What are the best excuses for bad design that you've ever seen? Allways remember "it just works".
"This lack of a feature is a feature" and other bullshit excuses
Did anyone think it would? The new order didn't.
How hard would it be to add some basic deathmatch?
How is it bullshit excuse? They shat out the first thing that came to their mind instead of actually finishing the game that sold very well AND didn't have to work extra on it? They're the winners here. They successfully cucked their playerbase again. I wish I could exploit retards like that.
The implication is that it will sell. The previous games were meh, why would the cancer buy into this ?
They didn't want to compete against Call of Duty's black nazi multiplayer.
What is the normalfags favorite game? One that's objectively good or the one that has le based niggers, killing nazis and remembering 6 million? There's your answer.
The amount of idiocy in this thread already is astounding.
There have been countless story driven games with multiplayer modes.
Let's be honest it's " these Nazis are bad kill them"
There's no deep plots or choice and a dozen endings it's just another forgettable fps. Also it's fucking Bethesda I don't believe for a second it's a choice to make the game better but to make money.
When a tacked on multiplayer nobody cares about is worked on, it's that much content cut out of the single player. It's been a legitimate complaint from consumers for years.
Now tell us the real reason why you want to be upset so much at the first sign of news on nuWolfenstein 2
Suprisingly older wolfenstein games had decent multiplayer. Which was completely irrelevant to the story.
The problem here is that those games were axis vs allies/resistance with all sorts of scenarios.
Modern day devs like these diversity quota ones simply won't allow you to play axis. And wolfenstein itself is less ww2 now and more about how super evil nazis are killing the disabled.
I remember people not giving a shit about playing axis in RTCW and battlefield.
We're living in the most annoyingly sensitve age possible.
Easy I'm tired of Bethesda trying to gype out of my fucking money. They are slowly working their way to EA levels.
Nigger why would you buy it in the first place, and two New Order didn't have it either. Are you fucking retarded?
I'm not buying it. I Bailed on them a while again.
Then you aren't getting gypped are you?
Anti-Nazi is Anti-White
I expect Wolf 2 to have tons of copies given back to Gamestop after people beat the single-player campaign, since there's no reason for many casuals to want to "rewatch" the "game". This shit's going to go for $25 or less come xmas.
That's what pisses me off the most
really really hard.
But they're so fucking blatant about it is what pisses me off. It's the fucking Nigerian prince email of the gaming industry. How does anyone fall for it?
Nigger not every game needs multiplayer. STALKER doesn't and it's fucking loved here. The excuse is horseshit I'll agree, they could have just said fuck off this is a single player game, but my point stands.
Fuck you, that sounds awesome.
Clear Sky actually did have multiplayer.
That's because stalker is a good game user. This is a shooter made by Bethesda they haven't made a good shooter since God knows when. I don't want every game to have multiplayer at all but this is a bullshit excuse. What story is there to fucking dilute?
all of them have multiplayer
I want you niggers to think of dark souls mutliplayer. That game suffered so much for having online modes, and STALKER would too because you could know gangbang every enemy and all the comfy feelings of loneliness and atmosphere would be drowned out by your rowdy friend shouting at you.
And nobody liked that one.
I already acknowledged the excuse being bullshit. And I'll say it again, New order did not have it, so no one with a functioning brain should have expected it to.
What is with the marketing of this game? Its so bad and it gets even worse when compared with the previous one.
Cause they've taken the natsees level up to 1000% because of trump getting elected.
Every Stalker game had multiplayer
Its not made by Bethesda you fucking retard, its made by Machine Games and published by Bethesda Softworks which has nothing to do with Bethesda Game Studios which are the ones who actually make the Gamebryo ass sewage.
Most of them shouldn't have bothered because they died immediately and are completely worthless, those resources and development time should go towards singleplayer.
If Holla Forums is making new threads about it every day about every update then that just shows its working.
Yeah, but DOOM '16 had a shoehorned mutiplayer that didn't even feel like the single player campaign since it was done by another team trying to do Halo MP.
If they did this why don't the nahsees have a megaswastika?
They should remove single player too, tbh.
Ship every case with just a slip of paper that says "DRUMPF IS A NAZI, AM I RIGHT?"
