Is it worth it, how long does it take to beat it? I don't want to waste time grinding in RPGs anymore.
Disgaea general
You can beat the main story without too much grinding, but you kind of chose the wrong game.
nigga this game IS grinding, if you don't enjoy grinding, well you can probably do the main story in 2 or 3 days provided you don't suck at TBS
You only need to grind in post game and doing it smartly will cut the grinding time down by a ton. If you need to grind to beat the main story, which is easy with the exception of a few missions, then you're either not using all your tools or just bad at TRPGs.
How many hours does it take to beat it?
You shouldn't play a JRPG if you want good gameplay or good story.
Game being ultra grindy AND turn based resulted in Disgea being one of the worst games I've ever played.
No amount of cure lolis can fix it.
Game is not grindy at all for the main story, which is worth playing through. If you had to grind, you suck balls at the game.
There is not skill involved, you can't be "bad" or "good" at disgaea.
It's all about abusing the crap out of the game mechanics you're given. You can play the whole main story without repeating a level for more XP if you know what you're doing. Problem is, first time through you won't know all the tricks.
Check out some speedruns if you don't believe me.
Your first try will probably take no less than 50 hours for the main story unless you use guides which would probably kill your enjoyment that early, more time if you fuck around. It's impossible to say how long it'd take you to finish post-game.
Quite the contrary, you can be awful and you can be great and the difference is huge. You cannot fuck up a character permanently, but not doing it right means you spend many hours more and get worse results anyway. The postgame is about jewing the system pretty much, a good goy who doesn't understand the game's law will not die, but he'll do very badly.
I love grinding but can't waste my time on story.
The one on the left (Flanne?) is cute.
Maybe I'll play it for her one day.
Play Trillion: God of Destruction instead, it's better than anything the Disgaea team made at NIS before quitting due to getting supposedly royally fucked by management.
Its a pity that they will never fully utilize Prier again.
one of the best fucking characters they ever did fated to forever appear in cameos for other games
Fusing and capturing enemies in this game will get you strong enough characters to deal with baal
You can finish this game within a reasonable amount of time
Which one is the best out of 3, 4, and 5?
game is grindfest but etna is best waifu
From the games I've played 5 has the best gameplay, 1 still has the best story.
Celestial angel is best waifu and her eyelids deserve to be covered in semen, too bad she has no art. At least named angel girls have something but they aren't the same.
As far as I'm aware, every cutscene in the Disgaea games is skippable. Also, you don't really miss much by ignoring the story (unless you like Japanese shopping channel jokes).
(Note: By "the Disgaea games" I don't mean the VN. It's 100% concentrated Japanese shopping channel jokes. Avoid.)
Disgaea is a great game, pirate it or get the one published by Atlus. What ever you do never ever give money to NISA.
don't listen to the faggot who said D2. D2 has been known to brick peoples PS3's and crashes when ever you use a spell with a flame effect.
The fun of the game is grinding and breaking the game, only playing the story will only get you half the game
There's a PC version? how did I miss that?
Is there any difference between the PC version and the original/psp one? (aka localization fuckery?)
Also, OP, if you don't like grinding you're probably not going to enjoy playing grinding incarnate.
There have been times when I had to help someone beat a boss in a RPG and I did so without even knowing their equipment, spells, team composition, or equipment. It's crazy the amount of mistakes people never learn from.
You could just pirate the PSP version. It's very easy to emulate.
Now that I think about it. Is it possible to beat Disgaea 5 at LV 1? The cheat shop does make it so you can't gain EXP if you wanted.
I like Trillion but I still think D4 and D5 are much better.
That was some real horse shit.
Since then, NIS hasn't made anything ambitious. They projects have all been much more low budget. It's no wonder they don't give a shit what NISA does. It's ran by scumbags.
You're going to get the same shit localization. They didn't fix anything.
So in other words it wouldn't matter?
It has more characters and Pleinair is nerfed. No other changes besides graphics I think. What's wrong with Disgaea 1 localization anyway?
With all the subclasses maxed a character has 1000+ of each stat at lvl 1 so it wouldn't be hard, especially if you take the stat elixirs for up to +10 million. That, or just give a real, non-reincarnated lvl1 character some LoC gear after going back in time at the pirate guy. If you mean real lvl1, then cheat shop is not available until some later chapter, and everything later would one-shot your characters anyway, especially the Sages with crazy range. Maybe time travel makes them available instantly though.
If it is I can see your "fresh" new level 1 characters farming item worlds of bad item with weak enemies like wrinkly clothes until it'd eventually turn into an item so good, it'd carry you to improve another one to make it faster. You'd have to do that many times though. Then once first chara world opens, going to the lowest difficulty with fully "equipped" characters until they have 300% aptitude each and all the chara goodies, so probably 200~ runs each, Might be better to keep on item worlding, unless you use only one character in which case you'll get some stats each chara world kill besides aptitude or shit you want. Just as efficient, if not more. If the items stop working, you must equip wrinkly clothes and try a world of something better or just keep on getting them wrinklier.
The item world key item you level up in main quest had easy enemies, so it'd be the best target for item worlding. Either way only a full-blown real autist would attempt this shit and I can't see any other way, unless you consider getting bad endings beating Disgaea 5.
The speedruns are retarded though, it's just a ton of throwing your characters around.
Sounds hilarious.
then you're looking at the wrong game
I have a ton of experience with jewing various JRPG systems and I still had to grind a lot to finish the Disgaea story.
I don't doubt that speedrunners can do it quick with no exp farming, but even a turbo autist will have farm on their first playthrough.
A star mage and a few story based characters solve like 90% of problems in the game with sheer brute force though. They can snipe any enemy from far away and you can just slap around anyone with Laharl since he's so damn strong. With someone to buff and heal him (or teach him those spells), he can even solo maps.
Hilarious in a rigorously methodical and excruciatingly well practiced way
Yes, but they seemed to completely have given up on her series as a whole. Unless you count Rosen Queen as the thread that connect them all.
That song is incredibly good.
I was honestly surprised.
i want to stick my dick in etna's butthole
This is definitely not the game for you
Insane grind has always been Disgaea's selling point. The main game starts after the story. And even when getting to max level of 9999 you can reset it, keep your stats and keep leveling up.
I hate that Usalia has no porn.
lucky the second thing I did was turn off animations because it's tedious to skip them all
the first was changing scroll orientation
Disgaea wasn't grindy until endgame and itme world.
Should I even go to the item world before I'm done with the main story?
Now that the original Disgaea team is gone, does NIS even have the talent to make another Disgaea game? They've innovated the game every time they made a new one. I would imagine a new game would mainly just be reusing old ideas and not adding much new, creative stuff.
There are plenty of characters who don't have enough art in general. Female Archer does get some art though.
No, you don't need to at all. You can steal better equipment constantly with every new map you go into. I would steal so much I would sell a ton of equipment to gain tons of money/HL, upgrade the store multiple times, and then end up with some pretty high tier equipment. Saying that, all the best gear you'll only get from stealing or bonuses.
If you have problems with the game and haven't unlocked martial training/cave of ordeal maps and don't want to grind main story maps, you can go there. It's a less monotone way to get your characters stronger before you unlock all the better stuff for postgame, if you even care for the postgame, that is.
I think the team was gone 2 years before D5 so it probably was already made by a (mostly) new team?
Can anybody tell me the source of vid related because it sounds so much like Laharl's theme that I got to know what movie this comes from.
Found it after searching for "soviet sea cartoon" just for u. I see the similarity in la-las myself, but nothing else.