Best 3d zelda

Best 3d zelda


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MM but to be honest the 3d zelda games are really bad. even for the generation there were far better 3D action games. Games like Omegaboost or Bulk Slash. Shit, people still think it invented lock on targeting when it just stole it from virtual on.

I always preferred most of the dungeon content in OOT, but nearly everything else about MM is better.


They're both shit, Twilight Princess is the best.

Breath of the Wild.

Best answer

You mean Wind Waker. The best parts are literally from the WW cutting room floor.

They have different tones and features. Also good luck playing MM before OoT. Half of the mechanics in MM rely on the fact that you had played OoT before it.

Stop shitposting. That's my favorite of the 3D's and even I think it's shit compared to MM/OoT

Neither, Zelda was always a trash series after LttP.

Zeldafags, and Nintencucks by extension, are the biggest casuals in games. Keep attributing shit pioneered by other games to your kiddie casual trash.

Actual good taste alert.

Dubs confirm LttP was last good Zelda
I heard minish cap was good though?

Best? Not really… But compared to Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild, it's definitely got something those games lack.

At this point I'd honestly take several Twilight Princess' over those last two Console Zeldas.

A Link to the Past > Ocarina of Turd
Literally unplayable.

OOT. MM had better writing and atmosphere, but everything else about it was worse.

I'd say Link's Awakening DX is almost as good as A Link to the Past provided you've got the quality of life hack. The Oracle games are good too.

It's fun but it's really short and feels unfinished in general.

Go fuck your ayy wife's egg sac Arin

I don't play nintendo games. Why are you so triggered baby man? I have heard of zelda, I haven't heard of your garbage games.


I was thinking of console Zeldas, but the portable ones pre-DS were decent as well. Zelda just has never worked in 3D.

You know i'm right memester.

So has your mom who rides my dick every night.
I mean, you're Nintencuck, of course you wouldn't know of one of the best games on PS1 and one of the best games on Saturn.

Its been a while since I've laughed this hard
Thank you for that chad-user

You are retarded

W-wait what!?!? Is this bantz?

Strange, I haven't played Nintendo games

That's strange, she told me she pegs you every night.



MM has something OOT and most other 3d zeldas lack though. it required lateral thinking to get things done. Most zelda games up to BotW laid out puzzles and challenges in away that it was obvious what to do next. BoTW remedied this problem with physics puzzles but the game's challenges are so obvious and easy why even bother?

Single mothers tend to lie to their children.

Apples and oranges. OoT brought 3D to the table and did it well. If you want to bitch about something tangible then shoot.

Beta males tend to stretch the truth.

No, it didn't.

Link Between Worlds was pretty good, though the rental system meant treasures were limited to money and potion ingredients
gameplay-wise it felt like a better LttP

Yes it did.

Nah, also z-targeting wasn't innovative.

Yea, and I never said Z targeting was?

I see them as pretty much the same game, so I like them equally.

I've played a few of the older ones on my gbc or a friend's gb. I don't remember which. If I wanted to give them another go. Is there an order to playing the 2d Zelda games?

Release order I guess. Zelda has no timeline or grand over arching narrative despite what Nintencucks will say.

Go chronologically, or just start from LttP

It i debatable to talk about which one is best but I know which one is worst.

I disagree. Much of the dungeons felt dumbed down, and there's not nearly as much fun shit as is capable in LttP. The secrets in that game also feel like either A: shit or B: rehashes of LttP.
The only unique place they added was that one arena thing on one of the mountains. Lorule is shit compared to the Dark World.
Still a decent game, but nowhere near LttP at the end of the day


I would say it doesn't matter too much for a lot of them. But certain games kind of work off each-other. The Oracle games has a password system where you can continue your quest after beating one of them and finish the story as a whole.

But there is a timeline, it's fucked up as hell but saying "there is no timeline" is as stupid as trying to fit all of them together in a neat little bow.

Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds are, definitely are not selfcontained.

From Autisma Historia itself:

Timeline niggers need to be shot. Your little adventure series is not the fucking Elder Scrolls in regards to lore and it never will be.

Will do and thanks!

