I wish this didn't flop.
I wish this didn't flop
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This is why you put passion and gameplay above everything else.
how is this a flop?
it's a good game but chapter 4 is so fucking weak
other people not buying it doesn't preclude you from enjoying it.
I thought it did good. Whats the deal?
I just feel bad for the devs.
It's an indie title. Isn't 70k sales a lot for an indie?
Those are decent numbers for an indie game.
Also doesn't help that people got burnt out by Yooka and that Odyssey came out a few weeks later.
Making nearly two million for crowdfund fan project isnt that bad
*for a crowdfund
It's not terrible but it's nothing close to what other small studio games have made. For example Dragon's Crown sold 300k in its first week alone. Still more of a success than fucking Lawbreakers or Blunderborne.
$30 is too much, especially since the game still feels unfinished
I liked chapter 4 but it did seem poorly planned and rushed, like they just dumped everything into the level. Still fun for me though
Nigga the game is being sold for 30$
It's two million dollars in sales
That's buttfuck nothing for a video game. Also valve takes like 70%.
Launching a platformer the same time as a new Mario 3D game which is always going to be rough.
Ever heard of the platformer Poi? It releases on the Switch this week too. I'd feel more sorry for those bastards. At least AHIT had the PC market with no Mario game to corner for themselves.
Making 2mil out of 300k funding is a success in my books
Yeah but poi is so incredibly barebones it's barely a game
As far as I know the real dev is just one danish guy who started the whole thing for his resumé.
I don't care about it flopping
the dev's a conartist though
the game from the looks of it has passion at the superficial level, it looks pretty with lots of things going on at any given time but the gameplay isn't solid because there's a never really any kinda applied mastery of game mechanics and you can tell that by how every ability is handled and that hats are just keys and add nothing outside of that, getting new hats requires getting certain cotton balls but they've not bothered to figure out exactly what the progression for them really is outside of a weak grasp so the player will get every hat and a mass stock of cotton that's unusable but my issue with that is with the bosses, you only need the hook shot badge to fight them and that's it, if they knew at exactly which point the player would get a new hat they'd have been able to add more depth to the boss fights by having them need certain hats to defeat them with.
the game sold on it's cute factor alone and people are content with that but honestly it sets the bar lower for platformers over all
It's the current year where you can get a dozen indie games from humble SJW bundle for a dollar. What did they expect?
I'm not sure about 2017's numbers but compared to 2016 they did fairly well.
For AAA shit? yeah it doesn't even pay the ads. For a self-funded indie game that's not bad at all.
If they wanted to sell more they should've either made the game longer or sell it cheaper.
It's the other way around, retard.
The game does ask for mastery of the mechanics, but only the base platforming mechanics plus the hookshot. There's a decent number of places where you have to string wall-jumps, double jumps, and air tackles to get through, and a couple where you have to use the double jump to get under floating barriers. It never gets real difficult, but it's not like it remains entirely basic. As you said, though, all the hat abilities only exist for progression gates, aside from the dweller mask, which gets a few interesting platforming bits.
Oh no, the OP is retarded. What a strange twist of events!
Oh please. Failure to get dubs is just embarrassing.
what does it in is the lack of decent puzzles tbh, that and the cringy ass writing/story/characters
Yes, and he's a commie furfag. Thank all that is holy that this piece of shit flopped. I love collect-a-thon games like Banjo-Kazooie and I hate the fact that the two "saviors" of the genre ended up being pozzed bullshit to the bone.
I only found mustache girl and the very forced "get lost" thing at the end to be cringey. I genuinely loved Snatcher and the two movie directors. It helps that they had great boss fights.
