culture/religion based recruitment and hero abilities.
Apart from that it's just standard total war stuff that I can think of.
I forgot, always have low taxes, the more people = more trading/more options to increase trading/more access to the troop tree, early game will probably leave you starved for gold though from the frequent city/keep upgrades.
Here's another one, fixed Tunja's (Clombia) fucked up positions. Just that, no restart required.
Is anyone else crashing frequently with HPM I it set to autosave every half year because how unstable it is. I've never gotten a single crash before this patch.
Is HFM a meme mod?
sweet, thanks. Have a bump
I started HFM since that user added some stuff to it, god what a travesty this is.
The 'invest in Louisiana' event deports blacks to Liberia, oddly. I'd have thought France would want to keep them :^)
fucking learn to put /gsg/ in the subject field, you triple nigger
Go back to cuckchan then.
They are both a meme mod.
I haven't crashed at all with HPM, hell vicky2's never crashed on me (while playing at least.)
HFM's pretty solid, it's as good as HPM but with a bit more bloat. Blood & Iron's also pretty good.
I wish the pajeet characters in CK2 weren't so fucking ugly, my character has Aghan culture but due to interbreeding with Indians he now looks like one of those new southern Indians guys that Paradox recently added in a DLC, not even irl low-caste pajeets look this fucking disgusting.
Pajeets look even worse when playing with the Better Looking Garbs mod, they look kinda decent with the HIP portraits (I think it's from another mod, forgot the name) though.
Another update, fixed some fucked up localisation, compatible with already existing saves.
For me HPM crashes regularly after 1880 or so. Don't know why.
Bully not so tough since being molested by the ETERNAL ANGLO.
Is there any Illuminati-like /gsg/? Like with a real world part where the usual /gsg/ shit goes down and then there's a bunch of megacorps or secret clubs that modify the course of human history.
Maybe I coulda make that.
CK2 has a secret Satanic cult that you can join and also lets you make a secret society for characters who practice a religion in secret (for example if you convert to islam but still want to practice christianity and then slowly try to convert your realm to christianity).
The only game I can think of is Shadow President. Does it even qualify as a gsg?
Also play Vicky2's NWO as Israel, that's literally what you're asking for.
Too direct, I think I'll just copy Illuminati TCG and make a mockup game in /agdg/.
Nigger what, the secret conversion thing can take centuries to succesfully pull off.
Another update:
I seriously need to step up my playtesting game.
That's my problem: it takes forever and the result is just religious conversion. I'm talking about games where you set up a Master Plan about Crashing this World with No Survivors, instead of just converting shit.
what about mods?
do we need those?
What caused you to go to war with brazil in 1857?
They normally leave me alone as venezuela after i beat them once and deplete its army in the amazonas.
I think the greek populations in anatolia should be revised, up until ww1 there were lots of greeks in anatolia, then they got t*rk'd.
I swear this is the last time I shit up the thread.
Here's yet another quick hotfix, should be the last one.
Converting an entire continent to a religion it did not originally practice falls under modifying human history though.
I'm sorry I realize I meant "indirect" and never went back to the typo.
Does it have cool real history and alternate history decisions for Italy too?
Theres some stuff for italy, you could help the user out by giving him some insight on events or things that could have happened.
I hold Roraima which is a Brazilian core; they saw I was weak after a war annexing Hispaniola and attacked me. Luckily they got Anglo'd because I'm in their sphere, I'm also allied to pretty much fucking everybody.
Actually those numbers I think are right as they were taken from an old French Annal detailing the population of Greeks and Armenians in the turkroach empire.
Yeah, you can rename Italian provinces with Greek names :^) and reform the Roman Empire as BYZ
Jokes aside, doesn't HPM come with decisions to reform the Roman republic?
Honestly i think that brazil getting a core on roraima should happen if they sucesfully colonize northern amazonia, since that is how it happened IRL (BRs started building settlements while venezuelans, bolivians and colombians were busy in their eternal problems and just took the area withouth anyone relly havign anything to do about it).
That sounds good, but how could I railroad the AI into colonizing the northern Amazon?
Honestly I'd do that if I were more experienced , but I'm not really sure how to do that.
I think the game's fine as it is though, also whoever colonizes those empty territories in the NE Amazon jungle is gonna have to deal with Brazil later on, because they've also got cores in the unclaimed colonizable provinces as if they had claimed the whole jungle or something.
Thats paradox being lazy.
IRL that area was mostly unexplored, inhabited by natives and almost noone had any way to get in the deep amazons, hell, to this day that area is mostly populated with natives without almost any contact with the country they are supposed to be a part of, its such that realisticly, if venezuela and brazilhad a war, it would be fought in the sea with only minor skirmishes and air presence in the amazonas.
I love them. They look like they came from a terrible Bollywood movie.
Based Erdogan
Go read a book or drown yourself in semen.
In a world without liberals and Anglos, this could have been a reality.
Trully a better place.
You mean, in a world without kikes and muslims.
anglo cockroaches need to be nuked off this planet
Along with venetians.
That's what he said user.
Shut up, whitey
That's the most ridiculous part, the game already gives them pretty much the tools to make their glorious soviet transgalactic leftist "utopia", but they just can't play videogames even if it is to sate whatever fantasy they have in their heads. I know those images are just le ebin meemees, but the logic (or lack of it) remains the same.
Alright, can we put the memes aside for a moment and all agree that, for what it set out to do, HoI4 is a success? It gave us a WWII grandstrat free from all the archaic bullshit of Darkest Hour, and also much easier to get into then HoI3. Can anyone here honestly say they enjoy wasting an hour to fix their OoB every time they start a game of HoI3? Not to mention that, rather than needing to tediously micromanage industry like in other HoI games, HoI4's industry is both streamlined as well as more intuitive than the previous games. Yeah, it's true that HoI4 leads to more "ahistorical" scenarios, but isn't that the point? Why even bother playing the game if the outcome is predetermined form the start? Moreover, from a pure gameplay perspective, giving the player more options, whether they be historical or ahistorical, is a total success. Sure, Mosley ruling Britain never could have happened in reality, but it's fun to have the ability to easily do so in video game form.
Overall, I feel that HoI4 is getting a lot of undeserved hate simply because it isn't a total copy of HoI3 with slightly better graphics. Of COURSE the game is different - HoI3 already exists, there would be no point to making the same game again! HoI4 may be different, but that's by design, not by some unforeseen flaw, and it should be celebrated for the changes it made, not hated on.