I think what really hurt SS is that I had high hopes for it. As annoying as Navi or Tatl were, I really grew to detest Fi. The waggle controls weren't the right choice in retrospect. I understand why they chose it, but it was a dumb move. It boiled a lot of enemy encounters down to swing left/right or swing up/down to get past and hope the sensors don't fuck you.

I think Groose was the best thing to come out of SS and Akuma-Ganon was pretty awful.

Didn't WW follow OOT/MM? If so, I kinda wish we got to see what happened to that Link rather than guessing he became a Stalfos in TP. From what I've read, the timeline is really fucked though. I do wish Nintendo had just let some of the games connect like OOT/MM and let the others remain their own continuity rather than trying to shoehorn the games together. I may have liked SS a bit more if I didn't know they were going to try and handwave Ganon's sense of agency away like they did.

> (please use
I think Aonuma is the problem here. He states that the story is an afterthought, but then he releases a timeline. I honestly don't care for it as it just drags a lot of the games down imo.

OOT was better because it was first. MM had a cooler story and 3 years of technology behind it, but it was too heavily based on OOT to be judged by itself.

> (please use
Greetings newfag. Want to discuss this on >>>/reddit/ or whatever your designated shithole is?
Because Zeldafags wouldn't shut the fuck up the franchise needing one because instead accepting each game as a self-contained story, they would rather huff their own lore farts and beg for Nintendo to validate them. And when Nintendo does it's only then they realize how retarded a timeline for Zelda is.

The best 3D Zelda is Oracle of Ages. OOT and MM are 4D Zelda and aren't eligible for the title.

I think you need to take a moment, step back, and look at what I said again.

You don't have to be a timeline faggot to know that Wind Waker literally references Ocarina right in the opening of the game and throughout. Or the fact that the antagonist is the same fucking guy from that game. Fans didn't cause this since the craze about the timeline really started afterward.

I'm Sorry that Zelda fans ruined the series for you. But you're acting like a moron.

I was just throwing out random examples. And yeah, Aonuma is the problem. Koizumi was basically handling the story stuff fine, but he got pushed off into Mario Land where he's not allow to write anything anymore.

Go get triggered elsewhere, Timmy.

I read that he may have ruffled a few feathers, because he was pretty adamant about his story suggestions and what worked and what didn't. Aonuma really should step back from the series.

I honestly don't remember the timeline being a thing until relatively recently. I never heard brought up when OOT or MM came out, but I never played TP, so I don't know if it started then or not. If it did start with WW, I wonder why it didn't come up earlier given that MM is a direct sequel to OOT?

Fans of anything in general can be really retarded. I still remember the stark difference between bantering on arlongparkforums over the shitshow that was Bleach and butterfly Aizen and the turbo autists on youtube and other sites who would jump through hoops to defend it. I never really visited half/a/ at the time, so I don't know what their reactions were. However, I do know that they hated Naruto and would ban anyone that posted it.

The timeline HAD been mentioned before, but prior to Wind Waker it was relatively simple so nobody was too bothered about it.

Zelda 1 was followed by Zelda 2.
Zelda 3, aptly named "A Link to the PAST" as a not-so-subtle clue for idiots who didn't get it, was supposed to be a prequel. However, since LTTP clearly wasn't the BEGINNING of the story - it included a backstory about Ganondorf the thief who stole the Triforce and the seven sages who sealed him - they decided to do a prequel to the prequel, which was OOT.

Then Wind Waker happened and everything got stupid.

It COULD actually have been possible to fit everything into a single logical timeline if you fudged it a bit (assume Twilight Princess is a direct sequel to Ocarina that takes place 100 years or so later, while Wind Waker is thousands of years in the future), but then they went full retard with the "official" timeline.

Really, things don't line up and, except for the ones that are direct sequels (LTTP and LBW, OOT and MM, and the Oracles games), it's more logical to assume that every Zelda game takes place in its own seperate universe and not sweat the details. BOTW destroys all hope of a coherent timeline anyway, what with Zoras and Rito existing simultaneously and the goddesses being retconned.

Naw, you get triggered >>>/reddit/

Oh I made a webm for this.