While we're on this topic, was anything like your pic found in Mario Odyssey? There's the shitty ending, but there's still debate over it being the usual status quo and mimicking old cartoons versus the treehouse interfering.
the boss fights are only really very flashy they're actually though lacking, like it seems as though they put alot of ideas in their bosses but didn't go deep into it and it kinda seems as though they wanted them to be not as hard as things look and I think that's down to the fact that they don't have mastery of their own game tbh
Snatcher's fight is pretty demanding for family 3D platformer, especially the second phase, but I agree it doesn't go on long enough. Still, it beats practically everything Mario has put out for a 3D boss fight.
see I don't know about that, Mario is easy sure but it's alot more solid gameplay since bosses always have more going on for them then just hit them
I’m glad it did.
Cant' really call it a collectathon then.
Show me. Holy shit what.
There was actual excitement for this game when it was first announced. It's been five bloody years since then, so anyone who didn't give this thing money, and probably some who did, just forgot it existed.
There was no real push for marketing of any kind, jewtubers were too busy pushing Cuphead and then Mario Odyssey,
And it released after Yooka Laylee and Mighty No 9, and at this point, even normalfags are somewhat wary of Kikestarters.
No fucking wonder it flopped.
When that's the case, it's usually just the Zelda stock "do thing to reveal weak point". I'd rather have an intense fight where you're constantly dodging attacks over token "complexity".
Are you including the money they got from Kickstarter?
Having cut content is already bad. Having fucking cut content that makes it so you can't even 100% a collectathon game is a whole other level of fuck up.
I don't get it, putting a tranny as the villain is a problem? Seemsfine to me unless its written poorly. Also: proof?
Right here. I'm living proof.
All I know is that people in cuckchan loved it in 13', but I never cared for it.
it's not quite 2m. You need to consider:
He's shitposting over mustache girl's namesake.
Whoops, first reply was meant for .
That's not very controversial then.
It's just a silly girl with a mustache. I'm more mad about how shit the writing, character design and overall, the most important part: The Gameplay is.
yeah I agree on that it's a repeat of the same shit but that's due to mario bosses being unaware tutorials like a "d-do you git X mechanic?" which portrays that they're actually aware of their game unlike hatslut which I can't say even dropped that in favor of more "fun" bosses since like I said everything comes off as they either never bothered to master their mechanics
Where are the nude mods?
Who in their right mind would by a loli game without nude mods?
Here's your answer faggot.
Yes? Is there a problem?
>>>Holla Forums
Don't ask why you game flopped next time.
This isn't cuckchan faggot, loli isn't limited to a containment board.
I see the Holla Forums pedo problem bleeds into every other board.
Now the pedos are out in full force again. Newsflash faggots - commie pedos is a bad demographic to target with your game. Go kill yourselves.
Funny how nature do dat
Jesus, is that really the natural log?
I know, right? She's too old.
But really, there's nothing wrong with that.
I think we're just looking for different things in boss fights. To me, it sounds like you're more interested in the "puzzle" of figuring them out, where I'm more interested in feeling like I'm actually fighting for my life.
Maxime leave.
Gas yourself, kike.
Have we gotten to the point where the most awful shit has to be compared to jews before we see it at wrong?
That's not a flop for an indie game, man.
So is it basically guarenteed at this point that this will be shit too?
This. I'm not touching (((that shit))) with a 10-foot pole.
>Meaning there was no cost to develop without the dev saying otherwise of course
>After Valve's cut(30%) and assuming a 10% sales tax (for the sake of argument) that leaves you with approx. $1,152,000 net profit Please note this is assuming no discounts, free copies etc. Actual number is probably just under $1 million for net profit
Even though my numbers here are strictly rough estimations. This is still a sales success and it's going to continue to sell. I can see this game being the type of game that sells every time a Steam sale rolls around.
Quads confirm.
No, because people get shorter once they hit 50. It's bullshit.
It really depends how big the dev team is. Splitting $1M five ways, you're only getting $200,000 for five years of work. That's $40k a year. You'd make double that doing software dev at a midsized company. I have no clue how big the dev team is, though, or how they're splitting the money and how much of their money is going to their publisher, (((Humble Bundle))).
Yes user, that is a graph of the natural logarithm.
