Custom Robo 1 in English!

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sasuga EOPs

custom robo
more like custom gay

Custom Gay is braindead easy to play in moonspeak but that's cool.

The controls seem a bit simplistic and the action isn't as fluid as the later entries, still having fun with it.

you need to go back.

I want a NEW Custom Robo game, not an OLD one.

Kill yourself and take a joke.


that being said this is pretty cool OP

I'll joke you

*unzips dick*

Faggot her name is clearly Julie. It's never fucking Yurie or Yuria.

Pretty cool OP, but it makes you wonder why they didn't translate v2 instead that is basically an overhaul of the first one.


Nice, I hope someone gets around to V2 even though I beat it without knowing a thing. Playing Battle Revolution helped with knowing parts.
Another white whale of romhacking got translated

Her brother is "Mamoru". I really doubt her name is supposed to be western.

Hi Mark

Checking these Hitler dubs of taste.

Mamoru is probably meant to mean "Mambert." Trust me I work at NiSA.

Am I retarded Holla Forums?

It's funny how WarioWare, Custom Robo, Animal Crossing and Doshin the Giant all started in the N64.

Prove it.

Give me some Japanese to not translate.

Just put it into Google Translate like you do at work.

He would need something to put into google translate though. Or alternatively something to delete and write something completely different in its place.

한국인은 죽어라! 조선인은 죽어라!

That's Korean. I don't know how to not translate that.


Don't listen to this charlitan, the correct line is

It's a start


how do I apply this?

Do what everyone else does. Download a patched copy from nicoblog in a day or two.

Also, any other jrpg fan translations do out soon? Difficulty: no AG.

The guy working on .hack//Link speculates he's got another three months of translating ingame emails at his current rate before he can release the next beta patch (which going off his scheduling, if there's no issues with that one it'll be turned into a full release 1.0). Song of the Angel SFC is also supposedly nearing completion, but there's been nothing heard since April. Absolute Zero continues to prove decent about putting out monthly updates; they've been making good progress with ToD DC, but still have quite a way to go (Especially with the Director's Cut including an additional "Leon Side" to translate through, though it sounds like Kingcom's building something to more readily add the translations for lines shared between both Sides). And as mentioned, Far East of Eden Zero ("Tengai Makyou Zero") has had it's patch come out the other day.

The guys that were working on Sol Trigger also put out a v.9 Patch a while back, as one of the main guys hadn't shown up/responded in quite some time, but apparently it's got areas where there's been no script properly inserted, making it a mixture of both English and moon. They're hoping to still do a proper 1.0 patch down the line.


Marvin is written in Japanese as "SO-RA"

Interesting, good to know.

That So-RA's name is properly localized as cocksleeve.



It's funny that most of them are dead?



10/10 post