The German Empire was supported by the Jews also
Report and hide.
So much that in the Wansee Conference, one of the points they had to content was what to do with all the Jews who earned the Iron Cross in WW I.
is that some new pasta?
Yes, it is.
Baby boi, I haven't been in cuckchan since 2014.
ok so I started a byzans campaign and holy fucking shit everyone hated my guts.
Everyone hates you because religion, your only "allies" are the slavs.
the russians?
they will never help me, they are like 6 gazillion km away from me, I didnt care about allies anyway, but playing on very hard (camp+battle) is an impossible rape train.
Where were you when unironic GOY4 loving commies ruined KR?
They didn't ruin anything. You can always play old KR.
KR's team has always been commie. The Reagan death event was added because one of the developers could not stand the idea that he was involved in an alternative version of the history, and there was a possibility of Reagan being significant.
What did they even change when they brought it over to HoI4?
both of those are factions that normally expand eastward, hungary might have just smelled blood in the water.
That's historical
First of, you're playing on the hardest settings for the hardest faction for a game you've never played before.
Second off, annihilate the turks first, try to ally venice and/or hungary to try to keep them off your back and deter other factions from declaring war on you, after the turks are gone you're avenues open up, you can go for italy or egypt which are both rich provinces.
I think empty or low garrison cities are bait for a war, but sieges and bridge battles are where players shine the most over the AI. If you're able to get greek flamethrowers in a siege, you've fucking won as they can easily annihilate units if you let them on the wall and pin them with your troops, spearmen are excellent for just holding units at breeches allowing the towers of the wall to fire down on them.
The most important thing about byzzies is that you've got to wrap the game up quickly as they fall off hard in the late game due to a lack of gun powder units.
This is you
I'm not stonk enough to take on the Anglo. I'll do it eventually since they hold some of my rightful cores.
When I annexed Colombia it was already too late, also the game automatically railroads you into seceding the province to whatever GP's got influence over you.
I'm playing as Ethiopia on EU4 VeF and I was wondering if it would be more profitable to focus on production or trade policies?
I'm making slightly more in production right now but I don't know if that will change as I expand.
Why would they own something they could never build themselves?
Yeah I see your point.
Well installed SS mod now, its kinda easier but a lot more complicated. at least in the early era start.
You don't think the hypothetical country of Gran Colombia, which is a global power in this situation, wouldn't be able to build a canal?
Wouldn't it also be cheaper for them considering they could source labor locally rather then having to supply a massive overseas engineering project?
I'd imagine so.
Comme c'est beau.
Même formidable.
Only as canon fodder, of course. :^^^)
Je ne voulais pas ce sentiment.
WHERE's the genocide
Was the person making these triggered by simply typing the word "cuck"?
This guy makes them
These are just cuckchanners coming here to destroy the last good gs community. Learn how to ignore them ffs.
what are the main differences between hfm and /gsgmod/
What is the real life meaning of "making a core" to a province?
Literally this.
Here, I couldn't sleep so I revised em:
You were right, the numbers didn't add up. So yeah, that's another version of user's HFM edits.
It's an abstract presentation of international (possibly still begrudged or contested) acknowledgement the area is or has been a proper part of the realm, and the acceptance of the local populace. Historically both of these were mostly the result of time or overbearing dominance, so the mechanic is alright in my opinion.
It's an abstraction of the different concepts; the first is administrative control over the province as in EU3 one of the requirements for overextention was the ratio of noncored provinces to total provinces and the necessary amount would change depending on the centralization slider. The second is recognition of ownership by the populous in the province as this is what allows patriot rebels to spawn. The third is international recognition of it being apart of your realm as it gives the reconquer cassus belli which gives no infamy to conquering the province and why you can revoke cores as part of a peace offer.
Shamefull display.
It's gotten much worse. The event even uncores all of the states I took from the USA, so I'm not sure how they're going to take it back.
Encourage soldiers then you madman
He can only get so many troops with 3 mil pops.
Provinces have a 50 year gestation period?
Show us your Europe
Not ugly, thicc.
Just went past 100k troops and counting. Now that I've got 3.7% intellectuals, I'm gonna start encouraging soldiers.
Mate, as someone from the former grand colombia, I tell you that's some ugly blobbing, grand Colombians wanted nothing to do with Peru apart from being a buffer state.
Didn't Peru secede from Bolivar's conquered territories? Wasn't it a big thing back in the day because they literally betrayed the guy who was gonna freedom'd the shit outta them.
No, bolivar was made the dictator of peru, but peru-bolivia and the grand colombia remained two diferent things, helll, they even went to war.
Seems like the guy who's helping me got it wrong. A Venezuelan friend's helping me with VNZ and GCO-related stuff and he stated that Bolivar had help liberate Peru and Alto Peru or Bolivia from the Spanish Yoke, said Bolivar met with (San Martin who's another guy who was fighting for Peru's independence) and negotiated Ecuador's integration to the GCO and Peru and Bolivia's independence; after conquering those two territories, he wanted to become Dictator-for-life in Peru and the people were against it, so he had to flee because Peruvians were going to kill him like they did with his friend Sucre in Bolivia. Said it happened around 1828.
Is this correct? Because I made an event depicting this, and I seriously don't wanna have something that's not historically correct in my mod.
Also, I need some insight on the following issue: Do you remember when I asked if Venezuelans should have Caribeno culture?
My Venezuelan friend says Venezuelan culture wasn't much different from those people living in the Caribbean islands like in Dominican Republic; same old stuff you explained before about the baseball and the salsa music, BUT he says the culture wasn't different way back then due to both places having the same influx of southern Spaniards (Granadans), Basques and Islenos (People from the Canary Islands) during colonial times, he stated that the cultural background in both places was almost the same, and this also happened in Colombia, mainly in Barranquilla, where there's a big Caribeno and Afro Caribeno influence that's clearly different from the so-called North Andean culture in-game. He said these cultural differences aren't new as they date from way before the 20th century.
Oh, it is, but that was bolivar's ambition, grand colombians wanted nothing to do with peru other than to kick the spaniards out , demand some money and go back to the homeland and finally enjoy peace.
Venezuelan becoming more caribbean happened in the 20th century, it started when oil started being exploited and people from teh united states, cuba and puerto rico came to the country to work in the oil fields, so it is something beyond the timeline of vicky 2.
Then the same could be said about most of south america, specially mexico, and i can guarantee you that we are not like mexico.