Well here's the credits if you want to figure it out
It wasn't remotely close to a flop, you are comparing it to triple A trash when the devs only wanted $30,000 to make it, not the $30,000,000 that a triple A would take.
After Steam takes their 30% cut, they are getting a paycheck of $1,300,000 give or take. Jonas said in the Beta64 interview that they are "set for life" by which he was implying they can go ahead and make the next game with an even bigger budget than before.
Timestamped link for when he mentions this: youtube.com
You guys aren't considering tax on that $1M, either.
I did. My numbers included a 10% sales tax.
The DLC is just going to be free updates that fulfills the Kickstarter stretch goals, I can't really fathom that anyone would complain about free updates.
At that level you aren't getting taxed 10%. What happens is more like rape.
He said 2 DLCs, I though it was going to be 1 free and one paid.
Lolicon is legal, kike
Yeah, no. I'd gladly see it banned just to ruin your day.
Legal because it’s fiction you shifty kike
Nope, all free. Co-op in theory should be arriving as well, since that was also a goal.
Gross 2 million
If that doesn't fucking cover development then they obviously fucked up somewhere
we just can't see if it's a flop without seeing how much they paid for development
Anyone wondering if they made money watch the video here they are very happy with the sales.
Does anyone know what the new chapters are going to be like? Anyone doing any modding?
According to the interview he did, there is a bunch of unused content in the game files right now that you could access via the Unreal 3 mod tools, I'd imagine some of that stuff will get polished up for release, so that's your best place to look.
I really don't know enough about the company's internal structure to say, but looking at it there are about a dozen people who could be on a salary as an employee, and maybe 4 people who definitely are: the creator, the 3D art lead, the 2D art lead, and the other level designer/writer. According to their LinkedIn page, the company size is "1-10 people" which tells me exactly nothing. Based on I have to imagine that the game did well enough, and I'm possibly overestimating the number of full-time employees.
You aren't considering that the $1M is going to Gears for Breakfast after (((Humble Bundle))) takes their cut, which means the large number will be under much-lower corporate tax. After paying employees and contractors their cuts, the founder almost certainly isn't in the top tax bracket, or even the second-highest.
Are we being raided or what?
I seriously doubt the bulk of the game's sales are through Humble Bundle. It's likely 98% Steam purchases directly. Nice lucky trips by the way.
no it's just that all the porn is shit and somebody would post the awful shadman drawing.
Shadman is still better than game's actual art style so I'd be fine with it.
I mean, considering I got quads earlier and only one person replied, it's possible.
The game's publisher is Humble Bundle. Humble Bundle has a publishing wing now: humblebundle.com
I don't know how their financing terms work, but most publishers take a decent % of gross profits.
Found 3 good pics.
Sauce for this? Steam lists the game as published by G4B. If anything I would guess that Humble Bundle is helping with the console releases, which aren't out yet.
Decent enough.
We need more.
Well now I'm hungry for noodles porn
it's funny because she's a girl
The Wikipedia page and the Humble page I linked both state Humble is the publisher for A Hat in Time. I know the Steam page says differently, and honestly I don't know why. It's possible your theory is right.
Does bloodstained get ouya release?
If it does it makes too much sense.
how is it a flop? Also how can we get more people to play Speebot?
Oh, didn't realize, thought the page would just be a generic "we can publish" page, not one that would list games.
Tell people there is a demo with the first 50 levels.
That's why you click the links, user.
brb installing Speebot demo
Is Speebot finally out?
Yeah been out for a little while, dev made a release thread about it.
Demo button is on the right side.
Just smashed out a couple of levels, it's pretty good.
Whoops my bad, it's only the first 20 levels, out of 200 total. Still a nice chunk of levels.
How did it flop? They originally kickstarted the game for 30k, and got 300k for it, minus kickstarter share. They made mad profits before release.
