Looking for a new waifu game. Thought about checking out Wings of Vi. She looks great in the promo pic, but I don't like how her sprite legs look ingame. Do they really look like that in the actual game or are they longer? Don't want to get a game that I will end up refunding.
Looking for a new waifu game. Thought about checking out Wings of Vi. She looks great in the promo pic...
Its shit. Literal shit.
Pirate it and find out, or are you that refund autist?
I don't think you know what the term waifu means.
uh oh, we found the faggot who didn't git gud
No prizes for guessing what kind of game this is
back to 4am fag
Game is fun
Id recommend because of that
Don't you smiley flag post this thread, faggot
I like your quads, so I'll throw a few recommendations out.
I mean, there's a few right there. I can't think of too many more off the top of my head, but don't bother with wings of Vi. It's not great. Also, if you're that starved for a waifu, why not Ai? It's anime, they play games, and you don't even have to pay.
Literal dumpster diving
Hey man, I got my own waifu. If OP wants to dumpster dive for one, I say let the poor virgin go diving.
Step 1: Buy Vita.
It's the waifu game platform.
Wasn't that SJW shit?
Momodora Reverie Under the Moonlight?
Anime is degenerate. It's a sign that your dick is small.
Give people any word somehow related to anime and they'll find a way to butcher it, like they were genetically incapable of using words correctly.
no. 2064: Read Only Memories was. They went on a tirade about if you supported Trump you weren't allowed to buy their game.
I'm confused. I thought waifu was a term that meant something between "A fictional character that happens to represent the set of physical and emotional traits my ideal wife would represent" and "A fictional character I've fallen for in an idealistic sense".
"Hot chick I like to fap to"
You got it right in the first two definitions. Just like someone can seek out their soul mate irl, I can seek out my waifu even if I have not met her yet. I am looking for games where the main protagonist (or any of the NPCs at the very least) may potentially qualify as a waifu so that I may add yet another notch on my pixelated bedpost.
don't bother with this shit
the game was nerfed after release because faggots cried it was "too hard"
If your into anime that doesn't really matter since all you want is 2D girls.
It's supposed to have a more special meaning, but overuse has degraded the term in common speech. People will basically use "waifu" as interchangeable with "any anime/cartoon girl" at this point. This doesn't change the true meaning of the word, but makes it far less descriptive in general conversation outside of actual waifuism.
Fuck off, furfag. This is weeb territory.
That's not generally wrong though. Unless a girl is so horribly unlikeable they probably do evoke feelings of love in someone even if it's not you. Thus, waifu.
We know from the Neofag fallout that they are furries and hate weeb content.
You made me look it up because I thought it was an h-game.
You suck.
Sure, but you wouldn't just call any 2D girl a waifu. That would only be used for your actual waifu. But people do throw the word around as if they think it just applies to any character, even if they have no deep feelings for them.
More likely than you think.
There is a certain kind of person who doesn't merely want to discuss and enjoy Japanese media but instead wants to promote it to the exclusion of all else because a totally different imageboard was founded for the purpose of discussing anime never mind the fact that it tacked on several other boards in its history for much different purposes, that doesn't matter to these people. One half takes this position because they like to shit where they eat and the other genuinely believes it, emboldened by the first group in a demonstration of the old adage: any group that gets off on pretending to be retarded will eventually be flooded by retards who think that they're in good company. Both these groups of people should be called out for the faggots that they are.
They don't have to be yours. Most 2D is worthy of the title, except Kirino.
Glad mods keeping up on letting shills post now days
The devs are from cuckchan and have ties to the indie clique, so I'd be wary and not purchase anything from them.
Check out Nights of Azure OP
Gravity Rush 1 and 2, because Kat a qt.
Get the costumes in Gravity Rush 2 quickly before the servers shut down
Unfortunately not on Steam :(
Added to wish list, though I am weary of JRPGs because they typically have shitty gameplay
The costumes aren't available in th PS store, am I missing something?
There are free costumes such as the 2B, Dark Angel, and PSO costumes but you'll have to unlock other costumes by getting dusty tokens on challenges and treasure hunts. The servers will shut down in January, so you better be quick.
Senran Kagura games a pretty waifu tier games.
Shake My Head
Cow tits are garbage though, even the loli has them, it's ridiculous.
If only this wasn't on the PS4 or if they had at least sprung for backwards compatibility on the damn thing, I might have played the sequel earlier.
Reeks of normalfag tastes.
Waifu is not an objective status or assessment, it means your wife. It can be Kirino, it can be anyone.
If that were the case long hair wouldn't be the norm.
You can pet their heads too in EV. Their reaction is suitably sweet.
There's always Mirai for the flat lovers.
Go back to cuckchan and lurk until you figure out what that word means, normalfag.
The term is evolving. I've noticed people will call any cute or sexy character a waifu, waif, or even a wife.
It's used by ironic weaboos, just like "notice me senpai!"
Most likely the same people who talked in ironic niggerspeak like smh tbh fam
They just repeat buzzwords for fun or to try to fit in
Why are you looking for h-games user? You're not some kind of deviant are you?
The amount of people who talk about their "waifus" is staggering. It's become a "normalfag redditors that pretend they aren't normalfags" trend. Makes me sick, having a waifu used to mean something.
Agreed, as long as it doesn't develop to the point you start believing you're in a genuine relationship with the character that is your waifu and that you're truly the one for her. At that point things get sad and depressing (if you ever saw any of the old Holla Forums waifu threads or have been to /mai/), as they try to convince themselves that they are happy and try to suppress the reality of their situation.
Isn't the guy who made this a fat fetishist?
You need to be older to post on this website.
I also had a hard time seeing the lips radical so fail the QTE every time.
Autism status : tickled.
play a good game with a good waifu instead, it's good for your heart
That game doesn't have a waifu. Neither does any other game.
What do you expect with the flood of cuckchan cancer coming in?
It's not a cuckchan thing. It's everywhere.
Wings of Vi is the type of game like I wanna be the Boshi. That doesn't necessarily make it bad, it's just not a guaranteed thing to like.
those twin orcs though
you mean those nerfed twin orcs, though
Shantae of course.
I missed the time where "normalfags" didn't know about "normalfags" instead of now where it's like a competition on who is the least "normalfag"
smh fam