If I remember correctly, Aonuma expressed in some interviews in the past that he is kind of tired making Zelda, but he's too attached to it to let someone else really take the reigns, or just make a different game. It's a shame.
People discussed it for sure. But I don't believe it went very far because there wasn't much to it.

With Wind Waker, I remember there being an old (IGN?) interview where the seed of the whole "split timeline" probably started. Aonuma and Miymoto basically said Wind Waker took place after Ocarina's ending in the future, and not after he went back to see Zelda. And this was way before Twilight Princess was even a thing.

That's when I started noticing it. But then it seemed more like little fun thing to speculate on rather than the big grand "Zelda theorists" we have running around now.

It's ok, user. No one is going to attack you here. Pic related

I'm just going to continue doing that.

I've heard mix things about BOTW. Is it really that bad? I have no intentions of buying anymore consoles, so the only way I'll get to play it is via emulation or with someone else's console.

And then there's this pleb.

Old James was hard to refute even by today's advanced shit tier arguments.

I have rose tinted glasses for it. I see the objective flaws in the gameplay but I can't help but play it and see the wasted potential that's there every time I pop it in. Basically a guilty pleasure.

I found the problem was none of the side content was really worthwhile and while vibrant, the world was still kinda empty, still more full than twilights overworld, that was because of the stupid forced horse stuff being early on. I want a zelda game that actually tackles large towns and a vibrant overworld, as well as multiple large dungeons, main and side, just like darksiders 2 dungeons.

It's part Zelda Cycle, part it being overhyped to hell and back, and part that it has some real problems. Personally, I enjoyed BOTW and don't think it's anywhere near as bad as some people think it is, but as a Zelda game it's strange. If you just want to run around the world looking for hidden secrets and things to do, though, it's pretty fun.

I'd call it an imperfect but interesting experiment. Some of the ideas that they came up with could, with a little work, become really fun gameplay elements in future titles. Fuck weapons breaking though.

Well James is a horror movie fan so he has allot of experience, Horror movies can do timeline shit that's just as bad as Zelda.

People who say the Zelda Cycle isn't real are retards. It IS real. But it only applies to kids below the age of 12 and stunted man children who can't grasp the concept of objective quality in anything. So it's real, just not applicable to anything really important and not at all representative of anything other than a bunch of retards who like to scream at stuff.

Well old horror movies just didn't give a shit about having stories and were often just excuses to see gore or get spooked. I would have liked to see his opinion on Dead Space when it came out. Everybody was screaming about how scary it was when all I saw was a cool combination Jason X + Necro's.

OoT. It has a lot more content and much better dungeons. The Water Temple in OoT always gets so much shit, but MM's was a fucking travesty of level design.

Now for the harder question. Who is the second best Zelda since the best Zelda is obviously from Spirit Tracks?

Why the one from Links Awakening of course.

Only hipsters prefer MM

Yea she was the best. Bit of generic anime shit for my liking but had some genuinely good moments. The best character overall in any series is Linebeck of course. Groose being tied with Midna. I'de put Groose higher maybe because he was the only good thing about SS and even then he could have been better. Worst Zelda is SS of course. I'de argue BOTW as well but I've yet to stand more than a few seconds of her VA.

Even normalfags hated Fi.

Skyward sword it the first and only Zelda game that I've been unable to finish. If as if the bland, lifeless world isn't boring enough they make you backtrack all over it repeatedly.

MM > OOT > WW > TP > BOTW >>>>> Link's Crossbow Training >>> SS

MM's flooded by hipsters who take the story to far. Despite that the gameplay is solid and offers things no other Zelda has since. It's definitely one of the more innovative Zelda game as far as taking things in a new direction for the series.

Don't be a dumb fuck.
MM is basically the & Knuckles to OOT's Sonic 3, you shouldn't play one with out playing the other. The two games complement one another but do things the other doesn't. There is nothing wrong with liking the one that lets you play as a Goron bro more.

They're not letting him direct games anymore since Galaxy which was the best Mario game of all time. The fact that he didn't direct Odyssey has me worried.

The artstyle looks cleaner and more vibrant. Fucking hate it.