If you compare the folk culture of venezuela pre-20th century you will find that it is more like colombia than like the dominican republic, you can see it in the typical folkloric music of venezuela, have an example and compare it to your typical caribbean sounds.
Heres some actual folk music from caracas, in case you think it only applies to llaneros (start at 7:47, Holla Forums wont let me embed the link with the time set).
In CK2, what is the best way to distribute power once you reach you ducal vassal limit as an emperor? It seems most of my playthroughs end when I reach that point and don't know how to proceed after carefully balancing Ducal power and limiting them to a single-county single-duchy title each.
Start getting kingdom level viceroyalties.
I assume best doled out to a content bro-tier Duke in the de jure kingdom?
I usually check for who likes me the most in the viceroyalties, has good traits (for me of course) and make sure i have forbidden vassals to wage wars between each other.
You have to watch out though, his vasals can rebel and take the viceroyalty, you will need some good old murder to solve that and grant the vice royalty to another nice vassal i you really want to make sure they dont join rebellions.
Thanks for the clarification. So no Caribeno pops for Venezuela, for real.
Also, I wanted to propose something else: Do you know about the so called 'Constitucion Vitalicia of Peru'? Basically the constitution Bolivar wished to enact so he could become a president-for-life/godemperor of the Grancolombians.
Been thinking about implementing something similar, maybe a event/decision that turns the GCO into a reactionary dictatorship and the progressing to a constitutional monarchy, wouldn't that be cool? Take Bolivar's ironic behavior (he wanted to be Napoleon!) from his lategame in the 1820's+ and put it in-game.
How does that sound?
Absolute King's Peace is a bitch of a law to pass; at least it'll give me something to work for I suppose. Thanks user.
That be pretty cool, but i feel the only one able to pull that off would be bolivar, and it would work with the mods that extend the timeline back a bit, but if you can think of a way in wich it could be implemented, do tell me, since that would make a really cool alternative scenario, also, make sure that reactionary kingdom has this flag
Afrocaribbeans should be there though, black people were more numerous in venezuela before most of them died out in the wars (they were cannon fodder), places like barlovento are still full on afro-caribbean.
Also, NEVER make your own kingdom a viceroyalty, if you somehow lose it you will lose all your holdings save your capital, it happened to me while playing the byzantine empire so had to spend decades working up from only holding rome and constantinople.
My current Shahi game which I've been playing since the Old Gods start. I defeated the Sammanids in a holy war today due to me getting their ruler as a prisoner, had that not happened then I would have been fucked. The muslim realm to the south has been completely wiped out. I guess I'm just going to expand into Persia more since I've never seen Abbasids get involved in any holy war of mine and my income is getting so high that I can afford the Hindu holy order even without me being a defender. The first jihads have started due to the Franks having conquered too much muslims clay in Africa but I'm not sure if you become a target of those if you don't own holy sites, if not then I'm safe.
In one of the earlier generations of my dynasty I tried converting a province somewhere in the steppes, as you can see in the last picture that has resulted in a hindu khan (who is a vassal of a catholic ruler) that actually managed to convert his provinces due to the high moral authority. Sadly his heir is catholic, I'm thinking about plotting to kill him in the hopes of one of his descendants becoming the new ruler and turning the entire place in one big designated shitting street. I married my mother off to him so maybe I can get an alliance and help him expand.
As I said in the previous general: this guy is probably the easiest non-Abrahamic character in the entire game, I've never played an ironman CK2 past the 900s because I always get destroyed by muslims eventually but this time I'm almost getting bored with how good I'm doing.
The reason why a country like America can exist now is because they made it from scratch. They invaded it, territory by territory, moving colonist and inversionist into the country. In other words: they invaded native americans and mexicans.
I mention this because south america was already "civilized" when the independence wars happened so they had their own identities and were more willing to fight each other to death before uniting under a single flag.
Peruvians were very grateful for San MartÃn's victory and they were the ones who offered the dictator title to him.
Sucre was a close friend to Bolivar and he liberated the country now known as Bolivia.
I believe Paraguay freed itself into a weird utopia after all the countries around aquired independence.
Uruguay was abandoned as a DMZ between Argentina and Brazil, after Brazil got independence from Portugal.
Last but not least:
I don't have many reports about restorations of monarchies. Countries like Spain have kings but I'm not sure how much to they mess with politics. I know in some asian & african countries they still have kings but they don't count.
San martin declared the independence of peru, but the war was mostly fought by grand colombians.
What I had in mind is the following:
After becoming a presidential dictatorship, the upper house will become mostly reactionary and pops will become increasingly militant about free and transparent suffrage, if jaconbins can spawn under presidential dictatorships, that'd be pretty cool. If not, whatever.
And that's about it, as a constitutional/semi-constitutional monarchy you'll have the power to decide whether or not should the people vote.
And pic related are the Venezuelan flags normal, republic, monarchy, fascist and communist. I actually used the Guerra a Muerte flag for the fascists, since it looks cool and has the same color scheme as Nazi Germany's flag. I know the commie one is a political party, but the monarchist one beats me.
But Bolivar DID want to become king/president-for-life in his later years, which is awfully ironic. The batman memequote is true, you either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
La Plata is white and based
Also can't decide which one should I use for CGO's monarchy.
now make it so your borders dont look like product of rape
I don't really want to declare war on any Hindu realms since that would only make them easier targets for muslims blobs in the long run plus they often help me in holy wars so Nagil is out of the question, I might be able to win a war agaisnt the Samanids later since they're constantly having revolts lately.
I'm currently dealing with a holy war declared by the Saffarids though so it's gonna take me a while before I can make that possible.
What the fuck is even going on in that America.
Dare I ask what Europe looks like?
Updated religious map of the horde region, this shit is going really fast, it seems that most vassals there are Hindu now. Great way for me to whiten up my bloodline through marriages so I no longer have to play as ugly pajeet characters.
Only if Gran Colombia kept a caste system where peninsulares were 1. on top and 2. comprised at least 10% of the population.
So no, they couldn’t.
Left one would make more sense since it takes the carlist flag with a throwback to the symbols of the vice royalty.
Its the coat of arms of caracas with some extra bits.
The caste system was autistically outdated and had lost any real use 3 centuries ago.
The caste system made anyone (including local whites and people from the canary islands) were second class citizens compared to the mainland spaniards and that the best positions could be taken by mainland spaniards, hell, this is what got miranda, a former spanish soldier, to turn against the imperial system in the first place.