Of the 60k owners, at least 50k are actual sales. That translates to another 1.5m in revenue, minus steam share. Even if it took over four years, that still translates to a good wage for everyone involved. Assuming they don't live in some overpriced shithole.
Chapter 2 and 4 both suffer from linearity, and chapter 4 has no story.
assuming he gets like 1.2m on profits, that still means he made like 300k per year which is pretty low end, could have made more or near as much as a code monkey and chances are he could have got a promotion after all these years
alpine skyline is kind of weak, but battle of the birds isn't.
It's not bad, but it would be better if it was less linear. It feels more like an adventure game than a collect-a-thon to me.
Each of the levels essentially come down to one hallway, whilst chapter 1 and 3 just let you roam the area and collect shit as you please.
Battle of the Birds is highly entertaining the first time though, but it's probably the weakest for replays due to restrictions and linearity.
The game describes itself as such, but it really shouldn't. The game isn't a collect-a-thon it's a straight sunshine style 3d platformer.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a commie furfag. The logic is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also communist’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their characterisation- their personal philosophy draws heavily from Karl Marx literature, for instance. The furry's understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these systems, to realise that they’re not just righteous- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike communism truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Karl Marx's existential catchphrase “Where the fuck is all the food?” which itself is a cryptic reference to JK Rowling's epic Harry Potter. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Antifa’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. ??
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Hammer & Sickle tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the boy’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
delicious copypasta!
None of you fags would give a fuck about speebot if the wasn't from Holla Forums.
but he IS that makes the difference, i know he ain't a fag, unlike you
Sure I can accept that.
Game's good though.
good thing I pirated this game
So is homosexuality, but that doesnt make it right
What's the issue here? He is jokingly insinuating that ethical consumption, while theoretically possible, doesn't really happen in real life. Which is correct. Given the means and the freedom to do so, the majority of people will become consumer whores. A consumerist society is not self-destructive because of corporations, but because of how weak-willed, self-centered, and short-sighted most people are.
Capitalism is the best thing we have, but it's not without faults.
people don't like it when politics opposing theirs is presented in videogames
We will eat our fill. Fuck you.
I'd just like to remind you that this takes place in The Snatcher's dream sequence where you find out his backstory.
The Snatcher is a character that steals souls with contracts and shit, and his backstory is his princess waifu was a fucking oversensitive bitch who thought he was holding hands with a random lady when really he was handing her money to buy flowers for her, whereupon she then locked him up in a prison while she slowly went insane. It makes sense that he'd blame capitalism in that situation
No, it doesn't. Regardless of what system you use, you're still going to be handing objects to people to make the system work.
Makes sense in context, not makes sense logically.
But user he's right Capitalism is an unethical system
As is Comunism
I swear I'm sick of Capitalist faggots denying National Socialism, can you CivNats and Spencerfags get the fuck out
Have you not heard of National Socialism you fucking homo
Right. Capitalism and Democracy are both the worst methods- apart from all the others. They both fail if the populous is not educated and holds stead-fast morals.
I don't think the dev is a commie though. Usually they can't stop themselves putting propaganda in, and it'd be more than one gag.
The game is nice, but it's sorely missing some quality of life in the graphics here and there. Minor shit like the Mafia getting stuck in a square window that "corks" for a split second- even though it has big gaps around the side. Or the Mafia Boss' transition into his battle being fading to black and being in another room.
The missions it threw in were clever, but I feel like it needed more. There's no real reason to explore levels other than to find more yarn or tokens. It's not like you can stumble on a hidden time piece or a future mission like in Banjo or Mario. The fact you're one token shy of collecting everything from the machine is fucked though.
Another year wouldn't have hurt- though it's not like it had the weight of KH or Persona to be delayed endlessly and their audience will still be hyped for it. And I'm guessing they were racing to avoid being forgotten in the wake of Odyssey (and not be accused of pinching features they did).
I wouldn't say it's a flop. A little underwhelming sure, but people are enjoying it and it's at least challenging in places and fun.
