Nintendo Switch Master Race: Video Recording


Reported for low-effort OP and no webm.


Consoles everyone

more like sell it and switch to a better console amirite lads

ironically that's what the feature will be used for as it's only 30 sec


Get on my level Nintenyearolds.

What if Mark was buff

Sonyggers btfo.

Then I would have some respect for him

That would imply that there was a console worth anyone's time.

cant you get a recording device that connects to hdmi?

HOly shit this is nothing to get excited over.

I love the switch but stop fucking shilling faggot. Talk about GAMES.

Would you get fucked by buff mark?

I'm not into jewish dudes

Surely you mean 6th Gen and past of that

Can't the Xbone already do that anyway?

What the fuck am I missing here? Is there more context here that I'm not getting?


Go back to halfchan.

but he allegedly gouged out a gooks eyes irl



Fuck off goon

Would be nice if video recording worked for more than 5 fucking games.



gotta milk Skyrim of the Wild as much as possible


You see that mountain? You can watch someone else climb it.

Also idk about Sony but the Xbone has done this for a long time now, and no i don't own an xbone, i bought a windows store game with xbox live support and thats how i know

the ps4 can record up to 15 minutes of 1280x720 footage

Just like the PS4?

thanks user

Why you have windows 10, you fucking idiot?

you re merely delaying the inevitable


PS4 does up to 15 minutes now, IIRC. Not sure if the Switch can handle that though, since it has limited built-in memory and not that much RAM. And it's not system-wide, but game specific.
Nintendo's always one step behind in this shit, but at least they still make actual fucking games.

Switch Master Race? So blowing money not only on the console and a videogame but also on SD cards, the same fancy emulator from the Wii U, a screen protector, the plastic so it won't bend and soon on Pay2Online is now cool?

Fucking Lel

Nintendrones: Always 5 years behind the competition.

Can't the PS4 just stream shit directly?
I remember a bunch of niggers did that when it got released.

pick one and only one





shut up