Just to clarify, with the caste system, no matter how competent and white you were, if you werent from mainland your post could be taken by any retard from spain at any post if the higher ups desired so.
okay i might have a problem. these games dont do it for me anymore.
should i try aurora?
I tried and couldnt understand shit, so that is a yes to your question.
Nothing special yet, I'm looking to dismantle Anglos later on. Also NGF has been allied to me since it's formation.
Keep it up user
Go liberate the balkans man, what are you even doing that you havent removed the roaches?
I sphered the Turk to build the Suez canal, but not that it's finished I supposed I don't need to be on good terms with them, I'll do it after I take Tunis.
*but now
Cant you do both?
Or atleast occupy them for enough time to have rebels appear and siege the balkans.
You have much work to do, user.
At least the Germans are on good terms with you. For now
Also, what is that grey thing under bulgaria?
Is that some greece?
Watch out ,you're gonna get krautstomped.
I forgot about Wallonia, and the culture is accepted by France, so pan-frank unification whether they like it or not.
Turks will be easy to beat. They aren't called the sick man of Europe for nothing.
pic related
Las Malvinas Valonias son Argentinas.
Now what the hell is that?
Apparently it was a Sankaq/Beyliq/oogabooga hluglu bluglu osmanoglu which comprised Thrace and Eastern Bulgaria.
Go home, gaucho. You're drunk.
What am I reading?
If you want to stay on good terms with the Germans I advise releasing Alsace-Lorraine so you lose cores on it, then releasing it from vassal status.
Otherwise Germany will eventually go to war with you for it.
Also, if you take Wallonia you'll have a much more aesthetic eastern border without A-L, a nice curve instead of jarring angles.
Sanjaq*/Beyliq/oogabooga osmanoglu t*rkspeak
As much as I dislike the idea, giving up Alsace-Lorraine might be a prudent idea.
That's disgusting, user, stop posting that.
How the fuck is that even possible.
ooga booga hluldlü gluldlü ösmanoglü
That language is so shitty that you can call it Turdic
The NGF had very aesthetic borders.
ottoman circle of equity.jpg
How is this even possible? Did they have a colonist underway while they agreed on a peace treaty giving me the southern tip of Argentina?
If so, it's stupid if their colony can still develop.
I went over my infamy limit doing scripted Vietnam conquests, and the Krauts sperged out, broke our alliance, then DoW'd to contain me. I surrendered without a fight since my soldier pops were mangled from fighting the Anglos and the US of Anglos.
I'll consider doing that but A-L is a part of Pan-Frankreich
I have no idea
What are your plans in regards to the german states?
That always mystified me, as genetically they’d be identical. Drop that provision and the system would’ve worked better.
You see, the caste system wasnt about genes, but about ancestry.
For example, i myself am brown, homever, in the caste system i would be considered a criollo since my dad is the son of 2 spaniards and my mother the daughter of a 1st generation mestizo woman and a white venezuelan descendant from colonists, yet i look nothing like a spaniard.
The system was outdated and only generated corruption, anger and incompetence.
Rosbifs eternally BTFO.
what mod are you playing?
You can have it.
i did conquerall when the usa had conquered canada for me to actually get peace with the uk because the ai doesnt know how to built boats and move armies over oceans
i also own ceylon atlantic islands and lesser antilles
Why did my economy shit itself? I just finished humiliating Nederlands and taking all their sulfur and my war exhaustion is only 20. Tried lowest taxes and negative tariffs didn't fix it.
You probably need fish or beef or some stupid shit like that because all the other countries are buying it all up.
Wew, being secondary power truly is suffering. Becoming a GP in vanilla as Portugal is easy. Annex Egypt, take a bit of China and you have enough soldier pops. HPM is different although I didn't put a lot of effort into this game.
Yeah your economy hasn't actually shit itself your pops just aren't getting their needs.
how are you supposed to give your pops their needs if the factories you create for those needs cant get their needs and maintenance goods because your population doesnt have its needs
Acquire more resources via techs and clay. Tax your pops less. Mods help a lot with fixing pop requirements too.
In other words its a perfect fit for Iberiniggers.
Your fault for getting into modern Med2 modding. By now the scene has been distilled down to pure nofun autism.
To be honest the Latin/Greek decision every fucking /gsg/ game wants you to make is absolutely retarded, since Italy has been extremely divided for so much so that each region and commune created their own individual languages and slang and forcing them all to adopt antiquated linguistics was EXACTLY what the Crown of Savoy DIDN'T want to do.
I can give a little input but you gotta double check because most of what I remember comes from long ago when I was kind of studying the whole thing.
Basically, up until Fascists were in power, the Papal States weren't really that happy about being torn to rubble to unify Italy. Historically, the Lateran Pacts were signed in 1929 to acknowledge the Pope as the ruler of Vatican City, but basically up until that point the Papacy and Italy hated each other's guts.
Italy has never had an unified language, like I've previously stated, but the crown was able to capitalize on Alessandro Manzoni's Promessi Sposi, a novel that popularized Florentine Italian with the middle class. Though the language would still be rather unknown to the average Italian throughout the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, it was still a remarkable accomplishment.
Prior and during the early reunification period, the Two Sicilies had by far the best factory output of the whole country, be it in the textile or metallurgy biz, mostly because of the unity of the territories. Afterwards, the crown attempted to move most of the industries up North, where (((the banks and foreign investors))) were more likely to drop their cash on future projects. This destroyed half the country's economy, but helped in expanding the production rate of the country as well as giving forward operating bases for future war efforts in Central Europe.
The Briganti were Italian highwaymen, basically proto-mafiosi from Southern Italy and Sicily that robbed caravans and industries and fought off the crown of Savoy and the Italian Unification on behalf of the older establishment. The country spent a hell of a lot time fighting them off and their legacy continues to this day. Would be kind of cool if, depending on which state manages to form Italy first, the event pops up in the North or the South accordingly.
Italy has always been the underdog in their attempts at colonizing shit. IIRC it was because of international treaties preventing them from holding but scraps and their navy being absolutely shit. The govt though spent a lot of effort to convince the poorest of farmers to join up in their effort to establish bases in Libya. Maybe you could have the event for prepping up cores in African territories that have yet to be claimed by others.
Do we have a 8ch/gsg/ discord?
Yeah I removed that addon.
Now its pure fun removing kebab from anatolia
Hopefully never.
Is there some way to organize MP games here at least?