Machinegames must be pissed at how bad the marketing team is doing.
sounds like you're pretty upset about it
Nu-Wolfenstein is just a game where leftist faggots can take out their frustration out on blonde Aryans. Nothing more.
Most AAA devs have more than one single team dedicated to the game and every more than often they never even interact with one another, see MGSV.
I loved the multiplayer of ZOE back in the day with my bro, that wasn't an online multiplayer mode and added replay value to the game. Your idea of what a multiplayer mode is seems very narrow.
I love that "in game footage " allways so fucking blatant. Anyone have the no mans sky webm?
top kek m8
In 3 month there will be the multiplayer DLC trust me
that's still wasted download space. I think NuDoom's multiplayer was 60gb which is just a waste of time for something nobody ever used.
Online multiplayer is a different beast than local multiplayer considering you have to have online servers or just have P2P which usually suck. The reality is that couch gaming has declined and more people play online so a lot of mainstream games don't have local multiplayer, outside of party games.
Is this continuation to the Hail Hydra stuff?
3 months is too late
Specially for a shooter
Seems like a cool guy.
I don't play any wolfenstein games, but if they really don't want to dilute their message being direct like that is best, while saving even more on dev costs. They could also call their game art for subverting expectations, and the shidiots who are going to buy it anyway get to feel extra special for their purchase
Liberals are going to buy Nu-Wolfenstein and then never play it, just to stick it to those stupid neo-nazi Drumpf supporters.
The Line was a cancerous game all around, so what's their point?
Donald Trumps brother is part of Zenimax Board of Directors.
Its legit
NuDoom's SINGLE player was fucking massive because of how each map is one giant fucking texture.
Do the leftards fawning over nuWolf know this? Do they know they're giving their money to the Trump family?
There wasn't in the first one either, why are they hyping this one as if it's a new thing.
They just don't want to let you play as a Nazi.
It's good. Mutiplayer is cancer designed to bleed normalfags out of money. It also requires balancing the weapons not only to enemies, but to other players, potentially ruining the fun in one of the modes.
There already is an overabundance of multiplayer fps, why would you want it crammed into every single game?
The only Wolfenstein game I played was return to castle, and even then it was brief.
It would be a pity if they found out…
Get ready for some Ultra Degeneracy
should we tell 'em?
Wow, good find user, this shocking.
lack of multiplayer is fine but the problem is how the devs presented it
I want cuckchan to leave
Normalfags think Bethesda Softworks = Bethesda Game Studios.
Why theres like a Million comments on Youtube whining on games published by them between Skyrim and Fallout 4 begging for the last.
They know nothing of company work, tactics or policies and said companies do their best to try to hide them from them, why do you think they retain the name of Developing studios even faster all their devs are gone?
Why do you think they still buy EA?
Some even buy games because they have the EA branding and know nothing of their kikery or simply don't care.
You expect most leftards who whine about the big bad companies and capitalism to know how an extension of it works?
How is adding a multiplayer mode "diluting game design" on a fucking generic shooter?
It's funny that they used the scene where they barge in on that nigger fucking that white woman for that article. They know exactly what they're doing.
Reminds me of how those MALE TEARS coffee mugs were actually made by mens rights activists.
Just change the balance for tje multiplayer, can't be harder than tweaking some sliders.
I will never buy this game.
This just shows how dumb you are. There's more consideration in balance than just "make it do less/more damage". And that still leaves the problem of redesigning maps.
you are the reason the gaming industry is in the shape its in right now
kill yourself you fucking turbonigger
We've hit peak nu-Holla Forums. It's pretty clear that the only reason why you think this is bad design is because you don't like Bethesda or Zenimax. I don't like them either, but having shitty multiplayer just for the sake of having shitty multiplayer is one of the worst things you could do to a game.
But if it had positive representation of the 3rd reich it would be 10/10 GOTY fucking BASED.
They're both criminals and they should be both banished ideologies.
We might as well rename all Wolfenstein 2 threads into Holla Forums general.
What happened?
I remember someone saying something along the lines of "lack of backwards compatibility increases the value of the console because it gives you more games to chose from" but I can't remember who said it. It could've been anyone really.