It's not fake.
The industry can't fall fast enough.
What's unethical about buying things I want with my money? Or maybe it would be more ethical to give my money to the government so it could spend it for me in my own behalf, and if I disagree with anything about it I get the amazing opportunity to vote for something else every four years, instead of ceasing funding immediately.
The fact that commies think capitalism is less ethical than any version of socialism is bafling.
It's real, lad. It's in Snatchers' pink time rift.
What is it with leftists? Why are they so incapable of making non-political art?
If any of these groups actually bought video games in the first place I'm sure someone would care, at least the game's a good pirate for the latter group.
Yes goyim, videogames must make $10million+ to be successful! A game that doesn't sell 4 million copies is a flop! Remember, the next time a favorite franchise of yours is ravaged in the name of mass-market appeal, to repeat after me: "It couldn't be helped, it's original model just wasn't successful."
Every time.
Such as
name one game that insults the left where it didn't make sense in context.
I still say this situation makes sense in context but people are too busy throwing a shitfit to listen and discuss
You can’t name a single thing wrong with lolicon because nobody real got hurt, these are fictional drawings that aren’t real yet moralfags and normalfags want to ruin that too because they got offended thanks to their inability to tell the difference between fiction and real life.
Normalization of pedophilia hurts children in the long run you fucking degenerate
How can you even joke about the left, when the left is so twisted and evil?
Your average lolicon hate 3DPD and stick to 2D cartoon girls
Bullshit, hat loli would never be a filthy commie, you're lying.
the hat loli isn't the fucking commie it's this jack-o-lantern looking brotherfucker.
I don't consider myself a pedo but I look for the lolicon tag on sadpanda from time to time and I don't like 3D children. I'm an oldfag so I've had plenty of opportunity(seeing it by accident as people post it on random boards) and it's not appealing to me. I still fap to 3DPD sluts from time to time though(adult ones).
it's actually the dev tbh
I refuse to believe the same dev that doxxed maxofs2d is in any way shape or form a bad person.
Could be a different person at the team or whatever, but there's no way that based motherfucker is behind this.
This is why you aren't a game developer. You'd be begging at the street corner within a week.
Heh, and this guy mentioned Slag Gaming.
I mean, I always took it as a joke. It's outlandish so I thought it was intended as a hyperbolic punchline.
Like what?
My noggin is joggin now.
The money you pay for the thing you want is but a tiny fragment of the true price of the item. Up to 70 kg of waste can be produced to create 1 kg of product. This waste is then figuratively dumped into some third worlder's backyard. Then, when you eventually get tired of your 20 dollar singing fish, it also becomes trash and gets shipped back to the third world to rejoin the trash from the manufacturing process in what is now a literal wasteland. The locals can now enjoy paying the true price of your mindless consumption for hundreds to thousands of years.
You would have had a point if manufacturing was a closed loop process with no externalized costs. As it is though, other people are paying (or will be paying) 99% of the true cost of almost everything you buy. I don't think I need to explain why this is both unsustainable and unethical.
that would imply the only source of our capitalism comes from china, which it doesn't.
Goddamnit nigger, you only had one job.
I actually liked hat in time.
It wasn't a bad game, it just lacks in some areas.
But I did. The nigger here is you, learn to read, cure your own illiteracy.
No one ever defines capitalism when they criticise it. Most of the time the left is really talking about Corporatism, which itself is closer to communism. That's what really makes a capitalism joke so loaded; that and if they are talking about capitalism (free exchange between people, with no coercive authority) then they're advocating for your slavery by a group of their choice.
Very few people actually don't want to be lead by a powerful authority with the support of millions behind it, and I don't think that will change, so the obvious best option is national socialism, wherein the racial makeup of a people determines their leadership, and the preservation, and success of this one particalur race is of primary concern to the government. All the big problems in governments today stem from all the different groups that a government is supposed to appeal to, which turns the government into a weapon its own people use against each other; eventually all the people see the government as traitorous.