4chan's /gsg/ is absolute cancer, literally the worst general on /vg/
discord is ass
Multiplayer HoI3 games were happening all the time more than a year ago. You don't need a fucking discord to do it.
Oh cool, more shit to do!
About the Papal States:
I could make some sorta event/decision to release PAP as a unified Italia (PAP would be a single, small province within Rome, the Vatican City of irl) they'd be landlocked and shitty, but they'd be free to do as they please AND they'd hate Italy's guts.
About Florentine as the National Language:
Sadly, in-game Italy's divided in South & North Italian just to simplify things, I don't think I could do anything about it since changing the culture to more specific stuff would require me to create 6 gorillion different Italian subcultures which is something I'm not keen on doing, not because it's a challenge, but because it'd slow the game down. We don't want that. I'm playing on an 08 toaster, which is already slow with HFM.
About industrial power:
I could make an event sacrificing the south (read anything below the Lazio region) for a more developed north, something like increasing factory cost by 10% but increasing artisan output down south in exchange for say -15% factory cost and 15% factory output up north.
About the Brigantaggio:
You're gonna have to elaborate on this one, because I don't know what to do.
About Colonies:
European cores in colonies are fucky, there's a reason no country has cores on their African colonies: Railroading. The way I see it, this event would be a complete pain in the ass to do as it'd require me to check on every single region that's not been claimed by a europower. Seriously I think this one's out, sorry.
So one of my family members declared war on me to put him on the throne while I was fighting two wars and a peasant revolt and then I lost and tried to start a revolt to put myself on the throne which could have been succesful if one of the neighbouring realms didn't also decide to declare war on me. So yeah, I just ragequit because it makes no fucking sense for my vassals to join a revolt when it could potentially destroy the realm because of all the other wars (from a historical perspective but in terms of gameplay it's also kind unlogical).
This was the farthest I ever got into this piece of shit of a game though so that's something.
I probably worded it wrong. The Papacy and their uh, dukes I guess, were extremely anti-Italian until the Lateran Pacts. Basically, up until the early 30's, the Papacy claimed that De Jure the Papal States were still alive, but De Facto it was all Italian administered. After the pacts, the Papacy had grown more supportive of Italy, it's basically more of a puppet state than anything. You could have it pop up if Italy owns Rome.
Bloody shame. There's like a million different cultures divided into a trillion subcultures. I bet Paradox creamed themselves at the thought of creating a hundred types of niggers but just crammed Southern and Northern Italian into one. Oh welp. Though to be honest the unified language didn't unify the culture at all, it was more about making it easier to commerce with each other, so you may as well use it as a positive modifier for production or literacy. Maybe use it to also have an education reform.
If you think you'd like to make specific Italian cultures and/or replacing nigger ones but without making a billion changes, consider the fact that the main cultural groups can be broadly summarized in: Venetian (NorthEast), Lombard (NW), Florentian/Central Italian (Florence and Emilia), Roman (Lazio, Abruzzi and Marche, but you could probably cram them with Central Italian), Campanian, Sicilian (you may cram these two with Southern Italian but they're extremely different), Southern Italian and Sardinian (you may cram these under the same culture as Corsica if it's any different). Additionally, Aosta falls more under French culture, while South Tyrol falls more within Austrian/German.
Good idea, maybe force the South to have a higher chance of revolting and higher unemployment (that's kind of what happene IRL)
Make it so that a lot of Two Sicilies Nationalist Rebels pop up the moment you adopt the idea, but on the flip side you gain a much higher tax and national administrative efficiency. It was an action akin to sending the NYPD to bust a billion gangsters all at the same time.
To make it easier, make it so that Benghazi, Tripoli and a few other Libyan and Coastal Ethiopian provinces get Italian cores.
oh yeah about the industrial one, you could also have a modifier to the Southern Italy population having higher migration rate.
Addenda: instead of making Rome their province, purely for a gameplay perspective, make it Viterbo and call it Vatican City. Just saying this because Rome was still the Italian Capital, they just made it so the Pope can have his designated shitting street. Or just make the clergy super popular or whatever.
So I could simply release PAP as an ITA vassal instead of an independent state which was probably going to be allied with france. Shouldn't be too hard.
I love it, but that'd just slow the game down a lot. I mean I've already added a few cultures (about 6, adding 6 more would slow it down a bit more.)
I could do these: Central Italian, North Italian, South Italian, Sicilian, Insular or Corsico-Sardinian and Venetian.
Good, could give them a malus to immigration push (maybe a 10~20%?)
Rebels are fucky and I don't fully understand them. If I do that, you'd be plagued with stupid rebels popping up every once in a while (LIKE FUCKING JACOBINS), that's not something you really want, do you? DO YOU?
So that's pretty much what the colonial railroading option does. HMP/HFM comes with that.
Also forgot to mention, pic related is the new vatican city. How's it look?
Maybe I could merge Venetian with N. Italian.
is the new eu4 dlc gonna be any good you think
the only way for EU4 to be good is with mods.
dont be retarded it was ruined long time ago
Perfect. IMO you could replace Maltese as Insular as well, instead of adding 5 different definitions of "Ancient Latins mixed with Anglo and French blood", but that's just me.
Actually that was the entire point of Briganti. They were pesky as fuck guerrilla fighters/mafiosi and would be as annoying as FUCKING JACOBINS. Maybe just give them a start and end date if they're that fucky, after which they're GONE.
Just Benghazi, Tripoli and Asmara, if that's TOO railroady.
Very cute. Is San Marino modeled too? Not that it NEEDS to be alive, literally all it's ever been used for is money laundering.
Anyhow, thought up of a couple more decisions:
I don't recall this being ever brought up in vanilla vicky, I guess you already know what I'm talking about but for the sake of completion, it's the secret pact among Italy, Austro-Hungary and Prussia to be allied in the event of an upcoming global conflict. Maybe you could make it so that all the countries signing it MUST be Great Powers (so that you can't found Italy and then immediately become SPQR CREDERE OBBEDIRE COMBATTERE REMEMBER-A CAPORETTO), and to add a bit of a-historical aspects, the countries signing it don't need to be Austria and Italy (though it can be enacted by them) necessarily, but it MUST include Prussia (as it's the country that had the idea originally) and MUST NOT include France. Maybe make one for the Triple Entente as well with the opposite rules, enactable by either GBR, France or Russia.