That pic was just the first thing that came up when i typed in Goron face. Didn't feel like hunting down a screen shot of the N64 version.

Might as well discuss the best of the CD-I ones.Zelda's Adventure, FYI

Good, but unfinished

Good, but unfinished

Two games forced together, each of them pretty good, but would be better as their own game, but they mix somewhat to create about 10% non-schizophrenic awesomeness At least it doesn't feel unfinished


Good, but it doesn't feel "Zelda" enough. (would help if it had more than one dungeon)

So you see, it's not that Majora's Mask is that great, it just wins by default.

Majora's Mask. It's like OOT with more things to do, the most unique and weird plot Nintendo's ever done, and a central gimmick that's the strongest since the Light World/Dark World of LTTP. Also dat fucking swamp.

Mask of Time

Ocarina of Time is pretty solidly the better game.

Enemies in general do much less damage to you in Majora's Mask.

As someone who just cleared both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask again on challenge runs very recently, here's an enlightening comparison between the two:
Ganon and Ganondorf both take away three of your hearts for any attack except the ground pound that makes the floor crumble (which takes two). Majora in all its forms takes away either half a heart or one heart but never more than that. This means you have to play absolutely flawlessly at the end of Ocarina of Time in a three-heart run, but you can make tons of mistakes in Majora's Mask and instead of being limited to a fairy to revive you, you can even bring milk along for almost double the extra help.

For a game that's less than half as long as OoT, it is simply baffling how they couldn't at least make it more challenging.

This leads to what has always struck me as a fundamental design flaw with Majora's Mask. As as a game wherein a bare playthrough is less than half as long as Ocarina of Time, they actually made the game easier, when it should have been more difficult to compensate for this lack of length. No, the side quest content does not make up for this, because, as the game is easier than Ocarina of Time, there is even less incentive to actually do the side content character building that is characteristic of Zelda.

Well to make an educated guess In OOT they expected players to have gotten minimum 10 hearts containers from bosses, where in MM you only get 4 from bosses.
If players skipped all the heart pieces from side quests they would have 13 hearts by the end of OOT but only 7 in MM. I'm guessing they didn't make Majora deal more damage so the fight wouldn't seem too hard for players who skipped out on finding bonus heart pieces.

They likely didn't take 3 heart runs into account when designing the difficulty.

Of course raw enemy damage isn't the only problem with MM's difficulty. Nearly everything is allergic to arrows (which you get early on), and heart containers and other such upgrades are considerably more accessible thanks to the game being so much shorter. Then there are of all the mask abilities you can take advantage of as well.

The choice is obvious
Wind Waker

While you have a point. Zelda's games have never really been about the difficulty, save for the NES game being NES hard and maybe Botw since armor and upgrades finally have a point.
The whole reason people do 3 heart runs is because the games are too easy otherwise.

I liked MM but only because of how little hand holding it had compared to OoT.
Nintendo Zeldas are mostly shit.

What do you mean by hand holding? Navi doesn't really bother you much more than Tatl does.

My favorite Zelda is Okami

It was a massive step down from LttP in terms of pacing and world design.

Ok now say what you will about Skyward Sword the game deserves the criticism it gets, since after I beat it a second playthough became unbearable due to all the unskipable tutorials.

But the climax to the game was fantastic IMO, First you fight an army of Bokoblins and you utterly destroy all of them to show just how Strong you have become over course of the game. Then you have a your final showdown with Ghirahim were he holds nothing back. You knock his ass off platforms and impale him through the chest multiple times, and then once defeated it's reveals he was Demises parallel to Fi and the Master Sword the whole time.
Now finally you fight Demise who is Ganon's original form and during the fight you can both skyward strike, but when you do you summon FUCKING LIGHTNING!

The game is heavy flawed but this shit was awesome.

I wish the game had enemies which actually reacted to being attacked from different directions instead of bokoblins with auto blocking as bread and butter. A wooden golem which got decals based on the direction you slashed it in on the body with body parts that can be chopped away would have been way more fun to fight in that system than anything they threw your way.

No, this is best 3D Zelda because she's the cutest.