You are trying too hard.
Its the fucking cuckchan refugees running from the NeoFag mods trying to ostent their shitty fucking taste
Theres nothing wrong with a multiplayer component for a game, problem is that isntead of getting an Unreal or Doom we get a fucking Call of Duty or NuDoom nowadays.
It would probably still be only a 7/10 FPS.
We've been full nu/v/ since mid 2015. Recent events are just throwing a few more scoops of shit on a three story shitpile.
No, it's just giving everyone a new boogeyman. From cuckchan, to summerfags, now back to cuckchan but also neofag this time.
Because you and the retards like you that need to "play with muh froinds" got the devs to churn out cookie cutter bland as fuck, clonical, multiplayer FPS.
Do you mean "reduces the value of the console"?
No, they were trying to justify the lack of a feature as a positive.
I don't even like or buy FPS games, I just like it when some game has a novelty multiplayer mode added as an afterthought by the devs, preferably local multiplayer.
Nothing about that line makes sense though. You can maybe argue that the lack of backwards compatibility drives the sale of new games, but how can you possibly say there are more games?
Why would you want something to be half assed, and take away from the dev time of the main game?
You might have a point if this weren't a classic Id franchise. Of course there should be some kind of multiplayer mode.
Bad goy.
Thats great to know user, your opinion is worthless and you have shit taste.
Be sure to fuckoff
The multiplayer mode from most modern games is usually handled by a different studio
PS2 thread?
Follow the replies, we were talking about adding multiplayer being detrimental to single player campaigns, not about a Shithesda game that doesn't even have it.
This is probably the only good move they've made with the game. AAA doesn't know how to make a multiplayer game anymore, so I'd rather they didn't even try. Added bonus: No multiplayer means no chance my normalfag friends will hassle me into buying it to play the "super cool" horde shooter mode or whatever.
Oh man can't have multiplayer distracting people from our funny Samuel Jackson genderswap.
So then how is it relevant at all? If what you like is " I just like it when some game has a novelty multiplayer mode added as an afterthought by the devs" then having a different studio make it, it's no longer an afterthought by the devs.
Might as well
Do you play as Vanu?
The kind of multiplayer that I like is not the one included in modern games.
The real reason they don't want multiplayer is that they would get triggered if the axis has a chance to win
Plenty of arguments have been made here, and i agree with most, especially the old one that still holds truth
You redirect content and time for a very shortly-timed mode that will hold no relevance or fun in a year or 2
I still enjoy San Andreas and IV, while plenty of people will realize in 3 years that V will be an empty, wasted barren world due to Online eating all the meaningful time and content
And yes, we can include expansion packs or stand-alone DLC ala Stories
Lost Planet also comes to mind
do you suck dick?
But forced multiplayer is bad.
There should only be multiplayer where it works.
From what I know of it Wolfenstein could easily have multiplayer that works and the story is as deep as that of a post 2006 bethesda game but in principle I would disagree.
Did you edit this?
Rest in wew, wwew.
Tell this to Neogaf. Maybe you can get them to organize a riot over this
3D, RtCW and even 2009 are cool
It's constant action, and no propaganda.
Only one ideology was a reactionary movement to preserve nations of the world while the other meant to eradicate all history, identity in the name of progress and equality.
Only one group was mining coal from under 50-60 year old houses which then collapsed killing everyone inside.
yet both ideologies seek to deprive the individual of personal freedom and therefore both can go suck a fat one
I don't play them because I've been big into shooters, user. I have no qualms about destroying mechahitler, but this latest one is certainly being marketed as propaganda rather than fun action with a silly premise.
damn it
*Never been big into shooters
you would give women,jews and niggers individuals freedom?
no user, you are part of the cancer
I'm glad made such a quality thread. I did good today.
Here you go OP
the only way to fix it is to remove it.
I don't go on Holla Forums much anymore. I'm very confused though, I would've thought most people here would want NO multiplayer in a game like this. Is this the neofag invasion or what?
It's the absolute state of Holla Forums post-2015
I miss when FPS games actually gave a shit about single player level design. I liked TNO, too bad this game features Shaniqua and her LSD guzzling degenerate pals.