For kicks, add an event that allows the Entente to bribe Italy into joining their side with a
Yaddayaddda just make it so there's higher literacy or something to reflect easier flow of information
Now this one, I kind of forgot all about the Expo, but it's a real important happening in Italian culture and for once it's not about betraying or being betrayed. The event can only happen at the turn of the century, Italy MUST have Milan and a bare minimum of x literacy and industry production. Since the original expo was both a propagandistic tool to show that Italy had a lot of technological wonders as well as a way to do commerce with the rest of the world, it could greatly reduce the infamy of Italy and/or have a positive effect on the influence of Italy on all Major and Secondary Powers currently in play.
Are they going to make the Ottomans stronger again?
i hope so
My disgust for turks has just gone up.
Look at how they portray constantine XI in their popular culture, as a villain, how the hell can you consider someone that fought to the death in a noble way to defend his home city from invaders a villain?
How can they take this seriusly and pretend they have the moral highground?
even greeks thought of hector as of hero
But yeah, Turks are really obnoxious, especially if you have to deal with them in real life. They're pretty much what jews would be like if they openly talked about how much they hated non-jews in public, they try to fuck over and shit-talk anyone who isn't Turkish and are currently trying to worm their way into European politics.
I've just realized that most of the military "strategy" I do in EU3 is just baiting the AI into doing stupid things. I have no idea what I'd do against a human player.
Id like to see how they paint ottoman troops decapitating his body and parading it around as a good thing.
Do tell me more about how turks are IRL though, never met one.
I'm not really sure what to say exactly but they have to bring up Turkey at least once if you're having a conversation with them and always prefer speaking Turkish over the language of the country they immigrated to.
Nah I'll keep em, they're all weird and speak fucking arabic. Too special to be crammed with the Insulars :^)
I suppose so, could simply make a province modifier which could trigger the rebels. Any proposed start and ending dates for those dudes?
That's pretty much what Italy ever colonizes with the decision, again, already implemented in HPM/HFM
I could model San Marino, gonna need several different flags though. I mean, I the HFM faggots implemented Liechtenstein, the other stupid Swiss satellite and Monaco, I don't see why San Marino shouldn't be in-game.
I could make something like that, maybe.
Sure, also could put that in.
Sounds good, I'll try to put that in.
Please note that not everything might make it to the mod. I'm only one guy (two if you count the other guy who's helping me sometimes with Venezuelan-related stuff) working on this project. It's kinda hard to muster all this time to put these ideas in-game.
Here's San Marino and its flags.
Just what is this sourced from, what's the show/film? Is it uploaded anywhere?
why does A/H have cores on it?
Yeah, why? Core says Italy, but that's not Italy's flag.
Turns out my flag cache was fucked up because I added a new nation. If you're ever experiencing the same problem, make sure to delete what's inside of your documents/paradox/victoria 2/YOURMOD/gfx/flag folder
Actually why?
This movie wants me to kill Turks on this alone.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
Well they've sure got that thousand yard stare they do in those movies down pat.
Scramble for Africa went poorly for me, but that doesn't matter since you can dismantle empires after great wars. Amusingly enough, Madagascar westernized because I forgot to annex them ahead of time, oops. At least muh Indochine looks good. The Turk is almost out of Europe and I gained Wallonia for myself.
I gave up A-L for now, so 'fuck em' is the official policy.
I'm going to detach Scotland and Ireland to fuck with them.
HFM+ user's edits.
absolutely disgraceful.webm
i like what you did to belgium
1861 - 1871
No worries, they're just suggestions.
place your bets who is going to win the 2nd american civil war?
i place my bet on mexico
Space Jesus
fucking disgusting
and yeah mexico
So only 10 years? I could make the modifier last for 20. After ITA has formed, a random province in southern Italy (mainland) get the nationalist brigand cancer in the form of nationalist rebels. Should Sicily get the modifier as well?
Space Jesus x2, they've got the technology
What is with this Desert shit? I seen it form a couple of times. What does it represent? What kind of people live there?
Mormons. It's an independent republic headed by Mormons, devised by Mormons, largely inhabited by Mormons. Existed as an unrecognized provisional state for two years right at the end of the 1840s through the start of the 1850s.
It was then chopped up into the state of Utah, which de facto remained Deseret in character (though not sheer territorial claim) as its governors came from the Mormon elders of the provisional government who continued to meet as a shadow government in mirror-meetings of their public Utah territorial meetings.
how to not get fucked by inflation in eu3?
i have mint and 6 star mint master and it still raises. i cant lower slider anymore or i will bankrupt
Hey Venezuelanon, I just implemented an event depicting the expulsion of the Coro (Coroan?) Jews (courtesy of the other Venezuelanon), it can lead either to a war with the Netherlands or a provincial admin and tax buff lasting for several years.
Alright Italianon, you're next. I'm gonna implement the following events:
Make amends with PAP by releasing them as either a satellite state or a fully independent nation.
Bring in more taxes, factory output and cheaper factories on the north in exchange for more artisan output but a big immigration push on the south (maybe 10~15% immigration push)
Higher army organization and literacy rate due to the flow of information, countrywide buff.
What does HFM do? Is it built on HPM?
I had been lurking the wiki a bit and forgot that telegraph IS an invention that can happen. Maybe give a modifier that lets him be the inventor? Or a modifier to that telegraph army efficiency thingamajig.
Good. Get that Auld Alliance going, m80.
Beautiful, but you need to get Madagascar squared off.
Belgium doesn't deserve to exist, frankly.
Brussels should be destroyed and the "country" divided up between France and the Netherlands.
Calm down, Satan, just split it between Flanders and Wallonia and remove all the gibsmeat.
I can only imagine how many event chains I've fucked by doing this.
Christ almighty, user.
Where does one obtain this?
Commies BTFO'D
Shut up, whitey
Mexico can’t even win their own civil wars.
Don’t you want to rid the world of non-frogs, user?
Is this an ISorrowProductions video
The Poles ceded Danzig, only for Germany to invade anyway in 1938 without even annexing Bohemia. The Allies stayed out of it, so the war is probably over.
Actually I was going to make Marconi's radio telegraph invention thinger, but I see it's also already in-game.
radio_telegraphy = { limit = { naval_logistics = 1 } chance = { base = 2 modifier = { factor = 2 electricity = 1 } modifier = { factor = 4 invention = national_radio_networks } } effect = { navy_base = { default_organisation = 1 } }}
Whatever, I'm gonna add a higher modifier to discovery chance for countries with Italian culture because ITALIANO.