I liked the bhuddist temple from the game, but its the only really memorable thing from the game

Ookami and ocarina?

The game is challenging more so in puzzles than combat. Which are insanely difficult by Ikana Canyon. And there's still the occasional Iron Knuckle. Final boss isn't incredibly easy either.


That's what they said about SS. When people talk about Zelda cycle they talk about this shit.

I suppose abstract puzzle difficulty can be valued by some, but I don't find it compelling personally because I like to replay my games and there is very little replayability encapsulated in an abstract puzzle once you've solved it once. It's the reason I find a game like Tetris Attack vastly superior than a game like Riven.

Yes it is. I detailed why. You can make mistakes but it's quite hard to actually fail. And before you bring up Ocarina of Time, it's all relative. Not that Ocarina of Time isn't easy, but Majora's Mask is even easier, unjustifiably so.

You deserved to be bullied for direct-linking to them.

If that's what people mean by the Zelda cycle, then:


The difficulty being low due to being able to exploit random abilities you have is better than making it so high the random abilities become mandatory or the abilities being useless.

fuck outta here

That's fucking retarded. Instead of judging by which came first, why not judge by which one was designed better?

Outside of that this video only makes me feel depressed how AVGN went full retard in his later years.

Out of all the games, Wind Waker I've enjoyed the most.

Its just a pun user, it doesn't have to mean anything

No not Nintendo in Japan "Link to the Past" was called "Triforce of the Gods". So it would mean NOA of 1992 were that witty. Reminder that around this time NOA was trying to get the government to censor all video games because the Genesis version of Mortal Kombat sold way more than the SNES version.

Sounds like the Comics Code Authority.

Oh dear god, the owl. At least he had the decency to go away after the real game started (and just make a brief appearance later on so the player can go "oh yeah, I remember him, he talked too much".)

Navi generally only talked if you asked her to. The damn owl would talk to you in a wall of text, and even worse end it with "DO YOU WANT TO HEAR THAT AGAIN? Y/N" ensuring that anyone who attempted to speed through his babbling would get twice as much.

While I don't hate SS nearly as much as the Holla Forums hivemind seems to, I absolutely despise Fi, who is basically the Owl but following you around. >>13614172's video doesn't even capture how annoying she is, because in the actual game every one of those interruptions would have paused the action, taken three or four textboxes, and probably been followed by "Should I repeat that? Y/N"

I remember Navi being hated a lot back when OOT first came out, but she was never that intrusive. She actually waited for permission to speak, and had no power to stop you doing what you wanted.

"Link, aren't you worried about Zelda? We should go to the castle right aw-"
"Not now. Fishing."

By contrast, Fi would plot railroad you on occasion. But even she pales in comparison to the stupid boat from Wind Waker, who abuses his status as your only means of transportation to outright stop you from doing what you want.

Navi > Midna > Owl > Fi >>>>>>>> King of Red Lions

I'm well aware user. I fucking hate NoA.
Embed related.
They were so butthurt that Sega was kicking their asses rather than standing united as a whole, they tried to act like "gud bois who dindu nuffin', look at ebil sega over there making naughty video games uncensored!"

Okami and Megaman Legends are both better 3D Zeldas than any actual 3D Zeldas.

That title goes to breath of the Empty Wild.

Fuck SS. She was just anime tier garbage. Same goes with WW but WW was a good game and it fit.

She's tan retard.

Been playing MM again for Halloween. While you can debate if OOT or LTTP did the formula better, there’s NO GANE like Majora. Still my favorite setting and side quests.

It's short yes but unfinished?

Dark Souls

that's a weird way to spell Twilight Princess


Zelda has always been a trash series, go play Ys if you want a good A-RPG.

Is (((he))) right?

wheres my fucking madoka portable translation


Dayum took me back, that's even before they became Looks like a pre-production copy, they have the sword binded to one of the C buttons, the bombs are on A, and B is speak Japanese.

I ragequit MM back in the day after getting 85% of the way through the swamp temple and realizing I would have to start over because the world ended, I never saw the appeal of the reset mechanic.

you're one of those people that thinks a game being mecha means it's better aren'tcha bud