I'm surprised that exists I thought blacks hated fag shit the most.
not even everyone in this thread is agreeing, stupid nigger.
Good thing lolberts will never seize power because that would be violating the NAP, not to mention if you fight communists/nazis they win as again, you violate the NAP
Indeed, starting from (((Nu Order))) they were pozfests that play like fucking trash.
he gives (((communists))) access to free speech and then acts surprised they somehow lied and manipulated their way into positions of power.
You're not fooling anyone.
Thanks for explaining the fucking thread, posters like you are the reason this board was ever good in the first place
I don't completely get why people on this board dislike TNO so much. It had fun fashy remixes of popular period songs like House of the Rising Sun, and even the Jews were subtly mocked giant underwater technovault made out of gold? how does anyone take that shit seriously? I laughed pretty hard when I first saw it. Really it feels like a Tarantino-esque parody of WW2 and its meanings, which is at least different and not completely pozzed. It had its flaws (I disliked the moonraker level despite the cool designs – too much hitscan garbage) but hey, the levels actually have options which is certainly nice for a change in FPSes.
t. the_donaldo
It works with kebab
breddy gud
You mean an ultra-kosher homosexual WW2 work?
Plus i can attest some hate TNO because it's quite inferior to stuff the same devs did before, namely Dark Athena, but with ultraliberal spin
P.D. Tarantino is a non-kinoid shit director
>Ignoring the issue of people giving a shit about a (((Bethesda))) game
You're both faggots
I see we have a neoFag rapefugee in our midst.
You still play as a fucking Ubermensch, even if he is not a Nazi. Tarantino is pretty (((Hollywood))), but at least the game didn't feature blatant Jewish fantasy fulfillment like Inglorious Basterds did. I really see the "use da chosen technology goyim" plot point as too ridiculous to be taken seriously, most real Jews would see that as belittlement of da six million.
You don't preserve your neighbors by invading them and putting them under your rule.
Maybe for women equality applied, the USSR really didn't care about anyone else and they often used Russian identity for Russians as a propaganda piece.
Both of these ideologies were power hungry. They only cared about power and furthering those ideologies.
Funny thing about the soldier kissing the nurse iconic photo, the original was also done against the will of the nurse by a complete stranger.
The idea is that they're posturing for a game whose sole interesting feature is the world building. It's funny as hell whether you think it's good or bad parodying.
Also, is it just me or there should be way more alternate universe worlds in gaming where other countries become the dominant ruler and culture? Imagine Kaiserreich but the Irish won WW2.
Did we really play the same game?
Can't you leave to your vintage edition thread?
Plus no replayability is just as bad as a good campaign (not here) hindered by multiplayer
Is there a point at which B.J. is revealed to be Jewish? I honestly don't remember.
The absolute state of Holla Forums post-2015
Go back to NeoGAF
How does bad multiplayer hinder the story mode?
Multiplayer is separate from it and usually doesn't have any relation to the story in the game.
Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ you autistic ironically shitposting 4cuck nigger
If you say so, dubsman
Yes user, the more content there is the better. Now buy all $300 worth of DLC and lootboxes.
Frankly I'm just having fun watching it all burn.
Sweet dubs btw.
I approve this move.
Shame it's wasted on a game with middling gameplay and without a compelling story to tell.
Probably because they got that new Quake coming out. Don't want people playing the wrong multiplayer mode now.
A human being wrote that and was proud of it
Spec of the line didn’t have a cancerous multiplayer. The community never existed
are the hotpockets retarded?
I don't want multiplayer, they're complaining that they're taking "we don't have multiplayer" and turning it into a selling point like it's an accomplishment.
I'm old enough to remember when everyone hate shoehorned multiplayer modes.
Obvious manipulation. A lack of multiplayer doesn't mean the single player is automatically good. Why would they need their Pocket Cunt schills to write an article for them about this?
who could be behind this?
It's Wolfenstein. Not exactly Deus Ex.
"Wolfenstein 2 doesn't have multiplayer because people wouldn't pay attention to the propaganda in it"
There, fixed.
Yes it does.
You shouldn't throw truth and reason out of the window just because something is a piece of shit.
Whomever let the retards of >>>Holla Forums out, please end yourself.