Can you link to the main mod too?
Oh shit they updated again
It's HPM with some other flavor events it seems. Pretty okay so far.
They're islands in the Caribbean, plus the northern Canadian wilderness. I only want them to expand my naval cap.
>both Rosbifs and Republican Spaniards btfo
C'est comme un rêve.
Bien fait, user.
Now, it's time for you to restore the proper monarchy.
Absolute madman. Can Wales and Cornwall be freed? I haven't checked if they are, but it'd be funny if you could free them as well.
Those are some aesthetic as fuck eastern borders, just needs the Dutch to annex Flanders for perfect regional borders.
There's nothing inherently wrong with inflation as long as the money is put to good use, I've gone up to 40% and still had no problem (Rushed and conquered half of Europe while PUing half of the muslim world). As long as you are still conquering you'll eventually get to a point where proportionately the rest of your expenses are small enough to reduce your minting ratio.
You can also be max centralized (not just for inflation reduction, the huge overall boost means you need to mint less) and snag the unique building when you can. Altogether you can mint at something like 30% without inflation increase.
Also abuse war taxes and similar things. Mint at 100% during wars with war taxes on, this way you get more money for less inflation. After the war lowering your minting to 0%. It will be more efficient to mint 100%/0% like this than 50/50
What is this?
What kind of extra events?
Also, how is it 1901 and you are third as France and have no Alsace-lorraine? Not even joking fam.
Forgot to mention: You can go bankrupt to lose half of your inflation instantly. The only major penalty to bankruptcy is -2 morale for 10 years, but this is a flat penalty that means less and less the longer the games goes on. Military Drill alone negates half of it.
Rate my Asian Co-prosperity Sphere.
7/10, needs more CHYNA
I would have but there was no time.
That's not the attitude to genocide Chinese with, user.
I hope you at least exterminated the gooks and flips.
It's hard though user every time I take a huge chunk of china I have to wait like eight years to do it again or the Dutch will come over and be an annoying asshole and sit on Okinawa. Also I would have had more if they didn't unite into two separate chinas after I annexed two of the warlord's countries. Also I had to spend a lot of time trying to take the Philippines because Spain was an asshole and allied with half of fucking Europe. The French navy probably hated the Spanish after they lost millions of pounds worth of battleships over a stupid colony that Spain didn't even deserve at that point though. There was also the constant wars with Russia that prevented me from going into China more because they wanted the 10% Russian population islands that were rightful Japanese clay. I did think it was funny that there were like 20% Polish pops there though, it was a gulag I assume.
I'd puppet all the time if Victoria 2 had a Union Mapmode like Stellaris (countries use their overlord's colour on map).
That's why you beat the Dutch and their own game and conquer them.
just like in my taiwanese shadow puppetry
I didn't have time to sail all the way to the fucking Netherlands to sit on the dutch's face user shit takes forever and France would probably fuck me while my navy was in Europe for keeping Vietnam independent.
If you conquer them though, you get their entire colonial empire.
Yeah but it's not possible to do when they are allied with the French and the Russians and I need to sail multiple armies across the entire world to dismantle them. Plus why do that when there was perfectly good Chinese clay right next to me full of good shit like silks, iron, and coal and the Dutch colonies have a little bit of coffee and nothing but fish. Considering that I am Japan and have an excess of fish already and have little need of coffee the choice was obvious.
Krijg kanker.
I'm sorry, user, I don't understand pig-speak.
Could you maybe speak a human language?
Would the newest version work with your mod?
I suppose so, when I'm done with Italy, I'll check for any compatibility issues. But the versions should be both compatible, from what I can see, only several files were edited the 29th of October, Greek decisions was one of those, I'm not sure if they've added anything new.
nvm, technically they should be compatible. It seems like 1.25 and 1.25a are all the same. It's weird, they're both the same size and nothing's been edited past October 29.
Pretty weak tbh.
Here it is, another version of user's HFM edits. This one comes with lots of flavor for Italy and a bit for Venezuela. SHOULD be compatible with 1.25a.
Any problems and suggestions, please let me know.
I have a Bourbon monarch, Napoleon III got deposed around 1865 for me.
Wales can be freed, I could go about that too.
I've never really played France, so I don't know just how much is new but they have some silly alt-history ones like taking canada and the Louisiana territory back, as well as fighting the Anglo for New Zealand.
I got A-L back and because of that my borders look awful. At least I'm in first place, despite the shamefully bad industry score.
For some reason, some time after I manage to conquer 5 of their provinces in Prussia, the Teutons still manage to form Prussia, despite no longer owning any of the provinces in the region.
Pic related. The state of the Teutons after playing as them and selling more provinces.
They are still able to reform. There was no event or descision or anything, they just did
Mod is M&T
Beautiful, user. Long may the Bourbons reign.
There is a separate decision from the vanilla Prussia decision called "secularize the order", that might be the culprit
That's what happens when 40% of your population is illiterate chinamen.
So I just got the diploannex lebanon thing to happen, my accepted cultures are now Shia Arab and Christian Arab.
Right now trying to get literacy up and stabilize economy and wait for the British to lose interest in the middle east enough that I can start annexing stuff.
How do these look as planned borders for Greater Syria? Should I take Sinai and the Suez Canal or let Egypt keep them?
The results of fucky German AI and an overly ambitious Japan.
Dat be some nice borders for the califate m8, and do get the canal.
any tips on playing as american union state? should i just spam militia untill frontline forms?
lolnope secular dictatorship with concentration camps and dead kurdroaches
Its a caliphate m8.
You should take Khuzestan from Iran as well, do it for Saddam
I ran out of time.
I think they were an ally or a puppet of the UK and I didn't want to go to war with brits over some dumb illiterate savages with nothing valuable.
You need Jordan, Iraq, (((Israel))), Kuwait, the Sinai and Cyprus. No Saudi Arabia. Check out the SSNP's website for their idea of Großsyrium.
t. k*rd
tfw the eternal anglo is causing great wars in the 1860's.
That's not a war, that's a "let's stops the trash GPs" get-together.
Here's a hotfix for several missing localisations.
They were trash though, the Basques are free now.
Venice user from previous thread. Mongols have converted to catholism and have converted majority of greece and anatolia to catholism and I was wondering, what happens when majority of the orthodox provinces are converte to catholism? will orthodoxism become catholic heresy?