He's a different kind of evil, a furfag
I hate 3d platformers and collectathons
Post fucking porn.
Games like this or overwatch are only worth existing because of the porn.
So if you make a thread about non-game, at least post fucking porn.
I thought it was funny
give me some clang and i will give a fuck
Who are you quoting?
At least Holla Forums is happy with their platformer.
Name one. Fucking. One.
This is how I know you're another retarded socialist or just another troll from Holla Forums.
An argument which ultimately leads to the nihilistic conclusion that you have to kill yourself. A meaningless position to take.
Begone, Jew.
nigga even when leftypol wins they lose
If it's such a bad game, why would you want to pirate it?
It's the other way around, you dumb fugg, we pirated it and then decided it was shit.
I just wish we can talk about the game and 3d platformers instead of the one really out of place joke in a hidden section of a level. How about we discuss how to fix alpine skylines
Pirates have shit taste
Next to no porn.
Make it like all the other areas, instead of being free roam with the flag ropes, make it so the flag ropes are closer and make the missions related to the time pieces more interesting than "run to the finish". Twilight Bell was the best part of Alpine, make the others that or more interesting.
I don't want porn of a six year old girl, you want porn go to the toddlercon tag on sad panda, this is a fucking video game about a little girl going on a magical adventure. The fuck is wrong with you?
My only annoyance with Alpine Skylines was just how long the zip lines were. I actually really liked its focus on pure, Mario Galaxy style platforming. One of HiT's strengths is how each world has a different way of progressing through them. Mafia Town has an open world with separate missions similar to how Mario Sunshine is structured, Battle of Birds has separate, linear levels with the gimmick of earning scores for each director, Subcon Forest has you sign contracts to open up each level, and Alpine Skylines gives you complete freeroam to find whatever time pieces you wish. It gives a lot of variety to the game.
Instead of being isolated mini-levels I thought that along with being more connected with the zip lines it would've been neat if all the mountains were connected by a valley or something that you can descend to, so you get that vertical level design as well as an open broad area as a second option to get around. I also really liked the windmill peak as well as the twilight bell
I liked the ziplines but it would be nice if there was some interaction and neat things you could do with them
Kill yourselves, pedophiles. You will never know the warmth of a woman's comfort.
The goon fears the loli
Goon tactics tbh
Go ahead and name one, I'll wait.
Nigger what?
Considering the other actions of the character and the illogical thought process behind most of the characters, basic logic does not apply. You're questioning whether or not the thought process makes sense for the actions of the character, not whether or not the thought process is logical.
I want an h-game about a toddler going on a magical adventure.
Someday brother, someday
Only game I know of was someone saying they were gonna remake Mario is Missing with a baby Peach powerup. Haven't heard from him in a couple years unfortunately.
Not gonna click that link without knowing what's on the other side first.
I recommend you take peek
Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa - ( Nes / Famicom ) - Full Playthrough - No Death
It's a baby/toddler on a magical adventure
Oh, that game? That would be pretty neat to see an h version of it.
Between regional pricing, Valve taking their cut, the publisher no doubt taking a percentage as well, and the time it took to develop the game (which is four years), they must have earned far below the average wage unless there's like one or two people in the dev team and every other name in the credits was commissioned to contribute.
Right now it just performed adequately at best. If that was it, and there were no console ports planned, the devs would have to immediately look into creating a new game or find a job elsewhere to feed themselves.
This is why indie developers who got their former PC exclusives released on PS4 and Switch often comment on how well they are selling there - because more often than not, that's when they actually start seeing profits from their years of work.
nigga it's self published, the console ports are the ones that are getting a cut from the publisher.
They already covered the costs, calm down
almost as good as wolfenstein
That everyone here is triggered by a joke about capitalism is proof enough that you are the other sjw's
Grow the fuck up
the sale numbers are almost as good
What the fuck are you on about retard?
I wish this didn't flop.