In the base game, the only way for Orthodoxy to be a Catholic heresy is for the Orthodox to end the Great Schism, and then for Catholicism to become the majority, like with any other heresy. There isn't a Catholic version of the Orthodox decision.
ah, I see. So basically nothing of note will happen from orthodoxism disappearing from greece and anatolia? Shame. I have not mended great schism, I'm but a merchant republic
in the mod When the World Stopped Making Sense for CK2, you can make Orthodoxy heresy after everyone converts from Nicene/Arianism to Catholic/Orthodox etc.
are those some smaller sects of christianity?
Ingame Nicene is it's own main Christian religion with many heresies like Arianism. It all ends up flipping eventually IIRC later ingame but the game spans late antiquity and beyond. I am on year 850ish in my first playthrough and I don't know if the game goes until the base games end
okay, that was quite interesting. I wish I had learned of those from high school or something. I Admit I don't quite understand what you mean? 850's? why wouldn't it continue normally? I'm long past 1200's sorry, I'm not native english speaker,. so it's some times bit hard for me to understand
It wouldn't by assumption because the game is focused on the Late Antiquity just before the Dark Ages. But so far the game seems to be progressing normally and I'm having alot of fun except all the real titles are titular and only creatable via console so I'm having autistic fits left and right because the AI aren't dejure drifting the titular kingdoms under my autistically renamed to the best of my ability duchies.
Thankfully some of them are doing it right, right now France, Frisa Poland, Papal States, Denmark, Egypt, and Croatia all are working on de jure drifting their duchies but it takes a long time and there is no console command to fix it
Frisa, Poland
Not a joint kingdom
speking of de jure, is it normal that papal states appears on de jure empire maps as black? Also, when did venice become de jure part of italia? I remember them being part of de jure byzantium?
It's kinda sad in my opinion that the game doesn't display same level titles in the realms name. like for example, if ruler had both kingdom of wales and kingdo m of ireland, it would display the name as eire-wales or something
Papal States only do that in certain start dates because they aren't de jure under any empire
If you do Charlemagne start the papal states are dejure under Byzantine Empire iirc, other starts I can't remember but I'm currently trying to keep them under the HRE until they de jure drift into that.
also, why was this thread bumplocked
bump limit you retard
Ah, okay, I guess that makes sense
aren't threads automaticallu bumplocked when they reach 300 posts? or am I misremembering?
I thought the limit was higher, ISC
lets be honest, after 300 posts threads are taking too much space. threads with over 500 posts can break your browser
wait, really?
depending on your machine, when you have toaster or phone then yes
Yeah, I recall the happening threads on Holla Forums the last 4 years excluding this year, I haven't been on Holla Forums since the LARPagans disappeared and the kekucks took over the power vacuum really make your browser shit the bed, and those got to 750 before they bugged out and a new one was to be made
I'm new to vicky 2, is there a way to customize a country and play as that?
I don't mean just to play as colonial power, liberate a country and play as that, I mean creating something original.
only if you mod game.
You can mod a country in. That's about it.
what you meqan by customize? I don't think there's such option in victoria 2?
Speaking of victoria, how's the original victoria? I've long been interested in it and I'm curious if it's hold the test of time. cvonversely, if it hasn't stood the test of time, I do not care for it But I've heard some interesting stuff relating to alliances in the original victoria
Similar to, say, CK2, where through in-game features and a bit of console fuckery I could create an independent Jewish merchant republic in cyprus, with the religion and culture and everything.
Manual pop splitting is a pain
Its HOI2 with pops and with a cancerous UI.
Another hotfix, regarding BYZ and GRE-related stuff, save compatible unless you've already formed BYZ.
Dismantling the ottoshits is way harder than I thought.
Chill out faggot, I just reformed into BYZ. Rome wasn't rebuilt in a day.
link to current hfm plox
Also, another hotfix
What are the major changes from HPM for non-Paracucks? Does it make genocide worthwhile again?
You literal mad man.
How do I get slaves in Victoria 2 vanilla? Do slaves breed more slaves? What's their population growth rate?
Are all slaves negros?
I don't have access to their forums either, but it'd be nice to have a complete list of the changes implemented on every version.
The mod itself is some sort of compilation of other smaller mods + the team's edits; adding new nations and events like Monaco and shit.
I suppose so, in a previous version they stated the new HPM's genocide changes weren't gonna be put into the mod. I've no idea what those changes are, but it's probably what you're referring to.
inb4 another hotfix in 10 minutes. I just keep fucking up for some reason, and the only way for me to actually notice my errors is by actually playing the game, extensively.
As far as I know, vanilla slaves don't breed. Most of them are negroes, but you can pretty much turn pops from whatever race you want into a slave by defining it in the pops file of the country of your preference.
You don't.
Persia has some Pajeet slaves, and Korea might have Korean slaves, but that could be a mod addition however. Other than that all slaves are blacks.
Korean slaves are in vanilla, I very clearly remember being confused at them in a Japan playthough.
Is Arsenal of Democracy worth trying if I've already played the shit out of Darkest Hour?
If you want to upgrade ships, sure. And I think there is a no retreat button if you want to roleplay as Hitler.
Holy shit, why is playing as the USA so insufferable in vicky 2?
Every in-game week you get an event you've seen a thousand times before.
Does this shit end after the civil war starts?
Total Newbie here, is Civil War unavoidable in Vanilla Vic2?
I believe that if you push hard enough to raise militancy, it is possible to outlaw slavery before the "Slavery Question" event fires. Taking a big bite out of Mexico early would be a good way to start.
Additionally, there are certain conditions needed for the actual civil war event to fire (for instance, there needs to be at least 40% Liberal in the upper house), which can technically, if not easily or practically, be avoided until 1875 when the Slavery Question modifier expires, when you will probably be able to outlaw slavery.
Lastly, if collapsing to any group of rebels results in slavery being outlawed, that should work as well.
It's not really necessary to avoid. The Confederacy never has enough troops to put up a fight after their initial mobilization. After one or two fights they'll be out of manpower for the rest of the war because the entire soldier population of the US is invariably in the northern states.
How to minimize the damage from Civil War?
Don't have it.
Don't make new slave states (to reduce the potential size of the C.S.A.), don't develop the slave states you have until after the war, and either don't make or physically separate (to Cuba or some other place you can't walk to) any Dixie brigades you have. Then it is just the simple operation of occupying all the provinces they have. I don't think that the game really models the economic damage done to the South by the war, so having it will really be more of a nuisance and minor delay than anything else.
New thread: